Tara Ariano September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 Nominations for eviction are revealed. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/
Gemma Violet September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 Who knew there was a Vegas act called Sigmund Freud? ;-) 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1482613
lookattheflowers September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 (edited) I could have gone my whole life without having to hear about Austin's kissing abilities. Just ew. Edited September 7, 2015 by lookattheflowers 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1482639
Ceeg September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 (edited) I loved this episode. It was full of actual strategy and discussion of said strategy, mixed with random personal moments, and ending with Austwins nominations. Good stuff all around. Edited September 7, 2015 by Ceeg 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1482643
PaperTree September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 Finally, some good stuff. Good strategy from Johnny throwing the HOH to Steve. JMac's DR about the twins all over Steve was great. Liz, please chop that pony tail beard off. Austin is really disgusting. That hammock conversation was a bit TMI. Nice way to embarrass him on TV, production! Vanessa is dead on. The best way to get one of them out is to leave the weakest one off the block. JMac could be right about Vanessa hooking up with Austin should he get HOH. It's kill or be killed at this point. Steve is being very level headed with all this. The talk with Austin was pretty smooth. Hey Austin, you should realize that if you win veto, Julia will go up next to Liz. Unless you want to pull a Marcellus. Save your sweetheart and go out the door. It would be your legacy of stupid Put a sock in it Liz. Steve owes you nothing. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1482678
peachmangosteen September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 Vanessa lying in the DR. Ugh. She really is the second coming of Derrick. I thought maybe I didn't hate John anymore, but then his DRs tonight made me realize I was wrong and I do still hate him. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1482714
candall September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 We didn't really need a closed captioned segment of Liz critiquing Austin in the romance department. The shot of her clinging to the farthest sliver of bed, with her head actually hanging off the side, told the story. And meanwhile there's Austin, fully situated about 10% past the bed midpoint, over on Liz's side. . .with Liz! People, if you ever wake up to find yourself in either one of these positions, please pick up the fucking clue. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1482787
mojoween September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 (edited) You guys, come on. Thursday Julia didn't know that saying you got a "W" meant you got a win and today they not only both don't know what salutatorian is but think Sigmund Freud was bitten by his tiger. They DID go to high school, didn't they? Although I would have thought Steve was describing an Oedipal complex rather than a Sigmund Freud thing. Vanessa gets what she wants all the time. I'm actually loving this because they are totally letting it happen. Edited September 7, 2015 by mojoween 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1482789
Tiggertoo September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 Sigmund Freud was bitten by his tiger. Too funny! I loved Austin's eye roll when he heard that. Austin, please fuck off with the Judas talk. It just needs to die. I, for one, loved JohnnyMac's DR, imitating the twins sucking up to Steve. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1482826
Katesus7 September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 That was a really fun episode. Loved the nominations, loved John's DRs (as I do), loved Vanessa being all rational and stuff, loved Austin getting a clue but not quite, loved the twins not getting a clue, love that all six players are actually playing the game. And really, really loved Steve and John being giddy about how stupid the Austwins were to boot James over John. Because seriously....stupid. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1482851
Fex September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 I loved this episode. It was full of actual strategy and discussion of said strategy, mixed with random personal moments, and ending with Austwins nominations. Good stuff all around. Me too! This is when the show shines. Boy do I want to go to Vegas to catch Sigmund and Freud live on stage with their tiger... Austin's reaction made my night! 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1482876
North of Eden September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 Well this episode confirms what I suspected....the show wouldn't be anywhere near as good with out the last two likable people in the house...James and Meg. The house had a totally different feel to it. Morose Steve pacing about waiting for Austin to wake up....Johnny Mac contributing nothing and worst of all is Vanessa and her tiring endless manipulation of the whole game...all that adds up to not a great watch. Everyone left is so unlikable...underscored by the fact that when the chips start coming down Liz and Austin really don't even like each other all that much...he was ready to abandon her at first sign of trouble and all the smack she was talking about him in the hammock...what a loathsome crew left in that house. Also troubling is the horrific possibility of a final two of Johnny Mac and Steve who did NOTHING for the first part of the game but float through...the idea of one of them winning is horrible...though I suppose that can't happen because if it came down to a scenario where Steve had to pick between JM and Vanessa who to take...he's such a pussy and complety Vanessa's bitch that he would hand over the game to her just like that flunky from last year Cody did. I don't even like Austin and the twins but I hate JM and Steve for not keeping Meg and I need to see them and Vanessa get tossed out short of their goal. With that said Austin do you know nothing about women?..When your girl runs out and tears its proper to chase after her...not sit around like a douche. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1482895
