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S10.E01: Under Construction

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I don't know - I just have a very strange feeling about all of this.  Maybe that is what Brianna meant when she said he doesn't "look" sick.  Also, if he has been having chemo treatments, there is no way that he wouldn't look ill.  I know several people who have been through chemo and radiation treatments (women and men, including my father), and that shit takes a toll on you!!  It may be different for a lucky few, but those that I know actually looked more sick while going through radiation/chemo than before or after the treatments.


Brooks looks like he may have dropped a few pounds, but, it isn't the same as when cancer patients lose weight.  I'm sorry, there is a unhealthy look to people who are going through treatments.

Brianna is a nurse, so when she said Brooks doesn't "look sick," I'm guessing she meant it in a medical way, if that makes sense. Putting that aside, I know people react differently to treatments, but doesn't everyone lose hair after chemotherapy?

I know I should wait until the answer to that question, as well as to see how this story plays out, but I'm calling it right now - Brooks is lying. This is straight up from his playbook. I can't wait to see him exposed.

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My ears, my ears!  Gramballs having a HO down shabby baby shower seems rather fitting.  Her screaming at that shower was torture!  "Look at me, look at me!"  Well, I guess the best place to have a shabby HO down baby shower would be in her empty gym in an empty trailer - I mean industrial park was the best place to have it.  I can almost feel the warmth coming from the equipment, unfinished ceiling and cold cement floor.  I hope she at least put the clean towels on the barrel of hays.  So comfortable those barrels of hay are to sit on.  Like her, I guess they are cheap.  Eddie's belt was coming off.  He must of got out of his girlfriends house really fast.  LOL


And dang it, she woke up from anestesia.  "Lip gloss, (slur slur, I spy a camera) lip gloss."  That's the FIRST thing I think about too, that and where are my fellow show ho's?  Priorities.  


Bells went off when David was sharing his life chart.  "There was a new life in me when I was having the affair.  But the devestation it had caused was very difficult to my family."  He wasn't sure if he wanted to come back into the house.  But sure, when someone is not asking you to do homework, help around, take out the trash, drive the kids around, just bring your chips and salsa to jump in the sack - of course it was a new (stressfree) life.  


Oh, and welcome RHofOZ!!!!  JennyMominFL, always thinking of you <3  BlockMambo, I'm sorry too.


At least we can all come here and release and get our snark on together.  

Edited by Lablover27
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Brianna is a nurse, so when she said Brooks doesn't "look sick," I'm guessing she meant it in a medical way, if that makes sense. Putting that aside, I know people react differently to treatments, but doesn't everyone lose hair after chemotherapy?


No not everyone on chemo loses their hair. I have to be honest the comment of Brianna's ticks me off. I'll need to see it in context. I mean it's weird, I like having people tell me "you don't look sick". On the other hand I don't like those same words when they are said like an accusation. Not to sound like an ass  but I look pretty damn good for someone who has had full blown AIDS for 25 years. I just got bloodwork results today  and while my viral load is undetectable, my tcells are at 155. That makes me very high risk for opportunistic infections.  I look healthy as heck though.

Looking at someone and thinking you can tell if they are sick or not is not just incorrect, but can be dangerous .

Edited by JennyMominFL
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I'll admit that diet trends are not the most interesting topics on earth to me so I don't always keep up on the latest, but cancer feeds on white bread? Is that a thing? By "a thing" I mean an American Medical Association thing, not a random internet blog thing.

Can't say whether this is AMA certified but I have heard the theory before that cancer loves and feeds on sugar from a source or two. One was from a breast cancer surgery who was treated the traditional way at Sloan Kettering. Carbs like bread = sugar.


I too am remembering the Dubrows as calling their "port cochere" something different last season.  Sadly, I even tried to find it but came up empty. I want to remember it as "portico".  If this is correct, how dreadful!  Someone should give them a thesaurus.


Last season they called it a motor court.

I can't wait for that shit either! Gramballs is ridiculous to think it's okay to financially support her grown son and his new family. Fuck that. It's not like a situation where they fell on hard times (he was in a bad accident, house burned down, etc.). No, he's just a shiftless feck that can't be bothered to hold down a job for more than 3 months, but decided it was okay to procreate anyhow. Take em down, Eddie!!!

