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S11.E04: Week 3

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Kaitlyn makes a decision that sends shock waves through the mansion; Kaitlyn and six bachelors get trained in sump wrestling; the one-on-one date traps Kaitlyn and her companion in an "escape room"; Kaitlyn takes six guys to an elementary school to teach sex education; 16 bachelors are left after the rose ceremony.

Edited by OnceSane
locked topic until after show airs

I hope Joe & his left ball are trending tonight.  They deserve it.  


Tony's Zen went straight into the toilet when he hit the ring. I kinda loved him when he said the champ should be terrified.  *LOL* 


Welder Joshua made me flash back to the actor Dean Butler, who played Almanzo Wilder in "Little House on the Prarie".  Serious Jr. High crush.  Oh, and he was Buffy's dad!


Last season Chris had a weird laugh, but Kaitlyn has a cackle.  And anybody who thought Britt messed with HER hair a lot last season?  Check out your girl, because Kaitlyn is doing the same thing, but less attractively. 


But I was right there with her panic in that basement. NO.FUCKING.WAY. Ben was very sweet. 


The sex ed bit was completely redic, but the kids were hilarious. I did love the shirt-dress Kaitlyn wore. Ben H. definitely rocked it.


The "bromance" is stupid. Production is really desperate for drama this season. JJ baring his gums is completely unattractive.


Kaitlyn seems bored.  Or maybe I'm just projecting.  All I know is I kept switching over to American Ninja Warrior.

  • Love 9

I don't know if the Stockholm Syndrome talking but Shawn wasn't as hideous this week.


The Kaitlyn and Ben date was disgusting. ABC should be ashamed especially since they added the part that "animals are not a part of the experience". Freaking Kaitlyn out with her biggest fear was low of ABC.


I can't stand Ben Z. His audition tape for The Bachelor is looking strong. Wah wah, I'm so emotional and tough, I haven't cried in years. He's more than happy to keep pimping his mother out. He could save a burning building and I'd still be incredibly annoyed.


Jared,  you have a crush on Kaitlyn? I thought you voted for Brit. I noticed he got special music playing kissing Kaitlyn. I wonder if that was Brady's music.


Ben H was great until he dipped Kaitlyn during their dance. Then he turned into a square.


I loved Kaitlyn calling Clint out. She's got balls. She doesn't deserve to have so many lame guys not into her. I mean, she's not pat ethic as Ashley.

  • Love 2

Sorry, Kupah. Your big dramatic moment was overshadowed by Tony's mega meltdown. His warrior's heart (but no violence!) and gypsy spirit were too much for this show. 

What kind of group date had everyone there for half the day?Jeez, Clint almost broke the guys' necks throwing them out of the sumo ring. Hmm. His waiting for Kaitlyn to come to him was interesting, but Kaitlyn calling him out about it in front of everyone was uncalled for. Why not pull him aside? Ooh, this teasing that Clint is in love w/ JJ is good! They're playing the angle of why Clint would rather talk to JJ and why JJ would want Clint to stick around. More on that to come when they show the full scene!

The woman with TWO bird tattoos is terrified of birds?!  But that bloody basement experience?! Oh, HELL no!!! I'd be boycotting the date and going to the zoo to make elephant noises with Tony!  

Wow, Ben Z. has some story. But his tears come out of his forehead! Right when he started saying how he hasn't cried in 11 years, his forehead started sweating profusely. Kaitlyn secretly wanted this date to be Ben to protect her--but I thought that she didn't know what this date was?! Shenanigans!

OMG! These Clint and JJ teasers! Holding hands and voiceovers of other guys commenting! I'm bought into the editing 100%! (Oh, they were hand wrestling or something...but JJ's  shorts were black boxed out so um, yeah.)

I get that parents of child actors might be desperate to get them any role they can, but really?! Yikes! Good job, Ben H. Pretty adorable! You're my favorite Ben! One-on-one on the rooftop might have skyrocketed Ben H from my favorite Ben to my favorite contestant overall!

