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S10.E11: A Psychic Surprise

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Can't stand Andy Cohen and can't understand how he wields so much power at Bravo.  I find him skeevy and totally unappealing, and no, it's not homophobia.  It's just him and his personality I can't stand.  Put any other gay man on this show, and I'd have no problem.  But AC seems like a user.



I'm getting there, KLovestoshop.  He's like one of those grownups whose teenage years were miserable and he plots every day to make "them" pay.  He's a cruel guy (aka mean girl) who was in the right place at the right time. Showbiz is full of marginally talented people who just keep plugging away (Sherri Shepherd)...and won't GO away until they get a foot in the door.  Persistence, yuck!    It's difficult to understand why the kind and intelligent Anderson Cooper is one of Andy's best friends.

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Tamra set this whole thing up. I have no doubt. This is what she does best - drops little bombs, then hides while others get the blame.


Yeah.  So, she has never actually met her spiritual advisor in person even though they've been in contact for a year, but yet he conveniently can come out to the O.C. during filming.  At this point Tamra asks him about her friend--who isn't even there, by the way, because she is that nosy and that much of a shit-stirrer herself.  I would think she'd want to ask about Eddie, Ryan, and Simon.  I wonder if the spiritual advisor is a fan of RHOC and watches in his down time. 

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From Vicki's Blog:



I called and talked to Scott the "psychic" just a few weeks ago. He said to me he felt like he wanted to take a bath after filming with the ladies, because it was so disturbing how they were questioning him about Brooks. He said he was upset on how it "all went down" and said he was sorry for anything that was taken out of context and that he's not a doctor.


Well, I totally get why he would feel that way. I mean Tamra and Meh-gan in the same room? gross!

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I can't decide if Vicki's seeming lack of concern about the cancer is that she can't find a way to make it about her, or that she's just (finally) over it with him.  God knows they've been through it over the past 4 years.  The whole thing is so weird, with them being broken up now after all the stuff she's said this season about him being her soul mate, etc.


Vicki is about Vicki. She was only with Brooks because she didn't want to be alone. I sincerely believe that. When he became more trouble to her than he was worth she cut him loose. I am doubtful that it is the end though. Her love tank will be hovering around the 'E' after a few months or weeks, he will call, utter his usual Hallmark platitudes and BOOM! he's back in. 


My ass ain't even Scott and I can see that shit coming.

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I think there is still hope. Shannon has said on Twitter that she had a lot of fun with Heather this season and they have become friends.


Here's the problem, though.  Shannon doesn't have that inherently bullyish, slightly evil facet to her personality.  She'll confront people, but she's not the type to plot behind their back and make up or spread rumors to try and destroy them.  This is also why she gets picked on so much, because these people know she'll never stoop to their levels of lies, hearsay and evil, so they're safe and get away with it.

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I guess I missed the part where Tamra held a gun to his head and manipulated a set of marionette strings.


He's a big boy. He should own up to what he said on camera.


I'm not seeing any suggestion that he felt forced, only that he felt bad after it was done and he saw the final product. Feeling bad and expressing it, to me, suggests that he is owning it and is sorry for it. 

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If this is how Vicki really feels about Tamra, I just don't understand how she can remain friends with her.


One thing that I have always thought about both Vicki and Tamra is that they don't have any real experience with female friendships. I think they have always seen other women as either competition or someone people to be pitied. So when they come together, they realize they can't really compete with each other unless it is about who has had the most failed relationships with both men and their own children. So, for them, the relationship they have is what real friendship looks like because they don't know anything else. 


I mean Jeana and Vicki were friends for how long? But, that was all just the surface. In actuality, Vicki always felt she was in a competition with Jeanna and when Jeanna left the show, Vicki felt like she won. So of course Vicki is always going to go back to being friends with Tamra and Tamra is always going to go back to being friends with Vicki. They need each other on the show for one. And for another reason, it hasn't occurred to either of them that friends don't treat each other the way that they do.

