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S02.E04: Episode 4

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 The way Lauren talked about Joshua coming in, new guy talked about Tenley, and Joe talked about Sam waivered between "I can't wait for So and So to get here" and "Oh, I mean, I hope So and So is going to be on this show, perchance..." made it seem they all know who's coming.



Yes, they all know.  They were provided with this info ahead of time.  If you remember on the 1st episode they showed Juelia flipping through photos of the cast showing them to her baby.  I assume they all got a set of photos like this.


Oops sorry leighdear we must have posted at the same time. :)

Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 4

Juelia is ripped so much for leaving her child at home but so many of the people in this cast are also parents yet seem to get off scot-free.


The other single parents are presumably co-parents to their children. Juelia is Ireland's only parent and no one there is actually interested in her. She's just a means to stay another week, when someone in-demand might show up.


When Cassandra Ferguson (young mother from JPG's season) shows up later this season, it'll be a different story. She's quite a looker, and will attract attention/competition.

Edited by Bugs Meany
  • Love 3

I'll say it again, I think Claire is gorgeous. If I looked like her in real life I'd have men lined up (LOL) so she has got to have personality issues that keep her from a relationship. But I can't help but root for her on the show and feel bad for her. It's weird because I often enjoy the schadenfreude on this show, but I want it to work out for her.

  • Love 6

Youre correct.


And Joe introduced himself as a "Southern gentleman" in his package.

The thought of Joe's package makes me feel ill.     What the hell is his end game?    Does he think that he can go on TV, act like a total sociopath, and not have it affect his real life business?    He's created a moral AND morale hazard with this asinine character. 


Though I have to say, I think he's that creepy and fucked.  Reminded me of this serial killer character Kevin Bacon played in a move from far away olden times with Gary Oldman.    That shit with Jonathan was real and really weird.    Felt bad for that poor kid. 


I think Jared picked Eyelashley as the lesser of two evils.   Sure, she's immature and painfully awkward,  but  ultimately she'll just put on her princess crown and cry with her sister when she's rejected.   Claire?   That woman is  just one more rejection from being  a Lifetime character.      If a 34yo doesn't like being rejected by a 26yo, maybe she can hang with some men closer to her age?   Or stop making an asshole of herself on national TV?     Why can't she give Jonathon a chance?    He's sort of cute when he's not making bug eyes or being intimidated by Joe.   Holy hell, that was hard to watch.    

Edited by Mu Shu
  • Love 9

She's very attractive--that's how.


But seriously, how is her non-presence on the show a strike against her? To me it says she stayed away from drama and started none on her own. Both she and Nikki were objectively more attractive than people who went much farther (e.g., Carly) but didn't cast themselves in clichéd roles (e.g., Carly, the "Right Reasons" detector) just to get airtime.


ETA: Dan Cox was a non-presence on Desiree's season and he's the best catch of all the guys there.

My comment was more about how any of these guys would have remembered her at all.  She might be pretty and drama-free, but she could easily be replaced by someone who was never on a Bachelor show, and most people wouldn't know the difference.  


In other words, it's totally believable that Ashley I would join the show hoping that Jared would be there, even if she wasnt told ahead of time that he would be. She could have developed a crush on Jared by watching the show he was on.    It's not believable that any of these guys would remember Samantha - they weren't on the show she was on, and if they watched the show, they wouldn't have remembered her.  So - they must have sold the guys on joining by showing them photos of the women who had signed on.   I believe that Joe was encouraged to sign on in order to meet Samantha, after seeing a photo of her, and then told that all he had to do is get one of the other women to give him a rose, in order to have some time with samantha.  I'm not saying he's not a jerk, just that the show encouraged the  very jerky behavior that they are now (in the "after'  show) criticizing him for.  

  • Love 1

The best way to get a hot chick is to manspread and fart loudly.   Oozing someone's brains (Mikey?  he has like, just one quarter of a frontal lobe) out their ears with brass knuckles just clinches the deal. 


