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S02.E07: Episode 7

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I'm late to the party this week - work and other mundane things - but wanted quickly to report that my wrists and elbows are sore as I did cartwheels across a hardwood floor upon hearing Clare's announcement:  'I am retiring from Bachelor-related shows.'


Good riddance to this vacuous, overhyped, unfunny, unsexy gooseberry.  She can take her kimono to Seoul and stay there or suffer at home with her neurotic siblings. As long as she keeps her promise.

Edited by Rainsong
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Does Joe think he is going to win points with Samantha by saying he wants her as a trophy wife?  That's not a compliment.


Remember when that ugly bodybuilder guy (you may be thinking, "which one?") on Emily's season called her a trophy? She flipped her shit on him and sent him home. Looks like Joe didn't get the "women aren't trophies" memo. He then called her a bitch for not liking him, which really tells you all you need to know about Joe.

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I missed this ep of Mensa in Paradise, so thanks for all the snark that keeps me up to date.  I need a highlight reel so I can avoid all the Hoolia nonsense.  I'm glad she stayed in Paradise - her daughter needs the break.

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And shout out to the poster who asked if Juelia was/is pregnant. I couldn't take my eyes off of the pooch sticking out of her skin-tight yellow skirt, it was sort of fascinating. And I kept wondering why she didn't "suck it in," at least for the camera.


Yeah, not so much for me with the endless scrutiny and criticism of women's bodies. There's a million reasons to dislike Juelia but being a mother without a perfectly flat stomach is not one of them for me. I don't think she needed to suck it in either. That is her body and it's fine. Now, should she have been discreetly walking around with a napkin to pat down some of that sweat, yes, that I can agree with. 

Edited by PetuniaP
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I have such an intense dislike for Juelia.

I vaguely recall her backstory and thinking she didn't handle the situation regarding her husband very well and that TB could have used it as a PAS for suicide prevention. I excused her behavior as that of someone young, uninformed, emotionally unstable, etc… Next I remember how as a last ditch effort to get a rose from Chris she told her sob story at the most inopportune time/place~pool party. It worked and she got a pity rose. I was put off by her using her story for a pity rose.

I was trying to remember how this all went down and ended up on Reality Steve's site where he posted two letters from Juelia's husband's family and friends. They were all hurt and furious that she would use his story to gain a competitive edge on the show and they say she told things (like that he used a gun) that some family members didn't even know. At the time she also failed to tell the family about many, many signs that Dustin was suicidal. She lied when she said she didn't understand that he was ill, (she had been to his therapist with him.) She gave the impression he was a hard partying guy, not the philanthropist who worked to help orphans in Thailand. She told Chris Soules he had been "out with friends," before he killed himself but he had been at a business dinner where co-workers said Dustin received endless nagging calls from her wanting him to come home and help with the baby, even though he told her his boss wanted him to stay. Most of all he loved his baby very much and had written poems about her, but Juelia had said he was having trouble accepting the baby. His parent's were just devastated, but I guess Juelia didn't mind since she's back on TV talking about her tragedy.

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Well, my hat's off to JJ.  That's the first time the franchise has surprised me in quite a while (if ever).  Nice to have something different to think about than Joe for a few minutes. 

JJ has redeemed himself in my eyes. Giving my fave Ashley S. the rose, just because, was simply awesome. His voice over when he was leaving was hysterical -- could he have thrown any more cliches in there? With that uplifting patriotic self-sacrificing music, the editors had me in stitches.


I am SO OVER Juleaisa. Pity Party Queen! Get over yourself, and your friends need to get over it, too. Jueliza did it to herself, by ignoring what her "beloved" Mikey was telling her, so now she gets a do-over? Oh, well, there are no rulez in paradise. Still, why did you stay? Why not leave and go to a hotel? I have had my fill of seeing Jwewllzia on my screen, and am sick of the other people coddling her.


Ashley S. on the date was hysterical. The editors and the interpretation of her dialogue with the noisy bird -- OMG, ridiculous and funny. I almost understood what she was trying to say about being like a sister to Nick. Maybe I was drunk, too, but I think she was saying that even if there's no romance going to happen, she will have his back. I think. Who knows? I was so happy she stayed, and so happy Nick took her on the date for my viewing entertainment.


