Galloway Cave September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 The official divorce of Kody and Meri brings about new questions; taking a look at the most dramatic and shocking moments. Link to comment
MarysWetBar September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 (edited) I'm starting to think Meri agreed to the divorce for a bump of facetime on the damn show! Holy crap,we are an hour in and i feel like i have been staring at her gunky eyes for a year! Edited September 14, 2015 by MarysWetBar 11 Link to comment
Meowwww September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Janelle is all apologetic, kissing Meri's butt. Meri is the one who has to be able to trust Janelle again. Huh? Everything we have heard and read states that Meri was the offender... 8 Link to comment
algebra September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 (edited) Hah! Robyn's comment that if Kody passes it will be up to her to make sure everybody is taken care of. Wonderful. She will be the executrix of his estate. She gets control of EVERYTHING if he dies. If she divorces him she gets half of everything he owns. Ok now I know why Meri is crying, Edited September 14, 2015 by algebra 14 Link to comment
Kiss my mutt September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 I thought janelle looked good. Her skin was like porcelain and seemed like it was tighter. 7 Link to comment
MarysWetBar September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 (edited) I thought janelle looked good. Her skin was like porcelain and seemed like it was tighter.Meri is the biggest wife at this point. Janelle is very short and carries her weight differently but Meri has blown up like a balloon! And saw on the preview for the season she says she has LOST thirty pounds?!? No way.There sure were plenty of FUinternet moments hey? Edited September 14, 2015 by MarysWetBar 4 Link to comment
For Cereals September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 For once, I actually agree with Kodouche, that they should get married quietly at court or something and then celebrate the adoption as a family. Why does Merri need an office? 13 Link to comment
crgirl412 September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 The divorce of Meri and Kody and the marriage of Kody and Robyn will be much more benign and altruistic than was portrayed in the tabloids. I'm looking forward to this season. 1 Link to comment
Micks Picks September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Kody: :Oh if there is no show and the jewelry business and the other deals fail, we can all always just go get jooobs." Really Kody how defeatist of you. A certain Christian fundy family never considers that as part of an equation. Or at least they haven't, YET. 3 Link to comment
JocelynCavanaugh September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Is it just me or is there a 5-minute commercial break every five minutes? This could easily have been an hour long with all the ads and repetition. 10 Link to comment
Galloway Cave September 14, 2015 Author Share September 14, 2015 I'm only going to comment on the first hour, since I don't give a crap about a rehash of previous tell-nothings. First of all, it wasn't just four weeks between the divorce final and the marriage, it was two and a half months. No way was Meri the only one to get the divorce email since both she and Kody filed together, Watching the whole divorce/marriage bad acting was tedious; those events happened months prior to filming, as we all know. If Meri lost thirty pounds, it was thirty pounds of mascara, not fat. She has also copped more of an attitude, if that is even possible. The whole adoption drama also looks ridiculous, including the "I can't breath" walk-off by Robyn. I wonder why Ronald the Bankruptcy/Divorce attorney is dealing with the adoption situation? 7 Link to comment
islandgal140 September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 How nice that Meri got dinner while Robyn got Hawaii. That seems fair. I knew where it would all land (Meri going to the wedding) but I so wanted Robyn to just get off Meri's back about it at the picnic table. Just go dance your jig of glee and STFU about how much this hurts you Robyn. For once, I actually agree with Kodouche, that they should get married quietly at court or something and then celebrate the adoption as a family. Yeah, but why do I have the feeling that this isn't what is going to happen? Somehow it will turn into a family re-affirmation/commitment/shit ain't changed (but really it has) celebration. Oh Meri, you don't know why Janelle wants to finally hash out the issues between you two? It might have something to do with all those cameras you are surrounded by. Hah! Robyn's comment that if Kody passes it will be up to her to make sure everybody is taken care of. Wonderful.She will be the executrix of his estate. She gets control of EVERYTHING if he dies.If she divorces him she gets half of everything he owns.Ok now I know why Meri is crying, Talked about screwed. Meri, Janelle and Christine should probably be deciding