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S06.E03: Marriage Counseling Texas Style

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I broke down and watched this morning, though not the all Christine ep yet, because nausea and disgust ensued. Hate-watching is such a weird compulsion.

Christine's TH moments, filmed AFTER Galveston, were far more emotionally true than her smiley capitulation at the beach. Kody is simply a selfish dick, and she is miserable in her understanding of how completely he doesn't get it. Being on tv has temporarily relieved them from acute financial struggles, but one of the insidious costs is that any of them wanting to split from Kody know that their most personal battle will be made food for mass entertainment.

After seeing the teaser for next week, I feel positive that David Jessop has already relinquished his parental rights, and it makes me sick. Robyn's little breakdown and subsequent TH to say that she just realized the lasting impact this would all have on Jessop and his family is either FU internets playacting, or a perfect example of how utterly selfish and unthinking she actually is. "I don't want to go to war." WTF?! Sure you do, Robyn! You sat right next to your man while he said it, and you didn't make a peep. This selfish bitch wants to erase her children's father as though he never existed, but simutaneously seem like she's a harmless little lamb in the process.

Edited by SometimesBites
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I broke down and watched this morning, though not the all Christine ep yet, because nausea and disgust ensued. Hate-watching is such a weird compulsion.

Christine's TH moments, filmed AFTER Galveston, were far more emotionally true than her smiley capitulation at the beach. Kody is simply a selfish dick, and she is miserable in her understanding of how completely he doesn't get it. Being on tv has temporarily relieved them from acute financial struggles, but one of the insidious costs is that any of them wanting to split from Kody know that their most personal battle will be made food for mass entertainment.

After seeing the teaser for next week, I feel positive that David Jessop has already relinquished his parental rights, and it makes me sick. Robyn's little breakdown and subsequent TH to say that she just realized the lasting impact this would all have on Jessop and his family is either FU internets playacting, or a perfect example of how utterly selfish and unthinking she actually is. "I don't want to go to war." WTF?! Sure you do, Robyn! You sat right next to your man while he said it, and you didn't make a peep. This selfish bitch wants to erase her children's father as though he never existed, but simutaneously seem like she's a harmless little lamb in the process.

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I broke down and watched this morning, though not the all Christine ep yet, because nausea and disgust ensued. Hate-watching is such a weird compulsion.

Christine's TH moments, filmed AFTER Galveston, were far more emotionally true than her smiley capitulation at the beach. Kody is simply a selfish dick, and she is miserable in her understanding of how completely he doesn't get it. Being on tv has temporarily relieved them from acute financial struggles, but one of the insidious costs is that any of them wanting to split from Kody know that their most personal battle will be made food for mass entertainment.

After seeing the teaser for next week, I feel positive that David Jessop has already relinquished his parental rights, and it makes me sick. Robyn's little breakdown and subsequent TH to say that she just realized the lasting impact this would all have on Jessop and his family is either FU internets playacting, or a perfect example of how utterly selfish and unthinking she actually is. "I don't want to go to war." WTF?! Sure you do, Robyn! You sat right next to your man while he said it, and you didn't make a peep. This selfish bitch wants to erase her children's father as though he never existed, but simutaneously seem like she's a harmless little lamb in the process.


Man I hope you are wrong. I saw a commercial today for next week and all they kept saying was that polygamists never will custody battles. I was hoping against hope that means they have lost the custody battle for a perfectly legitimate reason, like the dad still wants to see his kids, and they are going to blame it on the fact that they are polygamists. Unfortunately I fear that is too optimistic a thought.

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Man I hope you are wrong. I saw a commercial today for next week and all they kept saying was that polygamists never will custody battles. I was hoping against hope that means they have lost the custody battle for a perfectly legitimate reason, like the dad still wants to see his kids, and they are going to blame it on the fact that they are polygamists. Unfortunately I fear that is too optimistic a thought.

I really REALLY hope I'm wrong, too. I truly do.

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I think we ALL hope, for the sake of those kids, that there was no adoption.  But since we don't know a thing about their biological dad, we don't know if he is as big a jerk as Kodoofus is.  TLC may be paying him to keep his mouth shut and stay off the grid for the sake of a story line.  


