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S02.E11: Episode 11

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Juelia is completely psychotic so I understand why she is acting like this show is the only option for finding a father for her daughter, but why are other people saying the same thing?!? I guess they're all equally moronic. Holy shit. Normally I would give Juelia a list of 100 other places to meet a man but unfortunately now she has shown that she's a complete lunatic so that might turn some potential fathers away. Good luck finding a date now. If a single man friend of mine told me he was going out with her I would show him to YouTube immediately so he could flee before it's too late.

Same goes for Ashley. If any guy who wants to date her sees anything from this show he will run away like his ass is on fire. Why is she crying so much over a guy she barely knows, barely spoke to, and who clearly wasn't even remotely interested in her? Shes sobbing that he's the perfect guy but he didn't like her so how was he perfect??! If a guy doesn't like you he shouldn't even be an option let alone "perfect." And she says she "grew up here" what????!?She's like a toddler. Good luck keeping a man with this psycho behavior! I hope someone close to her suggested she get professional help after watching this show with her.

I was so pumped to see Carly's smug ass get dumped but the whole dumping scene seemed so scripted and fake to me. Did they plan the whole thing so she could have a dramatic moment that she could spin into an acting career? I was so ready to laugh and laugh at her but I feel like it wasn't real! She was crying with no tears so I'm not buying it. Not satisfying at all! Her Halloween wig looked exceptionally bad during this episode though.

Finally, Jaclyn and Justin are the butt ugliest people I have had on my tv in recent years. Yikes!!

  • Love 4

Justin is so stone ugly....it's such a gross-out to watch him make out with people. Joshua also makes me feel sick, and

I'm ready for him and Tenley to have their falling out. 


Ashley I --- I hope she goes home to find a good therapist, instead of a 'whimsical attachment.' It really irks me that she thinks that Jared has all the qualities she wants. She made that decision even before they arrived at the resort. Since the timing between his Bachelorette stint and the beginning of BIP shooting was really tight, it means that Ashley I determined he was 'the one' strictly from his clips with Kaitlyn. That is like being 12, buying Tiger Beat, and swooning over your fave celeb x 1 million. Really unhinged. 


There were so many voiceovers by CH around the time of the rose ceremony; I wonder what really happened. Are we supposed to think that they were all exasperated and stressed out about the cocktail party being canceled? 


I wonder if Dan and Kirk are those guys who think that no woman is ever good enough? I mean, I don't blame Dan for exiting Paradise.....but I wouldn't be surprised if he's the type of guy who needs someone to be no less than perfect (that doesn't exist). A side effect of going on the Bachelor franchise is that they get used to being noticed, going to appearances and clubs and having desperadas fawn over them (and do more than just fawn over them), and having just enough brainwashing from Fleiss's puppetmasters to believe that 'finding love' is made of fairy tales, unicorns, and rainbows. 


I appreciated Carly's response to Kirk -- she seemed genuine, and I'm usually cynical about everything that happens on this show. She was dignified, got in a dig about him playing her, and didn't stoop to begging him to change his mind. And I actually agreed with Tanner -- what a dick move to break up at the 11th hour after making sure he got his share of holiday tail. I found myself yelling for him to shutup about his need to talk to her -- shut it, Kirk! He just wanted more camera time to attempt to reshape the situation and avoid every man's nightmare: looking like the bad guy. I'm glad she didn't give him any time.


OMG at the beetle in Tenley's bra!  lol!  I could see myself doing that. I don't care if something lands on my arm or leg...but in my clothes - forget it! 

  • Love 18

I really felt for Carly tonight. If Kirk had doubts, he should have said something earlier. Like 7 days prior. And when she was talking about their future, that was the right time dude. NOT the next day after handing her the rose.

As for the rest of it, why did Ashley I stay after Jared left? I thought she'd have just chased his car down the highway.

  • Love 10

I was hoping Mikey would keep trying to give out his rose only to be refused each time.

Carly and Gingerbeard seemed so fake. Between her Bert eyebrows, exposed hair extensions attachments, and his invisible eyelashes I didn't know where to look. Fake and not cute to look at.