candall September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 I believe Freud developed all that infantile sexuality business, with breast suckling and so forth leading to the 'universal Oedipus complex.' The most interesting part of the Sigmund & Freud Do Vegas! conversation was watching how the idiot twins were blowing all Austin's circuit breakers. Is this the first time he's come up for air and listened to his girlfriend taaaaaaaaaaaaawk? 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1482906
Wandering Snark September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 (edited) Nice work there Steve even though it was puppeteered by Vanessa hijacking yet another person HoH run with her "Okay, so, obviously you should put up X & Y and here's why..." talk that she gives to every HoH. Ugh. Judas, you don't scare me. Vanessa though? Yeah, she scares me. I'm not really sure though that I's say "loathsome" for this group I mean with what we have seen in the way of truly loathsome human beings this remaining bunch aren't up to that level imho. Edited September 7, 2015 by Wandering Snark 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1482942
Turtle September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 I loved this episode. They did a great job putting it all together, showing the strategizing and the interpersonal relationships at play, letting us know what's going on in people's heads (some of them, at least), bringing the funny- it was great. I loathe Austin and the twins and really don't want any of them to win. I don't care for Vanessa but she has played a really good albeit erratic game. Steve and John are my two favorites. I think laying low and acting naive about the game is a legitimate strategy for the first half of the game, but it's time to see if they can make the moves now that they need to. It'll be fun to watch. John imitating the twins was amazing. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1482996
AndreaK1041 September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 John is so quiet around the house (it seems, I only see him talk in DRs) that in my head I imagine him silently snarking on everyone. I really liked the quick cuts of brief little smiles of him on the HoH couch while he was mocking the twins. Makes me think my theory is true! 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483013
slasherboy September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 Are there still have-nots? I think that's so stupid. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483045
Cramps September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 (edited) Whoever edited this episode has a great comedic sense. The cutaways to John sulking when he was bitching about the twins in the HOH room! Austin's expression over learning his girlfriend thinks it's Sigmund and Freud! And the time clock on Steve's popping in and out to wake Austin up. Really funny! All that on top of good strategy-- definitely one of the best episodes of the season! Vanessa for the win! Edited September 7, 2015 by Cramps 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483053
Mumbles September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 The look on Austin's face during the Sigmund Freud conversation might be the only time I've laughed at him non-mockingly. 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483054
RedheadZombie September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 I was irritated that the recap said the TWINS put up x and y. They are really pushing that SL. And speaking of the twins, I can suddenly tell them apart. Their facial shape is so different I'm surprised they're identical versus fraternal. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483090
Gemma Violet September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 After the Sigmund Freud discussion, I was thinking how can two twenty-something high school graduates not know who Sigmund Freud is. But it gets worse...I just realized that the twins are college graduates. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483108
Former Nun September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 (edited) Johnny Mac contributing nothing I don't want to get blood on my hands, but I disagree. I've watched and enjoyed his little maneuverings all season. Although I would have thought Steve was describing an Oedipal complex rather than a Sigmund Freud thing Oedipal Complex is the theory brought forth by Freud...and he came up with the term. Edited September 7, 2015 by Former Nun 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483203
Petunia13 September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 Sometimes a tiger is just a tiger. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483210
pennben September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 I love that a grown up said with a straight face: "I hope he honors the Scamper Squad" As we all know from their bunny hop, or whatever it is team dance, honor is most important here, just behind dignity, I suspect.:)! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483240
