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19 Kids And Counting - General Discussion

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Except that Jilly Muff and Jessa plus their husbands are the most boring people ever and have nothing interesting to say or do.

But, but, but Jill is all hip since she reads Pinterest and has a chalkboard and is all about crafty things like writing bible verses and sticking them on a board. Sheesh give her some credit! *snicker*

  • Love 7

Except that Jilly Muff and Jessa plus their husbands are the most boring people ever and have nothing interesting to say or do.

All the Duggars are pretty boring though, and still had fans. I think there would unfortunately be an audience for the Jill and Jessa show, and TLC knows this.

Sign me up with the camp that thinks a new Duggar show without the parents or Josh will eventually pop up.

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All the Duggars are pretty boring though, and still had fans. I think there would unfortunately be an audience for the Jill and Jessa show, and TLC knows this.

Sign me up with the camp that thinks a new Duggar show without the parents or Josh will eventually pop up.



I differ in that I think the only way they can get back on a real network  (see how funny I am?) as opposed to some marginal one fe people get or care that they get, is to piggy back on another show for a bit.  Do the Bates still have a show?  Or maybe TLC will start another show.  they could find a barren Gotthard wife who got other already full Quivers to give her one of theirs.  They could call it Nineteen Women who Had My Children and Counting. 


Silliness aside, I think anyone who depends on general sponsorship as opposed to niche marketing, will be careful for at least awhile and try to test the waters first.  Which is why I could see them showing up elsewhere.  Part or parcel.  Oh imagine the guest starring possibilities (in the parody thread of course) in a Duggar guest starring redemption tour.  There is that one son who seems perfect for one of those Bigfoot shows.


But I don't think anyone doing commercial television is not going to realize that TLC cut its losses when all was said and done.  They didn't set them aside after two months because they wanted to make less money,  And unless you diguise, wrap in some new paper and tie a bow on it, anything Duggar is not going to sell.


What I can see is someone finding some private online channel that lets the Duggar fanatics perhaps pay a small subscription fee.  I guess that would, what, be Non-defrauding pay for play piety porn? 

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All the Duggars are pretty boring though, and still had fans. I think there would unfortunately be an audience for the Jill and Jessa show, and TLC knows this.

Sign me up with the camp that thinks a new Duggar show without the parents or Josh will eventually pop up.


Exactly. And if they did a show with Jill and Jessa only the other kids would obviously make appearances, visiting them and doing crafts and visiting the zoo and all the other ordinary thing they used to do anyway. Plus, babies, babies, babies.

What I can see is someone finding some private online channel that lets the Duggar fanatics perhaps pay a small subscription fee.  I guess that would, what, be Non-defrauding pay for play piety porn? 

I can imagine this, too. Palin did a slow trickle into irrelevance with the book/Fox News/private-pay online subscription channel route. The My Five Wives gang tried the YouTube show tactic. The harsh truth is that once you screw up good, as soon as you're largely out of the public eye the world rapidly moves on to a new distraction.


If the rumors of Jim Bob's net worth are near accurate, they'll be okay for awhile. But their gravy train has had an inordinately long run, so it's bound to be slow-absorbing shock to the system. Now they're left with a huge house that (even if paid off) carries a hefty property tax bill;19 completely under-educated offspring, many of whom have no memories of a life before television privilege; and a black stain on their name (via Chester the Molester) that won't soon wash off.

Edited by SometimesBites
  • Love 16

Pat Robertson's deal with ABC Family requires them to show X amount of 700 Club. I could absolutely see him bringing the Duggars on. I'l bet he'd gain a lot more in Duggar fans and publicity and fundraising about being attacked by boycott efforts than he would lose if offended viewers left, and I don't know that ABC has a say about CBN content. 

Edited by Julia
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I could see that happening.  But as a joke I heard by my sister's pastor goes "25% of the nation identifies as Evangelical.  So you take a hundred people and count out the 25 who consider themselves evangelical and let the other 75 leave the room.  Give the 25 a half hour and each one will believe they are shut up with 24 sinners going to hell."  Sometimes there is common ground, Biut it does make me laugh when what looks the same from the outside is considered vastly different (one is right the rest is wrong" approach.


So I'm not sure if Pat thinks the Duggars are on the right side of God.  He could someday go on some rambling scrred on the dangers of having too many children and how it affects Global Warming and makes gays attract hurricanes.


I think that ABC doesn't have much control over the 700 club and I believe there is a countdown to that.  The airings get shorter and less over the years until they disappear.  But I would imagine ABC might have a panic button in their contract if Pat goes really deep into Crazy Land and sets up camp.

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Except that Jilly Muff and Jessa plus their husbands are the most boring people ever and have nothing interesting to say or do.

Except Bin's hatemongering.  How long would it be before he opens his mouth to piss everyone off and the whole media mess starts all over again.  They would be crazy to take that chance.  But it is TLC after all.  They are all about the crazies.

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No way are they getting picked up by ABC Family. Pat Robertson doesn't have the influence he did when he took ABC's check. As my teenage son (who isn't ignorant about this world) just asked, "Pat who?"

I will miss the show and I liked most of the family. I actually liked all the older kids (including Josh and especially Anna) quite a bit. But I couldn't see the show as entertainment after the allegations - as a writer, I knew the double entendres and references couldn't help but crop in. Conscious or not, it had become a show that was impossible to write (and don't tell me it wasn't written - we've all watched Jim Bob try to speak off the cuff) because we all know too much now.

