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S07.E16: Awfully Charitable

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Was the info about the jeep/scratch common knowledge?  Carole said she never talked about that, so just wondering.



Someone on Vulture said she wrote about it in her book, but I don't remember it. 


I just did a Google book search, and she mentions a scratch to the Jeep that she had to take to a shop to get buffed out. It could very well be that she doesn't remember including it because she hasn't read her own book in years (which, I believe, is what she said during her first season when Aviva was quoting back lines to her).

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I didn't recall it being in the book at all either but I did a search in kindle and it's there. She is retelling the incident to John Kennedy, she must not remember it. I've read it more than once probably more recently then she has and I didn't recall it.

Not that it matters since I don't believe in stupid psychic bs, I knew she got it from some outside source even if it wasn't in the book.

  • Love 3

Adam is very, very sexy.


AGREE!! Damn Carole, you are VERY lucky!! No wonder Luann and her niece were melting down...!


I also agree that Carole is a total hypocrite with her ageism. She bags on Ramona for being "old" and titters at her "game" or lack of game. Meanwhile Carole is 51 years old and says dating/being married to a man who is/would be 57 is unfathomable?? Wooow Carole. We know you fancy yourself a 23 year old nymphet but you're actually not and dating a guy who is 29 doesn't suddenly render you 23 again despite what you think. You aren't "better" than Ramona because you're eight years younger!


I LOVE that women can now date (even much) younger men without the backlash of the past, believe me!, but come on. Carole is over the top in how she views herself vs. others.


How would Carole feel if suddenly Adam decided that fifty-one is way too old for HIM? According to the math, when he is 51 (Carole's age now), Carole will be about 72. Yep.



Edited by Sage47
  • Love 8

One thing I have to say about Kristin that watching RHOC has made me think about-- she is not one to go on and on about how she is so much younger and hipper and savvier about social media than all these "old ladies" etc. like that long neck Meghan does. I thank Kristin for that. I like that she puts her story line in her interests- fashion blogging and her efforts to champion a charity of her choice. Also, irt Ramona's gauche behavior at the charity (yes, Ramona, it is not about you...) remember the anti-bully campaign by Jill Zarin's step daughter -- where she actually called her daughter "deformed"? It could have been worse. She could have said something like that. I seriously could really love this show more without Ramona Singer and Sonja Morgan. For one thing, they don't really represent the UES and for another, most people don't really act like that. So.. I hope Sonja can finally find a man who will make her happy and take her away from her crumbling townhouse and to some place like MIami or Houston and Ramona get on some serious meds and find peace in her home in the Hamptons. Luann-- well, she did lots better as a "friend of". Then they can bring in 2 more Housewives- maybe some a little more diverse and in mid 30s- mid 40's with some visible means of support/career--like an event planner, a designer, an actress or dancer, restaurant/club owner, doctor or architect?

  • Love 9

I could see Dorinda's point about Heather's acceptance of the apology, I think it's the response "I forgive you" as if she's the benevolent one. It would have been nice if Heather apologized as well for hurting Dorinda.

I enjoyed Carole and Dorinda in this episode and I'm looking forward to the trip to London. 

Agreed and also to this point:


Beth continues:


As far as Dorinda's apology and Heather's acceptance, I understand Dorinda's point. Accept it and move on, unconditionally. Heather had a vibe that was still hanging on to the apology. It seemed the acceptance had strings.


How so?  Dorinda asks for forgiveness.  Heather's reply:  "I forgive you.  It's that easy."  End of scene.  Then we have Dorinda's TH about Heather being 'arrogant' when accepting an apology.  Hm......  What vibe?  What strings?

I suspect Bethenny was speaking from her own recent experience with Heather's sanctimonious spirit when she chased her down to apologize for not wanting to be friends with her and Heather still couldn't drop it. The first thing she did was turn around and talk shit about B to Carole & LuAnn by the fireplace. It took a couple more apologies (and hugs) where B had to seek Heather out to get Heather to drop it (and she was formal in her tone of acceptance then, as well, just like what Dorinda may have been referring to). This was when Heather never offered any apology of her own for being the aggressor and stated unwanted busybody. 


