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That's how much she went over budget. The total cost of the cabinets was more than $600,000. I can't begin to grasp the total budget of that house.

Well the amt  may be spli between kitchens....family and catering. ;-)


They're building a 22,000sq ft hse that's costing millions -  you don't want to skip on the kitchen(s),

           Since they made about $10mil in profit from sale of last hse, I'll defer to them knowing what they're doing.


Wondering too  if the Ho'wives get a fee when any filmoing is done in their homes? Martha Stewat used to do that.

Edited by sheetmoss
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 All these methods she's using for calm and balance ain't working. Honey, just eat that grilled steak, have that salad dressing, have some cupcakes, and try to unlodge that stick out of your ass.


Truer words have never been spoken. Cosign on this.

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I don't think Katie is going to be hurrying home to Josh. Maybe to the 80 mill or so of the joint assets she earned over the last decade. . . Shannon's attribution of her curtness to believing the call was from a telemarketer made no sense. Meghan clearly asked questions about events related to a specific charity and Shannon responded. So, call me crazy, but I'd personally probably put two and two together and think that perhaps the woman with whom I was speaking was telephoning about said charity. It would thus make a whole lot of sense why Heather and/or the third-party philanthropist gave Shannon's number to Meghan - maybe because that manner of circulation happens within the supporters of specific philanthropic events. That Shannon was so befuddled by the catering questions was just deliberate obtuseness, imo; it's not that strange for someone unfamiliar with the culture and/or scope of philanthropy in a particular society to reach out for guidance to someone who had produced a similar event under the same aegis. Sure, Meghan was intentionally trying to start shit by calling Shannon "offensive" . . . and Shannon walked right into it with the excessive/tantrumy stomping off. She didn't even have to apologize; she could have explained that she felt there had been miscommunication and/but a) she'd love to help if she had time or b) she'd love to help but her other obligations just didn't permit her to. No big deal . . . If watching David take a drink is going to trigger Shannon every time he sloshes back some liquor, it's going to a long, long next couple of decades. Maybe he started drinking to deal with the anxiety-inducing criticism and disparagement to which he comes home after getting up at 5am in order to go to work.

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I'd like to know more about David's $800 sunglasses.  Who was his new girlfriend, Dana from RHOBH?  "$3000!"  


Those shenanigans in the golf cart, circling around the group while they were arguing, excuse me, "fixing a wardrobe malfunction/ eyelash problem", was not a good look.  Try as she may to not have negative thoughts and despite having nine lemons in a jar, she will NEVER forgive him for his affair.  He can pick up the wrong milk from the store and she'll say "you asshole, you had an affair!"  They both seem unbelievably miserable and Shannon's fake smile when she's standing next to him is creepy and she looks possessed.  But there's something about her I like underneath all the hurt/anger/sadness.  I hope she finds joy somehow.


I feel so bad for Shannon and wished she and David had thought this through. They should have stepped away from the show and dealt with their marriage privately. I know two women whom I love dearly, that have gone through infidelity in their marriages. There's a very long process for getting "over" an affair. The woman's self esteem takes a huge hit. Their whole world is turned upside down. And they can't just forgive and move on no matter how much they want to. The transgressor does have to have complete transparency and for how ever long it takes. Shannon's lack of joy is not surprising, but it is just too real for reality TV. I know as the sympathetic ear and shoulder to lean on for my friends, that there were times I wanted to scream to make the "affair" talk go away. It was relentless, 24/7. My friend was not alone with her obsession, it's common. And sadly only other betrayed women can talk about the affair non stop with other betrayed. I don't see this ending well.

Why are the OC ladies so vulgar all the time, about sex? Are they 16yo boys trying to prove their prowess?! I mean these chicks are in their 30s, 40s and 50s... stay classy OC.

There lies your problem...........they were never classy to begin with.

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Meagan (or however you spell it) was being ridiculous. The fact that they hadn't even met yet when she called is what seals the deal for me. If it were me, I would be formally introducing myself and giving context for why I was calling. Shannon definitely did not need to let it get to her so severely, but for Meagan to be "offended" is so absurd. Shannon should have just looked at her and calmly said, "I don't think I did anything wrong, and I have nothing else to say about it."


Whoa, whoa, wait....this phone call happened before Mexican Night at Vicki's? And Megan waited until NOW to bring it up? Okay, yea, she really is angling for some drama. 

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Meghan is a creep - desperately trying to make herself relevant by targeting the most vulnerable cast member, and counting on the other hyenas to pounce with her. Disgusting.

Ummmm, None of these women know that David cheated on Shannon, she did not share that with them, at least not yet during filming. As far as any of them are concerned, Shannon/David are "Happy, Happy, Happy" according to everything she, Shannon, tweeted over the hiatus of filming this show. Shannon acted like an ass to Meghan, she had attitude right off the bat at Vicki's party and it is on going, she is worried about David being around any younger woman IMO.

I was amazed at Shannon knowledge of area codes. I would have a hard time knowing which area code was a Missouri area code.  First off when they start filming my guess is there may be any number of production people who call the various RH with out of area phone numbers.  Second it was a nothing phone call and at the time Shannon most likely did not know Meghan was part the cast.   All Meghan said in her text  is she was a friend of Heather Dubrow's  So why text back?  She initially gave the name of a person Shannon met once-why not Heather's?   This was a call designed by production to make one or both look bad.  Fail.  It is just starting nonsense.

Shannon would have know that Meghan was a new cast member by then. They already have the list of cast members, the event/party and trip schedules by then as well. Shannon was looking for a fight, since David refused to fight with her, and Meghan gave the perfect target.

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Whoa, whoa, wait....this phone call happened before Mexican Night at Vicki's? And Megan waited until NOW to bring it up? Okay, yea, she really is angling for some drama. 