But that said, I'll miss it, and I wish all of the children well.

  • Love 4

What I can see is someone finding some private online channel that lets the Duggar fanatics perhaps pay a small subscription fee.


Perfect solution!  Then the leg humpers can salivate over their precious Duggars (and fill their coffers doing it), while we are spared their hypocritical, hate filled, phony, pious purposing and Bible quotes.   

  • Love 5

Exactly. And if they did a show with Jill and Jessa only the other kids would obviously make appearances, visiting them and doing crafts and visiting the zoo and all the other ordinary thing they used to do anyway. Plus, babies, babies, babies.

Crafts with Jessa would be eminently snarkable. Girlfriend doesn't have an artistic bone in her body. 

  • Love 8

Yayyyyy!!!!!!!! The show is cancelled!!  Michelle DID say that God would make something good come out from all this.  This is good.

I am a firm beleiver in whatever "is" is best. I think much good will come from all this, I really do. Perhaps the kids will see how hard it is to finance a ridiculously large family and stop at a reasonable number. I espically hope this for the married kids, stop now before it's too late. This dovetails with my hope that they all will realize that education either via traditional college or some type of training is the only way to keep yourself/ and or your family in Ugg boots and American girl dolls. ( how ya gonna keep em down on the farm after they've seen Paris?) It has already brought Goddard and his teaching to the main stream media, which was an eye opener for many. And lastly maybe some of those kids will enjoy the peace and quiet. I can't imagine living in a house where the only way to get some quiet time is to get married then 9 months later you are recreating that mess.

  • Love 11

 purpose® to bring Him honor by

casting a hairy eyeball on those child-molesting transgender people, and that gay guy at the county courthouse getting married to the man of his dreams

staying true to our faith and our family.


I know I'm late on this but OH MY GOD I haven't laughed that hard in a long, long time. When I got to "purpose®" I actually doubled over and started slapping my sofa cushion.

  • Love 3

I am a firm beleiver in whatever "is" is best. I think much good will come from all this, I really do. Perhaps the kids will see how hard it is to finance a ridiculously large family and stop at a reasonable number. I espically hope this for the married kids, stop now before it's too late. This dovetails with my hope that they all will realize that education either via traditional college or some type of training is the only way to keep yourself/ and or your family in Ugg boots and American girl dolls. ( how ya gonna keep em down on the farm after they've seen Paris?) It has already brought Goddard and his teaching to the main stream media, which was an eye opener for many. And lastly maybe some of those kids will enjoy the peace and quiet. I can't imagine living in a house where the only way to get some quiet time is to get married then 9 months later you are recreating that mess.

Just kidding but they did have that tiny prayer closet if anyone needed peace and quiet.  Mechelle probably hogged it up though. 



That's what I'm thinking might happen. It would be the network's way of washing their hands of the Duggars and redeeming themselves for not canning them sooner. Also, the "what not to do" angle gives the opportunity to call them out for all the things said in that BS interview without looking like they are attacking the victims.

i would love it if there were a serious example made of the way the Duggar children were not protected. That it will happen feels beyond my dreams. 

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I will as well and I'm not ashamed to say I'd hoped it would stay on the air. I'm oddly attached to these people.

As will I. Although, I'm not "attached" to the littles at all, I enjoy watching the older ones court, get married, have their first child, etc. Also, I'm sad (ok, embarrassed) to say I loved watching Josh and Anna and their family, I loved hearing Mack and Mike in their TH and I enjoyed seeing their life in DC....as much as I'll miss the show, none of these scenarios are sustainable for a weekly TV show.

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I don't see Pat Robertson picking them up.   1) He founded Liberty University which is <gasp> higher education that even allows women to attend.  2) Pat will want to be in charge and Jim Boob won't let anyone but him be in charge.


Speaking of which, no way in hell those girls participate in the TLC doc without daddy's approval.   And no way daddy approves participation without some control over how they are presented.


I worry that with no cameras on them, they will go back to blanket training.   Michelle has no idea how to parent and blanket training is a great way to control kids so you don't have to parent.

  • Love 4

I don't see Pat Robertson picking them up. 1) He founded Liberty University which is <gasp> higher education that even allows women to attend.

I agree that Pat, a fellow third-base baby, most likely wouldn't give Jim Bob the time of day under ordinary circumstances. I still think Pat's enough of an attention [person of negotiable virtue] and a programming executive to find a place for the Duggars if it paid.

Edited by Julia
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I don't quite follow.. ?

The fox interview that JB and Michelle did where they tried to defend Josh and accused an official of releasing the information illegally due to being bribed.  As we now know - the information was obtained LEGALLY and NOT from an official being bribed and no one was 'purposing to slander them'.  

Edited by Defrauder
  • Love 4

Well, they can always go watch their very first TV special on YouTube, as a refresher course on who they are without TLC $$. They've bought into their own phony thrift-and-humility-ethos so completely that they don't even see they are now a zillion miles from where they started. When is the last time they cooked up a batch of homemade laundry soap? It's really easy to get used to a life of privilege, and really tough to have that privilege cut off like a switch being flipped.

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