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S10.E13: Sex, Lies & Leeches

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Things that elicit just as much of a response from Vicki as Meghan insinuating that Brooks doesn't have cancer:

  1.     Gretchen;
  2.     Reminding her that you saw her participating in a threesome; and
  3.     A FAMILY VAN!!!


What, exactly, are those leeches supposed to accomplish for Terry and Heather that selling their souls to Satan hasn't already accomplished?


That fight between Jim and Vicki? That was the epitome of an unarmed battle of wits. And who knew that Jim had that lisp? Right?


Possibly the best part? Jim telling Meghan to Zhip it! like a challenged version of Dr. Evil. ZHIP IT!

Edited by The Solution
  • Love 21

Ya know Vicki, you express your opinion on everyone's business but you freak out when someone says something about yours.  Such a hypocrite.


I did like the way Jim handled Vicki.  He handled her better than Meg but I give Meg credit for not backing down.  Vicki isn't use to it.  And yeah, Vicki brought the subject up, not Meg. 


Jim was horrible to Meg.  I'll give him a few points for the conversation in the limo but I really don't like him.


The party theme - really?  And then the leeches?  Yuk.


Ryan was 'thrilled' to be having dinner with his mother on camera.  Guess she bribed or threatened him.  Loved his responses to his mother feeling sorry for herself.

  • Love 16

If I have to choose between Mehgan and Vicki, I am with Vicki. 


It isn't even a matter of questioning the cancer diagnosis at this point. It's a matter of Mehgan just going out of her way to get a story line. It's gross and totally something Tamra would do. And, I loved Jimmy being all " ain't nobody got time for all that" when Mehgan tried to bring him into her and Vicki's fight. I mean Vicki totally could have handled it better, but damn if I didn't give a little cheer when Jim was all "don't bring me into this shit" with Mehgan on the limo ride home.


I also loved the fact that Mehgan was trying to make it about Jimmy being a dick when she has been the dick the entire season. She is totally one of those women who uses her husband as an excuse for her behavior NO MATTER WHAT.

  • Love 21

Glad that Vicki left the lunch party, Meghan was just being a bitch.

Did we really have to see the tub scene with Tamara & Eddie again.

Michael does know how to shut his mother down, just agree even if you don't and move on, limit contact and do not tell her where you live.

Shannon is going to have her "pity party" if anyone wants to come or not.

Leeches! Just gross.

Jimmy is NOT into Meghan anymore. I think he is starting to see what a mistake he made. Fooled around and did not fall in love. The party is OVER!

Next week looks like Vicki still does not understand that she cannot buy her daughters love or acceptance of Brooks with a new Tahoe.

  • Love 12

Michael is a sensible guy.  It's about time someone told Vicks she should be glad her mom lived as long she did & didn't suffer thru an illness.  Think that Mike's sensible speech to Vicks ended her whining?  Yeah, right.  This is Vicks.


So Shannon is/was a rocker?  Really?  And more whining from her about the birthday dinner at the sports bar?  Oh, make it stop.  Well, in this scenario, David is the bigger asshole (by far) for still insisting he did the best he could.  He's a shit.  I took my mom to a better birthday dinner when I was 12.  You suck, David.  But Shannon angrily saying to the cam that "anyone else would have walked" made me think so much more is going on that she wanted to say, but didn't.  


My theory is Shannon was very much hinting if she had "walked", she would have taken the kids, the house & an enormous chunk of David's dough.  Me doubts he would have been happy with that, so she forced him to say buh-bye to the girlfriend.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 21

Just read that David surprised Shannon with a trip to Maui, so maybe he paid attention after all.   


Michael and Avery Singer are the two sanest Housewife kids ever.   When Vicki said something about how when she dies he and Brianna will be ok because she has a lot of life insurance, I thought....well he probably knows that, Vicki!  Smart guy to move --close enough Vicki can't accuse him of abandoning her, far enough he can have some kind of life of his own.


Tamra's sex party was the least sexy party ever.  My favorite part was Vicki shaming the girl on the serving table.  "Education...Education!"

