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S17.E09: Episode 9

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"We, like, have a 90% shot now at final six"! Slow your roll there, Vanessa. What you have is a guaranteed final thirteen (fourteen with the twin). Final six is a LONG way away. I always love it when these people have the whole thing planned out week three.

Throwing BotB - even though he really hasn't had to do a thing either time - could come back to bite John, but I also agree with him. When an HOH is "asking" (I.e. telling) you do do something, there's not a whole lot you can do other than suck it up and agree.

I wonder if James is color blind. Because that was a really, really bad effort. I did laugh at Meg joking about the very specific competitions she and Jason would actually be good at, and then getting one that plays right into their 'strengths'.

Oh, lord, Shelli and the twins are sorority sisters? Honestly, that's the most valid reason this season anyone has had to actually form an alliance with each other. Had to roll my eyes a bit about Austin being smug in the DR about how much more he knew than Jeff. Sure dude, but only because Vanessa had to basically draw you a map. You certainly didn't figure out anything on your own. John was funny talking about the #9 molar, and absolutely terrible at trying to out it. So awkward!

I want Jeff to be backdoored simply because he had no idea who the HOH's were. That deserves an automatic eviction.

  • Love 7

I guess you can sort of tell who producers are or aren't thrilled with at the moment. 


John going on the block again by his own choice could have been edited to look like he's dunce of the year, but they were very generous. 


Meanwhile, outside of "sassy" DRs, Jason and Meg were made to look oblivious or petty, or both. 


And Becky was left somewhere in the broom closet.



John was funny talking about the #9 molar, and absolutely terrible at trying to out it. So awkward!


Ya know I've just got the imaginary camera out taking everyone's pictures and... shutdown getting Liz to smile... totally adorkable.


I also say there is no way in hell that the Sorority Sister connection can get the twins through week five.


Man it was like Dumb and Dumber between Austin and Jeff, not the most observant peas in the pod...


EDIT: *laughs at WW that we posted the same idea at the same time*

Edited by Wandering Snark

Have to laugh that Johnny Mac really doesn't have to do anything to throw these competitions, he just gets partners with inept people.  But that challenge did play to Meg and Jason's strengths.  Now JM just has to win the veto again, put Jeff up and then one of either Jeff or James is gone.  Win-win.


Of course JM would notice slight differences in teeth.  Probably more accurate than "slightly more skinnier than the other".

John going on the block again by his own choice could have been edited to look like he's dunce of the year, but they were very generous.

I disagree he had a choice. Telling the HOH you won't be a pawn doesn't really work.

He could stop throwing BOTB- but in both cases his partner sucked so badly he didn't really throw anything.

Noticing the crown was pretty impressive.

I was surprised "the rules" allowed Julia to name herself.

  • Love 2

Johnny Mac was once again the MVP of this episode. He's very entertaining to me because his voice inflections are truly unique and he's got the look of a Charles Dickens character if he was strung out on something. Like, uhhh, Pip from Great Expectations after he got totally wasted?

I enjoyed the goofy sound effects when Vanessa's eyes moved from side to side.

I want to see a montage of Liz whining "I knooooooow..."

Edited by TimWil
  • Love 3

This was a pretty damn entertaining episode.


Johnny Mac playing CSI: BB DDS was hilarious. I actually think he might get some new clients who enjoy his kookiness and attention to detail. And his disappointment at not getting the top pic spot on the nomination screen was fantastic!


The "doing" sound effects for the cluelessness of the beefiest and densest dudes - Austin and Jeff - were perfect. Add in Clay and we'll have Dumb, Dumber, and Dumberest. (sic)


Don't know if I'm exactly rooting for them, but I really enjoyed the girls - twins, Vanessa, and Shelli - going giddy girly at the twin admission. Yeah, I'd actually be onboard with a female alliance - just dump the dead weight men.


Thought the foam BoB challenge was actually pretty fun. I'd love to know how long those partying extras had to "dance" to pretend music. The darker-skinned guy in Jason & Meg's pen was really getting into it!

