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S07.E12: Lord Of The Manor

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Lu is a single woman on the prowl by her own admission. WTF does carol care who she's sleeping with? At least she's not an older woman having a serious relationship with a much younger man. I don't think Lu's problem with Carol was ever that she was banging a younger guy, it's that she was banging a guy her neice was dating just weeks before. Totally understandable IMO.

  • Love 13

I don't think Lu's problem with Carol was ever that she was banging a younger guy, it's that she was banging a guy her neice was dating just weeks before. Totally understandable IMO.

Except it wasn't a couple of weeks. According to Carole, Adam broke up with Lu's niece six months prior.

Luanne gets around as much as Sonja. It's pretty much a known fact at this point. The only difference is Luanne tries to be discreet about it.

  • Love 6

Ramona absolutely got breast implants, no question.  It's interesting to me the difference between the OC, NJ, ATL vs NY wives when it comes to whether they are going to boast about implants, go with giant ones or even have the procedures televised, or whether all the women just quietly agree to not talk about each other's fake tits.  That is probably the only example I can come up with of the NY women having a bit more class than the other franchises. 


LuAnn just looks so good all the time it's almost ridiculous.  Ramona has good skin and a great figure, but she doesn't carry herself with any grace or style, and her personality negates her physical attributes for me.  When she is on screen, I now see her as this creature who clomps around with a giant clown horn for a face, just honking honking honking all the time, aggravating everyone, not caring how obnoxious she is because everybody already KNOWS she's just a clown horn, and therefore all the honking is acceptable.  I appreciate Bethenny at least pointing out that just because everyone already KNOWS she's an entitled asshole doesn't mean she should keep being one, but just because Ramona honked out an apology doesn't mean she would ever consider changing her behavior.

  • Love 22

I'm sick of hearing Bethenny say how smart she is. She just got lucky with her Skinny Girl crap. Very, very, lucky. Right time, right place. That's all. There's nothing remotely smart about her. She certainly doesn't have a clue how to handle people. 


And yea, I'm same age as Moaner, she looks good. I'm really starting to look every bit of my 58 lately. I wish I had her money so I could go to that swanky UES dermatologist she goes to. You know, the one they used to show Moaner going to and getting the latest and greatest skin care and creams applied to her face, ass and thighs. Sigh...if only.

  • Love 22

These women all look great for their respective ages.  The only one I see issues with is Bethenny.  She looks really tired.  


As to the Bethenny/Sonja argument, neither of them listens well and they are both much too quick to interpret things as insults.  Ramona showed her ass as usual in the room selection and directing the man on how to unpack her bags.  Bethenny shows hers every time she screams over top of someone or tells them to shut up.  Sonja does it most when she's drunk.  None of them looked good in this episode.


The sound people have to go crazy with this group.  So much shrieking!  I think I like Dorinda and the Countess because they have lower voices.  I'll take anything over the eardrum shattering tones of Bethenny and Ramona. 

  • Love 10

Lu is a single woman on the prowl by her own admission. WTF does carol care who she's sleeping with? At least she's not an older woman having a serious relationship with a much younger man. I don't think Lu's problem with Carol was ever that she was banging a younger guy, it's that she was banging a guy her neice was dating just weeks before. Totally understandable IMO.

They had split up six months or 24 weeks before Carole started dating him. What I find funny is LuAnn sure doesn't act mad at Carole during filming, she waits, until the season starts and then acts all pushed put of shape.

Lu is a single woman on the prowl by her own admission. WTF does carol care who she's sleeping with? At least she's not an older woman having a serious relationship with a much younger man. I don't think Lu's problem with Carol was ever that she was banging a younger guy, it's that she was banging a guy her neice was dating just weeks before. Totally understandable IMO.

They had split up six months or 24 weeks before Carole started dating him. What I find funny is LuAnn sure doesn't act mad at Carole during filming, she waits, until the season starts and then acts all pushed put of shape.

  • Love 1

Woke up still giggling at Ramona with her towel stuck in the door and her widening her legs into gorilla stance and air humping in her stripper shoes with her face balled up to match the 1988 ponytail do w. scrunchie on the top of her crazy little head. Oh my GOD. I'm still laughing . I re watched that ten times at least, we need a GIF . ANYONE?

Carole was in the kitchen with the cheeeeeefff!! Uh uh uuuuuhhhhh! She's on the prowl.

