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Say What?: Commercials That Made Us Scratch Our Heads


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I keep seeing an ad on the cooking channel for a show called Extra Virgin where a woman says "we're cooking for the community today," but every single time I have to stop and look because it sounds like she's saying hooking.



Pretty sure if you are hooking for the community there won't be a lot of extra virgins running around.



Oh sorry, must run, the train to Hell is leaving now.


Maybe she's doing it so the virgins won't have to?


I get the window seat. I always get the window seat.

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FWIW. I live in Phoenix and we need dog boots to walk our dogs in the summer so that the 150 degree pavement doesn't burn their pads off.

In NY and other northern places, they put them on dogs to protect their tender paws from snow-melting chemicals. And I guess there are some pooches who just love shooos!

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Not for nothin', there IS "headache powder" (OTC pain meds) that is quite popular in the South (U.S.). It's some mixture of acetaminophen (Tylenol's active ingredient), aspirin and caffeine, or just aspirin and caffeine. One brand is B.C. powder and another is Goody's powder. My mother used to take them.

They are literally the powder form of the meds, not pressed into pill form. I never understood how there wasn't an epidemic of kids snorting the stuff. One of the brands has a radio commercial for which they rounded up the countriest of country people in the Charlotte, NC, region to talk about how much they love X Brand Powder. I mock them to myself in the car. Why radio and TV news spot producers think it's just fantastic to get the absolute most hillbilly people they can find to represent the second-most populated city in the Southeast (and quite cosmopolitan, thankyouverymuch) confounds me!


I had coworkers in FLA who took the powders.  Said it worked much faster. I never tried it but one of my NYC teammates did and swore by it.


Can someone explain to me why, in the name of all that's holy, does the website farmersonly.com advertise so heavily in the New York City area?

I'll be out walking them cornfields while I wait.

It's cheaper most times to buy a national spot than to buy several local markets,

I thought his card was in his pocket and that's why he was doing the funny hip movements.  So, he has one, and she clearly recognizes him.  I work at a bank and and if we know each other and know we are all currently employed, only one person needs to swipe and we both walk in.  Basically, I work in a restricted area, but if my boss swipes the card I don't need to swipe mine and vise versa.  We are not allowed to let people we don't know in, though, even if they really do work there.

We're not allowed to let anyone in where I work-they have to be let in by the guard if they forgot their card.

Can someone explain to me why, in the name of all that's holy, does the website farmersonly.com advertise so heavily in the New York City area?

I'll be out walking them cornfields while I wait.



It's cheaper most times to buy a national spot than to buy several local markets,

Yes, I once wanted to see if there was a Carrabba's Italian Grill around here because of all the TV ads I saw for it. When I checked their web site, it turned out that not only were they not around me, they aren't even in my state. I asked them why there were so many ads if there wasn't a restaurant here & they said it was because it was cheaper for them to get a national ad campaign.

Yes, I once wanted to see if there was a Carrabba's Italian Grill around here because of all the TV ads I saw for it. When I checked their web site, it turned out that not only were they not around me, they aren't even in my state. I asked them why there were so many ads if there wasn't a restaurant here & they said it was because it was cheaper for them to get a national ad campaign.

It's maddening but true.  Also depends on the media agency and how they structure the buy.  There's a way to allow for localization.  If you've ever noticed when a local spot (for a car dealer or non-chain restaurant) ends suddenly and the last 3-5 seconds of another commercial plays, that's what's going on.  With the distribution going digital, I'd think we'd see more of that being adopted but so far no.

Can someone explain to me why, in the name of all that's holy, does the website farmersonly.com advertise so heavily in the New York City area?

I'll be out walking them cornfields while I wait.

To reinforce every bad stereotype that we have about farmers?  If he had a pitchfork and was chewing on a piece of straw, that would make it complete

I know it wasn't the world's most appetizing rotisserie chicken, but I immediately thought "that's healthier and you get more for your money!"

Your right; the roasted would be a little healthier. But the commercial makes no sense "We're sick of chicken every night so for a change can't we have chicken tonight?"

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I can't decide if I'm being hypercritical because eHarmony is so frigging annoying, or if this spot really is a bit off.  She says she's "looking for a man not only for herself but for her son".  I know she means that she wants a father figure for him, but my mind goes to other places when she says that.  


  • Love 5

I can't decide if I'm being hypercritical because eHarmony is so frigging annoying, or if this spot really is a bit off.  She says she's "looking for a man not only for herself but for her son".  I know she means that she wants a father figure for him, but my mind goes to other places when she says that.  


Yeah, what kind of family is this? Wild stuff!

Gerber Life Insurance College Plan: Ten little pale gray boy and girl stick figures come on the screen. The voiceover says, "Nine out of ten parents dream of sending their kids to college." Then nine of the little figures light up in their caps and gowns waving their diplomas. The last little figure stays gray. My son and I laughed. Poor little stick girl. Her parents don't even dream of sending her to college? Maybe she's a Duggar daughter.

Edited by BradandJanet
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Gerber Life Insurance College Plan: Ten little pale gray boy and girl stick figures come on the screen. The voiceover says, "Nine out of ten parents dream of sending their kids to college." Then nine of the little figures light up in their caps and gowns waving their diplomas. The last little figure stays gray. My son and I laughed. Poor little stick girl. Her parents don't even dream of sending her to college? Maybe she's a Duggar daughter.