OMG! Clint falling in love w/ a man a success story! That seemed sincere--not just jokey editing! Why go to Love Man Jared and Kaitlyn?! Jared falling for Kaitlyn is not as exciting as Clint and JJ! (They did play music with lyrics even while Kaitlyn and Jared were kissing so that means something special, I guess.) 

My great hope is JJ and Clint on the 2-on-1 w/ Kaitlyn and they ignore her and give each other the rose. Or even better they're the final two and propose to each other, leaving Kaitlyn dumbfounded. Oh, no, she's going to send Clint home. Why not JJ, too?! Thank god this is another cliffhanger. I seriously can't handle the levels of drama but next week we have this debacle AND Nick showing up?! Harrison, this is truly the most dramatic season ever!

OMG that credits gag. Too funny! Ben H. with the spray sunscreen! Bwahaha!

  • Love 4

Shawn would be sexy with a longer, messy hair style.


OK, Kupah's meltdown with him bitching about Cupcake and making that "YAAARRRGGGGHHHHH" sound effect was enough for me to keep him for another week.  Put an eye patch on him, and I'd say he can stay another week after that.   Nice suspenders, you butthead. 


Too much of confrontational Kaitlyn.  Just let them go, dear.   You're giving them too much importance when you get hooked by their B.S.


Tony was right about all the stupid aggressive activities, even if he is a douche.


Isn't Sumo almost sacred in Japan?   Why take something that's so important  to a whole nation of people  and make fun of it?    That's sort of uncool.

  • Love 8

Tony kept saying, "I want to show you my real self."  The only possible answer: "You are."  He sure had a script memorized in his head. He kept saying the same lines over and over again, in the talking head, to Kaitlyn. Ben was great in the one on one. I understand Kaitlyn's bird fear a little. I'm OK with birds, but if one flies close by and I hear the whirr of the wings and feel a breeze from them on my face, I feel a little freaked. The sex ed class was weird. Actually the guys weren't too bad and their embarrassment made me like them better.


Clint, wow, what's with him? His true love is himself. He probably looks at himself in the mirror and says, "How much do I love thee? Let me count the ways..."

  • Love 5

Please tell me all stations broadcasted that Clorox commercial of the chick in the hot tub who had felt a "connection" with the guy and then pan out to the 9 other guys in the hot tub who also felt the "connection". "For life's bleachable moments.... " I choked on my wine and then died.

And one more thing- no two.

Is Ben Z cross eyed?

And when Kaitlin says Ben Z I swear she is saying Bensie. I always think she has a little baby talk nickname for him.

More wine.....

  • Love 7

I found this episode hilarious.  Or maybe it was the wine.  


Kaitlyn really has some winners this season.  I still don't know all their names.  


I have bad luck with birds.  I always have them flying out of somewhere scaring me.  If there is a bird hiding somewhere I am the one that will open the door and get attacked by it.  So I do understand her fear of birds.  I have also been chased by turkeys.  

  • Love 3

Just a quick question, why do the episodes not end in a rose ceremony anymore?



It's the sign of desperation.  They don't feel we will come back next week unless we have some kind of confrontational cliff hanger.  They are messing with the tried and true formula that has made this show last how many seasons? I have a feeling Chris Harrison is behind that move .... he seems to be more into the design of the show nowadays. Maybe mixing it up because he is bored but that's not the way to do it, dumbos.


This episode was over the top. And to think it was just last season when Kelsey and Ashley had their date on a bed in the middle of the desert. Now they are beating each other up and being terrorized by photos of Britt.  Weird.





  • Love 5


But that bloody basement experience?! Oh, HELL no!!! I'd be boycotting the date and going to the zoo to make elephant noises with Tony!

This had me laughing way too hard!  I would've joined you.  Hard pass on the giant snakes in the bathroom and the person in the bed.


This Clint and JJ thing seems so manufactured.  Hilarious, but fake.  Everyone is not going to be head over heels for Kaitlin, but the comments about showering together seemed like they were trying too hard.


