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I bet it irks the Dubrow's that they can't use "champs" as it is not a true champagne and it's just a mere "sparkling wine"

I'm calling it now: Someone calls it champaign at the launch party and Heather corrects them. "Actually champaign is only made with grapes from the Champaign region of France. This is sparkling wine. Most people make that mistake."

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Why is Shannon on this show?

Last year she seemed fully willing from the get-go to make her storyline about her terrible marriage. I was baffled that she was willing to tell Tamra (and America) about her affair, only to act astonished when Heather found out. Yeah, Tamra broke her confidence, and that was shitty. But at the same time, if you don't want your dirty laundry aired, probably don't go within fifty feet of Tamra Barney, and definitely don't become a real housewife.

Now she's telling Vicky (and, again, the cameras) about the affair, but barely willing to look any of the others in the eye, or acknowledge to them what's going on?

I'm not sure she understands how television works.

I'm not a Heather fan exactly (sometimes I like her, sometimes I want to throw pig's blood on her), but I was so on her side about that. What the fuck did Shannon expect coming over to her house with righteous anger because Heather mentioned the word "divorce"? I would have asked her to leave too because on the list of people who screwed the pooch on that debacle Heather was down there with whoever sold Shannon the small chicken she tried to make for dinner. You and your miserable husband had a miserable fight about your miserable marriage and he left and you told miserable Tamara who broke her promise not to tell anyone else. I honestly don't think Heather realized that it was a secrect or intentionally inserted divorce so much as she assumed. Not that Heather can't be a bitch, but that was not the day. And that's why I can't like Shannon. Can you imagine being her friend? Listing to her bitch about David for years and then begging her forgiveness for daring to use the word divorce? Good God. No thank you. Shannon lives in her own world and IMO, become a psycho bitch when something drags her out. I wouldn't be surprised if she starts screaming Bad Edit if this season doesn't go well for her. Edited by FozzyBear
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Those healing crystal balls that Shannon hung in the bedroom are David's frozen testicles. When she has truly forgiven him the spell will be broken and he will have them back.


Never happen in a million years.

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Eddie looks absolutely miserable.


Doesn't he? I found him very wan and haggard looking, almost as if HE was the cancer patient, not Bubbling Brooks. 


Although, living with the lifesuck that is Tamballs must do that to you. 


Well, if the dry-as-a-bone salad, she insisted on having when she met Vicks, is an indication of the food she serves -- no thanks.  Shannon has nothin' to offer, except dough.


Yea, I can't imagine her home cooked dinners are all that appealing given her hatred for potatoes, yeast, and just about anything tasty. 

Edited by ghoulina
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I wouldn't trust him, I'd want proof and also watch the "concoction" going into his vein.. It's a shame if he is faking his illness (sounds bad I know) but to me Vicki seems to be the type that would look at doctor reports, test result, insurance approvals and bills. In this day and age wouldn't it be hard to fake those?

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I thought Shannon was an unstable harpy shrew last season and this season is even worse. I do not like that David cheated on her. But she nags at him CONSTANTLY. It's so terrible. 


Could care less about Tamra's groove. Continue to enjoy Heather and her crazy world. I also find her very funny and I think she is a good friend. My favorite moment last night was the tequila shot, which Heather poured out to the side. She is very consistent on that!


I almost don't care anymore about whether Brooks is a douche. He has been in her life for years now people. Unless he is hitting her let it go. She is an adult making her decisions. I think he's smarmy but I almost find myself defending him because I'm so tired of the Brooks hate. It's so old. He appears to be very doting to her and polite to her friends etc. 

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I don't find Meghan attractive at all. She kind of has that Giuliana Rancic head thing going. I don't know what Bravo has against men named Jim on their shows but they sure have found the douchiest men they can find named Jim for their shows. Unless this season picks up, I'm out. The amt. of ads you have to sit thru for 3 minutes if show isn't worth it to me.