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ITA.  Watching Vicki Tamra and SHannon get drunk, hilarious. Watching them all do the booty class, totally hilarious ( Yoga Teacher and 'Sculpt" teacher here- trust me, there are people just as spazzy as shannon out there...i was LOLing so hard at her, she was cute)


Watching Shannon confront Vicki about the rumors and vicki flip out? painful. The Psychic? Painful. Meghan vs everyone? Annoying

Can we just watch Heather get drunk and go shopping? Champs please!!!!


Oh, no - it MUST be "method champenoise" now...named "Collette".  

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Man, Shannon's twin brats are 2 freakin' entitled little brats. Bad enough Shannon, you're embarrassing these kids by showing off your shit marriage to the world. Now you're showing these brats acting like little assholes to the world. Nice, smart move, Shannon.

I gotta say, the OC kids have a history of grossing me out. Between Shane, the Curtin girls, the Rapey and Ragey Ryans and the one kid who actually made me turn off the television in disgust--Heather's daughter for slipping her own father the tongue, Shannon's twins are carrying on the tradition. I was cracking up at them shouting, "OMG Mom, I'm 10! TEN!" As if 10 is the new 25. And I wanted to see how the one with the fractured foot was supposed to make it up that grand staircase.

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I liked it when Shannon's daughters were horrified about having to write a letter, saying "do you know who he IS???", implying that this boy was someone VERY important in school, and him finding out who rolled his yard would ruin them forever.  He must be the cutest boy in class, and if my instincts are right, he probably has dimples and big brown eyes.

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I'm not seeing any suggestion that he felt forced, only that he felt bad after it was done and he saw the final product. Feeling bad and expressing it, to me, suggests that he is owning it and is sorry for it. 

I have no idea what happened on that phone call with Vicki.  We're learning about it through the Vicki filter, and he's a guy whose profession relies on making people feel validated by telling them what they want to hear.  For all I know she berated him for an hour and he did what he had to do to get off the phone, y'know?  

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I feel like betrayal and the mere suggestion Shannon was a party to betrayal gives Shannon tremendous anxiety because of what she's feeling after David's affair. Hell, she s a nervous wreck to begin with. The more Brooks drank and gave off no cancer stank her betrayal anxiety was whipped up like crazy and she just had to blab to Vicki. Bad decision but I see how she got there.

Shannon go find a pelvic floor physical therapist they can fix you!

Meghan's manner of speaking drives me nuts. Over enunciating RBF in motion. Ice cold .

Thank you! I can't stand it.

Meghan is just so unlikable to me. Even if I don't have a problem with what she is saying, she still bugs me, idk *shrugs*.

Shannon, please take your children off TV.

Edited by imjagain
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I don't know why everyone is freaking out about Brooke's drinking and eating sugar. I've known a lot of people battling cancer and they eat and drink what they want. So Tamra's psychic feels Brookes doesn't have cancer and Brooks wasn't even there. Sounds wishy-washy to me.



Exactly.  As I mentioned before, my husband was diagnosed with colon cancer.  He's never been given restrictions -- only a recipe book on what can help with chemo side effects.  But em, maybe it's you're treating your cancer holistically you should watch your sugars?


This episode just said it all to me.  He had cancer; it's in remission or cured.  Vicki is in on it hoping that this cancer storyline will make people stop focusing on the bad deeds of Brooks.  I think she felt it wasn't disengenous because he had cancer and it could come back.  This explains why she doesn't seem very much concerned about anything and we all know that if there was a real threat of him dying at this moment, she'd be a basket case.


On the pyschic, why does Bravo insist on this?  It's a storyline on EVERY show.  The only people I know who have gone to them have gone as a side show carnie trick  A drunken night.  It's hard for me to understand on how these women put so much faith in the words of these pyshics that generally just tell them what they want to here.  "Your grandmother is here and she's making this weaving sign because you were tight..."  The pyschics rarely ever go out on a limb and just pick up queues from the idiots in front of them.

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How is that Meghan can figure out that Brooks is faking cancer but she can't figure out that Jim Edmonds is faking marriage?


Please come clean my computer screen!  Oh man, that was elegantly stated. Kudos!

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This is OT, but have they filmed this season's RHOC reunion yet?

