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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I thought Lulu would just kiss Dillon and stop. The way she "acted out" as the therapists say by going all ballistic as if she was going to bed Dillon then and there was certainly surprising. What was the significance of leaving her scarf there?


Later, when Dante asked her about the ultimate fate of the embryo, she snapped at him and threatened to raise it by herself...but wouldn't he have a legal claim on it, as her husband? Or, if she divorces Dante and then has successful implantation, would she be considered the only parent?



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I love whenever someone brings up Danny to Liz she automatically brings up little demon spawn Jake.  She is beyond insecure about her relationship built on lies. Telling Patrick to keep Sam away from Jason. She is desperate. She is one step away from chaining him up in her basement. 

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I love whenever someone brings up Danny to Liz she automatically brings up little demon spawn Jake.  She is beyond insecure about her relationship built on lies. Telling Patrick to keep Sam away from Jason. She is desperate. She is one step away from chaining him up in her basement. 


Unless this actually leads to some consequences - via Shadybrooke, Ferncliffe, or death - this just grates and is utterly pointless. This is long past its expiration date.

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That is their relationship. Alexis is nice to her, Sam accepts the ass kiss but still huffs and eye rolls and makes remarks about enduring such a terrible burden.

I wish I could like the character Sam, would just love to get on the "bandwagon", but I just don't and can't. Never have.  She just appears to always be so gloomy and unhappy and whiney. Come on girl, lighten up a little!!

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I wish I could like the character Sam, would just love to get on the "bandwagon", but I just don't and can't. Never have.  She just appears to always be so gloomy and unhappy and whiney. Come on girl, lighten up a little!!

I've always been indiffernt towards her probally didn't help she was eventually pired with Jason I tend to lose interest in characters whom become involed with the unholy trinity lol

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Alexis shows up, spends the entire episode comforting Sam, listening to her wail on about Jason, offers her advice and guidance. Jake shows up and Alexis has the presence of mind to remember he doesn't know her and introduces herself, chats briefly and then departs, knowing Jake and Sam need space. She lets Jake know he has an apartment available to him if he needs it and leaves.

And fucking OF COURSE Sam sighs, throws a snitty remark about Alexis, acting as she usually does, which is that Alexis is this SMOTHERING presence in her life that she simply SUFFERS to put up with and give her a gold star already won't you


Was Alexis implying that Jason should be living in his own apartment instead of in Liz's house?  At least while he's legally married to her daughter?  Because if so, I applaud that shade.

Why is Liz panicked by the idea of any memories at all? Not just Sam and Danny but anything from his life? 

Edited by Oracle42
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Was Alexis implying that Jason should be living in his own apartment instead of in Liz's house?  At least while he's legally married to her daughter?  Because if so, I applaud that shade.

Why is Liz panicked by the idea of any memories at all? Not just Sam and Danny but anything from his life?

Liz is probably worried that each memory could trigger a flood of memories and Jason remembers everything--and leaves her.

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KeMo's doing a good job with the tremendous love Sam clearly still feels for Jason; I'll give the writers credit for showing that it's Alexis, not Sam, who is thinking it would be a big loss if Sam had never formed this 'stable family' with Patrick. Although it was nice of her to tell him his old apartment is available if he wants it. I thought Sam would start bawling with joy when Jason held Danny.


Over the years, I've been pretty indifferent to Sam/KeMo but I am loving her now ! I guess it's because she is acting sane and letting Jason have some space and pretty much backing off. Unlike Sonny & Carly, those two vile self-absorbed cretins and unlike Liz, that walking talking nutjob. 


I also loved the way-too-short scene with Monica who is also acting sane, yet also loving.  


For me, it's no fun to watch Carly & Sonny plowing ahead and insisting, just insisting that Jason remember them. And Liz praying he remembers nothing ! UGH !! 

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I don't know if Patrick was intentionally written to be delusional or this was more of the Pod!Patrick! that we've seen for over a year now, but we're really supposed to believe that he thinks he has a chance? This is the same dude who was frantically jealous about Robin and Jason and SCREAMED at Robin that she always puts Jason first. But he thinks Sam will choose him over Jasom? Um, ok.