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I'll admit, I watched out of boredom. And the hubby and I laughed. Actually went back to DVR the first 2 episodes. It will get me thru the summer but I don't see it as having a S2. It's def not the worst thing Bravo has ever put on.



No - the worse thing would probably be that "Mother Funders" show....now, that is a ridiculous trainwreck of idiocy, imo!!  But, yet again, Bravo sucks me in with something sooo bad!!  


So far, I'm enjoying Odd Mom Out.  As you said, nice, fluffy summer fun (like a beach-read, only on TV!!)   :-)

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Jim Edmonds made one of the most spectabular outfield catches in major league baseball history about 18/19 years ago.  It was an over the shoulder, diving catch where he was basically fully horizontal in mid-air.   Some feel it is even better than the one they always show Willie Mays making.   


Interestingly enough, he always went by "Jim" then, but I never lived in the city where he played.   Maybe only cool people like the Dubrows call him Jimmy. 

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I'll admit, I watched out of boredom. And the hubby and I laughed. Actually went back to DVR the first 2 episodes. It will get me thru the summer but I don't see it as having a S2. It's def not the worst thing Bravo has ever put on.

I don't see a great beauty either. Although I must admit in her TH with the orange top she looks much prettier than in her actual scenes. I love those long earrings. Her husband is a major asshole so far.

Something about her hair is off. Does she have extensions on? It looks like she has a long bob and hair underneath sticking out.

And why would she think people would be nervous to meet her? Who thinks like that?!

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I almost don't care anymore about whether Brooks is a douche. He has been in her life for years now people. Unless he is hitting her let it go. She is an adult making her decisions. I think he's smarmy but I almost find myself defending him because I'm so tired of the Brooks hate. It's so old. He appears to be very doting to her and polite to her friends etc.

Teflon Brooks. One of my favorite running gags on this show is that nobody can ever get anything on Brooks. They get close, but nothing ever sticks. The closest was Brianna with the audio tape. Unfortunately for her it made her and Ryan seem just as skevy as Brooks and the only caught him drunkenly running his mouth, not admitting to doing anything. Teflon Brooks. Anyway, at this point whatever it is Brooks has going on, Vicki knows and has made her peace with it.

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Doesn't he? I found him very wan and haggard looking, almost as if HE was the cancer patient, not Bubbling Brooks. 


Although, living with the lifesuck that is Tamballs must do that to you. 





Yea, I can't imagine her home cooked dinners are all that appealing given her hatred for potatoes, yeast, and just about anything tasty. 

Early on last season, when we were first introduced to Shannon and her family, she was cooking dinner (the episode where she scolded David for always eating salsa and chips when he got home from work),  When it was served, it was plain chicken breasts and a bowl of steamed looking broccoli.  If I recall correctly, in a close-up of one her kids cutting into a breast, it looked dry and stringy, and David looked miserable as he tried to chew a piece.

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Speaking of Ryan....are we going to see Brianna's abusive husband this season? Please no.


I'm just being honest but I thought Katie was 50 when I saw her too. A cute 50 but nowhere even close to her 30's. To know that she is 34 is shocking.


Shannon is more like David's mother than wife. It's hard to imagine her *ever* having been the wild and fun type back in the day. I just honestly can't picture it. I think David is drowning under the weight of her flat effect.

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I hated David "apologizing" to the daughters.  That was total bullshit -- devised by Shannon to twist David's balls further.  David doesn't need to apologize to his daughters.  That's absolute horse-shit.  David cheating on Shannon is between the 2 of them only.  For Shannon to drag the daughters into it is manipulative & shitty as hell.  This woman is a nightmare.  Run, David, run like the wind!


David apologizing to his daughters for "abandoning" them is simply absurd!  Did he leave the family residence and refuse to support them?  Refuse to take their calls? Anything??  It doesn't seem like it -- he always seemed to be engaged and engaging of his children whenever we saw any interaction, and IMHO this whole counseling deal is unbearable and exposure of it is so unnecessary.  Even though we don't really know these people, it seems obvious to everyone watching that David has checked out of the marriage and Shannon is such a needy, drunken nutbag that nobody blames him.   Kinda makes me wonder how long she's been dysfunctional.  Jeesh, Bravo, please SPARE US this awfulness.