TLC is running out of little people, giant people, and polygamists to prop up their inventory of series and the Duggars and Boo Boo left gaps in the schedule.  They apparently think this adoption thing is so compelling that we'll stay glued to the tube.  It's worth some bucks under the table to Jessop to make that happen especially if he is unemployed and living in the woods somewhere.  There are plenty of men out there willing to sell off their kids.  


That statement about "polygamists never winning" could be a hook - those who abhor the Brown Clowns (which appears to be everyone on this forum) will be watching and rooting for them to lose.  In reality, they've won even if it was by having TLC pay off Jessop and that teaser was planted to make us think the opposite.

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Why should any father be forced to give up their parental rights...just because they are being strong-armed into doing so.  We have no idea what the relationship is between Robyn's kids and their Dad. Having any kind of relationship at all is enough reason NOT to sign your rights away. Who is to say they are better off with Kody as a father anyway?  How would Kody like it if Christine left him and married someone who wanted to adopt HIS kids?


In the eyes of a dispassionate court, they'd wouldn't be better off with Kody.  How many kids does their own Dad have?  He has the energy and resources to spend time with them and pay attention to them.  With Kody, they're one of many, many, many kids in a disfunctional multi-baby momma family.   The Browns can call their lifestyle anything they want, but legally it's Kody married to one woman while having three open mistresses and a slew of illegitimate kids.

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He has the energy and resources to spend time with them and pay attention to them.


But does he?  We know of one visit but have there been others? Not being privy to that info (or having it hidden from us to further the case for adoption) we really don't know if this dude is a deadbeat dad and wants nothing to do with the kids and/or is willing to sell them off.


I'm not saying he is and no way in hell are they ever going to be better off with the Brown Clowns. Kodoofus will largely ignore the girls and probably Day-un as well once the ink is dry on the decree.


It's a no win situation for those kids unless Jessop is really way more involved than we know and the court is aware of that.  If so and the adoption is denied, it will turn into a another "episode of We the Poor Pitiful Persecuted Polygamists" as has been mentioned before.

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The situation with Jessop seems so peculiar. According to Sobbin', he's a bad enough dad that his parental rights should be terminated...yet she is super stressed out over making him seem like a negligent parent and she wants it to be as painless as possible for him. There is just a big missing link in this whole story. 


The only commentary I remember any of the Browns making about David Jessop besides that one time Robyn was sending the kids off for visitation with him was when Christine said last season on Twitter something to the effect of him not having positive experiences with the kids. It's all been very vague.

Edited by purpleflowers
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It's all been vague and innuendo, but then Robyn says that they want to assure the father that he can have continued visitation.  It's so odd to want to terminate parental rights and yet continue visitation.

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It's so very, very Robyn. I don't think she truly gives shit one whether he sees them or not, but she has just enough native instinct to know that she'd better find some way to soften the ugly, ugly impression that this situation is leaving with the general public.

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1. How indicative of this family's relationships, that an episode based primarily on Christine and her relationship with Kody - has garnered SO MANY comments about ROBYN. 


2. The actual show ABOUT Christine that followed the episode also had plenty of ROBYN and how each scene about Christine RELATES back to Robyn and how Robyn felt about what happened in the scene featuring Christine.



This whole adoption thing is just another example of how they deal with EVERYTHING: Make themselves out to be the biggest victims, even though it's all of their own doing. 


OMG!  We are being persecuted!  Poor us!  - these assholes put THEMSELVES on TV.


Robyn on Jessop: She HAS TO make him out to be a monster in order to get his rights terminated; but she won't do it because being "mean" would lose them viewers/ public support. So, she straddles the fence.  Throws a rock and then hides her hands.  SO MANIPULATIVE.  

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I think we ALL hope, for the sake of those kids, that there was no adoption.  But since we don't know a thing about their biological dad, we don't know if he is as big a jerk as Kodoofus is.  TLC may be paying him to keep his mouth shut and stay off the grid for the sake of a story line.  


TLC is running out of little people, giant people, and polygamists to prop up their inventory of series and the Duggars and Boo Boo left gaps in the schedule.  They apparently think this adoption thing is so compelling that we'll stay glued to the tube.  It's worth some bucks under the table to Jessop to make that happen especially if he is unemployed and living in the woods somewhere.  There are plenty of men out there willing to sell off their kids.  


That statement about "polygamists never winning" could be a hook - those who abhor the Brown Clowns (which appears to be everyone on this forum) will be watching and rooting for them to lose.  In reality, they've won even if it was by having TLC pay off Jessop and that teaser was planted to make us think the opposite.

the cat fishing mess would be much more compelling.  and if they have gaps in their schedule they should give us  more Dr. Now and My 600 Pound Life.  

