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I am ready to be done with vacation Megan, though. Meaning, I don't want to see her in any more bikinis or backless dresses. Maybe she eats very healthy and has nothing wrong with her, but emaciated frame is just startling and uncomfortable to look at.

Interesting that she was the only one filmed eating breakfast.  She was actually scarfing that food down!  Look everyone, she eats!  


And I know it was just a slip-up (a giant one), but when Andy asked Vicki, "so how is your mom doing" on WWHL, I thought Vicki's head would explode.  That was cringeworthy.  



  • Love 8

Make up your mind, Vicky. Meghan isn't the parent and needs to stand down ... but she needs to lay the law down 'cause she's the parent. When we all know good and damned well if Don had tried to overrule ANYTHING Vicky said about how Briana and Michael were to be raised it would have been a different story.


No, it's not the same thing but it was awfully funny hearing Vicky say, basically, my I'm giving my bad-attituded daughter a new car to make her happy (aka love me). And then scold Meghan (by way of Jimmy) for giving her bad-attituded stepdaughter money without accountability. Not to mention - hello, Michael. Remember him? Everything he has now she's handed to him. Bad grades, bad attitude? I don't remember Vicky yanking the purse strings OR doling out tough love accountability. Just lectures.

That was shocking, and I hope folks around here can go a day without slamming Shannon for not getting over it.  The betrayal couldn't have been more deep, and there's no way David didn't know the mistress became Shannon's confidant.



Maybe Shannon should stop confiding details of her marriage to people. It would still be fucked up that the chick introduced herself, but at least she wouldn't have contributed to making a bad situation worse.


I fully believe Shannon continues to drag her business across the screen as both punishment for David and to satisfy some masochistic need in herself. We knew last year things weren't good, she gave plenty of "reality," it wasn't necessary to show the sausage being made this year. I wish she weren't taking her pound of flesh so publicly - they have daughters watching. For his part, David seems to be taking his punishment and the national wrecking of his reputation as his due ... and then he'll feel that much less guilty when he leaves her for real next time. 

  • Love 14

From Heather's blog...

Next week everything takes a rather bizarre turn. The details will be particularly important to follow...curious to see what you all think. Pretty wild ride until the explosive finale."



All I know is this better have more legs to it other than some psychic saying it.


I really want to know why Brianna is so cranky. I bet she hates her life and living in OK. 


Shannon's admission that the woman that was sleeping with her husband became her friend too, AT THE SAME TIME is scary. Terrifying.  I have always felt that women that try to be friends with you who know your husband/bf, were/are/ have slept with him, and are trying to be on some power trip where they know a secret and you don't. To hear this actually happened to Shannon supports my worst fears. I actually appreciate when my husband's female coworkers stay away from me. I think that shows some sense of boundaries. Good. Stay away. Don't come up to me and tell me how much my husband talks about me and how happy he is. I don't know you. Not your business or place.




I am still tripping over this. Shannon might want to check to see if she didn't have any pets go missing during the time of this affair.




That crazy mistress sounds like a bunny boiler for sure. David is no better.  In fact he is much, much worse. There is no way he couldn't have known. Shannon is far too chatty and has got too much time on her hands not to mention this 'new friend' she made. What a disgusting POS. I find that unforgivable. I feel completely terrible that I was giving his ass so much leeway earlier in the season and thought Shannon was punishing him for too harshly. 


The whole ongoing fight about "she said" - "she said" was just so ridiculous to me. Please quit trying to write it off as a game of telephone. No. Things were relayed quite accurately, it's just that no one wants to take responsibility for what they said. Tamra IS a pot-stirrer, I don't care what she says. She can call it, "putting it all out on the table", but that's not really your job when it has nothing to do with YOU. There was zero reason for her to have a drunken gossip session with Vicki and Shannon and then go running to tell the other girls what was said. 




 Claiming to want to "Put it all out on the table" is not even HW pot stirring 101, it is remedial pot stirring. Tamra is many things but an amateur pot stirrer she is not. Hell, I think she came out of the womb (or more rather hatched from an egg, attached herself to a host, and after a short incubation period busted out of its chest like those face huggers from the Alien movies) with a cauldron in one hand and a wooden spoon in the other. It is always pot stirring when you are reporting back between two factions that have had beef and when you never implicate yourself. So heffa please stop that turned over a new leaf crap. All your leaves come off the same poisonous tree which bears no fruit.