I am guessing they will film sometime in early to mid September as Andy is on vacation.  So maybe just maybe it won't be filmed so far in advance of the last episodes.

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Hmmm, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm OK with Meghan saying what she says (well, sorta).  I mean, I don't like her calling anyone an old woman, even Vicks.  But Meghan's never anything other than a nasty piece of shit, so I can see why she'd say something so hateful & vile.  But I'm OK with Meghan defending herself against Vicks' judgements on her.  Vicks seems to think it's perfectly OK to make nasty judgements on everyone else, but when anyone makes judgements on her life, she screeches & explodes.  Well, she is entertaining when she screeches & explodes, so I'll be watching.  


I think Meghan has a right to stand up for herself and stick to her convictions, and if this includes giving some back to Vicki (and anyone else), then more power to her.  However, I think there's a line that she often crosses where she's skating close to the Donald Trump line where what she says is truly offensive and can't just be excused (this is not directed at you, but the more general attitude) with the rationale that it's okay because she's just speaking her mind.  I think that's type of attitude is a cop out.

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I think Meghan has a right to stand up for herself and stick to her convictions, and if this includes giving some back to Vicki (and anyone else), then more power to her. However, I think there's a line that she often crosses where she's skating close to the Donald Trump line where what she says is truly offensive and can't just be excused (this is not directed at you, but the more general attitude) with the rationale that it's okay because she's just speaking her mind. I think that's type of attitude is a cop out.

Well said.

As I read your post 2 people popped in my head.


Ramona (NY)

Edited by imjagain
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In her blog Shannon said she thought that making the girls write the letter was too "harsh", but she went along with it. In the end, they just had the girls write a note to them. How grueling that must have been. The most shocking part of it all was when the girls kept saying they were not going to do it with such confidence. Of course, they knew of what they were speaking because they didn't do it. I actually feel bad judging the kids and even the parenting, but hate it more when dumb ass parents allow their children to be put in a position to have their behavior dissected. Shannon said the girls are acting out more than usual, which she finds understandable because of all they've been through this year. I'm sure that having it all play out on TV is really helpful to their plight. There are almost no words for how disgusting I find David and Shannon for doing this to them.


I don't even see why a letter of apology would be harsh?  Seems they get off easy that way.  I would've made my kid free their yard of dogshit for a couple of weeks after that attitude on writing the letter and the back talk.  


And I totally agree about exposing your kids like this on TV.  Of course, I think they're idiots for revealing this affair to the world and having that be their storyline.  I mean, I'm enjoying it as a viewer but it feels dirty as a parent to do that to your kid. 

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Re filming their children for this show: the Bea-dors need to Bea-dones.

That scene with them not disciplining their girls was cringeworthy. I can't see good things for these girls coming from this footage being out there for all to see.

As for the 'discipline' efforts of the parents and behaviour of the girls: if this is how they are at 10 years I think things will get very rocky when they are teenagers. It's never a good thing when the kids run the show. Shannon and David have broken the cardinal parent rule: Never let them see your fear! Ha ha!

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In the real world, in a real fitness class, a real instructor/trainer (at least one whose class is worth going to) would be walking around and correcting bad technique. 


And a real instructor/trainer isn't trashy enough to tell her trainees to squeeze like it's the best orgasm of your life.


Hasn't grandma figured it out yet that no one wants to hear her talk about farting, vomiting, peeing, shitting, fucking?

Edited by sasha206
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Perhaps Brooks made it clear he wouldn't allow Vicki to make his real, actual cancer all about her so she went in the opposite direction and started detaching. And then she realized she couldn't control him so was no longer was interested in caring for a sick (possibly dying) deadbeat. Maybe that led to the breakup.

Edited by RedHawk
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I guess I don't really consider Meghan as looking particularly masculine/feminine or otherwise unusual.  Besides, after living in the OC for a couple years she'll be as pulled, tucked, and stuffed as the rest of them so it won't be an issue.  

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In the real world, in a real fitness class, a real instructor/trainer (at least one whose class is worth going to) would be walking around and correcting bad technique. 