Jaclyn is officially the ugliest person in franchise history. Not just that face, that ugly personality.

  • Love 8

Maybe it's because I've liked Kirk since his first appearance, but I don't really care about what he did. They've been in Mexico for like a month. I don't think it's that much of a dick move to be like "yeah, you talking about having my babies kind of freaked me out" it's entirely natural to have doubts, which he has had for awhile. I do think he liked her but when the choice is break up or meet the parents, after a few weeks, I'd probably break up too.

Her eyebrows were intense too.

I was actually semi impressed that Ashley took the break up okay. Well not as crazily as I would have expected from her. She held it together with him at least.

  • Love 14

Not even a month.  20 days if you stay from day 1 until the end.  So with the overnight dates to come, they are on day 18, 19, tops.


Could/should Kirk have spoken up sooner, yes, but I think he was dumbstruck when she started talking about their kids.  And he did try to slow things down before but wimped out when she freaked.  I don't know... he could have told her sooner... but he seemed to be trying to say let's slow it down, not let's break up...  She just didn't want to hear any of it.


And I've figured out who I think Samantha looks like:  Sandra Bullock.


And can't forget Dan... so now he likes Cassandra?  Damn but he's fickle. 

Edited by DEL901
  • Love 9

I really didn't have much sympathy for Carly.  When she was taking about having his kids, Kirk looked like he was ready to vomit.  She was so deep into how she was feeling, what she wanted and what she saw for the future, she made it crystal clear that what HE might want was immaterial.  He really had no choice.  


I was ok that she said she hated him, and I was ok with him wanting to explain.  They both were feeling a lot in the moment, but I'll give Kirk props for not stringing her along to the end.  

  • Love 9

Let's see now: Mikey turned down Juelia and returned her to her natural state of perpetual tears. Mackensie turned down Mikey, when they seemed like a match made in Heaven. Justin accepted a date with Jaclyn then, in an amazing example of really bad manners, broke it when something better came along. Jared turned down Ashley I in the kindest way possible and she went home all grown up. Dan turned down everybody because nobody is quite good enough for him. Kirk broke up with Carly and I felt sorry for both of them.

And the show still found time for a "We all hate Samantha, because she's evil and has supernatural powers," segment.

  • Love 16

Wow.  The end to the "Jared, Ashley I and the V-Card" segment ended with a whimper.  All that build up and nothing, no fireworks, no dramatics.  I almost forgot about it by the end of the episode.


And, Carly, when Ashley I comes off better than you do, you have to seriously rethink things.


Oh, and I laughed at Ashley's "I'm a Kim" top.

  • Love 3

I have my doubts about Dan and Kirk's heterosexuality, given Kirk's freakout about an overnight date. Also, something makes me wonder if a couple guys quit right before filming and that's why there were like 5 more girls at the rose ceremony.


My favorite lines were both Jared's "I really hate having this conversation ...again" and "She's not suffering anymore."

  • Love 3

I think Ashley handled Jared going home fairly well. We saw some crying but not as nearly as much as I expected. I think Jared was giving it a honest effort to talk to her more privately and see if there could be something there. Knowing there wasn't he did the right thing by leaving. At least Ashley stuck with her initial feelings and left also instead of sticking in for more exposure.


Not sure what to think of Kirk and Carly. One moment I think he was a ass for waiting that long to tell her and then the next I feel kind of sorry for him that she expected so much from him after just 4 weeks. She seemed really upset and then there were times that she seemed to be crying but there were no tears. Personally I think it can be hard to be vulnerable and put your feelings out there for everyone to see. It's easier to let it out in private. Kind of like grieving after a death. Maybe some of that was going on with her.


I was so embarrassed for Mikey. Really Mikey? What did you expect to accomplish in one week? Should have left on a good note like Dan and saved yourself the embarrassment.


I love Tenley! I wasn't so crazy about her when she first came on but she has turned out to be the one of the sweetest, sincerest persons there. The insect in her dress bit was hilarious and she handled it in funny, endearing way. 