Okay. I thought that Ryan's fiancee had a bit of money. Wasn't it said that she inherited her family gun sales business which was said to be quite lucrative? So why would Tamra need to support Ryan and that family? Sounds like some typical Tamra storyline BS to me.

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My guess has always been it would give Shannon something to do. Shannon strikes me as a bit of a follower without a strong sense of self. I'm not New Age-y myself, but what bugs me about her isn't her beliefs so much as she always seems to be blindly following some new wellness or spirituality trend with the bug eyed desperation for someone to tell her how to think. She doesn't seem able to just be herself or stand on her own. Girl would be perfect for a cult. And she comes from money so I doubt she ever really had to just hunker down and learn to take care of things on her own or even do things on her own. I'd honestly in interested in if Shannon has ever worked..

I thought she said she worked at the family's department store.
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I am a born and bred St. Louis Cardinals fan, and since I was born and raised in the Chicagoland area, that's saying something.  I don't remember any bad press on Edmonds, he was a quiet guy who did his job.  Now that doesn't mean he wasn't an asshole, but St. Louis is a low-key baseball town, and although they are baseball fanatics, they don't usually have big personality players.  It's just not tolerated - they like them humble.


I find Meghan irritating, so far.  She seems much younger than thirty - twerking on camera, and dragging an "assistant" around with her.  I agree that it's odd they moved back to CA when his job is in St. Louis.  If Hayley wants to live near her mother, then move in with your mother!  I don't know how close their relationship is.  She giggles every time Edmonds is snippy or impatient with Meghan.  And I've never heard a medical supply rep described as "jet setting", like Meghan seems to describe herself.  It's kind of odd that she had vowed to never marry a professional athlete.  Who does that except models or actresses?  You don't want to marry one - stop hanging around them.  There, done.


I liked David last season, but I can't agree that he's hot.  His voice is definitely a deal breaker.  I don't know if he takes steroids, but he's got the voice of a man who does.

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Can't say whether this is AMA certified but I have heard the theory before that cancer loves and feeds on sugar from a source or two. One was from a breast cancer surgery who was treated the traditional way at Sloan Kettering. Carbs like bread = sugar.



Yes, it is believed by many, including some conventional doctors, that cancer feeds on sugar. White foods like white bread are full of sugar, ranch dressing has lots of sugar, etc. it's best to elimate sugary and over processed foods and stick to real, whole foods for optimal health.

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Brianna is a nurse, so when she said Brooks doesn't "look sick," I'm guessing she meant it in a medical way, if that makes sense. Putting that aside, I know people react differently to treatments, but doesn't everyone lose hair after chemotherapy?

I know I should wait until the answer to that question, as well as to see how this story plays out, but I'm calling it right now - Brooks is lying. This is straight up from his playbook. I can't wait to see him exposed.


My cousin went through chemo for Hodgkins, she used a cold cap and only lost about an inch of hair at the nape of her neck.


Brianna shouldn't talk, she didn't look too sick when she had her thyroid issue. We never would have known it from looking at her.

Edited by Giselle
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I suspect she knew something, or it had happened before, but the specific incident (finding the hotel receipts and confronting him about the affair) didn't happen until filming ended. She said she found them on April 1st, and they had stopped filming around the middle of March.

Right, she said she confronted David on April 1st and he came clean. I think the gossiping from those on or associated with this show was hinting along the lines of an affair but Shannon wasn't aware until the filming was playing out. Maybe her kids found out from rumors and they had to reveal the truth. I'm just speculating that's why Heather & Terry were acting so over the top around Shannon & David. Maybe thru Meghan or other acquaintances of theirs...? Who were Heathers friends that were discussing THE e-mail?

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I didn't think of Rosemary's Baby when Lynne appeared on camera with the baby carriage but I did think that she was now a homeless lady with a baby carriage full of cans.  Yes, I'm probably going to hell.


Heather and Terry's new manse is disgusting.  What the hell are you going to do with all that room?  Didn't Terry mention selling their old house so he could slow down at work?  Doesn't that usually mean downsize?  How exactly does a mansion with 14 bathrooms and a $7,000 sink (not to mention a chandelier with its own special light to highlight the chandelier) equate to downsizing and/or slowing down? 


Tamra is vile as always.  Boobs in, boobs out.  Glad she has her priorities straight.  Eddie is so obviously over her.  How is CUT still in business?  And if it is a strong, healthy business how could they close it down completely for a HO down (love that) baby shower? 