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I'm confused about this whole adoption thing. I was trying to find one of the posts that mentioned that at some point Robyn said she didn't want the adoption to affect visitation. What the heck? If Kody adopts the kids the biological father is by nature gone from their lives. I know that the clips are staged but all of the 'go to war' thing confuses me too. Kody can't adopt the baby unless Jessop agrees. There is no legal war. They can't 'go to war'. Either he agrees or he doesn't. 

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She doesn't want the adoption to affect "visitation" --- which to me means that she wants to be able to drop the kids of with Jessop when she goes on trips with Kody because Christine and Meri aren't watching Robyn's kids for her anymore.

She doesn't want the adoption to affect "visitation" --- which to me means that she wants to be able to drop the kids of with Jessop when she goes on trips with Kody because Christine and Meri aren't watching Robyn's kids for her anymore.

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She doesn't want the adoption to affect "visitation" --- which to me means that she wants to be able to drop the kids of with Jessop when she goes on trips with Kody because Christine and Meri aren't watching Robyn's kids for her anymore.

She doesn't want the adoption to affect "visitation" --- which to me means that she wants to be able to drop the kids of with Jessop when she goes on trips with Kody because Christine and Meri aren't watching Robyn's kids for her anymore.

ABSOLUTELY! She'd pawn the three oldest on whoever would take them in a split second. She's terrified of Janelle, and Christine and Meri won't do her any favors. Don't blame any of them for not wanting to raise the two drama queen daughters. Day-on, who knows, he seems like a good kid, but teen boys can be difficult. Even when they're good kids, they need fed and they stink LOL. 


She's being vague about visitation, because when it boils down, she just wanted to be the legal wife, and Kody wanted her to be the legal wife, so dramadramadrama lielielie pout dramadramadrama crycrycry. Who knows if the Jessop guy is normal and or stark raving mad, because we've seen nothing of him. We have however seen manipulative Robyn stirring drama 24/7. For whatever reason, their marriage didn't work, but she needed to be the victim. I personally think she's terrified the gravy train will run out and someone will spill the tea if she divulges too much into Jessop's character either way. But yes, she'd give back his kids in a heartbeat if it meant she could traipse around with Kody, lording her favorite and only legal wife status like some prize. 


She's just the shiniest turd in a big pile of shit, for the moment. *Edited bc TURD does not mean TURN autocorrect.

Edited by RazzleberryPie
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I appreciate the attempts to explain the adoption to me but I think the problem is that it doesn't make sense. Does Robyn know what adoption means? It means the biological father is no longer the father. He is legally no different than some stranger on the street. It means Robyn and Kody are the only people responsible for the kids. I also means any child support no longer exists. (I know whether or not he pays is an unknown). Adoption means her children no longer have contact with their biological father. I can't decide if Robyn is really stupid enough to think that she can make Kody their "real" father but still keep Jessop around as babysitting and to make it seem like she didn't yank her kids away from their father or if she really is fine with severing her children from they father. 


I am one who isn't going to believe Jessop is dangerous or abusive unless there is proof. Robyn's whining doesn't have a lot of credibility.

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I appreciate the attempts to explain the adoption to me but I think the problem is that it doesn't make sense. Does Robyn know what adoption means? It means the biological father is no longer the father. He is legally no different than some stranger on the street. It means Robyn and Kody are the only people responsible for the kids. I also means any child support no longer exists. (I know whether or not he pays is an unknown). Adoption means her children no longer have contact with their biological father. I can't decide if Robyn is really stupid enough to think that she can make Kody their "real" father but still keep Jessop around as babysitting and to make it seem like she didn't yank her kids away from their father or if she really is fine with severing her children from they father. 


I am one who isn't going to believe Jessop is dangerous or abusive unless there is proof. Robyn's whining doesn't have a lot of credibility.

Robyn just wanted to be the legal wife, and Kody wanted her to be the legal wife. The end.


Who knows if it was for her to prove she was the true Head Bitch In Charge, stir drama/punish her ex-husband, create a new TLC storyline, or something else. I don't buy the insurance story. If her ex-husband doesn't have insurance, and she doesn't have insurance from her TLC job/Brown Family Entertainment or whatever, and she's low income single mom, her kids would be eligible for state benefits. If her ex is terrible enough to sever ties so Kody can adopt, then he shouldn't have visitation rights. 