what kind of shopping cart they want to be pushing when Kody goes off to his planet. The all aluminum ones are of course classic and are the envy of your more discerning homeless but you have to worry about rusting and they are heavy to push and with the amount of clothing they will likely have to tow around given they dress in layers should make this a concern. I think they would be better off with plastic. Well the upside is that Kody will probably be so much in debt that Sobyn will just be grateful society did away with such a thing as debtor's prison centuries ago. Kody will likely hardly have an estate to administer. The whole adoption drama also looks ridiculous, including the "I can't breath" walk-off by Robyn. I wonder why Ronald the Bankruptcy/Divorce attorney is dealing with the adoption situation? I don't know about bankruptcy, but it maybe that Ronald is a family law attorney so him dealing with divorce/adoption would make sense. 12 Link to comment
MarysWetBar September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Tell All - RAW! Give me strength. I don't think i can with these grifters..not one more season. .they have regurgitated every episode. Plus the way they are jumping back and forth from season to season in the tell all One minute we see Christine with the hookerfalse eyelashes. .then boom to Kody with the Mr Majesto black eyebrows. 9 Link to comment
NJRach September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 This episode was insufferable. Robyn is in it for all she can get. Meri is fat, aging and bitter. I can't stand watching her with that weird, measured way of speaking, the bad make-up job and every sentence starting with the word "I." Christine and Janelle are so laid back and laugh with each other - they are the only reason I watch the show. 10 Link to comment
leighroda September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 I don't know the details of the janelle/ meri showdown, I've just heard it bemoaned repeatedly that "something" happened between them and that there clearly is tension with them, and I guess I understand that a lot hasn't been shown, such as meri attempting to reconcile and janelle refusing, but I just don't like that janelle is now trying to reconcile that and meri is basically making her beg. I admit I don't know a lot about the situation other than vague mentions, and I don't know janelles intentions as someone mentioned the camera is the motivating factor, I really don't know if that is true or not, but I feel like meri essentially perpetuated exactly why janelle had been hesitant to approach her, and it kinda bothers me that meri turned it around to make it on her terms. I guess I just feel like meri could have acknowledged that she had tried and turned down in the past without being so... I don't know the word I'm looking for... Condescending? Sorry I'm on my phone and I just realized it didn't capitalize the names... And I don't have the will in me to go back and correct them. 3 Link to comment
camom September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 For once, I actually agree with Kodouche, that they should get married quietly at court or something and then celebrate the adoption as a family. I agree, too, but it was one more "screw Meri" moment. Meri says she wants them to just go off and get married and she doesn't want to be part of it. Robyn and Kody pressure her to be part of it, and when she says she now wants to, Kody says "No way." No way are they going to admit on the show that Kody and Robyn went on a Hawaiian honeymoon. 6 Link to comment
islandgal140 September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 (edited) Meri is the biggest wife at this point. Janelle is very short and carries her weight differently but Meri has blown up like a balloon! And saw on the preview for the season she says she has LOST thirty pounds?!? No way. Is it terrible that when Meri said she lost 30 lbs I thought of that terrible old joke - if she looks behind her she will find them? Edited September 14, 2015 by islandgal140 8 Link to comment
Armchair Critic September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Was Meri playing on her phone while Janelle and her were talking? Considerate as always Meri. 3 Link to comment
Misslindsey September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 I kept staring at Meri's hair wishing she would get a keratin treatment or a deep conditioner. It looks so fried. Meri in her office cracked me up. Seriously Meri needs an office? Really? I had to laugh every time that they mentioned that the whole divorce/marriage was for the kids. I do not follow any of them on social media, but has the adoption happened yet? And do we know anything more on the kids' dad and giving up his rights? In the previews it said he was avoiding being served. I hate myself for agreeing with Kody that the marriage should just be him and Robyn, mainly because Meri and Robyn both wanted their kids there, but then Janelle and Christine (and their kids) were left out. Then again, it seemed as if Janelle and Christine were left out of the divorce discussion, which I thought should be a family discussion in the first place. 2 Link to comment