Actually, she addressed this last night. She said she did not want to say anything to Shannon at Vicki's party because it was her first time meeting all the women. She also said that she felt good about all the women, liked them all and thought she could talk to Shannon last night without any problems. She was wrong, big time wrong because Shannon was looking for a fight since David would not give her one. How pathetic was it to hear David say that he had done nothing wrong "today" for her to be mad at him when they were in the golf cart! He sounded like a very small, young child trying to stop his mom from smacking/beating him just because she felt like it.   JMO

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Shannon is just not fun. I mean I don't know what she really wants, she seems miserable all of the time, and David can do nothing right.  When they first arrived at the party she was standing off to the back with David and everyone was in the foreground laughing and socializing.  I felt so bad for David that he had to hang out with her, they can't even go to a party and have fun.  No matter what he does, looks at another person, speaks to another person, orders a drink, moves to a different corner of the room, she is all over him "What did you say to him?" "Why aren't you coming with me?" "Why are you drinking that?".  I can't picture anyone at the party being like - Hey there's Shannon lets go over and say hi.  ??


This is an interesting point. Last week at Vicki's fiesta, Vicki was complaining that David wouldn't even look at her when speaking. His eyes stayed fixed on Shannon. I noticed that even before Vicki mentioned it and thought it was strange at the time. I truly believe that he was doing that so as not to set off Shannon. His gaze can't linger on anyone, especially another woman, for too long or else HERE GO HELL COME!  Shannon has got him hemmed up that bad. I just can't imagine that marriage lasting too much longer. They are both absolutely miserable. Shit, David would probably prefer to be beaten than endure the constant psychological warfare Shannon is employing. Not saying he isn't totally in the wrong for having an affair. He should expect to be in the dog house but lawd Shannon has got him in a Siberian prison hooked up to a car battery with his bare feet in a bucket of water. It is tortuous just watching them.  

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Whoa, whoa, wait....this phone call happened before Mexican Night at Vicki's? And Megan waited until NOW to bring it up? Okay, yea, she really is angling for some drama.

Exactly - and you know the others (Heather, Tamra) had told Meghan that Shannon can be volatile. Edited by nexxie
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Ummmm, None of these women know that David cheated on Shannon, she did not share that with them, at least not yet during filming. As far as any of them are concerned, Shannon/David are "Happy, Happy, Happy" according to everything she, Shannon, tweeted over the hiatus of filming this show. Shannon acted like an ass to Meghan, she had attitude right off the bat at Vicki's party and it is on going, she is worried about David being around any younger woman IMO.

Shannon would have know that Meghan was a new cast member by then. They already have the list of cast members, the event/party and trip schedules by then as well. Shannon was looking for a fight, since David refused to fight with her, and Meghan gave the perfect target.



Ummmm, None of these women know that David cheated on Shannon, she did not share that with them, at least not yet during filming. As far as any of them are concerned, Shannon/David are "Happy, Happy, Happy" according to everything she, Shannon, tweeted over the hiatus of filming this show. Shannon acted like an ass to Meghan, she had attitude right off the bat at Vicki's party and it is on going, she is worried about David being around any younger woman IMO.

Shannon would have know that Meghan was a new cast member by then. They already have the list of cast members, the event/party and trip schedules by then as well. Shannon was looking for a fight, since David refused to fight with her, and Meghan gave the perfect target.

Tamra claimed she new last season David had cheated and I think she did her very best to hammer it home at the Reunion when she kept saying over and over David was a flirt.  Heather claimed it was not really news when she found out Shannon got the letter, the marriage was in trouble.  I agree there  knowing and then there is confirmation that the spouse knows.   These women knew the rumors and were hoping for an opening at the Reunion.  Vicki knew and obviously said nothing.  I am going to go one step further and say perhaps the conversation Terry was alluding to between he and Vicki this allegation was made.


I will respectfully disagree, I think this Meghan joining the cast was meant as a surprise to Shannon and David to meet her at Vicki's party.  If producers want to keep someone under wraps if they can create drama.  Events and trips aren't necessarily planned out for the entire season.   Heck, even Vicki doesn't really need a number or who is coming, production orders the party planners and voila, instant theme party.   This is the perfect example where they started with seven and are now down to five.   


Meghan seems to have a mens rea when it comes to this flirting at the hoedown business.  I didn't think it was a big deal.  Meghan seems pretty focused on it having brought it up twice.   

Edited by zoeysmom
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TP Tamara - 


AGREE with this!  The TP incident was kind of funny, even if contrived by the director.  But then the flashback of Toilet Tissue Tamara & Eddie in bed followed by Dr Terry's tacky comment at the dinner table was just disgusting.  It just shows that no matter how many fancy clothes, cars, restaurants, surroundings, etc they have access to, cheap and tacky is just that - cheap and tacky. 


For some reason I just can't let the TP incident go - for multiple people to find tissue hanging out of Tamra's nether regions means that (a) she was too drunk to remember to drop the tissue after wiping; or (b) she was hoarding in case someone ever asked her if she can spare a square...

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She needs some serious, intense one on one, counseling to get through her issues. I imagine her freaking out on David over drinking on the way to Napa may be related to something we are unaware of, perhaps when he drinks too much he gets angry or he was drunk during the alleged domestic dispute and he promised he wouldn't drink to excess?? I truly believe this is happening while she is still too raw to process it rationally. If this was 2 years later, I would say she's not ever coming back to reality. I think she harps because she is imagining too much and takes every situation and magnifies it times 1000.

I think Shannon may never get over it, but time will tell.

