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S02.E03: Maybe Tomorrow

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The way Vince Vaughn was pouting in the final scene I was half expecting him to be wearing that dude's golden grill when he spoke.


I was waiting for him to pull his dick out and be the man that he couldn't be earlier.  Thank Christ that didn't happen.   This was the best episode so far, mostly because of the humor and the scenes with our 3 cops.  I loved the surreal, am I fucking dead opening sequence, I'm a big fan of The Rose and our man Colin Farrell in this.  Killing him would've been a huge mistake.  Am I too naive in thinking Ani has no interest in playing State's game and she just old school wants to solve the case. while not throwing Colin under the bus? 


Vince Vaughn had some good lines, but I have no interest in criminal characters in a show called True Detective if that makes sense.

Edited by sunflower
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Vince Vaughn's dialogue gets worse with each episode. Frank's wife is annoying and I don't trust her. While I understand that Frank's story line is central to the main mystery/murder, I find my self less interested in it each week.


Ray is alive...no surprise. I am enjoying his scenes with Ani. Colin Farrell and Rachel McAdams continue to be the strength of this very uneven season. Of course, Paul is conflicted about his sexuality. I wish we would get more of him doing something with the other major players. It is a little too much of the lone "angsty" cop. So far, Taylor Kitsch seems to be under-utilized.


The angry mayor and his odd family are heading towards cartoony.


Were we supposed to be upset that Stan died? I didn't remember who he was.

Edited by Ellaria Sand
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The angry mayor and his odd family are heading towards cartoony.

I think he has already crossed over or is at least teetering on the edge with no turning back.

I half expected him to be upstairs in his house when Ani walked upstairs sniffing his way through a mountain of coke. "Say hello to my leeeetle friend!"

Seriously, the guy probably has a vodka despenser in his dashboard..... with ice machine in the glove box natch!

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Yes, Vince Vaughn's character is boring me too.  There are certain instances when a cornered rat may be interesting but it isn't here. I don't care for him and I don't care for his wife and I certainly don't care about their baby making dilemma.


I would have probably resented the fake Ray death but I am so glad the character is still around. Maybe it's the gravitas CF has developed over the past years but his is the only character that seems fully fleshed out at present to me. 


I continue to hope that Paul's issues are not just his being gay. I'll groan if he gets blackmailed over this.

  • Love 5

I loved Season 1 so much that it's hurting my feelings AND making me mad that I dislike this season in equal measure.  How is it possible to be boring and confusing at the same time?  Or am I confused because I zone in and out so much due to boredom?  Is Ani supposed to be the one and only character I like?  And if so, they should have given her better hair, because that hideous shit is making it really hard to root for her ... no pun intended.

  • Love 16

In Sarah D. Bunting's alternate universe, Riggins is the kingpin, and the show is better for it. http://previously.tv/true-detective/what-if-taylor-kitsch-and-vince-vaughn-switched-true-detective-roles/

...Ledger was a different sort of actor, and now that I mention him, contemplating the comfy hay he might have made out of a True Detective turn makes me miss him quite sharply ...

*Sigh* So true, and though I really don't want to pile on the Vince Vaughn hate fest, Heath Ledger would have been awesome in any True Detective role, and reading Sarah Bunting's post just makes me think VV is a place holder to remind us of the loss of HL.

...Were we supposed to be upset that Stan died? I didn't remember who he was.

Maybe that's the point? Who the hell is Stan and why should anyone care? That is, is Frank getting all worked up about nothing? IDK.

I could have done without the pliers scene. Otherwise I thought this episode was a vast improvement--especially when Rachel McAdams as Ani Bezerides let the city guys know she wasn't ready to screw over her "partner" or, for that matter, screw anyone. And having Velcoro save her life without being a knight in shining armor was a nice conclusion.

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I'm now referring to that place as the Twin Peaks Bar & Grill.


Wasn't Farrell's dad in that scene even talking about trees?