He has deluded himself into believing he has a chance for the reasons he stated in the church - that Sam isn't the ride-or-die chick anymore because she has Danny, that they've been building a happy,secure/stable family life (the unlike what you had with Jason was implied IMO) with the two kids, and that Jason isn't the same guy she fell in love with after everything that's happened. When he said to Liz re: himself and Sam, "What we have is real," I think it was his PC way of saying hey, Jason's just a memory who doesn't fit in the safe, happy life Sam and I have built together. He can't make her happy in the place she is in her life now. It will just take a little time and work for her to realize that." His behavior now reinforces what I already thought - Patrick's respect for Sam's love for Jason, and respect that Jason is Danny's true father, was contingent upon Jason being dead and therefore not true competition.  


Yes Patrick has a history of being jealous of Jason, but I think that's because Jason has known Robin much longer and was there in her life at a time when she was afraid she was going to die. Jason's influence helped Robin move forward, take care of herself and create a life for herself. So I can understand why Patrick thought that set of circumstances and the emotions tied to them would mean forever competition with Jason. 

Liz is probably worried that each memory could trigger a flood of memories and Jason remembers everything--and leaves her.

She told Nikolas during the Nurse's Ball she's afraid that getting memories back and becoming Jason Morgan again would mean his life would belong to Sonny, Carly and Sam - that there would be no place for her.

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I tuned back into this and boy have the tables turned, the irony. 


Sonny and Carly are forgetting why Jason Quartermaine found "peace" and acceptance with them, it was because they accepted him as Jason Morgan and didn't try to make him remember who he was, even though Carly had no idea who he was when she was shacking up with him at Jakes. At least not in the beginning. She just asked him a couple of times if something was wrong with him and left it at that. Sonny knew though.


Anyway, too bad Sonny won't lose Jason for the length of time that the Quartermaines did, because based on the posts here, even in a wheelchair, he's still winning. 


I would say that Jason Quartermaine is literally on his third life, which calls for a new last name. I say he keeps Doe. Yeah, Quartermaine, Morgan and finally Doe. Shit, he should keep Jake too.


Oh, my goodness I hate Liz, I hate her more than any character ever on this show. I just feel she does't pay enough, she doesn't get enough scorn and she won't this time either. 


What? All she ever got was Lucky calling her a slut for sleeping with his slut of a brother. Ah, punishment was not enough.


She's is off the chain and whoever said in the post above that they are waiting for her to chain up Jason in the basement, LOL, please let that happen. 


Wouldn't matter though, Jason would probably usher her out, while she looked completely  in shock and comatose, and then proceed to visit the poor, soul in Shady Brook, whatever. She'll never get the full weight of town loathing.  I hate her.

Edited by represent
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And the actual scene between Jason and Monica, while too short, was quite sweet.  I really hope the writers are actually going somewhere with this parallel to the past - with Sonny and Carly pressuring him to be the Jason they want while Monica just wants to know the man he is now and be part of his life - but I don't fucking trust them.



I thought GH was actually going somewhere with the parallel to the past of Michael winning custody of Avery and Sonny & Carly finally knowing what the pain of losing a child* was like - and then Ron declared there would be "some movement" in the story and we were immediatley back to Sonny Never Loses.


The show will have the Unholy Trio stomping all over the good citizens of Port Charles within two months.  Because to do overwise might mean Sonny losing something and Sonny Never Loses.  Ever.

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She told Nikolas during the Nurse's Ball she's afraid that getting memories back and becoming Jason Morgan again would mean his life would belong to Sonny, Carly and Sam - that there would be no place for her.


She really is an asshole.  He is a grown man, and who he chooses to associate with was and is up to him and him alone.  She makes it sound like the 3 of them controlled him.  Nope, sorry.  He CHOSE them.  She doesn't get to decide that for him.  And damn straight if he got his memories back he'd return to his WIFE.  I have said ti before, but he DIED.  They didn't fall out of love.  She knows damn well that if his memories return he'll want his wife back, not the woman he has repeatedly turned down.


I wish I could like the character Sam, would just love to get on the "bandwagon", but I just don't and can't. Never have.  She just appears to always be so gloomy and unhappy and whiney. Come on girl, lighten up a little!!


I'm not sure it's really a bandwagon deal.  I think a lot of it is just posters fed up with Liz, not the fact that they like Sam.  They aren't mutually exclusive.  Sam gets plenty of hate, just like any other character.

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I know this is a small thing, but it really bugs. They made a big deal of saying the wedding was on November 6, which was a Friday. So  if it's only the day after- that makes it Saturday so why are all the kids being dropped off at school.


I understand your irritation -- the long night of Octovember 35 wore me down. But I'm telling myself that the new writers are playing fast and loose with the timeline in order to wrap up some of the stories that have gone on way too long. So I'll cut them some slack. For about a month. But they'd better get it straightened out before Christmas bleeds into Groundhog Day.