Adam is the rail-thin male equivalent of Carole as far as body type goes and I don't find that hot in men (or women) but I see his facial features are nice so I get it. I wonder if he is, at least to some degree, motivated to date Carole to get his name as a chef out there and kickstart a potential celebrity chef career.

Edited by anonymiss
  • Love 4

I also agree that Carole is a total hypocrite with her ageism. She bags on Ramona for being "old" and titters at her "game" or lack of game. Meanwhile Carole is 51 years old and says dating/being married to a man who is/would be 57 is unfathomable?? Wooow Carole. We know you fancy yourself a 23 year old nymphet but you're actually not and dating a guy who is 29 doesn't suddenly render you 23 again despite what you think. You aren't "better" than Ramona because you're eight years younger!


Maybe Carole should wear a t-shirt saying "If you're 18, you're old enough to date me, but if you're any older, stay away".  That should get her message across pretty good.

  • Love 3

I just did a Google book search, and she mentions a scratch to the Jeep that she had to take to a shop to get buffed out. It could very well be that she doesn't remember including it because she hasn't read her own book in years (which, I believe, is what she said during her first season when Aviva was quoting back lines to her).

Or maybe she used a ghost writer.  I kid, I kid.  Wasn't it Carole who went on and on about knowing what was in your own book?  I think the ladies wanted to believe and they did.  I donlt think of East Indian and Turks being one and the same but it worked for Carole and hether last night. 

  • Love 1

You can have your data transferred from one phone to another.  At least I did when my phone from my job that I had been using was returned after I left and I got a phone of my own.  Every bit of data (movies, pictures, etc.) as well as my phone contacts were transferred to my new phone.  Dorinda could have done the same.


Yes.  Thankfully, they do that for us when we upgrade our phones.   I upgrade my phone every two years and they did it for me.


I don't have that episode saved so I can't go back and see what kind of phone Bethenny called "ancient" but it may not have been capable of capturing video.  It was really, really old.  Dorinda told Bethenny she keeps everything until it stops working and said she still had a rotary dial telephone in her house. 


Even if her "old phone" was capable of capturing video, the resolution on the clip we saw was pretty darn good.  My iPhone is great for taking photos or videos but older phones just weren't that good.     I'm still leaning towards one of those two stories being fabricated for the show.

  • Love 2

Or maybe she used a ghost writer.  I kid, I kid.  Wasn't it Carole who went on and on about knowing what was in your own book?  I think the ladies wanted to believe and they did.  I donlt think of East Indian and Turks being one and the same but it worked for Carole and hether last night. 

I thought Heather said that Jax's ear Dr. was Pakistani? Pakistan and India boarder each other and that is close enough for me even though I don't believe this woman really knew squat without some insider help. Also, in her blog, Heather says that they did the lesser ear surgery and it did not work so they need to do the bigger surgery that involves totally rebuilding his inner ear, so the woman was wrong on that.

  • Love 3
For all the bad about Heather, I have absolutely seen the number of times she can stop talking and listen. Bethenny just can't do that. I suspect she is "on" something that prevents it (Adderall, huge doses of Red Bull, whatever), and her naturally manic personality and her need to perform and be "on" all the time, it just keeps her from relaxing and making a connection. At least when the cameras are on.


Nothing drives me more crazy than someone who won't let you finish a sentence without cutting you off to blurt their response to your half thought.  I have a friend that does that and I find myself constantly saying, "Let me finish, please!"  It is so rude and Bethenny doesn't seem to be able to help herself.  And the absolute worst is when they cut you off and don't even address what you were speaking about but go off on some tangent that had nothing to do with what you were trying to say to them.  I was totally on Heather's side when she said Bethenny wouldn't let anyone else get a word in edgewise.  I also agreed when Heather told Bethenny that she was a know-it-all.  Plus she talks so fast and choppy she reminds me of Dustin Hoffman in Rainman.  When she is speaking I find myself saying "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!", the same way she said it to Sonja.