I'll admit it- I have a huge crush on Ben Z.  I don't like that he's relying on his sob story, but he can come protect me anytime.  =)

  • Love 1

I did not enjoy any of the Clint and JJ storyline. I'd even exchange them and have Tony "I stepped away from my business, my dog and my bonsai trees for this" back for a week instead. I don't know any "healers" who drop so many f-bombs. And is there a difference between "I'm not a quitter, I'm walking away"? Bye, Tony, you were weirdly entertaining compared to some of these other bozos.

  • Love 4

These were the worst dates in the history of this show. I wouldn't be able to stand being trapped in a room like that, especially with the bloody body on the bed. And I used to teach fifth graders: we taught them (separate by sex) about their own bodies and the basics of reproduction. Nothing about sexual positions or how to please a woman. That part was just crude and over the top. I felt sorry for the guys having to do the Sumo wrestling and the sex ed stuff. 


I hate it that there is not a weekly rose ceremony. instead of Kaitlyn chasing after the guys, just don't give them a rose. And I don't believe the JJ and Clint story for a minute. Instead, I continue to think most of these guys have no interest in Kaitlyn and are trying to think up some reason to hang around.


Chris H must think Kaitlyn is crude and tasteless too-why else they horrible dates? I kind of agree with him.

  • Love 10

Tony the Healer was one of my favorite contestants so either this season is complete trash or I have a few screws loose. I agreed with everything he said. It is truly a circus. An unwatchable one.


I don't enjoy the violence. This fake JJ and Clint crush/romance/whatever is in poor taste. Nick is showing up next week so I'm about ready to hurl. Kaitlyn is becoming increasingly more annoying with the confrontations and fake tears.


I wish Joshua, Cupcake and Ben H. had been on a different season.

Edited by ElectricCityy
  • Love 9

IMO, this is truly the worst group of guys ever put together for a Bachelorette.

I find about 3 - maybe 4, 5 if I'm being very generous- attractive and tolerable.

JJ is fugly,at least to me. He's got the rat teeth and the wide jaw with the small top of the head, almost like part of a peanut.

So many of these men look roided-up, have weirdly shaped faces, and look like the busted/time warp/alt version of a celebrity. It's almost like they are the inverse of the celebrity they represent, and they are as ugly as said celebrity is handsome. So many of them look like they've been hit too many times in the face.

It's kind of like if you look quickly you think they're handsome, but the longer you linger the more their faces reveal. At first glance you see The Rock, at second glance you see Rocky from The Mask.

For Clint and JJ, I think their inner ugliness is manifesting in their faces. They're not attractive, not to me. Yuck.

Does JJ slap himself next week? My god, these men truly are pathetic.

  • Love 13

This episode made me gag.  

Being new to the board I thought the description provided of this ep at the top of this thread was a joke! I was thinking  "Oh sure...sumo wrestling... teaching sex ed to elementary school kids by some untrained strangers "  (i don't care if they were actors, they still dragged kids into this gratuitous crap. Disgusting.)  Using the guise of "sex 'education' " to kids to be graphic and smutty...  It's a new low.. I don't think even RHOA would go that far and that show was Gross -- at least  it was 3 or so years ago when I stopped watching it..  


The sweaty ass and balls display was a horror. There's plenty of hair-pulling  leg-spreading, dildo displays  and BJ talk etc. on other shows.to satisfy those who get a kick out it.    Why can't they keep this dumb show what it was... fakely innocent and romantic and Kaitlyn singing about touching her beaver being 'shocking 'and gross enough for mindless entertainment. . .  





  • Love 14

So many random thoughts:

JJ summing up his love of Japanese culture thusly: “I love sushi.”

Not sure who asked for an “extra large” sumo outfit, but nice try, buddy.

Tony's random pec flex while pensively looking out on the balcony.

Those poor innocent children who had to be subjected to a sea of asses.  Won't someone think of the children??

Tony just wants to go to the zoo and be at one with the animals.  Bye, Tony.

I can't decide whether I find Shawn B. attractive or not, but his voice sexy as hell.

  • Love 8

At one point, one of the guys said, "She is The Bachelorette...she is the ultimate catch!"


I just don't buy it. Kaitlyn is attractive but not really the ultimate catch. I know a lot of these guys have busted faces and the stink of famewhore desperation all over them, but they could all probably find their own Kaitlyn in an environment outside the show.


