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S09.E02: The Witch's Familiar


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I was disappointed in the Davros betrayal. I think the more interesting story was freinds/enemies.


I think that's the difference between Davros and Missy. Missy/Doctor is a genuine friends/enemies relationship in a way that Doctor/Davros is not. 


And, we knew from Davros remarks to Colony Sarff that he was faking. The turn was that the Doctor was too.




On the question of previous Dalek's begging for mercy (to be shown to them). I don't think that this is a problem. The whole point of planting the "mercy seed" is that the Dalek communication system won't filter out "mercy" the word, the way it did "friend". While Dalek/Clara saying "mercy" gave the Doctor pause (as I think it would regardless) the clincher was "I showed mercy" (I did not attack you) which is a very un-Dalek-like thing to say.


Had the Doctor not planted the "mercy seed" those Daleks might not have been able to beg River for their lives.


A bigger problem with the "language filter" idea is that it takes deceit and insincerity off the table. But I believe we've seen the Daleks use diplomacy and deceit in the past. I'm not the world's biggest Dalek expert however, so maybe there's some wiggle room there, or maybe there isn't. Threats, coercion, and driving a hard bargain would still be available, I guess. 


I suppose it could have been more explicit, but I thought it was pretty clear that Missy was saying the Daleks can't die of old age, they just get more and more feeble until presumably they can't drive a tank anymore and get chucked in the sewer. Eliminating the "flaw" of death by natural causes while not having a solution for aging and having the result be incredibly cruel seems very Davros to me. Also, it's reminiscent of the myth of Tithonus.

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
  • Love 5

I enjoyed this two parter, in the main because Gomez is such an accomplished comic actor, Coleman made a great straight guy sidekick, and Capaldi and Bleach have the acting chops to sell pathos well.


Moffat can also be both  very clever and puerile at the same time, which can often be seen in his other hit show,  but I'm also not sure that morphing into Sherlock is really going to help Doctor Who all that much, especially if the snippy one liners and the hipster edits are over-used.   I understand why people get frustrated over continuity, but I'd rather have more retcons than less lazy plot devices, where death is meaningless, and the Doctor is all powerful. The cliffhangers from campy 1960s Batman episodes had more sophisticated and interesting resolutions than Moffat's rinse and repeat D ex M signature style.  

Edited by shandy
  • Love 2

NeenerNeener Not feeling the sonic sunglasses



I get the feeling that The Grand Moff went, "People don't like the Sonic Screwdriver? I know - I'll make it the Sonic Glasses!" OK, they may be "cooler" (a subject I'm definitely ill judged to rule on!) but for me the problem is its use as a Sonic Magic Wand - a deus ex machina to solve any problem, not that it was a screwdriver.

  • Love 1


I think I know why I don't like this incarnation of The Doctor - every time it looks like he's been outsmarted, he suddenly "Ha!  I knew this would happen, because this, this, and this would occur, and thus you lose.  Yay me!"  I mean, other Doctors were similar but at least they did something that, at first, would be inconsequential but later ends up saving everybody.  With this Doctor, they just come out of left field without set-up.  Deus Ex Machinas aren't fun or clever if you're Deus and rewrite shit to your liking, leaving us peons in the dark.


This!!  Fall against a button by "accident", leave a vital but seemingly ordinary piece of equipment within reach, set a trap while playing chess, take the person's pulse (oops wrong show).  This whole- I just knew what you were going to do because of NO REASON- and can thus stop it with no tools except my SUNGLASSES is beyond stupid.  

And how would that prophecy work???  Davros doesn't create the Daleks until after the Doctor stole the Tardis and ran away, right?  So this hybrid is between the Time Lords and some yet to be invented foe?  And I swear if this means bringing back the soothsayer/seer they used in End Of Time I'm going to throw something at my TV.   You are Time Lords, why do you need a fortune teller??  That always bugged me.

Ugh- now I have a headache.

Edited by penguinnj
  • Love 3

This!!  Fall against a button by "accident", leave a vital but seemingly ordinary piece of equipment within reach, set a trap while playing chess, take the person's pulse (oops wrong show).  This whole- I just knew what you were going to do because of NO REASON- and can thus stop it with no tools except my SUNGLASSES is beyond stupid.  