Adeejay September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 I find it interesting that when Meri was Kody's legal wife, Janelle didn't want anything to do with her, but the moment they got divorce, she wants to extend an olive branch. I think Meri realized the adoption story was a ruse and that she got played. The way Kody and Robyn sneaked into the office of the Justice of the Peace, it appeared as if they were about to commit a crime. Oh, wait. 9 Link to comment
4leafclover September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 How many times did they play the scene with Meri telling Robyn and Kody that she went to see a lawyer about a "legal divorce?" I feel like I watched it at least 12 times. And listening to Meri speak is just painful--her favorite words seem to be "like" and "weird." As when she said (repeatedly)"Like, this whole thing is just, weird." It seemed as if she said that in every conversation. I also found it very interesting that they all went on and on about how divorce means "nothing" and Kody and Meri will always be married, in this world and the next.....that divorce is for "society" and not for them yet, they don't feel that way about Robyn's divorce from her ex? I think I need a break from this family.......................... 8 Link to comment
Armchair Critic September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 The other wives keep telling themselves that Kody and Robyn going to the Justice of the Peace was like a business meeting. You know the other 3 women are dying inside but are not going to admit it to the cameras. 5 Link to comment
Adeejay September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Years ago on TWOP, posters predicted that Kody would eventually divorce Meri and marry Robyn. I remember posting "never gonna happen" and over "Janelle's dead body." Guess I was wrong. 21 Link to comment
Zanne September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 For once, I actually agree with Kodouche, that they should get married quietly at court or something and then celebrate the adoption as a family. So much yes to this. When Meri kept talking about being part of The Team, I was thinking, "Oh, the team that obviously doesn't include Christine or Janelle? That, y'know, Sister Wives team you all keep blabbering about?" She is so desperate to remain relevant to Kody now that she's no longer #1 that she had to try to cram herself into this wedding somehow. It has to do with all the wives because they are all married to the same man, Meri and Robin. Quit trying to exclude the others! 4 Link to comment
LotusFlower September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 I had to laugh every time that they mentioned that the whole divorce/marriage was for the kids. I do not follow any of them on social media, but has the adoption happened yet? And do we know anything more on the kids' dad and giving up his rights? In the previews it said he was avoiding being served. I'm curious about this too. When Meri was reading the divorce decree, it was dated Seot. 14, 2014, so that's exactly a year ago. A year ago! As for Robyn's kids' dad, we talked about this a lot at the end of last season, but he has to give up his parental rights for Kody to adopt his kids, so what court papers are they serving him with? Anyone know the scoop? 2 Link to comment
VioletNevermind September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 (edited) I'm mentally writing my more detailed post, but I just have to say it: Robyn is the devil. What a slippery, deceitful woman she is. How can anyone defend her actions? It's easy to feel sorry for Meri, Christine, and Janelle, but only to a certain point. They are utter fools, every one of them. We could have made a drinking game out of how many times this bunch of idiots justified their actions by talking about how much they loved each other and how the divorce/remarriage is just for the kids. Guys, who the hell are you trying to convince at this point? Oh, and Kody? No woman with an ounce of self-esteem wants a "pitcher" with you. Edited September 14, 2015 by SuzyLee 15 Link to comment
LotusFlower September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 I also found it very interesting that they all went on and on about how divorce means "nothing" and Kody and Meri will always be married, in this world and the next.....that divorce is for "society" and not for them yet, they don't feel that way about Robyn's divorce from her ex. Great point. I don't know if you guys watched the tell-all part, but at the end, they were asked if they would all be living together when the kids are all grown and out of the house, and they all said they didn't know, they're not sure where they will all be at that time in their lives... I'm thinking huh? I thought you're all married to each other for eternity? WTH?! What's with all this separate lives thinking? 8 Link to comment