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Early on last season, when we were first introduced to Shannon and her family, she was cooking dinner (the episode where she scolded David for always eating salsa and chips when he got home from work),  When it was served, it was plain chicken breasts and a bowl of steamed looking broccoli.  If I recall correctly, in a close-up of one her kids cutting into a breast, it looked dry and stringy, and David looked miserable as he tried to chew a piece.


So what, Shannon -- you think you're gonna live 3 days longer than me cuz I put some vinaigrette on my salad & you have yours dry as the desert?  Um, you can keep your bone-dry salad, Shannon.  It sure as fuck speaks volumes how she lives her life.  Blech.  The only thing I get from watching the joyless Shannon is that people so rich can be so thoroughly miserable.

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I have a sister like Shannon.


I made the mistake of spending the night with her and her husband when I was in town. She harped and harped, told my brother-in-law what to do constantly, really ran the show, hands on hips. My brother-in-law was embarrassed, I think, because he said, "Well, I just don't listen to her. Doesn't bother me!" I told them that it was really upsetting to me, that I couldn't stand it. My sister's reply (I was in a very nice long-term relationship): "Well, talk to me after YOU'VE been married 30 years!"


No thanks, sis, and no thanks, Shannon. David needs to get out and end his misery. I don't think there will ever be an end to Shannon's misery.

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Sometimes commercials are misleading.  They were showing the commercial for it every 6 seconds during this ep, but it didn't tempt me.  Guess they're hoping they can get ratings fall-off from this show.

Jeesh, Bravo, please SPARE US this awfulness.


Satan Andy laying by his gravestone might get some interesting responses.  Might provide some hearty chuckles & giggles.  But Shannon & David?  What a dopey waste of time.

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Watching Brooks at Vicki's garden party. He still spews the same ol' conman BS (his flip reply to Tamra that "Oh, there's a lot of concoctions (of chemo)" made it sound like he gets his from black-magic shops in Tijuana instead of from legitimate infusion centers in real hospitals).


But a tight HD camera shot in good lighting tells a lot, and Brooks, who has sported that grubby-looking 5-day growth of beard perpetually from Day 1, is now sporting just a few sprigs of hair on his chin, with nothing along the upper jaw. His head hair even looks a bit thinner. Plus he seems to be running at lower RPMs and looking a bit out of it.


Of course, these could all be part of his "I've got cancer" routine, but then again, maybe not.

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It’s not a party until you hear Tamra screeching about anal.  Stay classy, Tamrat!


Kungfubunny, I agree about fondant.  Those specialty cakes look interesting but they have been so overworked that they are not that good to eat.  Give me a traditional buttercream anytime.  I’ve also made cakes with a hardened white or regular chocolate wrap.  It’s like have a thin candy bar that you can choose to eat with the cake.  However, to do it right, it is rarely touched by the baker.  By going to her regular cake person, Heather can get them advertising and get her cakes for free.  What fool jets a cake from OC to Napa?  I live in northern California.  We have good cakes here too. 


I wonder how the Dubrows’ other kids feel about the swill being named after Collette?  Their little Cocobean is the most precious little bitch ever. 


I hate that they are showing couples counselling on TV.  Showing these ridiculous exercises does a disservice to actual counselors.  I would have laughed through the eulogy.  Hell, the second I saw my partner lying in front of a fake tombstone I would be giggling at least.   Then again, I couldn’t be in a relationship with anyone who would find that crap useful.


Lizzie’s boobs look like they are going to explode in her THs.  She really doesn’t need to push them up so high they are about to pop.  It looks painful, not sexy. 