And how would that prophecy work???  Davros doesn't create the Daleks until after the Doctor stole the Tardis and ran away, right?  So this hybrid is between the Time Lords and some yet to be invented foe?  And I swear if this means bringing back the soothsayer/sear they used in End Of Time I'm going to throw something at my TV.   You are Time Lords, why do you need a fortune teller??  That always bugged me.

Ugh- now I have a headache.


Considering that neither the Doctor nor Missy had every been to Skaro before, how did both of them know about the sewer/graveyard ?  And that the Daleks in the sewer/graveyard would re-animate from the regeneration energy and take their revenge on the rest of the Daleks -- did that include the Daleks that were flying at the time (because there were plenty of them) ?  It all just made no sense.


And a double-does of Hell, No !! to the sonic sunglasses.

  • Love 2

This!!  Fall against a button by "accident", leave a vital but seemingly ordinary piece of equipment within reach, set a trap while playing chess, take the person's pulse (oops wrong show).  This whole- I just knew what you were going to do because of NO REASON- and can thus stop it with no tools except my SUNGLASSES is beyond stupid.  

And how would that prophecy work???  Davros doesn't create the Daleks until after the Doctor stole the Tardis and ran away, right?  So this hybrid is between the Time Lords and some yet to be invented foe?  And I swear if this means bringing back the soothsayer/sear they used in End Of Time I'm going to throw something at my TV.   You are Time Lords, why do you need a fortune teller??  That always bugged me.

Ugh- now I have a headache.


The glasses.  Christ, the glasses.


Why didn't they just give him a skateboard while they were at it?


The fez, suspenders, and bowtie were nice.


The sneakers and trenchcoat were nice.


The leather jacket was nice.


The 4th Doctor's entire ensemble was nice.


The Doctor with those damn shades makes him look a grandpa trying to be hip.  It's frustrating and sad.  Makes The 6th Doctor's Technicolor Dream Coat look reasonable.


God, I feel better listing my grievances here than on The AV Club.  I'll still post there, but I don't feel the need to kiss ass or fawn about. 

Edited by bmoore4026
  • Love 5

I get the feeling that The Grand Moff went, "People don't like the Sonic Screwdriver? I know - I'll make it the Sonic Glasses!" OK, they may be "cooler" (a subject I'm definitely ill judged to rule on!) but for me the problem is its use as a Sonic Magic Wand - a deus ex machina to solve any problem, not that it was a screwdriver.

Now, not even being a screwdriver, the Doctor can't build cabinets!


Moffat can also be both  very clever and puerile at the same time, which can often be seen in his other hit show,  but I'm also not sure that morphing into Sherlock is really going to help Doctor Who all that much, especially if the snippy one liners and the hipster edits are over-used.   I understand why people get frustrated over continuity, but I'd rather have more retcons than less lazy plot devices, where death is meaningless, and the Doctor is all powerful. The cliffhangers from campy 1960s Batman episodes had more sophisticated and interesting resolutions than Moffat's rinse and repeat D ex M signature style.  

I hate retconning, so on that part I disagree but I am right there with you - Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel - on the rest!  :0)


On the question of previous Dalek's begging for mercy (to be shown to them). I don't think that this is a problem. The whole point of planting the "mercy seed" is that the Dalek communication system won't filter out "mercy" the word, the way it did "friend". While Dalek/Clara saying "mercy" gave the Doctor pause (as I think it would regardless) the clincher was "I showed mercy" (I did not attack you) which is a very un-Dalek-like thing to say.


Had the Doctor not planted the "mercy seed" those Daleks might not have been able to beg River for their lives.


A bigger problem with the "language filter" idea is that it takes deceit and insincerity off the table. But I believe we've seen the Daleks use diplomacy and deceit in the past. I'm not the world's biggest Dalek expert however, so maybe there's some wiggle room there, or maybe there isn't. Threats, coercion, and driving a hard bargain would still be available, I guess. 


I suppose it could have been more explicit, but I thought it was pretty clear that Missy was saying the Daleks can't die of old age, they just get more and more feeble until presumably they can't drive a tank anymore and get chucked in the sewer. Eliminating the "flaw" of death by natural causes while not having a solution for aging and having the result be incredibly cruel seems very Davros to me. Also, it's reminiscent of the myth of Tithonus.