I too can't wait for the scene with Eddie telling Tamra "no fucking way" they are supporting Ryan.  Yes!  Let that dirtbag get a job.


Shannon and David were sad.  No idea why they are airing this unless it's shades of Dean and Tori (we stay together, I will shame you on national tv).  I like Shannon though, I can't help it.  I don't even mind her 9 lemons and various crystals.


I like Vicki's haircut but she's done too much to her face.  Brooks -- I am reserving judgment on the cancer diagnosis because he doesn't have to look sick in order to actually be sick but they didn't show him getting his diagnosis at Chili's so . . . hmmm . . .


Brianna just needs to STFU.


Liked the addition (so far) of Jim and Meghan.  He seems completely disinterested in her.  He and Eddie could talk about that.  She seems dim but entertaining.

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No not everyone on chemo loses their hair. I have to be honest the comment of Brianna's ticks me off. I'll need to see it in contexxt. I mean it's weird, I like having people tell me "you don't look sick". On the other hand I don't like those same words when they are said like an accusation. Not to sound like an ass  but I look pretty damn good for someone who has had full blown AIDS for 25 years. I just got bloodwork results today  and while my viral load is undetectable, my tcells are at 155. That makes me very high risk for opportunistic infections.  I look healthy as heck though.

Looking at someone and thinking you can tell if they are sick or not is not just incorrect, but can be dangerous .


Aw, I am so sorry that you have to deal with that but hapy that you've been able to cope with it.  Hope that your t cells cooperate and that you are okay.  Will keep you in my thoughts!

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Tamra drives me nuts!!!  Last season she meets Ryan's girlfriend - "She looks like me" (Uh no!)   This season Meghan - "She's a mini me" - (Uh no!).  And it makes me wonder if Eddie noticing Lizzie's ample breasts were the reason she wanted to have new implants.   Eddie just seems so disinterested in her - and he's so over her drama, whether it's for the show or not.     I've noticed the trend for those horrible extensions seems to be fading.  Tamra had her's removed, or at least cut way back after last season and from the pics it looked great.   But, seeing her at the baby shower it looks like she's back to the old, outdated style. 


I did think Vickie's hair looked better than it has in a long time.  Looked much healthier.   But, when she met w/Shannon and the bracelet got caught on Vickie's jacket, Vickie said "Oh not on my NEW Channel coat!   Well, last scene from last year, when Brianna was leaving, Vickie went in her house and put on that jacket and left for work.   Not new Vickie!!

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Holy cow! Heathers house is so big she's going to lose her kids in it! Guess plastic surgery and reality TV pays really, really well!

 I think that's part of the point of a bigger house. Terry seem to always bitch about kids being underfoot.


They also most likely got a lot of money from Miss. Terry's dead "rock star" brother.

Edited by Giselle
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Aw, I am so sorry that you have to deal with that but hapy that you've been able to cope with it.  Hope that your t cells cooperate and that you are okay.  Will keep you in my thoughts!

Ohn I'm good. I'm on the upswing. They were at 125 before so they are slowly climbing. 

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No not everyone on chemo loses their hair. I have to be honest the comment of Brianna's ticks me off. I'll need to see it in contexxt. I mean it's weird, I like having people tell me "you don't look sick". On the other hand I don't like those same words when they are said like an accusation. Not to sound like an ass  but I look pretty damn good for someone who has had full blown AIDS for 25 years. I just got bloodwork results today  and while my viral load is undetectable, my tcells are at 155. That makes me very high risk for opportunistic infections.  I look healthy as heck though.

Looking at someone and thinking you can tell if they are sick or not is not just incorrect, but can be dangerous .

I've known lots of people living with AIDS and HIV, and a lot of them look fabulous like you(!), so you're absolutely right that you can't look at someone and necessarily know if they're ill. But cancer is different in some respects, especially for someone like Brooks who claims it's stage 3 lymphoma, and he's had it since 2013. The disease has to take a toll on you in some way over the course of two years, and I'm guessing that's what Brianna was commenting on. It's different when a person meets you for the first time, learns you're battling cancer and says "Really? You don't look sick," vs. someone in the medical profession seeing you over a period of time and not seeing certain side effects, ie. hair loss, weight gain, weight loss, fatigue, jaundice, sores, etc... It strikes me as impossible (or a medical miracle) if Brooks isn't showing any side effects of stage 3 cancer, radiation and chemo. But I realize we've only gotten a snippet of the story so far, and I'm jumping the gun. Cuz, y'know, Brooks....