  • Love 12


So Shannon is/was a rocker?  Really?  And more whining from her about the birthday dinner at the sports bar?

I keep re-watching that scene of Shannon's birthday, and I keep becoming more and more convinced that it was a Gastro Pub and not a Sports Bar. But, there has been nothing except Shannon saying Sports Bar to explain where they were. That is frustrating for me. I want to know what kind of restaurant it actually was without it being dictated by Shannon.


Does anyone recognize where they actually were?

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 1

Michael is a sensible guy. It's about time someone told Vicks she should be glad her mom lived as long she did & didn't suffer thru an illness. Think that Mike's sensible speech to Vicks ended her whining? Yeah, right. This is Vicks.

So Shannon is/was a rocker? Really? And more whining from her about the birthday dinner at the sports bar? Oh, make it stop. Well, in this scenario, David is the bigger asshole (by far) for still insisting he did the best he could. He's a shit. I took my mom to a better birthday dinner when I was 12. You suck, David. But Shannon angrily saying to the cam that "anyone else would have walked" made me think so much more is going on that she wanted to say, but didn't.

My theory is Shannon was very much hinting if she had "walked", she would have taken the kids, the house & an enormous chunk of David's dough. Me doubts he would have been happy with that, so she forced him to say buh-bye to the girlfriend.


if it weren't for their poor daughters; I'd say the Beador marital train wreck is so far gone it's become laughable,

OMG Michael with the "Shall we order appetizers?" Was so many levels of awesome

  • Love 13

Oh man, did Tams' icky party look sparsely attended or what?


So Eddie never said Tams is a Jesus "freak" -- as Tams said (which I thought was a vile thing to say).  He merely asked her when she became a Jesus follower.  Big diff.  And that he lives with her & didn't know this is pretty telling.  Er, maybe cuz this is just more of Tams' fake nonsense for the cams?  Ya think?


Does anyone know about the leeches thing?  Isn't this a very ancient thing?  Oh, how horrible.  Sounds like something Wes Craven woulda dreamed up.  RIP Wes.

  • Love 18

When I first saw the blood spot on Heather's skirt, (which was way lower than her naval), I thought she was having a bad menstrual episode and was wondering why the editors were including it in the show.  LOL!  I just loved this episode.  I think I laughed more at this episode than I have at any other episodes throughout the franchises. 

  • Love 7

It looked like Shannons doctor was gonna jump start her belly! What was that??

Acupuncture with electric pulses for deep muscle stimulation. It does work wonders for the muscles after an injury. I have had acupuncture to help heal from extensive neck surgery and it worked wonders for me. I have never used it the way Shannon does though. LOL 


Heather worries about bacteria from eating sushi off a nude woman but is ok with leeches sucking on her belly? Oh and having sex with Terry.

I think Jimmy and Meghan won't last much longer than one year yet alone five years. He's really a dick plus he has short man syndrome. He talks to her like he has no respect for her at all.

Two words I don't want to hear after this season: cancer and affair.

Ahhh, but Medical Leeches are very clean and they are still used today, especially when they reattach, like a finger/hand/arm/toe/foot to the body.

  • Love 11

I don't really consider that 'backing down'.  She had both Vicki and Shannon in her face.  She brought in Jim for reinforcement.  It would have different if she brought in Jim if it were just her and Vicki.

Really, all she had to do was apologise for being such a intrusive supercilious patronizing bitch to Vicki at the luncheon. Just. Be. Polite.  But no, she is too concerned about "winning"-- winning what exactly??? She has already embarrassed herself on broadcast television. 

  • Love 24

Just as I always suspected...  I bet Demi Moore has a ward of virgin Mexican girls filling leeches to keep her in youth-giving blood facials/baths and the Dubrows are economizing due to the rising costs of their castle construction so are DIYing it....


Heather Dubrow... That is really fecking weird. Don't be a freak. Leave the leeches to the hematological overachievers.

  • Love 5

Oh man, did Tams' icky party look sparsely attended or what?


So Eddie never said Tams is a Jesus "freak" -- as Tams said (which I thought was a vile thing to say).  He merely asked her when she became a Jesus follower.  Big diff.  And that he lives with her & didn't know this is pretty telling.  Er, maybe cuz this is just more of Tams' fake nonsense for the cams?  Ya think?