I completely agree that this Jessop guy is innocent until proven guilty. It says something that he's laid low through all this and hasn't contributed to the drama or called her out for her accusations.

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Sooooo, according to Robyn, her ex is an awful parent/person. Of course she'd still want him to have visitation. Isn't that what we'd all want? What planet does that make sense on?

Kody's planet.

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Wasn't this whole adoption thing based on if something happened to Robin her kids could not stay with the family.  Ex and his family would have claim on them? This seemed strange to me because whose home would they be raised in?  These women don't seem to want to babysit for one another much less take on another's kids permanently. 

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Wasn't this whole adoption thing based on if something happened to Robin her kids could not stay with the family.  Ex and his family would have claim on them? This seemed strange to me because whose home would they be raised in?  These women don't seem to want to babysit for one another much less take on another's kids permanently. 

Despite what they said in interviews, the other wives don't want Robyn's kids. I think Janelle would 'do the right thing' and care for a child in need, but Meri wants nothing to do with any of the other kids, unless it's on her own terms and temporary (like having a cute room to play with the girls, then send them home when she's won enough Kody points), and Christine wants nothing to do with them, Don't blame her. Don't blame any of them. They have enough of their own to deal with. Besides, Robyn's girls are DRAMA, Dayton seems like a good kid, and having to cater to Prince Solomon would just be unpleasant, no matter how sweet a kid he his. Also, what kind of idiot volunteers to babysit so their husband can go off to some tropical local with his newest favorite? That's just asking for jealousy and resentment, because he never returns the favor.

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Damn you, fellow SisterWives posters! 

NOW you have me wishing something would happen to Robyn JUST to see the fallout from the aftermath. 

I think Dayton would be accepted by either Janelle or Christine, quite honestly.  He seems like a nice boy and they have kids his age to hang out with him. 

Those girls?  HAAAA!  I would LOVE IT if they ended up in Meri's house - since she has the rooms. HAHAHAHAHA! 

Now Solomon and Gamorrah (the new baby) are toss ups for me - I wonder if they would actually be treated WORSE since they would be the progeny of the "favorite"

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Damn you, fellow SisterWives posters! 

NOW you have me wishing something would happen to Robyn JUST to see the fallout from the aftermath. 

I think Dayton would be accepted by either Janelle or Christine, quite honestly.  He seems like a nice boy and they have kids his age to hang out with him. 

Those girls?  HAAAA!  I would LOVE IT if they ended up in Meri's house - since she has the rooms. HAHAHAHAHA! 

Now Solomon and Gamorrah (the new baby) are toss ups for me - I wonder if they would actually be treated WORSE since they would be the progeny of the "favorite"

Worse by Christine. Who knows with Janelle. Christine totally gives me that Keep Sweet, Nicki from Big Love vibe - like she signed up for a fairy tale, and that's not quite what happened, but she grep up in this and knows how to Keep Sweet around the men, but could terrorize anyone who crossed her.  They're all a bunch of inbred, unsocialized, nuts.

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Actually I think Christine would be nice to the kids because she seems to generally care about kids, despite their parents. Maybe I'm reading her wrong, but I wouldn't worry about Robyn's kids with her in terms of physical safety or anything. She may not be up to managing Dayton's ASD or the girls' maladjustment and inevitable daddy issues, but I don't think she'd be cruel to them, either.

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I know the party line is that Robyn paid for this out of her own "grocery" money... But Robyn got a trip to Hawaii and Christine got Galveston!? I am a proud Texan... But even I can admit that Galveston is not a shining example of a beach, even within Texas there are better beaches. I don't care if Robyn saved up the money herself for their not-a-honeymoon, if Kody had any actual desire to keep things as even amoung the wives as they claim he would not have accepted. But that's not actually the point I came to make.

I have spent my fair share of time on a therapist couch, and on NO level have I ever heard of a therapist that would find it appropriate to go on a vacation with a family. I thought I was maybe overreacting... Maybe it is a thing... But alas I asked my very own therapist and she said "hell no would I ever even consider that, that sounds miserable" (that's a direct quote). Nor is it really appropriate for a former therapist to become a family friend, although I could understand a little more how that could happen. This was seriously one of the most bizarre episodes ever.