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 3

I had to laugh when Ashley kept saying "Jared broke up with me".  Sorry sweetie, but you have to actually be with somebody before you can break up!  And having a clothes-on slumber party for one night doesn't count. 


I'm glad Kirk didn't do the dumping at the rose ceremony.  I saw it as thoughtful for him to do it fairly privately,  without a peanut gallery of BIPers gaping and gasping at them both.  


It just hit me who Tenley has reminded me of.  For anybody that used to watch the old HGTV show "Trading Spaces", Genevive Gorder was one of the designers.  Tenley could be her little sister. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 1

I don't think Kirk did anything wrong. It's crazy to be talking about your kids and going to the altar to someone you met less than a month ago. Kirk wasn't trying to break up with her, he was trying to say things were moving way too fast. Carly went full on psycho on him IMO. She has a lot of nerve going on and on about Britt when she went crazy because Kirk didn't want to marry her.


Jared seems very polite but I don't understand why he was on BIP. He didn't seem to have any interest in getting to know anyone. I do wonder what happened in the fantasy suite, but not much was said. Dan is somehow creepy to me and I don't know why.


I wish they could have set up the ending in some different way. Seeing everyone go home and the only real couple being Jade and Tanner is kind of boring.

  • Love 10

"You deserve a conversation." No Kirk, you don't get to tell the person you're dumping what they deserve... what you mean is you want one, so she'll calm down and you can feel better. My boyfriend said, "she'll come and see if she wants one." Also, I didn't get the sense Kirk was saying "let's slow it down," because earlier he said "there's nothing she can say to talk me out of it." That's straight up breakup talk.  While Carley didn't have tears, I think she tries to be very unvulnerable so she was likely struggling to withhold tears. Her eyes were indeed very red so I do think her tearfulness (without tears) was real. I thought it was sweet when Tenely or Jade said "I'm here, I'm here!" with such loving concern. I also liked that Cassandra and Samantha did not attempt to insert themselves in the drama, knowing they're not close enough to Carley to be involved.


Amber is so beautiful. She was so striking at the rose ceremony. Also, I find Tenley to be more attractive each episode. Today I was struck by how pretty she is. She has amazing fashion sense and beautiful hair too. I know it's been said before, but the men were real duds this season. I'm a straight woman and can't think of a single guy I'd want to date... If I went on, I'd be asking the ladies for dates because the guys were so lame.

Edited by petalfrog
  • Love 22

I don't feel bad for Carly at all... And it's not even because of my irrational level of dislike for her! It's because the whole thing is just so brutally stupid. You knew the man for not even three weeks, C. Give me a damn break. "You [Kirk] have had doubts FOR A WHOLE WEEK?!" *barf* Yeah, people who have known one another for 3 weeks DO have doubts about, you know, marrying and procreating together, yes. Ugh. And people in actual relationships spend a hell of lot more than one whole week thinking about dumping someone (in my experience, anyway), so shut up. I mean, I absolutely can understand being sad that someone you like doesn't want to spend time with you - of course. But if you have seriously declared to this person, after a couple weeks, that you envision bearing his children, I really can't muster sympathy for you when you scare said man away!

I did get a good laugh out of how the most emotion-filled thing that came out of Kirk's mouth during the dumping was "Please don't throw up!!"

  • Love 11


I thought it was sweet when Tenley or Jade said "I'm here, I'm here!" with such loving concern.

I thought that was very sweet and genuine. It was nice to see that real bond of friendship between the two women. I think it was Jade who said it, as she mentioned being best friends with Carly. 


Props to Mikey for breaking things off with Juelia with a pretty decent speech. They were both in the friendship zone, and he was just willing to acknowledge it.


I was surprised by the Kirk and Carly breakup, but it's hard to know what the real story is because we didn't hear much conversation between Kirk and Carly about their relationship, or from Kirk in interviews. They did seem like they got along well, and they were sleeping together, so I can certainly understand Carly thinking they would try having a relationship post-BIP, and not seeing a break-up coming. It seems like there must have been some way for him to let her know sooner that he wasn't as serious as she was without waiting until the last week.


