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S11.E02: Week 1, Part 2

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I agree. I find them both very unattractive and very sloppy.

I find it really disappointing that the bachelorettes can go to all the effort of wearing high heels and somewhat uncomfortable gowns and strapless bras, all to make a nice appearance for the evening, and you have men who won't even make the effort to wear a tie, or keep the tie/jacket on the whole evening, etc.

I kept thinking last night that I'd have a tough time even choosing 5 to want to keep.

Edited by jordanpond
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Dr. Dentist Cupcake is cute, as is one of the Bens (I can't remember which one). Metal rose guy is growing on me, and I think Shawn B is charismatic as hell. He and Kaitlyn seem to have a semblance of real chemistry, not manufactured for TV.

Having never watched the Bachelor/ette before, what's this Nick guy's story?

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Recap reminds me that Hot Tub Dude was one of the first to go. 


Just like in the Bachelor seasons, among  some quite unattractive people, anyone, male or female, carrying ten extra pounds is automatic toast.

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It was so weird how Kaitlyn was so into that guy with a kid. JJ? I mean she was really coming on to him. I actually said WTF out loud, I thought she was doing a parody or something.


An iron rose to match my cold metal heart! Thank you, welder guy. I need to learn these people's names sooner or later. (I won't.)


Oh jeez she's kissing people already.


Boring episode. Glad it's Kaitlyn though. The previews look promising...

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Nick, ugh.  And for the 1st time someone admits to shagging on the show.



Ugh, indeed.  He makes my skin crawl....cannot see anything remotely appealing about him.  Not to mention being manipulative so definitely not surprised he is man whoring his way back to this show.  Such a sensitive soul.

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1. I have no idea how I will endure all of the filler episodes until that sex drama from the preview occurs.

That's exactly what I said after we finished watching last night, I was wishing that I'd come into the season at the end so I could just buzz through the whole season at once on OnDemand. The preview looked awesome but in reality, might be a slog to get through the episodes til that kicks in. 



I feel like Kaitlyn is more confident than Ashley, the last season a Bachelorette had to deal with men who had hoped it was another "more attractive" woman. Already she's not concerned about who there voted for her or not, which I think is a healthy sign.

I agree that she's probably more confident than Ashley (didn't watch that season, but caught the NotEmily drama secondhand thanks to US Weekly), but I do think she cares who voted for her. It's in keeping with the theme of this franchise for someone to be especially concerned with winning over those who didn't vote for her just to prove something. 



I think Kaitlyn's a very bad choice for a show that's supposed to be about  romance and marriage.   Desiree was my kind of B'ette, but if they're going to chose a girl like Kaitlyn and then expect her to play a part, they all made a big mistake.  They can't blame Kaitlyn for being herself, when she's what they all said they wanted.

It's very weird to me every time she says "my husband is in that room" because nothing about her suggests that she wants one. In that regard, Britt sold the fakery a bit better (though I don't believe her either). The whole premise of the show is silly to begin with, but Kaitlyn in particular isn't helping to sell it as some kind of path to romance. 



JJ does nothing for me I was so surprised to hear her say she was into him.

That was such a weird exchange. He came off as so calculating in his talking heads and was disappointed in the choice, but all Kaitlyn had to do was tell him that he was the very special-est guy in the room and he was head over heels. I'd like to think she was bullshitting him, but who knows? 

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Also, boo to the amateur sex therapist being booted. Now I'll never know if he is an amateur therapist for sex-related issues or a therapist for amateurs at sex. Sigh.

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Nick and his weird lamb hair will be on this season? Super. I'll try to refrain from eating soup if they televise Britt & Brady, otherwise I'll fall asleep and drown. Overall I'm glad that Kaitlyn "won". She's at least somewhat unpredictable. I snort-laughed at her pretending to find her angles at the very beginning. None of the guys are doing anything for me. We'll see how it goes.

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I think I am in the minority but am I the only one who thinks Shawn is completely busted looking?!  Blah.  It's like all his features are too big, too small, or in the wrong place on his face.  I'm sorry, I'm not usually this mean.  I guess the B'ette just brings out the shallowness in me;)


Kaitlyn has reached new levels of insecurity and desperation, even for this show.  She was afraid the guys were going to reject her??  Newsflash honey, YOU are in charge now!  YOU get to reject THEM!!


I am not on board for the upcoming slut shaming either (if that's what happens), especially since most of it seems like she's shaming herself!  Own it girlfriend, you are on the bachelorette so it's not like you have any dignity left either way.  Kaitlyn is a beautiful woman.  It makes me sad the she has such a low opinion of herself.

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Having never watched the Bachelor/ette before, what's this Nick guy's story?


Cliff notes version of Nick's story.