Ashely I. is seriously pathetic. She's a high school freshman who has a crush on a cute senior boy that she imagines is ideal in every way, and is terrified to talk to. Most of us mature and grow out of that phase, and realize relationships are two-way streets that involve, you know, actual conversation. What an idiot she is.

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she has no reason to conceal her body shape.



That is her body and it's fine.


Go back and read all the comments in this thread and every Bach and Bach-ette season. It's all about someone's hair being frizzy, face sweaty, eyes beady, teeth too big, teeth too pointy, roots being black, eyebrows being too big, eyebrows too plucked, boobs too big/small/fake, too much muscle, not enough muscle, a rank tattoo, ugly clothes  ... the list goes on ad infinitum. But now all of a sudden Juelia's poochy stomach "is hers" and it's fine? What a new and vastly different perspective. But I guess it's okay given her widowed mother status, she is above reproach.

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I just don't understand why they couldn't just let Mikey and Juelia ride off into the sunset together and stop freaking torturing us. It's illegal to talk ill of a widowed mother but she is seriously delusional. Going to Chris to ask for Mikey back (what, not Ben H Princess?) and then actually, really, truly saying "What a romantic gesture! For you to come all the way back here and date me!" Ugh. I can't take any more of her, I just can't. I'm ready to have an Ashley I-size meltdown over it!!!


The Nick/Ashley date was the most hilarious thing I have seen on this show--the hammered parts and interviews not the boner parts. "I'll always be like a sister to you." "That's weird because we kissed" LOVED IT.

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So many miserable people on this show.  

From what i see - 

If you want or NEED to find a partner, to fill a void in your life, because you feel incomplete when you're not half of a couple, you will have a miserable time on this show. 


Similarly, if you want or NEED to find someone to be a parent to a future or existing child , and you really think that this show is full of people who would be good parents - you will be disappointed, and angry.


If you have your heart set on hooking up with someone you've seen on a reality TV show, and are convinced that the person is your one true love, or your next lover, or just would look REALLY good in photos with you - that person will end up rejecting you and you will cry your eyes out. 

If you go for any of those reasons - you will hate yourself when the show airs.  


On the other hand, if you want to go on a vacation, with a bunch of single people in your age group, to a cheap hotel which is near a beach of sorts, possibly have an adventure, drink booze, maybe go on a boat, or to a nice restaurant,,  swim, get sunburned, and be close to nature and wildlife, make out with a few people,  AND have people see it unfold on TV AND you can do this without any expectations that it will solve your problems - then do it - it's a party that lasts a few weeks.  That's all it is.  don't expect more, and you'll be fine. 

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I missed this ep of Mensa in Paradise, so thanks for all the snark that keeps me up to date.  I need a highlight reel so I can avoid all the Hoolia nonsense.  I'm glad she stayed in Paradise - her daughter needs the break.


Juelia update: she applied her eye makeup with a chisel-point Sharpie again and glued on her 2 ft lashes. She then spent the rest of the show wiping her eyes, eyebrows and nose with her fingers without the benefit of a tissue, handkerchief or hand sanitizer.  She then moaned to anyone within earshot about how hard done by she was with far too many of them taking up her cause.  She then managed to 'match' a lime green skirt, black top and bright red Star Trek prop necklace while contorting her features during yet another crying jag.


On a positive note, she managed to get through entire sentences without once pronouncing the final consonant of a word.


I wish I could help you with the particular episode involving the above but it seems to be a mindlessly recurring plot on this show.

Edited by Rainsong
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Juelia is almost coming off like a person with short-term memory loss.  She can't actually remember what happened a day or 2 ago, so she creates a new "reality" for her story, on the fly.


That's awesome when you're making up stories to tell your toddler at bedtime, but not so much when you're a grown-ass woman on national TV.  But it is convenient for any guy interested down the road, as he can go back and watch the videos to see exactly what brand of crazy she's been selling.     

Edited by leighdear
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Juelia is almost coming off like a person with short-term memory loss.  She can't actually remember what happened a day or 2 ago, so she creates a new "reality" for her story, on the fly.