As for the phone call, I'm just as protective of my cell phone # as other posters have mentioned up thread. Yes, sometimes unknown callers are identified by the area code they are calling from. I just got a phone call from CA that came up on my phone with CA visible. I'm thinking, who do I know from CA? My cell phone was originated from one of the states I live in...I have more than one residency...in my non home state, I have had people say to me when I have called them the first time, that they didn't know anyone from that state now I had to explain this to them. Shannon didn't need to apologize, she didn't do anything wrong IMO. Everyone reserves the right to answer or not answer the phone. Meghan is going after her. She started with explaining to Tamra & Shannon that her & Shannon have friends that overlap. Really? Who? She was talking to Heather and didn't include Heather in that overlap. She said "I've kind of had like my own little run ins with Shannon, our friends overlap..." She immediately assumed Shannon was rude. "I do, want to, you know, talk about the pink elephant in the room with her." It sounds to me that Meghan has an inflated sense of her importance. "I can't predict her." Huh? You mean, she's unpredictable? She is obviously listening to a lot of gossip amongst those supposed friends that overlap. Maybe Meghan has a buddy who was with Heather last season during the lunch where the David email was discussed?

Oh, and Dr Dubrow needs to stop losing 3 months of sleep over David's inappropriate words, because he's even worse than David. That vineyard? Yes, red light district. Double dipping the wine? Gross. It looked like Catlton Gebbia's Dream vineyard. (RHOBH)

Edited by IKnowRight
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So maybe I missed this last night, but I was just checking Twitter to see what Shannon was saying about the episode, and she made it sound like the reason she didn't talk to Meghan was because she didn't say her married name when she called her, so she didn't know who it was. She tweeted: "Who is this?" Hmm... Is it Meghan King or Meghan King Edmonds???" Either answer it or don't answer it if you really thought it was a telemarketer or whatever. Really don't care. I liked Shannon last season but this season I've done a complete 180. That whole "argument" was so lame, contrived and producer driven. Meghan's new and not yet a very good actress. On the other hand Shannon overdid things and really chewed the scenery by getting up and shouting "I start charities!"


Okay, moving on, I feel bad for David but don't see that situation improving due to Shannon's "personality". As has been stated upthread, the 9 lemons in a bowl and the crystals obviously aren't doing it, so go for the steak and baked potato. Vodka is apparently okay though. Shannon definitely can't forgive or forget, so she probably should quit saying that. I want to like her again so I really hope she gets the help it appears she needs.


Tamara and her new found religion - I have no words. I did just re-watch the promo they ran before the season began with highlights of everything and forgot that we will get to see her getting baptized in a swimming pool. So yeah there's that to look forward to.......


Bravo should probably give Heather and Terry a spinoff show where all they do is talk about how much everything they buy costs. The price of just those cabinets would pay for 3 mansions where I live.

Edited by parrotlover
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Tamra claimed she new last season David had cheated and I think she did her very best to hammer it home at the Reunion when she kept saying over and over David was a flirt.  Heather claimed it was not really news when she found out Shannon got the letter, the marriage was in trouble.  I agree there  knowing and then there is confirmation that the spouse knows.   These women knew the rumors and were hoping for an opening at the Reunion.  Vicki knew and obviously said nothing.  I am going to go one step further and say perhaps the conversation Terry was alluding to between he and Vicki this allegation was made.


I will respectfully disagree, I think this Meghan joining the cast was meant as a surprise to Shannon and David to meet her at Vicki's party.  If producers want to keep someone under wraps if they can create drama.  Events and trips aren't necessarily planned out for the entire season.   Heck, even Vicki doesn't really need a number or who is coming, production orders the party planners and voila, instant theme party.   This is the perfect example where they started with seven and are now down to five.   


Meghan seems to have a mens rea when it comes to this flirting at the hoedown business.  I didn't think it was a big deal.  Meghan seems pretty focused on it having brought it up twice.

YES. Meghan has her talking points & is fulfilling her role obediently.

She also did herself no favors with her church comments. She automatically alienated herself from a huge demographic of the audience with her flippant remarks on church. It's one thing for it to not be a part of your life, no one cares what you do/don't believe, but boring and CHINTZY? Who says that? "I'm not there to spend my whole Sunday..." The whole Sunday? What, an hour? No, they won't cater to your tastes. The church doesn't revolve around Meghan King first husbands name, Edmonds.

So, as Tamra says, suck it.

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I think the other kids are from his 2nd wife and live in MO. His two kids with his first wife live in CA. The one is still a minor so she lives with him (they might share custody) and the other is probably an adult and in college or something. He married his second wife in 2008, so the kids are at the oldest 7.

Thank you. That was my guess. Meghan is wife #3 but I'm betting she won't be the last.

He obviously has a very high opinion of himself.

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Thank you. That was my guess. Meghan is wife #3 but I'm betting she won't be the last.

He obviously has a very high opinion of himself.

Kind of seems like Megan does too.

She gunning for Shannon and isn't she the one that will go after Brooks and Vicki? She's Tamra's mouthpiece this season.


Megan says Jim is her soul mate....she misinterpreted how he treats her....like she's under the sole of his foot

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Kind of seems like Megan does too.

She gunning for Shannon and isn't she the one that will go after Brooks and Vicki? She's Tamra's mouthpiece this season.


Megan says Jim is her soul mate....she misinterpreted how he treats her....like she's under the sole of his foot

I know! I can't decide who she's trying to convince with her THs - us or herself. What she says seems like wishful thinking compared to what we've seen of their relationship. I can't even imagine under what circumstances I would ever consider becoming someone's 3rd wife and being forced to live with "her furniture."

I didn't know she's slated to be the one going after Vicki and Brooks this season. If that's true and she does it well, she'll score some brownie points in my book. LOL

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I do have to say that Heather looked pretty last night on WWHL


She toned down her Goth by Spackula look and maybe her botox settled as her eyebrows didn't look like they were about to take flight off her face



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I CANNOT stand Heather and Terry. If I hear the word champs one more time.....

I know I wish I could reach through the television and tell her to stop trying to make Champs happen, please!

