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S06.E03: Marriage Counseling Texas Style


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During the rock exercise, I kept thinking that Christine should try harder to speak up for what she needs. Then Christine did speak up and Kody flat out said he didn't care. The only problem in that marriage is that Kody's an asshole. What decent husband says "when my wife's in pain, I can't let myself be overburdened by it"??? He doesn't care about Christine at all.

  • Love 10

I wonder if Kody will return to Galveston and add another rock to the pile after Robyn has this next baby. 


You mean the little pile of rocks that the big pile of shit built on the beach?  Yeah, he will return to add to it as needed, I'm sure.  It was nothing more than a monument to himself, after all.  And Kody is not going to miss out on an opportunity to celebrate his own awesomeness.


I think the only reason Christine is staying with Kody is so he will see her kids as much as possible.  That and her self-esteem is so low, she probably doubts anyone else will find her attractive (not that Kody does).  But between the idea of being alone and having her kids see less of Kody vs. just staying where she is and being alone with her kids getting to see their dad, I can see why she is sticking around.  I don't like it, but I do get it.


It's a shame because there is nothing wrong with Christine and lots of men would be attracted to her.  And I am not sure what Kody really contributes to her childrens' lives at all anyway.  I wish she would look in the mirror and admit to herself that she has no respect for her husband at all, he is in no way attracted to her anymore, and neither of those things is going to change ... realize that she won't ever be happy until she is free from the mental games her manipulative, egotistical husband uses to control her, and decide she would be better off is she stopped worrying about Kody and instead focussed on building a happier life either on her own or with someone who deserves her.  And that it would be better for her kids is she did so, too.  Then leave his ass and soak him for all the child support she can get.  Let Robin get a job to fund his convertibles and his hair mousse.  Let's see how long she can keep sweet under that kind of pressure, lol.  She'll be hyperventilating herself blue in the face every day.  I wonder how long the blossom of their love would last if shit got real like that ... ha. 

  • Love 8

Anybody notice when Kody was making his rounds to say goodbye before the trip he gave Janelle a quick kiss and hug, then hops on over to Robyn's and gives her a much longer kiss and much tighter and longer hug? 


Face it, wives. You are no longer important to Kody.  Orange face Meri is completely over it. I don't think she really gives one damn how Kody feels about Robyn. The damage has been done. 


Robyn has been sporting a baby bump since the season started so for them to act all cutesy and smiley and laughing at Kody mentioning another baby (last ep) makes my skin crawl because they already knew there was another baby on the way!

Funny you mentioned the Robyn goodbye. I was not really paying attention during that part and I heard a change in his voice as he went wife to wife and I just knew he was telling Robyn goodbye. I looked up and sure enough!!

  • Love 2

I didn't see a thread for this episode last night, so maybe that's part of the reason there's so few comments.  But, yeah, this was seriously depressing.  In one way I feel for Christine.  She says she was very confident before Robin came along, and then it seems she got the rug pulled out from under her.  But she was perfectly happy to sail in as the third wife and didn't seem to give a second thought to how Meri and Janelle felt.  I guess the moms don't talk to the daughters about how difficult that part is?.

Things were very tense between Meri and Janelle before Christine came along, so she supposedly eased a lot of the tension. So inside the paradigm of polygamy, Christine made their lives better. So why would Christine feel bad about her decision? Besides, the principle only requires three wives. So while Christine was necessary, Robyn was not.

There's also the fact that Kody made it clear he wasn't attracted to Christine, and he was disgusted by watching her eat. Meri and Christine knew there positions were safe.

Regarding what mothers teach their daughters - I think Christine would have had the shakiest of lessons. Both Meri and Robyn come from polygamous families who promote the principle. Janelle's mother converted in middle age, so was very gung ho about the lifestyle. Christine was raised by a woman who ostensibly believed in the principle, only to leave it mid-life. That makes whatever she's taught Christine, positive or negative, suspect.

  • Love 1


Regarding what mothers teach their daughters - I think Christine would have had the shakiest of lessons. Both Meri and Robyn come from polygamous families who promote the principle. Janelle's mother converted in middle age, so was very gung ho about the lifestyle. Christine was raised by a woman who ostensibly believed in the principle, only to leave it mid-life. That makes whatever she's taught Christine, positive or negative, suspect.