Right! I mean, plenty of people selectively remember in real life, but...she's on camera. Hey, Joolz, when that one thing happened 24 hours ago, there was a guy holding a large black camera approximately 4 feet from your face. He might have been the same guy you're trying to sell your revised version to right now. I think she's just nuts. And desperate. Dear god, so desperate. That speech about how she is such a catch? Come on, everybody knows that some things you say to yourself in the mirror/mutter to yourself while you're making dinner SHOULD NOT be stated out loud to another person. Or another million people. 

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This is after all a reality type game show, right?  Aren't there some kind of rules about changing the rules mid-game?  That's why if the Amazing Race wants a particular couple to advance, they can't all of a sudden decide that it's a non-elimination leg.  So why is this show any different?


Because there's no prize -- other than LURV... and television exposure. Just like Real Housewives doesn't have a prize.


Will Ferrel was making a joke when he said that San Diego mean "whale's vagina."  It's not true. San Diego, my home town, was named after the Spanish Catholic saint St. Didacus.   I agree with you that San Diego is a populous city/county.  It is also a Navy town and has a heavy military  presence.  If she lives in San Diego, she has quite a population to pick from if she made any effort whatsoever.

Thanks for that. Husband is from San Diego -- I had to ask him about the whale vagina joke because I'd forgotten that from the Ron Bellamy movie, and any San is "Saint." But I digress -- yes, San Diego is filled with young Navy men. I had the same thought! I didn't realize Jeuzl9a was from San Diego, and now that I know, I like her even less with all of her caterwauling about not being able to find a man. I might believe it if she lived in some remote town with no population, but it's ridiculous that she can't find men in SD of all places.


Now that I've experienced first-hand on this show how Juellsma can rewrite even very recent history (lie about how things went down), I'm inclined to believe her late husband's family's account of his suicide over hers. Sorry, Jeuellai, I'm really sick of you and your delusions.


Does Joe think he is going to win points with Samantha by saying he wants her as a trophy wife?  That's not a compliment.


That blew me away. Joe is very stupid, and this just reinforces that. Being called a trophy wife is NOT a compliment -- women don't generally want to be objectified. But it's obvious he only cared about Samantha for her looks -- I never heard him say much else about her, other than she was hot, smokin', too hot for him, etc. That 8-point buck comment was also disgusting. 


I don't think trophy wives have to be second wives, just women married for how good they'll look on a man's arm. That often turns out to be a younger woman marrying an older guy, who might be on his second or more marriage.


Juelia update: she applied her eye makeup with a chisel-point Sharpie again and glued on her 2 ft lashes. She then spent the rest of the show wiping her eyes, eyebrows and nose with her fingers without the benefit of a tissue, handkerchief or hand sanitizer.  She then moaned to anyone within earshot about how hard done by she was with far too many of them taking up her cause.  She then managed to 'match' a lime green skirt, black top and bright red Star Trek prop necklace while contorting her features during yet another crying jag.

Did you notice that Star Trek (LOL, so true, I love Star Trek) necklace shifted so that it was sideways halfway through the rose ceremony? She can't even "wear it well."

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JJ´s fairy-tale exit proved beyond any doubt that he is the one pure of heart, and must be a direct descendant of Sir Lancelot, the way he defended a trashy broad´s honor in paradise was epic. Something we only get to see once every 500 years or so.

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Technically there is a prize (a Neil Lane ring), but you have to get engaged to a fame-whoring idiot to get it. And stay together for two years, or you have to return it. And I guess you get a free wedding if you don't mind spending your wedding day in "paradise" with a bunch of drunken man-sluts.

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Was that a military funeral that they gave to JJ?  I was waiting for a 21 gun salute  .I don't blame JJ for his drama drumming.  He gets the bullshit and plays along with the producers. I'm sure they were happy to have him because he was willing to act out any drama or storyline they wanted to force. For a phony baloney show, he was fun and 'got it'.


I do beleive Samantha is a 'plant'..  I think she is a friend of the producers or something and was just a placeholder on Chris's season, but not there as a contestant. Thus no airtime.

Then they drummed up this Joe/Nick Samantha drama.  It's possible she initiated contact.  I thought it was fishy that she was so cold to (ugh I hate spelling her name)  Juelia and played the villian.  I don't think the other dopes are in on it but I'm sure her role is scripted.  