Just because it's so poorly stated, Vicki:  "Shut your mouth when it comes to other women about talking about my man."   Shall we attempt to parse that sentence?  Oh Vicki, never change.  


Is this the world we live in?  TM Sarah Winchester

Edited by Muffyn
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So what, Shannon -- you think you're gonna live 3 days longer than me cuz I put some vinaigrette on my salad & you have yours dry as the desert?  Um, you can keep your bone-dry salad, Shannon.  It sure as fuck speaks volumes how she lives her life.  Blech.  The only thing I get from watching the joyless Shannon is that people so rich can be so thoroughly miserable.

That's very odd! At least squeeze some lemon on it?! My husbands sister eats dry salad too. I know no one else who does that...even worse, she eats cereal dry! Not out of the package as a snack, but actually pours it in a bowl, and uses a spoon to eat it dry. My kids snacked on dry cereal in the car as a snack, when they were toddlers...

Organic turkey for Thanksgiving once...it was dry as all out. I think it would only work if fried...Worst Tday meal I ever made. I can't imagine Shannon's dinners. David should just eat something on the way home from work just in case it's one of those dinners.

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So what, Shannon -- you think you're gonna live 3 days longer than me cuz I put some vinaigrette on my salad & you have yours dry as the desert?  Um, you can keep your bone-dry salad, Shannon.  It sure as fuck speaks volumes how she lives her life.  Blech.  The only thing I get from watching the joyless Shannon is that people so rich can be so thoroughly miserable.


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The bottle design for the Dubrow's Champagne is ugly.

I don't think it would matter if the bottle design was stunning....this is another endeavor that will tank.

Well, at least they have the storage space in their Crapoleum to put all of the unsold cases.


Since I see this as a vanity product and since they've named it Collette...I say make the cork into the shape of a Binky

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I wonder how the Dubrows’ other kids feel about the swill being named after Collette?  Their little Cocobean is the most precious little bitch ever.


I thought the same. What are their names? Heather's supposed reasoning was the Collette's name "sounds French". 

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And Brooks was so casual about cancer at the party, when asked how he was doing he's like, "I'm doing good, eating healthy." Since when does eating healthy constitute cancer treatment? I haven't had cancer thank goodness, and fortunately no one I know has, so I'm not sure how someone acts or what they talk about but he's talking about cancer like he is getting over the flu.



If Brooks is faking cancer then he's a real asshole and deserves whatever karma he gets. If Vicki is playing along for a story line then she is disgusting as well because Brianna actually did have cancer surgery so Vicki knows it's not something to play games about.


That said, a few of my relatives have had cancer (and thank heavens all are healthy now). Treatment is not always heavy rounds of chemo resulting in hair loss and exhaustion. Much depends on the type of cancer, the person, and yes, there are many different chemo concoctions. I don't know if Brooks has cancer but there's no way we viewers can "tell" just by studying his appearance or picking apart the things he says. 

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If Brooks is faking cancer then he's a real asshole and deserves whatever karma he gets. If Vicki is playing along for a story line then she is disgusting as well because Brianna actually did have cancer surgery so Vicki knows it's not something to play games about.


That said, a few of my relatives have had cancer (and thank heavens all are healthy now). Treatment is not always heavy rounds of chemo resulting in hair loss and exhaustion. Much depends on the type of cancer, the person, and yes, there are many different chemo concoctions. I don't know if Brooks has cancer but there's no way we viewers can "tell" just by studying his appearance or picking apart the things he says.

Has anyone read the blogs? Meghan's is very, very interesting in regards to Brooks and cancer. I know we see previews of her questioning if he really has cancer during filming but she wrote a paragraph in her blog basically ridiculing the diagnosis in real time. When Vicki reads Meghan's blog she is going to freak out. She must be fairly certain to make such statements.

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I'm a baseball fanatic and always hated Jim Edmonds.  He was the type of outfielder who would play shallow and then make an unnecessary over the shoulder diving circus catch and get on all of the highlight reels when in reality had he been playing the outfield at a normal depth it would have been a routine catch.   To me he always came across as smug and conceited and he's proving me right.