Why is Tamra even teaching a class on the first place? I'm pretty sure she has no training.


Yeah.  So, she has never actually met her spiritual advisor in person even though they've been in contact for a year, but yet he conveniently can come out to the O.C. during filming.  At this point Tamra asks him about her friend--who isn't even there, by the way, because she is that nosy and that much of a shit-stirrer herself.  I would think she'd want to ask about Eddie, Ryan, and Simon.  I wonder if the spiritual advisor is a fan of RHOC and watches in his down time. 

Perhaps that explains his quick "meditation" before each session?

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So, do you think the psychics would be friends, or have some sort of a psychic duel? I'm thinking they'd be friends.

"Tamra was all like is Brooks' cancer real, and I said I'd google I mean meditate on it and she just did not let go--" "--Ugh, the SAME THING happened to me, I was explaining how I just looked up a tattoo on Instagram, by which I mean Vicki's grandmother was telling me about a tattoo, and Tamra interrupted!"

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I do not care for Brooks , and I do not wish Cancer on anyone. That being said I hope he is not lying just to get attention or money. That is the lowest of lows. Like Heather I cannot wrap my mind around anyone do that but people do.

I know it is not intentional but Shannon always adds fun to the show with her little bit of personal nuttiness, love it! Again Heather seemed to be the most level headed this episode, it becoming a trend.

Damn Meghan really has no ass. She makes my pancake butt look like Nikki Minaj!

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I think Meghan is very smart but also very naive. I think she is just trying to figure life out and is frantically trying to put all the pieces together. She see herself as a perfectionist and she's mentally working very hard to understand everything that's happening around her. I think her feeling lost is a new feeling to her and it makes her feel insecure. She's scared of people mocking her or them thinking she's beneath them, so she lashes out in anger, trying to "put people in their place". In this last way, she's not so different from Vicki.

I also think she has a huge ego and never thinks she's wrong about anything despite being lost. She has no idea how entitled she actually is and sees herself as a good person. But her huge ego and entitlement (and her meanness) are what rub people the wrong way.

Edited by Silo
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And a real instructor/trainer isn't trashy enough to tell her trainees to squeeze like it's the best orgasm of your life.




Mmmmm.... sounds like she alluding to having to fake it with Eddie? 


I caught that flap of her tongue, just like she caught Brooks' verbal jumble.

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Wasn't Jim's ex wife, who passed away, remarried?  I thought I saw a stepfather kind of person at the hotel during the silly prom dressing up crapola.  If so, I wonder why it doesn't seem as if he hasn't anything to do with this awful girl?  Why is it all put on Meghan?  


Can't stand Andy Cohen and can't understand how he wields so much power at Bravo.  I find him skeevy and totally unappealing, and no, it's not homophobia.  It's just him and his personality I can't stand.  Put any other gay man on this show, and I'd have no problem.  But AC seems like a user.

I've wondered the same things about Meghan's supposed responsibility for Hayley. There are other relatives including a stepdad. This is why Vicki is questioning Meghans circumstances...

As far as Andy is concerned? He's a pimp, plain and simple, he's a user! He feels it's his job to find a Stepford wife with major flaws so he can get the HWs to demonstrate his theory that all women are shallow/hypocrites and will do anything for fame...money...jewelry...After all, the average American female HW would be boring to watch and also wouldn't make Satan Andys case. He stirs the pot and yet he is the quickest to judge their actions by their reactions to what is stirred up like a self fulfilling prophesy. He is in the drivers seat whispering to each lady and then after the damage feigns surprise to witness such cray, cray scenes. Oh, yes, he's definitely living out his fantasy of revenge for all those who have "wronged" him in high school or college. In the very least, making a political statement by exposing what's really happening behind the gates as if he is doing as a public service...

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In no way, shape, or form is speculating that Meghan is transgender or a hermaphrodite or anything else okay.

I understand your comment, and in the "real world" I'd agree with you, but this is "reality world," so shouldn't we also stop speculating on whether Jim is gay (or Eddie, for that matter - I remember this was a hot topic a year or two ago)….OK - back to lurker status….