  • Love 12

I could have sworn Dorinda's "ancient" phone was an iPhone 4 or 4S  It was small, which those certainly were, with small screens. 


As to Heather, she said on the show they tried to "buy some time" with the lesser operation, but now they had to rebuild Jax's eardrums.  So the "psychic" was referring to the upcoming operation, not the lesser operation which had already happened. 

  • Love 3

 So Ramona was not even close by guess-timating them to be $40.  It was just a dig on her part.


Perhaps Ramona is being a ride or die friend to Sonja. You make a dig at my friend's red, silk dress by guessing that she's marketing it to KMart and I'll remark on how your overpriced, saggy-assed, stretchy-jeans look like H&M Outlet.

I say all that to say I like them as a couple, she's entitled to her preferences and all but I sideye the hell out of her for the discrimination.

Last season, Carole was on a date with some guy and she asked him how old he was. She got flustered when he revealed he was 31. She told him she preferred to date men n her own age range and that men didn't even get interesting until they're forty.
  • Love 1

They re-ran the original season of RHOC earlier this year. I realized why I liked these shows in the first place. It was a quiet show about women and their families and there was little "inter-housewife" drama. This episode seemed to be like that for me. 


I think there's two shows here- the Heather/Carole/Kristen show about kids with physical issues and marital issues and death and coming to terms with life in middle age. Then there's the Ramona/Luann/Sonja show that is about trying to be fabulous in middle age and being alone and trying to pretend you don't feel lonely. This show is more Absolutely Fabulous than fabulous.


I think Dorinda is torn between the two shows. She can fit in both and her crazy ass side is part of the Ab Fab gang. The girl we saw this week was the other one.


Bethenny is not part of either. She just doesn't fit. That's clear.


I like the first show better. I like people who actually like one another and try to work through real problems without being mean or drunk or desperate. Luann was more a part of that world last season. That's why I liked her better. Ramona was acting like that for about three shows then reverted. She's disgusting again. Too bad. She and Luann could have been interesting. 


I'm sure the first show will be gone next season. It's too quiet and interesting. JMO, of course, but I'll miss it.

  • Love 13


So Ramona did name her book, "Life On The Ramona Coaster".  Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Bethenny coin that phrase.  If so, shouldn't Ramona buy Bethenny a car or something for using it as her book title?  According to Kristen isn't that the proper protocol?  Or was it Heather who said Bethenny should buy Luann a car for her Skinny Girl moniker?  lol


ETA -- Never mind!  Someone actually said this very thing to Bethenny!  LMAO! 


Edited by swankie
  • Love 1

I was totally on Heather's side when she said Bethenny wouldn't let anyone else get a word in edgewise.  I also agreed when Heather told Bethenny that she was a know-it-all. 

This is why I believe Heather and Bethenny could never be real friends. Too talky at the same timey, and both are know it alls. Wasn't that the issue between Ramona and Heather when they first met?

Can anyone find the clip of Carole telling Ramona and Aviva that they needed to do a talking intervention on Heather because they could never get a word in edgewise around her? It's on Stoopid Housewives but you have to register to view their site now. (What's up with that?) It was a memorable scene because Carole blurted out "Ball gag!" when Ramona was suggesting things they could put over Heather's mouth. Indeed!

  • Love 1

Heather has a huge ego and is a controlling bully at times. I saw her true colors the year they all went "roughing it" in Montana, and she was so mean and dismissive to.... I forget. Was it Kristen? Or Aviva? Whoever was uncomfortable about rappelling down a mountain, and Heather acted like every gym bully I've ever known, telling her to suck it up and  bragging about how fit she is. Dorinda is absolutely right. She is sanctimonious and acts like her shit don't stink. Sometimes her acceptance of apology DOES sound condescending. Her over-reaction to man-in-the-bedgate was absurd and clearly because she needed to hog some camera time. She's actually crying because a man is sound asleep in a bed in the next room? Seriously? This is a grown woman? Lulu was right. It really wasn't a big deal and she wasn't in danger. She can be genuine and likeable but I think underneath it all, she is not as sweet or as "evolved" as she pretends to be. I'll take the theatrics of the other women over her passive-aggressive b.s. any day, though I realize am I am in the minority here!