I don't know anything about this couple...I still can't get over the fact that they've been married for 4 months.


This latest episode is #2 for the season...each new housewife goes through auditions and lawyers get involved with contracts...this takes months..


I'm wondering if they were married yet when she signed on. But my big question is why marry her...when you don't treat her nicely, you are hardly ever around?

My first thought was he married her to get a nanny and a personal assistant/organizer...but again no need to marry her. Is her family loaded?

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Colette. My first thought was: "They probably named it that because they're hoping the proceeds pay for Colette's college." I think the Dubrows live a smidge outside their financial means -- just a tad; but I wouldn't be surprised if all the "hustle" now, on both their parts, is because they realized they may not have enough for things like, say, university.


Also, regarding the Dubrows. When Heather first came on the show, didn't she say that Colette was an "oops baby." And they weren't expecting more kids, that's why the house would no longer do, because "gasp! our surprise baby means we have to move to a bigger house!" But now she's admitting she did IVF?

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Best part of this scene was the flashback of SARA WINCHESTER....Bravo must have heard my cry...What is this world coming to?


Anyone willing to explain the Sara Winchester references?  I assume we're not talking about the Sarah Winchester - the one with the curse.


Anyone notice how tall Meghan is?  She looks a head taller than asshole Jimmy.  


She is very tall - Jim is 6'1" himself.


I will give Meghan credit for something.  Unlike Kristen in the NY franchise, she's not making a point to stress how much younger she is than the rest of the cast.

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I also lol'ed when Heather made sure to tell the cake decorator that she's taking a *private* jet. Why the hell would the cake decorator care (or anyone else for that matter)?

It would probably be hard to deliver a cake to a plane if it wasn't a private plane. You couldn't exactly deliver it to the runway of a commercial airlines. 

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Colette. My first thought was: "They probably named it that because they're hoping the proceeds pay for Colette's college." I think the Dubrows live a smidge outside their financial means -- just a tad; but I wouldn't be surprised if all the "hustle" now, on both their parts, is because they realized they may not have enough for things like, say, university.

Also, regarding the Dubrows. When Heather first came on the show, didn't she say that Colette was an "oops baby." And they weren't expecting more kids, that's why the house would no longer do, because "gasp! our surprise baby means we have to move to a bigger house!" But now she's admitting she did IVF?

She said she froze some embryos, but did not need them all. Presumably two of her pregnancies were spontaneous. It wasn't really explained.

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That's very odd! At least squeeze some lemon on it?! My husbands sister eats dry salad too. I know no one else who does that...even worse, she eats cereal dry! Not out of the package as a snack, but actually pours it in a bowl, and uses a spoon to eat it dry. My kids snacked on dry cereal in the car as a snack, when they were toddlers...

Organic turkey for Thanksgiving once...it was dry as all out. I think it would only work if fried...Worst Tday meal I ever made. I can't imagine Shannon's dinners. David should just eat something on the way home from work just in case it's one of those dinners.

Well you can be damn sure she isn't serving any starch for dinner. He has to get his baked potatoes in secret. 

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So regarding Shannon.. Last season I immediately picked up on her as being a bored rich woman whose children were becoming less dependent on her. I thought there were problems in the marriage and that one of the real reasons she wanted to go on the show was to somehow be able to point things out to David, and say "See? Our problems are because of you not doing XYZ." She didn't expect to have her own behavior reflected back at her and she started to make her own changes. 


This year I see a continuation of that. Now she legitimately has a gripe with David because of the adultery, and she wants to hold that up to show that once again, David is the reason their marriage is having so many problems. I think that once again, she is going to see her own behavior reflected back on her. Once she starts to see just how much misery she projects onto David and all of these missteps with involving her daughters, she will most likely have another "Aha!" moment like she did with her and David going to bed at different times. 