Yes, and for some reason Tamra think SHE'S the person to get through to Brianna about it.


Nothing good can come of this. Hell, it will just make everything worse. Mark my words. This is not the 1st time Tamra has offered and each time she has, she has the light of the devil behind her fiendish eyes. She is doing it to get information, probably whip Brianna into more of a hateful frenzy about Brooks and come back to the OC and 'put everything on the table' i.e. pot stirring. Vicki never learns with Tamra. What a dummy!


Agree. Don't like Megan but she really can not win. She's scolded for wanting to be the kids' mother and put in her place that she is clearly not their mother and should not act like one because she's crossing the line. But then when Vicki finds out Haley is rebellious and not in regular high school, she criticizes Megan for not putting her foot down and "mothering" Haley.  Um, technically Haley is Jim and Leann's daughter and they are the ones that need to lay the smack down on Haley. Megan is a glorified babysitter and its not her job to parent a 17 year old. She can enforce rules that Haley's parents make but can not singlehandedly make the decision to take away Haley's car etc. Megan doesn't (and should not) have that kind of power)



But Megan can't on one hand decide to put Hailey on birth control and say that Leann agrees with her decision and than claim she can't do jackshit about Hailey skipping school, not doing her homework. That to me is contradictory.  

  • Love 10

Maybe I am wrong but when Vicki and Tamra went to Mexico a few seasons back, wasn't Brooks the guy in the pool flirting with Vicki and all while she was still with Don?



That guy did look a lot like Brooks, but I think (if I'm remembering correctly) that it was shown back in the TWoP days (through screen shots) that the guy in the pool was not Brooks. 


Vicki does have a type though, apparently....

  • Love 3


I really want to know why Brianna is so cranky. I bet she hates her life and living in OK.




Now Brianna being cranky seems perfectly understandable to me. She has two little rascals to feed and keep alive 24/7 so she's most likely sleep-deprived, a rage monster husband, she is living in a new state that, despite being absolutely lovely in many many ways, probably doesn't feel like home to her. On top of that her grandma just died and she doesn't get to break up the monotony of her life with free restaurant meals and filmed, freebie vacations anymore. I'm giving her a pass on this one.

  • Love 9

Just remembering something,,.. did Megan actually say 'yes, in a perfect world they would have come out of me' about her step-children? And that was her way of FIXING the hole she dug for herself? She is way to self-absorbed to get it.

Her comments basically say... in a perfect world their mothers wouldn't' exist and I would be their mom. Bitch Please.

If she wanted to look like the loving 2nd mother... she would have been better off saying, that she loves Jimmy's kids , as if they were her own... and she hopes she can be an integral part of helping Jimmy co-parent with his ex-wives.

  • Love 13

Meghan can't win.  She's simply not good enough to love step-children as if they were her own.   Often mothers don't know what goes on with their children when they're with their father and step-mother.  I'd be GRATEFUL if I knew the step-mother loved my children...even if I thought she was a husband-stealing slut.  I could dislike her but appreciate that I raised children who are easy to love.  I'll defend her every time on this.  There is no way she's going to be able to word anything that will be acceptable to these shrews...led by the worst one.

  • Love 9
I fully believe Shannon continues to drag her business across the screen as both punishment for David and to satisfy some masochistic need in herself.



I think Shannon has been a martyr most of her life.  I'm glad she was able to confide to ONLY Vicki about the affair--that way I won't know anything about it, especially that the husband-stealing-slut befriended her.   I might mention that also happened to me.  She's no longer alive (they did marry) and my husband is in a low-income assisted living center (dementia).  They lived a high life for quite awhile and he lost it all--before he lost it.

  • Love 5

Meghan can't win.  She's simply not good enough to love step-children as if they were her own.   Often mothers don't know what goes on with their children when they're with their father and step-mother.  I'd be GRATEFUL if I knew the step-mother loved my children...even if I thought she was a husband-stealing slut.  I could dislike her but appreciate that I raised children who are easy to love.  I'll defend her every time on this.  There is no way she's going to be able to word anything that will be acceptable to these shrews...led by the worst one.


