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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I hope that we are not going to be stuck with months long scenes of Liez/Hayden snide and snarky remarks to each other.



It will be FFwd material to me, if we are. I'm still waiting for that whole group to be backburned for a while. Tired of all their faces, TBH.

It truly sucks that it won't happen for the Jasam part of the equation, and it REALLY sucks that Jason will have any active part in getting ELQ back. It's just wrong that he's anywhere near it.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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It will be FFwd material to me, if we are. I'm still waiting for that whole group to be backburned for a while. Tired of all their faces, TBH.

It truly sucks that it won't happen for the Jasam part of the equation, and it REALLY sucks that Jason will have any active part in getting ELQ back. It's just wrong that he's anywhere near it.

"Michael Quartermaine, are you there? It's us, your balls." Because if ever we needed that guy on screen, it's now. It's like Jar of Mayo spilled his dull all over the show, and there's bad hair, blah, meh, and whatever. I guess we'll get to see Billy Miller in a suit, which is nice. If they waste that, then I truly can't deal. Maybe he can yell at people without gritting his teeth.
  • Love 3
THAT is why I can't stand that character right now. She can rush to judgement of someone else, but God forbid she also turn herself and Nikolas and Laura in for attempted murder/accessories to attempted murder after the fact. It's the worst kind of hypocrisy



I cannot stand Liz and her lying eyes. Such a sanctimonious bitch who for whatever reasons thinks she has the moral high ground about LYING for crying out loud. Jesus Tap Dancing Christ, sitting on her high horse with the ashes of her life choices around her and having the nerve to pass judgment on someone is making me crazy..  I don't like Rachel/Hayden/whoever, but if she continues reading that lying bitch for filth I will cheer.  Someone needs to smack the smug from her face and remind her that she has THREE children who need a permanent home and parental attention. Why and how she still has a job confounds me.

  • Love 10

I loved the JaSam/Danny stuff today.


I am pretty sure Danny jumping into Monica's arms was not directed due to Kelly and Billy's reactions.


"So....worms, huh?"  Best line delivery of the month.


However, Fuck you show for having the words "I'm sorry Nikolas" come out of Sam's mouth.  This better be a long fucking con where Sam rips everything away from that asshole gleefully.  Sadly, I am not optimistic. 

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 16

So... Rebecca Budig gets to call Nik out for lying to Sam? Really?


Sam doesn't get to say shit to Nik for lying to her about her husband, she's working on the Hayden case to protect Nik's hideously bratty child and Rebecca Budig character - who also smugly lied to Sam's face about Jason for months gets to throw it in Nik's face?


What. The. Shit.

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 11

I don't often pay much attention to outfits but the wardrobe person who dressed Ava today needs to be shot.  So unflattering.  And usually she looks nice.


I just can't with this never ending Liz - HaydenRebeccaGreenlee sniping, snarling and slapping.  Unless there's going to be some odd connection between the two, it's pointless.  Nik being the pointless part.


Too many Lucky mentions not to mean something, I guess.  Please, please don't let casting mess that up too much.


The rumor a while back that Stavros/RKK was coming back.


I'd be okay with ME being a Cassadine.  Just not that Cassadine.  Stavros was so done at least two visits ago.


I kind of like the Laura story line.  It feels a touch like old school GH.  Or as close as we are likely to get.

Edited by amaranta
  • Love 7

I have two theories about ME and the injections and Lizard:

1.) His character has a seizure disorder. The drug he's injecting is an anti seizure medication. The Lizard is a service animal. He's probably allergic to dogs/cats. Or he travels with them, whatever.

2.) He was Helena's doctor a while back. She duped him, took his kidney and gave it to Joss years ago while everyone thought Jake was dead. His only kidney is failing and the medicine is for his kidneys.