I vaguely remember Samantha as a somewhat botoxed, be-hair extensioned person with what are  probably colored contacts.    Maybe hot, maybe not. 




Maybe not.  

Edited by Mu Shu
  • Love 3

Joe is a narcissist.  And he's damn scary.  I consider myself blessed that I don't know him, work with him, or live in the same county or state as he does.  It is personalities like his that end up being abusers, stalkers, and serial murderers.  I never saw anything physically appealing about him.  The gelled hair, the bug eyes, the creepy smile - yuck!


Even on Kaitlyn's season, it was totally out of the blue that he said ILY, when she clearly was about to let him go.  He didn't give a shit about her.  His endgame was only to stay in the game or get in her pants, or both.


I don't fine him entertaining and the sooner he is exposed for what he is, the better.

  • Love 2

Is anyone else having trouble scrolling the posts?  Exasperating.  


Anyway,  I don't get Tenley's appeal.  She's sweet yes but a little too syrupy and she's so physically awkward.  (i'm having trouble posting too..  it's not catching up with my typing.)   I do hope she finds someone.  It's a shame she allowed so much time with Kipton w/o a ring and sounds as tho she realizes it was a mistake.  .I feel bad for her on that. Although she is pretty, she seems the antithesis of "hot".      Yeah, she absolutely should have picked Chris.  He seems way more grounded and ready.


Oh please change the format and make these couples mix up, even against their will.  They couple up too fast and it makes it boring except for a few scrambling leftovers.  Put guys and girls in separate houses.. predetermine who goes on the date with whom.... something.. anything.. 


I liked Joe originally on B'ette but I saw him go in for kisses out of the blue,   and he poured it on pretty thick w/o ever spending any time with Kaitlyn so  It did seem obvious that he was just working for a rose, But with K's lack of interest in anyone but N and S I didn't blame him..  I thought he was probably as disgusted with K as I was.   He's a slob.


But if anyone is going to turn out to be a murderer, my vote could go for Jade.  .There's something dark and secretive about her.  I think her family hinted that she's bad penny.  She can hide behind that fresh-faced girl-next door look, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's been working the sugar-daddy sites.  There's stuff going on in that pretty head.  I get sociopath.


Oh Claire.  How I couldn't stand you during JuanP's season.  But I grew to like you.   What IS it??   I don't know.  Maybe as a re-tread you should relax more.  You do read a little anxious.  Jared IS way too young for you.  No biggie.  But not waiting for a more appropriate match didn't help your case there. 


Ashley I and her sis were really appropriate for this show, so I enjoyed them.  I found their unabashed, shameless willingness to put every feeling that waffed thru their bubble heads on blast kind of fascinating.  I picture them when they were children spoiled to death and crying and tantrum-ing over e v e r y t h i n g  and their parents just went with it.  No one ever said "knock it off'  or "grow up!" or even "shut up".!


So now, we hardly see Jade and Tanner, Carly and Kurt, Ashley and her guy.  Like the show is over for them. It is for us.  Maybe once they couple-up so solidly they should send them home.  That would keep things moving.   

  • Love 5

Is doing Molly really that big of a deal? I mean, he's not shooting heroin...as far as we know.

MMV but I really see someone taking ecstacy (Molly) or other illegal drugs--and bragging about it like it makes him so cool--as a complete turn off.  To me, it definitely would be a big deal.


Also a big deal? Joe and his sociopathic personality and threats of violence. What does it take to throw people off this show? He's beyond creepy--and, although they might not have noticed at the time--watching it, he seems "creepy" to the point of "dangerous"

  • Love 7

Does anyone know what everyone on the show is talking about with Juliea's difficult past? I vaguely remember her on Chris's season but I'm sure it was mentioned on the show. Sorry if this has been asked before

Her husband committed suicide.  I think he kept saying he was feeling bad, feeling depressed, but didn't go for help..just killed himself.  That is my recollection.  someone may have better details/recall.

