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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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4 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

I wish that Kevin would just kick Lucy to the curb. Laura dug a bullet out of him, but Lucy apparently remembers him only when he's ill in the hospital. And then she can only offer him a few laughs from a stuffed duck. In the previews it looks like Lucy is back again in his orbit next week. I enjoy seeing Lucy, but rage that she only gives Kevin attention when another woman (Laura now) is in the picture too. Kevin knows her weaknesses yet apparently can't break it off firmly.

Lucy was actually pretty mature in their last interaction, I thought. She basically said she was happy for him and Laura, and that Kevin is her best friend and she wants him in her life. I think many former spouses would rush to each other's hospital bedsides. They've shared a lot of life.

I'm totally cool with her being involved in the Kevin/Laura plot...I basically just want the story to get as much airtime as possible. If it's just, like, Kevin and Laura being sensible and happy, we'll see them as often as Ned and Olivia.  Besides, most of the people Kevin interacted with in the 90s aren't really on the show anymore. If there's anyone who's going to be interested in his life, whom he can bounce things off of and confide in, it's kind of going to be Lucy. (I've given up hope that they're going to bring Mac and Felicia out of the vet closet more than once even six months.)

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Wait, town savior isn't a paid gig?

12 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Not yet, but give it time. Someone will be grateful enough to make it official.

Didn't Sonny get that title when he doggy-paddled away from the Haunted Star with a bomb clutched to his chest? 

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4 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

LOL that Diane is successfully making a daytime drinking buddy out of Alexis. Alexis would never learn to stay away from the mob bad boy peen, so her career was poisoned. I doubt that she has learned her lesson--where will her heart careen to next? The Coven and Diane should perform an intervention on Alexis to convert her from mob men. Alexis could surprise them all by turning to women for sex and relationships, having given up on men because of her mob experiences.

I would rather watch Alexis and Christina fight over Parker's love than see one more scene of Sonny and, well, Sonny and anything.

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I would rather watch Alexis and Christina fight over Parker's love than see one more scene of Sonny and, well, Sonny and anything.

I think dead air is better than either option.  I'm so sick of Krissy's lemon face.

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8 minutes ago, ciarra said:

 I'm so sick of Krissy's lemon face.

That's the expression I think Val has most of the time, and it's why I'm tired of her. 

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1 hour ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I didn't write a word saying that Kevin was wrong to keep out of Lucy's way, I am was pointing out that it isn't crazy that Lucy wouldn't seek him out after finding out he was hurt. In the slightest bit in Lucy's defense (again, not saying Kevin doesn't have every right to be anger and more importantly, wants to pursue a relationship with other women), it kind it pissed me off the show never connected Lucy's last affair with Scott with any negative feels from Lucy when Kevin refused to support Lucy and pretty much abandoned her when she had her own psychotic break when RC/FV decided to make vampires a thing on GH and only took her back when it seemed she regained her sanity (at least for Lucy). 

I could be wrong but didn't they mention that Kevin took the kids away from Lucy when she was having her own psychotic break.I Remeber thinking that sounded out of character for Kevin.

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3 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I mean, Griffin and Claudette have been on the show a hot minute and Nathan is a walking tree, so WHY should I care about these characters?

And I saw someone note this on Twitter and I agree, it's bananas that the core, legacy character - Maxie - is standing on the sidelines watching this story/triangle play out.  

It's like Tracy's slight involvement in Dr. Michael Easton/Rebecca Budig's storyline - it gives it the veneer of legitimacy that actually isn't there.

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2 hours ago, Ladybyrd said:

Lucy was actually pretty mature in their last interaction, I thought. She basically said she was happy for him and Laura, and that Kevin is her best friend and she wants him in her life. I think many former spouses would rush to each other's hospital bedsides. They've shared a lot of life.

What I've been liking about Lucy and Kevin's brief interactions is that, as dubbel zout has mentioned, the way Lynn Herring plays it, you can see that Lucy does really love/care about Kevin, but she knows that this is a status quo of her own making.  And him getting shot seemed to be a wake-up call to both that they're only have (heh) one life to live and that even if their romantic relationship is over, they do still care about each other and want each other in their lives.