  • Love 11
I don't think Lu's problem with Carol was ever that she was banging a younger guy, it's that she was banging a guy her neice was dating just weeks before. Totally understandable IMO.


True, but she did say to Carole how she thought Adam was "Sonja young", so she did make a crack about her dating someone much younger & then made an issue about him being young.  And she said this, all while she's busy hooking up with & chasing even younger dudes?  Hypocrite much?  Me thinks so.


Wowza, I mentioned on the thread for the last ep I noticed Dorinda is going completely insane with Twitter.  Could Miss Eyebrows be helping her?  Seriously, she must have posted hundreds of tweets during the time this ep ran.  What in the fuckety fuck is up with this?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

I thought Bethenny's approach with Sonja was extremely heavy-handed and ridiculous. You call someone names and then tell them to 'shut the fuck up'...like, why? What did that accomplish? No one is getting through to Sonja. Move on! I don't know why Bethenny thinks Sonja will listen to her when she doesn't want to listen to her actual friends. I am not sure I get Bethenny's motivation. Sonja is a sloppy drunk who likes to kiss and maul strange men...she's going to do what she wants. I did feel a little bad for her when her friends were essentially acting like she opens up her legs to every Tom, Dick, and Harry. As a general aside, if a woman wants to have casual sex, have at it (safely, of course). Ramona wants something of substance which is valid, but if the next woman wants to have one night stands, that's her preorgative. Now Sonja's blackouts are another situation. She can't remember what she does and to whom she does it. That is so scary. God forbid someone take advantage of her in such a vulnerable state and she doesn't even remember it.


I didn't think Lu and Bethenny were laughing at Ramona's body. I think they were laughing at how ridiculous she is. I had to SMH at the way she came out and then squatted to shut the door. And I had a good chuckle over them discussing how Ramona was going to apologize and two seconds later, Ramona comes out to apologize in her own special way. A non-apology of sorts.


I found it really annoying how Sonja and Ramona were searching for the best room. Hello, ladies...this is clearly a gorgeous private home with enviable access to the water. You will not end up in a room in the basement covered in cobwebs and mysterious stains. Every room was the same. I did laugh when it was revealed that Lu, who was the slowest to choose a room, ended up with a private bathroom with a TUB. Hahaha. I've vacationed with a group and you know what we did when it came to room assignments? We walked around to each room and discussed who would sleep where. People were gracious and kind - 'Oh, you would prefer to be on the first floor because of your bad knee - no problem!'. We didn't throw our bags in rooms and yell 'MINE! ALL MINE!'. I can't believe these ladies are in their forties and fifties, but act like selfish children.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 11

I believe she was stating that she and Sonja would join them in a few minutes, after the amuse-bouche.

I heard the amuse-bouche comment in the kitchen and then the femme le bouche (sp) at the table.  I do think it was directed at Heather.

I had fun watching and really enjoyed tonight's episode.

Yeah, some of it was way over the top but isn't that why we watch? LOL

Ramona was totally wacky tonight. She has such an entitled attitude. If I remember correctly, the T&C trip was four days. I may be in the minority but when I go away (even for a week) I don't unpack everything. I hang up whatever needs to be hung so the wrinkles don't set. I put my toiletries in the bathroom and leave my underwear, t-shirts, jeans, PJs, socks, etc. in my suitcase propped up on one of those luggage rest thingeys and slide it into the closet. I hate packing so why unpack every single item and have to pack it all up again?

I wonder if Ramona ever gave Carol back her shoes? LOL

Because 1) Ramona's not unpacking it herself and 2) she's an entitled bitch?


Too much yelling - Bethenny did NOT get through to Sonja.  Please.  You could tell Sonja wasn't even in the same conversation and suddenly she gets through to her?  Not believing it.


I love Dorinda (I think I say it every episode).  I laughed at Kristin's expressions with Ramona hanging  all over her.  

  • Love 5

IMO there is a big difference between heather and bethenny approach

Heather and bethenny do not know each other very well, they are merely cast mates and Heather's attempts to "help" bethenny have always came from a fake and rather self serving place IMO.