  • Love 4

This is why I believe Heather and Bethenny could never be real friends. Too talky at the same timey, and both are know it alls. Wasn't that the issue between Ramona and Heather when they first met?

Can anyone find the clip of Carole telling Ramona and Aviva that they needed to do a talking intervention on Heather because they could never get a word in edgewise around her? It's on Stoopid Housewives but you have to register to view their site now. (What's up with that?) It was a memorable scene because Carole blurted out "Ball gag!" when Ramona was suggesting things they could put over Heather's mouth. Indeed!

Yes, both Bethenny and Heather talk too much and can be/are "know it all's" at certain times but Heather will let the other person explain themselves, express their feelings, let them talk without cutting them off ALL the time, Bethenny never allows any of that not matter what. Also, Heather is much faster to forgive and move past disagreements without rancor, Bethenny holds onto grudges for a very long time and always has. Heather will be there for a friend, Bethenny, not so much. JMO

  • Love 13

Oh, ryebread, you give Ramona too much credit for loyalty. She's as slithery as LuAnn, so there's no way she was in Heather's face as retribution for Sonja.

It was the green-eyed monster that compeled Ramona to start something at Kristen's event.

I mean, you start some shit and accuse the other person of "having a hostile tone"? She is worth no one's time.

  • Love 9

-Have we seen Ramona actually host or coordinate ANY charity event? And if so it must have been donkey's years ago and now she just wants to "appear" on signage instead of "oh I don't know" actually participating in a fashion that rates advertising.



Wasn't it Ramona's charity event where Aviva's dad grabbed her on the arm and she had him thrown out of the event?  He had shown up to drop off Aviva's donation and went in on Ramona for upsetting Aviva or some shit and he grabbed her arm when she tried to walk away because she wasn't about to let him chastise her at her own event so she had him escorted out.  The irony was that it was an event about domestic violence.  I guess that's what she was referring to when she was asked what charities she promotes this episode and she said, "Domestic violence".


ETA -- So many beat me to it.  I just elaborated a little more.  :-)

Edited by swankie
  • Love 1





No tomato throwing from me but what is going on with your feet that they stink up your shoes if they're bare?  Lol!  Hose make it harder to walk in your heels, all that damn smooth silky sliding around in your shoe, eegads.  Most of the women I know go barelegged but wear undetectable peds as a skin barrier.  We escaped a heat "wave" per se, but this last week? 84-94 degrees and it's not even August yet, can you imagine all that trapped up in some non breathable mesh? Girl, no!  lol. 


I don't know if NY is an anomaly this way but the women who are serious about fashion like that, aren't driven by season.  If the priority is to wear a label, they can't be.  Part of it is, if you can afford to dress like these girls in your everyday life, you're not getting on a bus or subway or exposed to the elements for any great lengths so the temperatures aren't really a factor in wardrobe choices. 






We wore nylons for decades. No one had issues with walking around in shoes wearing hose. No slipping and falling all over the streets. lol Never heard of this excuse. And if they wear peds, why is that different than hose? The ones I own are footies made of the same material as nylons.  


And if those that are fashion fools aren't having an an issue with temps cause they aren't out in the elements, than wearing hose shouldn't be a big deal.

  • Love 11

I thought Heather said that Jax's ear Dr. was Pakistani? Pakistan and India boarder each other and that is close enough for me even though I don't believe this woman really knew squat without some insider help. Also, in her blog, Heather says that they did the lesser ear surgery and it did not work so they need to do the bigger surgery that involves totally rebuilding his inner ear, so the woman was wrong on that.

No it was quite clearly Turk--because I thought the woman reading the leaves should hve picked up on it.


Yep, you are right about the change in surgery.

  • Love 1

We wore nylons for decades. No one had issues with walking around in shoes wearing hose. No slipping and falling all over the streets. lol Never heard of this excuse. And if they wear peds, why is that different than hose? The ones I own are footies made of the same material as nylons.  