I've actually been watching a chunk of "Port Charles" where Lucy is with Scotty and Kevin is with Eve, but the two of them still manage to have some kind of friendship and offer each other support.  I would love to see something similar here, even as Kevin pursues a relationship with Laura.

And it's another reason why it's so infuriating that Serena or Christina isn't on-canvas, played by Chloe Lanier or someone else, because that would open things up for them to interact more in story without spinning some juvenile triangle/quad.

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:


Diane is dating Max, one of Sonny's main employees, and Sam is engaged to his erstwhile hit man. Again. I don't think the Coven has much high ground here.

Erstwhile hit man.    LOL.  Totally stealing that for future use.

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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

And I saw someone note this on Twitter and I agree, it's bananas that the core, legacy character - Maxie - is standing on the sidelines watching this story/triangle play out.  

It's like Tracy's slight involvement in Dr. Michael Easton/Rebecca Budig's storyline - it gives it the veneer of legitimacy that actually isn't there.

I don't even know if it gives that. KSt (imo) doesn't have the kind of presence, to anchor a story herself like that. She seems tired and she has for a long while, and probably it doesn't help that the characters she's been historically close to are all gone or barely there (Robin, Mac, Felicia, and Frisco, I guess. No they were never close but part of the reason why Maxie is a "legacy character" is because of him). I'm not much one for Mac and Felicia but maybe they could bring them out a couple more days? Maaaybe that would help? I'm not sure. 

Although to be fair to Kirsten Storms, as much shit as I give him, it's a lot easier to anchor Michael Easton than Ryan Paevey*,

*I only typed the N for Nathan before I stopped myself from typing "Nathan Paevey". Woo! Progress!

Edited by ulkis
none of your business! just kidding :)
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I can barely understand a word Billy Miller says. When he was talking to Sam about Elizabeth and saying that she wished them the best, I heard him say "she was just the best." Now I might think Elizabeth is the best, but I doubt Jason would agree.  I had to rewind twice to understand what he actually said. Can he please learn to enunciate? 

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14 minutes ago, melody16 said:

I can barely understand a word Billy Miller says. When he was talking to Sam about Elizabeth and saying that she wished them the best, I heard him say "she was just the best." Now I might think Elizabeth is the best, but I doubt Jason would agree.  I had to rewind twice to understand what he actually said. Can he please learn to enunciate? 

He needs to unclench his teeth, it would help with growling too. When he was in the Metro Court with Sam and he said "I don't care what they do as long as there's an actual ceremony" I expected to finish it up with "and there'd better be spinach there, because I'm popeye! grrrr!" 

Okay, I don't know if Popeye actually sounds like Billy Miller growling, but he looks like he would sound like it.

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Can he please learn to enunciate? 

Try the closed-captioning on your TV.   That's what helps me when I watch Sonny and BM.  The only time Jason seems to be alert is when he gets to threaten and kill people.  But it's alright because he is NOT in the mob.  And he took his kid out to breakfast this summer.  The kid had FOUR pancakes - in case you couldn't hear BM on Friday's episode.   Paging Garrett Morris.

Edited by sunnyface
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On August 19, 2016 at 2:31 PM, dubbel zout said:

Danny's still young enough that casting can be a problem. It's probably why we don't see much of Avery these days, either. The little girls are getting talkative and disruptive (in an entirely age-appropriate way; I'm not shaming), so it's easier on everyone not to have them onscreen.

But it's dumb to say kids are trouble when we Spencer way too often and don't see Cam, who's the same age (more or less) or Aidan, who's not a toddler. Typical of this show to favor certain actors over others, regardless of age or story necessity.

This happened a hundred years ago but I will never forget it.  On AMC, Brooke had a scene with her pre-school aged daughter, Laura.  The child actor was not so good, but was a child of one of the cast or crew.  While dialoguing, Brooke used the endearment baby.  The little girl interrupted and snarled, "I'm not a baby!"  It was a lol moment. 

There aren't many Emma, Starr, or even Lizzie Spauldings in soaps.  I think that's the true reason for SORASing.   I would be happy as a clam if creepy Spencer was seen for one minute a month.  And while deliriously happy Jake is somewhat of an improvement over sociopath-in-training Jake, the 180 is beyond ludicrous.  