But what struck me the most about this episode was just how unwatchable it was. I paid almost zero attention to the second half of the episode. Without multitasking, I just don't know how anyone could sit through this mess.

  • Love 13

I think the show has jumped the shark. If that's at all possible since it perpetually tries to out do itself and be the "most dramatic season ever!"

But it has certainly sunk to a new low. And that is saying a lot. Tony was right. Two of the four dates so far have been the men beating up on each other with one being the ridiculously vulgar sex ed class. I guess the stand up improv was fine.

TPTB would never have sent Emily on the sex ed date or the sumo one for that matter. Weren't her dates like going to a castle and playing with puppets?

Poor trashy Kaitlin. I don't think they would have sent Britt either for that matter.

  • Love 15

All of a sudden the rest of the guys in the house don't like Clint and now we are supposed to think he's a villain? Wha? Nice abrupt nondevelopment of that plot line, show.

If Tony had somehow managed to fake-win over the sumo champion of the world, you can bet he wouldn't have pulled that peace and love rationalization out of his yukata but would have been strutting around like he really was a warrior in his heart. See ya, crybaby.

I know the show drives these events but Kaitlyn's explanation that she thought the boxing and sumo would be fun! for the guys just creeped me out. Seriously, that's how to take them out of their comfort zones, by having them inflict physical injury on each other while Kaitlyn laughs on the sidelines? Ick.

The haunted house was just stupid. As noted above, how scared of birds would you have to be before you decided not to tattoo them on two parts of your body? Clues in the toilet with snakes? Ick ick.

Not many words for the sex ed segment except ick ick ick. I hope most of it was cobbled together and they didn't really have preteens hearing about stimulating lady parts so girls will want to have sex with prepubescent boys? Really, parents signed off on their kid actors to do this? Really, Kaitlyn thinks this is funny too?

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
  • Love 14

The group date  - the initial sumo wrestling took place at the house, in front of the guys who were NOT picked for the date.   The guys not picked got to stand around and giggle about the guys standing there practically naked, taunting, laughing.      Humiliation should not be part of a "date".

I watched 30 minutes.  I'm not sure I can watch the rest. 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 10

This episode was just so awful, awful. I don't understand why such terrible dates. Boxing? Sumo Wrestling? And teaching kids sex education? I could not believe it when I saw that. Is that even acceptable, teaching sex education like this to kids? Ugh. And Katelyn laughing and trying to be one of the guys was just too much. Nobody seems into Katelyn, they all seem to be having more fun with each other. I liked their cracking jokes at Joe's expense and how he just didn't care. Do the producers involve Katelyn while deciding on dates? Does she have a say? I can't believe how bad this season is. The guys are awful, Katelyn is not that good of a catch, and the dates are boring. I thought that the lovey duwey dates were gag-inducing, but this is so much worse. There are no dates to create "connections", the dates are just "entertainment". They have nothing to do with Katelyn. And she sucks up to the guys so much. All the time she talks about why she likes them, so far I haven't seen the guys say the same to her. And I agree with Tony. After his mumbling craziness in the past episodes, I was so shocked to hear him make sense, makes me feel like he was playing a role but then got over it and just wanted an out. I could not believe that he of all people was making sense!! And seeing Katelyn try to justify to him and apologize was just too much. She should have cut him loose if he wanted to leave, not try to justify herself especially if the producers are setting the dates.

  • Love 15

Last episode I thought boxing was pretty much the worst possible group  date What could be worse than having to prove yourself by being able to beat up a guy you're not even mad at?   tonight I decided, no, sumo wrestling while practically naked is the worst group date ever.


And then there was a group date where a bunch of adult men had to talk to children about topics that men should not talk about to children they don't even know.


Didn't group dates used to involve volleyball, sight-seeing, a boat ride?  What happened to that?

Edited by backformore
  • Love 15

I didn’t understand Ben’s mother’s death. Was it an assisted suicide? She’s well enough to tell him to walk the dog — twice (ostensibly to get him out of the house), then when he gets back the family is all there, including her sister, and sad because she died.