The trainwreck that is left of Shannon and David's marriage. Someone needs to call the time of death! I know Shannon does not want to be a divorce statistic, but the woman needs to get medicated better and face reality.

All the holistic crystals in the world cannot save that mess. He cheated, I know but if she is unable to try on move ahead from that and stop demeaning, ball-busting and brow beating David they will never have a future.

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I do have to say that Heather looked pretty last night on WWHL


She toned down her Goth by Spackula look and maybe her botox settled as her eyebrows didn't look like they were about to take flight off her face

Bahahahahaha! Too funny.

Did she say anything of value?

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I detest Heather but I understood where the women were coming from on the Alexis issue. I would be annoyed too if I had to hear Alexis bragging about expensive jewelry she didn't have! She tried to say she kept it in a safe and wore cubic zirconia instead. Bragging about 20 cars. Bragging about how rich she was. Bragging about her homes. They all knew at the time she was broke and they were being foreclosed on. It would get on my nerves too to hear this fake poser run her mouth.


At least Heather and Terry appear to have real wealth to fund their over the top lifestyle. 


I just can't stand how Heather over enunciates every. single. word. with her plastic witch face. 


I have to give Tamra credit. She knows how to work people. No matter what she does to Vicki, Jeana, Gretchen, Shannon, Lizzie- they're always willing to give her a second chance. Brandi tried to run that game with the ladies of BH and they shut that shit down after she crossed every line imaginable.

Edited by charming
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I thought that Meghan was shit stirring. She really felt offended? Seriously? That phone call/misunderstanding is something you laugh off. I would have said instead that "we were destined to be friends. We almost met and had a better acquaintance when I tried to call you in regard to this charity-- so an so referred me to you. You were in the car with the kids and it must have been a bad moment" By the way, what kinds of things have you done with this charity, we must know a bunch of people in common. ...." But that would have been constructive and friendly -- especially after pretty much accusing her of being a jealous wife and that her husband had been flirting with her the first time they didn't meet.  Why didn't she email or text her to begin with? LIke "Heather Dubrow said you were a good person to ask about this event... When is a good time to call you and talk about this?" NO, instead she texts her to say my name is such and such... by this time I think Shannon had a lot of other shit she was dealing with and this was not an avenue she wanted to explore. I too would have stood up and said I'm done here, go fishing somewhere else.  Who gets so offended about a stupid phone call? Who carries a perceived slight from a total stranger this long and stays aggrieved and demands some kind of apology for nothing? This lady's skin is a bit thin for a third wife.


Also I would be pissed if someone was handing out my private cell number to strangers and people who call you asking for money. I even get testy with the Red Cross. If I want to donate blood, I will bring my ass down there. Sometimes charities are pushy with their requests. Generally I pick one I am going to sponsor for the year and concentrate on it. If another keeps calling me, I get really annoyed.

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Meghan is a total shit stirrer- I FF through her scenes, BORING


OMG Shannon and David...He is so obviously on eggshells, its pretty painful to watch. She is still very much hurting from his affair. I don't think she will ever get over it- and unfortunately to have a healthy marriage she will have to move on from it. She will be resentful, either aggressive or passive aggressive, suspicious, and angry and he will either be miserable and cheat again, be miserable and leave, or just plain old be miserable


If this is how she acts in front of cameras can you even imagine what goes on behind closed doors, lol. 

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Bahahahahaha! Too funny.

Did she say anything of value?

Well value to Heather yes


She said her house is 22,000 feet (yep she left out the word square)

She said they hope to move in by December.

She didn't feel she was bragging about the cabinets being over budget.

She doesn't miss Alexis or Gretchen...her philosphy....a show has its seasons and one day she will be gone from this show too


The lady next to her was the actress from that new show Odd Mom Out


Someone or maybe Bravo...said Jill could be the love child of Heather Dubrow/Marilyn Manson

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I agree with your assessment in regards to Alexis and Heather. Not only was Alexis a braggart but she would also immediately one up whoever was talking. It got old quick on her last season.

During the religion discussion at least Megan saved her thoughts for her talking head. I grew up religious, spending most Wednesday's and all Sunday at church. That's the precise reason I don't attend church now. It's boring and I don't want to spend any hours at church on Sunday so I can't fault the girl for speaking her mind.

Now, she should have let the hoe down meeting go after the second time she mentioned it but again I'm on her side with regards to the phone call. Shannon didn't necessarily owe her an apology but the fact that she couldn't even sit down and discuss the charity with her runs me the wrong way. I imagine Megan volunteered to host this charity luncheon upon which HBIC, told her, "oh, Megan, Shannon Beador hosted the last one, I bet she could help you since this charity is so near and dear to her heart, here's her number" then Megan calls Shannon only to be "Bitch Who'd"

ETA: a pet peeve of mine is when people answer the phone only to say, "can't talk now, call you back later". Why'd Shannon even answer the damn phone if she was oh so busy driving her car?

Edited by Mountainair
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Just some random musings.


Jim Edmonds is a huge asshole.  He treats Meghan like she's one of his kids, has no respect for her and I can't help but think that he moved them to OC so he can have freedom while living in St Louis for 50% of the time.  I was living in Milwaukee when he played for the Brewers, and he was well known for being a huge catter.  Out at bars and partying with as many women as he could. I personally saw him at the ballplayers favorite bars, hitting on as many women as he had fingers.  His business acumen isn't great as all three restaurants he owned/partnered with closed.  And seeing that his job is mostly in St Louis, why did he feel the need to move the new wife to the OC?  Like she said, she had a life in SL, but no friends in the OC.  If I were Meghan, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.  I mean, he's off on his own, without the wife, and I highly doubt he's being faithful.  Oh, and he divorced wife number two in January 2014 and married Meghan October 2014.


