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S11.E12: The Final Rose / S11.E13: After The Final Rose

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I do find it somewhat amusing that some are trying to almost dismiss and denigrate Nick's job when of the two seasons he's been on - let's see, Andi, Ms. super serious/career woman lawyer has dumped the law to go chase some Sex & The City fantasy entertainment career in New York. Josh is the one peddling questionable products to people in some kind of pyramid type scheme thing, Shawn is former personal trainer and Kaitlyn is former dance instructor. Meanwhile not only is Nick still gainfully employed but he's even getting free tickets and some very good seats at that to see U2 in concert, from his employer. 


But above all, he has an actual career unlike ANY of the four people making up the final couples of the last two seasons.



Yup, basically what I said. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Ick's own LinkedIn profile shows he's been at Salesforce just over 2 years.  Medical sales before that, cell phone sales before that.  Loads of past contestants have LinkedIn profiles that come up with a cursory check.  And Salesforce is an excellent CRM program, I've used it before.  


Neil Lane's rings can be whatever he wants them to be, as long as they are big & sparkly.  They can be old "models" and nobody would know.  He gets great PR from the show, PLUS he gets to show up, so there really isn't a downside.  I always felt back for Nicki, in that Juan Pablo never let her wear the rock he got to pick out.  Now THAT was a real mean tease.

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My last shallow post for this shitty season: Watching Kailyn's mom meet Shawn was like watching a hungry old cougar (literally) meeting a bloody steak. The mystery is now solved- where Kaitlyn got her full, luxurious head of hair. Seriously, Kaitlyn, get a keratin treatment and run a comb through it already!

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still on page 3 but I haven't seen anything about how Kaitlin says she regrets nothing then at other times says sleeping with Nick was a mistake. She contradicts herself.

I thought I would dislike all these fame whores but I actually am disliking Nick less than I did (still dislike Kaitlin and Shawn).

cyber-bullying? LOL, I guess Shawn is fine with real life bullies (him and Kaitlin) but god forbid someone has an opinion (tells it like it is) online. GTFO you stupid fool.

Edited by Vicky8675309
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Finding it hard to muster any sympathy for Nick. He absolutely knew what he was getting into, and (again) is upset because the outcome wasn't what he wanted.


There must be more to him than we've seen. A former co-worker of mine had a similar sensitive/shy charm that covered a brilliantly passive-aggressive manipulative personality. He was relentless in his pursuit of the best project, office, resources ..etc. and had a near-perfect MO to bait people into lashing out at him. After a couple of interactions, most people ended up avoiding him or just giving him whatever he wanted.


I wouldn't be surprised if Nick had a similar effect on the other guys, though, unfortunately in this situation it wasn't possible to avoid him nor give him what he wanted.


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Yeah, I'm really disliking Kaitlyn.  She told nick she loved him, then said what they had was real at the time, or in the moment.   She KNEW what happened to him with Andi, she knew how hurt he was whenhe was led on and then dumped.  yet she let him start the proposal. Yes, the producers told her to - but she could have stopped it earlier than she did, she could have clued him in.  Instead, she chose to humiliate him, and then she keeps it up.  


What I'm seeing now, is that she and Shawn are mocking Nick and other guys from the show - why?  She dated these guys , made out with them, let them express real emotions to her, then she chooses one guy and treats the others like losers.  She seems damaged to me, like she's stuck in adolescence. 

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He gets great PR from the show, PLUS he gets to show up, so there really isn't a downside.



Well, except for last season, when he had to go to Dubuque, Iowa, in the middle of an Arctic winter.

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Well, except for last season, when he had to go to Dubuque, Iowa, in the middle of an Arctic winter.

Good point.  At least he got the ring back with very few engagement-miles on it.  He either sold it as a "Failed Bachelor Engagement Ring" at a discount, or just dropped it back in the showcase.  Regardless, I don't think anybody would even be able to identify it.  The last few rings have all been pretty similar. 