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I really did love that scene with Jason and Danny and Sam looking on. That moment was the reason Robin wanted to save her friend.

Also, Sam is going to flip her shit when she finds out Liz has known about Jason for moooonths.

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I really did love that scene with Jason and Danny and Sam looking on. That moment was the reason Robin wanted to save her friend.


THIS. Exactly this. That scene, that moment was the moment Sam had been waiting four years for, for Jason to be holding his son knowing he is his son, and Robin wanted to give Jason his family back. She is trying so hard to be strong for herself and everyone else and give Jason the space he needs, but it's like she said to Alexis, all she wants is to go back to that night and that bed when she and Jason and Danny were together and before he got the call that Bernie got shot.


I hear her saying she loves Patrick and she loves their family and their life together, but I don't believe for a second that she'd choose him if Jason was her Jason and remembered their life.

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Over the years, I've been pretty indifferent to Sam/KeMo but I am loving her now ! I guess it's because she is acting sane and letting Jason have some space and pretty much backing off. Unlike Sonny & Carly, those two vile self-absorbed cretins and unlike Liz, that walking talking nutjob. 


I also loved the way-too-short scene with Monica who is also acting sane, yet also loving.  


For me, it's no fun to watch Carly & Sonny plowing ahead and insisting, just insisting that Jason remember them. And Liz praying he remembers nothing ! UGH !! 


Yup. I completely agree. Sonny & Carly absolutely are self absorbed cretins.Neither one has an iota of thought other than what Jason can now do for them. No "Hey, if you ever want to hear about what we shared just ask us ". No. It's ALL "Oohhhh Jason. We needs you so much. Ya gotta remember how speshuls we were to you.We'll pay you to remembers the feels we once had." OMFG. Seriously you self centered miserable excuses of "friends"? Back the F' off!!!


Yes, more Monica please.


Hey.... wait a minute...didn't Robin first mention helping out Jason to Sonny??? That stupid s.o.b. Sonny made it sound like it was kismet between he & the Borg. Didn't Robin sort of bring them together when Jason didn't know who the hell he was anymore & didn't want to be around the Q's?  IIRC Sonny the was the reason he became a killer hitman. Oh man I hate S & C. Rage inducing. (But I do somehow like the actors LW & MB- just not their characters.Is something wrong with me?)


Liz... I always liked her since she first came on as a snarky teen...then fell in love with lucky. I am sorry they have trashed her repeatedly over the years. (I think she is about equal to Sharon Case for crazy character assassination.)


Just don't know what the writers are trying to do with show....

Edited by RedRockRosie
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THIS. Exactly this. That scene, that moment was the moment Sam had been waiting four years for, for Jason to be holding his son knowing he is his son, and Robin wanted to give Jason his family back. She is trying so hard to be strong for herself and everyone else and give Jason the space he needs, but it's like she said to Alexis, all she wants is to go back to that night and that bed when she and Jason and Danny were together and before he got the call that Bernie got shot.


I hear her saying she loves Patrick and she loves their family and their life together, but I don't believe for a second that she'd choose him if Jason was her Jason and remembered their life.

Sam couldn't have made it any clearer that she wants to be with Jason. She's clearly grateful for her time with Patrick, but she wants to live happily ever after with Jason and their son. And the second Jason remembers, Sam would be like, PEACE PATTY.

I also find it funny that Patrick is the only one who keeps saying Jake instead of Jason. He's such a tool.

Hey.... wait a minute...didn't Robin first mention helping out Jason to Sonny??? That stupid s.o.b. Sonny made it sound like it was kismet between he & the Borg. Didn't Robin sort of bring them together when Jason didn't know who the hell he was anymore & didn't want to be around the Q's? 

Ugh, don't get me started. Jason is all, "I WANT ANSWERSSSSSS!!!" and NO ONE IS LIKE, "Hey, maybe you should call Robin, the woman who GAVE YOU LIFE!!!"

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Sam couldn't have made it any clearer that she wants to be with Jason. She's clearly grateful for her time with Patrick, but she wants to live happily ever after with Jason and their son. And the second Jason remembers, Sam would be like, PEACE PATTY.

I also find it funny that Patrick is the only one who keeps saying Jake instead of Jason. He's such a tool.


And I find it funny that every. time. Patrick calls Jason "Jake" Sam gives him this look like "...Jason. Danny's father, my husband."