And if those that are fashion fools aren't having an an issue with temps cause they aren't out in the elements, than wearing hose shouldn't be a big deal.

More importantly is women as the age tend to get road maps and some nice hosiery covers it up.  Not to mention dry skin and all the other things that come with age or not-like really white or almost blue legs.

  • Love 10

Also old and tired - Bethenny with her therapist.  Honestly, there was NO purpose to this scene, other than Bethenny announcing to her therapist that after most of a season of being vicious to most of the wives, she likes them now.  Cut and print.



And the Bethenny redemption arc is complete! Dr. Amador gives her the opening to say that she now bestows her acceptance upon her lowly coworkers, and then she does a newly filmed TH saying that these women have her seal of approval. Not to mention the plug for SkinnyGirl in which, after admitting there's been a "lull," that she just knows it's going to go the right way again!


I get it, Bravo. So can you finally give her the Heather "disappearing treatment" now?

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 5

What I hate with the heat of a thousand burning suns.  Running her grubby little paws over the platter and contents before making a choice.

a.  They're fucking identical, pick one

b.  If they're unrecognizable skip it.  Or not, it's not a huge investment

c.  In the meantime get your gottdam fingerprints off snacks I have access to but don't even know you've touched.   Oooh my, I just noticed the resemblance between nakedmangate and *oars de vors*



The first 5 seconds of this is what that scene of Ramona fingering the finger food reminded me of:  


  Edited by swankie
  • Love 6

I'm sure you are going to find some closeouts or discontinued items at places like Marshall's, but Bloomingdales retails them for around $128.  



Even Bloomingdales has them on sale for $88. Heather got some good mileage out of this season for Yummie, especially for her jeans. I'm sure Denim and Diamonds was designed for that purpose. Well played!

Since charity events usually have a sponsor, Kristen and Heather were very clever and Heather very generous with her product and staff.


A quick google search has them showing up as low as $30. http://www.6pm.com/yummie-jeans

If you sign up for emails, the Yummie Tummie website have great deals on a regular basis.  I haven't ordered anything yet.


Wow! Thanks for finding this site! I will end up ordering a few pairs! I do think they are last seasons jeans though, not her newer styles from the looks of them but I could care less, I love saving money more! LOL

WOW! Great website!  I will be checking it out more!


Completely OT, but I'll keep it brief. If anyone is looking for similarly thoughtful reality shows, I heartily recommend PBS' Frontier House and Colonial House series. Yes, really. (They're 10+ years old now but well worth seeking it…the friction between castmates that develops is real and not contrived, such as one couple's refusal to attend Sunday church services even though it was the period-correct thing to do. Some people did well and even flourished under the restrictive living conditions, and others, not so much.)

OMG - loved these shows!  I used to borrow the VHS tapes from the library and watched them while working out!  Is Frontier House the one with the one snotty family that brought makeup and pretty much refused to do things the "frontier way"?


Yes, I have her boot cut leggings and just got my order today with her undies/tank top shape wear. The leggings are wonderful but the other stuff I bought in 2 sizes smaller size than I now wear because I am loosing weight and will need them in about a month. (The panties fit but are still a bit snug while the tank tops will not go over my "girls" yet!) LOL

In her blog, Heather makes it sound like production filmed Jax's party but only showed that small blip of it. 10 years is a big hurdle for a transplant patient., BIG!

The blip they showed of the party was that quick take during commercials!  If you're fast forwarding through (like I do) you would have missed it.




  • Love 5

This is probably not even worth discussing, because Bravo will never really do it, but I do wish they could have a bit more confidence in the women themselves, to be interesting.

Absolutely. I feel genuinely glad for Dorinda and Carole for meeting each other and being able to talk about their husbands' deaths. Carole is not only interesting in talking about her own life, but she seems insightful about the stage of grief that Dorinda is in. That is fascinating. People are interesting! And it doesn't have to be heavy, either. One of my favorite ever Housewives scenes was earlier this season, Sonja was working out with a trainer in her bathroom. People are interesting!