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 Didn't Heather also refer to it as a "motor court"?  That is, until someone off-camera whispered in her ear that "motor court" sounded like a motel or trailer park??  ;-)

She also called it a motorcade, as in a procession of cars.  Discussion was had in the Terry thread last year.  :)

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I am a born and bred St. Louis Cardinals fan, and since I was born and raised in the Chicagoland area, that's saying something.  I don't remember any bad press on Edmonds, he was a quiet guy who did his job.  Now that doesn't mean he wasn't an asshole, but St. Louis is a low-key baseball town, and although they are baseball fanatics, they don't usually have big personality players.  It's just not tolerated - they like them humble.


I find Meghan irritating, so far.  She seems much younger than thirty - twerking on camera, and dragging an "assistant" around with her.  I agree that it's odd they moved back to CA when his job is in St. Louis.  If Hayley wants to live near her mother, then move in with your mother!  I don't know how close their relationship is.  She giggles every time Edmonds is snippy or impatient with Meghan.  And I've never heard a medical supply rep described as "jet setting", like Meghan seems to describe herself.  It's kind of odd that she had vowed to never marry a professional athlete.  Who does that except models or actresses?  You don't want to marry one - stop hanging around them.  There, done.




I am also suspect of her claim that she "broke a rule" about athletes.  She probably made sure she was at every suspected athlete hangout and then did the "I don't date athletes" which intrigued him.  Then guess what, she decided to date him!  She seems far to blown away by him being an athlete to have this so-called rule.


Watching them interact makes me think he did the Kelsey Grammer route.  Give the wife something to do while he sets up house with some other chippy.  He'll be impregnanting a flight attendant soon!

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My point. My sister died of HIV didnt look sick at all. So I found it crazy of Brianna to such of thing.


I'd swear her intelligence was leached out of her during pregnancy. That's when we got the sanctimonious, opinionated, dependapotamus Brianna.

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It strikes me as impossible (or a medical miracle) if Brooks isn't showing any side effects of stage 3 cancer, radiation and chemo. But I realize we've only gotten a snippet of the story so far, and I'm jumping the gun. Cuz, y'know, Brooks....


When my sister went through chemo, she held up really well.  Her doctor told her that she was one of the best patients he's ever seen.  That said, she didn't lose her hair but it became wirey and brittle, her complexion was slightly grayish and she was always very tired.   It is a miracle when someone with stage 4 cancer undergoing chemo has no visible signs of the toll chemo (and cancer) take on the body. Then again.........y'know Brooks.....

Edited by AnnA
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I didn't think of Rosemary's Baby when Lynne appeared on camera with the baby carriage but I did think that she was now a homeless lady with a baby carriage full of cans.  Yes, I'm probably going to hell.

My second thought after Rosemary's Baby...was that Lynn would pull a folding table out of there along with her Kelly Bensimon glue gun and cuffs.


Save me a seat in hell...I'll bring popcorn

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. It's different when a person meets you for the first time, learns you're battling cancer and says "Really? You don't look sick," vs. someone in the medical profession seeing you over a period of time and not seeing certain side effects, ie. hair loss, weight gain, weight loss, fatigue, jaundice, sores, etc... I.

Very good point, which is why I said that I need to see it in context. Seeing someone once and jumping to a conclusion is one thing, observing someone over a long period of time is different. It that's the context Brianna is using then I get it. 

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I think a lot of guys aren't just lazy -- they're cowards & maybe afraid to leave, if stuck in a horrible relationship.  Maybe that's David's deal.  I used to think maybe he stayed cuz he needed Shannon's dough.  But I don't believe that.  Sounds like he's got plenty of his own.  Is he staying cuz of the kids?  Nah, he can divorce her & still see his daughters.  Why stay with her & be thoroughly miserable?  I can't wrap my head around this.




IMO, he's hoping she is the one to pull the trigger.  I think he was hoping when he emailed her that they should live apart that maybe she'd agree to a divorce then. That didn't work so then they go to Puerto Vallarta and he basically says "I just want to be happy" and she's talking about being happy together.  And yet she still didn't get it.  So now maybe subconsiously he gets reckless because he wants to be caught by talking with the other woman at home.  And leaving his briefcase out knowing she'd go looking through it.  He wants her to pull the trigger and is doing everything he can to make that happen and she still holds onto a dead marriage. 