SometimesBites September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Meri in her office cracked me up. Seriously Meri needs an office? Really? Well where is she supposed to search the internet for pithy saying to post to twitter? I had to laugh every time that they mentioned that the whole divorce/marriage was for the kids. I do not follow any of them on social media, but has the adoption happened yet? They can't adopt unless they can get David Jessop to relinquish his parental rights, and that hasn't happened. 7 Link to comment
VioletNevermind September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Well where is she supposed to search the internet for pithy saying to post to twitter? They can't adopt unless they can get David Jessop to relinquish his parental rights, and that hasn't happened. I find myself wondering as I watch this show what David Jessop must be thinking as he hears himself be insulted by this bunch of grifters. I wonder exactly how involved in his kids' lives he really is. I don't trust a thing Robyn says. 14 Link to comment
Popular Post SometimesBites September 14, 2015 Popular Post Share September 14, 2015 I'm mentally writing my more detailed post, but I just have to say it: Robyn is the devil. What a slippery, deceitful woman she is. How can anyone defend her actions? Oh, so much this. I absolutely despise Robyn and Kody for turning the private family matters regarding Dayton, Aurora, and Breanna into fodder for their teevee show. No matter how they may wish to re-write history, facts are facts: Robyn was married before--she was not a virgin, she was a divorced mother of THREE. Her children ALREADY HAVE A FATHER. He may be a shitty one, or he may have just gotten thrown under the wheels of the train ride to Krazy Town. Whatever. It's LOW AND CHEAP to televise such difficult and painful transition. They have NO SHAME. 30 Link to comment
Armchair Critic September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Robyn's girls are as pushy as she is. They keep talking over the other kids to say how awesome Kody is. Looks like Robyn has coached them well. 6 Link to comment
LilWharveyGal September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 I find myself wondering as I watch this show what David Jessop must be thinking as he hears himself be insulted by this bunch of grifters. I wonder exactly how involved in his kids' lives he really is. I don't trust a thing Robyn says. I have always been impressed with David Jessop taking the high road and not getting into a public muckraking match with these buffoons. (At least, that's what I've assumed of him - he could be a troll living under an internet-free bridge for all I know.) But this "storyline" is so tiresome that I'm really starting to wish that he'd come out and spill all the messy, Victoria's Secret wearing beans. 21 Link to comment
andromeda331 September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 But this "storyline" is so tiresome that I'm really starting to wish that he'd come out and spill all the messy, Victoria's Secret wearing beans. I'm impressed too by his silence I wanted this since her version of what happened to her virginity. If didn't say anything then its unlikely now. 1 Link to comment
Swedee September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 (edited) Kody's hair has always been bad but the sad pony tail he had when he and Robyn went to the justice of the peace was a new low. I kept staring at it, wondering how he could look in the mirror and think that he looked good? Edited September 14, 2015 by Swedee 9 Link to comment
RealityCowgirl September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Hah! Robyn's comment that if Kody passes it will be up to her to make sure everybody is taken care of. Wonderful. She will be the executrix of his estate. She gets control of EVERYTHING if he dies. If she divorces him she gets half of everything he owns. Ok now I know why Meri is crying, Damn those "laws of this land." ;) Legal marriages matter here on Earth, Meri. Earth. Where you and the rest of these idiots still live. Earth. Where you all will be filing your next round of bankruptcies. Thank your lucky stars when those "laws of this land" kick in again for you. 4 Link to comment
dorcastrilling September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Why did Robin have to sign the divorce filing papers? Link to comment
Spiderella2 September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Why did Robin have to sign the divorce filing papers? probably as a witness. The lawyer is the 2nd witness. 1 Link to comment
dorcastrilling September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 probably as a witness. The lawyer is the 2nd witness. Ah, thanks. Makes sense, should have realized that. Link to comment
Maharincess September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Talked about screwed. Meri, Janelle and Christine should probably be deciding what kind of shopping cart they want to be pushing when Kody goes off to his planet. The all aluminum ones are of course classic and are the envy of your more discerning homeless but you have to worry about rusting and they are heavy to push and with the amount of clothing they will likely have to tow around given they dress in layers should make this a concern. I think they would be better off with plastic. I don't know...the aluminum ones can be emptied, turned on their sides and used as a grill. Double duty. 16 Link to comment