Bethenny and Sonja have know each other and are much more friendly than heather and bethenny are, bethenny herself has said that her memories of Sonja are of that cool lady who helped put perspective to that rather weird situation in Scary Island , she has tried to approach Sonja from an actual place of care, all the other ladies are telling bethenny all this crazy stories about Sonja's drunken scapades, notice how they are all doing it behind her back but no one is talking to Sonja, Sonja is not dumb, she knows they are talking about her, bethenny fathers talk to Sonja to her face and let her know that her drinking is getting out of hand but in true Sonia's fashion she talks in circles, that is something that would drive me crazy.

Bethenny's mistake was to think that being upfront and coming from a place of care would help Sonja see the light, Sonja is not ready for it and worse yet most of these incidents she can't remember, Sonja , according to Heather, blacks out and has to be carried up to her bedroom, that is very dangerous, put Sonja is a very fragile position, but Sonja just can't see it, she doesn't think she has a problem and nobody will be able to make her believe she does.

My question is now this, at the event at Boutique (which is a completely different event from the one shown previously in this season) there was Luann, Dorinda, Ramona, who left early, and Sonja, that makes 4 RHNY going to a bar and Sonja getting wasted and sticking her tongue around, where were Bravo's cameras? I want to see this Bravo, how could you let me down like this?

  • Love 13


This just in!!

It has finally been discerned. Both Ramona and Bethenny have a PhD in LUNACY with a specialty in SHIT-STIRRING and ASSHOLENESS...

Our intrepid and learnED duo decided upon this thesis following the 1st season whereupon both, sadly, became addicted to Fame'ho'ing and needed a continuous supply of Andy's special brew referred to as ™Beelzebub-Lite.

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 3

Hey, I wanna be B, I wanna be B, I wanna be B.  Forget about countering me cuz I'll just scream at ya --


SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!


Oh Sonja.  Watch for the pic of who she just picked up at Beautique-



Amy Phillips is soooooooo good. I loved the pic of the baby in utero as Sonjas boyfriend!!

I think Amy does Bethenny and Heather DuBrow (RHOC) the best.

  • Love 2

Bethenny just want let you all know about next week's crying





Look at that. She realizes this season is not helping her "brand". Now she's trying to make light of it.


Not working. Hopefully she takes a break from this show next season that lasts forever. Unless the show is canceled, which seems possible if you see Andy's desperation to make it seem like a hit when it's a fail.

  • Love 5

The name of this episode is perfect. Lord of the Manor, indeed! Bethenny had so many great quips about Ramona and her entitled attitude. I feel like I am ON the Ramonacoaster with these girls, because I'll find myself enjoying Ramona and giving her another chance, and then she goes and makes me completely loathe her again. I feel like I need a damn Dramamine watching this show. 


The room shit was obviously ridiculous, and then I didn't care for her ordering the man around to unpack her things. I don't know....I have no idea what his actual job is there, maybe that's part of it. But no one else needed help unpacking. Ramona just has this prima donna side that leaves a real nasty taste in my mouth. I would have made her sleep on a bench by the pool, let the mosquitoes feast through the macrame! 


But Sonja....gah. What a mess. Still. And can I just say, she and Ramona are shitty friends to each other? Ramona confesses that this trip is bringing up painful memories and she's really hurting right now, so Sonja proceeds to bag on her dating style and the men she goes out with? Nice. Then Ramona, in turn, basically calls Sonja a slut. It was awful. 


But Sonja does have a real problem. And it's not the casual sex part, because - grown lady, do your thing. But she's sloppy and doesn't even remember half the shit she does. She's out of control. But she just won't listen. I don't know how Bethenny can talk to her for more than 5 minutes. I get that she is concerned and wants to help, but I just really don't see anyone getting through to Sonja. I don't even think a therapist could help her at this point! Hell, her therapist would probably end up in therapy. She really is just that obtuse and hyper focused. Beth kept trying to talk to her, and all she could do was repeat how "unfair" it was for the other ladies to bring up the situation where she tried to tongue some chick's boyfriend. Over and over and over. There's a real problem there. And no amount of abundance candles is going to fix it. 


On a lighter side, I think if Dorinda died Pucci would immediately go out of business. 

  • Love 12

Oh, I forgot to talk about Ramona bossing that poor employee around. Did she even know who he was? What if his job is to work in the kitchen? What if it's to landscape the property? Ramona didn't need to know who he was - he was in the home and therefore, she could boss him around. She was rude as heck. I didn't even hear her say 'please' or 'thank you'. Why can't she unpack her own shit since she's so particular about how her shoes are lined up? My goodness, I bet hotel staff say a prayer of thanks whenever she checks out.