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Well....Chateau Dubrow (or, the Palais de Narcissism) will have a grand chandelier in the fifty foot high foyer, with lights AROUND the chandelier (which is a light), to highlight a light and FOURTEEN FRICKIN' BATHROOMS....I would imagine in Heather's mind, it's going to be pretty frickin' fabulous!!  


Now, if she and Terry could just figure out the proper way to pronounce "porte-cochere", they would be good (or, maybe they should just go back to calling it a motor court....)


I just wanna know where the columbarium will be located at Casa de Crapper.

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Maybe the Dubrows can tie a lead rope to little Colette's pacifier so they can keep track of where she is in the new home and reel her in when it's time for dinner.


They need to put bell collars on the children so they can hear when they are nearby and too close for Terry's comfort.

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I am proud to say I love the Dubrows and all the pretense. Doesn't bother me at all. In person, I might want to kill them but they make interesting TV for me. They have over the top lives and it's fun to watch. I think the kids are funny, too. I had a house that I converted from an apartment building with eight studio apartments and had nine bathrooms. It was only 4800 sq ft. It was a nightmare. I think I put the plumber's kid through college. I would never want a lot of baths again. Ever. I wish them luck. I ran from that monstrosity so fast and have never looked back. 


Poor Shannon. She's delusional and trying so hard. Her husband looks even more miserable than he did last year. This won't end well. She's fooling herself and making her children be a witness to all this on TV- even if they don't watch. The other kids' mothers will. Horrible. She's breaking my heart but I'm so annoyed she's televising this. It won't help anyone, muchless her family.


Tamra- yawn. Vicki- okay but just there because she's the OG. Brooks is a pig- cancer or not.


New girl- wait and see,

Edited by Roxy
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My second thought after Rosemary's Baby...was that Lynn would pull a folding table out of there along with her Kelly Bensimon glue gun and cuffs.


Save me a seat in hell...I'll bring popcorn

I first thought Lynne was bringing in a really nice baby gift but then common sense took over and I realized that she couldn't afford a gift. I did like the Lynne look back though. It was just enough and nice that tptb didn't saddle her (at least not yet) with a suspect agenda like Lauri had in her very disappointing return season.
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I think she is fine recovering from cancer and this is a bone of contentions with the first Mrs. Edmonds that Meghan misrepresented a few things about her. Jim retired from baseball playing for the Angels and I think bought or built a house in Crystal Cove - or where terry and Heather use to live.. Meghan said he has three places in the desert.

It was certainly implied that Jim ended his career with the Angels, but he hadn't played with them since 1999. He was with the Cardinals for seven years ending in 2007, then played for two different teams in 2008, and then two different teams in 2010. He seems to identify as a Cardinal.

Their marriage is even younger than I thought. He divorced his second wife in January 2014, and was married to Meghan by that October. Maybe that's why she seems insecure. If he was involved with her while he was still married - you lose them how you get them.

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On the shallow side: dark lipstick is not Megan's friend. She has kind of funky lips. She looks so much better with a nude lip. I think overall Megan is not going to age all the well. You can see the old lady in her already.

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I first thought Lynne was bringing in a really nice baby gift but then common sense took over and I realized that she couldn't afford a gift. I did like the Lynne look back though. It was just enough and nice that tptb didn't saddle her (at least not yet) with a suspect agenda like Lauri had in her very disappointing return season.

Lynne was very much into fitness....maybe she can work at Tamra's Gym....she;d be better off working for a real gym....but maybe she can pull in a little salary if she gets to be "friend" of HW cast

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When my sister went through chemo, she held up really well.  Her doctor told her that she was one of the best patients he's ever seen.  That said, she didn't lose her hair but it became wirey and brittle, her complexion was slightly grayish and she was always very tired.   It is a miracle when someone with stage 4 cancer undergoing chemo has no visible signs of the toll chemo (and cancer) take on the body. Then again.........y'know Brooks.....