I agree. I hear so many horror stories about step-mothers who want nothing to do with their step children that I'm fine with Meghan's love for them.  Vicki just decided that she is going to disapprove of everything Meghan does and says (which is why her criticism is so inconsistent).  Meghan shouldn't even pay attention to her. She'll never win with Vicki.


On another topic, Shannon did say that Tamra is a pot-stirrer. Meghan didn't fabricate it.  Why doesn't Shannon just own it and tell Tamra to knock it off, without having this big dramatic meltdown?  It must be nice to never have to take responsibility for anything. 

  • Love 6

What David's mistress did to Shannon was all sorts of messed up. My mouth dropped open when she dropped the bomb that the mistress not only befriended her but then pumped her for information about her marriage. I can't imagine David didn't know which makes his betrayal so much worse. I already had sympathy for her despite the nagging, which I agree is counterproductive and irritating to watch, but now it seems much more justified. No one in their right mind would stay in that marriage, but Shannon's parents set a bad example so I think for her this kind of dysfunction is normal, which is why she tolerates it when most people would not. I don't know what David's deal is.


Meghan is so awful. First of all, a truly humble person doesn't brag about being humble. And if you feel the need to gloat about being the bigger person then you aren't one. Her apology was so disingenuous. She was awful when she was taunting Shannon about walking away as though that wasn't the right thing to do in the situation. It's not as if Shannon didn't defend herself, and when she wasn't getting anywhere and was getting frustrated she left in order to cool down, which is the appropriate action to take.


Also, Meghan's comment that in a perfect world she would have been the biological mother of her stepchildren is extremely disrespectful to their mothers who are still in the picture. It's one thing to say you love your stepchildren as if they were your own (in that scenario the children have three parents who love them immensely and it doesn't wish away their biological mother's love) but it's another thing to say that the ideal situation would be that their mother didn't exist at all and it was just you and their father. And her talking shit about Jim's second wife was horrible on so many levels but most of all because it hurts her stepchildren, whom she claims to love. 


Haley's parents and stepparents are doing her no favors by not holding her accountable for her actions. What Vicky was saying was the truth, and she was not being a hypocrite by giving her own daughter a car. It's a completely different situation. Brianna is an adult and while she is married to a douchebag, she does seem fairly responsible. As far as we know, Vicky is not giving Brianna a car because she's in a financial trouble due to frivolous spending all the while refusing to get a job. That would be an analogous situation. I guess you could say that Vicky is rewarding Brianna's pissy attitude but that's not anywhere near the irresponsibility of Haley's parents (all five of them—mother, father, stepfather, stepmother #1 and stepmother #2).


That said, Vicky should not have said what she did to Meghan. Unsolicited parenting advice is the worst, and Jim is the person that needs to hear those things. Meghan, as the stepparent of only four months, should and probably is only following his lead. Although Meghan can't really have it both ways either. She can't brag about how she's an awesome stepparent and whine about the burdens of raising a teen and then expect not to bare some of the responsibility for the parenting decisions that are made. 


I am standing and applauding you for your entire post.  Well captured and stated.  I could not agree with you more!  THANK YOU.

  • Love 4

I actually thought the conversation between Shannon and Vickie on the beach was really nice.  Yeah, Vickie is in no position to take the moral high ground on the issue of infidelity, but she realizes that and owned it in the conversation.  Still can't stand her, but she does have (admittedly rare) moments of what seems like genuine empathy and caring for others.

I've said more than one time on these boards that Shannon needed to cool her jets a bit when it comes to her constant harping on David about the affair.  Um, I take it back!  HOLY Mary Mother of God, what the hell is wrong with him and that other woman?  I totally don't agree with her airing all of this on TV, but  she is, so I have to say she has shown tremendous restraint.  Someone upthread said that they would've shown the homewreckers' picture on TV.   Me too, or I at least would make damn sure people knew who she was.  If I had my way, Shannon would walk up to her front door to visit her husband with the camera crew in tow.  What a total bitch. 