I thought Robyn's parents were divorced and no longer living the polygamy life. 

I guess Kody has changed over the years?  Christine was trying to "understand" him.  He keeps claiming it's all about the family, not sure that is his claim when he is with Robin.  Poor Christine, he does not seem to really like her, not sure why he married her.  I don't understand how it cannot be about individual intimate loving relationships along with the bigger family unit.  IMO, they can't be happy if it is not, and Christine is clearly not happy.  

  • Love 2

During the rock exercise, I kept thinking that Christine should try harder to speak up for what she needs. Then Christine did speak up and Kody flat out said he didn't care. The only problem in that marriage is that Kody's an asshole. What decent husband says "when my wife's in pain, I can't let myself be overburdened by it"??? He doesn't care about Christine at all.

I found that rock exercise so telling of Kody's real nature. He belligerently refused to listen to her, and was almost proud of how he was "the leader". He is an iron fist inside a very metrosexual velvet glove.

Edited by gardendiva
  • Love 14

I guess Kody has changed over the years?  Christine was trying to "understand" him.  He keeps claiming it's all about the family, not sure that is his claim when he is with Robin.  Poor Christine, he does not seem to really like her, not sure why he married her.  I don't understand how it cannot be about individual intimate loving relationships along with the bigger family unit.  IMO, they can't be happy if it is not, and Christine is clearly not happy.  

Why did Kody marry Christine?  I read a book by an escaped wife, though I can't remember which one, and she stated that the men aren't allowed to actively seek out other wives (fits with Kody's explanation), that the single woman absolutely can fix her eye on a targeted man - married or not (ditto explanation), and that they take it as God's will that they marry.  It was years ago I read it, a little short on details here, but it would explain why....because God said so (of course, He did not).

you know I had actually meant to write 'child support' but this would be a very interesting legal argument. Didn't Martina Navratilova have to pay what amounted to spousal support to the woman she had a 'commitment ceremony' with because that constituted a marriage even though it wasn't legal? They had a video of the vows which proved the commitment. Seems to me a good lawyer would have ample evidence that Kody committed to her as he would a wife and therefore would have the same kind of responsibility. 

I'm not a lawyer but the problem with polygamy is that the ladies that are not the legal wife will end up with nothing because polygamy isn't recognized. Lawyers are expensive and when these women want a "divorce" I think the best they can hope for is child support and to walk away as a single parent since they have no legal status to fall back on. There is a lawyer on the Duggar's board she isn't there very often but I'd love to ask her for the answer.

  • Love 2
Let Robin get a job to fund his convertibles and his hair mousse.  Let's see how long she can keep sweet under that kind of pressure, lol.  She'll be hyperventilating herself blue in the face every day.  I wonder how long the blossom of their love would last if shit got real like that ... ha.


The implosion of this farce of a marriage is coming soon to a town near you.  Once they lose all of the McMansions and they are all back standing in line for food stamps, let's see how strong their "religion" really is. I bet old Sobbyn will turn extra sour when she's back living in a trailer or some compound with the rest of the wives under the same roof.  I can foresee bloodshed with that kind of arrangement.


Bet they won't be trumpeting how entitled they all are because "God wants us to have all of these things" once they are back to cycling through the bankruptcies.

  • Love 6

King (of Turds) Kody was behaving exactly the same way a lot of husbands behave when cheating on their wives. He was agressive, offensive, picking away at her, deliberately hurting her feelings and looking for a fight. He was bashing their relationship of 21 years and provoking her. Good for Christine that she kept her cool.

If you ask me, he doesn't care a flying fish anymore about his "just spiritual" wives, they're bothersome to him.

He is definitely in love with Psycho-Robyn and is aggrivated by the fact that he can't say it out loud.

Please ladies, gang up on him, kick his sorry ass to the curb and let him and that psycho-witch eat dirt.

Do you seriously want to be together with that selfish egomanic? FOREVER? In the afterlife? To me, that seems like heaven in hell. Or the other way around. Watever.

  • Love 10

I'm not a lawyer but the problem with polygamy is that the ladies that are not the legal wife will end up with nothing because polygamy isn't recognized. Lawyers are expensive and when these women want a "divorce" I think the best they can hope for is child support and to walk away as a single parent since they have no legal status to fall back on. There is a lawyer on the Duggar's board she isn't there very often but I'd love to ask her for the answer.