Dorinda's Pucci romper was gorgeous.

  • Love 11
I love my baths more than anything else but what was up with Sonja making it seem like Ramona and her are both incapable of using a shower, so weird.


Yea, it wasn't just that they prefer baths and don't want to get their hair wet, but Sonja actually made some comment about them being comical in the shower, not knowing how to work the knobs, etc. Now I want to see these showers, because I can't imagine how complicated it could be. Aren't the knobs the same for the bath and the shower? You just usually have to pull some lever to get the shower going. Sheesh. 

  • Love 1

Why the eff do these women fight over rooms? I mean seriously, it's like they are all 5 year olds. Isn't Sonja the host? She should have assigned rooms. Have them run around like idiots is just embarrassing.   Personally, if you have a 7 bedroom house and 2 guest have to share, IMO they should be able to pick out the room of their choice. But they should have all sat down and discussed it. 


Why did B feel that it was her place to deal with Sonja? I don't get it, she hasn't had anything to do with Sonja for years. I couldn't tell if she was trying to sympathize or to call her out. The whole thing made no sense. And have some manners, don't be screaming while everyone is trying to eat dinner. 


Ramona is a rude bitch. Period. What was with the flashbacks to her vow renewal? That didn't happen in the caribbean. Whenever Ro misbehaves, it's all ok, because she is going through a lot. 


Lu looks incredible in a bikini. 

  • Love 12

They were really hanging out in that "high end" Michael Kors dress.   They looked like they were hard as a rock.  Normal large breasts have movement to them, whether you are 20 years old or 60 years old.  Those things never moved.  They actually looked uncomfortable.

Agreed, those things start at her shoulders! I'm calling shenanigans.

  • Love 5

In case anyone missed it, here is the fabulous Luann performing her new single 'Girl Code' on WWHL w/ the adorable Victoria:



Of course, she's lip-syncing and there's a ton of auto-tune, but I did a little bop in my office while listening to it.

  • Love 2

Yea, it wasn't just that they prefer baths and don't want to get their hair wet, but Sonja actually made some comment about them being comical in the shower, not knowing how to work the knobs, etc. Now I want to see these showers, because I can't imagine how complicated it could be. Aren't the knobs the same for the bath and the shower? You just usually have to pull some lever to get the shower going. Sheesh. 


I think Sonja was calling back either to the trip to St. Barth's or the trip to Aviva's place in Miami when she and Ramona broke the knobs in shower. Because, you know, they've never been anywhere. 


Those two are just so crass.  

  • Love 8
Ramona is a rude bitch. Period. What was with the flashbacks to her vow renewal? That didn't happen in the caribbean.


The trip they took to Scary Island was organized by Ramona; it was supposed to be sort of a prelude to her vow renewal. Like a Bachelorette get away, if this was the original wedding? Yea, she's probably reaching, but she did mention that.

  • Love 2

I am DEAD at this song, the dancing, the lipsyncing--I CANNOT.


I will give it to the Countess though. She always, always strikes while the iron is hot. She recorded and then performed her song when she realized there was buzz on her 'be cool, not uncool' soundbite and has it out even before the episode aired. Get it!


Kristin looked fabulous, gorgeous and relaxed entering the ocean in her bikini.


Damn those statuesque models and there amazing figures. Luann look amazing too especially while paddle boarding. 


Ramona has 20 years on me and looks better in a swimsuit than I do or ever will. Anyone at damn near sixty who can wave their arms and not have any jiggle I will bow before. The woman also seems to have no damn cellulite. Damn her! Plus, I have no doubt that Ramona earns her figure by a lifetime of proper diet and exercise. I absolutely think she can rock a bikini. I just don't think the color yellow is at all flattering to her complexion and hair color. The cut could be a bit more generous too. She would look amazing in a black, pink, red, purple or magenta bikini. 


Those lucite heels will never not look tacky to me. I see them and think of the way dlisted always clowns Shauna Sands for wearing them. Amazingly in a bikini at the beach. Look familiar?




and more:





Yea, it wasn't just that they prefer baths and don't want to get their hair wet, but Sonja actually made some comment about them being comical in the shower, not knowing how to work the knobs, etc. Now I want to see these showers, because I can't imagine how complicated it could be. Aren't the knobs the same for the bath and the shower? You just usually have to pull some lever to get the shower going. Sheesh. 