*Bonus theory: He somehow knew the kid that Helena got Joss's kidney from. Maybe it was a patient or relative. ME's character has a seizure disorder (explaining the injections ) and PTSD (explaining the meditation ). The Lizard is a service animal. Dr. O probably knows he had some dealing with Helena, so wants him gone, but can't out it, lest she out her own bs. ME's character probably heard Port Charles, knew that's where the kidney went and buddied up to Monica. The write ups said his character was coming for revenge. Either Dr O was involved in Jake's time away and the kidney thing or eh whatevs.

  • Love 3

I understand why one would answer a business phone that way, but not a personal one. It sounded odd to my ear, that's all.


I never got the impression that Ava uses her phone for anything but business. I mean occasional other calls, but she doesn't have any friends. Who would call her - Julian? I guess Delia did today so that's one more. But that's really it.


Anyway, I was very glad to see how done with Paul she is. She told him to get the hell away from her and leave her alone, she refused his offer of help and said she would take care of things on her own. And now we can have her with Scotty, which will liven up the place.


I've said all I care to about Liz. She isn't worth talking about anymore. When is she gone on her break? And can she take Sonny with her?


I wish Laura got to do more than crack the Ovaltine code.


We've had more Monica in the last 10 days than we've had in 2 years.


I still don't understand anything about the writing for Jason and JaSam. Why are they having to wait to go on a date? Hasn't he been back for like two years? Talk about stupid.

  • Love 5

Spencer is away at Spring break? With who? All of his relatives are in Port Charles. Since the actor that plays him is 11 years old and is coming back soon to the show and they aren't taking advantage of aging Spencer to a teenager, who is watching Spencer on Spring break.



If children by different men is the standard, Carly's 3 also have different bio fathers,


2 out 3 of Carly's kids were planned and with her husband. Even with Michael, she was eventually married to his father (both biological and adoptive). However, it wouldn't be a soap if a character didn't have various children with different partners. There were few full siblings on the show (e.g Georgie and Maxie, Lucky and Lulu).

Edited by nilyank
  • Love 4

It is so good to see so much Quartermaine action. To my eyes, Monica is looking much more normal than she did when visiting Jake at...what was the hospital called again? Maybe LC had some work done when she learned the Q stuff would be picking up, and now that has sort of settled. There seem to be cues that Jason will start to reconnect with her. I loved that pudding anecdote.   

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Has anyone aside from Rebecca Budig character had any real story movement?


Jane Elliot's. I know it seems mired in arguing about getting Finn his doctor privileges, but she's still knocking it out. Nice that Jason played along with her "taking to Edward".


I'm going with Fin isn't who he said he is, and that he's a Cassadine. Unfortunately, he'll skate on it, unlike Vivian Darkbloom. And it will still be Dr. O's fault for letting him on.


By the time Paul plays the thumbdrive against Ava, the technology will be as obsolete as a floppy disk.


Liz didn't slap Vivian Darkbloom; she southpaw punched. Hopefully, concussion protocol is called and she's out for the next few episode.


Next episode: Jordan

either is the wimpiest Commissioner, or she's channeling her inner Carol Pellitier.

Edited by NutmegsDad
  • Love 4

and I forgot to add:  Long Live Jane Elliot and Leslie Charleson!  They are clearly the best characters in the show and deserve interesting storylines.


I'm already bored with the new doctor, his lizard {that sounds faintly obscene} and whatever his medical problem is. I'm also jealous he's able to do a full lotus.

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 5

Too many Lucky mentions not to mean something, I guess.  Please, please don't let casting mess that up too much.

There have been way too many totally unnecessary and out of the blue Lucky mentions lately for it not to mean something imo. Although with this show who fucking knows.


I missed Dr. Michael Easton injecting himself because we got a breaking news interruption for a couple minutes. I'm intrigued by it.


I loved all the stuff at the hospital. I really like Dillon with Tracy. They're kind of adorable. And Jason was great with the "So worms huh" line. I was rolling. I'm interested in seeing him try to help get ELQ back. Like someone mentioned above hopefully he can pull Michael's head out of Sonny's ass and Michael can help, too.


I'm intrigued by the thing with Laura. I mean I'm sure it'll end up being stupid but it's kinda fun.