I would love to hear what a lawyer has to say about this too. If Christine really wanted to leave and soak Kody for whatever he might have, if he actually has anything, I bet she could get a someone willing to do it for the publicity. 

Christine's aunt would help her, and I hope her mom would support her too. And Kody is on the hook for child support, marriage or no marriage.

The saddest part was listening to Christine eat shit to make nice at the end of the episode. And the thing about Gwen sounded like a typical "I know he's abusive but he's a good dad" kind of comment. I think Janelle only has a better relationship with Kody because he's close with Hunter.

  • Love 4

Well gosh, I just caught up on the episode and you guys have said it all.  I haven't seen torture like that since season 4 of Game of Thrones.  I couldn't bring myself to watch the Christine special.  


To distract myself from soul-crushing narcissism on display I googled Reynolds and Associates, and they don't have anyone on staff who specializes in family law or anything that seems related to adoption.  Could he have been another TLC plant, or does specialty not matter that much in law?

  • Love 3

Good to know there is an actual law firm.  I was leaning toward central casting.


ETA:  Entertainment law being such a specialty of theirs, they probably represent Kody & Co with TLC.  I'd have serious reservations about them handling an adoption unless one of the lawyers had some prior family law experience in a different firm.

Edited by Absolom
  • Love 1

That lawyer can get in the fucking idiot line with Kody any time now.

I found him laughable.


Me too. I was astonished when he told them that once Robyn's ex signed away his rights, it would be a week until the adoption would be finalized.  For starters it would take a long damn time to even get a court date to deal with the adoption.  And a lot longer to do the home studies I can only pray are required.  A judge just doesn't rubber stamp this stuff ... he or she needs to cover the old arse and make sure these children are being adopted by a fit person.  Then of course there is the whole issue of whether or not it is in the children's best interest to be adopted by Kody and have all legal relations with their father severed.  That is far from a given in any case.  The court doesn't sever parental rights willy-nilly, even when the parent consents.  And they don't just assume whoever is offering to adopt is fit to do so.  


I will eat my keyboard if those children are adopted in a week.  

  • Love 7



That lawyer can get in the fucking idiot line with Kody any time now.

I found him laughable.

What I found laughable was the idea that Jessop would be declared a negligent parent if he refused service of court papers and didn't sign over his legal rights to his own children. When Robyn's other attorney said it would "look bad" to a judge if he refused service, that was also a lie. The man doesn't want to give up his legal rights and is making it hard for the Browns to continue with this farce for a television show.

  • Love 8

I am afraid I don't have as much sympathy for Christine as many others seem to. Both before, and even since Robyn came into the picture 5 years ago Christine has gone on and on about how much she loves the polyg lifestyle, and how she feels sorry for the poor shlubs who aren't lucky enough to have sister wives and one hubby between them. Heck, I think her line on the opening of the show is still to the effect that she wanted the sisterwives, not just the husband. Then on this show she says she has been unhappy since before they moved to Las Vegas which is 4 years ago. So bascially she has been lying to the viewers as she goes on about how lucky they are, how much fun she has in this lifestyle and how she feels sorry for those of us who aren't as lucky as she is. Sorry, but that ticks me off. I doubt if any of us have believed that life is any different than what we saw tonight, but Christine (and not any other wife to that degree) has gone out of her way to say that any disbelievers of their lifestyle are just wrong.


There was defiinitely a noticable different in Kody's goodbye to Janelle and his goodbye to Robyn. And his kiss to Christine (I think it was after the stupid rock building exercise) - he could not pull away fast enough. I would not be surprised if Christine isn't the only wife not getting any but at least in the case of Janelle I don't think she would really care.


I thought that Truely also had used air quotes when she said that she didn't want to talk about her dad but I replayed it and she used air quote when she said "mom and dad". Too bad - I much preferred it the way I thought she said it the first time I watched.


I posted last week that I would love for Janelle or Christine to leave Kody, and meet a guy who wants to adopt Kody's kids. I doubt Christine will ever have the guts to leave, but I will hold onto that dream that Kody is asked to sign away his parental rights.