As much as all of the sisterwives closet talk last season drove me crazy... I kinda miss it now, it's like it never existed.

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I have spent my fair share of time on a therapist couch, and on NO level have I ever heard of a therapist that would find it appropriate to go on a vacation with a family. I thought I was maybe overreacting... Maybe it is a thing... But alas I asked my very own therapist and she said "hell no would I ever even consider that, that sounds miserable" (that's a direct quote). Nor is it really appropriate for a former therapist to become a family friend, although I could understand a little more how that could happen. This was seriously one of the most bizarre episodes ever.

Dual relationships are a big NO-NO for licensed mental health professionals.  Your therapist is not your friend.  A therapist not only can't go on a trip with you ---- they cannot be your friend.  That woman is not a licensed professional.  She's most likely a person from their original church who fancies herself a therapist.  The "therapist" sat idly on the rocks while Kody completely discarded any of Christine's suggestions --- and from what we saw, she never pointed out the difference in communication styles and Kody's disregard (perhaps some cojoint therapy or psychoeducation was left on the cutting room floor).


Another faked moment for the show.

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Kody's planet.


Which I believe will be decidedly empty when all is said and done.




As to whom Robyn's kids would go to, I actually think Christine would be happy to take them in. I do believe she genuinely loves all the kids, even if the adult relationships can be troubling at times. 


As much as Meri boo-hoo'd about being an empty nester, I doubt she'd want to take any of them. She does seem to have a fondness for Solomon, but she's too busy scrapbooking to raise another kid. 


Jenelle would do her duty, and I don't think she'd be pissed about it, but I also think she's looking forward to her older kids moving on and having more time to work. 


Of course Kody couldn't just keep them in their home because he has 3 other wives to rotate through.

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It must be so painful to watch your husband have a tight relationship with three other women and then your relationship is in the crapper. Remind me again how this polygamy brings good things?


This makes a really good point. Even if the Browns weren't morons this would be a big problem. All marriages go ups and downs with the relationship. It's hard enough when it's just the two of you and you are confident in your relationship. Imagine having to go through those down times while your husband was having up times with other women. It would just be emotionally crushing. The fact that Kody the Asshat relishes in crushing his wives makes it so much worse but even if he was a decent man this would be a nightmare.

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On re-watch, Truely definitely used finger quotes for both parents: "mom and dad." I don't think she meant it as sarcastically as we would hope. It was more like she was quoting the producers who were feeding her lines. Still funny, though.


Also on re-watch, man, Kody is SUCH a prick. The whole rock-building thing was ridiculous. He didn't listen to Christine at all, and then afterward on the couch he doubled down on "just trust me." He flat-out refused to listen to Christine, and disregarded her every single time she tried to speak up for herself. He's an incredibly selfish, mean person and not very intelligent at all. By far my least favorite of the Brown adults, although Robyn is no prize, either. They deserve each other. 

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I think we ALL hope, for the sake of those kids, that there was no adoption.  But since we don't know a thing about their biological dad, we don't know if he is as big a jerk as Kodoofus is.  TLC may be paying him to keep his mouth shut and stay off the grid for the sake of a story line.  

Well, the kids say they're happy about their bio dad tossing them out the window. So, maybe he is a big loser and the kids don't care.


Meri's reaction was interesting, eh? Her "joy" at the news was very cerebral. Not a hint of emotion when she exclaimed, "well, goood!!". She's thoroughly checked out of this marriage.

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I think we ALL hope, for the sake of those kids, that there was no adoption.  But since we don't know a thing about their biological dad, we don't know if he is as big a jerk as Kodoofus is.  TLC may be paying him to keep his mouth shut and stay off the grid for the sake of a story line.  


TLC is running out of little people, giant people, and polygamists to prop up their inventory of series and the Duggars and Boo Boo left gaps in the schedule.  They apparently think this adoption thing is so compelling that we'll stay glued to the tube.  It's worth some bucks under the table to Jessop to make that happen especially if he is unemployed and living in the woods somewhere.  There are plenty of men out there willing to sell off their kids.  


That statement about "polygamists never winning" could be a hook - those who abhor the Brown Clowns (which appears to be everyone on this forum) will be watching and rooting for them to lose.  In reality, they've won even if it was by having TLC pay off Jessop and that teaser was planted to make us think the opposite.