I am thinking those two are used to fancier digs which probably have a separate stand alone tub/whirlpool which is next to some massive shower with overhead rain head and all kinds of massaging body spray nozzles and jets. I have to admit that having a soaking tub is a high priority for me on vacation too but that is only because I have a rather small, shallow tub at home which doesn't allow for luxuriating bath time so I only ever take showers at home. Consequently, when I go away I want the luxury of a deep spa tub for a few days. Sonja and Ramona probably don't have that same problem so they can cope for a few days. 


B absolutely said ferme ta bouche at the dinner table when she was trying to get the deets on Luann's sexual exploits. It seemed like it was directed at Heather. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 7

IMO there is a big difference between heather and bethenny approach

Heather and bethenny do not know each other very well, they are merely cast mates and Heather's attempts to "help" bethenny have always came from a fake and rather self serving place IMO.

Bethenny and Sonja have know each other and are much more friendly than heather and bethenny are, bethenny herself has said that her memories of Sonja are of that cool lady who helped put perspective to that rather weird situation in Scary Island , she has tried to approach Sonja from an actual place of care, all the other ladies are telling bethenny all this crazy stories about Sonja's drunken scapades, notice how they are all doing it behind her back but no one is talking to Sonja, Sonja is not dumb, she knows they are talking about her, bethenny fathers talk to Sonja to her face and let her know that her drinking is getting out of hand but in true Sonia's fashion she talks in circles, that is something that would drive me crazy.

Bethenny's mistake was to think that being upfront and coming from a place of care would help Sonja see the light, Sonja is not ready for it and worse yet most of these incidents she can't remember, Sonja , according to Heather, blacks out and has to be carried up to her bedroom, that is very dangerous, put Sonja is a very fragile position, but Sonja just can't see it, she doesn't think she has a problem and nobody will be able to make her believe she does.

A place of care?  I feel for Brynn if that is actually true.  Getting in Sonja's face, screaming her head off, and then telling her to shut the eff up?  Hm. 


Bethenny hasn't seen Sonja in years.  They aren't friends, they are cast mates on the show.  Bethenny is butting in and randomly trying to control Sonja's crazy life which is pretty funny since her own personal life is in shambles and she has a crying or screaming fit every other day.  Bethenny needs (real) therapy and meds as much as Sonja does.  She doesn't really care about Sonja and probably doesn't know anything more than what's been said on the show and told to her by the others.  She just wants to be the one who is "right" and gets to "fix" Sonja.  Because she is so, so smart and accomplished and she can do that while others have failed.  She's realizing now that she can't get through and lost her mind over it.  Her temper is atrocious. 


The only real friendship that I believe to exist away from show are Carole, Heather and Kristen. 

  • Love 20

Number one on Sonja's list was a bath tub.

This makes sense she probably is behind on her water bill in NYC


Bathing is a luxury for Sonja right now.


Currently in NYC, Sonja stands under the hole in the ceiling and waits for it to rain for a shower....

Pickles, Pickles!!!....bring the shower curtain and a tarp for the floor



  • Love 8

Ramona making someone unpack for her is nothing new on this show.


I remember her doing this in Morocco...to the point where Cindy Barshop asked if Ramona took her hangers.

Ramona was able honestly say...no I did not take your hangers (LOL - she made a worker at the resort get her hangers she doesn't know where they came from) LOL


Ramona does not have this luxury at home and if she goes on vacation and has to pay for maid services - she ain't gonna pay.

So on a Bravo paid trip - if she can get someone to do this for free....she is gonna take advantage

  • Love 2

Why did B feel that it was her place to deal with Sonja? I don't get it, she hasn't had anything to do with Sonja for years. I couldn't tell if she was trying to sympathize or to call her out. The whole thing made no sense. And have some manners, don't be screaming while everyone is trying to eat dinner.

Ramona is a rude bitch. Period. What was with the flashbacks to her vow renewal? That didn't happen in the caribbean. Whenever Ro misbehaves, it's all ok, because she is going through a lot.