How was Eleven able to communicate so effectively with Oswin Oswald when she had been converted to a Dalek?  Did that happen before there was a language filter?


My big question - why did not Dalek Caan see this coming (hee, hee, hee!)

Guys... this is a TV show about a guy in a blue box traveling through time, just because something happens in an episode, someone says something, doesn't mean it is retcon... for all we know it may have happened to a future doctor.

I always take everything said on this show with a bowl of salt and just assume that just because it didn't happen on the show to any of the previous doctors doesn't mean it wont happen to a future doctor.


As 10 said: it's all "A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff".

Edited by foreverevolving
  • Love 3

I love Pete Capaldi so it pains me to say that I am not enjoying his Doctor very much.  I don't mind that he is older.  I just don't feel that he has fully developed the character which I put down to the way he is written which has been all over the place.   I enjoyed this episode more than last week but that is mostly because of Missy.  Yes, she is over-the-top campy but no more so than the John Simm verson of the Master.  The Doctor/Davros scenes were good but I feel we have seen the same sort of moral dilemma scenes with Davros and other doctors. 


The stories for twelve are just not clean.  There is just too much extraneous stuff such as side trips to medieval Essex, tanks, guitars and sunglasses.  The whole impossible girl stuff and different versions of histories that never happened is messing with my understanding of continuity.

Edited by Autumn
  • Love 5

Guys... this is a TV show about a guy in a blue box traveling through time, just because something happens in an episode, someone says something, doesn't mean it is retcon... for all we know it may have happened to a future doctor.

I always take everything said on this show with a bowl of salt and just assume that just because it didn't happen on the show to any of the previous doctors doesn't mean it wont happen to a future doctor.


As 10 said: it's all "A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff".



There is "wibbly wobbly timey wimey...stuff" that's setup really well and uses previous canon to make it work. I can't say that it works here. MMV

  • Love 1

I have zero idea of what is actually going on but that's always the case with me and Dr Who - 


But I do like Missy and love how she's dressed a bit like Mary Poppins


I don't expect anything to make sense to me as it never had - for me, it's just some specific moments and the overall general "story" - 


I don't have a favorite doctor but I do like PC well enough; the one I really didn't like was Matt Smith 

  • Love 1

The glasses. Christ, the glasses.

Why didn't they just give him a skateboard while they were at it?

The fez, suspenders, and bowtie were nice.

The sneakers and trenchcoat were nice.

The leather jacket was nice.

The 4th Doctor's entire ensemble was nice.

The Doctor with those damn shades makes him look a grandpa trying to be hip. It's frustrating and sad.

I hope the sonic returns too but have no problem with him in sunglasses. Grandpa's do wear shades and many grandpa's are certainly "hip".

  • Love 2

Considering that neither the Doctor nor Missy had every been to Skaro before, how did both of them know about the sewer/graveyard ?  And that the Daleks in the sewer/graveyard would re-animate from the regeneration energy and take their revenge on the rest of the Daleks -- did that include the Daleks that were flying at the time (because there were plenty of them) ?  It all just made no sense.


And a double-does of Hell, No !! to the sonic sunglasses.


They've both been to Skaro before. 

I look at it this way: each new Doctor tends to be the other side of a characteristic of the previous one - Two was clownish and disheveled because One was a grumpy, put together old man.  Three was more stylish and such because of Two.  Four was more bohemian and anti-authority because of Three, and so on.  So, as Smith's Doctor often seemed to be an old man in a young man's body, Capaldi's Doctor seems to be a young man in an old man's body. 


I liked this episode.  Although I'm skeptical of how good a teacher Clara is, if she knows Dalek systems work by thought, but still has to be told to think "open" in order to open the Dalek casing. 


Something that's just my opinion, but that occurred to me while watching this two-parter: this Doctor may be the first one that works better without a companion.  Twelve just seems to be more alive, more engaged, or whatever in what's going on when he doesn't have a companion weighing him down.  Of course, the only one he's had since he renegerated is Clara, so maybe it's just her.  But I like Twelve more when he's just doing his thing and not having to stop and deal with companion issues.  He just seems more Doctor-like when he's on his own.  The only other Doctor I remember that was like that was McGann's (he seemed to be doing fine on his own in the minisode where he regenerates).