Now she breaks up with Joe for being a 'bad guy' when it was Samantha who designed the whole thing. (part of this dumb script) Joe doesn't call her on this??  Not sure I understand that.(He is rather stupid)   but now he is going to "expose" her to the whole group. (as if they don't already know..and are sick of it themselves so don't care). Of course she denies the obvious (scripted) so that the expose will be extra shocking.   This show is desperate.    Just change the format!!!  It will be alot less work to make it fun and full of real tears and heartbreak!!  


I'm over the Ashley S.exploitation.  She's so full of pills..then they toss alcohol on top to get her in her crazy role.  I find the glassy, vacant eyes to be disturbing.. She is there to do the bidding of the producers and she knows it. She's too pretty and too smart to be the village idiot but she's too F'ed up to care.  It's pathetic






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Speaking of trophy wives.......... from "Everybody Loves Raymond"


Marie Barone: I have my own opinions. I'm not just some trophy wife.
Frank Barone: Trophy wife? What contest in hell did I win?

Edited by Trace
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I was trying to remember how this all went down and ended up on Reality Steve's site where he posted two letters from Juelia's husband's family and friends. They were all hurt and furious that she would use his story to gain a competitive edge on the show and they say she told things (like that he used a gun) that some family members didn't even know. At the time she also failed to tell the family about many, many signs that Dustin was suicidal. She lied when she said she didn't understand that he was ill, (she had been to his therapist with him.) She gave the impression he was a hard partying guy, not the philanthropist who worked to help orphans in Thailand. She told Chris Soules he had been "out with friends," before he killed himself but he had been at a business dinner where co-workers said Dustin received endless nagging calls from her wanting him to come home and help with the baby, even though he told her his boss wanted him to stay. Most of all he loved his baby very much and had written poems about her, but Juelia had said he was having trouble accepting the baby. His parent's were just devastated, but I guess Juelia didn't mind since she's back on TV talking about her tragedy.

It's worse than I recall from the show. I do remember there was something about her being threatened with a gun and she and the baby got away but she didn't call the police and the next day she got worried when she couldn't get a hold of him (IIRC). There were parts of her story as told on TB that made me think "you idiot, you should have realized those are massive red flags for suicide/homicide and either called the police or get him to treatment asap" but then I wrote it off as her being young, dumb, uninformed, emotionally entangled/blinded…etc. That was it for "free passes" from me. I found excuses for her lack of action regarding her husband's pre-suicide behavior but it still bothered me. Also her talking about it the way she did on TB (guns, etc) bothered me since it came of as sensational or using it for camera time and pity. No thought to her in-laws or what her child would later see. Selfish! I wasn't a fan of her when she was on TB and grew to dislike her on BIP (being force fed her "poor Juelia" story). The info above is not surprising and it makes me sick to my stomach. I feel sorry for her in-laws and child.

Her child is what? a few years old and she has spent how much time away (how long is the casting process in LA for TB and how much time was she away and I'm sure she would have wanted to stay until the end. Now factor in time for BIP and her vacations (unless she took the baby with her and I doubt Sammantha would have wanted the baby with them on fun vacation)…..I'll stop here before I get too harsh.

Who was the girl with the "great story"--the husband who died suddenly with a heart attack….she had that fake fainting spell (lol). Weren't' they both on the same season? One got the saint edit and the other got the villain edit but they were both fucked up. I think I prefer the villain one from an entertainment purpose (no children were harmed). Kelsey?

Edited by Vicky8675309
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Ha ha. Another good one, Trace.

I do beleive Samantha is a 'plant'..  I think she is a friend of the producers or something and was just a placeholder on Chris's season, but not there as a contestant. Thus no airtime. Then they drummed up this Joe/Nick Samantha drama.



Ooooh, that makes SO much sense. And totally explains why she had not one inch of dialogue during Soules's season, it was to "establish" her as one of the Bachelor Family so as to get her on this show. Yeah ... that's the ticket!


Backformore: Your post is one of the most sensible and insightful ones ever posted here. At least, I think so because ... well, I think so! Will you share my Molly coconut with me?