I don't want to sound like I am defending David. if he is that unhappy, he should take his own advice and just be fucking happy - in other words, start the divorce proceedings rather than sneaking around (badly) behind his family's back. But, David seems like he is truly at a loss as to what he is supposed to do. And Shannon's deep pit of misery and anger aren't helping the situation. I think the two of them should separate and really think about whether or not the marriage can make it at this point. I mean, I think it is possible that they could work past it, but only if Shannon were really to truly forgive, which would mean she couldn't hold it over his head anymore. And, that is something I don't think Shannon is capable of. 

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is Heather Dubrow just blowing smoke when she said Jim Edmonds  is headed for MLB Hall of Fame?


It's debatable.   He was in the majors for seventeen years, four times all-star, world series champion, eight times gold glove award, silver slugger award, member of the St. Louis Cardinals Hall of Fame.

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I thought the same. What are their names? Heather's supposed reasoning was the Collette's name "sounds French". 

I think Heather is trying to make Colette into the next Millania.  Kid is not cute and has zero personality.  Best she looks is when she has her pacifier in her mouth.  NJ had Milania that was your basic toddler terrorist and her act got old after awhile, BH has Portia who had the cutest laugh as a baby and is still pretty cute kid, Colette will just have some overpriced wine named after her.  I thought they were trying to get the world to call her Coco or Cocobean or what did Terry call her , oh yeah "bitch".  What makes me laugh about Colette is her sibs have zero interest in her.

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So what, Shannon -- you think you're gonna live 3 days longer than me cuz I put some vinaigrette on my salad & you have yours dry as the desert? Um, you can keep your bone-dry salad, Shannon. It sure as fuck speaks volumes how she lives her life. Blech. The only thing I get from watching the joyless Shannon is that people so rich can be so thoroughly miserable.

Im use to viewers changing opinions of HWs but I cant believe how quickly those who have liked Shannon has stopped liking her. To me shes the realest one of the show and probably amongst a lot of HWs.

As much as a lot of fans complain about that they want more realness on these shows I would had thought for some this been in it. And this is RHOC since the beginning we have seen women have troubled marriages and relationships and their insecurities this isnt some new trend that started with Shannon. Marriage is not always sunshine and daisies - it takes work if you want to save it. Shannon is a nag and stress ball but I dont expect this to change overnight.

Now I do agree Sha/Dav's marriage woes shouldn't eat the show and there needs to be a balance in the show. Plus this was filmed about 8 months ago so yes she was in a bad place emotionally.

I think Heather is trying to make Colette into the next Millania. Kid is not cute and has zero personality.

I see that too! She called the child "her favorite" last night so I sensed the grooming and she'll be getting more camera time. And I hate calling kids not cute but yea. Plus she was nasty last year when they went to dinner and was all under the table. Heather missed some home training lessons. The only cute kids on housewives are Miliana, Portia and PHaedra's.

Edited by BlackMamba
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I just read Meghan's blog and I had a lot of the same thoughts. Brooks is just along for the ride and he will play this out as long as he can for a chance at the good life. Remember when he first came in, he didn't even have teeth. Ewww. (His tooth replacement was on camera, so that no teeth thing was the truth, I'd hide that fact if I were him, but it's done). I remember that Vicki met him when he went to one of her "how to sell insurance" sales pitches trying to recruit regional sales people for Coto Insurance. He LUCKED out big time.


Heather is really being ice queen at the party. She is mad at the people her age, Tamra and Heather, and jealous of the young one, Meghan. It's obvious she hated being there, and David was miserable being there with her too. As far as her cooking, her family meal did look really disgusting and weight watchers, but when she had the dinner party people were gushing over how amazing everything was and how hearty. So I think she can cook, she just tries to make healthy meals for the family.


I checked out the CUT fitness website and Eddie teaches really early classes, like 6AM. So that means he is up at 5AM, maybe earlier. I think that's why he looks so exhausted, come 8PM or whatever time it is that they go out or come together he is ready to go to bed. Plus, it sounds like he is running the business all by himself trying to make a profit on it. Tamra seems really tired too.