I continue to hope that Paul's issues are not just his being gay.


The bar is in Twin Peaks.  Paul is inexplicably in William Friedkin's Cruising.


I'll groan if he gets blackmailed over this.


Yeah, that guy spying on Paul with the camera reeks of a potential blackmail storyline.  But considering most California PDs not only have LGBT liaisons, but have specific recruitment for LGBT officers, I'm not sure how blackmail would be supposed to work here.  Are they going to tell his ex-girlfriend?  His mommy? Telling his employers might actually get him out of the "solicited sex with the actress" pickle, so that doesn't seem like a threat.  They could tell his former miltary buddies... no, whoops, one of them seems like that's exactly what he wants to hear.  If that spy is a blackmailer, he's sure gonna have a tough time figuring out the angle on this one.  Maybe, like the scriptwriters, he can pretend like some scenes this season are set in 1975 (I'm looking at you, plastic surgeon and David Morse scenes)  and that some are set in 2015.

  • Love 3

I can't seem to focus on the story.  I try but I lose interest quickly.  There are too many pieces and none of them are riveting.  


Voice of One speaking, but a leg stretched in one direction and hip in the other, squiggly hair and a perpetual grimace don't sell me on Rachel as a bad ass cop.  She's good 'n all, but she's far less convincing in her role than Vince V is in his for my tastes.  


Still, this, they are all very good and they are what is keeping this thing afloat. Just my opinion mind you.

Edited by Jextella
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I don't know why this season is so hard to follow either.  Maybe I'll try watching the episode again with the closed captioning turned on.


Seriously, does anyone know who the dead guy was?


The masked guy who was chased through the tent city.  Right after he gets away, Antigone is saying "That's the guy, that's the guy" or something.  Does she mean he set the car fire?  That seems kind of obvious.  Does she mean he shot Ray?  How the hell would she know?

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Can't say I'm that surprised that Ray is still alive.  I just didn't think that show would go that far and off it's arguably biggest actor in two episodes.  At least it was rubber bullets and not some kind of "saved by a vest" bullshit.


I think is the best episode yet so far this season, but I still find myself way more invested in Ray and Ani, compared to everyone else. It's strange since it's not like their stories are really all that special, but I just think Colin Farrell and Rachel McAdams fit the characters better, and have more confidence in their roles.  Colin in particular, was really great in this episode.  Really enjoyed his scene with his racist dad and even his scene with his ex, was better then last weeks.  Speaking of family, are we ever going to see Ani's sister again?  Or her wacko dad?


To be fair, I do think Taylor Kitsch is getting better each episode, but I'm really bored with what is really looking like an obvious "He's gay and has issues coming out" story.  Maybe there will be another swerve, but it really feels like it's going down that path.  And now that W. Earl Brown's character is spying on him and taking pictures, I predict we're also going to get some kind of blackmail bullshit. Boo!  Especially since I would rather Brown's cop be an obnoxious drunk, then a blackmailing asshole.


On the other hand, I really I don't think I give a shit about Frank.  I don't know if I'm just underwhelmed by Vince Vaughn's performance or just don't find the character gripping, but I wish they never had the character, and just focused more on the rest of the cops.  Even his beatdown was underwhelming.  Not a huge fan of his wife either.


Still have no idea what to make of the case, except I continue to think Lieutenant James Frain is totally involved in it.  I am curious about the mayor's daughter or whoever was in that room, that was played by Emily Rios from Breaking Bad and The Bridge.  Love her.


I did think that the new director did a better job here too, compared to Justin Lin in the past two episodes.  Still not on Cary Fukunaga's level, but I'll take it.

Edited by thuganomics85
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Relief to see I am not the only one finding this so tedious to sit through and also confusing.

I think they are trying to give a D'Onofrio/Kingpin vibe to Vaughn and I just don't care, nor do I buy his menace. Nice to see McAdams play against type but the writing for her character is also so cliche.