And I liked that Carly didn't just crumple into a mess of tears, and was clear with Kirk about what she needed. She definitely didn't want to hear the long version of how he wasn't in love with her, and honestly, who wants to hear that? It reminded me of a great scene from Buffy that takes place after Willow has been trying to apologize to Oz for kissing another guy:


Oz:  Just... You can leave me alone. I need to figure things out.

Willow:  But maybe if we talk about it, we could...

Oz:  Look... I'm sorry this is hard for you. But I told you what I need.

So I can't help feeling like the reason you want to talk is so you can

feel better about yourself. That's not my problem.


Kirk, that's not Carly's problem.

  • Love 24


I'm a straight woman and can't think of a single guy I'd want to date... If I went on, I'd be asking the ladies for dates because the guys were so lame.


Now that's a show I'd want to see! It would sure shake things up on this show!



As for Kirk - you dump a girl who really likes you and she says, "Fine, see ya!"  Dude - that's the best possible outcome!  You made it worse by refusing to let her walk away.  And since you "didn't understand what happened"


Kirk cracked me up with that whole thing about not understanding what happened. Gee, I have no idea what went wrong when you dump the woman 5 minutes after giving her a rose! And when you didn't give her much of a clue prior that things weren't going well.


Listen, I get that Carly was saying some wacky things in regards to marriage and children, but come on. He could have told her earlier than the episode just before the last episode.

  • Love 6

Tenley, will you accept this rose? She completely warmed my heart tonight with her genuine sweetness and kindness. She obviously had taken time to explain to Ashley I that she had a "whimsical attachment" defining it in suc h a positive way that she could accept it, not making fun of her or being condescending or impatient (like, "It's a crush! Get over it!" as I'm afraid I might have). It's rare to see anyone who is genuinely that sweet at that age.


It reminds me how many of the women are so much nicer and more attractive than the men (the men don't seem especially brainy, either). I mean they're all pretty and in addition to that-- Mackenzie is ditzy and cute and nice, Tenley is so kind and cheerful, Amber seems good natured and really beautiful, Ashley S is ...different... but she's got that wonderful love of nature and is kind of insightful--should work for someone. Cassandra seems like a nice girl, if I remember from TB.


And then there are the guys, each one less appealing than the one before. They all seem completely boring, self-involved and uninterested in the qualities that seem like they should be so attractive. "Samantha, Samantha, Samantha!!!" The colored contacts and long dark hair are striking but other than that, she's really no better looking than anyone else. Dan's nothing special. Josh seems dumb and not particularly nice. Mickey is dumb as a post.  Justin is homely and seems like he can barely put a coherent thought together. Tanner's gossiping all the time just makes him seem so shallow.  Nick is kind of repulsive in his own way. And whomever I've left out is just forgettable. I guess Kirk so...yeah.


What's up with that? The guys seem to be less desperate, the girls seem more desperate even though they are so superior to the men.  I don't understand this show.


ETA: As for Carly and Kirk, I sympathized with her. Not that she wasn't OTT about their future, but it would be a very bad feeling to be cuddling and disclosing feelings and being convinced he felt the same--no hint given to the contrary while she's making a fool of herself to the others and the cameras, gushing about their relationship etc. I think he was completely wrong to let her go on like that, especially on television. Then the breakup was stupid, like "No, don't make me look bad!" I don't think she was wrong to not want to bother with him afterwards.

Edited by Padma
  • Love 11
I don't think Kirk did anything wrong. It's crazy to be talking about your kids and going to the altar to someone you met less than a month ago. Kirk wasn't trying to break up with her, he was trying to say things were moving way too fast.

Right?  She just went bananas.  It's either she moves to his town (yikes!) and has his babies in less then 2 months or it is OVER and he is a jerk.  They, the girls, wonder why they can't find a relationship?  They must be the most desperate girls in the US.


Ashley I and Jeulia need therapy stat!

  • Love 3

Kirk cracked me up with that whole thing about not understanding what happened. Gee, I have no idea what went wrong when you dump the woman 5 minutes after giving her a rose! And when you didn't give her much of a clue prior that things weren't going well.