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The whole premise of the show is to lead the F2 and other "contenders" on so we will guess who the F1 is. The lead can't pretend they are only interested in one guy. I'm not saying that Kaitlyn was very compassionate about it (and I think Andi was a far superior Bachelorette in every way), but for every rose ceremony you are lined up with the possibility of being humiliated. But you are the one who signs up for this possible humiliation.  Nick is just the one who has signed up twice for this and cried the most about being rejected and also been the most angry.  Most of the others have had more dignity about it and have gotten over it (and probably realized they dodged a bullet). Nick is SO hurt with all these people feeling sorry for him, but all along I've gotten this feeling his endgame has "always" been being The Bachelor. 

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Neil Lane's rings can be whatever he wants them to be, as long as they are big & sparkly.  They can be old "models" and nobody would know.  He gets great PR from the show, PLUS he gets to show up, so there really isn't a downside. 

I'm always amused that you see Neil's name on the inside cover of the ring box when the proposal happens, but in all the replays of the proposals it's digitally removed. Guess he only pays for the initial exposure.


But what of Britt?  The show seems to have gone silent on her forever relationship status after giving us weekly updates there for a while.  Don't tell me those two crazy kids didn't find pure, sincere, genuine love. If they can't make it, what hope do us pathetic mere mortals have?


All is not lost however; I think all of Bachelor Nation can all take comfort in and celebrate that Our Bachelorette has truly and profoundly found love.  Me? I'm looking forward to seeing her and Shawn on the cover of the annual "Why They Broke Up" edition of People magazine.  I'm calling it in 6 months, or when Kaitlyn gets voted off Dancing With The Stars.  Whichever happens last.

Edited by Lone Wolf
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The whole premise of the show is to lead the F2 and other "contenders" on so we will guess who the F1 is. The lead can't pretend they are only interested in one guy. I'm not saying that Kaitlyn was very compassionate about it (and I think Andi was a far superior Bachelorette in every way), but for every rose ceremony you are lined up with the possibility of being humiliated. But you are the one who signs up for this possible humiliation.  Nick is just the one who has signed up twice for this and cried the most about being rejected and also been the most angry.  Most of the others have had more dignity about it and have gotten over it (and probably realized they dodged a bullet). Nick is SO hurt with all these people feeling sorry for him, but all along I've gotten this feeling his endgame has "always" been being The Bachelor. 

Sure, but Nick was at the point of proposing, which is different than being cut at a rose ceremony.  And Kaitlyn and Shawn are mocking him in interviews now, which seems to be just rubbing salt in the wound  - and laughing about it. 


Kaitly has sex with him, says she loves him, leads him to believe she will say yes to a proposal, then dumps him and laughs about it.  Yeah, I think he has cause to be hurt.  

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Trying to muster sympathy for Nick..... Um....um...nope! Not even a tiny morsel.

This is the premise of the show. I think he is vindictive and was, both times, just out for revenge. Dude read the memo on what this show is about. Then never return to my screen.

Granted Shawn and Kaitlyn haven't been mature in interviews, but honestly not surprising. Two big kids.

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I feel a little sorry for Nick, but then I see his smirky face and ugly man bangles and get the irrational urge to punch him in his smirky pie hole. With Mike Tyson's fist.

What did become of Britt/Brady? Did the show at least spring for a five dollar foot long and a real shower? They both looked like they hadn't been fed or bathed in weeks. I fully expected them to be grooming each other for lice at this point and eating out of dumpsters.

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I can totally see the producers changing course and avoiding the two Bens entirely and giving the next Bachelor "honor" to Nick given his tough luck story of making it to the final 2 twice. I can see the previews now, and I'm sure Nick would be up for it. I think it'd be hilarious if he proposed at the end of The Bachelor and got rejected again. Maybe he could propose to the woman he wants to marry and then she'll reject him so he tries the other finalist and she rejects him too? That would be quite a shocking storyline. Or maybe he could be the first bachelor to sleep with all of the women creating a shitstorm of drama. I doubt this will happen, but I refuse to believe we've seen the last of Slick Nick. Maybe it's time for a Bachelor's All-Stars, a more formal, sophisticated version of Bachelor in Paradise, in which past saps and rejects can congregate and find love. I can definitely see Nick and Whitney getting together.



Nope - that was Bachelor Bob Guiney, who now that I think of it, reminds me a little bit of Nick (though Bob was smarmier).