methadonna September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Why did Robin have to sign the divorce filing papers?They said she was there as the witness.Which, even if there's not an actual Lawofthislans against having The Woman Whom One of the Legallybivorced-To-Be Will Be Legally Marrying in Two or Seven Days After The Legaldivorce is Finalized (the exact date is such a secret that my lazy ass can't be bothered with the five clicks my SuperSecretTellerGoogle might require I exert to find out) seve as the witness to said Legaldivorce, one would think that, even with the total combined IQ points of that TEAM barely equaling room temperature as measured in Fahrenheit , they'd still be smart enough, or at least--as history with these fuckturds has shown us -- paranoid enough, to realize that, for such shady dealings, especially as allegedly being done as part of painting the LEGALLY defined normative family illusion for the benefit of the pipe dream that is one man's adopting the children of another man who still has all of his parental rights, MAYBE YOU DONT WANNA ADD ANOTHER LAYER OF INTERTWINED INCESTUOSY-SISTERWIVEY WEIRDNESS WHEN THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO DO SO, Except, FEELINGS? Which, there aren't any, I thought, right? Because it's all about your kingdom for when you have, Hey, Better Luck Next [Life]time? (These lawsofthisland only matter when it comes down to laying claim/running around/taking--per Kody's own words--a proverbial piss on property and children ( like, not to be redundant, but...). FUCKING hypocrites. Don't think it is meaningful, or fair? Then don't use it. It's not a part of the governmental system in which you need to partake. I mean, if you disagree with the system of taxes or some idiocy, you still have to be a part of that system and can't just excuse yourself (well , I mean , I guess you COULD, but that's a pretty difficult life; certainly, one can't just maintain one's previous job-shop- engage-with-society life and do so)). But, marriage? Don't like how it fails to align with your beliefs re it? Kewl, don't partake in it as you fight to change it, rather than accepting the privilege you and joining for the bennies it DOES give you, even to the point where you're actually misusing it to get MORE bennies . (A I hate these people. Actually, I vote for them moving far into the woods and off the grid to eschew all tax-related parts of society, too. (To be clear, no, they've never suggested even a sliver of such a belief; I just liked the part that would have the in the woods and cut off from civilization :) . But, at least they wouldn't have to worry about these lawsofthisland, then, either. Also, anyone else got a Guthrie ear worm now? These lawsofthisland, They ain't for my man (Who's also my sistawife's man), (And another, and another wife's man) Except when we can use 'em, To our advantage: Hypocrisy? Applies to Monogs, not me! (We all know that that is one longass, unnecessarily bloated song, much like an episode/season of these doubletalking system-using grifter shitfucks, and, so, much like Meri's talking heads or Robin on the couch whenever* it comes to a topic about which she has the least experience, wisdom, knowledge, business, or reason to make a peep let alone a goddamned soliloquy, I could go on for many more verses, but I think you get 1) the idea and, ::mwah ha ha (that is my evil laugh, duh):: 2) enough to hopefully catch my ear worm and be stuck singing this fucker for the rest of the night, becoming my beloved company in my misery. ::mwah ha ha:: (doesn't sound evil? I'll have to ask Robin for pointers on how to show an evil that just comes from the depths of my soul. You'll know it's an evil laugh next time,then, promise). probably as a witness. The lawyer is the 2nd witness. Oops, sorry, I took too long to reply and forgot to re- check the thread before I posted; I missed that you had already gotten this in the interim! ETA Last quote/paragraph 3 Link to comment
kelm September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 I didn't watch... How did Christine act about the divorce nonsense? Is it possible that Janelle's seeming to try to make up with meri was sympathy, empathy, pity even? Maybe, the 3 of them will get together and out scheme Robyn. That's a plot line I'd watch! Robyn is a scheming bitch. 7 Link to comment