candall September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 And speaking of the twins, I can suddenly tell them apart. Their facial shape is so different I'm surprised they're identical versus fraternal. I've been waiting for this to happen. Believe it or not, I was caught in a natural disaster situation with two strangers who were identical twins. Since it was just the three of us--shifting heavy stuff around and orchestrating our movements (and no changing clothes for days!)--I really needed to be able to specify which person I was talking to. They were used to it and just laughed, but I felt ridiculous that I could NOT figure out some facial or physical detail to differentiate them. "The one with the ponytail" would take off her hair scrunchie and I'd be back to zero. We're all still close and now they don't even look very much alike. I'm shocked that strangers can never tell them apart. An off-topic, but true story. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483281
Brian Cronin September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 I've been waiting for this to happen. Believe it or not, I was caught in a natural disaster situation with two strangers who were identical twins. Since it was just the three of us--shifting heavy stuff around and orchestrating our movements (and no changing clothes for days!)--I really needed to be able to specify which person I was talking to. They were used to it and just laughed, but I felt ridiculous that I could NOT figure out some facial or physical detail to differentiate them. "The one with the ponytail" would take off her hair scrunchie and I'd be back to zero. We're all still close and now they don't even look very much alike. I'm shocked that strangers can never tell them apart. An off-topic, but true story. Okay, now I really need to hear more about that story. I know it's off topic, but come on, that sounds like such a fascinating story that I think it's okay, especially as it is sort of kind of on point with the whole twin thing. Dish! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483285
pennben September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 (edited) Since it was just the three of us--shifting heavy stuff around and orchestrating our movements (and no changing clothes for days!)--I really needed to be able to specify which person I was talking to. Were they were wearing identical clothing? As for this show, I follow but I don't pay that much attention in focusing on distinctions between the two. I rely on figuring out what each one is wearing as I watch and that's how I know which is which. Edited September 7, 2015 by pennben Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483287
ladyrott September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 If Julia will just keep curling her hair for the next couple of weeks, I will be able to tell the two of them apart. Their annoying nasally whine is as identical as their appearance, to me. I got a big laugh out of Johnny's comments/imitations of the twins being all over Steve in the HOH room. I kept thinking that Steve was a brainiac in high school. Surely he is familiar with the concept of the pretty, popular cheerleader suddenly being all interested in you when you have something she wants. I was just hoping Steve wasn't buying any of that crap. Speaking of Steve's HOH room, it says a lot about the guy that the main thing he wanted was a photo of the very adorable Harrison (his nephew?). I have always had a thing for the shy, nerdy guys and I really hope some nice, sweet girl scoops Steve up after his time in the BB house. The Sigmund/Freud and their tiger bit? OMG! I recall a conversation on the Liz board not long ago that indicated she went to a very good school and was actually pretty smart. I sincerely hope #SigmundAndFreud was Liz and Julia pretending to be giggly dumb blondes for whatever reason, because if that was real....Yikes! Best part was definitely the look on Austin's face during that conversation. It looked like the blood finally started traveling north again and he was actually listening to this girl he is so crazy about speak for the first time. Kind of a rude awakening, huh, Austin? As much as I am not an Austin/Judas fan, that #girltalk conversation in the hammock was just really cold. Liz, you are NOT having a private conversation with your sister and you just dissed Austin's kissing skills on national TV. You are a complete bitch and, Heaven help me, but Austin deserves better than you! Oh, and Liz's running out of the nomination meeting in tears was completely juvenile and, I believe, meant to make Steve feel like crap for putting her up. I don't hold it against Austin for not chasing after her. I am new to the show, but I am fairly certain the HGs aren't supposed to leave the room during the nomination ceremony. If it had just been a normal group conversation and his girlfriend left in tears, I would be all for Austin chasing after her like a good boyfriend. But in this case....Well, he needed to keep his butt in the chair and wait until they were dismissed from the meeting. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483329
Moxie CrimeFighter September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 I'm not the biggest twins' fan, but I have to nitpick JMac's DR about them. Liz and Julia have good social skills and they're very, very excitable. They squeal over EVERYTHING. John isn't very observant if he's never noticed this before. Plus they generally like Steve, so it didn't seem forced or disingenuous for them to fawn over his HOH stuff. If production wanted to create a twins-are-fake narrative, they could have done it in another way, 'cause I wasn't buying it. Died laughing over the Sigmund and Freud bit. I can't believe there are people who can't tell the twins apart by this point. haha. Just look at their pictures and memorize the differences: Liz (top) has small eyes, a slight upturned nose, and a flatter, rounder face. Julia has big, exotic eyes, a slight hook nose, and a narrow, mousier face. Although, since one of 'em might be going home this week, might not be worth the bother. http://i.imgur.com/Pu6nuWV.jp 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483351
RedheadZombie September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 When I could finally tell them apart, it seemed so obvious. Julia has a pointier chin and more cat-like shaped face. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483408