One humorous thought I had while watching - did the Doctor just take off and leave Clara standing there at the end, when he went to save Davros?  She didn't seem like she was in any hurry to follow him.  It would be funny if he would be doing something at the beginning of the next episode, and suddenly said something like "Oh, crap!  Clara's still standing there on Skaro, waiting for me!"


I would laugh at that.

  • Love 3

How was Eleven able to communicate so effectively with Oswin Oswald when she had been converted to a Dalek?  Did that happen before there was a language filter?


ETA: In a practical sense yes, obviously, since the language filter is new. :-) /ETA


Well, Oswin was a thoroughly broken Dalek, who had managed to overcome many aspects of Dalek programming, so there's a little wiggle room there. 


I'm not a big fan of the language filter idea, so it's not a hill I want to fanwank on. I'm just saying I think the specific examples people raised are not fatal to the idea. But if it doesn't work for you, because of those examples or something else, fair enough. 


ETA: OK, I said I wouldn't fanwank, but here I go. Feel free to skip this part.

And to be a little more precise, I'm not sure the hardware was designed to "change" friend to enemy as much as it didn't "understand" friend and chose the only comparable word in the basic Dalek dictionary. It's not really designed, according to this episode to be used by non-Daleks and express non-Dalek concepts by default. Perhaps over time it can "adapt" to additional concepts (it seems like it would have to be able to learn new words in some way). Perhaps a non-novice could add "words", even very non-Dalek ones, given enough time or skill. The Dalek in "Into the Dalek" was able to use "beauty" for example. And Oswin, was, as you said, able to talk pretty well. But Clara in this situation needed a word that would be available to Daleks by default because she barely knew what she was doing. So, if Davros thinks "mercy" is an important word to know, knowledge of it goes into every Dalek and into the Dalek speech processor dictionary. /ETA

Edited by Latverian Diplomat

Well, Oswin was a thoroughly broken Dalek, who had managed to overcome many aspects of Dalek programming, so there's a little wiggle room there. 


I'm not a big fan of the language filter idea, so it's not a hill I want to fanwank on. I'm just saying I think the specific examples people raised are not fatal to the idea. But if it doesn't work for you, because of those examples or something else, fair enough. 


Also Oswald was a converted human who was turned into a Dalek as opposed to pure Dalek.


As for the vocabulary filter I fanwank that Missy set it on the most restricted setting.  What she didn't know or think of was that mercy was a core concept in the Daleks vocab.

  • Love 2

There was no suspense in this episode whatsoever. The scene where Davros cried was beyond cringe worthy. Clara's actions were beyond stupid. Here's a hole in the ground, Clara. Missy wants you to look in it. Make sure you get right up close to the edge. Here's something on the wall, Clara. Missy wants you to take a close look at it. Clara goes from supposedly being so brilliant as to be in demand by both Unit and Missy. And then those things happen. Maybe all the teleporting affected her brain. No, actually the writing is just bad. And the Doctor's over the top emotions were pretty lame as well.


Even worse than the sunglasses being sonic?  He wore them INSIDE.


Last season had its ups and downs but overall was entertaining. This season's first two-parter is something I never need to see again. Please show, stop trying so hard and give us back some fun.

Edited by LordBowen
  • Love 2

As for the vocabulary filter I fanwank that Missy set it on the most restricted setting.  What she didn't know or think of was that mercy was a core concept in the Daleks vocab.

MDC, I added a similar theory to my post before I saw your reply. I didn't just swipe it from you, though if I had I would probably have expressed my variation of the idea as succinctly as you did. :-)

The original Clara dalek was a time stream Clara. She had a connection with the Doctor so communication & understanding between the two could be explained. I think while the whole time stream thing is wibbily wobbly timey wimey some of the differencs between the two Clalek's can be said caused from that. Plus she was fighting a year inside that thing. She was messing with the tech. The too issues combined.

The nature of the episode was The Doctor didn't cause Davros. He's a wicked person who thinks everyone besides his own are the enemy. There is no friends if they aren't your kind and/or your creation. So that's a little bit if bait&switch. Though it was a obvious one.

The season has the doctor trying to find his thing. Last week with the guitar and this week with the sonic glasses. I think people are feeling the uncertainty The Doctor has with himself still.

  • Love 2


The season has the doctor trying to find his thing. Last week with the guitar and this week with the sonic glasses. I think people are feeling the uncertainty The Doctor has with himself still.