  • Love 2

Except alcohol is legal, and Molly/MDMA (pure form of an ingredient typically found in Ecstasy) is illegal (at least in my state).  If someone is silly enough to be law bidding; yeah, it might be a problem.  Also if someone was afraid of dying, since people have been known to overdose on it.  Other than that, party on.


I don't recall any Bippie concern about the legality of Molly.  After all, non-medical marijuana isn't legal in most states, but I doubt there would have been the same reaction if Joshua bragged about it.  People who have done/currently do hard drugs and brag about it are held in poor esteem, at least on this show. 


I don't see it as any more egregious than the  24/7 booze parties the rest of them are involved in.


Agreed.  Alcohol is the socially accepted drug.  A fair number of these people appear buzzed in some of their THs and interactions, so it is highly ironic that anyone is "concerned" about Joshua's past or current escapades with mind and body altering substances.

Edited by ribboninthesky1
  • Love 2


If a 34yo doesn't like being rejected by a 26yo, maybe she can hang with some men closer to her age?   


Jared asked Clare on a date though, she didn't ask him. And he was flirting with her from the time she arrived and even promised her a rose if she didn't receive one from someone else. Not everyone is super hung up on age and well, Jared could have asked out someone else. No one would think twice about a man in his thirties dating a 26 year old, in fact many of the other men are in their thirties and some of the women in their twenties. I think our friend Jared is just a player.

  • Love 8


Agreed.  Alcohol is the socially accepted drug.  A fair number of these people appear buzzed in some of their THs and interactions, so it is highly ironic that anyone is "concerned" about Joshua's past or current escapades with mind and body altering substances.


One of them even claimed that she'd never been around a drug in her life!  The alcohol molecule is one of the most damaging, addictive drugs known to man.

  • Love 3

I'm totally on Team Jade in all of this. Yes, Clare was upset about Jared but after all she wasn't threatened with going home. Instead, because she didn't get what she wanted she had to put down everyone else. I've never really liked Clare, she always seems entitled and acring as if she isn't on a silly reality show--the fact that other people may have made connections while she hasn't is no reason to play holier than thou. If Jared had encouraged her she would have been going on and on about how much more genuine this season was than last year when no one was serious.

I missed the point when Joe laid out his master plan in front of other contestants (i thought he was just saying it to a producer). Who was there and what did he say exactly?

Edited by call me ishmael
  • Love 2

Alcohol is legal, ecstacy isn't. I wouldn't want anything to do with someone who used ecstacy (and bragging about it).


I think that was the thing that pushed me over the edge with him. He wasn't just talking about it, he was bragging about it. That seems more like something you'd quietly whisper to someone to see if they were into it as well... not brag about. Even if you want to talk legal drugs, like alcohol, it's generally not cool to brag about using it til you forgot the entire day and wondered why your wallet was empty. The story he told could be funny in the right context, but not an "I'm so cool I did ______" kind of story.

  • Love 5


Jared asked Clare on a date though, she didn't ask him. And he was flirting with her from the time she arrived and even promised her a rose if she didn't receive one from someone else. Not everyone is super hung up on age and well, Jared could have asked out someone else. No one would think twice about a man in his thirties dating a 26 year old, in fact many of the other men are in their thirties and some of the women in their twenties. I think our friend Jared is just a player.

I'm not defending Jared her but if a younger man wants children he really needs to look to someone closer to his own age.  Clare may be fertile for many more years but she's approaching the high risk age.   If Jared is thinking of multiple children hes's right to consider her age in the equation. Otherwise it's really not an issue

  • Love 2

Her husband committed suicide. I think he kept saying he was feeling bad, feeling depressed, but didn't go for help..just killed himself. That is my recollection. someone may have better details/recall.

And I THINK their baby was only like 6 weeks old when it happened. She felt guilty that she didn't take his threats seriously and try to get him help because she, herself, was overwhelmed with all of her attention on their newborn baby.