You make great points and I've thought this all along. Just because Robyn and Kody are manipulative sneaky creeps, that doesn't automatically mean David Jessop is a saint or even a decent person. Most states require a parent to consent when the ex moves the children out of state. Where was Jessop then? And I read in another thread how good it was for Jessop to stay out of the limelight and protect his privacy. What?? How many parents here would sit back when someone was fullout attempting to erase you from your childrens' lives? How many people wouldn't say a peep to fight back for their kids? This seems to be a coward who let his children be moved out of state, and who chooses to hide every time someone attempts to serve him.

Either he's just as bad as Robyn and simply doesn't care, or he values his privacy more than his children - which makes him worse than Robyn in my book. And if he's being paid off by TLC .... I can't come up with a good enough word to express my disgust.

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You make great points and I've thought this all along. Just because Robyn and Kody are manipulative sneaky creeps, that doesn't automatically mean David Jessop is a saint or even a decent person. Most states require a parent to consent when the ex moves the children out of state. Where was Jessop then? And I read in another thread how good it was for Jessop to stay out of the limelight and protect his privacy. What?? How many parents here would sit back when someone was fullout attempting to erase you from your childrens' lives? How many people wouldn't say a peep to fight back for their kids? This seems to be a coward who let his children be moved out of state, and who chooses to hide every time someone attempts to serve him.

Either he's just as bad as Robyn and simply doesn't care, or he values his privacy more than his children - which makes him worse than Robyn in my book. And if he's being paid off by TLC .... I can't come up with a good enough word to express my disgust.

And even if he is a complete piece of shit (not saying he is...), this situation should NOT NOT NOT be televised for public consumption. How dare they exploit those children this way. It's very deep low in a show rife with lows. Robyn should be ashamed of herself.

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Would it have killed Kodouche to show a little empathy??

I might be a little late to the party, but I literally just came to the conclusion that I think Kodouche is pretty much a diagnosable narcisssist. And they're not known for empathy. It was amazing seeing a man give absolutely no fucks about anything his wife said, ever. It was like she wasn't even speaking. It's amazing, but he doesn't seem to have a concept of their marriage having value, outside of his other three marriages, and his spawn. He was right, when he said that marriage is the foundation of the family. But he doesn't seem to understand or care that Christine's quarter of the foundation is crumbling. He probably just figures that he can stack his precious rocks on top of the more stable foundation rocks.

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Christine is such a wild card and contradiction to me. In many ways she seems the most 'awake' out of the 4 wives. She seems the most in tune and honest about her feelings of jealousy, quick to anger and calls Kody on his shit yet somehow she seems the most entrenched in the lifestyle and religion. She seems to be the one that 'acts up' the most, least liked by Kody and the least likely to leave.

In my experience with religion (and this is not meant to be an attack on anyone) it seems that some of the people who are most fervent and vocal about their beliefs very often have the most doubts. I would even use myself in this example. I've fluctuated on the religious scale quite a bit, and when I began to find myself doubting and questioning what I was taught, I threw myself into my religion tenfold, joined religious groups, attended extra services, told everyone how much I loved my faith, etc. I was scared to admit to myself that things might not be as I was always taught. I can only imagine how it must feel to be brought up believing in polygamy, marry a man with 2 wives already, give him 6 children and then start doubting the religion that led to so much suffering, but also much joy.

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I didn't see this episode until tonight, the 4th of October.  Some things that attracted my attention:

  • What an ass Kody was and how dismissive of Christine and her feelings.  My only living relative is a younger shit sister who would get a pile of money when I die.  She treats me like crap, screams, cusses, includes me in none of her activities and may  or may not do something for me if I really need help and only if I ask. Only a couple of times has she offered to help me with anything.  If I should say anything to her that would be it, she'd feel justified to dump me totally and I have no one.
  • Christine has her mom now.  Mom was feeding those kids all greens while Christine was in Galveston.  Looked good.  Must be mainly a vegetarian.    Mom has a little business of her own.  Christine doesn't.
  • Christine is fearful of an aunt who left polygamy and had a fit over using the bathroom at an event at the same time.  Odd.  Uncalled for.
  • Christine is a sweetheart but didn't want to work.  Reluctantly took real estate classes and then said she wouldn't even do office work because it would mean weekends.  So she has no alternatives and no desire to have an alternative.  Maybe mom can bring her around.
  • I don't know anyone who gets alimony anymore, maybe a few extra bucks for job training, but that's it.  And she'd probably have to do a student loan.
  • She, like me, need desperately a screaming session where you tell the "other" what a butt head they are and will never get that chance.  In my case, even a shrink had her sitting in on the sessions and she had extra sessions where she convinced the string that she loved me so much.  Yet in real life everything is my fault.  If I have a month in the hospital for ulcer and kinked intestine, it's my fault.  If my house burns down it's my fault.  Fire department said it was in the wall electrical but what do the know.  If my dog dies, it's my fault.  The joy of my life, and my fault??  Damn her to hell.
  • Christine, follow the example of your mom and aunt.  You have kids.  I have no one.  Come live with me.