Does anyone know about the leeches thing?  Isn't this a very ancient thing?  Oh, how horrible.  Sounds like something Wes Craven woulda dreamed up.  RIP Wes.

I am not sure about the use of leeches for skin care or for a more youthful appearance but they are still used in modern medicine today. The reattachment of a severed limb/digit is the most common use for leeches today. They increase blood flow to the area needed while thinning the blood for better blood flow.

  • Love 12

Tamra and Heather both saying that Vicki was reacting to OTT about Brooks' cancer....well, I guess they've never seen the Family Van episode!  If anything, her reaction is subdued (for her, not for a normal person).

Since the interviews are taped after the scenes are filmed (sometimes months later), I think Tamra and Heather know something (*cough* Brooks cancer is fake *cough*), and saying that Vicki's reaction is over-the-top is really code for "Vicki is hiding something," or "something fishy is going on."

Watch every scene with Vicki arguing about Brooks' cancer - she goes on the warpath and says a lot (she can't help herself), but as soon as someone asks a reasonable question that she can't answer, she goes all ad hominem, or says something like "he has four children. Don't you think he wants to live?" Or deflects or changes the subject. Or shuts it down. Even the preview for next week shows her saying "cut" to the camera when Brianna starts to talk about Brooks. GUILTY!

  • Love 17


if it weren't for their poor daughters; I'd say the Beador marital train wreck is so far gone it's become laughable,

OMG Michael with the "Shall we order appetizers?" Was so many levels of awesome


Wow, those girls look soooo uncomfortable.  Is it cuz they're nervous in front of the cams?  Maybe.  Or maybe it's tense as hell in that giganto Beador house, with that awful marriage going on.  And despite the size of that enormous place, the kids feel ALL the tension going on in their parents' shit marriage.  Well, if they didn't know the deets, they know now.  Let's not forget Shannon was fine & dandy putting it out, not only to us, but to her 3 daughters, that David banged his girlfriend right after he banged her on her last birthday.  How much anger & rage is Shannon filled with that she'd do such a thing?  Yikers!


So anyone think Vicks was over-the-top in her reaction to Meghan?  Heather & Tams did.  I don't agree.  Meghan was butting her bigass head into stuff that was none of her business.  Combine that with Meghan's thoughtless meanness & I think Vicks was justified in her reaction to Meghan's shit.  BUT I don't think I'd describe Meghan as evil.  Not sure why, but I just wouldn't.  Oh, she's a really nasty asshole -- thru & thru.  No doubt about that.  But I'm not seeing her as evil.  Maybe that's over-the-top?


Wait, when Vicks says, "Talk to me in 5 years when you're divorced", she didn't say it directly to asshole Jimmy, did she?  It looked like he walked away with Meghan when she said that.  I wish Vicks had said it to asshole Jimmy's face.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

Calling in Jim to say, "She's saying I'm mean..." is like a little girl calling her daddy over saying, "She's being mean to me!"  I would have respected her more had she just handled her all on her own.  Kinda like Lizzie did with Tamra last year in Bali or Bora Bora, or wherever the hell that was.

But Lizzie was not alone when she confronted Tamra, she had Shannon and Vicki at her side supporting her and agreeing with her.  

  • Love 5

Watch every scene with Vicki arguing about Brooks' cancer - she goes on the warpath and says a lot (she can't help herself), but as soon as someone asks a reasonable question that she can't answer, she goes all ad hominem, or says something like "he has four children. Don't you think he wants to live?" Or deflects or changes the subject. Or shuts it down. Even the preview for next week shows her saying "cut" to the camera when Brianna starts to talk about Brooks. GUILTY!


Vicki is loathsome.

  • Love 16

Wow, those girls look soooo uncomfortable.  Is it cuz they're nervous in front of the cams?  Maybe.  Or maybe it's tense as hell in that giganto Beador house, with that awful marriage going on.  And despite the size of that enormous place, the kids feel ALL the tension going on in their parents' shit marriage.  Well, if they didn't know the deets, they know now.  Let's not forget Shannon was fine & dandy putting it out, not only to us, but to her 3 daughters, that David banged his girlfriend right after he banged her on her last birthday.  How much anger & rage is she filled with that she'd do such a thing?