ghoulina September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 I didn't think I would enjoy the game very much after my boy James left, but I really am. I love seeing the Austwins squirm. It's so funny and interesting how Austin is all about HIS game. He didn't really seem bothered at the prospect of Liz going up, as long as it wasn't him. I still don't care for him, but at least he's not tripping all over himself to give her the game. And his face when they were confusing Sigmund Freud with Sigfried and Roy? Priceless! I am thinking Liz isn't the only one who's not 100% into this "relationship". At any rate, Steve did the smart thing and put the 93% showmance up. Vanessa drives me nutty and sometimes she really overthinks things, but I think she was entirely right this time. Julia is the worst competitor out of three, so let's just hope she doesn't pull something out of her ass and win the Veto. Liz and her little tantrum during noms just proved what an entitled brat she is and I hope she goes home. I'm not sure what's best for Steve's game, though. Initially I thought sending Liz home would be best because that would be the surest way to split the trio, as Austin and Julia have the weakest personal link. But J-mac did make a good point about Austin maybe getting tighter with his old buddy Vanessa. But then again, get rid of him and you still have the twins, and they're always going to be tighter than any other pairing. SO yea, I still think send Liz home. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483414
Primetimer September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 After the previous eviction, everyone is friends with everyone else. But not for long. Read the story Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483417
mojoween September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 Oedipal Complex is the theory brought forth by Freud...and he came up with the term. Huh. Well now I have also learned something. Thanks Former Nun! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483419
ghoulina September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 Steve and John are my two favorites. I think laying low and acting naive about the game is a legitimate strategy for the first half of the game, but it's time to see if they can make the moves now that they need to. It'll be fun to watch. I absolutely agree with this. There is a difference between "floaters" like Victoria who genuinely don't seem to have a clue and just sit around futsing with their hair all day....and "floaters" who intentionally attach themselves to powerful groups/alliances, but kind of lay low so that the target is not on them. Johnny threw comps in the beginning for Shelli and Clay, keeping himself safe with the big alliance for a long time. Steve, I think his low key early game was totally intentional. I am excited to see the two of them actually play here in these final weeks. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483426
Starla September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 "More screwed than light passing by a black hole" is my new favorite saying. Good job, my fellow nerd boy. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483432
Puffaroo September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 I'm not the biggest twins' fan, but I have to nitpick JMac's DR about them. Liz and Julia have good social skills and they're very, very excitable. They squeal over EVERYTHING. You say this like it's a good thing. It's not. It's annoying. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483441
Harperlee1 September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 (edited) I have a weird thing with twins where I need to find the subtle (at first, then obvious) differences between them. So I've been able to tell the twins apart for a while. I wonder if they were preemies and Julia was the smaller/sick(er) one. That's what her features make me think. Hopefully that doesn't sound rude, she's pretty and all, that's just what came to mind looking at her and seeing the difference between her and Liz. Liz has a mean side, huh? She took a dig at Steve at the end, calling him a socially awkward nerd. I get being upset when you're on the block and going home is a reality, but did she really think Steve was going to keep her Austwins/twins alliance solid til the end? Why? Because she and Julia are nice to him?? These people kill me. Sometimes they really, truly don't understand moves that people make to benefit their own game instead of the other person. They (well, Austin, but they work as a group) *just* put Steve up. She just finished talking so much crap about him to Vanessa. So he should sacrifice his opportunity to be better than 5th in line because you allowed him the privilege of being in your presence? So glad Steve isn't so swayed by being "accepted" by the popular kids that he hurt his game. Edited September 7, 2015 by Harperlee1 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483464
seacliffsal September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 I thought it was pretty funny how Austin was trying to remind Steve about their commitment to their alliance until the final 5 which is um...next week. He worked that hard. I appreciated how Steve brought up past conversations and agreements and Austin was all 'but I didn't shake on it.' I so want John and Steve as the final 2 as I think that would make everyone else's heads explode. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483477
peachmangosteen September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 I'm not the biggest twins' fan, but I have to nitpick JMac's DR about them. Liz and Julia have good social skills and they're very, very excitable. They squeal over EVERYTHING. John isn't very observant if he's never noticed this before. Plus they generally like Steve, so it didn't seem forced or disingenuous for them to fawn over his HOH stuff. If production wanted to create a twins-are-fake narrative, they could have done it in another way, 'cause I wasn't buying it. +1. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483480