I don't care for Meghan at all.  I don't think she's the prettiest OC wife.  She's got a very long neck, she shouldn't wear her hair pulled back as it makes her neck and forehead look even longer, and she's beyond skinny.  I also find her dumb.  She was on Say Yes to the Dress, shopping for her gown for her marriage to JE, and she really came off like a gold digger, and she also came off as having the IQ of a tick.  She just loved to brag that she was marrying a former MLB player, and that he's so famous and will be in the Hall of Fame.  Sorry, but he only deserves to be in the Hall of Pretty Decent.


I know land is precious in the LA area, but if you're going to build a 120,000 sqft house (yes, I know I'm exaggerating), wouldn't one think they'd purchase enough land so that you don't look out a window and touch the house next door?  Zero lot lines are not your friend when you're living in a ridiculously large house.  Did you all read that Heather has taken her young daughter for waxing?  Who takes a young girl for leg waxing?  Is that something that's done as a matter of course for OC women?


Katie Hamilton is a sorry woman.  Her husband, soon to be ex husband, is a serial drug and alcohol abuser and we all know it can't be easy to be married to that.  I read on line that in his divorce filing, he's prohibited her from speaking about him in any way, stopped her from taking and hiding their kids, and a lot of other things she's not allowed to do.  He's now playing for the Texas Rangers, but who knows for how long, because he already slipped up again with the cocaine and alcohol after signing with the Rangers.  


Shannon is just Shannon, and I still can't stand her freaky tendencies.  While I don't condone having an affair, sometimes you have to wonder if he just couldn't take it anymore and needed an outlet.  It can't be easy living with someone like Shannon.


Didn't like Lizzie when she was a permanent OC wife and and I can't stand her now.  I still think she looks like a man.  Just too angular and has masculine features.  


Tamra, fall off the face of the earth.  You're boring and ugly, inside and out.  I feel so sorry for her son and the new baby that will soon be here.  Tamra will be the worst grandmother on the planet and will take over that child's life.

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In the opening taglines...Megan is wearing a dress with a cutout.


Reminds of the game Operation


Someone give me a tweezer stat, I need to pull that wishbone out


she gots no fat at all under the skin between her fake boobies!  it looks so weird.  all skin and bones, and then two tennis ball ta-tas.  she should not wear that dress.  I do not think it looks how she thinks it looks.  

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This was honestly one of the few EPs I actually laughed out loud. Everyone was having a great time except Shannon of course, and Vicki wasn't there! It was kind of refreshing. It was great until Meghan had to confront Shannon. These confrontations are so trite on all the franchises. Tamra lurking in the background just waiting to jump in.

There was an Eonline poll last year I think on the most favorite housewife of the entire franchise and it came down to Caroline of NJ and Shannon. Shannon won! I guess she is relatable to a lot of people. I hope she perks up a bit this season cause her constant sulking is getting old fast.

I liked seeing Lizzie again. Who was that other random new blonde?? I was wondering why they kept showing her.

Heather loves that she is going over budget, cause she can. I don't think she'd be with Terry if he didn't have those deep pockets. Can't wait to see this monstrosity of a house when it's finally done. No one would know you spent almost 600 grand on just cabinets unless you tell them, which she would.

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I think Megan was referring to that unique OC megarchurch stuff that preaches all that prosperity theology stuff.  I don't think she was referring to more traditional Christian and Catholic religions.

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I have to give Tamra credit. She knows how to work people. No matter what she does to Vicki, Jeana, Gretchen, Shannon, Lizzie- they're always willing to give her a second chance.

More to the point, the producers have told the ladies to tow the company line and right now it's Tamra in redemption mode. Before that it was Tamra as shit stirrer bringing in ratings so play the game or we'll have to take a hard look at your contract for next year.



ETA: a pet peeve of mine is when people answer the phone only to say, "can't talk now, call you back later".

Or when you answer the phone and whoever the hell is on the other end says 'Hi, it's me!' and you have no idea who the fuck you're talking to. Hate that.

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she gots no fat at all under the skin between her fake boobies!  it looks so weird.  all skin and bones, and then two tennis ball ta-tas.  she should not wear that dress.  I do not think it looks how she thinks it looks.  

Totally agree with you OHGromit!


That dress is just not flattering for her body...not sure if it would be flattering on anyone.


Did you see her TH shot after her tiff with Shannon...I started laughing because last episode she was telling Heather she has not yet started on the botox..well by the time the TH shot was filmed she must have let Terry have a field day on her face

Edited by KungFuBunny
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Just some random musings.


Jim Edmonds is a huge asshole.  He treats Meghan like she's one of his kids, has no respect for her and I can't help but think that he moved them to OC so he can have freedom while living in St Louis for 50% of the time.  I was living in Milwaukee when he played for the Brewers, and he was well known for being a huge catter.  Out at bars and partying with as many women as he could. I personally saw him at the ballplayers favorite bars, hitting on as many women as he had fingers.  His business acumen isn't great as all three restaurants he owned/partnered with closed.  And seeing that his job is mostly in St Louis, why did he feel the need to move the new wife to the OC?  Like she said, she had a life in SL, but no friends in the OC.  If I were Meghan, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.  I mean, he's off on his own, without the wife, and I highly doubt he's being faithful.  Oh, and he divorced wife number two in January 2014 and married Meghan October 2014.


I don't care for Meghan at all.  I don't think she's the prettiest OC wife.  She's got a very long neck, she shouldn't wear her hair pulled back as it makes her neck and forehead look even longer, and she's beyond skinny.  I also find her dumb.  She was on Say Yes to the Dress, shopping for her gown for her marriage to JE, and she really came off like a gold digger, and she also came off as having the IQ of a tick.  She just loved to brag that she was marrying a former MLB player, and that he's so famous and will be in the Hall of Fame.  Sorry, but he only deserves to be in the Hall of Pretty Decent.