Talk about the children often, have occasional genuine seeming interaction with minimal dialogue from the child, and that's enough for me.  Because as stupid as it was to expect us to believe that Lucky flew in for Nikolas's second funeral after ignoring the first, and neglecting to see his own children, at least they acknowledged the character.   And how hard would it have been over the many times Liz's children were off camera, to say they were spending the summer with Lucky.  Ugh.  It's like the writers are psychopaths who have no notion of human emotion. 

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On August 19, 2016 at 3:06 PM, backhometome said:

Sam/Alexis were cute. Always love their scenes. Loved Sams hair today.

I had coveted this woman's hair for more than a decade, then maybe a year ago it went to hell.  I didn't realize how tiny KM's head is until she did Dancing with the Stars, and wore her hair up.  She's gorgeous but has an angular face, and it really depends on how her hair looks. This stringy curly-Q crap going on is not flattering.  And it's too teeny bopper for me. Still love the colour. 

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5 hours ago, ulkis said:

Although Jason isn't Sonny's hitman anymore, he's, um. Whatever he is.

I think we all know it's only a matter of time.  Sonny will be in danger, and Jason will come riding into the rescue.  They'll exchange hugs and deep, meaningful looks, and their reunion will be complete.  

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7 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I think we all know it's only a matter of time.  Sonny will be in danger, and Jason will come riding into the rescue.  They'll exchange hugs and deep, meaningful looks, and their reunion will be complete.  

I actually honestly don't think so, and I'm someone who doesn't care if he goes back or not. I think he might ride to Sonny's rescue, like you say, but I don't think it'll be his regular job again. Er, "regular" "job" again.

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On August 16, 2016 at 7:54 PM, Linny said:

I hate how much I enjoy Kiki and Dillon. This show will either A) never put them together properly, or B) take three years to get them together, and either way I get screwed.

Or C) take three years to put them together but get canceled in 2.75 years so it will never happen onscreen.

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The only occupation I want for Jason is corpse, but failing that, I suppose what makes the most sense is for him to work with Sam. She's still a PI, right? Although, that should mean she would be the boss or at least the senior partner and GOD FORBID our St. Jasus of the Holy Firearm take orders from a lowly wimmins.

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11 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I didn't write a word saying that Kevin was wrong to keep out of Lucy's way, I am was pointing out that it isn't crazy that Lucy wouldn't seek him out after finding out he was hurt. In the slightest bit in Lucy's defense (again, not saying Kevin doesn't have every right to be anger and more importantly, wants to pursue a relationship with other women), it kind it pissed me off the show never connected Lucy's last affair with Scott with any negative feels from Lucy when Kevin refused to support Lucy and pretty much abandoned her when she had her own psychotic break when RC/FV decided to make vampires a thing on GH and only took her back when it seemed she regained her sanity (at least for Lucy). 

I certainly didn't mean for my comments to say that you did. 

And yeah, it also pissed me off that Kevin and Lucy's big break up pretty was dumped on all of us. And having Kevin just leave Lucy out to dry. She didn't deserve that. It made no sense. Kevin is a lauded psychiatrist,  he has plenty of insight on Lucy's emotional states and how to handle them. Kevin had a huge hand in his marriage's demise. I don't know why TIIC bother to try to do stories when they don't have all the actors.

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2 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

Hey, maybe Jessica Fletcher is the hospital killer!

Well, she was the Angel of Death disguised as a folksy author! (Come on, you know it's true. Every time she went somewhere in town or traveled abroad, someone died! If I saw Jessica Fletcher, I'd run screaming the other way!)

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17 hours ago, ulkis said:

I don't even know if it gives that. KSt (imo) doesn't have the kind of presence, to anchor a story herself like that. She seems tired and she has for a long while, and probably it doesn't help that the characters she's been historically close to are all gone or barely there (Robin, Mac, Felicia, and Frisco, I guess. No they were never close but part of the reason why Maxie is a "legacy character" is because of him). I'm not much one for Mac and Felicia but maybe they could bring them out a couple more days? Maaaybe that would help? I'm not sure. FOr me, 

For me, the people I liked seeing Maxie interact with - JMB's Lulu, Johnny, Spin, Georgie - are gone, and her friendship with Sam is mostly forgotten, so there's really not much left keeping me interested in the character. It doesn't help that she now spends the majority of her time with or talking about that fucking tree. This relationship brings out of the qualities I hate about her and exacerbates them.