Meghan-what else can anyone say about Meghan?  She's just horrible.  My fiance has watched enough of this crap with me over the years to know who is who, but not much else lately.  He almost immediately commented on how skinny she is and how broad her shoulders are.  Oh and how long her neck is.   I did have to tell him about how damn weird she is with her wardrobe choices too, with the toilet rug collar getting special mention.  Anyway, sounds like Andy is even sick of her, so maybe she's a one and done.

  • Love 9

Right? How is Brianna ever going to learn to be responsible if her mother buys her a Tahoe?

Damn, I wish all parents rewarded crankiness with Tahoes. I'd have an entire fleet by now.

Seconded. Also, no more of Gramballs discussing her bowel movements.

For real! Also, she's either going to gift it entirely or present Brianna with car payments. Besides, she is a grown ass adult who, according to other posters, still works and has a husband who works. I really can't imagine the gift of a Tahoe going over well with her controlling asshole of a husband Ryan.

And, this is the second time I've heard Tamra casually mention that maybe she should have a talk with Brianna. I'm not sure why she thinks Brianna should want to have anything to do with her, let alone give her the time of day, mutual hatred of Brooks not withstanding.

Edited by Mountainair
  • Love 2

And your headband is shiteous.


::holds word up in the air::  it's mine now.  consider it stolen.


So David's jumpoff befriended his wife and was pumping her for information about their marriage, meanwhile she is fucking Shannon's husband? Bitch really. That is some Melrose Place type shit. What a total mindfuck. No wonder Shannon is so fucked up over this. David has got a lot to answer for.


I really like Vicki and Shannon's relationship. A thought it might have taken a hit and Vicki would be feeling some kind of way when Shannon as a newbie won that most favorite HW award. Glad to see that didn't happen. 


Shut up Meg! How dumb are you to cozy up to a disloyal serpent like Tamra who thinks fidelity is just some kind of bank. Tamra is loyal to no one but Tamra. You gonna learn. You also need to learn that them headbands need to stay in the children's dance troupe costume sections.


I get that Shannon was peeved that Meg ran immediately to Tamra to dish the dirt, however, what I don't get is acting like you thought the shit would never get back to Tamra when your ass is surrounded by cameras? What the hell is wrong with saying 'yeah I said that shit and I meant that shit because Tamra is that shit!' Can't nobody put your ass on front street when you stand firm in your word. 


Vicki might as well have been at the pulpit at the First Ebenezer Church on a Sunday morning because I was giving her all kinds of Amens when she was saying that Hailey suffered from a severe lack of parenting, structure and supervision. That girl needs accountability. Not cars, prom suites at the beach and $100 a week allowance for what? Putting her own dishes in the dishwasher. I didn't really see anything conflicting with what she said, but that is just me.


There is just something so fucked up about Tamra's hairline. I don't know if it is all the botox, fillers or from actual surgery but it has such a surreal look to it sometimes that I find it mesmerizing. It is all at once crinkled, wrinkled and yet oddly smooth. It reminds me of Robocop without the helmet.




Imma need a gif of Jimmy Edmonds not giving a single fuck, eating chicken and licking his fingers and saying 'don't get your hopes up' in response to his wife tearfully wanting to spend less time apart.

My belly shook.  Say this is a song lyric please, I need to bump it loudly in the mom-mobile.

Gramballs, here's a cheat sheet for your bible study:  Memorize the 10 commandments. And stop saying SUCK IT.  Focus on your kids - get off the show.  That will fit on an index card right there.


Lol! It reminds me of the funniest bumper sticker I've ever seen:  "Here's a shorter bible, be less of a dick."


Meghan is annoying! It can't be said enough.


I wasn't paying attention at the moment it was said but did she come out with "she (Hailey) won't get through a 4 year school"?   Lawd.  The only thing she has left to tell us is when the kid gets her period. Maybe we'll find it out at the reunion.  I also loved "I can apologize.....because I'm the bigger person"   Said no bigger person ever. 