Edited by Kloie
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What I'm seeing now, is that she and Shawn are mocking Nick and other guys from the show - why? She dated these guys , made out with them, let them express real emotions to her, then she chooses one guy and treats the others like losers. She seems damaged to me, like she's stuck in adolescence.

She is definitely still in adolescence! She acted like she was 16 throughout the whole show and nothing has changed. Putting down Nick now that the show is over was not cool.

Edited by OnceSane
removed bolding
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I thought this said his pickle is broken, when we are pretty sure Show showed us it isn't!  :)

I originally thought it said "pecker"!


What did become of Britt/Brady? Did the show at least spring for a five dollar foot long and a real shower? They both looked like they hadn't been fed or bathed in weeks. I fully expected them to be grooming each other for lice at this point and eating out of dumpsters.

They broke up a couple weeks ago, I can't remember if it was on tv or I just read it here in the forum.

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Congratulations to Kaitlyn! She has replaced Jen Scheft as my most disliked B-ette ever! Jen had great guys and couldn't have cared less about getting to know them, then was rude to her F1 when she saw his mother (deaf and not rich and beautiful) and was rude and snobby to the mother as well. She dumped her handsome nice and interesting F1 to be with her boss whom she actually was involved with before the show. Whatever, she was dull and couldn't have cared less about anyone.


Then there was Andi, who drew out the men and put energy into being a b-ette, but whom I find an obnoxious self-centered bitch.


And, now there's Kaitlyn! Colder and bitchier and more self-centered (and, as a bonus, dumber) than either of them! Seriously, her mocking Nick after dumping him just makes her seem so completely unappealing as a person. Ick. I think the show will have to search high and low (mostly "low") to find any b-ette as bad as she was on so many different levels. And Shawn seems like a big jerk, too, making them also the "Worst Final Couple Ever". Congratulations, you two! You deserve each other.

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In the recent Yahoo interview, Nick continues to seem like a good guy to me while Kaitlyn still sounds like a biatch and Shawn's the obnoxious, gloating "winner" just like I'd expect: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/nick-viall-talks-bachelorette-breakup-210500519.html

Ugh. In the interview clip in the E link in that article - http://www.etonline.com/news/168868_bachelorette_kaitlyn_bristowe_laughs_at_her_last_awkward_moment_with_nick/- They are awful. I haven't even been feeling that bad for Nick (and I call into question whether his heart was really broken...though he sure is good at looking sad), but Kaitlyn and Shawn are such mean, shitty people. She's not even attempting to look sincere when she's like "I feel bad." And who can't manage to stifle their cackling for 30 seconds on camera? "Oh I hate bullying, I'm so brokenhearted about strangers bullying me blahblahblah. But isn't it so funny that I broke that lame underhand tosser's heart hahahaha. Look how good Shawn is at mocking him hahahaha." Yeah okay, K.  

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Kaitlyn makes my skin crawl. I hope this is the last we ever have to see of her. I know it must be hard to convince sane women to appear on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette due to the skanky nature of the shows and the degree of public humiliation involved, but I really hope the producers can improve on the quality of their leads in the future. I've only watched the last two seasons, so I don't know if earlier seasons offered non-sociopaths, but it would be refreshing to watch reasonably normal people in the future.

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Kaitlyn is just so mean, as is Shawn. You "won", so why not just be gracious. It is disgusting how these two are going about dissing Nick. In the ATFR, I was surprised by how Kaitlyn was all "I said get out of the limo not come halfway through the season". Um if she didn't want him to be there, she should not have SLEPT with him. She was all trying to put it on him and cackling, and the audience was silent, I am glad nobody laughed with her like she expected. She had so much off-camera time, she could not have given Nick one hint? She made it seem like Nick came all the way but what about her sleeping with him, even if the producers wanted her to lead him on to F2 she didn't have to sleep with him and tell him she loved him. And now dissing him in post-show interviews? Sick, absolutely sick. Both deserve each other. By far the worst Bachelorette and final. I hope she doesn't get DWTS, that would be awful.

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I've only watched the last two seasons, so I don't know if earlier seasons offered non-sociopaths, but it would be refreshing to watch reasonably normal people in the future.