I know it was already mentioned that Clare having Jared pick the food out of her teeth was most likely her downfall. I agree. That was such an odd scene. What made it even stranger was how breathy-voiced and head-and-shoulder-wobbly and overtly flirty she was acting like this was her ultimate seduction move. I missed their entire date, so that scene at the end is all I have to go by. So even if the whole rest of their date was fabulous and presumably that was her only crazy behavior, it's still a tremendous turn-off that could have tanked any connection he was previously feeling. I mean, if she was joking about it, I think he could have picked at her teeth and they would have both laughed and it would have been a funny story to tell the grandkids (presuming her eggs aren't all dead and rattling around as per Ashley). But she was eyeing him like when a hungry cartoon character imagines the other character as a roasted turkey.

  • Love 7

I missed the point when Joe laid out his master plan in front of other contestants (i thought he was just saying it to a producer). Who was there and what did he say exactly?


All I remember is him asking Jade what kind of guys Samantha likes and she said "pretty boys, like models" and she gave him a once over, like 'that's not you".   Can't remember who else was at the table, maybe Mikey.    So a couple of people knew about his interest in Samantha but I don't think they knew the full story.  Plus maybe they did clue Juelia in and it just wasn't shown.   

  • Love 2

Some very funny writing in this article:


And there's a quoting (is it a mis-quoting? I don't remember the exact words but they were similar) of what Clare had said that drew looks of disbelief and Jade's outspoken ire.



 ' Sure, Clare’s “none of you guys are actually here for love” spiel came out of nowhere and was suuuper annoying, but it was obviously way more sad than it was offensive; after all, it’s embarrassing to be 34 and fighting with Virgin Ashley over a 28-year-old restaurant manager from Rhode Island who still hasn’t mastered the use of a razor.


  ' Of course Clare’s gonna blame her romantic failures on everyone else. Still, Jade feels the need to remind Clare that no, it’s actually Clare’s fault that Clare is still single. “When you say that the people last season were there for love and we’re not, it just doesn’t sit well with me,” Jade says, casually waving around the magazine cut-out of the gown she’ll wear to wed Tanner on next summer’s Bachelor in Paradise premiere. “I feel like I’m here for love.” '






  • Love 4
Sure, Clare’s “none of you guys are actually here for love” spiel came out of nowhere and was suuuper annoying, but it was obviously way more sad than it was offensive; after all, it’s embarrassing to be 34 and fighting with Virgin Ashley over a 28-year-old restaurant manager from Rhode Island who still hasn’t mastered the use of a razor.

Tee hee hee!  Yeah I'm on the fence about Jared.  The thing that still bugs me the most about him is the conversation he had with Claire about her being 6, 7 years older than he and that would be an issue.  He knew her age before he asked her on the date so why is it a problem now.   While I agree the picking food out of the teeth is totally gross I guess Claire seemed to find it cute *shrug* and maybe that was her downfall. 

  • Love 1

Do any of you listen to the AfterBuzz Podcast?  This week, Michael G was on it and was talking about this episode and this night.  They showed the Clare outburst out of order.  He said that it was almost 5am and they had finally lined up for the rose ceremony and Clare had her outburst before any of the roses were given out.  That is why they were all upset with her.  They just wanted the night to end so they could go to bed.  This show is a trainwreck, but I can't stop watching. 

  • Love 8

That was weird.  Who knew Joe was an enforcer in the Cosa Nostra?     Poor google eyed  Jonathon practically shit his pants around him.


They really shouldn't have cast Juelia.    It's painfully obvious that no one is interested in her.


Clare may be 8 years older physically than Jared,  but she's a child emotionally.    I can't blame a 26 yo for not wanting to be with a 34yo.  That's a big age gap when you're still that young.    

Clare's birthday is February, 1982. She's not 34!

  • Love 1

I wish we had seen the whole rose ceremony in this episode.  I want to speculate on who could potentially choose Juelia next week, after Joe almost certiainly screws her over and picks Samantha.  But I can't because we still don't know who's left.  Really, show?  3 hours each week and you still can't give us a completed rose ceremony???