On second thought, send me your mom.  I don't need drama.

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I didn't see this episode until tonight, the 4th of October.  Some things that attracted my attention:

  • What an ass Kody was and how dismissive of Christine and her feelings.  My only living relative is a younger shit sister who would get a pile of money when I die.  She treats me like crap, screams, cusses, includes me in none of her activities and may  or may not do something for me if I really need help and only if I ask. Only a couple of times has she offered to help me with anything.  If I should say anything to her that would be it, she'd feel justified to dump me totally and I have no one.
  • Christine has her mom now.  Mom was feeding those kids all greens while Christine was in Galveston.  Looked good.  Must be mainly a vegetarian.    Mom has a little business of her own.  Christine doesn't.
  • Christine is fearful of an aunt who left polygamy and had a fit over using the bathroom at an event at the same time.  Odd.  Uncalled for.
  • Christine is a sweetheart but didn't want to work.  Reluctantly took real estate classes and then said she wouldn't even do office work because it would mean weekends.  So she has no alternatives and no desire to have an alternative.  Maybe mom can bring her around.
  • I don't know anyone who gets alimony anymore, maybe a few extra bucks for job training, but that's it.  And she'd probably have to do a student loan.
  • She, like me, need desperately a screaming session where you tell the "other" what a butt head they are and will never get that chance.  In my case, even a shrink had her sitting in on the sessions and she had extra sessions where she convinced the string that she loved me so much.  Yet in real life everything is my fault.  If I have a month in the hospital for ulcer and kinked intestine, it's my fault.  If my house burns down it's my fault.  Fire department said it was in the wall electrical but what do the know.  If my dog dies, it's my fault.  The joy of my life, and my fault??  Damn her to hell.
  • Christine, follow the example of your mom and aunt.  You have kids.  I have no one.  Come live with me.

On second thought, send me your mom.  I don't need drama.

MIcks Picks, I'm sorry all that happened to you. Your sister is a huge narcissist, no question about it. They're good at snowing therapists, who always believe them and try to blame the family instead. It's said that Narcissism is the only disease where the patient walks around free and everybody else gets treatment.


Please read up on the subject. Look up "narcissistic family members." It's not your fault. Don't let her destroy your life any more than she already has.

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In my experience with religion (and this is not meant to be an attack on anyone) it seems that some of the people who are most fervent and vocal about their beliefs very often have the most doubts. I would even use myself in this example. I've fluctuated on the religious scale quite a bit, and when I began to find myself doubting and questioning what I was taught, I threw myself into my religion tenfold, joined religious groups, attended extra services, told everyone how much I loved my faith, etc. I was scared to admit to myself that things might not be as I was always taught. I can only imagine how it must feel to be brought up believing in polygamy, marry a man with 2 wives already, give him 6 children and then start doubting the religion that led to so much suffering, but also much joy.

I hear you, and I've been there, too. With Christine, she has a massive double-whammy. Not only does she have to contend with her life-long raising in this religion and all the ways it shames her for having doubts and all the ways it teaches her that questioning the principle is a form of heresy, but there is massive family history (family in the very large polygamous sect sense) that teaches women that the world outside the strict boundaries of your belief system is UNSAFE, is a huge threat.


Honestly, I think it is next to impossible for anyone not raised in polygamy and fundamental Mormonism to wholly grasp the deep-down-at-the-roots psychological impediment someone like Christine faces to even entertain the least thought about getting out. In my case, I'm an otherwise intelligent, resourceful, and determined person, but my own (non-Mormon) fundie experience was truly crippling for many years. I am incredibly thankful I was finally able to throw over that old life and reconstruct my entire paradigm. As irritating as each of these women are to me at times, I wish that freedom for them, too.