I am totally in agreement with Tony about the stupid macho fighting dates. HATE THEM. That said, he totally lost all points for his childish pouting behavior. Instead of just saying he doesn’t believe in the wrestling, he tried to prove himself, then failed, then threw a fit. I have met other people who rely on “being Zen” because they have very short tempers, and are thrown by their own emotions.


The sex ed joke — that had me squirming until she explained they were actors, and that only marginally made it better. Teachers are specially trained to discuss sex ed with preteens. We never got to see Kaitlyn explain that it was all a setup.


The experience looked cool, but did they have to add the animals? I would have preferred to see them working together on the puzzles, but he did most of it because she was hiding behind him and shrieking. There was a similar experience in an episode of The Big Bang Theory, but it was more science-puzzly and less horror. I don't blame the outfit for demanding an explanation that their experience does NOT usually include animals.


We all make fun of the jet planes to San Francisco for a dinner date, or a hot-air balloon at dawn, but many viewers actually kind of like that.  Well, at least better than a date where you stick your hand down a filthy, snake-clogged toilet.

Seriously. I would much prefer we get back to the actual ROMANTIC settings and dates.


The bromance was weird. Clint was talking up his love for JJ, but we never heard JJ gush about Clint. Does he truly return his love?

Not many words for the sex ed segment except ick ick ick. I hope most of it was cobbled together and they didn't really have preteens hearing about stimulating lady parts so girls will want to have sex with prepubescent boys? Really, parents signed off on their kid actors to do this? Really, Kaitlyn thinks this is funny too?

That was so repulsive. There are already plenty of misunderstandings about what sex ed entails without reinforcing false ideas about it teaching kids to have sex!

This show is making me feel like I need brain bleach (a bleachable two hours!). I have never been so repulsed by the franchise, and I've watched every episode ever made. If I wanted to watch total trash, there's plenty out there. This franchise used to at least pretend to be on the classier side of the divide.

Kaitlyn is rapidly losing me. I didn't like her making fun of Ben, mocking him to the camera, and I didn't like her comment about punching Jared again so he still had a black eye. And I don't get why a woman would tattoo on her body an animal that scares her.

Edited by Andromeda
  • Love 16

Andromeda, I agree with your whole post.  If the whole thing is just for "fun", then why do the editors have to do so much work blurring out the sumo wrestler's parts, and then bleeping and blurring the kids mouths, asking questions about sex?   If communication about sex is so important, according to Kaitlyn, then why are they using words and demonstrations that have to be edited?  If you're doing something in front of KIDS (both sex ed AND sumo wrestling)  that you have to blur to be on TV - then MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING IT IN FRONT OF KIDS.


The haunted house thing -  Grossed me out.  Is that a thing people go to?  like a haunted house puzzle?  If so, I hope they don't have real birds and snakes, Because Im pretty sure people would be hurting them.  Is this whole season just one elaborate prank on Kaitlyn?   because it is truly the worst season of this franchise already.    What  crap!


I think the "bromance"  thing is two guys who figured they were not going to be chosen, finding a way to stay on the show by a joke about falling in love with each other.  though it may actually have been set up by the producers, and the guys agreed to go along with it in order to be kept on the show


ABC hates Kaitlyn, right?  that the only way this makes sense, they're trying to humiliate her . 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 14

If two contestants are going to declare their same-sex love for each other, it should be the final two, right before the bachelor(ette) picks the winner.


And they're obviously going for the novelty factor with these group dates. What's next? Yodeling contest? Working the night shift at Walmart? Neutering cats?


It also seems like a given that every Bachelorette season is going to feature a girl who's all "I thought this was going to be an amazing happy fun-time journey!" and one or more guys who ruin it by being all dramatic. Of course the drama has to be part of it, but the girl (and some of the other guys) pretending that's not what's supposed to happen is getting old.

Edited by Prairie Fire
  • Love 3

I like Fake Ryan Gosling/Sean/Shawn?  He's mad sexy... 