Men really are clueless sometimes. What did he expect? Like she was going to say, " sure no worries Kirk I completely understand and your such a stand up guy for telling me." That may have worked in week 2 and regardless if it had been only 4-5 weeks there was a attachment there so don't act like your so shocked.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 3
Like she was going to say, " sure no worries Kirk I completely understand and your such a stand up guy for telling me." That may have worked in week 2


 It seemed like he wanted to back out before their overnight date and that's when he should have. But I think Carly would have made it rough for him at week 2 and he knew it. She would end up blocking other girls from dating him and since she seemed to be well liked like somebody said above he would have gotten treated like Joe with Jueblia.

  • Love 4

What Kirk could have done better: Talk to Carly off camera. Leave Carly alone once she made clear her intention to split up.


What Carly could have done better: Read the signals from her partner. Avoid planning a life together with a fellow famewhore who lives long distance after only a few weeks of dating in a non-real world environment.

  • Love 10

Ouch.  That felt like watching an actual breakup of an actual relationship, and I was really uncomfortable.  I have no problem with why Kirk broke up with Carly, and not much of a problem with when he chose to do it, but once she understood that he was dumping her, that was his cue to L E A V E, not chase her around begging to give her more reasons why he didn't want to be with her anymore.  And I didn't appreciate him going back to the guys acting like he was some kind of victim of her anger and the "scary" look in her eyes.  She's not some psycho stalker who just boiled his bunny, she was completely blindsided by the guy that she had been led to believe she could completely count on as her partner in paradise, of course she's mad.  He started out pretty strong, I was appreciating his breakup approach, but once she started to react you could see the wheels coming off his bus, suddenly he was sputtering out a bunch of "likes" in his sentences, and basically crashed and burned from there.  He looks like a chump now, and it's his own fault, not for deciding to end a 5 week relationship, but for doing it so badly.


I loved the way Mackenzie dismissed Mikey.  I was hoping after she walked away he was going to wave the rose in the air and say, "Any takers?  Anyone?  Beuller?"


Tenley vs. the bug in her bosoms was my favorite blooper ending so far.  She is so damn cute, I just really like her.  I'll forever be mystified as to why she has any problem whatsoever finding the right man for life.

I agree completely, very well said.


Aw, I just want to give Carly a big hug. I would have reacted the same way — you don’t want to sit there and let the person dumping you ramble on and on, once the message is received. What more needs to be said? Anything else is just to make the dumper feel better about what they’re doing to the dumpee.


Jared is such a tool. He broke up with Ashley earlier, then tried again, when everyone knew there was nothing there — except Ashley. So he made it hurt twice as much for her, for no reason. He really has no personality, either. At least Ashley took it with grace -- and I predict she'll be over Jared in a matter of days (or rather, she actually was over him in real time) because it was nothing more than a crush.


Tenley at the end was adorable. She really has a good heart. It was funny watching her and Jade console and commiserate over Carly's plight, and Cassandra, too, and Samantha just sat there like she was made of stone. 


Samantha really has no personality. The entire dinner conversation was Nick telling her how gorgeous she was, and her smiling her mysterious smile. Yawn.

Edited by Andromeda
  • Love 5

 It seemed like he wanted to back out before their overnight date and that's when he should have. But I think Carly would have made it rough for him at week 2 and he knew it. She would end up blocking other girls from dating him and since she seemed to be well liked like somebody said above he would have gotten treated like Joe with Jueblia.

I wasn't saying that Kirk wasn't justified in his feelings as much as I was saying that he should have known that conversation wasn't going to go well and not act so shocked that it didn't. I'm not so sure that he would have been treated so much as the bad guy, (as long as he didn't have ulterior motives like in Joe's case) if he had did it earlier. Dan did it with Ashley S. and people didn't seem to mind. It would have been rocky for a few days but I don't think he would have been hated for it.