Was on the last season of the Bachelorette.       Some people watching thought he was just great.  I thought he was weird.   Was not there to make friends, the guys hated him, blah, blah, blah.   Andi kept saying he wasn't her type but that she was intrigued with him.    So she brought him to the final 3, had sex with him and then dumped him at final 2 in his hotel room.   


Fast forward a few days, he's on his flight home to Milwaukee.  Just so happens a friend of Reality Steve's is sitting behind him and she whips out her cell phone and tapes Nick talking very LOUDLY about being dumped, how the final 1 guy Josh was the "safe" choice, etc all while wearing mancapris and eating cheetos.   So of course Reality Steve puts up the video for everyone to see and Andi's season is spoiled fully.  It was pretty epic.


So then the producers work on Nick and have him try to contact Andi during the airing of the season.   He even shows up at the "Men Tell All" taping to give her a note but she won't see him.   So at the "After the Final Rose" live show, he confronts her with "why did we make love and then you dump me?'".  Some like his confrontation, I thought it was tacky.  


And now he's back.

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Oof. He sounds like a gem. Odd that he has no connection whatsoever to Kaitlyn; it's like he called Mike Fleiss and Chris Harrison and was like, "Give me some screen time, bros!"

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Thanks for that comprehensive explanation, CindyBee.


I missed Andi's season in its entirety and am about a day behind on watching this week's new episodes (I help mod DWTS, which had its finale last night), so I'm sort of groping along the walls with some of the discussion this morning. I knew Nick was coming back, but it wasn't clear what his history was or why he was so widely disliked. This really helps.

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I think I am in the minority but am I the only one who thinks Shawn is completely busted looking?!  Blah.  It's like all his features are too big, too small, or in the wrong place on his face.  I'm sorry, I'm not usually this mean.  I guess the B'ette just brings out the shallowness in me;)

He is Busted!Ryan Gosling as far as I'm concerned.

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Is the Nick thing a spoiler because I avoid spoilers and didn't know about that.


Not when he was shown over and over again in the preview as being a main part of the season.   Its not like they blurred his face or anything.  I think once something is shown in the preview it becomes fair game.  Of course anything related to his time on the show is still a spoiler but the fact that he's coming on isn't at this point after last night's preview.

Edited by CindyBee
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Yes, we even discussed that among the mods this morning because I was unable to watch the entire episode last night and was worried about it. But he was definitely in the previews and so he is definitely an allowed topic.

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Is the Nick thing a spoiler because I avoid spoilers and didn't know about that.

None of it is a spoiler any longer. Andi's season is over (as its Kaitlyn's turn now), and the previews showed Nick.

ETA: Or what the others said. :)

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I find Nick creepy and not attractive, but that just means he fits in with all of these other guys.


I can't remember seeing a more average and boring group of guys in my life. Slim pickings.


I think there was no true good choice for a Bachelorette that wanted to actually get married and have kids. Britt and Kaitlyn both say the words, but neither one means it. I think Britt was there to get exposure for her acting career and Kaitlyn is there to (as Ian said) make out with as many guys on TV as possible lol.


But when I think of the other options from Chris's season, there were none. I think they need to go and find an unknown Bachelor or Bachelorette (especially Bachelor, because there is no prize in this group!).

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Recap reminds me that Hot Tub Dude was one of the first to go. 


Just like in the Bachelor seasons, among  some quite unattractive people, anyone, male or female, carrying ten extra pounds is automatic toast.


To be fair, he was also the "amateur sex coach" and talked about butt plugs. His weight was the least of his problems.

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I figured out who Kaitlynn now reminds me of.. Melissa Rycroft from Jason's season More like a low rent Melissa though. Melissa was very girl next door. Kaitlynn,  though I like her, is kind of trashy. She just seems to adopt a cutesy, giggly cheerleader personality when she's around the guys. She was much more macho and loud mouthed on Chris's season.  I think the guys who voted for Britt should have had to reveal themselves. I don't think I've ever seen so many unappealing looking men in one room. Yuck! 

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Who knew that Kaitlyn's duck-lips went to 11?  Wow.


Otherwise, I think this is probably the weakest field of male contestants that they've ever cast for a Bachelorette season, at least in the looks department, if not in the tool department.


By which I mean . . . I'M IN!!!!

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Kaitlyn is a beautiful woman. It makes me sad the she has such a low opinion of herself.

I know we all have different perspectives, but I just can't see that at all. I would like her so much better if I thought she had a few insecurities. I just always think that any woman who watches this show, sees twenty good-looking-to-beautiful women competing for one guy, and thinks to herself, "I could win this!" is probably extremely conceited. She was shocked when Chris Soules sent her home, thought she was going to be the lone Bachelorette, didn't seem too terribly surprised when she beat Britt, and quickly said that she was confident that any men who voted for Britt would fall for her, "Once they get to know me." She may think there are one or two women in the world more beautiful than she is but she has given lots of clues that she thinks she has the best personality, ever.