  • Love 5

F-this episode and F-The Battle of the Block


The first 30 minutes was the Six Senth A-holes prancing about self congratulating themselves on how wonderful they are and how great they are positioning themselves. Shelli and Clay continuing to be in power with the help of this vile new pair of HOH's is just miserable. We spent last summer with one faction of the house led by Derrick controlling everything...please tell me we aren't in for that again!


As for The Battle of the Block...what a lame thing to bring back. Half way through I Fast Forwarded it...what is the point of the whole thing if the trend from now on is John throwing the comps at someone';s request....that is not good television production...it is boring because of the foregone conclusion. And screw John for being complicit in the whole thing...I'm sick of the "character" he is playing in the Diary Room. You don't really see him acting like that outside of the DR's.


Becky gets the invisible edit of the night. Did she appear as the BOB went on? If so that was it. And why is Jackie regulated to only one scene. You would think the production would shamelessly be putting in bikini shots from the back yard but their idea of filler was Steve and the hammock. (Steve's only significant appearance by the way)...and the whole segment reaked of something probably shot days or weeks ago and just randomly stuck in there.


The only thing I liked about tonight was the brief instant when Meg dropped the "wacky next door neighbor sitcom" schtick she's been playing and became emotional about getting nominated yet again.. P.S. to Meg....America';s Team did put on a play to much...UN-acclaim.


James is my favorite player. I hope he survives.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 1

I want Jeff to be backdoored simply because he had no idea who the HOH's were. That deserves an automatic eviction.

In his defense, he must've zoned out at one point during the HoH Competition.  He must've missed Austin's win.  But he at least remembered Vanessa's.


Seemed like the entire first half of the episode was basically Liz and Julia coming forward with the Twin Twist.  Vanessa and Shelli's reactions were probably my favorite ones.


After the men steamrolled the women as their pawns last season, I'm at least glad that the men are the ones being steamrolled and used as pawns this go-round.  Quite refreshing.

Ok, I really wanted to shake Meg and say 'Girl, this is only the second time you've been on the block. Sit your ass down and calm yoself'. It's not like this is the third time or fourth time and she knows that she's a pawn every single time. You don't see Johnny Mac throwing a crying fit in front of people, now do ya? Geez, Meg really bugged with that. I get her being upset and I might be too, but stop throwing yourself a pity party, or else you WILL be a pawn in place of John. 


John sold me this episode, he really did. I may not love his voice, but he is an awesome person for putting up with all of this. He can win comps, he'll be a BOTB pawn and throw it, and he seems to have pretty good social game. I can see him making it far because people don't realize he's actually a dangerous player. 


A lot of stupid moments with the 'd'oh' music too. Austin and Jeff (twice), in particular. 


I'm glad Julia told some people; I think it'll help her keep her stories straight, but with everyone suspicious now, I don't really see any of these tactics working to the extent that could help her. She better hope Vanessa, Austin, Clay and Shelli can help her out with this.


I do worry about this growing power in the house. I've always been a fan of the underdogs and not so much the bigger group in power, so when Jeff leaves, that alliance may crumble and we'll be left with the Sixth Sense. I like a lot of them in that alliance, but the power is going to go to their head and that is what worries me. 


I still like Julia more, Johnny Mac's now my number one, and Steve is just too adorable. 

  • Love 1

Johnny Mac is carrying the episodes right now.

Also laughed at Vanessa's 90% chance at final 6 assertion. As a poker player who understands probabilities she knows it's nowhere near that high.

(Just a sidenote for those that don't get the feeds - afterwards Jeff was proclaiming how he was flirting with all the models in the challenge and they all wanted him. He thinks really highly of himself.)

I guess you can sort of tell who producers are or aren't thrilled with at the moment. 


John going on the block again by his own choice could have been edited to look like he's dunce of the year, but they were very generous. 