I feel mean saying this but I'm from Canada and I've never seen a face like Kaitlyn's.  Those lips can't be real, right?  They're always pursed and sticking out sooooo far.


I really like how Ben Z. was so scared of the snakes and completely admitted it.  That was cool.


I am so not a Kaitlyn chick, I was thinking of all the dates I'd set up.  I'd SOOOOOOO pick the zoo like the Sensitive Guy.  The zoo, the movies, any museum, anything where we can be lazy and cuddle.... sleeping.....  doesn't make much sense but I'd want to do it... sleepovers, basically.  No one has to move around at all.  Or show their ass, or hit each other.  And no traumatizing children!    More like cooing at babies in the Newborn wing of the hospital or playing with toddlers at a daycare.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 6

The zoo really would be a fun date. If they have to have a competition/show (which they seem to require these days, though it has precious little to do with dating), have the guys each be assigned an animal to learn about and present to an audience. Think of all the lame metaphors they could come up with involving animals. It was always fun to see Jack Hanna bring animals to climb all over David Letterman.


In general, the group dates have gotten extremely lame. Back in the day, I'd watch them closely to determine who the lead was most gravitating to, to try to guess who would stay and be let go. The date itself (visiting a winery, going to a skating rink) was mostly backdrop. Now it's all about performing: writing and singing songs or poems, doing stand-up, teaching sex ed (!), competing in a sports event. I don't CARE about that stuff! It tells me nothing about how the lead fits with any of them in a romantic sense.


I also am tired of them requiring an audience for their pathetic amateur efforts. Since when does dating mean joining a performance troupe?

Edited by Andromeda
  • Love 10

Wow. It's like TPTB have read our comments from past Bachelor seasons about how gross and humiliating the group dates are for the women - nude "charity" photo shoots, tractor races in bikinis, etc. - and decided "this time we're going to go all out in humiliating the men, that will shut everyone up". I wish there had been collective walkouts on both the boxing and the sumo date, and the season would have to be cut in half. It's ironic how Kaitlyn keeps insisting that she just wants the dates to be fun, but it looks like nobody is having fun participating and I'm certainly not having fun watching. I can't stand "zen" types like Tony, but I cheered when he was like "if you're really into me, you can come find me in the real world, but I'm done with this shitshow". 


I think this season is the rock bottom of the entire franchise.

  • Love 20

If you're doing something in front of KIDS (both sex ed AND sumo wrestling)  that you have to blur to be on TV - then MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING IT IN FRONT OF KIDS.

That's a great point. It would seem that censoring is only done to protect the network from fines, not to protect minors from explicit content. Nice hyprocrisy there.


I cannot decide whether JJ is in on it or not, but I am 99% sure Clint is a fake. The Chris Harrison drawing and Clint's being chosen for the first one on one date now seem especially contrived.


The black-eyed guy (Jared?) has some of the worst facial hair I have seen.

  • Love 6

Andromeda, I agree with your whole post.  If the whole thing is just for "fun", then why do the editors have to do so much work blurring out the sumo wrestler's parts, and then bleeping and blurring the kids mouths, asking questions about sex?   If communication about sex is so important, according to Kaitlyn, then why are they using words and demonstrations that have to be edited?  If you're doing something in front of KIDS (both sex ed AND sumo wrestling)  that you have to blur to be on TV - then MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING IT IN FRONT OF KIDS.

The blurring is way over the top. They were blurring a poster in the back of the class from a distance, then hardly at all when it was shown closer up. And it's in a middle school classroom. I find the blurring really distracting -- it used to be done very rarely on reality TV shows. Now this franchise uses it as a joke, in an attempt to be funny, like the blurring of JJ or Clint's crotches when they were talking together. Awful, low-brow humor. It's not funny in the least.


Chris's blog is up. He seems really satisfied and happy about this dismal installment. The commenters, not so much. Also, in this interview, he says they had the idea for the sex ed date for awhile, and were waiting for the right lead to use it. Again, far too proud of this dreck. What are they, middle schoolers?

  • Love 9

Wow what a weird episode. I was so relieved when it was finally over.