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I find it really disappointing that the bachelorettes can go to all the effort of wearing high heels and somewhat uncomfortable gowns and strapless bras, all to make a nice appearance for the evening, and you have men who won't even make the effort to wear a tie, or keep the tie/jacket on the whole evening, etc.


I've always said it's possible to look sharp without a tie or jacket, but in this case, I agree - Kaitlyn got all dressed up for you, you need to return the favor, for G-d's sake. Even if if it's for no other reason, it's a show of solidarity. At the very least, keep your shirt and pants on, unlike the drunk guy who got kicked off.

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I found Brady terribly affected, so I think he and Britt are well suited for each other - as long as she can keep up the pretense that she loves baseball, that is.


Me too.  My favorite aspect of that was when he said something like, "I've had so many emotions in the past 24 hours, and I just don't know what to do with them".  Um.  He was billed as a singer-songwriter from Nashville.  Did his agent forget to tell him that he's supposed to put those emotions into a terrible song he could sing on the show? 

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Kaitlyn is a beautiful woman. It makes me sad the she has such a low opinion of herself.



I'm not sure if one has low self-esteem that they publicly strip to swim bare-assed while being filmed for national tv coverage or tell raunchy jokes about plowing some guy's field and other assorted off-color nuggets. The people with poor opinions of themselves that I know are pretty quiet and it takes a bit to get them out of their shell. Kaitlyn has no shell that I can see.


I thought her crack to Britt, "Is that soap or Kleenex?" was mean-spirited, rude and totally uncalled for. To me, that's the real Kaitlyn. Yeah, she could be lots of fun on a date, but there are women men date and then there are women men want to marry.

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I know we all have different perspectives, but I just can't see that at all. I would like her so much better if I thought she had a few insecurities. I just always think that any woman who watches this show, sees twenty good-looking-to-beautiful women competing for one guy, and thinks to herself, "I could win this!" is probably extremely conceited. She was shocked when Chris Soules sent her home, thought she was going to be the lone Bachelorette, didn't seem too terribly surprised when she beat Britt, and quickly said that she was confident that any men who voted for Britt would fall for her, "Once they get to know me." She may think there are one or two women in the world more beautiful than she is but she has given lots of clues that she thinks she has the best personality, ever.


Interesting as I feel the opposite. She strikes me as someone who is quite insecure. Her "look how funny I am" "look how much fun I am" is screaming for validation. Someone who screams for attention the way she does isn't someone who is confident in their own skin. I've seen it play out in real life so maybe it's just my experience?


As for last season, every third place contestant is shocked when they're booted. Every single one. When you get that close to the end, have probably been intimate with the bachelorette/bachelor you're going to be shocked. Not that I think Kaitlyn was particularly devastated about it or anything but she's no different from the others.

Edited by Village
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I'm not sure if one has low self-esteem that they publicly strip to swim bare-assed while being filmed for national tv coverage or tell raunchy jokes about plowing some guy's field and other assorted off-color nuggets. The people with poor opinions of themselves that I know are pretty quiet and it takes a bit to get them out of their shell. Kaitlyn has no shell that I can see.

All her raunchy talk, stupid jokes, etc., seems to me she is trying too hard, which is usually a sign of insecurity.  Also jmo but I feel anyone who would willingly sign up for this shit show is either doing it to promote themselves (the singers, wannabe actors, etc.) or has some wicked self esteem issues.  It's just really desperate (fun to watch and sometimes successful, but still desperate).  The fact she didn't kick off the douche who told her TO HER FACE he would have preferred Britt to stay is completely pathetic, as is the fact that she seems to think she needs to win the guys over, rather than the other way around.


Eh, agree to disagree :)

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Recap reminds me that Hot Tub Dude was one of the first to go. 


Just like in the Bachelor seasons, among  some quite unattractive people, anyone, male or female, carrying ten extra pounds is automatic toast.

The anal sex comments probably didn't help. 

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The fact she didn't kick off the douche who told her TO HER FACE he would have preferred Britt to stay is completely pathetic



But he didn't get a rose until the very last one. I'm guessing his staying was producer-driven to create more drah-mah and make some sort of story line in an otherwise pretty boring rose ceremony. We viewers were on "pins and needles" waiting to see if he stayed or went. Editing monkeys at work IMO.