This would be so much easier to examine if Sonja was the Kim Richards type. Belligerent, loud, mean drunk. But I see two sides to Sonja when she does scenes on this situation with Bethenny and her talking head. I couldn't believe how she deflected all what Bethenny said into Bethenny's problem when it's her drinking in question. She didnt even listen to a single thing Bethenny said any how. I felt semi gaslit! Im just trying figure out why it was the time, on day 1, of the trip to have intervention. Unless I missed something in the editing was Sonja already wasted especially when she and Ramona started to argue. Im confused! Is Sonja drinking to self medicate from her troubles? Is she functioning alcoholic? Or does she drink to let loose once in awhile?

I agree also on the Ramona excusemeter. That seemed to totally strategic and even for next week why shes acting like a complete ding dong.

  • Love 2

You know, I find myself really disliking Dorinda.  She's quiet but her actions are loud.  I dislike how she assumed a well dressed black guy was a waiter and not a patron of the restaurant she was in.  I dislike how she uses a disabled slur to refer to her dog's behavior.  I dislike how she assumed a guy in a wheelchair was a beggar at a bus stop and gave him money.  He was an attorney waiting for the bus.  She's quiet but her behavior screams.


The ableism and racism aside, I dislike the way she lets John treat her.  He's excessively touchy-feely with her, which she dislikes, and he's excessive with every woman he interacts with.  He allows women to be sexually forward with him and he encourages it.  Dorinda says she doesn't care who touches him, she just cares who he touches.  If he truly respected her she wouldn't have to worry about it at all.  For whatever reason she stays with him and excuses his behavior.  No one deserves to be treated without respect.

  • Love 10

True, but she did say to Carole how she thought Adam was "Sonja young", so she did make a crack about her dating someone much younger & then made an issue about him being young. And she said this, all while she's busy hooking up with & chasing even younger dudes? Hypocrite much? Me thinks so.

She's not in a relationship with these men though. I think that's the difference. I'd be giving Lu some "cyanide" too if she starts filming her new committed boyfriend, the 22yr old mailman.

And let's see if say, Ramona, is happy to find out Carol is banging Mario after they've been apart for 24 weeks. I don't know, I can still see Lu's point. The kids were still in contact with each other, had been together a while, and in swoops her friend. Had to put her in an awkward spot with her neice. She was probably doing the kid a favor putting him on tv as her chef, never thinking THAT would happen.

  • Love 12

I don't see why they couldn't all tour the place together and then sit down in the living room to discuss who would like which room like civilized women.


Girl consider whom you're referring to.  Now say that last that part again.


IMO there is a big difference between heather and bethenny approach

Heather and bethenny do not know each other very well, they are merely cast mates and Heather's attempts to "help" bethenny have always came from a fake and rather self serving place IMO.

Bethenny and Sonja have know each other and are much more friendly than heather and bethenny are, bethenny herself has said that her memories of Sonja are of that cool lady who helped put perspective to that rather weird situation in Scary Island , she has tried to approach Sonja from an actual place of care, all the other ladies are telling bethenny all this crazy stories about Sonja's drunken scapades, notice how they are all doing it behind her back but no one is talking to Sonja, Sonja is not dumb, she knows they are talking about her, bethenny fathers talk to Sonja to her face and let her know that her drinking is getting out of hand but in true Sonia's fashion she talks in circles, that is something that would drive me crazy.

Bethenny's mistake was to think that being upfront and coming from a place of care would help Sonja see the light, Sonja is not ready for it and worse yet most of these incidents she can't remember, Sonja , according to Heather, blacks out and has to be carried up to her bedroom, that is very dangerous, put Sonja is a very fragile position, but Sonja just can't see it, she doesn't think she has a problem and nobody will be able to make her believe she does.


Thank you for saving me paragraphs of writing.   Because I spend way too much time thinking about what ya'll are gonna say lol, I woke up this morning knowing that these interactions were different but wondering how so.  Stick with me for a minute:  the difference is the (legal) demarcation that determines whether an interaction at work meets the standard of sexual harassment or is simply an unfortunate misunderstanding.   That standard is whether or not the attention is welcome.  Why this is important is because in every instance in which Bethenny and Sonja have interacted, it is at Sonja's behest.   Sonja invited B to that sad ass dress marketing meeting thing.  Sonja turned to Bethenny in the club in Atlantic City when no one else would bother with her drunken ramblings.  The next morning, Sonja went to B's room to talk.  Last night Bethenny hadn't said or offered shit, Sonja turned to her and asked why everybody was being so mean.   It's not the same thing at all.   Bethenny has never once asked for Heather's attention nor intervention and, in fact, refused it when it was offered.    I'm not justifying B losing her patience with Sonja over and over again, because by now she's the one with enough sense to know not to keep fucking with her, BUT, I know how she gets to level 10 and I can't fault her for it.  Essentially yeah, if you're not going to shut the fuck up long enough to listen, what are you asking me anything for?   Not to cross-talk but on WWHL Andy asked Sonja if she were embarrassed by any of her episodes.  She said all of them.  And yet, she still looks at advice that she seeks as being attacked.  Girl. Bye.