Again, different types of cancer, different Stage IVs.  B/c my husband's colon cancer had spread to the liver, he's considered Stage IV.  But Stage IV is actually curable with colon cancer still.  I really don't know if his cancer will be anything other than a chronic disease that will need to be treated with chemo (since he had radiation, chemo and then surgeries and it came back to the liver -- not the colon).  But you'd never know to look at him that he was considered Stage IV and is also still on chemo.  


Obviously, most people going through cancer are as lucky as my husband in that regard.  His biggest issue is neuropathy and actually the colostomy bag.  


Anywho, enough about that. I'm just simply saying it *is* possible to be in Stage III and not look like you are on death's door.  But as you noted, it IS Brooks.  

On the shallow side: dark lipstick is not Megan's friend. She has kind of funky lips. She looks so much better with a nude lip. I think overall Megan is not going to age all the well. You can see the old lady in her already.


I said something similar several posts up!  And agree on the dark lipstick.  She does not need to accentuate that feature.

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I first thought Lynne was bringing in a really nice baby gift but then common sense took over and I realized that she couldn't afford a gift. I did like the Lynne look back though. It was just enough and nice that tptb didn't saddle her (at least not yet) with a suspect agenda like Lauri had in her very disappointing return season.

I enjoyed that way of referencing her, too.  They have enough old wives, why not do that more often?  Especially when your cast is nice and small like this one (I like the small cast, but supporting players are always welcome...well, one-off supporting, not Friends Of who are often desperate to the point of distraction).


Regarding Briana saying Brooks didn't look sick, I'm witholding comment until we hear from Briana. Vicki has been known to alter things to suit her needs or take it completely out of context. Or it could be shades of the truth, like Briana saying "are you sure he's on that protocol? he doesn't look that sick". 



Really good point.  We have an unreliable witness, who knows what really happened. 


So about this Shannon/David affair timeline...she found out after filming, which would suggest that something was up during filming (pretty bold of him if that's the case...or maybe not, if she'd be distracted).  I hesitate to say this but...on this front, maybe she went overboard with her upset about Tamra telling Heather stuff last season.  I mean, dude was stepping out, he's at least a little careless- maybe it wasn't really Tamra who spread everything around?  Though I guess she did make it more of a storyline.


Still though...maybe, in this limited sense, Tamra wasn't so bad?

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That dinner with Heather and the new girl was interesting when they were talking about having kids. Did I hear Heather say that she and Terry had to do InVitro and they still had some eggs frozen or something to that effect? I guess it explains her having twins. I'm wondering what the story is  because she was still young when she started having kids and didn't she say several times a couple of seasons ago that the youngest child Collette was a "surprise" baby? I took that to mean it wasn't a planned pregnancy.  That whole conversation was so off the cuff, I was like wait, what the hell is she talking about? 

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Lynne was very much into fitness....maybe she can work at Tamra's Gym....she;d be better off working for a real gym....but maybe she can pull in a little salary if she gets to be "friend" of HW cast

Shades of Lauri working for Vicki. If Lynne had a story to tell that wasn't so sad that could be an interesting tie-in. But Lynne and Tammy Sue are just so low rent and kinda sad.
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While I will wait to see how things turn out with Brooks, I can say that reactions to chemo vary greatly.  Chemo and radiation protocols have improved greatly.  The treatments are more likely to be shorter and more targeted, reducing the side effects.  I am a multi-cancer survivor and have been a “cancer buddy”, helping other people deal with their diagnosis and treatment.  I have seen everything from people who were violently ill, unable to keep food down and lost all hair (head and body) as well as fingernails to those who seemingly had no ill effects.  While it certainly makes sense to try to eat a healthy diet when faced with a serious illness, depending on a person’s reactions, sometimes the focus is on eating whatever you can keep down.  For people with major nausea issues or who are losing weight under treatment, there is a push to add calories however you can take them in.  There is a lot of misinformation regarding the effects of diet on cancer.  I don’t want to open that debate here, but feel free to IM if interested (don’t want to go that far off topic).  With Vicki and Brooks, given Vicki’s need to control everything whenever possible, I wouldn’t be surprised if she started tracking everything he eats and everything that he produces.  Perhaps she can commandeer one of Heather’s many crappers just for Brooks use if they ever visit her new home. 


If only Tamra fell at the baby shower, everyone could have yelled “Ho down!”  As always, I’ll let myself out.