I know land is precious in the LA area, but if you're going to build a 120,000 sqft house (yes, I know I'm exaggerating), wouldn't one think they'd purchase enough land so that you don't look out a window and touch the house next door?  Zero lot lines are not your friend when you're living in a ridiculously large house.  Did you all read that Heather has taken her young daughter for waxing?  Who takes a young girl for leg waxing?  Is that something that's done as a matter of course for OC women?


Katie Hamilton is a sorry woman.  Her husband, soon to be ex husband, is a serial drug and alcohol abuser and we all know it can't be easy to be married to that.  I read on line that in his divorce filing, he's prohibited her from speaking about him in any way, stopped her from taking and hiding their kids, and a lot of other things she's not allowed to do.  He's now playing for the Texas Rangers, but who knows for how long, because he already slipped up again with the cocaine and alcohol after signing with the Rangers.  


Shannon is just Shannon, and I still can't stand her freaky tendencies.  While I don't condone having an affair, sometimes you have to wonder if he just couldn't take it anymore and needed an outlet.  It can't be easy living with someone like Shannon.


Didn't like Lizzie when she was a permanent OC wife and and I can't stand her now.  I still think she looks like a man.  Just too angular and has masculine features.  


Tamra, fall off the face of the earth.  You're boring and ugly, inside and out.  I feel so sorry for her son and the new baby that will soon be here.  Tamra will be the worst grandmother on the planet and will take over that child's life.

If you have the money to build a 22,000 square foot house...I agree....you should have acres surrounding your property with trees for privacy or a great view of the mountains or ocean....not the house next door


The only reason Tamra is excited about being a grandma is because this is a child she can have on film for the OC show...and she is going to use this baby as a storyline.

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She also did herself no favors with her church comments. She automatically alienated herself from a huge demographic of the audience with her flippant remarks on church. It's one thing for it to not be a part of your life, no one cares what you do/don't believe, but boring and CHINTZY? Who says that? "I'm not there to spend my whole Sunday..." The whole Sunday? What, an hour? No, they won't cater to your tastes. The church doesn't revolve around Meghan King first husbands name, Edmonds.

So, as Tamra says, suck it.

I'm in Texas and I can name quite a few churches that aren't even megachurches where the service can be 4 or 5 hours on Sunday. I have suffered through those and I imagine that's what Meghan was referring to. And when I was visiting family in Africa the service would sometimes be longer.

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I agree with your assessment in regards to Alexis and Heather. Not only was Alexis a braggart but she would also immediately one up whoever was talking. It got old quick on her last season.


Alexis(and Jim) wore their  religion on their sleeve, Heather is a pretentious & harrmless social climber, but when you do it under the guise of religion it's so much worse.

Edited by sheetmoss
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The dynamic between Shannon and Megan is so similar to Ramona and Kristen on RHONYC. I think maybe that's why I'm bored with Shannon and Megan already--because I've watched nearly two full seasons of this sh-t on the other show. 


ETA: I think it's pretty interesting that Heather indicates she isn't concerned with Terry cheating on her.  Yes, Heather, your husband is ugly and looks like a garden gnome.  I'll bet some PYT think that his wallet is pretty attractive though.

Edited by LilaFowler
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I seriously wonder if David's business does that well or if he needs Shannon's trust fund to fund his business?  How sure are we that David does really well, now or ever, in his business?  I am trying to figure out how a man or woman stays in a marriage being treating that horribly?

My sister treats my BIL pretty badly and the idiot stays but he also has never really had a much of a job(they've been married for over 25 years and have two teens) and they get plenty of help from my parents but dang, I just can't see it being worth it.

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I have always felt that Tamra purposes says crass and trashy things to get back at Simon. Simon was always complaining about how embarrassing her trash talk and sex jokes/ comments were, and he pretty much told her on camera that she was really pretty but would be so much better if she acted like more of a lady. I think every trashy thing she says, "I have god, SUCK IT!" is really her talking to Simon. There was that one season where she made a joke about teabags and Simon was just appalled and lectured her and scolded her about her mouth. He really put a chip on her shoulder about it. Eddie seems to care less, which is great. 


I get that Shannon wants her children to have an intact happy family, but the fact is, they don't have that and they aren't going to have that.  I actually think Shannon might be happier without David, but she has to get the happy family idea out her head. She doesn't have a happy family. I'm not saying they should divorce, but I think she should relax on trying to force a perfect marriage for her kids. The more she forces things the worse it gets. 


It's pretty funny how Meghan has already riled things up. I guess not having her husband around has given her a lot of free time to come up with stuff. 


In regards to Terry hating on David for his "open your legs" comment about "his wife!" I do sort of get why he was upset. Eddie is his friend. David is not. My friends can say things to me and I know them so I know where they are coming from and I love them so my defenses are down and it's fun. But if I don't know you and what I do know I don't like, then that's a different story. Terry doesn't like David, he thinks he is a low class construction guy, PLUS he and Heather both can't stand that he lives in their neighborhood. When Shannon said that her house was selling for 12 million on the reunion, Heather immediately put on blank face and looked uninterested, she was forcing it though. In fact, Heather made a huge point that Shannon lives near their neighborhood not in it, and Shannon is like, "What? We live right next to each other!" and Heather is like, "oh no no no no no." Anyway, long story, Terry does feel that David is equal to him, and he is irked that he has wealth too. 


Eddie is more harmless because Terry is obviously superior to him. Plus, again, they are friends.

Edited by bravofan27
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The dynamic between Shannon and Megan is so similar to Ramona and Kristen on RHONYC. I think maybe that's why I'm bored with Shannon and Megan already--because I've watched nearly two full seasons of this sh-t on the other show. 


ETA: I think it's pretty interesting that Heather indicates she isn't concerned with Terry cheating on her.  Yes, Heather, your husband is ugly and looks like a garden gnome.  I'll bet some PYT think that his wallet is pretty attractive though.