Edited by OptimisticCynic
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"Can't make a baby," and "Violently repressing homosexuality," are two storylines I feel like writers should drop from their toolbox. They've both been done so many times in so many different mediums, I think there's really no interesting places left to go. But especially not here where it feels so by-the-numbers. 


Woodrugh and Frank better pay off in some big way because right now they both feel like filler. I'm curious why they decided they just couldn't go ahead with Ray and Ani being the two main characters.


What the hell was up with the braided Asian film director? That better not have been a shot from Pizzolatto at Cary Fukunaga because at this point, I'd say Fukunaga was more responsive for TD's initial success than Pizzolatto was. 

  • Love 13

Were we supposed to be upset that Stan died? I didn't remember who he was.


If I'm not mistaken, Stan is the guy Vince Vaughn went to, asking him for the 25% of his profit in exchange of protection -or some sort of racket anyway. 

As much as I'm liking VV in this role (though I agree it could've been written better), I was finding it a bit boring too, until this Stan guy died and Frank freaked out. It is my understanding that not only Frank's issues are closely related to this Caspere's murder, but that someone is clearly trying to sabotage Frank and his attempt to get clean. So far, it looks like the sabotage have something to do with the money he invested, but I'll theorize a little bit and say that, for me, it looks the reasons are more personal. Since I don't think CF has anything to do with this, I guess VV's own wife is the one sabotaging him or, at the very least, hugely involved and helping someone to ditch Frank. I came to this conclusion because of the scene between them at the beginning of the episode, but I already had the impression their relationship was not exactly idyllic as we are supposed to believe. Of course, I'll be proven 100% wrong. :)


I'm glad CF survived and I have to join the club of those who find his and RM's characters the most compelling (and this comes from someone who doesn't like Colin Farrell).


So, Ani's bosses are suggesting she hooks up with him in order to get him and Ray's bosses want him to bring Ani down because Mayor said so. The only resolution I see, here, is for them to team up. Which I think is already happening. I agree that they having sex is just a matter of time, though.


This week TK's Paul was a bit more involved with the other characters (he even ran into VV!), so far it looks obvious that he's a gay guy in denial. Paraphrasing Chandler, could his question to the male escort about having sex with a woman BE any more subtle?? He's growing on me, but very, very, VERY slowly.


Interesting the bit where Ray informs Ani that the rubber bullets that Birdman (for lack of a better word) used on him were the same also used by police.

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Would someone please turn on a light in this show. I know they're trying to set the mood, but I can barely make out what's happening in some scenes.

Vince Vaughn is so far over his head in this show, it's starting to make me sad for him. Colin, Rachel and Taylor are doing great, but I just don't think the rest of the cast is up to their level.


I'm sure that Vince's character's wife will someone be revealed to be bad in some way.

  • Love 3

Three episodes in, I can't help but compare this season's show to last season's, and there's no real comparison: last season was much, much better.  The acting was stronger, the writing and dialogue was much better, and the story was clearer.  In fact, the whole Yellow King stuff had me (and many others) burning up the Internet looking for information.  This season, the only thing I'm looking up is if others are as dissatisfied as I.  I try to stay focus through the whole hour, but so far every time I drift away.

  • Love 9

If I'm not mistaken, Stan is the guy Vince Vaughn went to, asking him for the 25% of his profit in exchange of protection -or some sort of racket anyway. 

As much as I'm liking VV in this role (though I agree it could've been written better), I was finding it a bit boring too, until this Stan guy died and Frank freaked out. It is my understanding that not only Frank's issues are closely related to this Caspere's murder, but that someone is clearly trying to sabotage Frank and his attempt to get clean. So far, it looks like the sabotage have something to do with the money he invested, but I'll theorize a little bit and say that, for me, it looks the reasons are more personal. Since I don't think CF has anything to do with this, I guess VV's own wife is the one sabotaging him or, at the very least, hugely involved and helping someone to ditch Frank. I came to this conclusion because of the scene between them at the beginning of the episode, but I already had the impression their relationship was not exactly idyllic as we are supposed to believe. Of course, I'll be proven 100% wrong...