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Lynne was very much into fitness....maybe she can work at Tamra's Gym....she;d be better off working for a real gym....but maybe she can pull in a little salary if she gets to be "friend" of HW cast


Nope I don't want to see that self absorbed, lantern jawed Lynn on my TV screen in any form or fashion. God she and her spawn were a mess.

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That dinner with Heather and the new girl was interesting when they were talking about having kids. Did I hear Heather say that she and Terry had to do InVitro and they still had some eggs frozen or something to that effect? I guess it explains her having twins. I'm wondering what the story is  because she was still young when she started having kids and didn't she say several times a couple of seasons ago that the youngest child Collette was a "surprise" baby? I took that to mean it wasn't a planned pregnancy.  That whole conversation was so off the cuff, I was like wait, what the hell is she talking about? 


She said they had three embryos, used one, and have two left.  So it couldn't have been for the twins.

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And, it never rains in SoCal, right? And snow is out of the question. So what is this thing? A sunshade. And she still pronounces it incorrectly. Over and over.

It rains occasionally.  You can tell who the natives are because they forget how to drive when the slightest hint of moisture falls from the sky.  Personally, I'd rather have a garage.  With Heather's budget I could recreate the Batcave.


The conversations about how we (mostly women here) can and can't start over, and at what ages - it's fascinating.  No one wants to be lonely, but the question of being alone is tough - I'm meandering.  I'm being 'stupid,' like Vicki called the experience of being single.  "You come home, there's no one to have dinner with, no one to talk to...it's stupid!!! Stupid!!"  Well, it's something.

I'm in the minority here but I came to learn that I prefer not being in a relationship.  I like coming home and not having to talk to anyone.  I can come home as early or late as I please without anyone worrying.  I can do meals, or not, on my own schedule.  It's easy enough to meet someone for dinner if I don't want to eat alone or pick up a phone if I want to talk to someone.  If I just want to crawl into bed and be left alone, I can do that too.


I'll admit that diet trends are not the most interesting topics on earth to me so I don't always keep up on the latest, but cancer feeds on white bread? Is that a thing? By "a thing" I mean an American Medical Association thing, not a random internet blog thing.

It's a grasping for anything that might work thing.  I have several autoimmune diseases to contend with.  My mother e-mails me everything under the sun that she thinks will help, regardless of whether or not it actually applies or actually helps.  I think the most asinine one was that my immune system goes haywire because my magnetic field is out of alignment.  If veterans endorse magnet therapy then it must be good!  What would Shannon Beador do?

Edited by crabbypants
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Welcome back, my Bottle Blondes and Heather!

Heather's house is ridiculous and beyond ostentatious, but if plastic surgery and the reality gravy train keeps running, then go of it. Just make sure your children don't turn into monsters. I'm sorry, I'm a brunette from New York, so it's going to take a lot for me to hate Heather.

Shannon just makes me sad. There is juicy reality and painfully voyeuristic and I know which side this fall on for me. I know they agreed to this. And hey, she may forgive and they forge ahead in their marriage. I just hope he realizes that he doesn't just need to apologize to Shannon. He didn't just cheat on her. He cheated on his whole family. Those poor kids are going to need help, especially since they all know about it. (And then their parents kindly put it on TV).

Brooks and Vicki. Well, Vicki looks better with a shorter haircut. Way more flattering. Given Brooks' history, I understand the skepticism. Regarding "looking sick" that was Vicki reporting Briana's reaction, correct? We don't know what she actually said. Her skepticism could have been more medically based. In any case, NHL has a very decent 5 year prognosis, regardless of stage (as compared to other cancers). The fact that he was apparently diagnosed 2 years ago and there has been no progression is hopeful. I don't mean to diminish anything they are going through, but if he is well enough to travel, he is doing pretty well. Other kinds of cancer are far more cruel.

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Heather's house ... dag.


Vicki and Brooks have their issues but this is her man. She knows if it doesnt work out it will all fall on her shoulders. And what a crappy thing for Biana to say "He doesnt look sick." Well there are a lot of people who have HIV but dont look sick neither. As a nurse I thought she'd have better sense than that.



"But you don't look sick" is such ignorant bullshit that there is an entire website named after it. Brianna should be ashamed of herself.


Loved the TH of the new girl talking about how great her husband is, interspersed with him treating her like shit. Tip o' the hat to the editors.

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Great. Another season of twitchy, boring, whiny, mopey, crying Shannon. I don't understand why they asked her back because she's just so damn boring.