Who was the girl with the "great story"--the husband who died suddenly with a heart attack….she had that fake fainting spell (lol). Weren't' they both on the same season? One got the saint edit and the other got the villain edit but they were both fucked up. I think I prefer the villain one from an entertainment purpose (no children were harmed). Kelsey?



OMGosh, yes, Juelia and Kelsey The I'm Up Here one were on the same season, Chris Soules. And right there with them was the mute Samantha, commented on above. Yikes! I'm feeling sorry for Farmer Chris all of a sudden.

Edited by saber5055
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I guess it's because Jonathan was afraid he was going to get his brains bashed in (fixed because brains being bashed out may not really be a thing). But I also wonder whether perhaps Jonathan was approached and didn't WANT to come back if it meant being stuck with JuELLia whereas famewhore Mikey was just happy to be back in Paradise (hey, I can dream, can't I?).

Love your username!!

I like your thinking on this too! Wasn't a Jonathan fan but big ups to him if this was the scenario!!

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Good job show, you actually made me hate Juelia the "victim" more than the two evil morons who victimized. her. That kind of producing deserves some serious awards.


During the whole "bring Mikey back" BS all I could think was, why can't she just give him a call when she gets out of paradise? Do they sign some kind of no compete clause or something that forbids them from dating outside the show? The duck?


I'm sad Clare left. I don't really like most of these people.


I have an irrational hate for Jade. She hadn't necessarily done anything hate worthy, then again she hasn't necessarily done ANYTHING. Serious she is the blandest person I have ever seen. She looks bland, she acts bland, she talks bland. The only thing she seems to actually do is take her clothes off for a camera.

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It's worse than I recall from the show. I do remember there was something about her being threatened with a gun and she and the baby got away but she didn't call the police and the next day she got worried when she couldn't get a hold of him (IIRC). There were parts of her story as told on TB that made me think "you idiot, you should have realized those are massive red flags for suicide/homicide and either called the police or get him to treatment asap" but then I wrote it off as her being young, dumb, uninformed, emotionally entangled/blinded…etc. That was it for "free passes" from me. I found excuses for her lack of action regarding her husband's pre-suicide behavior but it still bothered me. Also her talking about it the way she did on TB (guns, etc) bothered me since it came of as sensational or using it for camera time and pity. No thought to her in-laws or what her child would later see. Selfish! I wasn't a fan of her when she was on TB and grew to dislike her on BIP (being force fed her "poor Juelia" story). The info above is not surprising and it makes me sick to my stomach. I feel sorry for her in-laws and child.

Her child is what? a few years old and she has spent how much time away (how long is the casting process in LA for TB and how much time was she away and I'm sure she would have wanted to stay until the end. Now factor in time for BIP and her vacations (unless she took the baby with her and I doubt Sammantha would have wanted the baby with them on fun vacation)…..I'll stop here before I get too harsh.

Who was the girl with the "great story"--the husband who died suddenly with a heart attack….she had that fake fainting spell (lol). Weren't' they both on the same season? One got the saint edit and the other got the villain edit but they were both fucked up. I think I prefer the villain one from an entertainment purpose (no children were harmed). Kelsey?



I felt exactly the same about the suicide story. It was sad that she didn't seek more help, proper help, and take the right steps to prevent a tragedy. At the time, I wondered if she didn't feel guilty about that, but the more I see of her on these shows, the more I think she's "rewritten" her own past to turn herself into the tragic heroine. If there's any guilt there, it's buried pretty deep, otherwise how can she be so free with the story on national TV?


I agree she takes a lot of time off for these shows, but does she have a day job? If not, then her daughter is getting a lot of time with her generally. Also, you can drive from San Diego to LA in a couple or three hours -- depending on where you're going in the city and the traffic, of course. So her going to Bachelor casting in LA isn't that much of a time suck. That said, I am puzzled about the vacation with Samantha -- did she take her daughter along, or dump her on her parents or other caretakers? So many Jueueuellia questions out there.

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saber: Backformore: Your post is one of the most sensible and insightful ones ever posted here. At least, I think so because ... well, I think so! Will you share my Molly coconut with me?


Molly, no, but I'll drink something with rum out of a coconut -      if you like pina coladas......getting caught in the rain.....