Can you side-hug a stick figure?

  • Love 4

Your right; the roasted would be a little healthier. But the commercial makes no sense "We're sick of chicken every night so for a change can't we have chicken tonight?"

At first I thought it was going to be a commercial about recycling, because they seemed focused on how the house was drowning in those plastic containers in which they'd bought rotisserie chicken. (Making costumes and decorations out of them all, etc.) But no, it was "Instead of chicken in plastic, that you have to think about afterward, buy our chicken in a cardboard bucket you can just throw out!"

  • Love 3


At first I thought it was going to be a commercial about recycling, because they seemed focused on how the house was drowning in those plastic containers in which they'd bought rotisserie chicken. (Making costumes and decorations out of them all, etc.) But no, it was "Instead of chicken in plastic, that you have to think about afterward, buy our chicken in a cardboard bucket you can just throw out!"


I thought the same. Really stupid commercial.


I am squicked as f*** out by the Dial deodorant commercials where dudes take a nice swipe under their pits with their fingers, then snap, just to prove their Dial is dry. EW! Stop that - at least show us washing your hands so I know you're not walking around pointing your man scent at people all day.



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There's a commercial for consumer cellular, advertising how they personalize a plan to your needs. Toward the end, a woman is talking to the camera about her great plan. In the background is a costumed character - a PINK HIPPO WEARING A YELLOW TUTU. Why? Where is she? Why is she standing there talking to a camera when there is a dancing hippo right behind her?

  • Love 1

I don't get this Taco Bell ad. Even if you are sitting in the car, the meter reader can still give you a ticket. Especially if you're some punk kid trying to look like you got away with something.



It really doesn't make any sense. Does this kid realize that he can get in his car and GO THROUGH THE DRIVE THRU? Also, the meter lady already saw you; it's not like she's dumb and thinks you've been in the car the whole time. The commercial is stupid anyway, especially when there's a clear drive thru window he can go to get his food. 

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Speaking of deodorant commercials, there's a new awkward one for some sort of dry spray that shows a woman enthusiastically shaking the can with a very phallic motion while giggling "this is fun, this is really fun!" that makes me do a double-take every time. Yes, I'm 12.

OMG! That just came on. It for Dove. It's a gross commercial. I don't enjoy looking at other people's pits and the one broad touching hers? Ewwwww!

That container totally looks like a dildo. I'm 12, too.

The first time I encountered the Good Times boneless chicken wings commercial, I was in the kitchen half-listening to the TV.


I heard, "They're humanely-raised all-natural tasty things, and we bred each one by hand..."


It took me a second to realize he had sung, "And we bread each one by hand."



ETA: "Before and After."  It's a puzzle category on Wheel of Fortune AND what I thought happened at the Good Times farm:




Edited by erikdepressant
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Now i have visions of people encouraging chicken sex and moving the rooster on top of the hen.  The again, I have no idea of how commercial chickens are bred.  So many animals are bred through artificial insemination, for all I know they are bred by hands or by machine.  Crap.  Now I'm thinking about chicken breeding.  I may need brain bleach.  Let's just call that commercial a fail all the way around. 

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I've only ever paid half-attention to the FarmersOnly.com commercials (being a suburban folk, I'm probably not able to get it and all), but were they always this bad?  This has to be some kind of in-joke, right??

Their ad agency probably should do a little research.  That "American Gothic" painting is a father and daughter, not a husband and wife.  I'm pretty sure they didn't meet at farmersonly.com.

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Is that Jennifer Garner in the nomore.org ad?  It never identifies her, but I thought it was, but then I thought, no it was a real person who had been abused.  But now they're running ads with other celebrities, and so I'm thinking, yeah, that is Jennifer Garner.

I checked ispot.tv for Jennifer Garner and nomore.org; nothing came up.

1. What the heck is up with the woman who is ashamed to buy her Depends in a grocery store?  First she acts like she peed in the check out aisle when she puts the box on the conveyer belt.  If I was the check out person, well first I would not give a fuck, but also I would think she just committed murder the way she cringes and squirms.  Also why does she struggle to hide them in the back of her trunk.  I have never seen a trunk that magically turns transparent unless maybe she is old Wonder Woman and she has a car to match the jet.  And it makes it seem like it is such an inconvenience having to juggle the bag you want to hide with the rest of the bags and the trunk.  I'm guessing she can't strain pasta or peel a hard boiled egg either.  Where the bag sits in the trunk seems inconsequential.


2.Why does the cheap on-the-lesser-channels commercial for some kind of dog vitamin additive claim to stop a dog from shedding?  Most dogs shed.  Naturally.  It serves a purpose.  A very vital one health wise.  So either they have no problem lying to sell a product or it actually does stop your dog from shedding.  in which case I'm guessing your dog dies an early death.

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Why are we expected to believe that The Sun is has a not-so-secret identity as a working husband and father who has nothing better to do than tout Jimmy Dean sausage to his wife and coworkers? What would The Sun care if folks opted for cereal instead of sausage for breakfast anyway? And, even if The Sun were an actual person, wouldn't the last person one would expect to be it be a REDHEAD?  I know I'm thinking too much into this but I'm puzzled as to how this campaign has been going on for at least five years.

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