Gotta love Ramona. Looks for the brown person to unpack her shit. Classy. I would be too mortified to travel with her.


Mkay.  I'm not sure I knew that this is why that bothered me so much until you said it.  But primarily? yeah this is why that bothered me so much.  When someone, anyone, who's there to help is treated like the help, I want to punch something. 


Lu looks incredible in a bikini. 


Cannot be said enough.  I'll add the same is true for all of them, including the hunchy asshole.  Yeah there's a lil paunch but shit if we ain't allowed to look like that at 60 I give up. lol!

  • Love 21

Ramona and the yellow bikini


Ramona has a beautiful body for any age.

She definitely toned up with her vigorous apres Mario work outs.


I think it was the yellow bikini that was the problem.

It was the cut, color, and the fit.

Ramona is petite and curvy.

The bathing suit - wasn't tied right - and she ended up looking like she was shaped like a 2 by 4


The heels didn't help, she bends her knees and braces for balance...and it doesn't help that she walks like Mrs. Whiggins


She doesn't have a gut, muffin top or pooch...the cut of the bikini and the macrame dress make her look bloated - and she definitely is not, I've seen her many times in the UES - she be tiny and a skinny mini

  • Love 11

Ah, yes, Ramona's back. Last week, we got her self-satisfied smirk when Kristin walked away from her attack (glad she was sort-of called on it). It's not just that she goes on the attack; it's that she is so happy and proud of the result. This week, I was most appalled with demanding the best room and having a staff member unpack (and how she did both). She has to have the best room every time? Insufferable. Like others here, I've traveled with groups and you just decide on rooms together. I even once went to a conference for adult survivors of childhood cancer held at a children's camp (one of those Paul Newman started). We had a dozen women in my bunkhouse, with one bathroom--two showers and a few stalls, and all kiddy sized. Some people wanted to be closer to the bathroom or to a window (no a/c), but there was no drama. 


And when she brought up her vow renewal to justify her bad behavior, it actually made me feel less sympathy for her. I remember how smug and she was about her marriage, and even how she used it to hurt others at times. She is odious.    

  • Love 10

That was a fun show.

Yes Ramona bugs the hell out of me but I'll deal lol.

Did any one hear Lu call Ramona a cow lol it was during the room run. She called her a cow last season when Ramona was being a bitch about Lu's singing.

I loved that everybody was bitching about Romana and the whole room thing. She's ridiculous most of the time but vacation Ramona is beyond.

Didn't you love how she apologizes to Beth and tells Lu she doesn't count so no apologies for her. That's one of the reasons I don't care if Lu takes shots at Mona.

They all look fantastic!

  • Love 16

She doesn't have a gut, muffin top or pooch...the cut of the bikini and the macrame dress make her look bloated - and she definitely is not, I've seen her many times in the UES - she be tiny and a skinny mini

I agree. I think Ramona could have found a much more flattering suit. I think a different cut and color would have done wonders.


The rest of the ladies looked amazing in their bikinis. The shots of Kristen going into the water made me reconsider the ice cream I had been dreaming about all day. Luann also looked amazing in her bikini and again last night on WWHL.

  • Love 4
Woke up still giggling at Ramona with her towel stuck in the door and her widening her legs into gorilla stance and air humping in her stripper shoes with her face balled up to match the 1988 ponytail do w. scrunchie on the top of her crazy little head.



Awesome description!! These moments are why I can never quit Ramona completely. She's not trying to be entertaining - she just IS by nature of her being a wackadoodle.


The shower explanation was weird, but I remembered that Ramonja "broke" the Dreschers' shower in Miami. I think it's all about keeping their hair dry, but there are shower caps and adjustable shower heads. It's not a foregone conclusion that your hair will get all wet.