  • Love 8

Yeah. I struggle with the pantyhose-is-not-"cool"-but-it-makes-my-legs-look-better-but-it-is-so-hot-and-tight dilemma. I try to make do with self-tanner in the summer.

I ordered some Yummie Tummie stuff from HSN recently. Unfortunately, not a match for my body. The panties were so high-waisted that they rolled down, and the tanks were too long. I am 5'4" though, and "fluffy," so that may be why! Lol. I liked the fabric and the firming nature of the garments -- not stifling.

I read Carole's book years ago and loved it. She has survived a lot of tragedy and loss.

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I thought Ramona's behavior at the charity event was atrocious.  Beyond vile! How could she look at all those pictures of the children who need this surgery and she just thinks of herself.  I really think she and Luann should be demoted or off the show.  Their egos are out of control!

   I love that Kristen has become involved with a charity...we need much more of this kind of stuff and less SG meetings, therapy sessions and self pity.  


I kinda got the feeling that Carole's new man isn't all that into her, but maybe wants to be on the show??? Just a hunch

  • Love 5

I thought Heather said that Jax's ear Dr. was Pakistani? Pakistan and India boarder each other and that is close enough for me even though I don't believe this woman really knew squat without some insider help. Also, in her blog, Heather says that they did the lesser ear surgery and it did not work so they need to do the bigger surgery that involves totally rebuilding his inner ear, so the woman was wrong on that.


It was a Turkish doctor, and I thought Heather said he was advocating the more invasive route? The other procedure would have been performed over a year ago, already.


Nothing drives me more crazy than someone who won't let you finish a sentence without cutting you off to blurt their response to your half thought.  I have a friend that does that and I find myself constantly saying, "Let me finish, please!"  It is so rude and Bethenny doesn't seem to be able to help herself.  And the absolute worst is when they cut you off and don't even address what you were speaking about but go off on some tangent that had nothing to do with what you were trying to say to them.  I was totally on Heather's side when she said Bethenny wouldn't let anyone else get a word in edgewise.  I also agreed when Heather told Bethenny that she was a know-it-all.  Plus she talks so fast and choppy she reminds me of Dustin Hoffman in Rainman.  When she is speaking I find myself saying "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!", the same way she said it to Sonja.



Heather is just as bad in that regard. Someone (forget who) actually even told Heather she had an issue with constantly cutting people off and not allowing them to get in a word edgewise.

  • Love 1

Someone in the NY Mag comments brought up how Ramona had this season completely set up for a sympathetic edit and that she fucked it all up by being the narcissistic infantile ass that she is. If she had managed to be, maybe not nice, but nicer than she had been in past seasons, she would have come out of this season on top. All she had to do was not be the same monster she's always been and she couldn't pull it off.

Heather is just as bad in that regard. Someone (forget who) actually even told Heather she had an issue with constantly cutting people off and not allowing them to get in a word edgewise.

It was Ramona, so I'd take that criticism with a grain of salt. I'm not inclined to listen to the shrieking critiques of emotional toddlers.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 14

It was a Turkish doctor, and I thought Heather said he was advocating the more invasive route? The other procedure would have been performed over a year ago, already.


Thanks for the correction. I remember when they discussed his ears/hearing last season and thought they put off both surgeries, not just the more complicated 1. I don't remember any follow up at the reunion so I guess I missed it.

When Sonja said something to the effect of "they just want to sleep with us," I thought, "no honey, they're gay famewhores who wanna be on TV."

You mean like the "show boy toy" she hooked up with at the pick up bar early in the season? LOL That guy and his "roommate" were with Sonja for their "modeling" careers, not to actually hook up with Sonja or any other female! LOL

  • Love 3

I feel bad saying this as I feel Debbie Downer bc clearly not popular but I didn't catch the natural, easy vibe between Carole and her boyfriend. He seemed easily annoyed with "that's cilantro", "get crackers", "no I'm making a tapenade not buying one". Like he's the real deal chef and she kind of had a damsel in distress vibe. Also to the gnocchi comment. By the way, those quotes aren't direct, they are Pinot inspired memories. I was just seeing him politely irritated and her, well..missing the cues and being cutesy. I didn't see a great love connection.