Petunia13 September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 After the Sigmund Freud discussion, I was thinking how can two twenty-something high school graduates not know who Sigmund Freud is. But it gets worse...I just realized that the twins are college graduates. But... But...But... Liz graduated from Loyola and was on honor roll 1 semester. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483582
Wings September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 You are giving the twins too much credit. They said lion, not tiger. They could not even get the animal right. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483623
Turtle September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 . Liz and her little tantrum during noms just proved what an entitled brat she is and I hope she goes home. I'm not sure what's best for Steve's game, though. Initially I thought sending Liz home would be best because that would be the surest way to split the trio, as Austin and Julia have the weakest personal link. But J-mac did make a good point about Austin maybe getting tighter with his old buddy Vanessa. But then again, get rid of him and you still have the twins, and they're always going to be tighter than any other pairing. SO yea, I still think send Liz home. If you're interested, I'm going to respond in the Episodes v. feeds thread (yes, I'm still trying to make that thread happen!). 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483636
Petunia13 September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 (edited) You are giving the twins too much credit. They said lion, not tiger. They could not even get the animal right. Wow. That reminds me of the other twins from the other switch thinking Will's comment about karma coming around to them was about "Karma Electra." CBS if you have to cast twins for a twist please make them less dumbass. Jessica & Elizabeth should be a good criteria to start. The casting for BB in general sucks now which is why we have assholes not gaming at all or wigging out gaming too hard or delusional about fame and romance or crazy or popping pills. Edited September 7, 2015 by Petunia13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483681
Gemma Violet September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 I just looked at the bio section on the Big Brother official site and this is what it says about Liz: Liz is known as a bit of a brainiac, having graduated cum-laude Oh-kaaaay... 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483860
alegtostandon September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 I just looked at the bio section on the Big Brother official site and this is what it says about Liz: Oh-kaaaay... They publish what info is supplied to them. I can't imagine that they demand proof of GPA, etc. I, to, loved Austins expression during that conversation. Only time I can use "Austin" & "Love" in the same sentence. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1483950
SpringTulips September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 (edited) There were so many gems in this episode. I vowed to not watch when James and Meg left but I am glad I did. Steve looking into the camera saying the Austwins are idiots for keeping John in the game; JMacs mimicking the twins over Steve's HOH win; Liz dissing Austin on the hammock with Julia; Steve busting Austin about lying that he would not put him and JMac up together; Liz talking about cutting Austin off the way she wanted to cut off his ponytail beard; Austin plotting to take the twins out. But what was more hilarious? Austin losing it over the Sigmund Freud conversation? Or the twins being so happy in the beginning that Steve won HOH? Edited September 7, 2015 by SpringTulips 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1484186
Moxie CrimeFighter September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 You say this like it's a good thing. It's not. It's annoying. I didn't say it like it's a good thing? I'm just saying, they literally squeal over everything... that's why it was perfectly believeable that they would squeal over Steve's HOH room without having ulterior motives. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1484249
panthergirl13 September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 Ugh, I didn't need Liz to 'confess' about Austin's lack of makeout skills... I knew already because I have eyes. Gross!! He reminds me of Brad the Bad Kisser from Sex and the City. So let's see... he smells, he is a terrible kisser, he has a ponytail beard... mmmmmm what a catch! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1484313
runforcover September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 (edited) How come only one of Austin's eyes gets tired? Every episode it falls lower and lower on his face. And then when he smiles in the DR the edge of his grin is super close to his one eye lid so for moments at a time he kind of looks like a gargoyle, or like he's doing an impression of his own imagined logo. Sorry, is this guy a thing? I can't even be bothered to google him. He's just so invasive, like too much. I can smell him, too, you know? Edited September 7, 2015 by runforcover 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1484372
Wandering Snark September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 (edited) So let's see... he smells, he is a terrible kisser, he has a ponytail beard... mmmmmm what a catch! Don't forget he wants to make out all the time (same hammock convo) and that he has octopus arms and is tattooed (badly) head to toe. Quite a catch indeed. ETA: He also has an aversion to wearing shirts. Edited September 7, 2015 by Wandering Snark 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31405-s17e33-episode-33/#findComment-1484384
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