Aw Terry can just build a girlfriend from spare parts left at his office.  

I seriously wonder if David's business does that well or if he needs Shannon's trust fund to fund his business?  How sure are we that David does really well, now or ever, in his business?  I am trying to figure out how a man or woman stays in a marriage being treating that horribly?

My sister treats my BIL pretty badly and the idiot stays but he also has never really had a much of a job(they've been married for over 25 years and have two teens) and they get plenty of help from my parents but dang, I just can't see it being worth it.

Last year I looked up the contracts.  It does very, very well.  I don;t know that Shannon has a trust fund as her mother is still alive.  The money comes from her mother's side.

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The dynamic between Shannon and Megan is so similar to Ramona and Kristen on RHONYC. I think maybe that's why I'm bored with Shannon and Megan already--because I've watched nearly two full seasons of this sh-t on the other show. 


ETA: I think it's pretty interesting that Heather indicates she isn't concerned with Terry cheating on her.  Yes, Heather, your husband is ugly and looks like a garden gnome.  I'll bet some PYT think that his wallet is pretty attractive though.

Not just the wallet.

He's a plastic surgeon...I can see a young thing sidling up to him to get some free work..

Terry's co-star on Botched, Paul is living the single life style now...I can see Terry being envious.

A young thing might also sidle up to him because he is on 2 Reality TV shows.

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There's a lot of things about Shannon that bug me but there was one scene when she was grilling David about what he said to someone.  She asked him more than once what he said.  I agree with everyone who said she's going to drive him away.  I'm surprised he stayed this long and shocked that he went to that couples therapy session on TV.  I think that if a man agreed to couples therapy (and many would not), they would want to keep it private.

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OMG, this is too much. Tamara is now into Jesus? Yeah, right. I'm not a Christian but I'm pretty sure I know more about being one than Tamara does. She's trying to make herself seem less evil, I guess. Spare me.


Heather is just Heather and I agree that she has the stuff she discusses. That makes her NOT Alexis. She's not a poser, she's pretentious.


I grew up with a million guys like Terry and even more girls like Heather. Terry was the dork in school that was smart, became a doctor, and got rich. He's the one who was so obnoxious that the football players just ignored him as he wasn't worth beating up. He and Heather are into being rich but they're legit. They want to be rich and famous and they're so goddamn happy right now they don't care if you like it. They don't annoy me as I suppose I'm used to it.


But Shannon................oh my Shannon. She looks horrible as she's coming apart at the seams. I get the feeling she knows her marriage is doomed and is trying to set up David as the bad guy so when it ends finally, she can point to him and say "See, he's the Devil. I tried but he's a bad man". He may be but she's looking worse with every passing moment. This was a serious miscalculation on her part. She's so unhinged, she's making him sympathetic and he's the cheater. 


This won't end well and she's coming off the spool again. I thought she was crazy last season but there's a whole new bowl of crazy this season. 


I feel bad for those kids.

Edited by Roxy
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Tamra is a venomous creature and her poison strongly corroded the show. Furthermore, her Brimstone continues to erode and putrify the show. Simon is not a cause of Tamra's repellent actions. She has always exhibited and manifested these abhorrent traits. It is obvious that she views her behaviors as valorous--just getting the TRUTH out there. She may have dampened this vileness upon meeting Simon...and until he was of no more use, however, this negative stench has always adhered to her.

**(Simon is not exempt from his own pathetic and negative behavior.)

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I'm sorry, but I've never heard a true born again tell people to "Suck it". Tamra is just so totally crass.

Anyone want to lay odds on how long this sparkling wine will succeed? Didn't one of the other OC wives have some kind of wine business in a previous season? If memory serves, I think it tanked very quickly.

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Eh, I kinda liked this episode. Yeah, Shannon is oversensitive and bitchy with David, and yeah, she's chosen to stay in the marriage and work it out -- but, if someone cheats on you it's not like you're gonna snap out of it and everything's peaches and cream. If it takes her a minute to work through it, and obviously they have serious issues, then she should be allowed to take the time she needs (and make mistakes) if David is committed to working on his marriage. His drinking is obviously a trigger for her and makes her insecure and she associates that with his affair. She admitted to having negative thoughts and she sounds like she's struggling to overcome them.

For me, my marriage is everything and I applaud her for wanting to work it out, although if it were me I'd cut David loose, anyway, the last thing I would do, having learned about the affair, is try to navigate and repair a broken marriage on television. I just wouldn't do it. So from my point of view, Shannon's a little crazy to do this publicly.

I agree with everyone about Heather's profound pretentiousness regarding the house she's building and being a total puffed-up braggart about going over budget. That doesn't entertain or interest me in the least. If she'd left that out and just concentrated on her sparkling wine I'd have nothing negative to say about her this week. I do think she's decided to loosen up for the camera to make herself more likable with the audience so she can push her wine and skincare products.

I don't take issue with how Shannon reacted to Megan; I think Megan is falling into line with her producers and is willing to stir trouble so she can secure herself a job with the show. Shannon may have overreacted by walking off and getting heated, but she doesn't want to play this game with Megan.

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I'm in Texas and I can name quite a few churches that aren't even megachurches where the service can be 4 or 5 hours on Sunday. I have suffered through those and I imagine that's what Meghan was referring to. And when I was visiting family in Africa the service would sometimes be longer.