So anyone think Vicks was over-the-top in her reaction to Meghan?  Heather & Tams did.  I don't agree.  Meghan was butting her bigass head into stuff that was none of her business.  Combine that with Meghan's thoughtless meanness & I think Vicks was justified in her reaction to Meghan's shit.  BUT I don't think I'd describe Meghan as evil.  Not sure why, but I just wouldn't.  Oh, she's a really nasty asshole -- thru & thru.  No doubt about that.  But I'm not seeing her as evil.  Maybe that's over-the-top?


Wait, when Vicks says, "Talk to me in 5 years when you're divorced", she didn't say that directly to asshole Jimmy, right?  It looked like he already had left with Meghan when she said that.  I would have liked to see her say that to his face, which she didn't.

Vicki is a 2 faced biotch. She inserted herself into Meghan's life with critiquing how Meghan/Jimmy were handling his daughter, Meghan did NOT ask for Vicki's advice or help at all but heaven forbid that Meghan say anything about Brooks. Vicki is using Brooks illness (or not) as her major storyline this season and that is on Vicki/Brooks and no one else. She made snide comments to Gretchen about her/Jeff and is now facing pay back from the producers IMO.


Jimmy was walking back to Meghan/bar when Vicki said that to him and Shannon snickered.

  • Love 22

When I first saw the blood spot on Heather's skirt, (which was way lower than her naval), I thought she was having a bad menstrual episode and was wondering why the editors were including it in the show.  LOL!  I just loved this episode.  I think I laughed more at this episode than I have at any other episodes throughout the franchises. 

I totally agree.  This was my favorite episode of the season.  

Really, all she had to do was apologise for being such a intrusive supercilious patronizing bitch to Vicki at the luncheon. Just. Be. Polite.  But no, she is too concerned about "winning"-- winning what exactly??? She has already embarrassed herself on broadcast television. 

One could say the same about Vicki.  And with what Vicki said in bringing it up, well, that's just not creating an atmosphere for an apology. 

  • Love 11

To add to the leech conversation, the FDA approved medical leeches in 2004.  Another reason they work in digit reattachment, is the arteries (which carry oxygenated blood to the finger) are rather easily reattached, but the veins (which carry the deoxygenated blood from the finger) are more fragile.  This can lead a finger to swell, and the blood to clot.  A leech drains the finger slowly, and leaves the anticoagulant behind to help prevent clotting.  I've only seen it once in my career, and it was in Ortho, and on a finger that was gangrenous.  Luckily, I was not the nurse who actually handled the little sucker.

  • Love 13

To add to the leech conversation, the FDA approved medical leeches in 2004.  Another reason they work in digit reattachment, is the arteries (which carry oxygenated blood to the finger) are rather easily reattached, but the veins (which carry the deoxygenated blood from the finger) are more fragile.  This can lead a finger to swell, and the blood to clot.  A leech drains the finger slowly, and leaves the anticoagulant behind to help prevent clotting.  I've only seen it once in my career, and it was in Ortho, and on a finger that was gangrenous.  Luckily, I was not the nurse who actually handled the little sucker.

I was Pharmacy and I had to take care of the slippery critters and teach the Dr.s and nurses how to attach them and then how to dispose (kill) them after they drop off the patient! LOL Not fun!

  • Love 9

Vicki is going to make sure that Meghan and Jim break up. Telling him his wife is nasty and crazy a million times trying as hard as possible, as quickly as possible, to get as many bad words in about Meghan as possible. What was up with her putting his hands all over him? If I were Meghan, I would have pushed her hands right off. Meghan should have NEVER brought him over. Ever. Even with Vicki and Shannon tag teaming trying to get as many put-downs in as possible, Meghan should have just left instead of bringing Jim over. 