Yeah, but it's been a whole season; how much longer is this going to go on? What's next? Will he buy a sports car and try to pick up college girls on spring break? I just don't have any interest in watching the Doctor go through a mid life crisis.

  • Love 1


Even worse than the sunglasses being sonic?  He wore them INSIDE.


Maybe he had a regeneration energy hangover.


On the conversation of Capaldi doing young badly and Smith doing old well, I don't think it's about the actors themselves and rather the material they are given. I mean, how was Capaldi meant to make the stupid tank look good? I like his clothing which would, technically, be considered young. I think they can do good things with Capaldi but making him play guitar on a tank and wear 'sonic sunglasses' isn't that.

This may seem shallow but I think it would have made a big difference...shoulda had Capaldi dye his hair. He's 57 but looks like he could be 65, that's what makes all the attempts at youthfulness seem so forced. Here's Capaldi just a couple years ago:




That's the "older" Doctor which would have worked and maybe not been so forced.

The fez, suspenders, and bowtie were nice.


The sneakers and trenchcoat were nice.


The leather jacket was nice.


The 4th Doctor's entire ensemble was nice.


I've been against the sunglasses, but after reading this post I realize the 12th Doctor has nothing distinguishing about his wardrobe.  I think I don't really mind the sunglasses, I just don't want them to be sonic.  He needs something to set him apart.  So far his personality has been kind of bland, too.  It pains me to say it, but I'm beginning to think he was not the best choice for the next Doctor.


What I'd really like is for Moffat to move on, though.  Let him keep all his brilliance for Sherlock and bring in someone who can write a coherent plot.

  • Love 2

I get the feeling that The Grand Moff went, "People don't like the Sonic Screwdriver? I know - I'll make it the Sonic Glasses!" OK, they may be "cooler" (a subject I'm definitely ill judged to rule on!) but for me the problem is its use as a Sonic Magic Wand - a deus ex machina to solve any problem, not that it was a screwdriver.


What's most odd about the sonic screwdriver is that I distinctly recall an interview with RTD during Nine's early days, when he addressed that he didn't want to overuse the sonic screwdriver, since it's universal toolishness was often used as a cheap escape from plot. And yet, even from Nine onwards, it nevertheless has been used in just such a fashion.

Nine, Ten and Eleven seemed to dress pretty low-key. Nine just had the leather jacket he wore everywhere. The Classic Who outfits were crazy.


I'm not going to tune in and drop out while watching Doctor Who. The reason they brought back "Doctor Who" was to trade on the history of the show. Continuity is possibly more important because of the time travel in the show. This whole Butterfly Effect crap that happens every other episode was actually pretty rare in the original. It's also a good reason why they keep the Time Lords out of the picture. I remember when Nine said in "Father's Day" that his people would fix time loops before the entire planet was destroyed.


There has to be a place between the "important" stories and the stupid ones. That's what I'd like to see.

  • Love 2

Considering that neither the Doctor nor Missy had every been to Skaro before, how did both of them know about the sewer/graveyard ?

Small correction- in Asylum of the Daleks initially the Doctor does go to Skaro to meet the fake mom.  Pretty sure he did not detour through the sewers though.

The Doctor has been to Skaro on multiple occasions, starting way back in December 1963 when he encountered the Daleks for the very first time - on Skaro. And you know what? On the many occasions we've visited Skaro before, there have never been sewers full of defunct Daleks. There've been plenty of tunnel systems to romp around in, but they haven't been Dalek sewers/graveyards.


Of course, since then Skaro has been obliterated and brought back, somehow, and the Daleks themselves have changed a great deal, so you could argue that the sewer/graveyard concept is new to them.

Something that's just my opinion, but that occurred to me while watching this two-parter: this Doctor may be the first one that works better without a companion.  Twelve just seems to be more alive, more engaged, or whatever in what's going on when he doesn't have a companion weighing him down. 

To be honest, I think a lot of that is because we so rarely get to see him and Clara just hanging out having fun - every damn episode seems hell-bent on bringing the relationship to a place of extreme angst so that they can cry about how much they love each other, in case the audience might not realise that they have an emotional bond, or might get fooled into thinking that Clara is just another companion rather than the bee's knees. I'd feel it more if they tried to sell it less. Sometimes less is more, Mr Moffat - you are trying too hard.