I fast forwarded everything related to Hayden and Nik because I'm just over it. But besides that I really liked yesterday's ep.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

It's not a question of giving her a family (not that that's what you're saying)—I repeat my (probably very tiresome) request that not everyone has to be related to someone already on the canvas—but Rebecca Budig desperately needs a better reason to be in Port Charles than she loves the man who tried to murder her. Why does she have nothing going on? Stuff is happening to her, but she's not doing much. Why is everyone on this fakakta show so passive? The pacing of the stories really does a disservice to that aspect. 


If this show was being written by someone competent who takes time to build up a story instead of rushing in head first and slapping shit together the second they get a new idea, we could have had some build up to someone in town having lost money to Rebecca Budig's father.  Or someone in town worked with him and ended up in legal trouble. Like you say, it's not necessary for her to be related to anyone in town, but she should be tied to someone for her reveal to make any sense.  I mean, if I befriend someone who is new in town and, months down the road, I find out that she's been lying about her name because her father bilked investors and she wanted to get away from the shame of it all, it's not going to be a blip on my radar.  But, if I find out that she's lying and, oh yeah, one of the people her father bilked was my grandmother who ended up losing her home, or, oh that guy my brother worked for who bilked people and left him holding the bag and now he's doing time, then it's going to be more of a meaningful reveal.  


But this show does everything so half-ass slapped together, making it up as they go along, so there was literally no set up for what the actual reveal was.  They did a lot of "who is she really?" stuff, but they never planted a single seed to make the reveal mean anything.  If I had to guess, they didn't even know who they were really going to make her until about 5 minutes before they wrote the reveal scene.  Much like the Fluke shit, they probably changed it multiple times as they went along, for whatever reasons.  And, much like the Fluke shit, it just ended up being annoying instead of compelling. 


These Lucky mentions better be going somewhere, dammit.


I applaud your optimism, but there are two options here:  1), they're not, or, 2) they are, but they're not going anywhere good. 


Spencer is away at Spring break? With who? All of his relatives are in Port Charles. Since the actor that plays him is 11 years old and is coming back soon to the show and they aren't taking advantage of aging Spencer to a teenager, who is watching Spencer on Spring break.


It's probably Alfred.  I hope the poor guy's getting hazard pay.  

  • Love 10

I loved all the stuff at the hospital. I really like Dillon with Tracy. They're kind of adorable. And Jason was great with the "So worms huh" line. I was rolling. I'm interested in seeing him try to help get ELQ back. Like someone mentioned above hopefully he can pull Michael's head out of Sonny's ass and Michael can help, too.



I really liked this, too.  This Jason is sooooo not SBu's Jason--and let's keep it that way.  BM's wheelhouse--if he has one--isn't 'stone cold killer," that's for sure.  And I'm seeing some really good chem with Leslie Charleston and Jane Elliott.  Keep him in the Q sphere--at least that has some potential and is more interesting than watching he and Sam talk about going on a date.

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Why wouldn't Spencer be with some unknown friend and their family? Nik probably wanted him off his hands since we've seen thus far what stellar parenting he's doing. Although poor family stuck with Spencer for a week, even if it is at the beach.

Because Spencer has no friends? There were like, two people at his birthday party and one was his cousin. He's probably at Spring Break with Audrey and Chandler.

  • Love 2

All of this catfighting between Hayden and Liz is over Nikolas. Its sad. And this entire 2-3 day confrontation that Hayden has been allowed to have with Liz that Sam did not get. I HATE YOU WRITERS. Haychel, I don't hate you but you have never met Lucky so I really think you should talk about him. All of these mentions have to mean something though. Please Lucky, be making your way back to Port Charles. 


Love seeing the Quartermaines. Monica, Tracy and Jason. I like they are having him bond with them. The scene with Monica and Danny coming off the elevator was cute. 

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The only positive thing about having episodes wasted on the Corinthos family is that it makes me appreciate the other stories (Quartermaines and Cassadines) all the more.