Well, as someone who has been a Johnny Mac fan from his first episode, I'm glad to see that the DR/TPTB love him, too.  Don't get me wrong, I don't want Grodner putting a thumb on the scales, but he's a far better option than some I was worried about.  (Clay, Jason, I'm looking at you…)


I think perhaps this is the first time a twist sort of fizzling played out better then TPTB could hope for


Yeah, no point in having this just be a replay of S5, now we get to see what a gamer does with this sort of knowledge.  And in the "you really can't script this stuff" department, how awesome was it that this just happens to be the season with "whacky dentist" in the cast?  I doubt TPTB were thinking about Julia's dental records when they cast John (why would she even tell them), and so the whole "Uneasy lies the tooth that wears the crown" segment was found gold.


I wonder if James is color blind. Because that was a really, really bad effort. I did laugh at Meg joking about the very specific competitions she and Jason would actually be good at, and then getting one that plays right into their 'strengths'.

Oh, lord, Shelli and the twins are sorority sisters? Honestly, that's the most valid reason this season anyone has had to actually form an alliance with each other.


Somehow I doubt that when James is chasing women at a club, he's paying any attention to their clothes. (I also really don't believe Thirst Boy saying this is most times he's ever been rejected by girls.)


I'd be a little suspicious of how tailored that comp was to Jason and Meg's skill set, if it weren't for the time element.  If the producers could actual conceptualize, design, and construct that comp in the short window after learning of the noms (or even who was likely to be nommed), well, my (non-Judas) hat is off to them.


Not just sorority sisters, but more Zeta Tau Alphas, the same one that gave us BB15 Jessie (yay!) and, ugh, Aaryn.  I guess I know where the casting notices were posted now.   Well, it can only be an improvement, right?  (Sorry-not-sorry, Klan Barbie; I still hate you.  Even if you did allegedly hook up with Jessie in Jury.)


The "doing" sound effects for the cluelessness of the beefiest and densest dudes - Austin and Jeff - were perfect. Add in Clay and we'll have Dumb, Dumber, and Dumberest. (sic)


Don't know if I'm exactly rooting for them, but I really enjoyed the girls - twins, Vanessa, and Shelli - going giddy girly at the twin admission. Yeah, I'd actually be onboard with a female alliance - just dump the dead weight men.


I'm definitely rooting for the twins to at least go far, and I like Vanessa as a possible winner.  (And how hot was her gf?  Somebody's pulling above their rank there, IMO.)  Shelli I'm still keeping an eye on because she's so attached to Clay, whom I can't stand (although even he seemed nicer during the twin reveal), but I console myself by thinking he's the biggest target in that group and hopefully the first to go.  


And at least Austin knows he's an idiot.  Jeff barely has an idea what the question is, and Clay thinks he's a freaking mastermind. Can't wait to see his smirk get turned upside down; with luck, he'll be the first "dead" ally the Sixth Sense sees.

  • Love 3

Heaven help me, I may be developing a bit of a crush on Johnny Mac. Talk me down, people, talk me down.

Me too, me too. I'm crushing on his skinny, pasty, adorkable self. I love his humor and his way of sounding dumb, yet being smart.

I laughed the entire episode. Austin being a Claymate and being "touched deep inside" by Clays music. The tooth #9 and fake pictures. Jason running into the wall during the challenge. This is so much nicer than the stress of Aaryn & gangs racist ways and bullying 2 years ago.

  • Love 5

Sigh, so I'm not really loving that Vanessa is working with Clay and Shellie. I don't know what it is about those two, but I just don't care for them. Clay comes off as super arrogant and Shellie is just one of those overly effusive, sorority girls (literally) that drives me batty. Unfair assessment maybe, but that's where I am. However, I like Vanessa and Austin seems smart and interesting, so we shall see.


So when Vanessa approached Austin and asked, "Have you heard the rumors about Liz?" and he nodded, but then looked shocked when she mentioned the twin thing --- what DID he think the rumors about Liz were???