I'd say Desiree and Ashley were both pretty decent women. I guess that's probably why the show worked out for both of them. 


In the ATFR, I was surprised by how Kaitlyn was all "I said get out of the limo not come halfway through the season". Um if she didn't want him to be there, she should not have SLEPT with him.



Or she could have also not given him a rose at the Rose Ceremonies. Quickest way to get rid of him. 


I hope she doesn't get DWTS, that would be awful.



It would be hilarious if she was eliminated long before Chris, even if she might actually be a much better dancer than him, just because people can't stand her that much. But again, DWTS hasn't been too eager to call up The Bachelorette leads so I won't be surprised if she's not asked. If she does get on though, anticipate the tabloid stories of her flirting with her Pro and Shawn's "trust" and "insecurity" issues rearing its head, whether true or not. It'd just be too easy a story and I'd rather none of the DWTS Pros get associated with those two because I actually like all of them. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Regardless, I don't think anybody would even be able to identify it.  The last few rings have all been pretty similar.



i don't pay much attention to jewelry, but I thought both rings looked pretty much the same, like they were the same "model." Can anyone tell me if that's true? It just went through my mind that it was odd the two rings looked so much alike when I watched the episode.

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Well that Twitter photo and the post-show interviews make me think even less of Kaitlyn (and I didn't think that was possible).


But it also reminded me of another wad of bullshit she tried tossing out at the ATFR when she tried to make it sound like she was surprised that her "intimate time" with Nick was caught on camera, when obviously the camera crew was there in the same room with her right up until they went into the bedroom!  


I'm hoping that Kaitlyn has ruined her image enough to rule out DWTS.  But, then again, DWTS though Kate Gosselin was a good idea.  So it's always possible that Kaitlyn turns herself into such a "reality tv villain" that that becomes the hook for them to cast her.


And Shawn seems like a big jerk, too, making them also the "Worst Final Couple Ever". Congratulations, you two! You deserve each other.



I'm hard-pressed to think of a F1 "couple" who were both so actively unlikeable.


Regardless of whatever time-frame TPTB impose incentives for them to stay together, I think that as soon as the smug satisfaction of "beating" Nick wears off, these two are going to start making each other as miserable as they make me.

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I have to say one thing about Britt--now that I absolutely hate Kaitlyn (and Shawn). Britt may (or may not) be fake, but her "act" (if its an act) is to be kind and sweet and sort of oblivious, but not in a mean way. I really can't imagine Britt cackling at someone's suffering (and I -do- think Nick thought it was love, especially because Kaitlyn broke the rules to tell him it was--while sleeping with him--Duh. Who wouldn't? Oh, and telling Shawn the same thing. Deep!) I can't see Britt being so heartless, publicly mocking someone who you think is really in pain over you, much less doing it together with the only guy you now supposedly "really" wanted all along. 


She is so arrogant, too, thinking people will applaud whatever she says, no matter how mean. (Let's not forget she came prepared to make gay jokes about JJ and Clint, even though she knew they hated that--and said they weren't gay.) Oh, but don't "bully" poor wittle Kaitlyn! She hates bullying! (At least when the rude public comments are directed at her. Toward someone else? Doesn't matter at all. It's interesting that it was Nick, not Shawn, who tweeted support for her during the season, even knowing how she had treated him at the end.)


She's really awful and I'm sorry she hadn't shown it to this extent at TMTA because maybe CH wouldn't have shut down the criticism of her--which she richly deserves.  Britt and Brady may have been real--or fake--but at least they both treated each other very very respectfully and kindly in the public comments and showed class.  Maybe she came out better in the long run not being on the show. Certainly she came out much better than Kaitlyn who started out as a favorite with so many when this all began.

Edited by Padma
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I have to say one thing about Britt--now that I absolutely hate Kaitlyn (and Shawn). Britt may (or may not) be fake, but her "act" (if its an act) is to be kind and sweet and sort of oblivious, but not in a mean way



Your description of Kaitlyn as "mean" reminded me that she did show a bit of a mean-streak near the end of last season.  Especially when she was eliminated.