Most of you have already said what I was thinking but a few other thoughts:-


- If Kaitlyn was so proud of her "prank" with the kids in the sex ed class (which I thought was horrible even if they were "actors"), why didn't she tell the guys about it?

- Andromeda totally agree with your thoughts on her mocking Ben in a TH, and also her thing about hitting Jared so he'll keep his black eye. Maybe the producers really are picking dates she wants to see - violence, black eyes, concussions - what fun!  I never really saw a nasty streak in her until those two moments tonight. I always thought she was pretty tomboyish but not downright mean.

- I did like the one date where they ordered pizza in and hung out casually. Those are always my favorite dates. I hope production paid the pizza delivery person because I never saw them actually get the pizza.

  • Love 9

I think the "bromance"  thing is two guys who figured they were not going to be chosen, finding a way to stay on the show by a joke about falling in love with each other.  though it may actually have been set up by the producers, and the guys agreed to go along with it in order to be kept on the show


Yes, that's what I started to think, too. But then all of a sudden the rest of the guys are mad at them? I was so confused. Did I miss a scene or two? Where did all that come from? Is it because the two guys aren't hanging out with the rest of them? WHY ALL THE ANGER?!?

And they're obviously going for the novelty factor with these group dates. What's next? Yodeling contest? Working the night shift at Walmart? Neutering cats?

Don't give them any ideas!

  • Love 4


IMO, this is truly the worst group of guys ever put together for a Bachelorette.

I find about 3 - maybe 4, 5 if I'm being very generous- attractive and tolerable.

JJ is fugly,at least to me. He's got the rat teeth and the wide jaw with the small top of the head, almost like part of a peanut.

So many of these men look roided-up, have weirdly shaped faces, and look like the busted/time warp/alt version of a celebrity. It's almost like they are the inverse of the celebrity they represent, and they are as ugly as said celebrity is handsome. So many of them look like they've been hit too many times in the face.

It's kind of like if you look quickly you think they're handsome, but the longer you linger the more their faces reveal. At first glance you see The Rock, at second glance you see Rocky from The Mask.

For Clint and JJ, I think their inner ugliness is manifesting in their faces. They're not attractive, not to me. Yuck.

Does JJ slap himself next week? My god, these men truly are pathetic.

Truth in every word, Scorpiosunshine!   Most of these guys are very unattractive--what a collection of rat faces.  JJ, with his lartern-jawed potato head, bad teeth and beady eyes reminds me of a Pixar character:    



Surely if Britt had been the Bachelorette this wouldn't be the dismal crop she would have had to pick from.  No way would those be the "dates" she'd have been subjected to either.


I hated this episode.  Everything about it was so fake and gross from the "bromance" to fishing around in the faux dirty toilet to the ultra cringe worthy sex ed "class".  The awful parents of those creepy little meal tickets should be flogged.





  • Love 6

You know what happens to kids when you teach them about sex in a tasteless, low brow way where everything is "ewww" and hilarious?  They grow up to be like Kaitlyn -- a full grown woman who compulsively makes dirty jokes at every opportunity and laughs a raucous, manly laugh over bare behinds and gets turned on by men beating each other up.


Kaitlyn is really  enjoying confronting guys in front of the others and showing how tough she is when kicking them out.  It's a wonder anyone's left for the Rose Ceremonies. 


She reminds me of that SNL sketch where the girl keeps starting fights in the bar so she can get her boyfriend to hit someone, because it makes her all hot when he acts like a man.

Edited by JudyObscure
  • Love 14

There is some consternation in the media about the 'Brokeback' thing. Time Magazine has an article on the web about what an insult and denigration the whole ideais.

They also, at least for me and DH, need to stop with the rose ceremonies not ending the weekly episode. By the time we got to the one that was delayed from last week, they blew through it so fast, it was like an afterthought.

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I'm betting Britt is sitting at home, glad that she dodged a bullet.  She didn't have to interact any further with the hammerheads we're seeing.  A blessing in disguise!


Though I imagine there would be a few different guys for her and different dates.  But hey, all the Kaitlyn fans/Britt haters got the girl they wanted.   

Edited by leighdear
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