  • Love 2


believe that Joe was encouraged to sign on in order to meet Samantha, after seeing a photo of her, and then told that all he had to do is get one of the other women to give him a rose, in order to have some time with samantha.

I wouldn't be surprised if the sweetener wasn't "and Samantha really liked you watching Kaitlyn's season" whether that's true or not.


I wonder if partially that's how casting works. For example, they knew Tanner liked Jade and maybe vice versa.

  • Love 4

Clare's birthday is February, 1982. She's not 34!

Six months and she'll be 34. it doesn't matter because Jared is entitled to set age limits. He'll likely not settle down for a few years, and probably will go with a woman who won't be middle aged to have children with. like it or not, it's a fact that Claire is approaching middle age. Yes she's young, but not if you're thinking of settling in for a couple of years and then having kids. She'll be getting on in reproductive years by then. If she wasn't a psycho drama queen she would probably have prospects.
  • Love 4

I'm not defending Jared her but if a younger man wants children he really needs to look to someone closer to his own age.  Clare may be fertile for many more years but she's approaching the high risk age.   If Jared is thinking of multiple children hes's right to consider her age in the equation. Otherwise it's really not an issue.



Wow. Like ANYONE who comes on this show is making a selection based on a person being able to produce a multiple number of children? How about backing it up to these people come on the show to MAYBE find someone who will actually DATE them IRL for more than two weeks after this show is over?


Too much is put on age anyway. Watch a guy do a 180 when he finds out a woman he's been dating is actually older than he is. She was fine when he thought HE was older. She doesn't change, just his perception of her does.


Too funny about Jared. Thanks, poster upthread, for pointing out he's a restaurant manager for freaks sake. And Michael is ... what? in the lawyer world?

  • Love 6

Six months and she'll be 34. it doesn't matter because Jared is entitled to set age limits. He'll likely not settle down for a few years, and probably will go with a woman who won't be middle aged to have children with. like it or not, it's a fact that Claire is approaching middle age. Yes she's young, but not if you're thinking of settling in for a couple of years and then having kids. She'll be getting on in reproductive years by then.


All true except does anyone really expect to find their future spouse from the pool of people on this show?  It's really more about finding a temporary hook up and getting a rose so you stay on the show and get your air time.  Then, when the show is over you are known enough to have many more suitable prospects.  Jered could do much worse than spending a few days with Claire.  It's not like the Neil Lane is showing up on the set anytime soon. Unless he is interested in Ashley, letting her think he IS will be more traumatic than an eventual good bye to Claire, who would still be keeping her own options open.


  • Love 4

All true, Palomar. Although with Ashley, Jared is assured of staying until the bitter end, and being one of the "couples" who might (MIGHT!) get some sort of prize at the end. Or, at best, a few more days/weeks of freeloading on ABC's dime. Plus, he knows more women are coming on as I'm guessing he got photo cards too, before going on the show. Clare would be likely to dump him before the end of the show; Ashley, never.


Besides, isn't Jared still "in love" with Kaitlyn? So, "whatever" to him I say.


IMO people who do drugs or drink heavily are in the same class as people who sleep around with as many partners as will have them. Not for me, my mom raised me to be a bit more selective.

  • Love 2

Somtimes Lightning does strike, but not often. More likely Jared was concerned about Claire's obsessiveness. How are you supposed to have fun with her? It's ridiculous to expect any of them to be ready for anything other than fun. From where I'm sitting, Ashley I is less ridiculous than Claire. Why not consider Jonathan? He's not bad looking, and his player image he's trying to put out is clearly just a front.

I guess Jared thought calling out the age difference was less risky than mental health issues? Watching Claire is like like watching Valerie Cherish-Cringe inducing.