It reminded me of this Grantland recap (which is still one of the funniest I've read) which in retrospect highlights Kaitlyn's hypocrisy:


The first thing Kaitlyn said to Chris when he sent her home: “What happened?” But it wasn’t a simple “What happened? I thought we had a connection?” kind of what happened. It was a “What happened? Last time I saw you, we were full-on engaged in ass play, and now you are voting me off?” what happened.


Don’t worry, Kaitlyn, you’ll be the next Bachelorette and dishing out roses in no time. Trust


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I'm hard-pressed to think of a F1 "couple" who were both so actively unlikeable.

I'm thinking both Juan Pablo & Nicki and Ben & Courtney are running a pretty close tie for second.  Both couples had the same kind of "screw you" attitudes towards the show and the public after everything was aired.  

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I find it fascinating that the producers, for all their "most shocking season ever!" nonsense, basically just completely recycled the script from Andi's season. At the end of the day we're left with a lead who strung her F2 along even though she allegedly knew her final choice from the beginning (or is now feigning such a claim to keep her oily bohunk meathead F1 from punching something), then acts like a bratty bitch because F2 "misunderstood" that the sex and I love yous weren't real, accompanied by much cackling and high-school cattiness. They even recycled the same damn F2, for crying out loud. Someone fire the writers.



I'm hard-pressed to think of a F1 "couple" who were both so actively unlikeable.

Ugh, don't forget Vienna and what's-his-face.

Edited by Stella MD
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I'm thinking both Juan Pablo & Nicki and Ben & Courtney are running a pretty close tie for second.  Both couples had the same kind of "screw you" attitudes towards the show and the public after everything was aired.  

But I don't think Nicki was that unlikeable was she? I don't recall disliking her. I think I liked her more than Claire at the time (thought I did get on Team Claire after BiP!). Though to be honest all my memories may be clouded by my Wrong Reasons-fueled love for Juan Pablo. 

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Ugh, don't forget Vienna and what's-his-face.



OY, Stella MD, "what's-his-face"?  What's a guy gotta do?  He has appeared on almost every reality show and "entertainment" news show to get that career started..  You don't even mention his name?  One more heartbreak for...what IS his name?    (that was rhetorical)

She is so arrogant, too, thinking people will applaud whatever she says, no matter how mean.



Maybe we can blame Kaitlyn's mother.  When she interviewed one of the Final Two she proclaimed that "people are drawn to Kaitlyn."  What people?  What KIND of people?  Where and when?    Sadly, I'm a Shawn fan and look forward to his story when he's single again.

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I'm hard-pressed to think of a F1 "couple" who were both so actively unlikeable.


Ugh, don't forget Vienna and what's-his-face.

Ha, that's exactly where my mind went. Hell, I didn't even WATCH that season, but did see the smarmy ass on DWTS and the two of them on entertainment shows, and they were aggressively unpleasant. I can't even believe that guy had to go on a show like this to find a woman like Vienna, she seemed like any random chick you could find in any bar in Jersey.


It would be hilarious if she was eliminated long before Chris, even if she might actually be a much better dancer than him, just because people can't stand her that much. But again, DWTS hasn't been too eager to call up The Bachelorette leads so I won't be surprised if she's not asked. If she does get on though, anticipate the tabloid stories of her flirting with her Pro and Shawn's "trust" and "insecurity" issues rearing its head, whether true or not. It'd just be too easy a story and I'd rather none of the DWTS Pros get associated with those two because I actually like all of them.


Kaitlyn on DWTS with a hot, single male dancer with jealous, insecure Shawn on the sidelines...that is an US Weekly dream come true! Give her Maks or whoever else is known to get involved with partners. Whitney always had a forced smile on her face during that show and she didn't even have Shawn's documented history of jealousy, so I think he would lose his mind. 


The actual show was rather boring though I was briefly fooled by the editing on the day-after-family-visits dates, she appeared to be having fun with Nick and utterly awkward with Shawn. Her demeanor on that date was that of somewhere is so in her own head/thinking about something else that she can't even pretend to be present and engaged (no pun intended!) 


Finally, what-the-fuck with Kaitlyn's hair during the family meet-ups?  It looked like straw.  She really is a mess.