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I'm certain JJ told producers he wanted to leave but they told him to give his rose to Ashley on the way out because Harrison loooooves Ashley as TV Gold, and they also told him that Mikey was coming back so Juelia would be safe.

Joe should be raked over the coals about repeatedly calling Samantha a bitch even if, worst case, she did the same thing to Joe that he did to Juelia--pretending to be into him to get a rose and then coldly dropping him without any regard to the feelings on his end.

I kind of love that Princess Jasmine Kardashley was left broken-hearted sobbing on an outdoor bed in the middle of nowhere just like she was on Chris's season. But that was insane how she called Kaitlyn saying how she broke Jared and he's pining after her. Have we seen ANYTHING that alludes to that? He was trying to let Ashley down and she said it's because you're still in love with Kaitlyn--and he was just like, if that helps me get away from you, then (shrug), sure.

But I did like the juxtaposition of breakup scenes with Ashley and Samantha wearing the same white cropped tank top. And the repeated panning to the sad little chocolate covered cherries that still had pits and stems on Joe's birthday cake to himself.

I hope there's some way for Nick to be the quiet dark horse who flip the win at the end again. Like maybe evil Samantha thinks he'll propose. And he'll just be like, so long, sucker and run off with a hundred thousand dollar Neil Lane ring

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Will Ferrel was making a joke when he said that San Diego mean "whale's vagina."  It's not true. San Diego, my home town, was named after the Spanish Catholic saint St. Didacus.   I agree with you that San Diego is a populous city/county.  It is also a Navy town and has a heavy military  presence.  If she lives in San Diego, she has quite a population to pick from if she made any effort whatsoever.

I know that.   I didn't really think it meant whale's vagina, and wouldn't have even if I weren't fairly proficient in Spanish. 

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I'm certain JJ told producers he wanted to leave but they told him to give his rose to Ashley on the way out because Harrison loooooves Ashley as TV Gold, and they also told him that Mikey was coming back so Juelia would be safe.



So agree.  What would have happened if JJ gave his rose to Juelia?  Then would Mikey just have hopped back on a plane and left?  I don't think so.  Manufactured drama.


Laughing when some of the girls were talking about how Tanner and Jade "took it to the next level".  Puh-leez.  This is Bachelor in Paradise.  We don't need to speak in prim proper code here.  Why don't they just flat out say, "They banged and it was awesome"?  Neither of their parents who may be watching now is in the dark about what happened in that suite.


Curious to see what Joe hopes to accomplish by saying he has 700 text messages from Samantha.  700?  Really?  Who counts how many messages they have?  I don't see how he avoids going home especially now with his reputation.

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For your viewing pleasure...Nick's winning BP3 moment. Note the massive standing ovation from the audience after his badass speech.


Rachel: "You are such a f***ing schmuck." 

Nick: "I'm a schmuck with $250,000!"

That was friggin' sweet. How long ago was that? Nick looks totally different now. Did not recognize him at first.

To me the hottest guy on there is Jared. He may have fangs and wackadoodle facial hair but he floats my boat. He's very dull though. Jade is right up his alley.

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That was friggin' sweet. How long ago was that? Nick looks totally different now. Did not recognize him at first.



I believe it aired the summer of 2012. BP1 was summer of 2010 so I think that's correct.


Nick singlehandedly killed Bachelor Pad, so if anyone is sad about it they should blame him ;-)

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I do beleive Samantha is a 'plant'..  I think she is a friend of the producers or something and was just a placeholder on Chris's season, but not there as a contestant. Thus no airtime.  


Unreal, what have you wrought?


They were casting Chris's season about a year ago. You're saying they cast Samantha in August/September 2014 so that she and an unknown guy who would be on the next Bachelorette season (spring 2015) would hatch a nefarious plot that would be revealed in summer 2015.


More likely, they cast her because she's hot. Plenty of guys put her on their lists, so of course she would go on BiP. This drama was just a pleasant surprise for the producers.

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Unreal, what have you wrought?


They were casting Chris's season about a year ago. You're saying they cast Samantha in August/September 2014 so that she and an unknown guy who would be on the next Bachelorette season (spring 2015) would hatch a nefarious plot that would be revealed in summer 2015.