Shannon wins every WWHL poll she is in. She won the favorite-housewife-of-any-show-ever award that people voted on via Bravo's website last summer. They'd be stupid not to have her back.

Now having Tamra back? I cant wrap my head around this. I think most viewers despise her. And in reference to this episode, I had to fast forward through most of her scenes. Between implants, and plastic surgery, and tattoo removal .... I feel like I have seen this woman be operated on a dozen times. I cant stomach it anymore.

Edited by B3cky50
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It rains occasionally.  You can tell who the natives are because they forget how to drive when the slightest hint of moisture falls from the sky.  Personally, I'd rather have a garage.  With Heather's budget I could recreate the Batcave.


Terry will  have a 3000sq ft garage in the basement.

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They need to put bell collars on the children so they can hear when they are nearby and too close for Terry's comfort.


Yes, particularly on that "little bitch" Colette, who is still holding tight to her pacifier.  


(NEW POSTERS:  Don't hate me, I didn't coin that phrase for Colette, that was done by her lovin' daddy, Dr. Terry last season).  

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Heather's eyebrows? What is going on there? How can she not see how weird they look, since she is so fabulous in every other way? (lol). That house disgusted me and so did Heather's attitude about it. I wonder if she ever slows down for a moment and thinks "we don't really need this," or, "why are we doing this?" Well, scratch that. I know why they are doing it, IMO, because Dr. Dubrow is an insecure doofus and he just needs to show off.


Brooks is still gross. Brooks eating is always grosser. 


Shannon looked puffier, and I don't think David looks that great either...his hair seems thinner? Anyway, I like Shannon, but ... um...relationship crystals? Okay. David seems very weak-willed to me...he's passive aggressively trying to get kicked out but Shannon isn't having it. The thing is I like Shannon but I don't like how she acts with or to David. What a mess. Hope things get better for them as filming progresses because that was hard to watch.

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Have people seen the previews where Vicki gets on the phone and ends up sobbing on the floor? I have a couple thoughts that it is totally fake and she is trying to sound like 1) Brooks is really sick in the hospital and can't make it to the party they are at and she's fake sobbing because his cancer is worse, 2) She is fake sobbing because she finds out that he doesn't have cancer anymore and he's cured, 3) She's fake sobbing because she finds out that he is was lying about the cancer and she is trying to hide the fact she was in on it...


Of course, if he really does have cancer then I will feel terrible, but it seems so fishy. He doesn't respond to chemotherapy, chemo has mysteriously  no effect on his body at all in addition to his cancer, and that he did an interview saying that what is helping is Shannon's holistic treatments.


What? This has to be a joke. 


Also, what is up with Shannon saying she won't eat dressing because she is trying to be yeast free? Alcohol is the first thing you are supposed to cut when you do the yeast free diet. These people are such liars! Just say you don't want dressing, and be done with it. What's the point in coming up with a bogus excuse? Maybe she is a closet alcoholic like Kim Richards was. Or maybe a drunkorexic. As far as the way she looks, to me she just looks bloated. 


And, (this will be my last snark) Vickie looks fantastic for someone whose loved one is battling aggressive cancer that doesn't respond to chemo. 

Edited by bravofan27
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Have people seen the previews where Vicki gets on the phone and ends up sobbing on the floor? I have a couple thoughts that it is totally fake and she is trying to sound like 1) Brooks is really sick in the hospital and can't make it to the party they are at and she's fake sobbing because his cancer is worse, 2) She is fake sobbing because she finds out that he doesn't have cancer anymore and he's cured, 3) She's fake sobbing because she finds out that he is was lying about the cancer and she is trying to hide the fact she was in on it...


Of course, if he really does have cancer then I will feel terrible, but it seems so fishy. He doesn't respond to chemotherapy, chemo has mysteriously

 no effect on his body at all in addition to his cancer, and that he did an interview saying that what is helping is Shannon's holistic treatments.


What? This has to be a joke. 


 The call was to inform her that her mother had died. The bastards at Bravo decided to debut that clip for the upcoming season on Mother's Day.

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Did the relationship crystals look like two shiny hanging testes to anyone else?  Just me then . . . .


Heather is still pronouncing porte cochere incorrectly.  She kept saying porta, as in porta-potty.  I am starting to think she is toilet obsessed; goes with her anal personality.   

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