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OMG, people, people! That scene of "Come sit on Uncle Sonny's lap and let me tell you who I made you into" with Sonny, Carly, and Jason gave me life! Jason's simmering disgust throughout the entire scene was beautiful to behold. I may just watch it again whenever I need a smile. Or joy. When I need joy. And while I agree that we never ever needed Jason back again, I don't mind being reminded how Jason 3.0 is attached to nearly everyone on the canvas. Because this Jason seems quite averse to Jason 2.0. And I really like how Monica's learned from the transition to 2.0 that you don't pressure someone with amnesia. Backfires.


I was a lone NuDillon fangirl, but he lost my support the moment he threw in the towel on the movie. Don't betray your work, Dillon, and throw aside all those people who were working on it! That may just have been Maxie and the intern and Daddy Moneybags, but still! I  like the actor fine, but Dillon is being ridiculous, and Lulu forgiving him instantly? Even more ridiculous. But I'm glad she realized what she was doing and shut that down. And the whole, "yeah, we had sex once, get over it" was cool, too.


Maxie should be editor of Crimson. Full Stop.


I don't know if I have ever enjoyed Laura this much. Wow, she was needed, and way more than Luke has been since, oh, 2002.


Oh man I hate S & C. Rage inducing. (But I do somehow like the actors LW & MB- just not their characters.Is something wrong with me?)


You can tell the difference between real life and the stories on the teevee. Congratulations, you are sane!

Edited by TheGourmez
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Yep and ugh I hated Johnny to I always wanted Carly to choke and die on Johnny's chest hair and than Johnny slip and fall and die while trying to save her.

Carly die? Sure. I love Johnny, though. 


Heh. Mortermaine? Morquart? Quargan?

(this is more entertaining than the show)

Morquart sounds like something from Arthurian Legend so...let's go with that!


I hate Carly and Sonny with the fire of 1000 suns...but like Laura and Maurice. 

Edited by swtrgrl
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I also find it funny that Patrick is the only one who keeps saying Jake instead of Jason. He's such a tool.


I actually find it somewhat rude of everyone to be calling him Jason. He doesn't remember himself that way and he clearly, at least for now, doesn't want to be that person.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I actually find it somewhat rude of everyone to be calling him Jason. He doesn't remember himself that way and he clearly, at least for now, doesn't want to be that person.

Totally agree.  I was getting so annoyed at everyone calling him Jason.  To him, he's still Jake Doe.  Until he regains his Jason memories they should respect that and continue to call him Jake.  

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I hate Carly and Sonny with the fire of 1000 suns...but like Laura and Maurice. 


I hate Carly, but I think Laura Wright is a good actress and, I feel like, could do more if they ever allowed Carly to stretch.  The job she did as Lena Spencer this year shows that.

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Maybe Liz and Snarly can battle it out for Jason in Sonny's boxing ring. He is not going to be using it for a while. 


Now, now, Sonny can always become Wheelchair Boxing Champion of the World. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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I actually find it somewhat rude of everyone to be calling him Jason. He doesn't remember himself that way and he clearly, at least for now, doesn't want to be that person.

He also lashed out when Liz kept on calling him Jake Doe when he found out he was Jason? Edited by HeatLifer
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KeMo is doing a fantastic job with her clear, absolutely clear love for Jason no matter what, above her "perfect" life and family with Patrick. I am a JaSam fan and want them to find their way back to each other, but at this point I'm just tired of this story dragging and want to fast forward to Liz getting outed and everyone lining up to smack her. And Sam can smack Patrick for good measure too for using Jason's "death" to his benefit :o)

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He also lashed out when Liz kept on calling him Jake Doe when he found out he was Jason?


I didn't see this since I tend to fast forward any Jason/Liz scenes. It strikes me as stupid though since he's being written as being so against the idea that he's Jason. This show is written so badly lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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He also lashed out when Liz kept on calling him Jake Doe when he found out he was Jason?

Yeah, but Patrick doesn't know that, plus he was just angry that he was Jason. Also I don't think Patrick is doing it on purpose, it's just habit.

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Yeah, but Patrick doesn't know that, plus he was just angry that he was Jason. Also I don't think Patrick is doing it on purpose, it's just habit.

Of course he's not doing it on purpose. Patrick is perfect in the writers' eyes. I just think it's interesting that his character is the only one who has said "Jake...I mean Jason" two or three? times and no other character has. That's what's intentional on the writers part.