Never in a million years would have pegged Austin as a Claymate. So random.


I don't watch the feeds, can anyone shed some light on why Vanessa doesn't like James? I mean, she said he was the ONLY person in the house she doesn't like. That's pretty strong. And I have seen nothing, as of yet, offensive about James. In fact, I actually rather liked him during his HOH stint. (He's been kind of background since then.)


So I don't really want to see him go, but I would be fine with them backdooring Jeff. Well, except for the fact that his stupidity is quite hilarious. Was it just me or did he actually not understand that there were 2 HOHs?  Then he totally didn't understand what John was revealing about the twin twist, but when he DID figure it out, he was like some mastermind, benevolently revealing to truth to Austin. Too funny!


However, I wished Austin would have handled that differently. If they're trying to protect Liz/Julia, why not be all, "Hmmmm, yea, I guess maybe I could see that. But I don't know....." He was giving too much credence to Jeff's theory. 


But damn, leave it to Johnny Mac to have the most solid piece of evidence for Liz being a twin. Who knew being a dentist would ever have an advantage in BB? I have to say, I'm really starting to love that kid. His DR voice is still insufferable, but I can overlook it. There's something very endearing about him. And I really hope people do right by him after all his throwing of challenges. 

  • Love 5
And Becky was left somewhere in the broom closet.


She must have been in there with Steve. Because outside of a brief sighting, I actually forgot he was on this show. 


(Just a sidenote for those that don't get the feeds - afterwards Jeff was proclaiming how he was flirting with all the models in the challenge and they all wanted him. He thinks really highly of himself.)


Oh gross. Now I REALLY hope they'll be able to backdoor him. 


I laughed the entire episode. Austin being a Claymate and being "touched deep inside" by Clays music. The tooth #9 and fake pictures. Jason running into the wall during the challenge.


When Jason was like, "I've been really wasted before, but I've never run into a wall", I was like - "Really? Because I've run into walls sober". 

  • Love 1
Ghoulina it's because James has said a lot of degrading things about women and has made some of the women uncomfortable with crude jokes and comments. Jeff and Austin have too, but not as much as James and I don't think Vanessa has heard as much of theirs.


Ah okay, thank you. That's really disappointing because I started the show really liking him. 

Yeah, Steve was backburnered for this episode. The hammock thing was so lame, though. The funnier bit was when Jason stormed through the living room and Steve said "I didn't get to give you a hug" and Jason was like, "It's okay, I'm good" without slowing down. Hah! :D

I think I might like Vanessa, and Austin is amusing if a bit dumber than I thought based on some of his previous manipulating. But it's annoying that they're friends with Shelli and Clay because it means that those two get to feel like they're still in power for another week. I hate when people get power mad as HoH, and it's even worse when they still act like they're in power the following week because their alliance-mates are HoH. Ugh.

I'm really hoping that next week we can get some folks from the other side in power just so Clay and Shelli can be reminded that yes, their shit does in fact stink. Unfortunately, anyone who's not part of the Sixth Sense doesn't seem like they're much good at this game. They all feel like floaters and there's no alliance or anything forming. They're just hanging out. Do they think that they're in good with the other side of the house? Or do they just not care?

  • Love 2

Not that it's played out badly for them, but if you weren't sure that your twin was exactly your body weight, wouldn't you avoid wearing bikinis? And, unless the live feeds have different observations, I find it amusing that it seems only females really noticed, or at least commented.

 I actually like almost everyone. That has never happened on any other season! I don't mind having someone leave, because it's a game, but I don't actively root for anyone in particular to be evicted.


Me too, me too. I'm crushing on [John's] skinny, pasty, adorkable self. I love his humor and his way of sounding dumb, yet being smart.

At this point I half-expect John is playing up the omigod-Peter-Brady's-voice-just-changed speech thing himself, so people will think he's dumber than he actually is - that, or Production is telling him to do so.