  • Love 6

Why did B feel that it was her place to deal with Sonja? I don't get it, she hasn't had anything to do with Sonja for years. I couldn't tell if she was trying to sympathize or to call her out. The whole thing made no sense. And have some manners, don't be screaming while everyone is trying to eat dinner.


I agree.  I hope the whole season isn't going to be about them trying to help Sonja.  It's nice that they can help get her drunk self home at night, but otherwise, they need to quit trying to preach to her.  She's just not hearing it. She's going to have to come to terms with her behavior on her own, IMO.  And I'll add a holy smokes!  Kristen was rockin' that 2-piece.  Damn girl!  Way to go!


The shower explanation was weird, but I remembered that Ramonja "broke" the Dreschers' shower in Miami.


Yeah, I remember them breaking a shower handle.  They admitted that they are shower handle challenged.  ;)

Edited by ChitChat
  • Love 3

Lu is a single woman on the prowl by her own admission. WTF does carol care who she's sleeping with? At least she's not an older woman having a serious relationship with a much younger man. I don't think Lu's problem with Carol was ever that she was banging a younger guy, it's that she was banging a guy her neice was dating just weeks before. Totally understandable IMO.

Yeah I still don't understand what's so hard to understand. And why Carole still can't seem to get the fact that it's about Lu worrying about the feelings of her niece. Like seriously. Yeah, the points may have strayed a bit because I'm sure at first Lu wasn't too eager to make it about her niece and tried to dress her dislike of the situation around him being someone who works for her, is close to the family, close to her son's age etc. etc. I mean I personally think in Lu's head it was always "Cause he's still fucking my niece, dumb ass, get a fucking clue" but she couldn't very well say that now could she. Carole being so purposely obtuse over the whole thing really just disgusts me.  All because she wants to be a goofy tween again.. Uggghhh. I definitely don't want to be her when I grow up.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 12

Sonja has some nerve saying LuAnn's clothing line is for the masses not the classes. Bitch... who the hell gonna buy all that expensive crap on your site! Most HWs fans are working to upper middle class. I doubt they will spending 2000K on a dress made by cheap labor.

Yep, coming from Sonja who wears stuff she had from the 80's, that have holes from moths in them.

  • Love 6

Except it wasn't a couple of weeks. According to Carole, Adam broke up with Lu's niece six months prior.

Luanne gets around as much as Sonja. It's pretty much a known fact at this point. The only difference is Luanne tries to be discreet about it.

According to Carole? Cause of course she definitely has accurate information. It seems ABSOLUTELY believable that dude was still having the occasional fuck with Lu's niece right up to when he met Carole. Let's get real people. I find it so annoying when people use semantics as a way to justify things.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 6

Aside from the last ten minutes or so, there were some fun parts of the episode. Fun, in their lunacy. Bethenny cracked me up with her commentary on the rooms (Pamplona!), Ramoaner's sense of entitlement and The Apologizer.

The interesting thing to me was that none of the women came down on Bethenny for being wrong, more the timing/delivery. It did come across as unduly harsh but it has to be frustrating to talk to someone who won't listen. All Sonja wanted to focus on was "your friends shouldn't talk about you" when the point is "they're talking about you because you're doing outrageous things that you likely don't remember." The other women seem to have thrown in the towel after having run up against the brick wall with Sonja and taken a "better her than me" attitude watching Bethenny take a run at it.

And finally, Dorinda continues to be the best. I so enjoy her commentary.

Edited by The Evil One
  • Love 3

Why are Ramona & Sonja so afraid of getting their hair wet?  Do they have extensions or weaves or full wigs on their heads?  If my hair gets wet accidentally and I plan to go somewhere, I use a blow dryer.to fix it.  Is it a phobia thing that they don't like water on their faces?  So many things about these two baffle me, but this freak out over wet hair is in the top 5.


Lu looks fabulous and so do all the ladies. Bethenny is a little on the skinny side, but these women can rock some fashions. I think Ramona's macrame dress would have looked better on Kristen, but she looked good.  Whoever said Ramona needs to learn how to walk is absolutely dead on.  No matter where she goes or what she's wearing Ramona always looks like she's clomping down a football field.  There's no elegance to it!

  • Love 6

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