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I don't think he's the only one tripping over his tongue.  In their scenes, Monica talked about Jason as a separate person re: his not calling her mom and then had to correct herself.


You guys, I watched that scene again and Monica being so happy just to hug her son really warmed my heart.

Edited by TeeVee329
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You guys, I watched that scene again and Monica being so happy just to hug her son really warmed my heart.

I just finished watching the episode. The whole scene warmed my heart, and even brought a few happy tears to my eyes. Her quiet understanding of what he's feeling right now because she's already watched him go through this, the sheer joy in her eyes, the declaration that she just wants to get to know the man he's become, all of it. I'm going to take that scene and all it made me feel and hoard it in my greedy, little heart. And once this whole craptastic story line has finally played out, if all I get out of it is this scene, at least it will be more than I expected to get.

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I can't understand even half of what Spencer and Emma say. Sounds like they have such lisps. And Emma's voice with shaky tears and gloomy background music is just so tedious.


Sam's resolution to try not to pressure Jason crumbled pretty quickly. She was already in his arms today, sobbing and begging and kissing--just about as hysterical and pushy as Carly. Someone should remind these women--Carly, Liez, and Sam--that shaky voices, demands, blubbering, red noses and leaky eyes are not attractive, especially if one is begging a man to stay and be a love relationship. Not to mention the demeaning aspect--helpless victim; begging. Not attractive. Even if one of them wins Jason by guilting him over their personal suffering, it won't last. It isn't a firm foundation of mutual respect and trusting love.


Sam was the worst, flashing her huge diamond ring from another man, a symbol that is supposed to be a mutual sign of commitment and trust, as she sobbed and cried in another man's arms, begging him to remember their love. What rank hypocrisy.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Hayden is entertaining. Spilling some truth teas today. I cant believe Liz acts all holier than thou with her. Like she is any better. 


Spencer/Emma Ugh. Please go away kiddies. 


KeMo is doing well this week. 


Oh so they do remember that Jake had flashes of Sam/Jason in bed. 


JT looks so orange.

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Ye gods Kelly needs an IV of fluids at this point.


Did Billy cry with both eyes? He's Jason now, has no one talked to him about how, much like the Anti-Christ, Jason was the Anti-Crier? Sacrilege.


Tracy has hired on Hayden to play her secret spy. Finally she's getting to show some of her fighting spirit and Q mastermind deviousness.  


I have no use for Hayden typically, despite liking Becca, but I didn't mind her needling the hell out of that group, especially Liz. It really was cut too short for my liking.


What the hell are they doing with Laura though. Is this really why they brought her back? To become yet another legacy veteran who decides to toss aside her morals and dignity and ability to tell the truth and nothing but for the stupidest and incredibly pathetic of reasons?


Patrick is still a worthless sack. How he continues to be so blind to Robin's predicament is just beyond the pale. It's good to see that something inside of him shrivels up and dies when Sam tells him that she and Jason kissed.

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Jasam's true love's kiss didn't return his memories.  That makes me happy.  So glad we have months of heart rendering angst to look forward to before those two crazy kids will finally get together.  Even Hayden pimps Sam now.  It takes a village. 

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I felt like slapping both Nikolas and Elizabeth. Elizabeth deserved every bit of Hayden's taunting. Too bad Liz continues to blow off Laura's wise words. 


Patrick, you're a shitty father and an idiot - not necessarily in that order. So heartbreaking to hear Emma talking to Spencer about the loss of her mom, and now possibly losing Sam when all she wants is a happy family. Spencer being grateful for Grandma Laura and Emma being grateful for her grandmother was sweet.


I hope we get an actual explanation of where Robin is - not just some generic lab doing generic work against her will. 


Tracy still hating on Anna, when Luke's out of the picture for both of them, is just pathetic. Is she seriously worried/jealous that Paul and Anna are going to hook up? I did like the twist that Hayden is working for Tracy, not Paul.


One sentence from this Jason about how his brain has been working is way more articulate than any sentence in the last 10 years SBu played the character. Good job by KeMo with the emotion, and good job by both actors with that kiss. Sam is still completely, madly in love with Jason and what she feels for Patrick is nothing in comparison.


I was thinking, re: previews, Heatlifer must be laughing hysterically that Sam tells Patrick she and Jason kissed while over at Wyndemere Liz encourages Jason not to "pressure" himself to reconnect with Sam when he sort of catches her conspiring with Nikolas. Ugh.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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