Make up your mind, Vicky. Meghan isn't the parent and needs to stand down ... but she needs to lay the law down 'cause she's the parent. When we all know good and damned well if Don had tried to overrule ANYTHING Vicky said about how Briana and Michael were to be raised it would have been a different story.


No, it's not the same thing but it was awfully funny hearing Vicky say, basically, my I'm giving my bad-attituded daughter a new car to make her happy (aka love me). And then scold Meghan (by way of Jimmy) for giving her bad-attituded stepdaughter money without accountability. Not to mention - hello, Michael. Remember him? Everything he has now she's handed to him. Bad grades, bad attitude? I don't remember Vicky yanking the purse strings OR doling out tough love accountability. Just lectures.


Maybe Shannon should stop confiding details of her marriage to people. It would still be fucked up that the chick introduced herself, but at least she wouldn't have contributed to making a bad situation worse.


I fully believe Shannon continues to drag her business across the screen as both punishment for David and to satisfy some masochistic need in herself. We knew last year things weren't good, she gave plenty of "reality," it wasn't necessary to show the sausage being made this year. I wish she weren't taking her pound of flesh so publicly - they have daughters watching. For his part, David seems to be taking his punishment and the national wrecking of his reputation as his due ... and then he'll feel that much less guilty when he leaves her for real next time. 


Right there.  Doors of the church are now opened.   

Damn you Vicky for making me side with Megan!

a) glass houses.

b) bitch, who asked you?

c) am I is or am I isn't a mom? tweet me @ #unsolicitedpetuniaopinions once you pick a gottam lane.  




Maybe Shannon should stop confiding details of her marriage to people. It would still be fucked up that the chick introduced herself, but at least she wouldn't have contributed to making a bad situation worse.


'kitty come get this offering. I've batted for Shannon from the beginning.  As outside voice cray cray as she can get, she is my dude, hear?  But this has never made na'an one bit of sense to me about her.  Talking about the most intimate, painful, personal details of her life to a total stranger.  Like, ya'll think she be down at the Wegman's pestering the other soccer moms?  She did this ON CAMERA to Tamra and then got pissed when Tamra went to go tell it on the mountain.  Lessons.  Stop running ya mouth and Trust No Bitch (™ OITNB).   David. David. David.  I press my hands together in prayer and contemplation for the restraint I'd need not to dig a deep deep well in the basement and lower a basket of lotion to his ass.  Of course he knew, there's no way someone who runs her mouth like Shannon does kept her "new friend" to herself.  It makes my heart lurch for her.  The only reason to keep this insufferable miscreant in my house would be to plot the destruction that lifetime would make a movie out of.  Hers too, because snipers leave no witnesses. 


All I know is this better have more legs to it other than some psychic saying it.


I really want to know why Brianna is so cranky. I bet she hates her life and living in OK. 



I am still tripping over this. Shannon might want to check to see if she didn't have any pets go missing during the time of this affair.




That crazy mistress sounds like a bunny boiler for sure. David is no better.  In fact he is much, much worse. There is no way he couldn't have known. Shannon is far too chatty and has got too much time on her hands not to mention this 'new friend' she made. What a disgusting POS. I find that unforgivable. I feel completely terrible that I was giving his ass so much leeway earlier in the season and thought Shannon was punishing him for too harshly. 



Claiming to want to "Put it all out on the table" is not even HW pot stirring 101, it is remedial pot stirring. Tamra is many things but an amateur pot stirrer she is not. Hell, I think she came out of the womb (or more rather hatched from an egg, attached herself to a host, and after a short incubation period busted out of its chest like those face huggers from the Alien movies) with a cauldron in one hand and a wooden spoon in the other. It is always pot stirring when you are reporting back between two factions that have had beef and when you never implicate yourself. So heffa please stop that turned over a new leaf crap. All your leaves come off the same poisonous tree which bears no fruit.




Nothing good can come of this. Hell, it will just make everything worse. Mark my words. This is not the 1st time Tamra has offered and each time she has, she has the light of the devil behind her fiendish eyes. She is doing it to get information, probably whip Brianna into more of a hateful frenzy about Brooks and come back to the OC and 'put everything on the table' i.e. pot stirring. Vicki never learns with Tamra. What a dummy!