Can't fault him for that, as I've done the same thing with the Southern drawl more than a few times, when it served my purposes. ;)


Edited by Nashville
  • Love 1


But damn, leave it to Johnny Mac to have the most solid piece of evidence for Liz being a twin. Who knew being a dentist would ever have an advantage in BB?

The producers. I think they brought in JM to increase the chances that someone would notice the switches.



Not that it's played out badly for them, but if you weren't sure that your twin was exactly your body weight, wouldn't you avoid wearing bikinis?

I noticed in the recap photo that their weight difference really shows in their faces, so I'm not sure it matters, but I think it was Da' that put bikini-wearing in with workouts as being a difference between the twins.


. I actually think he might get some new clients who enjoy his kookiness and attention to detail.


If only he hadn't introduced himself by proudly proclaiming he was only in it (dentistry) for the money. Otherwise, yeah I kind of like this guy the most and he's the one I'm rooting for right now. 


Why do Vanessa and Austin have to align themselves with Shelli and Clay? I could like them otherwise, but ugh- no. At least they're trying to target Jeff. Lord that boy is dumb. I'm not sure what their actual beef is with him though because he's far from 'dangerous.' How can anyone that stupid be a threat?

  • Love 1

Ghoulina it's because James has said a lot of degrading things about women and has made some of the women uncomfortable with crude jokes and comments. 


That's the personal-level reason.  On a game note, James admitted in the DR that he hadn't talked any game with Vanessa and he was even suspicious of her because she was a "jack-of-all-trades", who talked game with multiple people rather than just hanging with her group.   That's the kind of strategery that doesn't work out so well when the person you've been shunning wins HoH.


Yeah, Steve was backburnered for this episode. The hammock thing was so lame, though. The funnier bit was when Jason stormed through the living room and Steve said "I didn't get to give you a hug" and Jason was like, "It's okay, I'm good" without slowing down. Hah! :D

I'm really hoping that next week we can get some folks from the other side in power just so Clay and Shelli can be reminded that yes, their shit does in fact stink. Unfortunately, anyone who's not part of the Sixth Sense doesn't seem like they're much good at this game. They all feel like floaters and there's no alliance or anything forming. They're just hanging out. Do they think that they're in good with the other side of the house? Or do they just not care?


The group/sort-of-alliance that ran the house the first week seems to have used up their strategy with the eviction of Jace.  (In addition to James DRing about not talking to Vanessa, Jason also admitted to not talking game to either of the HoHs.  Well, heck, it's only been 22 days.  Wouldn't want to rush into anything…) They kicked Audrey out of the group, allowed John to somewhat wander in, mourned Clay and Shelli's decision to target Da'Vonne instead of Audrey, and somehow haven't noticed that this means Clay and Shelli aren't their buddies any longer.  I'm glad that most of that group are the ones I don't like anyway, but it is disappointing.


I do like that The Sixth Sense has formed for an organic reason having to do with how the game is going ("Keep Liz around and we'll get stronger when everyone else gets weaker") rather than just the usual "we're the cool people/the big guys/the first ones in the house, let's group up and run this thing" lazy alliances we usually get.


And yes, Steve only got two cameos this episode (ETA: actually three, he's briefly talking to Jason at the ep's start), but Jackie only got one, and Becky was entirely silent.  In fact, since Becky's Invisible Edit was mentioned upthread, I went looking for her when I did a rewatch this morning.  You can see her after Austin nominates Meg, there's a tease-shot of "Is Becky his second nominee?" before it's revealed as Jason.  (You can also see Becky in the background as Jason gets up from the table, pissed.)  But yeah, that's about it.


If you weren't sure that your twin was exactly your body weight, wouldn't you avoid wearing bikinis? And, unless the live feeds have different observations, I find it amusing that it seems only females really noticed, or at least commented.


Speaking as someone who would probably be almost as thirsty as James (although a lot more classy about it, I'd hope), I'll admit my reaction to Julia in a bikini after a few days of Liz covering up would be less "that's odd, does she look different to you?" and more "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Just drooling, er, saying.