...Interesting the bit where Ray informs Ani that the rubber bullets that Birdman (for lack of a better word) used on him were the same also used by police.


Thanks for the ID of Stan. Maybe I have to re-watch...although I'm tired of re-watching these episodes in order to understand what is going on. Frank is being sabotaged and I agree with your suggestion that his wife is involved. Something is off with her: her comments in the fertility clinic followed up by her reaction to him later at home and her very brief scene with the Russian (?) in the casino.


Great point about Ray's comments on the rubber bullets. If Frank set up him, is there another cop on his payroll?


I don't know why this season is so hard to follow either.  Maybe I'll try watching the episode again with the closed captioning turned on.


I started watching with closed captioning turned on last week. It does help. Of course, you then get to read and hear the awful dialogue that VV has to spit out each week. 

  • Love 6

If I'm not mistaken, Stan is the guy Vince Vaughn went to, asking him for the 25% of his profit in exchange of protection -or some sort of racket anyway...

It is my understanding that not only Frank's issues are closely related to this Caspere's murder, but that someone is clearly trying to sabotage Frank and his attempt to get clean. So far, it looks like the sabotage have something to do with the money he invested, but I'll theorize a little bit and say that, for me, it looks the reasons are more personal. Since I don't think CF has anything to do with this, I guess VV's own wife is the one sabotaging him or, at the very least, hugely involved and helping someone to ditch Frank....

Thanks. This reminds me that without reading viewers' comments online, I would not have known enough about what happened last week to want to watch this week.

...What the hell was up with the braided Asian film director? That better not have been a shot from Pizzolatto at Cary Fukunaga because at this point, I'd say Fukunaga was more responsive for TD's initial success than Pizzolatto was.

I think you mean ponytail/bun, but, yeah, someone posted about there being a reference in the movie lot scene to some reality, and I think you're right. The Asian guy on the lot (didn't catch if he was director, cinematographer, or...?) didn't have time to answer questions and walked away. I hope this doesn't mean NP is blaming CF's leaving the show for a drop in quality.

Three episodes in, I can't help but compare this season's show to last season's, and there's no real comparison: last season was much, much better.  The acting was stronger, the writing and dialogue was much better, and the story was clearer.  In fact, the whole Yellow King stuff had me (and many others) burning up the Internet looking for information....

This season the only thing I'm looking for is WTH did I not understand vis a vis the basic plot points. I didn't have that problem last season, but some did. Maybe it's me and my brain's issues, but, IDK. Did Frank say Stan's name when he was shaking him down? If yes, more than once or at least with emphasis? They could have had Stan wearing a distinctive red tie that we could've seen later in the vat his body was in. It would've been good cinematography...like Cary Fukunaga would've shot.
  • Love 1

Wasn't Farrell's dad in that scene even talking about trees?



The bar is in Twin Peaks.  Paul is inexplicably in William Friedkin's Cruising.



Yeah, that guy spying on Paul with the camera reeks of a potential blackmail storyline.  But considering most California PDs not only have LGBT liaisons, but have specific recruitment for LGBT officers, I'm not sure how blackmail would be supposed to work here.  Are they going to tell his ex-girlfriend?  His mommy? Telling his employers might actually get him out of the "solicited sex with the actress" pickle, so that doesn't seem like a threat.  They could tell his former miltary buddies... no, whoops, one of them seems like that's exactly what he wants to hear.  If that spy is a blackmailer, he's sure gonna have a tough time figuring out the angle on this one.  Maybe, like the scriptwriters, he can pretend like some scenes this season are set in 1975 (I'm looking at you, plastic surgeon and David Morse scenes)  and that some are set in 2015.