  • Love 4
I know they're divorced but Robyn seems to pretend that never happened. Doesn't she talk about her parents living like they were always on their honeymoon?

She said that's her mom did that for her marriage and it really worked out. Since they got divorced I guess it

didn't work out. So is Robyn like Christine imagining her parents' marriage was so much better then it was?

I wonder if the other wives do the same or is it just these two?

  • Love 2
I wonder if the other wives do the same or is it just these two?


Don't most abused women focus on the "good" times so as to make their life livable?  If they admitted how bad things are and how terrible their lives really are they would most likely go insane.  Since this bunch has been brainwashed into believing this is a religious obligation it's even harder to call it bullshit and move on.  


They are four women with low to no self esteem who have been convinced how lucky they are to be under the thumb of that idiot boychild.  How they think an afterlife consisting of an eternity of that crap is preferable to being tortured on earth is beyond me.

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Frankly, I want to see how badly this all goes so I hope it goes on for a while yet.

Oh no worries, I'm sure Kody'll do his best to stay in the public eye even after cancellation via social media and YouTube.

But he won't be getting that big TLC check.

Besides, the stuff they do in real life is better than the drek they make up for the show anyway.

  • Love 1
And I am not sure what Kody really contributes to her childrens' lives at all anyway.


You mean other than being annoyed by Gwendolyn because she's loud? Or being called in to discipline his fighting sons and solving it by just sending them to their separate homes?


The saddest part was listening to Christine eat shit to make nice at the end of the episode. And the thing about Gwen sounded like a typical "I know he's abusive but he's a good dad" kind of comment. I think Janelle only has a better relationship with Kody because he's close with Hunter.


Jenelle has a lot of boys, doesn't Christine only have one? Kody definitely relates better to the boys because, you know, all boys like cars and sports and no girl would ever be interested in those things. *eye roll*

  • Love 3

I could use some help I have not watched this show in 3 years and just re-remembered it. What is this about Kody D I V O R C I N G Merri? And marrying Robyn? And what is the Catfish? If someone could throw me a line, I'd be curious to know. thanks

It's all been covered in these threads, you just need to read back a few pages.

There was mention of Jessop's failing to pay child support. They seem to want to trade release of that claim for an agreement to relinquish parental rights.

I wonder if he has failed to pay or if he filed for an adjustment considering Robyn has TLC and the great closet business. Failing to pay is a way to make it sound negligent.

  • Love 1
I thought that Truely also had used air quotes when she said that she didn't want to talk about her dad but I replayed it and she used air quote when she said "mom and dad". Too bad - I much preferred it the way I thought she said it the first time I watched.


She's what, 5 years old? I doubt she knows what air quotes mean, which tells me she's mimicking someone else.  I wonder who? Her grandma?

  • Love 3

Truely may only be five but it's quite possible she gets the list of what air quotes mean. She has a billion older brothers and sisters including a lot of teens. Young kids pick things up quickly seeing it from older kids. That said, I'd love to believe she's mimicking people around her calling Kody "dad" with air quotes. That would give me hope that there isn't as much Kody worship as they want us to believe.


Edited to add... better yet - if it's Grandma who she's mimicking then maybe Christine has someone working on her to get her out of this hell.

Edited by 3girlsforus
  • Love 5

This episode was incredibly depressing and Kody somehow managed to make himself appear even more despicable than ever. What really struck me was the line in the sand exercise where Kody promised to never cross the line of walking away from the marriage. That's easy for him to say since he can freeze out Christine as punishment for "not honoring the family" (which we all know is code for being mean to Robyn and sometimes challenging King Kody) since he has three other wives to turn to for love/partnership/affection/sex/validation. Poor Christine is then left out in the cold, which is one of the many pitfalls for women living in polygamy. So "not walking away" is certainly no sacrifice for him at all, and he still benefits from having Christine around as a caregiver to their passel of children (and sometimes the other wives' kids).


What I find amusing is that Kody is a-okay with Meri/Janelle having beef with one another and treating one another horribly for years. Is this not a crime of not honoring the family? I guess that's forgivable, because who cares about those wives? But heaven forbid a wife not bow at the altar of Robyn... that's inexcusable and not worthy of love.