But Megan can't on one hand decide to put Hailey on birth control and say that Leann agrees with her decision and than claim she can't do jackshit about Hailey skipping school, not doing her homework. That to me is contradictory.  


Came in here tearing my keyboard up post quoting, making margin notes and shit.  ::deepwaistbow:: I thank you kindly for saving my manicure the trouble.   Why can't you fly into ny for brunch with us this weekend?


  • Love 9


  If I had my way, Shannon would walk up to her front door to visit her husband with the camera crew in tow.  What a total bitch. 


You should work for Bravo, mjstrick.  I love this idea.




I've said more than one time on these boards that Shannon needed to cool her jets a bit when it comes to her constant harping on David about the affair.  Um, I take it back!  HOLY Mary Mother of God, what the hell is wrong with him and that other woman? 



Ditto here !


Shannon's needs in order:

a divorce lawyer (pronto!)

a good therapist 

a stylist

new nail polish

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 6

Does this mean Vicki is going to tell Shannon all about her affair with Brooks while she was still married to Donn?  Or is she going to tell her all about her affair with Donn while she was still married to the father of her children?

Well, she did tell Shannon that she and Donn took turns at having retaliatory affairs b/c they couldn't let the issue drop.


It also makes David being vague about what woman he ran into even more fucked than I initially thought and I initially thought it was pretty fucked up.

I wondered about that as well. It would explain David's reluctance to tell Shannon and her strangely out-of-proportional reaction.



In my heart of hearts, I firmly believe Meghan thought she was going to be beloved by the viewers and the headbands were going to be her signature accessory that she would then market and sell to her adoring audience. She is just that unselfaware. Otherwise I can think of no earthly reason why a person would wear knitted bedazzled headbands on a fecking tropical island.

Do we know for a fact that Meghan was never on "Brett Michael's Bus of Love" show?

  • Love 7

When Briana was on WWHL and said she hated Oklahoma, she sounded just like her mom. I bet they are more alike than Briana would ever admit.




I kind of feel sorry for "Megan King Edwards." Obviously, she is not quite all there to have married a guy who does not care about her. She shouldn't be on this show as her age and her life circumstance make her unrelatable to the other cast members and to most of the audience.

I was wondering if her age is the issue when it comes to her compatibility issues with Vicki and Shannon, but Jo was much younger than the original cast and she got along with everyone. Lydia was relatively young and also got along with everyone (except Ryan). I think personality plays a much bigger role. Meghan is just obnoxious and immature because that's her personality. She knows who to start it with (Shannon and Vicki) and who not (Heather and Tamra).

  • Love 9


What is actually going on with Brianna? It gets mentioned in passing and then glossed over. I wonder if something bad is going on.

A few years ago we witnessed Ryan go ballistic, for at least 30 minutes, over a sweet, older woman putting her feet up on Vicki's couch. We also watched him bully Vicki into running her household as he saw fit, while he was a GUEST in HER house.  There's no way he hasn't raged at and bullied Brianna over numerous, trivial things, and I bet it's getting worse.  


The problem is; Brianna is stubborn, outspoken, and entitled.  She might never admit to any abuse from him, because 1) She wasted a ton of breath defending the asshole when others were concerned, so admitting to this and leaving him would make everyone right, and she will not let that happen, and 2) She's criticized and ostracized Brooks to kingdom come.  God forbid she admit that her husband is less than perfect after all the grief she's given Vicki about Brooks.


As for Meghan, the psychological warfare games she plays with Shannon are abominable.  Remaining calm and monotone, while riling Shannon up, is classic sociopath, bullyish behavior to make the other person look crazy.  "Storm."  Really, Meghan?


As we've seen thus far, Meghan shows no remorse no matter how wrong she is in any situation.


ETA:  I totally agree that Meghan was most likely 'the other woman' at some point in JIm's marriage to his second wife.  To claim Allison not being a happy woman as the reason for her not wanting to associate with Meghan, is pretty low considering that she knowingly dated a married man.  There was no reason to put Allison down - she could have left it unsaid, which would have been the classy thing to do, but NO, if someone doesn't like Meghan, they're the one with the problem and must be bad-mouthed!