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That rock pile was the most honest communicating Kody as ever done with Christine. Harsh? Yup, but 100% true. Their marriage is not about her, or his feelings for her (if he has any). Polygamy is a system in which women are not considered  3 dimenstional, fully actualized humans.  They are there for the pleasure and procreative needs of the man, and to raise the children.  They are not supposed to feel jealousy, and their men are not required to feel love or empathy for them.


That is the single most frustrating aspect of theis whole clusterfuck of a "culture"….. that it tells the women: If you're not happy, its becasue you are defective -- too selfish, too petty, too self-absorbed. You should be a BETTER person and RISE above these feelings…. When the truth is: Its the system that's flawed, not the women.  In the western world, in our 21st century culture, individuals have a right to the pursuit of personal happiness. Polygamy doesn't thrive in the western world for a reason: we consider women people.  Over in some scary mysogynistic countries, it works juuuuust fine. For obvious reasons.


Phew. Think this pisses me off?? HA.

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That rock pile was the most honest communicating Kody as ever done with Christine. Harsh? Yup, but 100% true. Their marriage is not about her, or his feelings for her (if he has any). Polygamy is a system in which women are not considered  3 dimenstional, fully actualized humans.  They are there for the pleasure and procreative needs of the man, and to raise the children.  They are not supposed to feel jealousy, and their men are not required to feel love or empathy for them.


That is the single most frustrating aspect of theis whole clusterfuck of a "culture"….. that it tells the women: If you're not happy, its becasue you are defective -- too selfish, too petty, too self-absorbed. You should be a BETTER person and RISE above these feelings…. When the truth is: Its the system that's flawed, not the women.  In the western world, in our 21st century culture, individuals have a right to the pursuit of personal happiness. Polygamy doesn't thrive in the western world for a reason: we consider women people.  Over in some scary mysogynistic countries, it works juuuuust fine. For obvious reasons.


Phew. Think this pisses me off?? HA.

Agreed. I felt especially stabby at Kody's assertion that his family was well-established at the point Christine joined them. What horseshit. He was married to Meri and Janelle and they had NO KIDS. All he had at that point was a fledgling harem, a precarious three-legged stool of a 'marriage' in which both women were massively unhappy. There is no good reason for him to make such a claim EXCEPT to make Christine feel bad for having the temerity to ask for more emotional support from him as an individual woman.

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Agreed. I felt especially stabby at Kody's assertion that his family was well-established at the point Christine joined them. What horseshit. He was married to Meri and Janelle and they had NO KIDS. All he had at that point was a fledgling harem, a precarious three-legged stool of a 'marriage' in which both women were massively unhappy. There is no good reason for him to make such a claim EXCEPT to make Christine feel bad for having the temerity to ask for more emotional support from him as an individual woman.


The thing is, Kody is 100% on message for his "religion."  In it, women are not allowed to have negative feelings toward marriage or men. They are (maybe) allowed to have negative feelings toward their sister wives, but those are feelings that they are allowed to acknowledge as long as it's in the context of "I am working on my feelings about SusieQ so that I can be a BETTER wife."  They must never express dissatisfaction for the priesthood holder in the house, oh no. The men do not want to know how this arrangement makes the women feel, becuase then they can't claim that everyone is OK with it, as in "We are all happy, consenting adults."  They can not acknowledge in any way that the women are in any way VICTIMIZED by their lifestyle. Nosiree, because Heavenly Father said to Plural marriage, so it can't be wrong. 

Edited by MamaMax
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Yup. I think that's her insecurity as the newest wife speaking. She really wants to prove how well she knows every member of the family, as if they've all been together from the start. 

speaking of the cheesy intro, maybe it needs some good old fashioned snark or trolling


Meri: I believe in this lifestyle, it just makes each of us BITTER.


Janelle: I expected there would be other wives, I'm not going to have ALL the kids!


Christine: yeah there's much calamity, but it beats Iran.

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That rock pile was the most honest communicating Kody as ever done with Christine. Harsh? Yup, but 100% true.

That's something a real therapist would point out to her too. Real therapists probably see people all of the time

clinging to a bad marriage or relationship. Sometimes, the spouse gives an answer just not one they want to

hear. Kody's an ass but he's showing her over and over that he doesn't care about her. He doesn't listen,

he's not interested in anything she says, and treats her like crap.

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