  • Love 2

I believe right from the beginning Kirk mentioned he recently had broken up with a long time girlfriend and right before their overnight date he expressed concerns about things moving too fast.  So, this isn't too surprising since this is right before the finale when the couples pretty much decide if they have a future.  Just to say..... it is never a good idea to mention having babies 4 weeks into a relationship!  It was pretty easy to see they were in different places.  It is a shame but really these people should stop with these huge expectations on these dating shows! Unfortunate that Carly got hurt...but I really don't see Kirk is this horrible person. 


Kind of weird that of the other remaining 4 couples, two are new couples and personally I don't believe for a minute Tenley likes Joshua for anything more than a friend. I like Tanner and would like to see him and Jade "proclaim" they are going to date in the future but we shall see.  Maybe Carly and Kirk will meet up in the future at one of the Bachelor alumni parties when things are a little more normal and at least talk things through.  I don't blame her for not wanting to talk more about it with the cameras.

  • Love 5

Probably, but Carly is a more vindictive type than Ashley S

And you are probably right Armchair but I think if that had happened it would have backfired on Carly that early in the game. Who could really say with the way they edit these shows but I don't think the viewers would have had much sympathy for her and if they were being honest probably not much of the cast members either.

  • Love 1

Did Juelia really cry and feel sorry for herself after Mikey - in the nicest possible way - told her he has no romantic feelings for her? Mikey, whose advances she rejected just a few weeks ago? That woman is such a victim - I'm sure she cries when her grocery store is out of her favorite flavor of yogurt.


Based on Ashley I's relatively calm reaction to Jared leaving I think he probably already told her in the hotel room off-camera and she'd had some time to compose herself before their on-camera conversation the next day.


Normally I would hate any man who agrees to go on a date with one woman, then reneges when someone he likes better comes along, but I find it impossible to feel bad for Jaclyn. What a nasty piece of work. The one I do feel bad for is Cassandra. She got engaged to her baby daddy after Juan Pablo's season, but obviously that didn't work out and she's back on the dating show circuit. She's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier even by the show's standards, but she seems like a very sweet person and I want her to find happiness.


As for the Kirk and Carly breakup, I have no sympathy for Carly being "blindsided" because she got way, way ahead of herself by brining up marriage and babies after dating for less than three weeks, and she was so unbearably smug about how "secure" their relationship was. Having said that, Kirk really lost points with me when he refused to respect her repeated requests to be left alone. She wasn't even that upset when her first told her, she only became increasingly agitated when he kept running after her insisting that she "deserved" to hear him out. And then he has the nerve to say the breakup went a lot worse than he had hoped. I don't necessarily think he's a bad guy on the level of Joe, but he sure is a clod.

  • Love 8

I can sort of understand how someone can get really swept up into a relationship in this situation, putting more value into it than would be normal under regular conditions, or even sometimes in real life.  I dated a guy for 2 years, then right afterward dated a guy I worked with for 5 months.  During the 5 month relationship, we saw each other every day and night, spent all of our weekends together, went on trips, met each other's families, expressed mutual shock at how immediately we had bonded and how stupid, crazy in love we were from almost the very first second we were introduced.  We only broke up because he was in the military and had to move overseas.  The time period was shorter, but we had actually spent a lot more cumulative time together than in my previous weekend-dates-only 2 year relationship, and that time spent had been intense.  These couples that paired up early were spending tons of time together, logging in a lot more hours than they would on just a regular dating track back home.  If Kirk was thanking Carly for being so open and vulnerable with him, to me, that could sound a lot like encouragement to keep talking about how great she thinks things are between them.  She thinks he's just not very demonstrative, so she continues saying things that could potentially scare him away, but he doesn't express concern or start distancing himself, so she figures that is his way of letting her know they are on the same page.  Doesn't seem all that crazy to me.  Side note:  I am fascinated by Carly's teeny-tiny hands.


I was so glad Justin wore a T-shirt on his date instead of some silky, clingy button down.  I don't find him ugly like so many seem to, I just find his whole overall look to be awkward.  His hair is always nuts, he should maybe work out in a way that leans him out a little instead of beefing up his already stocky build, and he could really use some color...not just the sunburn he got the second he took off his shirt in paradise, but some kind of regular color, like safe doses of sun while using sunscreen that will allow him to be less pasty.  He has a certain Jonathan Rhys Meyers thing going for him that I kind of like.