I know not all services are created equal. I'm a lifelong Catholic, and most Catholic Churches are certainly not "chintzy" but the more modern pie shaped Catholic ones were more minimalist & modest, so we have both types. I have many Protestant friends, which are the churches Tamrat & Katie were discussing and many of them are also traditional, the white church with steeple nicely built type churches. Especially Anglican and Jewish Synagogues. Yes, some services may go beyond the standard hour and some are mega churches, but her comments were, IMO, of the insulting nature. I mentioned I could care less if someone is not fascinated with religion, to each his own. My issue, was with her snotty tone...chintzy? That's not what you normally hear as an insult to churches and she made it sound like she just can't be bothered. So, why go there and mention that? The talking head was a response to the conversation with Tamra & Katie and their positive comments. (Although we all are giving Tamra major side eye because of her track record)

Just think Meghan is quickly cutting down on the number of viewers who want to see her face on their TV, as a know it all chatter box who stirs the pot day one and has the vocal fry of a hash tagging 16 year old.

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This scene was painful. The desperation on Shannon's face when searching for the bar was unsettling. It reminded me of the time I met an old friend I hadn't seen in about 8 years for dinner, and she was so consumed with finding cigarettes that she absolutely could not focus on our conversation at all. I ended up leaving about 30 minutes in, she was being so unbelievably rude. I recognized it as the face of addiction though, and I saw that same face on Shannon in last night's episode. The way she visibly relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief when the bartender told her they had vodka was so clear. Girl needs a flask in her purse if she's going to be that single-minded about drinking.

And asking David repeatedly, "What did you say to Eddie? What did you say to Eddie?" was all kinds of odd. This is total speculation, but it gave me the impression that it was some therapy-related BS where she "needs total transparency" from him, and "can't feel safe" unless he immediately and truthfully answers any and all questions she chooses to hurl at him.

Well to be fair, she did say that she had her suspicions for a while and when she'd ask him about it he would tell her she was stupid for thinking that way, and she was crazy for accusing him etc. That can wear on a person after a while, especially when you find out you were right in your suspicions all along. Shannon is acting a bit nuts right now but I've got no pity for David. You had a wife and kids at home and chose to lay down with another woman just for some fun? Suck it up buttercup. You made this messy bed, now lie in it.

That said if she's not going to get over it she needs to just leave. But I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt because I think this was all relatively close in time (the affair and filming).I can't even imagine the evil that would be spewing from me for who knows how long if I were in her shoes. Of course I wouldn't be on a tv show either. I'm rooting for her though . I just chuckle every time I hear her lemon opening line. She's a loon but she knows it, which I find kinda funny.

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Last season, way before her discovery of the affair, Shannon was happy to make a scene and berate David at a dinner that included Vicki, Brooks, and a camera crew. She was completely comfortable yelling at him in front of production about the lack of wine. There is no reason, in my subjective opinion, to doubt that members of the elite OC social milieu have witnessed similar outbursts from her her against him. Not unbelievable at all to me that such anecdotes might have been telegraphed along the grapevine to Meghan; in my experience, everyone knows everything about everyone else within a specific socioeconomic demography . . . Meghan has stated that she hails from a large Catholic family. Mass adheres to a pretty consistent, non-varying one-hour format. Very disparate from conservative Protestant service that prevail in Southern California. She didn't disparage faith in general; she explained, in a talking head, why she hadn't found a church consistent with her personal tastes in the area . . . Heather's obsession with Alexis was very much premised on the stated predicate that you don't need to talk about your wealth.: "Like if you're pretty, you don't need to say that you're pretty." That made no sense since conspicuous consumption is the raison d'etre of the program. Over the time since, we've been treated to Heather and Terry waxing orgasmic about 30 foot ceilings; listened to him complain about how uncomfortable their four-thousand square foot rental (or whatever) is; and now have the weekly feast of their Queen of Versailles-esque mansion. None of this is a problem in and of itself, in my opinion, but Heather - although I'm enjoying her self-edited presentation this year - has always been indulgent in a litany of double standards. (I also don't remember Alexis ever dressing up her grifting in the guise of faith or attributing her material possessions to her religion; for the most part, I always enjoyed her discussion of faith because, from my view, she earnestly put thought into her relationship with her spirituality, showed a willingness to evolve, and sincerely appeared to reflect on her personality foibles as the show progressed).

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Just no to Shannon's "I've forgiven but not forgotten....."


And Tamra's new founding of religion. 


My father had N-HL as well. He sailed though the chemo treatments, didn't lose his hair - even drove himself. It was in 1 lung and he did pass 6 years later. Jackie Kennedy Onassis had it as well, in her brain. I like Brook's attitude facing this and actually appreciate Vicki not hovering over him as he fights the battle. 


I have no use for Meghan but do think Shannon should have not have been so abrasive realizing it was the new gal that called her. Or even given her some tips in the spirit of a new friendship/co-worker while making it clear she worked on her own charities. 


Great to see Jeana.


OTOH I am not feeling this season at all.

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YES. Meghan has her talking points & is fulfilling her role obediently.

She also did herself no favors with her church comments. She automatically alienated herself from a huge demographic of the audience with her flippant remarks on church. It's one thing for it to not be a part of your life, no one cares what you do/don't believe, but boring and CHINTZY? Who says that? "I'm not there to spend my whole Sunday..." The whole Sunday? What, an hour? No, they won't cater to your tastes. The church doesn't revolve around Meghan King first husbands name, Edmonds.

So, as Tamra says, suck it.

I'm loving Meghan. She's so obvious in her shit-stirring that it cracks me up. What a novice! Then we have the 3rd wife/trophy wife married to an aging famous athlete who treats her like she's his not-that-bright kid. I cracked up at the comments about church 'cause I feel about the same way. Why worry about alienating a demographic? Tamra alienates just about everyone. I can barely watch her scenes now. I like that Meghan said something real.


Meghan is trying to become that "polished" woman married to a wealthy man and she's still too young and inexperienced to carry it off. Plus, her man's an asshole. Shannon -- who is used to being wealthy -- treated her like she was an insect that needed swatting. 


I think she adds a lot to the mix, and being from a younger generation is interesting. Can't wait until she takes on the Vickster.

Edited by RedHawk
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