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Of course Valerie and Curtis got it on after she suffered a head trauma.....because really, who doesn't feel in the mood just hours after getting knocked unconscious? 

And the cliffhanger of Maxie accusing Nathan of still being in love with Claudette -- I'm sorry, but no.

On the side of milk cartons: Brad and Lucas. 

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30 minutes ago, CoolWhipLite said:

Of course Valerie and Curtis got it on after she suffered a head trauma.....because really, who doesn't feel in the mood just hours after getting knocked unconscious? 

I know there weren't any consent issues, but that really grossed me out.

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54 minutes ago, CoolWhipLite said:

Of course Valerie and Curtis got it on after she suffered a head trauma.....because really, who doesn't feel in the mood just hours after getting knocked unconscious? 

Making passionate love an hour or two after being attacked by a serial killer is extremely normal and healthy and I don't even know why you're trying to make it into something weird SMH.

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That shit they had Laura spew about how she was a child until her marriage to Luke ended and she went off to Greece in the 2000s was the most ridiculous nonsense. What the fuck.

And I was watching some of this mess here and there, and I take it back re: Stafford - if Guza was here he'd do a beeline for Sonny and Hayden. Yet another Soap Superstar, she's youngish enough to make it just the right thing for Guza and Maurice's egos, and Budig's prickly onscreen persona is up Guza's alley. Plus he gets to make Nik a cuckold to Sonny again.

Edited by jsbt
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On ‎8‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 11:55 PM, ciarra said:

And how ridiculous is a dropped cufflink as a clue in 2016?  I half expected Angela Lansbury from Murder, She Wrote lurking around the hospital lab.

Don't worry. That obnoxious little twit you can't understand but is so chummy with the police will figure it out.

And I wish it was Poirot I was talking about instead of Sonny.

On ‎8‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 11:56 AM, dubbel zout said:

Diane is dating Max, one of Sonny's main employees,

By the Board watching Alexis closely for being with dubious figures, I was wondering why Diane isn't in a robe and mukluks sharing a merlot with Alexis.

Props for Laura/Kevin. Her first adult relationship.

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19 hours ago, CoolWhipLite said:

Of course Valerie and Curtis got it on after she suffered a head trauma.....because really, who doesn't feel in the mood just hours after getting knocked unconscious? 

And the cliffhanger of Maxie accusing Nathan of still being in love with Claudette -- I'm sorry, but no.

On the side of milk cartons: Brad and Lucas. 

LOL.  Doncha know that people are supposed to stay awake for a while after a head trauma.  Curtis and Valerie just found an "interesting" way to do so. 

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On ‎8‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 11:42 AM, Cheyanne11 said:

What crabby, rabid animal crawled up Nathan's ass yesterday causing him to act like Sonny?

He's always been like this. We saw him (and Dante) go all he-man violent asshole on Johnny, just after Johnny left jail and reclaimed part ownership of the Haunted Star.

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3 hours ago, jsbt said:

That shit they had Laura spew about how she was a child until her marriage to Luke ended and she went off to Greece in the 2000s was the most ridiculous nonsense. What the fuck.

Wait, what? When did she go to Greece in the 2000s? 

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On ‎8‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 11:55 PM, ciarra said:

And how ridiculous is a dropped cufflink as a clue in 2016?  I half expected Angela Lansbury from Murder, She Wrote lurking around the hospital lab.

That's nothing.  On "One Life to Live", Bo and Nora figured out who assaulted their son Matthew into a coma from a gum wrapper. #eyeroll

And do not speak ill of the J. Fletch.  If you're one of her zillion nieces or nephews, she's a lifesaver!

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3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Jessica Fletcher would solve the hospital killer case before the next commercial break. How long has the PCPD been on it?

They put Nathan on the case, so it's a very slow go. It's like a race that's being done at snail pace where Nathan is still at the start line, trying to figure out where the start line is.