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And a real instructor/trainer isn't trashy enough to tell her trainees to squeeze like it's the best orgasm of your life.


Hasn't grandma figured it out yet that no one wants to hear her talk about farting, vomiting, peeing, shitting, fucking?

Granny Tammy has figured out that Bravo pays her a nice salary to play a part and she'll continue as long as the checks keep cashing. I suspect that Cut Fitness isn't raking it in at this point.


And to the poster above who mentioned that Tam likely isn't a trained fitness leader (or whatever they're called)--thank you. If she has students doing things which could actually hurt them things could get goldarn interesting.

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I liked it when Shannon's daughters were horrified about having to write a letter, saying "do you know who he IS???", implying that this boy was someone VERY important in school, and him finding out who rolled his yard would ruin them forever.  He must be the cutest boy in class, and if my instincts are right, he probably has dimples and big brown eyes.

      I have a ten year old, and I could understand the horror and reaction the girls gave. I don't understand how ten year olds snuck out of a house with rolls of TP. I would be pissed if my 10 year old was at a person's house and the parents did not notice them sneaking out with TP. You don't do that in the daylight. If they were teenagers I would be pissed at the kids. They are 10 year olds who was watching them?

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ETA: what does Gandhi have to do with Brooks and his cancer?


Yeah, I was so confused why Scott was saying he is not Gandhi. Was Gandhi known for giving psychic readings about other people's illnesses? It was so weird.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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I liked it when Shannon's daughters were horrified about having to write a letter, saying "do you know who he IS???", implying that this boy was someone VERY important in school

The impression I got was that they think he's cute. You know how tweens are.

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It's not so uncommon according to this blog:




But of couse this is whacko Shannon you're talking about so why should she get the benefit of the doubt?


        PSA-I can relate, the only person Kegal exercises helped were Kegal's wife.

It's not so uncommon according to this blog:




But of couse this is whacko Shannon you're talking about so why should she get the benefit of the doubt?


        PSA-I can relate, the only person Kegal exercises helped were Kegal's wife.

It's not so uncommon according to this blog:




But of couse this is whacko Shannon you're talking about so why should she get the benefit of the doubt?


        PSA-I can relate, the only person Kegal exercises helped were Kegal's wife.

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I don't know why everyone is freaking out about Brooke's drinking and eating sugar.


Never in my life did I imagine I would defend Brookes for anything but yeah, I don't get it. Unless he was going completely holistic/homeopathic/whateveric isn't it a good thing to be eating anything? Granted, I only have my Mom's experience with breast cancer to go by and she had radiation therapy and not chemo but she ate whatever she wanted and drank an occasional glass of wine or beer and she made it past the five year cancer-free mark. Unfortunately she passed away a few months later but it had nothing to do with cancer, it was a broken shoulder at 84 years old that began the downward spiral (although the loss of our house from Hurricane Irene certainly did a number on her stress level) leading to me getting the same phone call Vicki got about her Mom. (The hospital gave her a clean bill of health, moved her to a rehab for her shoulder at 9pm and she died 8 hours later)

I think my own experience has colored the way I feel about Vicki, after seeing her go thru the same thing I did I started cutting her some slack. It's been over 2 years for me and I can still sob at the drop of a hat, I miss my Mom that much. I can't even imagine going thru the loss of your Mother on TV.


All that being said, I still don't like Brookes at all. But, if I had to choose, I'd pick Brookes over Meghan McNasty any day.

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The whole Does Brooks have or doesnt have cancer thing- I don't even care. If he is faking he is a terrible person obvi but didn't we already know that? No shocker! 

However you cant base off looks. I knew someone IRL who at a very young age was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer...she had a beautiful wedding where she looked amazing (even after years of fighting the illness)  and didn't have the "tv' cancer look ( bald with a pretty headscarf) but she was indeed very ill and died only a month or two later, before her 30th birthday. You would never know looking at her that she had 5 or so years of cancer treatments. So yes you can look normal and have cancer. 