  • Love 11

I think Kirk was just worried he would look bad on camera (and he did because of not letting her alone when she asked not to hear any more about why he didn't like her). And I liked the girls --esp Jade who suddenly showed personality and caring--and Tenley wanting to be supportive for her.


But I must admit that when Carly went back to her girlfriends and Kirk went back to tell his different version of the story to all the guys, my mind wandered to "Grease" and Carly and Kirk as the leads singing "Summer Nights/Tell Me More":   Wish that had happened, "BiP, the Musical"


"Summer loving had me a blast
Summer loving happened so fast
I met a girl crazy for me
´Met a boy cute as can be
Summer days drifting away to oh oh the summer nights"

Edited by Padma
  • Love 8

I don't feel bad for Carly at all... And it's not even because of my irrational level of dislike for her! It's because the whole thing is just so brutally stupid. You knew the man for not even three weeks, C. Give me a damn break. "You [Kirk] have had doubts FOR A WHOLE WEEK?!" *barf* Yeah, people who have known one another for 3 weeks DO have doubts about, you know, marrying and procreating together, yes. Ugh. And people in actual relationships spend a hell of lot more than one whole week thinking about dumping someone (in my experience, anyway), so shut up. I mean, I absolutely can understand being sad that someone you like doesn't want to spend time with you - of course. But if you have seriously declared to this person, after a couple weeks, that you envision bearing his children, I really can't muster sympathy for you when you scare said man away!



Actually, BIP, for people who couple up from the start is a fairly intensified relationship experience, I imagine (at least for the person feeling it)..  They have long days and evening hours there and they spent 18 days lying around together, sharing a vacation as a couple, in what looks like a LOT of togetherness that doesn't happen in a normal couple's life when the normal workday and commute traffic and other friends and family take up some of your time.

 They seemed to mainly have each other -- except for times Carly gossiped with the other gals -- and were usually seen together in any group scenes.  Huddled up.  


 I think that is not a normal 3-week relationship.   Oddly enough, they seemed like an old married couple.  So, yes, I think it would be traumatic.  

  • Love 13

I don't see Kirk as a bad guy, at all.   I think he was having fun, and felt close to Carly, but whenever he wasn't with her, he was thinking about how this relationship might translate to the "real world".  It's understandable  to have intense feelings for someone in the early stages of a relationship, but to also have doubts about how that person's life and yours will mesh.   Carly was already thinking about a  wedding dress, and what to name the kids.   Kirk was trying to figure out if dating her was going to be feasible once he went back to his routine at home.  It's easy to keep up a relationship when that's ALL you have to do, it's a lot harder when you have to work it into a life that includes jobs, laundry, shopping, chores. 


I get the sense that if Carly had NOT spoken up about marriage and kids, Kirk might have been Ok with continuing to DATE, and see if they had a future.  

  • Love 14

I think it's kind of shitty the way this show milks these people's hurt to the point of overkill. With both Juelia and Carly they showed the girls gushing about their feelings and hopes for the future at the same time the guys were either using them (Joe) or getting ready to break it off (Kirk). We already knew how much they would be hurt without the extra sound bites. I would say that these women must feel so embarrassed and humiliated to have to watch this played back on national television. 

  • Love 7

Jared always looked shell-shocked.

Ashley I: fall in love with the person, not their looks. A lesson you have not learned judging by your weepy call to your sister.

You could see Kirk freeze in place for a moment when Carly went into her "I want your babies!" monologue.

Jaclyn: nope. Not feeling sorry for you though I do agree etiquette-wise Justin had no right to break his date with you.

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Carly and Kirk has gone on only one date according to what was said on the show last night...that's a huge red flag for me. The trend on BIP seems to be just leaving the "settled" couples by the way side and just having them lounge around all day while the fresh crop of singles go on regular dates just doesn't work. The not "dating" part of this whole thing led to the downfall of Carly and Kirk. They didn't make much of an attractive couple anyway..they both would have been settling.

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