Edited by bravofan27
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I just read Meghan's blog and I had a lot of the same thoughts. Brooks is just along for the ride and he will play this out as long as he can for a chance at the good life. Remember when he first came in, he didn't even have teeth. Ewww. (His tooth replacement was on camera, so that no teeth thing was the truth, I'd hide that fact if I were him, but it's done). I remember that Vicki met him when he went to one of her "how to sell insurance" sales pitches trying to recruit regional sales people for Coto Insurance. He LUCKED out big time.


Heather is really being ice queen at the party. She is mad at the people her age, Tamra and Heather, and jealous of the young one, Meghan. It's obvious she hated being there, and David was miserable being there with her too. As far as her cooking, her family meal did look really disgusting and weight watchers, but when she had the dinner party people were gushing over how amazing everything was and how hearty. So I think she can cook, she just tries to make healthy meals for the family.


I checked out the CUT fitness website and Eddie teaches really early classes, like 6AM. So that means he is up at 5AM, maybe earlier. I think that's why he looks so exhausted, come 8PM or whatever time it is that they go out or come together he is ready to go to bed. Plus, it sounds like he is running the business all by himself trying to make a profit on it. Tamra seems really tired too.

David cooked most of that meal, and it looked delicious.  I'm pretty sure he did a whole turkey or roast of some kind, and was chopping up all kinds of goodies for side dishes. Shannon was just checking on stuff in the oven, tasting, whining, shouting out demands, and arranging hors d'oeuvres.

Edited by cherry slushie
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I think Heather is trying to make Colette into the next Millania.  Kid is not cute and has zero personality.  Best she looks is when she has her pacifier in her mouth.  NJ had Milania that was your basic toddler terrorist and her act got old after awhile, BH has Portia who had the cutest laugh as a baby and is still pretty cute kid, Colette will just have some overpriced wine named after her.  I thought they were trying to get the world to call her Coco or Cocobean or what did Terry call her , oh yeah "bitch".  What makes me laugh about Colette is her sibs have zero interest in her.


A little mean about a four-year-old? I think all of Heather's kids are cute, but even if they weren't, disparaging their looks seems unnecessary. They didn't choose to be on the show, after all.


Did she really call Colette her favorite? I might have missed it. If so, I'm disappointed in Heather. That's pretty crappy parenting--especially on national TV. In general, though, I haven't gotten the feeling that she's trying to turn Collette into Milania or shove her in front of the camera. I can buy that it just sounded more like a wine than Max or Katerina.

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A little mean about a four-year-old? I think all of Heather's kids are cute, but even if they weren't, disparaging their looks seems unnecessary. They didn't choose to be on the show, after all.


Did she really call Colette her favorite? I might have missed it. If so, I'm disappointed in Heather. That's pretty crappy parenting--especially on national TV. In general, though, I haven't gotten the feeling that she's trying to turn Collette into Milania or shove her in front of the camera. I can buy that it just sounded more like a wine than Max or Katerina.

She said she was their favorite as a joke - after that she said "naw, it's because its French"! She gave a really long pause, which I thought was very funny. She is clearly having a laugh at all of the allegations that have been made time and time again that she is the favorite. That has been a popular theme for a long time. She use to get a lot of shit about it back on the Bravo blogs. Things like "don't you even love your other kids"?

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Did she really call Colette her favorite? I might have missed it. If so, I'm disappointed in Heather. That's pretty crappy parenting--especially on national TV. In general, though, I haven't gotten the feeling that she's trying to turn Collette into Milania or shove her in front of the camera. I can buy that it just sounded more like a wine than Max or Katerina.


She said, "we called the wine Collette because she's our favorite. Just kidding. We called it that because it sounds French." So, I don't think she was serious about playing a favorite, it certainly didn't come across that way to me. It sounded like a poor attempt at humor.


