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Say What?: Commercials That Made Us Scratch Our Heads


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It's election season, and I'm busily applying logic to the various ads that are running. Always lots of fun. There's one running here in opposition to a ballot proposition that will make some sort of unspecified change to trail law. Apparently this law is bad and I should vote against it because...it was written by trial lawyers! Get your shotgun! Circle the wagons! Hide the children!


Now aside from the usual argument against accepting an ad hominem attack, or in this case ad homines, who the hell else should be writing changes to trial law? By definition anyone who's qualified to do such a thing is going to be a trial lawyer or former trial lawyer. Would it be better if the proposition were written by chiropodists, archaeologists, and ostlers?

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"City folks just don't get it."  If you've gone this long without being subjected to the farmersonly.com commercials, I'm impressed.  I get that stupid jingle in my head every time.


Thank you for the correction. Yeah, tonight was the first time I saw it.  I don't watch a lot of television despite my love for this site & the forums. I suppose I was suprised because I didn't realize how many farmers, or single farmers are out there. Learn something new everyday!

Edited by turbogirlnyc


Farmers Only.Com - "city folks just don't get it", we get it, we just choose not to live there. I spent time in the country as a child, had zero interest then, have zero interest now. And I do not live in a big city.

my comment on another thread, about a month ago. It's the same thing most people want, people who have common interest and enjoy the same things.

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I've noticed an odd general trend in the attack ads this election season. They'll tell you that Candidate A is a bad person who picks his nose and talks on his cell phone in movie theaters (or whatever), and that Candidate B always uses a handkerchief and doesn't even own a cell phone, therefore you should vote for B. But they don't tell you what office the two are running for. Do they just assume that you'll use your psychic powers to figure it out? That may work ok when it's a high profile office like Governor, but how many people are likely to remember who their current State Controller or Insurance Commissioner are?

Have y'all seen that Overstock.com commercial where that couple is damn near refurnishing their home because they have folks staying with them for the holidays? Who does that?!

No one, save for having a compulsive shopping disorder.


Wouldn't one have already furnished thier home with things like that in mind?

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I saw a Zales commercial tonight that didn't make sense to me.  So this guy gets a bunch of balloons and brings them on the train or whatever, and he stands out in the snow outside this building with a ring behind his back.  And then his girlfriend comes to the window, and he's still standing out there and he takes the ring out from behind his back to propose apparently, and she nods, so apparently they're getting married. But why the hell is he standing out in the snow? Is he not allowed to go in there?  Is she not allowed to come out?  All I can think when I see it is that she's in a mental hospital and he's not allowed to visit her. 


Edit:  So I found the commercial online, only it's a longer version than the one I saw:



The version I saw did not show that she was in a painting class.  So apparently she's an art student rather than a patient?  So now that part makes sense.  But what a fucking inappropriate proposal!  He interrupts her painting class?!  And now she's got to deal with the three dozen balloons?  I liked this commercial better when it made no sense.

Edited by janie jones
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I can't find a video for it, but there's a commercial for a Motorola Moto E phone ("exclusively at Walmart") (where the guy talks about bamboozling and malarkey).  Why are the two girls in the ad out of focus?  I've seen the ad over and over again at various times, the sales guy and the malarkey guy (and some guy photobombing in the background) are in clear focus, but every time they flash to the two girls the sales guy is talking to, they are out of focus.


Is that supposed to mean something, or is it just bad filming?

I can't find a video for it, but there's a commercial for a Motorola Moto E phone ("exclusively at Walmart") (where the guy talks about bamboozling and malarkey).  Why are the two girls in the ad out of focus?  I've seen the ad over and over again at various times, the sales guy and the malarkey guy (and some guy photobombing in the background) are in clear focus, but every time they flash to the two girls the sales guy is talking to, they are out of focus.


Is that supposed to mean something, or is it just bad filming?

That commercial irritates me because bamboozling and malarkey do not mean the same thing! Malarkey is nonsense, bamboozling is fooling someone.

Edited by riley702
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I've seen the ad over and over again at various times, the sales guy and the malarkey guy (and some guy photobombing in the background) are in clear focus, but every time they flash to the two girls the sales guy is talking to, they are out of focus.

Not exactly. When the guy in the far back is talking, the girls are out of focus in the foreground, and it's focused on him. Then he slowly sort of...ducks back down behind the shelf he had previously poked his head over? Once he does that, the focus shifts to the two girls in the foreground as they go "hmm".


This post is making me scratch my head. How do you use a keyboard if you have hooves?


I eat pork.  I am a mammal, and although pigs are also mammals, we are not the same species.  (Which addresses the question of typing with hooves.)  Hence, no cannibalism when I scarf down bacon.


My parrot is a bird.  A chicken is also a bird, but they are not nearly the same species.  Family tree speaking, they are probably not that more closely related than me and that bacon (err, pig).  So when my feathered darling scarfs down chicken or chews chicken bones, he is also not a cannibal.


So while I have a few issues with the whole jerky turkey commercial, the eagle scarfing down turkey is not one of them.

I'm actually sort of in the market for one such mattress. They are usually made with wool, cotton and natural rubber (from trees, not petroleum). They are generally at least twice as expensive as standard mattresses, which are made of fairly toxic materials, particularly if they are "fireproofed".

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