Did she really expect this woman to like her?

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 18

The dramatic 'storm' or whatever it is she said to Shannon was so annoying - like she was in the middle of a soap opera scene. I bet she rehearsed that line many times in her room before that night and was just waiting until she could say it. And Meghan, Tamra IS a pot-stirrer. She went to Heather and exaggerated what was said, knowing Heather would go straight to the source. STFU. And you're pot-stirrer 2.0. What a nut. Take your shitty bedazzled headbands and go away.

Well, Meghan (or was it Tamra?) said she's learning from Tamra.


Seconded. Also, no more of Gramballs discussing her bowel movements. 

Did I hear Tamra announce that she had a bad case of the runs the morning after, around the time she said she felt like "Nine miles of shit"?


That guy did look a lot like Brooks, but I think (if I'm remembering correctly) that it was shown back in the TWoP days (through screen shots) that the guy in the pool was not Brooks. 

Yeah, I remember that.

I can't understand how or why Shannon would want to try to salvage what little is left of this "marriage." She probably thinks if they get divorced, he'll run off with the mistress and she'll have "won." So she's resisting hard because she doesn't want to admit defeat. Except she'll only end up as the loser if she keeps hanging on to him.



Exactly, that's way Shannon needs to personally tell the woman that she MUST take David, and hand him over to her. That way, she wins. 

  • Love 3

After watching Meghan's inquisition of the others at the dinner table ("I' feel like someone was talking about me.") and her followup comments ("I'm confused. I haven't seen Tamra be a pot stirrer." etc., etc.) I'm more than ever convinced that she is the physical, intellectual, and emotional OC embodiment and replacement for Kelly Bensimon. The tall, figure-less, mannish body; the emotional and intellectual skills of a dull-witted teenager; the creepy lack of affect when she makes her "where the shit did that come from?" pronouncements to the others. Obviously, Andy picked Shannon to play the role of Bethenney Frankel, her arch-nemesis.

  • Love 7

As for Vicki, did anybody find her talking head when she was saying something to the effect of "I wish Don and I had worked on our marriage instead of getting divorced" when she's supposedly sooooo in love with Brooks strange?  I certainly did!

Absolutely hurtful toward Brooks who she was having an affair with while married to Don. I thought she would have some explaining to do to Brooks before he saw that segment of the episode.

On reflection she may look at Brooks as an affair she could have lived without, had she known how difficult a divorce was. It must be especially tough on Brooks since he is battling cancer and depends on her. Their relationship is a quid pro quo...he protects her from her darkest fear which is living without a "man."

  • Love 2

That guy did look a lot like Brooks, but I think (if I'm remembering correctly) that it was shown back in the TWoP days (through screen shots) that the guy in the pool was not Brooks. 


Vicki does have a type though, apparently....

That wasn't Brooks.  I seem to remember at the time Tamra saying that it was actually a Donn doppelganger.  

  • Love 2

After hearing Tamra was a pot stirrer, Meghan said "I love Tamra."  She's known her, what, all of a few months at this point?  Just because Tamra called you her mini-me?  


And what's with the word "storm?"  I've heard storm out, storm off, but just storm?  Even in a preview for this episode, Bravo wrote the word STORM in big letters, probably because so many viewers were confused by this random dangling verb.  Meghan King Edmonds, this word is so not fetch and I won't be using it the way you did anytime soon.  Nor your crazy head garments.  

  • Love 5

Where does Lizzie fucking shop for clothes? Jesus. Her swimsuit was not impressive. You have a swimsuit line and you highlight it by wearing a black plain one piece that could pass for a wetsuit? I wanna see her in no makeup a ball cap and a swimsuit that isn't from a pagaent ...

Is it possible, and I'm just saying, that David DID NOT know his mistress befriended Shannon and when he did he skated like Michael Douglas in Fatal attraction? Is it possible they broke up and he for the sake of kids and their rabbit so it didn't get scalded that they don't out her and she goes the fuck away??? In the interest of full disclosure I think David and Michael D are HOT as F.

Megan is vile and I loathe her. Co sign to you all.

Did I detect a twinge that Vicki misses Donn and wishes they'd stayed together?