I feel like this whole ' does he or doesn't he' have cancer story line is really tacky especially given that a woman on the show ( RIP Leanne) actually did have cancer and died from it. Andy has no soul. I agree with PP that he seems to be getting skeevier and skeevier over the years (been watching since season 1).

Edited by yogi2014L
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I'm just going to watch next week to see if Meghan actually gives Vicki a verbal smack down. Then I'm done (with this show and all Bravo reality). I can't even hate-watch anymore.

These shows have lost their novelty, it's true. Old friends fading in the rear view mirror. Fun while it lasted.

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It's odd, cause there is a lot of interesting elements that this show still has retained that if produced by the right person could revive it.

What made the vicki and Shannon argument interesting was you could see how conflicted shannon was..and how she felt bad for bringing something up that could have waited. And you saw even brooks trying to reason with vicki to not shoot the messenger. It wad fascinating and not the typical yell fest we've witnessed.

I'm also interested in the meghan and vicki argument next week since that's been building since the 3rd or 4th episode.

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WTF Shannon? Keep ypur big trap shut. Not defending Crooks as I have always thought he might be faking. But she says she can't keep the news that she has "info" to herself. A vague statement from a "psychic" is not "info". Please.

Icky totally overreacted though, big surprise. That "I love you to the moon...etc" made me vomit lol. She is a trip. And then they broke up. So sad...

These women are all awful. Meghan is just another useless, overstretched, bony broad with a big mouth and no class. So she should fit right in.

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Re filming their children for this show: the Bea-dors need to Bea-dones.

That scene with them not disciplining their girls was cringeworthy. I can't see good things for these girls coming from this footage being out there for all to see.

As for the 'discipline' efforts of the parents and behaviour of the girls: if this is how they are at 10 years I think things will get very rocky when they are teenagers. It's never a good thing when the kids run the show. Shannon and David have broken the cardinal parent rule: Never let them see your fear! Ha ha!


I don't know - I'm kind of on the fence with the Beadors and their daughters.  I think that Shannon is a very hands-on Mom with her girls, and for the most part, up until this one scene, the girls seemed like typical, normal tweens/teens (isn't their older daughter 12 - 13 yrs. old?).  


Until this scene, the girls were definitely more respectful than a lot of other housewives' children we've seen (Guidice girls, Keough kids, and the Dubrow kids, who I think are ALL extremely bratty, especially Collette, imo).  


My thoughts on this scene is that the girls knew ahead of time that they were going to be reprimanded while filming and were kind of playing it up for the cameras and the sake of filming.  I didn't see anything wrong with choice of consequence (writing a letter of apology to the homeowners) - I would have probably taken it one step further, and driven the girls to the house to have them hand deliver it, but, I'm thinking that in the Orange County bubble-universe, that consequence was probably very harsh compared to their friends, who may have not had any consequence at all.  In fact, several posters here didn't think that the t-p'ing of the house was that big a deal, so I'm thinking that some of the parents of the other girls involved are probably of the same mind.


The way the girls spoke to Shannon and David was, imo, more than likely (hopefully) amped up because they were filming.  Shannon and David looked embarrassed at the fact that the girls were talking back, and the comments were totally out of hand, but, what were Shannon and David to do?   They had already agreed to film this scene, which they should NOT have done, but they made the best of what they had to do.  I'm pretty sure that the twins got a pretty intense talking to, or further punishment for the disrespect.  


Unfortunately, you cannot predict how kids are going to act on camera.  As a parent, you may think you know your kids, but unpredictability goes along with the territory.  It appeared to me that the girls displayed, for lack of a better description, some "camera-balls", and knew they were going to get away with it at that time. Most kids their age do not think past the next ten minutes, so they don't realize what their subsequent consequences will be.


I also can totally understand the mortification of the 10-year old girl and their outrage at the letter-writing.  They are starting to notice boys, and apparently, the boy who's house it was must be something special at school, so they really didn't want to have to embarass themselves in front of him.


Of course, 10 year old girls should NOT be noticing boys, but, unfortunately, grade school crushes have always been around, and it does happen.  Nothing we, as adults and parents, can do to change that.  

Edited by njbchlover
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