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11 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Dante's on it, too, and he hasn't exactly been burning through the brain synapses.

The overwhelming dumbassness emitting from Tree infected Dante. It probably happened right around the time he came to believe Lulu was cheating on him based on very little (circumstantial) evidence and DECIDED TO FUCK HER COUSIN IN THEIR MARITAL BED AND THEN HE AND HIS STUPID SIDEPIECE TRIED TO BLAME HER FOR WHY THEY HAD NASTY SEX. 

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All in all though, sadly this murder mystery is not as dumb and pointless as the Who Killed All the Off-Screen Strippers murder mystery. And then it turned out to be Ronnie. Hey, that makes me think, maybe the hospital killer can be Nathan, because er, uh, . . . he doesn't want them to suffer like Nina did for 20 years! And then he kills Nina because he sees she's suffering so much over this baby stuff and she should have never woken up from the coma to suffer, and then he gets carted off to prison. Mystery solved!

Edited by ulkis
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On 8/19/2016 at 4:47 PM, YaddaYadda said:

he broke his wife,

WHA? what's going on with the show. hee! I'm guessing you mean Griffen broke his vow by sleeping with Nathan's wife-- I just found that amusing. 

Well, I was home waiting meet my dog's new trainer and I caught a little GH-- Lucky came back? was it JJ or some temp? I heard Sam spouting nonesense about how she never thought of Julian as her father-- except, of course, when he saved her son's life. Now that her kid's healthy, she couldn't give a sh*t.

Liz is STILL grieving the loss of the hitman? and contemplating dating a serial killer? WTF, show.

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16 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

WHA? what's going on with the show. hee! I'm guessing you mean Griffen broke his vow by sleeping with Nathan's wife-- I just found that amusing. 

Well, I was home waiting meet my dog's new trainer and I caught a little GH-- Lucky came back? was it JJ or some temp? I heard Sam spouting nonesense about how she never thought of Julian as her father-- except, of course, when he saved her son's life. Now that her kid's healthy, she couldn't give a sh*t.

Liz is STILL grieving the loss of the hitman? and contemplating dating a serial killer? WTF, show.

Lucky visited off-screen. Seriously. For like, an hour.

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They really telegraphed Andre being the hospital killer today. I hope that's a red herring though. The question for me would be why? Why is Andre a secret psycho killing patients? I wonder would it have anything to do with the cryptic phone call he made a couple of weeks or so ago? Nelle framed the nanny, didn't she? OK, who is this girl (still thinking she's Carly's daughter even more now) and what does she want?


ETA: OK, Andre is not the killer. What Jordan said to him made it seem too obvious!

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20 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

Well, I was home waiting meet my dog's new trainer and I caught a little GH-- Lucky came back? was it JJ or some temp? I heard Sam spouting nonesense about how she never thought of Julian as her father-- except, of course, when he saved her son's life. Now that her kid's healthy, she couldn't give a sh*t.


Wasn't Julian using Danny as a hedge against Sonny at the time? I was FFing a lot by then

I still hate that casting. They're way too close in age and WdV does not do paternal in scenes with KeMo

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Nelle using Carly's earrings to get that nanny fired was such a well-worn soap scheme (...that a seasoned scammer like Carly really should have recognized, to be honest) that I kinda loved it?  I dunno, blame Chloe Lanier.

Liz talking with Laura about the pain of losing a child just reminded me of how Liz dismissed Monica's pain as a mother when she was keeping the Jason secret.  Not a good idea, Show.

Siiigh, Lucy and Doc.

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Jordan: "It's like the killer's right under my nose, and I just can't see it."

 Andre: *nods sagely*  

Me: Fuck, that anvil hit me square between the eyes.

Jordan: "Who knows, the killer could even be you!"

Andre: *shifty eyes*

Me: Dammit, another anvil to the forehead. You could at least TRY to be subtle, show. 

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6 minutes ago, Linny said:

Me: Dammit, another anvil to the forehead. You could at least TRY to be subtle, show. 

Yeahhhhh, no. This is the same crack team of writers that penned a hostage situation being resolved by a small child wearing a spiderman costume and wielding silly string.  They don't do subtle

See also, the entire Fluke story.

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