I did love how Shannon demanded that Jim tell her how he would respond if someone accused Leanne of not having cancer, and he said, "I'd go to the doctor and get her vitals and show everyone she does. Simple." And Vicki lost her mind screaming, "I'm not going to do that! I'm not going to do that!" 


Vicki is a psycho. Once Jim sees how it all played out, he will realize Vicki is nuts. The problem is, Meghan is determined to prove she is right, and so is Vicki. Only, IMO, Vicki is a con artist (as Meghan caught on) and has more to lose. So even though Meghan is right, imo, that Brooks is totally faking the cancer thing (and badly! Can't they go to Kinkos and print out some fake medical papers? How lazy is this guy?) Vicki has more friends and more influence, so no one is going to take Meghan's side. She's fighting a losing battle. Plus, everyone knows that Meghan is just trying to out Vicki and does not give a shit about her. So no one really likes Meghan anyway, because she really is a lying conniving bitch as well.


The best part? Tamra calling the pastor as pasture again. OMG, I laughed so hard!

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 17

I thought that whole argument was provoked by Tamra. Meghan and Vicki had peacefully avoided each other until Tamra shouted, "Give her a hug Meghan!" I think both Vicki and Meghan were very immature, but if I'm beefing with someone, don't ask them to hug me or ask me to hug them. And then she conveniently slithered away in her skanky outfit, to the other side of the room all fake exasperated. "OMG! We weren't supposed to talk about this, guys!" Oh and Tamra, you totally stole "Jesus Jugs."


That one sentence could be the descriptor for the entire series!

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 19

I thought Jimmy's answer about what he would do if someone told him that Leanne was faking her cancer was stupid. First of all, he cannot demand her records, there are privacy laws and being that he is an ex-husband... NOPE to him. She has a husband who is/was probably her healthcare proxy. 


If my spouse had cancer and some bimbo I just met told me her psychic said he was faking it?  I would laugh in her face and tell her to GFH.


Which is what Megs could have done very handily when Vicks gave some unsolicited advice and opinion on Jim's spoiled brat she is babysitting. 

  • Love 10

I thought that whole argument was provoked by Tamra. Meghan and Vicki had peacefully avoided each other until Tamra shouted, "Give her a hug Meghan!" I think both Vicki and Meghan were very immature, but if I'm beefing with someone, don't ask them to hug me or ask me to hug them. And then she conveniently slithered away in her skanky outfit, to the other side of the room all fake exasperated. "OMG! We weren't supposed to talk about this, guys!" Oh and Tamra, you totally stole "Jesus Jugs."


I agree!!  Even my husband commented that the "blonde in the stupid skanky lace thing" was the one who started everything tonight.  He asked me why would someone who knows that two people aren't speaking to each other ask those two people to hug...and then, he answered his own question and said "The producers probably told her to".


I then had to explain that Tamra would have done it anyway, whether requested to or not, just because she likes to stir things up.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 7

I think Jim was largely highly sensible. Vicki wouldn't shut up.



I agree - he was very calm and sensible with Vicki (and purple haired Shannon chattering in the background), but the way he spoke to Meghan was awful.



I thought Jim handled Vicki calmly and was making sense but when Vicki is all wound up, nothing anyone says to her is going to make a difference.  There's a rerun of WWHL on now and Tamara is Andy's guest.    She said that Jim doesn't seem comfortable in front of the cameras and is very different when the four of them go out together (Tamara, Eddie, Meghan and Jim).


Jim didn't come off as sympathetic to Meghan's plight at all but his advice was spot on.  Let it go Meghan.  I think he was annoyed that she dragged him into her argument with Vicki.


Vicki is just such a bitch.  She claims everyone should butt out of her business while she inserts herself in everyone else's.


Shannon........is beyond annoying and David's "Yes dear" crap seemed patronizing.  I have no idea why these two are still together.


I'll echo the previous posters "Ewwww" regarding the leeches.


I did laugh when the lights went on at the end of Tamara and Eddie's sex tape but the sex themed party was tacky.  The naked girl decorated with food was just gross.


So what/who is left?  Lizzie.  She was the only one who didn't annoy, anger or turn me off tonight.

  • Love 14

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