Edited by Llywela
  • Love 2

Maybe it's my pessimistic nature, but I don't see much mercy in saving someone just so that they can later get horribly mutilated, destroy their own people and then see his own creations destroyed in turn and then drown in rotting slime. Of course, I assume that the Doctor did it not out of compassion, but because he realized that the situation had to be manipulated this way to get this end result. I see no reason to assume that child Davros wouldn't have escaped otherwise, maybe he just got lucky. Clearly the end result its that he's alive, the question is just how he got away.

However, you'd think Davros himself wouldn't be very impressed by this gesture.


I do wonder how on Earth was Davros connected to the slime. Why the tubes, if Daleks didn't need the tubes to be stuck into them for connection? And why the whole dragged out thing anyway, when Doctor could just grab the tubes in the beginning with same result. And he did commit genocide in the end, or tried to, anyway, because I am sure he knows by now that genociding certain species never sticks, so you might as well have fun with it.


Why couldn't the Daleks fly away from the slime is another question. It all seems less "We're about to die" and more "We have serious cleaning problem".

Edited by Cruella
  • Love 1

Better than the first part with so many classic moments.


Loved the Clara and Missy team up and Missy's various attempts to get the former killed too.


Davros put on a performance but I was relieved when his true plan was revealed. Capaldi and Bleach played off each other brilliantly.


Clara won't make it out of this series alive I bet.


Sonic sunglasses, little naff but overall an incredible episode, 9/10.


The Doctor with those damn shades makes him look a grandpa trying to be hip.


This could have worked for me, and the reference to "wearable technology" was a nice try, but for me it came up as trying too hard.  The Sonic Screwdriver is not only iconic, but it was often used as a MINOR plot point for comic effect/easy writing.  I liked it when it happened, because it was funny, but it didn't stay with me.  It works better as a one joke bit.


I liked that it was a callback to the previous episode with the guitar, but other than that it was too much of a (probably unintentional) reference to the final episode of "Batman:  The Brave and the Bold", where they pulled out every cliche about audience-pandering and shredded the fourth wall to a pulp…and did it well.

Edited by marketdoctor
  • Love 2

Why couldn't the Daleks fly away from the slime is another question. It all seems less "We're about to die" and more "We have serious cleaning problem".


Also how did the Dalek Slime destroy or infiltrate the Dalek shells, if they are supposed to protect the squishy insides from atmospheric conditions on other planets? I guess starting a Dalek Civil War sort of avoids the Doctor being directly responsible. Of course it's completely stupid that mobile tanked Daleks are completely overwhelmed by Dalek Slime. Also the Dalek Slime attacked everyone but the main characters... I'm so sick of the Contrivance. Literally everyone around Clara was being slimed to death somehow and she just wandered away in a tank shell.

  • Love 1

Also how did the Dalek Slime destroy or infiltrate the Dalek shells, if they are supposed to protect the squishy insides from atmospheric conditions on other planets? I guess starting a Dalek Civil War sort of avoids the Doctor being directly responsible. Of course it's completely stupid that mobile tanked Daleks are completely overwhelmed by Dalek Slime. Also the Dalek Slime attacked everyone but the main characters... I'm so sick of the Contrivance. Literally everyone around Clara was being slimed to death somehow and she just wandered away in a tank shell.

Reason no. 497 why it's time to give the Daleks a long-overdue rest and start developing other plot devices. 

This may seem shallow but I think it would have made a big difference...shoulda had Capaldi dye his hair. He's 57 but looks like he could be 65, that's what makes all the attempts at youthfulness seem so forced. Here's Capaldi just a couple years ago:




That's the "older" Doctor which would have worked and maybe not been so forced.


I don't think he needed to dye his hair.  He's 57 but does look like an older Doctor (not in a bad way).  William Hartnell was 55 when he became the First Doctor but legitimately looked and moved like a 70-year-old man.


The efforts to make the 12th Doctor look "cool" with the guitar and the stupid sonic sunglasses have been embarrassing though.  The character of the Doctor has always been cool in his own way.

  • Love 1


The Dalecks knew the word "Mercy". They plead for mercy to River.

But, that was right before the Doctor used the TARDIS to rebuild the entire universe. It's plausible that a few things could be different afterwards.