Her hair has been going downhill for weeks now. I mainly noticed it because they clearly gave her extensions on one date awhile ago (I remember having to explain the concept to my bf, he couldn't understand why she looked so different) and since then, it appears that not only were they not helping her with her hair, she herself took a vacation from washing or combing it. In some of her talking heads, it looked greasy and limp. 


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I'd say Desiree and Ashley were both pretty decent women. I guess that's probably why the show worked out for both of them. 


Those are my fave B'ettes too. See, I'm a Wrong Reasons viewer, but I'm going to admit that the seasons I enjoyed the most were the ones that had a happy ending. i.e., I liked Sean's season alot, even though I found him smarmy after joining DWTS,


I thought Kaitlyn had a lot of potential, kinda like that naughty kid who will just test how much she can get away with her hand in the cookie jar but still stay cute. But, with a HUGE assist from TPTB, I ended up not liking this season at all. From the two B'ettes format on Night One, to "To Be Continued" endings, to drastically changing the format to heighten the drama, my guilty pleasure was just off this season. This has got to be the most producer-manipulated season EVAH!

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they were aggressively unpleasant. I can't even believe that guy had to go on a show like this to find a woman like Vienna, she seemed like any random chick you could find in any bar in Jersey.

I don't think TPTB liked Vienna much either. I recall her being from a rural area in Florida, and the way the hometown visit was edited you would swear the family was barely one step above Deliverance...if not a step below!

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Her hair has been going downhill for weeks now. I mainly noticed it because they clearly gave her extensions on one date awhile ago (I remember having to explain the concept to my bf, he couldn't understand why she looked so different) and since then, it appears that not only were they not helping her with her hair, she herself took a vacation from washing or combing it. In some of her talking heads, it looked greasy and limp.

My theory is that she probably got too much K-Y in it during all her romps with the assorted bachelor wannabes and was just too damn lazy to shower or wash her hair.  Didn't she make fun of Britt for her [lack of] hygiene?  Hypocrite.

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Jake Pavelka. Oh, I'm so sorry that hours after reading that post--being happy I couldn't remember him, barely remembered Vienna--then his name came back to me. (Thanks a lot!)


Actually though, during his season(s), Jake didn't bother me nearly as much as Shawn does now--at least he didn't bother me at all when he was just a bachelor, a little moreso when he became the lead. I didn't like Vienna at all, but as bad as "Jake+Vienna" were as a couple (and after they broke up weren't they brought back on B-i-P or the forerunner to it? I think that was where I learned to -really- dislike them so Shawn and Kaitlyn still have an edge in "speed".)  And with J & V, I thought the problem was mainly the way they were with each other (ignoring the DWTS controversy). Kaitlyn and Shawn--with no provocation at all--are just mean, and petty and bitchy to someone who's done them no harm at all. (While self-righteously preaching about the evils of online bullying. Hypocrites, too. Ugh.)

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Don't forget judging someone by their tv edit while simultaneously saying don't judge me by what you saw on TV. They really are dumb or have no self-awareness at all 

Edited by gator12
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I actually didn't mind Kaitlyn as Bachlorette because I love a good train wreck but damn if she hasnt just really rubbed me the wrong way in all these interviews. (And Shawn). Gees Kaitlyn you've made it impossible for anyone to like you. Go away now please. (Still doesn't make me like or feel sorry for Nick),

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TB doesn't choose widely disliked bachelors and bachelorettes as their leads. Nick was/is still set up (imo) but not to be the lead, just to bring the drama for Kaitlyn and Shawn's "romance".  The heartlessness of producers in the way they involved even his little sister went way beyond "drama". 


They already got everything they wanted from Nick. They're not "wasting" a show on a Bachelor that half of their regular audience wouldn't watch.  It's -all- about the ratings and the money for these people. They can do that much better with someone else.

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Yeah Nick isn't set up to be the next lead as he's the so call villain to poor Shawn and Kaitlyn love story. They only reason why Shawn and Kaitlyn are going after Nick now other than he's a caveman and she's an idiot is b/c he's the villain (along w/ JJ and Clint) and they think going after him will get more people to love them.