No..I'm not saying they hatched THIS plot back then.  ..I'm suggesting that they pulled Samantha into this BiP season and asked her to play the villain in a somewhat scripted role.   The fact that she had as much airtime as a potted plant on Chris' season made me think that she was a fill-in and not an actual applicant.in that case.    Arie on Emily's season was a staff member's friend if I recall.  (she is quite 'hot' but yet Chris had maybe one conversation with her?)     Um..It is possible that some of the drama on this show is manufactured, but that could just be me being a crazy cynic. I forgot this is a reality show.  Thanks for squashing my silly suspicions.  .

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Re: Tanner though - I just can't get on board with the Tanner love like others have...he bothers me, though I can't really identify why. And for some reason, when I imagine Tanner in my mind, it's Marcus's face that I come up with...Then I realize, no, that's Marcus. Tanner's that other boring sap who's face I can barely remember. And why won't he just say "Hey Samantha, I saw your dang text message. Shut up."?!?!

I'm not a huge fan either. On Kaitlyn's season as I recall Tanner was the group's Bachelor expert and led the charge against Nick with his version of all the awful things Nick had supposedly done on Andi's season, including that Nick and Andi were "hooking up" before Nick showed up for the TBette show (based on something Tanner had seen on TMZ or read on Reality Steve or somesuch). That's where that other guy, who hadn't seen Andi's season, got all his bad vibes about Nick from.


Anyone else wonder what Josh was doing commiserating with Joe? It seemed out of place to me, when Joe was talking about how he was going to take Samantha down with the 700 texts blahblahblah, Josh was sitting there cackling and agreeing with every word out of Joe's mouth.

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Is it possible they needed someone to sit across from Joe so he wouldn't be babbling to himself, and Josh was the one least likely to punch him so he was the designated goat?


I just assumed they were bros from the same season or something. Dudes can do all sorts of despicable stuff and still hang together. If Clint came on BiP and did what Joe did, I'm guessing JJ would've been the one sitting on the couch agreeing with everything he said.


Nick didn't kill BP, per se. He played the game according to its rules and offered up one of the most golden moments ever on reality TV. 

Edited by NoWhammies
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For your viewing pleasure...Nick's winning BP3 moment. Note the massive standing ovation from the audience after his badass speech.


Rachel: "You are such a f***ing schmuck." 

Nick: "I'm a schmuck with $250,000!"

Oh. My. God.

That was the best thing I've ever!

I didn't watch BP (didn't know it existed, unfortunately, until it was too late), but that makes me wish I had seen that season. It seems like everyone got what they deserved, and her calling him a schmuck and saying he wouldn't be there if not for her just sealed it. Good for him!!

**Sorry for the brief OT**

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Nick didn't kill BP, per se. He played the game according to its rules and offered up one of the most golden moments ever on reality TV. 


By "Nick killed Bachelor Pad," I just meant that after his victory, there was nothing else the show could have done, so that's why it isn't on the air anymore. That shocking ending was the omega of the series, and it was a spectacular way to go!

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Nick keeping the money tops my personal list of greatest reality show moments of all time. Those high school clique mean kids (Rachel, Jaqueline, Ed, etc.) were so damn cruel to him the whole season. They DID just use him and boss him around and never gave a damn about his opinion just because they needed one more guy in their clique so Rachel wouldn't be out. Everything he said was completely accurate. Just like the audience members going wild with a standing ovation, i, too, jumped off my couch and cheered. And I mean, I do get into my shows and all, but I've never had such an impassioned reaction to the show. For those who didn't watch the season but thought it was a cool moment, it was infinitely better after a whole season of build-up of truly no one taking Nick seriously and these assholes basically telling him to shut up and no one cares what he thinks and he should be lucky they're keeping him around because he's not cool enough to really be their friend.

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Watching Rachel cry because her callousness lost her $125,000 will never not be satisfying. Watching him call them out is about as good as reality TV can get. "I'm a schmuck with $250,000". I hope people play that ending at all parties these people go to.

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I agree JenE. For me it's up there with some of the great Survivor blindsides. Come to think of it, it is a beautiful blindside in its own way.

The clip also made me happy to see Chris Bukowski. Take note Joe, there's a villain who knows how to vil. It's Bachelor world not "No Country for Old Men," the villainy is supposed to be funny.

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