With that said, she thrived in the conversation with Dorinda. She would do well to meet a guy her age. It's night and day how she acts when she relates. Not that a woman her age couldn't with a youngster, not that all, but I don't think Carole is with him.

Who in the fuck keeps allowing Bethenney filmed psych sessions? Her ego kills me to think that people will care she has walls and was raised by wolves. So self centered. I was like that when I was younger, like teenage. Then I realized people and animals really suffer. And we act and help. Shut the fuck up, B. There is a whole world out there, just unreal.

  • Love 17

The way I saw the Dorinda apology was that Dorinda sat down with Heather and went into this personal story about what she has been through and had obviously thought about the apology and it was heartfelt, and Heather just said, "No worries." Sort of like, "I forgive you, shut up." It was sort of rude I thought. Heather wasn't really trying to connect with Dorinda and Dorinda was trying to connect with Heather. Plus, Dorinda said that apologies are kind of hard for her and she felt Heather didn't really appreciate that. Women!

  • Love 1

I have always wondered about this...I read Carole's book years ago and really did like it a lot. She said in it that she was best friends with Carolyn Bessette, which she said again last night. But, I always wondered why there are no pictures of the two of them together. I definitely believe that they got to be friends, even good friends. But BFFs? You would think there would be one or two photos of them, just them, together. I just sometimes think she may have slightly embellished their friendship but I feel guilty even typing that.


I know JFK Jr. was very close to his cousin but were they like best friends that hung out together all the time? Just curious. I am not asking this to put Carole down. I fully believe that their deaths were horribly tragic and awful for her. I feel very badly for her that she went through all of that. And I do think it is why she never fully gave her heart away again.

  • Love 5

Cool episode.



Carole, she rocked. I might re-read WR, too.

LuAnn's pissyface after greeting Carole. Don't ask someone if they had sex if you don't want to know the answer.

Carole and Heather funnin' on the dumb puppet shit.

Ella being as excited about Jax's gifts as he was.

Beth's dress.

Psychic's big ass bowl of candy.


I'm glad Kristen's event turned out well, and that so many kids will benefit. Good job, Pretty.


Double eardrum reconstruction...it just sounds so big and scary. I'm sure Jax has the best care, but still.


Beth gives blowjobs? I can't picture her keeping something in her mouth for that long. (And, I know it sounds weird, but she looked a little Jacko-esque in her scene with Carole.)


That psychic might have been more believable if she hadn't been so specific. Though, Dorinda's grounds did look a little balloon-ish. I did think the HWs going to the psychic's house instead of the other way around made for a more interesting scene.


Are Dorinda's boobs new?


See you next Tuesday, Ramona.

  • Love 6

This episode was a really interesting mix of why the franchise is failing - and, in my opinion, what could save it.


In the why it's failing file:  Ramona's schtick is so tired.  Complaining about her signage at the charity event - recycled storyline from the fight with Jill in Season 2.  Ostentatiously making a scene during another HW's charity event/speech - recycled from Heather's charity event/runway.  It's like the little lizard part of her brain remembers "hey, I got attention when I did this before," and just does it again.  Old and tired.  So many of the HWs are playing caricatures of themselves now - Luann, Ramona, Sonja, Bethenny.


Also old and tired - Bethenny with her therapist.  Honestly, there was NO purpose to this scene, other than Bethenny announcing to her therapist that after most of a season of being vicious to most of the wives, she likes them now.  Cut and print.


The scene with Bethenny and Carole was a classic Housewives scene in all the bad ways - it existed mainly for two women to rehash a previous scene and take sides.  It was boring and false drama.


Now for the good!


I guess I'm as biased as Carole talking about Heather, but I liked the focus on Carole/Kristen/Heather in this episode, mostly because to me, these seem like authentic relationships.  And Dorinda, in her scenes with the psychic and (oh God) at the airport, seemed like an authentic person too.