I don't think the photographs would be seen as evidence that Paul is gay. It's not like he was making out with another man. I think the issue is more that he was assaulting someone, and (possibly) that it was someone from Black Mountain.

  • Love 1

Sorry for going on about the Conway Twitter impersonator, but that was one of the the eeriest near death scenes I've ever seen depicted on TV.

Here is snippet from a review of the show from The Atlantic.

From The Atlantic

I mentioned an occasional David Lynchian quality to the show last week, but this scene turned the Lynch dial up to eleven. It was more Twin Peaks than Twin Peaks at its Twin Peaksiest. At first I thought the campy crooner was an Elvis impersonator, but then I realized it was a Conway Twitty impersonator—a natural enough mistake given that when he started out, Twitty was a virtual Elvis impersonator himself. (Singer Jake La Botz nailed Twitty’s version of “The Rose” so perfectly that I wondered whether he was lip-synching.)

  • Love 2

Thanks. This reminds me that without reading viewers' comments online, I would not have known enough about what happened last week to want to watch this week.


I hear you! :)


I don't know who Stan was but I don't think that's a correct identification. Assuming you're ID'ing Stan as the guy running the construction site. Looked totally different to me.


You're right, I checked and that guy at the construction site is Bart, not Stan.

Then sorry guys, I have no idea who Stan is either. I guess he's just one of Frank's men.

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The fight scene between Frank and the guy with the Fuck You grill was amusing to me.  In what world do these people live, where the "gangstas" solve their issues in 2015 with a fistfight between 2 heavyweights while their minions stand around in a circle waiting for the finish?  And then one of the minions conveniently has a set of pliers at the ready? Come on.


And the mayor and his family....again, what world is this???  The mayor lives in some over-the-top mansion (not even in the town of which he is mayor!!!), with a skanky mail order-ish bride and a straight-up poseur son.  The mayor is like a vaguely ethnic villain from some cheesy 1950's caper movie.


The struggling-with-his-sexuality storyline is just too easy.  I'm hoping that there is more for Paul's story arc.


I'm still enjoying Ani and Ray (minus his shrewish ex-wife and her husband).


Oh, and I hate Frank's simpering wife!!  Come to think of it, Frank, his wife, and that whole sub-storyline can go anytime now. 

Edited by CouchTater
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Though  I like the show in general, I don't find Vince Vaughn's story the least bit interesting unless Frank is interacting with Velcoro.  Otherwise you could leave all of his scenes on the cutting room floor and I'd be fine.  I'm not sure if it's the acting, the writing or what.


I'd also like BrokeBlack Mountain to tie into the main story or wrap itself up go away.


Edited to change Brokeback Black Mountain to BrokeBlack Mountain

Edited by Constantinople
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Did Vince Vaughn have to go to eye acting school to get this gig?    He and Taylor Kitsch must have had a ball with the "you're getting a blow job you don't really want, show that with your eyes" rehearsals. 


So we know the Mayor is into some bad shit, he wants Ani gone because he's afraid she saw something at the house, like "Land Title Survey" laying on his desk, among other things that could implicate him in any number of crimes.  


So are we supposed to think that the driver who quit stole the Cadillac?  Is it just too convenient that it was down the street from his house?


I think Ani might have played along with the SA until she suggested Ani fuck Ray, or act like she would, to get info on him.  Now she'll have his back.  

  • Love 4

I don't know why this season is so hard to follow either.  Maybe I'll try watching the episode again with the closed captioning turned on.


Seriously, does anyone know who the dead guy was?


The masked guy who was chased through the tent city.  Right after he gets away, Antigone is saying "That's the guy, that's the guy" or something.  Does she mean he set the car fire?  That seems kind of obvious.  Does she mean he shot Ray?  How the hell would she know?

 That scene reminded of me of Scream.  I was expecting Dewey to pop into view and give chase to the guy.

Edited by Jextella
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