Xena September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Oh, so much this. I absolutely despise Robyn and Kody for turning the private family matters regarding Dayton, Aurora, and Breanna into fodder for their teevee show. No matter how they may wish to re-write history, facts are facts: Robyn was married before--she was not a virgin, she was a divorced mother of THREE. Her children ALREADY HAVE A FATHER. He may be a shitty one, or he may have just gotten thrown under the wheels of the train ride to Krazy Town. Whatever. It's LOW AND CHEAP to televise such difficult and painful transition. They have NO SHAME. During the 'previously on' or 'coming up on' scenes (so much is rehashed\repeated on this show it could have been either one), there is the scene where Kody asks Robin's kids if they want him to adopt them. Any reasonable, decent, caring, thoughtful parent would never EVER NEVER broach this subject with the children without having final paperwork in hand. Those poor kids will then be crushed. I hate the Brown parents. 7 Link to comment
Kohola3 September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Watched 2 minutes, was overcome by nausea, turned it off. Can't stand to watch or listen to any of them. Thanks to those who stuck it out so I can read your feedback. Sounds just as horrible as expected. 2 Link to comment
algebra September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 The tell-all crap was awful TV. They did the same thing with Breaking Amish, had the cast interviewed by a moron who couldn't stop asking really stupid questions. Do you do couponing? Let's talk about Kody's hair! I fast forwarded through the interviews with the kids. I have no idea whose kids are whose. Don't care, either. The producers need to realize the flashbacks of past season interviews weren't interesting the first time they were aired, so there was no need to replay them. This show just goes from bad to worse. The first three wives just get fatter, spend more time crying and going to therapists, and then expect the world to believe they are happy. I haven't cried since last October, when I learned my daughter had breast cancer. Before that I think the last time I cried was when we put our dog to sleep. I weigh 127 pounds and don't see a therapist. I am happy. Those women are not happy! 8 Link to comment
algebra September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 probably as a witness. The lawyer is the 2nd witness. Link to comment
algebra September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 I don't know, all you need is a notary. I don't think you need a second witness, do you? Robyn's presence at that appointment, the fact that Meri told Robyn it was final before they told Kody, together, that she even suggested the divorce to Kody with Robyn present certainly reinforced the theory that the whole scheme was Robyn's. Robyn was right there every step of the way, and Meri couldn't stop crying. I got to thinking about the houses, how Meri and Kody bought her house together, while the other three wives own their homes on their own. Robyn now has claim to half of Kody's interest in Meri's house, or 1/4 of the house. Is it the quarter of the house with the wet bar? Wouldn't that be a hoot, Robyn showing up at Meri's house with a contractor and ordering renovations to her 1/4 of the house. 3 Link to comment
Twopper September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Maybe, the 3 of them will get together and out scheme Robyn. That's a plot line I'd watch! That is the only plot I would watch. I don't watch this anymore. I can barely tolerate Janelle and Christine; I cannot stand Robyn and Kody, and I think Meri is an idiot for agreeing to this divorce. Had she divorced and left him, I would be happy for her, but I think she still loves him. She was the only legal spouse; when she gave that up she lost any leverage she had in the relationships. Just so dumb. She should've waited for Robyn's ex to give up his parental rights before even considering the divorce. Oh, I would watch another plot--when the houses are foreclosed and they all move into a 4 br, 3 bath ranch house. 8 Link to comment
applecrisp September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Watched 2 minutes, was overcome by nausea, turned it off. Can't stand to watch or listen to any of them. Thanks to those who stuck it out so I can read your feedback. Sounds just as horrible as expected. I came in the middle and had no desire to go back and watch. The sit down was a bore. They are so delusional. 1 Link to comment
algebra September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 I also wonder about these therapists who just validate all their delusions about how Kody loves them. It's plain to all the rest of us to see: he's a narcissist and the only person he's in love with is himself. I take a dim view of men who splinter off from established religions and start their own, appointing themselves as supreme head/high priest of their own church. That's what Henry VIII, David Koresh, Jim Jones, etc all did. I think Kody's friend Ken, suggesting he give up polygamy and return to their church is correct. Perhaps this is Robyn's plan, to be the only wife, and return to the LDS. 9 Link to comment
Galloway Cave September 14, 2015 Author Share September 14, 2015 It's pretty bad when there is a tell-all repeat at the beginning of the season. I had it on but didn't really pay attention except to notice the increasingly horrible make-up on everyone, including Kody. Link to comment
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