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 1
If only he hadn't introduced himself by proudly proclaiming he was only in it (dentistry) for the money.


Tbh, there's very few professions I hear people going into solely due to "love" or "passion" for the profession.  Most people do tend to chose their jobs/careers based on money and what they can actually do.  While I've certainly heard some doctors say they went into medicine to help sick people or find cures (though I bet plenty do go into the profession for the money), I don't think I've ever heard a dentist say they went into dentistry to help sick mouths or some such.  Its not such a bad career plan, likely not quite as expensive becoming a doctor or quite as difficult, and given how little insurance seems to cover dental work, probably a pretty good income, since most people do need dental work at some point in their lives (so job security).



In addition to James DRing about not talking to Vanessa, Jason also admitted to not talking game to either of the HoHs.  Well, heck, it's only been 22 days.  Wouldn't want to rush into anything…)


I'm sorry, but how can you be in a show that revolves around nothing but talking to people (for the most part) and let 3 weeks go by without talking to some people about the game?  Wouldn't you talk about the game to pretty much everyone at some point so you'd have an idea what they are thinking or planning?

Edited by Hanahope
  • Love 1
The producers. I think they brought in JM to increase the chances that someone would notice the switches.


I don't know. To get on board with that, I'd have to believe that producers even noticed. And even if, it seems a bit OTT to go searching specifically for a dentist to call her out. I'm not so naive to think there isn't producer manipulation in this game, but I'm not sure I think this is an example of it. It seemed like just a hilarious coincidence to me.

  • Love 3


Tbh, there's very few professions I hear people going into solely due to "love" or "passion" for the profession.  Most people do tend to chose their jobs/careers based on money and what they can actually do.  While I've certainly heard some doctors say they went into medicine to help sick people or find cures (though I bet plenty do go into the profession for the money), I don't think I've ever heard a dentist say they went into dentistry to help sick mouths or some such.  Its not such a bad career plan, likely not quite as expensive becoming a doctor or quite as difficult, and given how little insurance seems to cover dental work, probably a pretty good income, since most people do need dental work at some point in their lives (so job security).


Oh, for sure. But the original poster's comment was that his stint on the show might bring him some new business. I think the chances of that might be offset by his proclamation that he's only in it for the money. Not exactly the kind of testimonial you tend to see on commercials for dentists. "Let me be your new dentist! I'm only in it for the money, I don't really care about helping people!" Whether I'm enjoying him on BB or not (and I am), I still don't think I'd choose him as my dentist.

  • Love 3

Speaking as someone who would probably be almost as thirsty as James (although a lot more classy about it, I'd hope), I'll admit my reaction to Julia in a bikini after a few days of Liz covering up would be less "that's odd, does she look different to you?" and more "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Just drooling, er, saying.

What does "thirsty" mean? In my entire life, I've only ever heard the word thirsty be used if somebody wanted something to drink.

When Dae was describing Liz/Julia as the fat/skinny twin, there was talk in the feeds thread that Liz's body image may suffer.  Remembering Liz telling her twin in full confidence that she was the prettiest girl in the house, I doubt it will be an issue.  It's interesting to me that per the twins' cousin, Liz had to take voice lessons to sound as whiny as Julia.  Considering they're identical twins, born and raised in the same household, and even attended the same sorority, why are their accents so different?  My guess is that Julia's accent is affected, and I'm relieved.  It's really grating.


In his defense, he must've zoned out at one point during the HoH Competition.  He must've missed Austin's win.  But he at least remembered Vanessa's.


How can you zone that far out of a five minute competition on live TV?  The guy seems to be a true imbecile.  I've found him extremely unattractive since TAR.  It finally struck me why.  He looks just like the cross-eyed child on the bus with Rooney, at the end of Ferris Buehler's Day Off.  He also sounds like her.