What makes me most sad is how Christine laments her newfound jealousy that has arisen in the past four or so years, and her talk of never realizing that she is a "jealous person". Of course she wasn't jealous before when the three wives were presumably treated somewhat equally and fairly. I can't imagine anyone, even the staunchest plyg, who would be just fine with Kody's obvious and egregious favoritism toward Robyn and not get jealous.


At this point, I'm only watching because I hope and pray that one (or more) of these women finally walks away from King Douche. Meri's halfway out the door, and I hope Christine and Janelle are following closely behind.

  • Love 7

I think Kody is the type of guy who never wants to hear about or discuss his wives feelings. The wives are supposed to accept without question anything he wants to say or do, and expect nothing in return. He doesn't want Christine to ask for anything from him, not even a listening ear. Why these so called therapists went along with this crap is beyond me.


I was furious that the therapist did not ask Kody why he completely ignored Christine during the rock building exercise. Why have the rock building thing at all if you are only going to listen to one party? Sadly, I personally have experienced marriage counselors who listen only to one person and 'validate' only one person in the relationship. I"m not sure it even has to do with Robyn-Kody wants Christine to remain quiet and sweet and not to make any waves. He is a complete jerk in other words.

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 8

Truely may only be five but it's quite possible she gets the list of what air quotes mean. She has a billion older brothers and sisters including a lot of teens. Young kids pick things up quickly seeing it from older kids. That said, I'd love to believe she's mimicking people around her calling Kody "dad" with air quotes. That would give me hope that there isn't as much Kody worship as they want us to believe.


I soooo wish I had not already deleted the episode! I barely saw Truely do the air quotes from the corner of my eye as I was leaving the room, and I am now consumed with re-watching that scene to see if she was air-quoting only the "dad" word ... I don't know if it would be more funny or more sad that even at the tender age five, she has already caught on to the fact that no one respects Kody and they openly acknowledge (if only in private) that he is a crappy dad.


I guess I should say it would be more sad than funny, but hahahah !!!


I will show myself out now. 

It's no wonder most of their older children want nothing to do with polygamy.

Or their "dad."

Polygamy benefits the Husband because he gets a new vagina every 3,000 miles and the favored Wife because she is able to exploit and take resources from the lesser wives. Everyone else is miserable -- carving the name of the first person to show them some affection in their leg.

  • Love 4
I think Kody is the type of guy who never wants to hear about or discuss his wives feelings. The wives are supposed to accept without question anything he wants to say or do, and expect nothing in return.


The very definition of an abusive relationship.  And throw in making sure the victim is made to feel to blame.

  • Love 5

I thought Robyn's parents were divorced and no longer living the polygamy life. 

I think Robyn's mother and father are divorced but she was mostly raised by the man the mother remarried. HE is the one she considers her father and who practices polygamy, and I believe he is the one Robyn refers to when describing her parents' "honeymoon" marriage.  I remember her explaining that one time a while ago. I think the biological father's surname was Marck, her stepfather's (or adoptive father, I'm not sure?) surname is Sullivan. 


YES to everything you all have been saying about King Kody. He was just detestable and the rock tower thing was obnoxious. I know some people may not feel sorry for Christine because she has been bragging all this time about polygamy being great and she never put herself in Meri or Janelle's shoes until Robyn came along; but I think it was less about her being hypocrite and more about the cognitive dissonance thing someone upthread mentioned. She herself doesn't seem to realize how badly she is being treated. And I noticed whenever she gets honest and acknowledges how hopeless she feels, somehow she manages to blame herself or praise Kody at the end. That's exactly what happened AGAIN on this episode. I truly hope her mother Annie knocks some sense into her soon and she realizes she can do so much better! I sometimes see good in Kody when he interacts with his kids or does interviews but it is specifically with Christine that he is absolutely insensitive and belittling.  I think he knows Christine gives in and takes advantage of this. Christine is the one wife who I truly wish will leave Kody!

Edited by purpleflowers
  • Love 4

... wait a minute. Now Grandma's chinny-chin-chin is considering her ex's feelings? Now she doesn't want him to appear to be a negligent father? Can I have some of that stuff that she's been secretly smoking?  Wasn't he the bad guy? Not paying child support? War?  She's been throwing mud at him on nationwide television since day One. That woman and her flea-ridden scumbag are so disgusting.

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