I just love Heather she's a good sport and has a good sense of humor and confidence. Owns her neurotic type A moments. She was funny getting Vomvicki and Stirs 9 Miles Of Dogshit outa bed.

  • Love 3
And, this is the second time I've heard Tamra casually mention that maybe she should have a talk with Brianna. I'm not sure why she thinks Brianna should want to have anything to do with her, let alone give her the time of day, mutual hatred of Brooks not withstanding.


I think Tamra likes to fancy herself young and cool, better able to get along with the "kids" on this show than their own parents. Wasn't she always trying to be all "in" with Kara Keough as well?


Shannon's needs in order:

a divorce lawyer (pronto!)
a good therapist
a stylist
new nail polish



Maybe a little Pop of Color? ;)


Did I hear Tamra announce that she had a bad case of the runs the morning after, around the time she said she felt like "Nine miles of shit"?


She told Heather she needed a diaper because, "I CAN'T STOP SHITTING!"


No, I think Vicki was paraphrasing, but Megan DID say something like "I wish they... (pause) came from me".  Interpret as you will.


Yup. That was the gist of it. But leave it to Vicki (and Tamra as well) to always take it to a very vulgar, graphic level. 


And what's with the word "storm?"  I've heard storm out, storm off, but just storm?  Even in a preview for this episode, Bravo wrote the word STORM in big letters, probably because so many viewers were confused by this random dangling verb.  Meghan King Edmonds, this word is so not fetch and I won't be using it the way you did anytime soon.  Nor your crazy head garments.


I'm so scared that Megan is going to try and turn "Storm" into this franchises version of "Twirl!" (tm Kenya Moore). 

  • Love 3

Does anyone else find it odd that Hayley went to the prom when she's barely in school?

I wondered about that as well.  It sound as if whatever school district has very relaxed rules-of course the whole prom angle could have been made up for the show.  


Gosh, I wish there was a notice at the beginning of the show to have a pen and notebook so I could keep track of what people said in conversations when other people weren't there.


Vicki - you can't tell Meghan that she's not her stepkids' mom and then turn around and tell her that she needs to lay down the law with her stepdaughter.  But she's buying Brianna a Tahoe because she's cranky.


Vickie was sounding very Romanalike on WWHL.  It was kinda creeping me out with I'm not perfect speech.  I would love to see those two on vacation together....

To me, Meghan has taken responsibility as one of the step-parents and considers herself the cool one.  One of the few times I didn't consider Vicki a hypocrite as the show has Meghan saying she is raising Hayley day to day and giving her $100 a week.  I think what several of the women had issue with is Meghan replacing the mothers of her stepchildren-as if they didn't exist.


As much as I loathe Brianna, I see no correlation between Hayley and Brianna.  She did finish school, got married has two kids and she continues to use her degree and works helping provide for her family.  Cranky or happy of Vicki wants to buy her a car, more power to her.  Buying spoiled Hayley a new Mercedes this last spring was totally irresponsible on the parts of the parents and to a lesser degree the step-parents.  The kid apparently does nothing. 

After hearing Tamra was a pot stirrer, Meghan said "I love Tamra."  She's known her, what, all of a few months at this point?  Just because Tamra called you her mini-me?  


And what's with the word "storm?"  I've heard storm out, storm off, but just storm?  Even in a preview for this episode, Bravo wrote the word STORM in big letters, probably because so many viewers were confused by this random dangling verb.  Meghan King Edmonds, this word is so not fetch and I won't be using it the way you did anytime soon.  Nor your crazy head garments.  

I think Shannon's maiden name was Storm or Storms, maybe a play on that?

  • Love 4
Does anyone else find it odd that Hayley went to the prom when she's barely in school?

I wondered about that as well.  It sound as if whatever school district has very relaxed rules-of course the whole prom angle could have been made up for the show.



Far be it from me to defend any of the craziness that surrounds "alternative high school arrangements"...but it's possible her prom DATE was a student at a traditional high school and she was going to his prom.  Even though she doesn't attend a traditional high school, she appears to do things with friends, and the majority of her friends would probably be in school.  So....maybe?

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