  • Love 5

Jared is also a young 26 to me. He has more in common- even if it's just friendship- with Ashley I. I can understand where Jared and Ashley would think of Clare as old because she acts so soap opera-y and Lifetime movie-y. I think of her as older than me and I've got several years on her. I feel the same way about Ashlee Frazier and Tenley. They are so "on" all the time- trying to be sexy, trying to be sweet, just like a lot of Bachelor contestants. There isn't a lot of casual fun to be had with them and that is what Jared likes as witnessed by his dates with Kaitlyn.  


Even if Juelia didn't know that Joe was a psycho or that he was plotting to meet Samantha- that nasty kiss he gave her, followed up with "now what are my intentions" like he had just bestowed a huge favor on her would have warranted a punch in the face and/or puking in the sand from me.

  • Love 4


I think Jared realized he wasn't attracted to her and wanted to back out before she became too attached (too late, as it turns out)

It was simple and straight-forward, I agree.  He flirted with her a bit, went on a date, decided he wasn't really interested, then moved on.   That's IT!


I just don't see complicated mind games, deep thought, psychological evaluation, introspection, biological determination or any other things behind his decision.  Face value.  He just wasn't that into her.  Next. 

  • Love 5

I keep forgetting that the same editing monkeys create this show that create The Bach and Bach-ette. So, we are being manipulated to think whatever TPTB want us to think. Although if someone says it and it's shown, then the bad is on those people. (Thinking of Joe and just about everything, including the "close your legs" PA comment, and Josh's fascination with drug use.)


Something else might have happened between Jared and Clare that we were not allowed to see, since "old-age discrimination" generates a lot of water-cooler talk, making more people keep tuning in for the continuing saga. Including me ... I could watch this train wreck every single night and not get bored!

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 3

Jared and Clare-  It might not be "age"  as in number of years, but "stage of life" that ended that relationship.   Jared is at the stage where he wants to date  a few different women, and see which one he likes best, then try to have a relationship with her.  That's what I see him doing on the show, it's probably similar to his approach to dating outside the show. 

Clare, is at the stage where she wants "LOVE"  and wants it NOW.  When a guy shows interest, she starts planning a wedding and  picking out a china pattern in her head.  Jared liked her, but then was scared away by her neediness, clinging, and wanting to be "IN A RELATIONSHIP".   Clare looks around at other couples and is eager to have what she thinks they have.   That's probably how she approaches dating outside the show.  I bet Clare goes on a lot of first dates, because she is pretty, and seems pleasant enough.  But during the course of the first date, she's picturing the guy in a tux as she walks down the aisle. while the guy is still trying to figure out if they have enough in common for a second date. 

Clare is the kind of woman who isn't going to find love unless she stops thinking she NEEDS to.  

Her little meltdown was just the sort of thing that scares guys away.  

  • Love 11

Jared and Clare were shown getting along really well on the boat and for the bungee jump, but I don't recall more of the date shown after that...?

It was night (though maybe not later that same day as the date) when he basically told her it wasn't going to work out, so I'm guessing by then they had talked more and he realized they weren't at the same place in life or she wasn't as cool as he initially thought or [fill in the blank].

I imagine Clare comes on strong, maybe he wants something more relaxed and fun at the moment...and turned to AI for a rose in the hope that the next woman arriving could be more his speed.

In the absence of being shown how everyone is interacting overall, we're left to speculate what they are likely thinking and doing, trying to make sense of the sometimes senseless. :) Apparently three hours per week isn't enough to tell the stories better.

  • Love 5

IMO, people in their late twenties and early thirties are in the same stage of life: adults.

Thanks for that Madding Crowd.  I was starting to feel a little icky, like I had food in my teeth and nobody to pick it out.  That's how my husband and I felt about it when we got married while he was 28 and I was 33. We were both full grown adults.  He actually had to propose several times because he had been wanting to settle down for awhile, and I had been married and divorced and was not in any hurry to be tied down again. 


I do think Clare might get tiring on a long date, though. I can see her thinking she has to find every last thing awesome and amazing and not shutting up for a second.  Now Jared is going to experience the other extreme with Ashley who can only talk to men when they're trying to kiss her.

  • Love 7

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