Although I wish ABC was considering him just to see Kaitlyn, Shawn and Andi reaction. Also Josh reaction since he was trying so hard on social media to get support to be the next Bachelor. That would be hilarious. 

Edited by gator12
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I really feel all this shade is to set up Nick as TB. I'll watch, if every girl, including the drunk ones, rejects him on night one. This is manufactured drama.


So the producers are asking Shawn and Kaitlyn to be snarky about Nick in their media interviews to set him up as The Bachelor? I don't see it. To me, everything we saw of Shawn and Kaitlyn during the season, makes their post-season reaction seem very consistent and true to who they are, in my opinion of course. Kaitlyn has shown that she sometimes confuses "humor" and "being funny" with actually being rude and as for Shawn, this is a guy who refused to say Nick's name during the season and defended his ridiculous behavior by basically giving the definition of jealousy, while saying he wasn't jealous. 


They already got everything they wanted from Nick. They're not "wasting" a show on a Bachelor that half of their regular audience wouldn't watch.



I don't think Nick will be The Bachelor and never have, but unpopular opinion, I actually think people will watch if they pick him. It's a corny reality show and at the end of the day, much as some hate it, controversy does sell. Those who hate him the most will be the first to watch so they can find reasons to judge and snark. As much as many hated Kaitlyn and all the criticisms she got during the season, the ratings were actually decent and actually rose for certain weeks. Similarly Juan Pablo's season had decent ratings. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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The Yahoo home page this morning had a little article that said Reality Steve is thinking that Ben H. might be out (nice, but too boring) and Nick could very well be in as the new Bachelor (drama and controversy guaranteed).  For what it's worth . . .

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TB doesn't choose widely disliked bachelors and bachelorettes as their leads.


Not anymore, they don't. Brad 2.0 (which was a really strong season) happened because TPTB used to have balls. They know what's best for us--we don't. The new fealty to viewer reaction is what gave us Juan Pablo and Kaitlyn.

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I actually think Nick might have a legit chance. The ratings this season went up when he showed up. He was also out on stage during most of the ATFR special and it had great ratings. Ratings are what TPTB care about. Controversy is what brings them. I'm sure Nick as the Bachelor would be ratings gold despite him being disliked by many. They would watch him in the hopes of girls turning him down, while people who like him would watch to see him finally find "true love". He's also been through the "process" twice, fell in love both times and managed to come out on top despite being rejected both times. TPTB can rest assured that he will fall for someone and that he can handle any public reaction coming his way.


Ben H. while somewhat of a fan favourite, is a far bigger risk. He didn't show much personality during the season and certainly didn't fall in love, or if he did then he's the least emotional person ever. There's no guarantee he won't end up like Chris Soules, boring and not really in love with anyone. He's also very young. I guess it also depends on the women they've cast for next season. If there are enough crazies then a boring lead is alright.


I hope Nick will get the job, just because the thought of Andi, Josh, Shawn and Kait having a meltdown is utterly glorious.

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I actually think Nick might have a legit chance. The ratings this season went up when he showed up. He was also out on stage during most of the ATFR special and it had great ratings. Ratings are what TPTB care about. Controversy is what brings them. I'm sure Nick as the Bachelor would be ratings gold despite him being disliked by many. They would watch him in the hopes of girls turning him down, while people who like him would watch to see him finally find "true love". He's also been through the "process" twice, fell in love both times and managed to come out on top despite being rejected both times. TPTB can rest assured that he will fall for someone and that he can handle any public reaction coming his way.


Ben H. while somewhat of a fan favourite, is a far bigger risk. He didn't show much personality during the season and certainly didn't fall in love, or if he did then he's the least emotional person ever. There's no guarantee he won't end up like Chris Soules, boring and not really in love with anyone. He's also very young. I guess it also depends on the women they've cast for next season. If there are enough crazies then a boring lead is alright.


I hope Nick will get the job, just because the thought of Andi, Josh, Shawn and Kait having a meltdown is utterly glorious.

I just want to see what they would tweet or if they would tweet at all if Nick was the Bachelor. Like would they be afraid to tweet anything negative as to not get on ABC bad side and keep the money train going?

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