We haven't seen the Devil in a few days. It's been glorious. Like a mini vacay. Maybe Sonny took Spencer on Spring Break for a Fan March we can all get behind.

  • Love 5
I don't often pay much attention to outfits but the wardrobe person who dressed Ava today needs to be shot.  So unflattering.


She's worn that dress before. It's hideous. As a modern-art dealer, Ava should be in more avant-garde fashion.


I'm intrigued by the thing with Laura. I mean I'm sure it'll end up being stupid but it's kinda fun.

Yeah, as amaranta mentioned, it's old-school soap, which is not necessarily a bad thing.


e could have had some build up to someone in town having lost money to Rebecca Budig's father.


Like I wrote earlier, they should have tied it to Liz losing that money on the investment Steven Lars suggested. That would give her and Rebecca Budig a legitimate beef, instead of this dumb snark thing they currently have. (I agree the actors are doing what they can with it, but it's SO BORING.)

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Look, I may not be the biggest Anna fan, as I'm sure there are one or two for whom a restraining order would be appropriate, but I'm up there. I've stuck through Buzz, actually saw potential with Eli, and went gaga over Edge (looking back, what was I thinking?).

But this storyline? Avenging Duke's death for his and his 30-year-old son's sake? Is the most bored and uninvested I've been with her. The man died 10 months ago, an eternity in soaps. If this were 1993, she would have fallen in love and married his (unbeknownst to her) murderer by now. Instead she's sitting around, teaming up with the local mobster and telling guilded stories about a man who put out a hit on a single mother.

You want to avenge someone, Anna? How about avenging the daughter who was kidnapped, electro shocked, turned into a vegetable, and held for years in captivity away from her young daughter and husband. She warrants it. Your ex-boyfriend, who embraced the mob, worshipped Sonny, and was sexing up Lucy a week before his demise, does not.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 18

LOL at the gray-haired masked robber at Kelly's. The point of all that was...what, exactly? To show that Jordan does have competent moments?


Nik, how about you stop asking the women you date to move in with you two minutes after you've met? Maybe then you won't have to keep explaining to Spencer why they're gone. Ugh, Nik is the worst.


So they made Scott a victim of Rebecca Budig's father. That makes total sense. /sarcasm


I loved Tracy wanting Ned and Dillon to each kill their father. That was very Tracy Q.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6


As a modern-art dealer, Ava should be in more avant-garde fashion.


Pretty sure that is Wardrobe's idea of avant-garde fashion. I hate it because it's the dress she was wearing the day she told Sonny she was pregnant when he was pointing the gun on her. It infuriates me all over again. The dress isn't great, but I do like the necklace.


Not looking forward to the Scummy/Anna scenes. Way to ruin one of the best characters, SHOW. Anna shouldn't even give him the time of day, let alone team up with him. Just vomit.

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The whole "avenging Duke" storyline loses me because Duke is being rewritten as some tree-hugging, peaceful dude who was only in the mob to protect his love ones.  What a crock!  Just because he had his illegal payoffs delivered to him in a tea box doesn't make him a proper gentleman.

Ha! May I have your permission to use that tea box/proper gentleman line on twitter?

  • Love 3

I love Ned.  I loved the Tracy/Ned/Dillon scenes.  


Hated Anna and Sonny as best buds confiding in each other.  Duke was not a noble man.  Shut up with that show.


Love Ava and Scott together.  There could be something interesting there.  


Can't stand Hayden and would have been happy to have her leave town, but if she's staying then she better put her money where her mouth is and actually go after Nik for the shooting.  Otherwise why bother staying.  

  • Love 7

So they made Scott a victim of Rebecca Budig's father. That makes total sense. /sarcasm


I can imagine how that decision went "well, who hasn't been on screen much, so it won't stick out that they have literally never mentioned losing their money to Rebecca Budig's father?  That old guy who had a thing for Laura?  You know, Franco's dad?  And people will, naturally, be up in arms, because everyone loves Franco!"  

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