I didn't like the SFX for the TARDIS coming back. Back in Father's Day, we saw the main part of the  TARDIS disconnected from the police box (which is all the Daleks would have destroyed) and create a new one just like it always rematerializes.


Just a thought about Missy's "little girl" comment - has anything ever been said to exclude the possibility that male Time Lords are born female, or are considered female until puberty? Missy and the Doctor could have gone to preschool together as little girls/"girls".

The efforts to make the 12th Doctor look "cool" with the guitar and the stupid sonic sunglasses have been embarrassing though.  The character of the Doctor has always been cool in his own way.

I agree the things we've seen for 12 to make him look "cool" have been forced and not very effective.  All the previous Doctors have been cool in their own way with just their personalities (although it doesn't hurt that they've had distinguishing wardrobes).  For some reason, this Doctor has not been written coherently and therefore seems to have no distinct personality, at least it seems that way to me.  Capaldi needs something more than just being Capaldi, because that's all I see when I watch him. 

  • Love 3

I've been against the sunglasses, but after reading this post I realize the 12th Doctor has nothing distinguishing about his wardrobe.  I think I don't really mind the sunglasses, I just don't want them to be sonic.  He needs something to set him apart.  So far his personality has been kind of bland, too.  It pains me to say it, but I'm beginning to think he was not the best choice for the next Doctor.


What I'd really like is for Moffat to move on, though.  Let him keep all his brilliance for Sherlock and bring in someone who can write a coherent plot.


I think Capaldi has been a great representative for Doctor Who.  He loves the show and its history, he's a fan and he gets along great with the fans.  But as for the 12th Doctor himself, the jury is still out for me.


The Titan 12th Doctor comic series seems to have a more consistent portrayel of him and Clara.


About his wardrobe, I agree.  There seems to be a real struggle to come up with a defining look for this Doctor so we've seen his wardrobe change constantly

Edited by benteen
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Could someone who remembers please tell me what the deal is with The Master. I haven't watched the new episodes enough to really get what is going on with him.

I remember him as more of a body snatcher. He snatched Nissa's father. I have no recollection of anything that happened during 5's years. After 5, PBS stopped showing Doctor Who so I never saw 6 or 7. In 8's movie, he snatched Eric Robert's body. He didn't show up again until 10 where he was hiding as Derek Jacobi. I never re-watched that episode. Did The Master get regeneration powers again somewhere down the line?  Are we sure that Missy is a regeneration and not just a body he snatched?

So wait the sunglasses are actually .... a thing? like. Sonic Sunglasses? 

Steven Moffat seriously wants me to go to Wales and smack him. 


Clara-Dalek was interesting.
Missy. No thank you. Clara. No thank you. the Davros thing was interesting. I think that was sort of calling back to 10 trying to make the new Human-Dalek Race. (which failed. so why are you making a Time-Lord/Dalek race? JUST. STOP. MOFFAT). 


I wish that he would stop trying to answer un-answerable questions. I don't give a crap what the Doctor's name is. that's not the point. I don't care why he runs (and hard) away from Gallifrey. That's not the point, it's that he did. Stop making such stupid reasons to make it why he left. (and quite frankly, running away because he could be part of some Time Lord Dalek Gene Code pisses me the hell off). Just stop. it. Moffat.


Still don't have a read on Twelve. 

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"Did The Master get regeneration powers again somewhere down the line? Are we sure that Missy is a regeneration and not just a body he snatched?"

He definitely regenerated in the same way as the Doctor to go from Jacobi to Simm. As he began body-snatching in the first place as a result of having no more regenerations left, the implication would seem to be that he was given a fresh regeneration cycle (as offered to him once, and later given to Matt Smith's Doctor), so she no longer needs to steal bodies.

Edited by James Moar
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The cliffhangers from campy 1960s Batman episodes had more sophisticated and interesting resolutions than Moffat's rinse and repeat D ex M signature style. 


That's what I thought when The Doctor told Missy to run and she had that brilliant idea.  First off, why did The Doctor have Missy leave on her own?  He's always trying to save The Master, not send him/her to his/her death.   Plus - Batman reference - the Penguin or Joker et al always had Batman and Robin hanging over a vat of acid or pit of vipers and then they'd leave before the Dynamic Duo died.  And every time, they escaped.  Note to The Doctor:  if you want to keep Missy out of trouble, keep her with you.  Don't send her off to run amok amid panicked daleks.  Hilarity will not ensue.