Is it wrong that Audrey cemented me onto her team just by saying ". . .bad blood between her and me"?  I'm a huge fan of good grammar.


I try not to be the grammar police, but I cringed when Jason said "disorientated".  Before Mrs. Fields was rich and famous, she used the word "orientated" while talking to her husband's business colleague.  The arrogant asshole threw a dictionary in her lap and told her to learn the English language.  She credits that incident with inspiring her.  So Jason, consider this a metaphorical dictionary.  You may not become rich and famous, but maybe it will get you out of your mom's basement.

  • Love 2

How can you zone that far out of a five minute competition on live TV?  The guy seems to be a true imbecile.  I've found him extremely unattractive since TAR.  It finally struck me why.  He looks just like the cross-eyed child on the bus with Rooney, at the end of Ferris Buehler's Day Off.  He also sounds like her.

Good point.  I think he must've missed Austin's win because Julie didn't announce it.  Or at least she announced it too offhand while she announced Vanessa's win.  Jeff was probably thinking about the tiebreaker (in which James and Vanessa scored the two highest shots) and forgot about Austin's shot that already nailed him the win.  Or . . . something.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
  • Love 1


I don't know. To get on board with that, I'd have to believe that producers even noticed. And even if, it seems a bit OTT to go searching specifically for a dentist to call her out. I'm not so naive to think there isn't producer manipulation in this game, but I'm not sure I think this is an example of it. It seemed like just a hilarious coincidence to me.

I don't think they were specifically searching for a dentist, but were on the alert for anyone whose profession would make them more likely to notice something different. Casting another cop so soon was out of the question, but a photographer or plastic surgeon would have worked too. Maybe a bar worker accustomed to looking closely at people while checking ID's. Has Meg clarified her job as "server"?

Oh, for sure. But the original poster's comment was that his stint on the show might bring him some new business. I think the chances of that might be offset by his proclamation that he's only in it for the money. Not exactly the kind of testimonial you tend to see on commercials for dentists. "Let me be your new dentist! I'm only in it for the money, I don't really care about helping people!" Whether I'm enjoying him on BB or not (and I am), I still don't think I'd choose him as my dentist.


OP here. And I do think his BB "fame" will bring him new biz. Mind you, I'm talking about a younger generation. I can totally imagine 20-somethings getting some cosmetic work done in order to snap a selfie with him for ig, fb, twitter, whatever. We all love money, right? *bro hand sign/duck face* Mind you, it's a different clientele. I was on vacation with my parents when the second ep aired (and J-Mac was introduced) and my 65-y.o. mother was AGHAST that he said what he said. "Who would EVER use him as a dentist now?!?" I kinda shrugged, recognizing that the times, they are a-changin'. Who would have thought a sex tape would lead to multi-million dollar stardom, or that there'd be demand for pigs-in-blankets pizza crust and Captain Crunch frosting balls? Progress, people!

  • Love 2

What does "thirsty" mean? In my entire life, I've only ever heard the word thirsty be used if somebody wanted something to drink.


I think "thirsty" means desperate?


Yes, usually in a lascivious, drooling-over-sexual-possibilities sense.  I'm sorry, I figured that if Taylor Swift was using it, it was relatively mainstream. My bad.


(Not sure what's more surprising, that I might actually be up on the new lingo, or that I owe this to Taylor Swift.  Huh.)

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 3


Ew, Taylor Swift. That's why I didn't know. I can't stand that sappy pop crap.

Her music has changed a bit. I wouldn't describe her recent hits (e.g. "Blank Space" or "Shake It Off") as sappy, although they're still lightweight pop destined to be forgotten in a few years. Like many other modern artists, her stuff is better appreciated in video form.

And as usual, the biggest news is something that nobody comments on: the houseguests come into direct contact with other human beings inside the house.

This was by far and away the biggest shock for me this episode.  They're supposed to be starved of human contact!  Haven't there been seasons when the hamsters have semi-freaked out because they've spotted a PA or camera person that they weren't supposed to see?  

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