I would call her out on bad parenting for naming a WINE after her 4 year old daughter, before I called her out on that ridiculous attempt at being "fun" in a talking head.

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David cooked most of that meal, and it looked delicious. I'm pretty sure he did a whole turkey or roast of some kind, and was chopping up all kinds of goodies for side dishes. Shannon was just checking on stuff in the oven, tasting, whining, shouting out demands, and arranging hors d'oeuvres.

David didn't make the meal, he just carved the meat. Shannon said she had help with the meal, but made certain dishes herself.

ETA: meal not meals

Edited by Grneyedldy
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Brooks is just along for the ride and he will play this out as long as he can for a chance at the good life. Remember when he first came in, he didn't even have teeth.



He looks so much better than he did when he first came on the show. Vicki clearly took him on as a fixer-upper and at least her money has improved him. I can't tell if she's actually happy with him or not, haven't watched closely enough because I can't stand Tamra or Heather  (or the two creepy Ryans) so didn't watch the show closely last year. 

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David didn't make the meal, he just carved the meat. Shannon said she had help with the meal, but made certain dishes herself.

ETA: meal not meals

Shannon said that David cooked/grilled the meat and that she did the sides with help.

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I'm a baseball fanatic and always hated Jim Edmonds.  He was the type of outfielder who would play shallow and then make an unnecessary over the shoulder diving circus catch and get on all of the highlight reels when in reality had he been playing the outfield at a normal depth it would have been a routine catch.   To me he always came across as smug and conceited and he's proving me right.

Yes! He would totally do that. I figured he was trying to recreate "the catch". Sorry, ya'll if this is off topic.

Tamballs sucks. There. Fixed it.

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David looks so miserable and watching this is even more painful than last year. I didn't think that was possible. I kind of liked Shannon but thought she was a drama queen with a persecution complex. Heather and Tamra were bitches but it's high school stuff. If you don't want to have people talk, don't tell. Shannon must have been a mess at 16 if she didn't learn that lesson.


But she's really got problems. The scenes from next week look bad and I think her problems are just being shown. I've never seen less chemistry between a couple than this. It's not about saving a marriage, it's about fixing a mistake.  Sometimes, it's for the best. JMO.

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It’s not a party until you hear Tamra screeching about anal.  Stay classy, Tamrat!


Kungfubunny, I agree about fondant.  Those specialty cakes look interesting but they have been so overworked that they are not that good to eat.  Give me a traditional buttercream anytime.  I’ve also made cakes with a hardened white or regular chocolate wrap.  It’s like have a thin candy bar that you can choose to eat with the cake.  However, to do it right, it is rarely touched by the baker.  By going to her regular cake person, Heather can get them advertising and get her cakes for free.  What fool jets a cake from OC to Napa?  I live in northern California.  We have good cakes here too. 


I wonder how the Dubrows’ other kids feel about the swill being named after Collette?  Their little Cocobean is the most precious little bitch ever. 


I hate that they are showing couples counselling on TV.  Showing these ridiculous exercises does a disservice to actual counselors.  I would have laughed through the eulogy.  Hell, the second I saw my partner lying in front of a fake tombstone I would be giggling at least.   Then again, I couldn’t be in a relationship with anyone who would find that crap useful.


Lizzie’s boobs look like they are going to explode in her THs.  She really doesn’t need to push them up so high they are about to pop.  It looks painful, not sexy. 


Just because it's so poorly stated, Vicki:  "Shut your mouth when it comes to other women about talking about my man."   Shall we attempt to parse that sentence?  Oh Vicki, never change.  


Is this the world we live in?  TM Sarah Winchester

Hi Muffyn:


Glad I'm not the only one. I didn't like it to begin with...then when Cake Boss was on I just about hurled.

The only thing I like about fondant is that drunk Sara Winchester likes it.


Someone send a Batman message to Sara.....there's a fondant bottle cake in Napa waiting for you.

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