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Why did Kourtney need another baby shower? This is her 3rd child, and second daughter. KUWTHK must be in desperate need of story lines. There's no reason to be greedy. I hope they donated the presents to charity.

I personally don't think it's greedy. Her loved ones want to celebrate the upcoming baby. The size of your bank account shouldn't dictate the number of baby showers/ celebrations for your children. No matter if its one or 5.

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Its also entirely possible she isnt getting gifts from everyone at these showers.  Sometimes you just want to celebrate another pregnancy with your loved ones.  I went to a shower once for a co-worker who was on her 3rd pregnancy and while it was supposed to be a surprise she found out about it 2 weeks before the shower and she let it be known she didnt want or need gifts..she just wanted to have a nice time. I bet this IHOP baby shower wont even be featured on KUWTK because its too laid back for them and probably was drama free. ITA that Kim would have never been caught dead there in PJ's and no makeup.

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Yes, but then the gravy train would end and he'd have to get a real job. Highly doubt that anyone will continue to pay Lord Disick for appearances if he loses the Kardashian stench.

(In fairness, I do think his affection for his children is quite real and one of the most endearing parts of this series, so I just can't bring myself to hate him. Hell, I'd probably even warm up to Kanye of similar footage existed of him with North.)

Edited by Stella MD
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Yes, but then the gravy train would end and he'd have to get a real job. Highly doubt that anyone will continue to pay Lord Disick for appearances if he loses the Kardashian stench.

(In fairness, I do think his affection for his children is quite real and one of the most endearing parts of this series, so I just can't bring myself to hate him. Hell, I'd probably even warm up to Kanye of similar footage existed of him with North.)

It's 100% apparent that Scott genuinely loves those kids to the moon and back and vice versa. I really, really hope that he will find true happiness in recovery so he can be a terrific dad.

I've heard that she's having another girl

From the looks of the cake, she having a boy.

My issue with Kourtney is that she allows Scott to be in the home with the kids.  Alcoholics can't see it, but when they are not sober, they damage kids' minds. , It includes, being loud, obnoxious, destroying property, becoming violent, being irresponsible, passing out, ruining holidays, and the list goes on.  Scott does all of these things by his own admission. And like Kourtney said, there was plenty of it, BEFORE Scott's parents died.   If Kourney won't put him out until he has some sobriety under his belt, then she's to blame too.  She needs to go listen to a goup of Adult Children of Alcoholics speak and see what they have to say.  It ain't pretty.  If you really love your kids, staying sober is the best sway to show it, not just talking about it and acting like a kid yourself.  

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Just when you thought this family couldn't be any more fucked up, here's a gem from that article:


"I had done a nude shoot when I was pregnant with Mason, really last minute just for myself, and I love it. The photo is hanging in the entry of my mom's house. It actually used to be in her bedroom next to her bed but Bruce would always make a comment about having it in his room."


So not only do they hang nude pictures of themselves on their walls, they thought it was more appropriate to move it from the bedroom because Bruce couldn't stop noticing it to the fucking entryway? How screwed up are these freaks?

  • Love 7

Yesterday morning the entertainment part of my local news showed Kourtney's latest pictures and the exchange between the 2 anchors went something like this:


Male: Another Kardashian is in the news because of a photoshoot

Female: (as they flash one of the pics on the screen) I actually think though, unlike Kim's filthy pictures these pictures are lovely

Male: Yes but can this family go one month without doing anything that doesnt involve nudity or controversy?

Female: Well, what else do they have going for them?


Yep that pretty much sums it up.

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Kourtney and Scott have been together for 8 years I think they deserve credit for that. The fact in Hollywood in general that they have a 5 year old and a newborn by the same relationship is special. They've already lasted longer than most Hollywood marriages.


Poor Mason, he didn't want a brother to begin with then he gets one on his own birthday. 

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Kourtney and Scott have been together for 8 years I think they deserve credit for that. The fact in Hollywood in general that they have a 5 year old and a newborn by the same relationship is special. They've already lasted longer than most Hollywood marriages.


I do agree with this, though I wouldn't put them in the same category as Hollywood marriages such as Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, which (no matter what you think of them) have a whole level of scrutiny that most people can't even fathom. But I do think it's kind of telling that after watching marital train wrecks up close and personal, Kourtney seems to be avoiding that trap like the plague. I think that's more noteworthy than the kids out of wedlock portion.

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Kourtney and Scott have been together for 8 years I think they deserve credit for that. The fact in Hollywood in general that they have a 5 year old and a newborn by the same relationship is special. They've already lasted longer than most Hollywood marriages.

Poor Mason, he didn't want a brother to begin with then he gets one on his own birthday.

And Scott still hasn't change. 8 years and three kids and Kourtney still doesn't see the light. I really think she and he has issues.

I think she's the prettiest out of the older girls, but her affect is so flat and emotionless. Her and Kim have zero personality.

There are moments when I think she is very pretty, mostly when her guard is down and she and Scott are getting along. Or more often when she's interacting with her children. I do think that is when she is happiest, as a mom. Out of all the K girls I believe Kourtney could be content without the show, or the glamorous life. If she could go back to just the DASH store, it would be enough, (including her life as a mom/Scott's partner). The money is great I'm sure, but I think she would be happier with a lot less.

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Reign is so incredibly pretentious and sounds very nouveau-riche. Not to mention, Lil Kim named her daughter Royal Reign. Tacky,tacky,tacky.

Everything about it smacks of Scott picking the name this time around. I expect nothing less from a guy who's Instagram is filled with pictures of his luxurious life filled with wads of cash, expensive watches and numerous cars and who refers to himself as Lord Disick (what started as a joke has not ended and has become a complete douchebag moniker that he is taking way too seriously)

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I think that there is something seriously wrong with Kourtney. OK, maybe that's harsh. After all, I really don't think that there is anything "wrong" with people who have Asperger's or are on the spectrum. But I think that she is on the spectrum. Her affect is so dramatically flat, and her voice is so monotone it goes beyond learned behavior from living with a histrionic mother. She has so little investment in any relationships. I find watching her to be sooo off-putting because it's kind of like the elephant in the room that no one addresses. Every now and then Scott will say something about her lack of emotion towards him, but he fails to realize that it's not just towards him, it's with everyone. Watching the rare occasion where she labels an emotion that she has or that someone else has is chilling. The girl does not flinch and could be talking about the weather when she says things like; "Scott was so sad that his dad died. I feel so bad for him." I find Kim to be very emotionless, but her flat affect does seem to be a way of keeping us and the cameras at a distance as anyone would if their whole life were filmed. Kylie and Kendall are no drama queens either, but they seem to have some glimmer of life in their eyes. I just had to get this off my chest. Any K season that relies heavily on Kourtney- such as the Hamptons episodes- is both compelling and repellant to me. I keep watching her waiting for her to crack and show some sort of emotion. She. Never. Does.

Edited by Sowkkat
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