So wait the sunglasses are actually .... a thing? like. Sonic Sunglasses? 

Steven Moffat seriously wants me to go to Wales and smack him. 


Clara-Dalek was interesting.

Missy. No thank you. Clara. No thank you. the Davros thing was interesting. I think that was sort of calling back to 10 trying to make the new Human-Dalek Race. (which failed. so why are you making a Time-Lord/Dalek race? JUST. STOP. MOFFAT). 


I wish that he would stop trying to answer un-answerable questions. I don't give a crap what the Doctor's name is. that's not the point. I don't care why he runs (and hard) away from Gallifrey. That's not the point, it's that he did. Stop making such stupid reasons to make it why he left. (and quite frankly, running away because he could be part of some Time Lord Dalek Gene Code pisses me the hell off). Just stop. it. Moffat.


Still don't have a read on Twelve. 


While there are some questions about his past I'd love to know more about (like the wife he never mentions), I appreciate just how vague they've kept his past.  I don't want to know why he left Gallifrey and I have a feeling Moffat's answer will be arrogant, infuriating and disappointing.  I like that an air of mystery still surrounds him.


I also thought the idea that his true name was some gigantic mystery was ridiculous.  Why?  Why is his name with thousands of Time Lords probably knew (including the Master) important?

Edited by benteen


So for you folks who havent seen Genesis of the Daleks in fact the Doctor has been to Skaro and has already dealt with the entire moral dilemma of potentially snuffing all Daleks out of existence.

I agree- many times.  And he actually did snuff them out during his Doctor/Donna crisis.  And, YMMV, but I enjoyed 10 being given that storyline because his doctor would actually agonize over moral decisions like that.  Part of the problem here is that- as many have said, quite wonderfully, 12 is not really defined.  I adore Capaldi and after last season I thought he had the potential to be the best doctor ever, but he's got to figure out who he is.  I don't mind regular sunglasses and I actually loved the guitar and the tank because he can be a little rocker, but stick with something and develop it.  I would love it if they pursued the seeds of "and on very good days I am the Doctor" because I think he can pull that off but PLEASE, show don't tell.

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While there are some questions about his past I'd love to know more about (like the wife he never mentions), I appreciate just how vague they've kept his past.  I don't want to know why he left Gallifrey and I have a feeling Moffat's answer will be arrogant, infuriating and disappointing.  I like that an air of mystery still surrounds him.


I also thought the idea that his true name was some gigantic mystery was ridiculous.  Why?  Why is his name with thousands of Time Lords probably knew (including the Master) important?



Yes! I was actually telling my friend - wouldn't it be an amazing story, if the big bad, or someone who was trying to shut the doctor down was his wife? Why"? Maybe as eleven said - He was too Loud, too Big, too dangerous, a threat to Gallifraians, something anything. that would be something to know.

The name thing - I don't know and that was my question. people know but now he's just the Doctor. making it "a thing" makes no sense to me. Moffat makes me so angry. I'm trying not to take this out on Capaldi though. it's not his fault, and I do like him. I just don't get Twelve yet. 

Well ... count me in as one who really enjoyed it.


Both my daughter and I breathed a sigh of relief when we saw that the the whole thing was a trick because quite frankly, the Doctor and Davros can't be close friends, that just does not compute.


Did anyone else find a deja vu moment with "intruder alert" from a video arcade game "berserk"???  The humanoid must not escape?  Ok, maybe it was just me.  I laughed my butt off when I heard it though.


I loved Missy and Clara ... seriously, I could watch them spar better than watching the Doctor and Missy spar.


The whole bit with Clara being a Dalek ... I kept asking my daughter, what is this, is this full circle to when we were introduced to Clara in the first place?  I actually asked her ... what are the chances of Moffat trying to go do an arc that lasted 2.5 years?  Nah ... not gonna happen.


However, all in all, I was thoroughly entertained.


One thing ... the sound mix is HORRIBLE ... I have CC so I could follow, however, I couldn't hear half the speaking parts, that has to stop.


ETA ... The jury is out on the whole Sonic Sunglasses thing ... not crazy about that little addition.

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