Kristen having her first positive experience with doing charity work, and being genuinely excited and moved by it, and sharing that joy with a friend - it felt real to me.  (And I'm not even going to comment on the weird thing people have with Heather's smile, or her looks.  May none of you ever see me in person, I don't think I could survive the commentary.)


Heather, Carole, and Dorinda at the psychic - I do normally think psychic scenes are ridiciulous HW tropes, but for whatever reason, these women were clearly having a real experience, and it served to provide new insight into each of their lives - Heather's fear for her son, Carole's complicated history with her husband, Dorinda's attachment to a red balloon (I jest).  It made each of the women more real to me, and I suspect made them more real to each other.


The blossoming relationship with Carole and Adam, and her nervousness in sharing him with her friends, but her genuine wish to do so - and the sweet way they were all starting to get to know each other over dinner.


The birthday excitement of Jax's gift that made me like Josh for the first time ever (probably the last, too).


And finally, yes, the most fascinating scene in HW history, Carole and Dorinda at the airport, opening up to each other.  We did see a bit of this backstory in St. Bart's in Season 5, when Carole opened up to Heather a bit about Anthony - both of them say that is when their friendship began.  When Carole stops playing a part and starts being herself, I love her most.  And the sensitivity both women showed in that scene was incredibly moving.  I couldn't believe it was a Housewife show, that the producers had the nerve (in a good way) to just settle down, turn the camera on, and watch two women connect.  I loved it. It moved me.


But as long as we have Ramona and Bethenny on this show - two manic people who can't stop making scenes or playing parts - I don't think we'll ever get there consistently.  For all the bad about Heather, I have absolutely seen the number of times she can stop talking and listen.  Bethenny just can't do that.  I suspect she is "on" something that prevents it (Adderall, huge doses of Red Bull, whatever), and her naturally manic personality and her need to perform and be "on" all the time, it just keeps her from relaxing and making a connection.  At least when the cameras are on.  


I would love a show that was like this episode.  I don't know if we will get it often, but I will at least acknowledge it when it happens.

ottergirl -- I quoted your whole post because I just loved it. So often you summarize all of my thoughts in a better way than I am able to. I love your posts!! Thank you for this one!!!
  • Love 8

I was confounded by Dorinduh not being happy with how Heather graciously *accepted* her apology! 


Dorinduh admits she was an asshole on two occasions, which she was, and Heather takes the high road by replying (paraphrasing), "OK. Done. Say no more." Without rehashing or making Dorinduh explain over and over again. And yet that's still not enough for her. WTF?

  • Love 9

Sometimes these women do things on the show to amp up the drama but I don't think Dorinda is a good enough actress to do that.   She was the newbie and it took her a while to "relax" while filming. Once she started to feel comfortable, the "real" Dorinda was revealed.  She manages to go from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye and often without warning.  



Edited by AnnA
  • Love 17

I was confounded by Dorinduh not being happy with how Heather graciously *accepted* her apology! 


Dorinduh admits she was an asshole on two occasions, which she was, and Heather takes the high road by replying (paraphrasing), "OK. Done. Say no more." Without rehashing or making Dorinduh explain over and over again. And yet that's still not enough for her. WTF?

Add to that, it was Heather that apologized when Dorinda went at her for walking ahead to the restaurant first and then LuAnn and Dorinda went at her for daring to say the F word. Both times, IMO, Heather was the 1 that was owed the apology from Dorinda but both times Heather was the one to apologize. FINALLY, Dorinda apologizes, days later and is unhappy with how Heather accepted it. I always thought it was better to have an apology accepted without conditions but maybe that's just me!

  • Love 9

It was a Turkish doctor, and I thought Heather said he was advocating the more invasive route? The other procedure would have been performed over a year ago, already.



Heather is just as bad in that regard. Someone (forget who) actually even told Heather she had an issue with constantly cutting people off and not allowing them to get in a word edgewise.


I think that was Ramona. 

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