I really don't see how the guys could have picked either b-ette on anything much other than looks and how they were portrayed on Chris's season, IF they watched Chris's season. Maybe after several weeks of dating, yes, but on the first night? No way. Well, for everyone except the guy to gave up free travel, free room and board, free booze, his spot in The Bachelor Family and bromance to leave. I know, surprise!

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Dr. Dentist Cupcake is cute, as is one of the Bens (I can't remember which one). Metal rose guy is growing on me, and I think Shawn B is charismatic as hell. He and Kaitlyn seem to have a semblance of real chemistry, not manufactured for TV.

Having never watched the Bachelor/ette before, what's this Nick guy's story?

Nick is a polarizing contestant, who Andi slept with in FS and acted like she never meet him before at the AFTR that is when he drop the "why did you sleep with me than when you know how I would take it" (paraphrasing). Basically the best thing to happen to the show producers after Mesnick, Brad 1.0 and the show viewers who are just watching for the wrong reason   

Edited by gator12
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He is Busted!Ryan Gosling as far as I'm concerned.


He (Shawn) truly is. His nose is probably too big for his face but I find his deep voice and general smoothness very sexy. He was so excited that it was Kaitlyn that he could barely contain himself and that was very cute.


Seriously how long was that night? Limo intros where it was dark outside, party where guys had to vote, girls pulled the guys aside. Then the vote reveal and Kaitlyn takes time out to call mom then has to talk to the guys all over again then rose ceremony. When the guys left it was daylight, I have to think it was like10:30 a.m. by then and Kaitlyn was drinking wine/champ the whole time!


JJ has major intensity red flags--how on earth was she so into him? 


I feel like the previews were the first time they've ever used the word s-e-x on this show! As far as these sneaky producers go, Kaitlyn is relaying a story about her first time that has nothing to do with anything. 


Applause for whoever coined Dr. Cupcake,DDS





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Nick is a polarizing contestant, who Andi slept with in FS and acted like she never meet him before at the AFTR that is when he drop the "why did you sleep with me than when you know how I would take it" (paraphrasing). Basically the best thing to happen to the show producers after Mesnick, Brad 1.0 and the show viewers who are just watching for the wrong reason   

Pretty much sums it up.  and yeah, count me in on being one of the viewers that is watching  "for the wrong reasons".  because i watch for a train wreck, so i can feel superior, and to come to his forum and snark about all the losers. 

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Pretty much sums it up.  and yeah, count me in on being one of the viewers that is watching  "for the wrong reasons".  because i watch for a train wreck, so i can feel superior, and to come to his forum and snark about all the losers. 

I'm 100% here for the wrong reasons! I've always been aware of the goings-on in the franchise but have never watched a second of the show prior to Monday night. Snark runs through my veins, and the two bachelorettes premise intrigued me, so here I am.

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I can't take Britt on the best of days and find her incredibly contrived but I would have preferred her as the Bachelorette as there's nothing worse than a bachelorette who has a bunch of guys who wanted someone else.


I feel like Kaitlyn is more confident than Ashley, the last season a Bachelorette had to deal with men who had hoped it was another "more attractive" woman.


I feel like this might have been an attempt to prevent a repeat of the Ashley/Emily situation. With Ashley, the subtext was always that some/many of the guys would have preferred Emily. This time it's all out in the open; even more than that, there's actual footage of plenty of this season's guys voting for Kaitlyn over Britt.


ETA: I just rewatched, and when Kaitlyn says "I hate to admit it, but we had sex" (some of which was voice-overed) -- I wonder if she's not talking about Chris. Maybe explaining to one of them about being concerned about intimacy in the fantasy suite because of that.


This is definitely what I thought had happened when I saw the preview.


She may think there are one or two women in the world more beautiful than she is but she has given lots of clues that she thinks she has the best personality, ever.


To be fair, when we're talking about having the best personality in a room full of Bachelor/Bachelorette contestants, the bar isn't incredibly high.

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Recap reminds me that Hot Tub Dude was one of the first to go. 


Just like in the Bachelor seasons, among  some quite unattractive people, anyone, male or female, carrying ten extra pounds is automatic toast.

Isn't he the "Amateur Sex Coach"? He has sleazeball loser written all over him. I wouldn't want him around me either.

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Pretty much sums it up.  and yeah, count me in on being one of the viewers that is watching  "for the wrong reasons".  because i watch for a train wreck, so i can feel superior, and to come to his forum and snark about all the losers. 



I'm 100% here for the wrong reasons! I've always been aware of the goings-on in the franchise but have never watched a second of the show prior to Monday night. Snark runs through my veins, and the two bachelorettes premise intrigued me, so here I am.

I wish I could say I watch. I started to watch Andi season after the hotmess that was the AFTR. I stop b/c I was so bored. You guys keep me entertained. I did stay long enough to see Eric (RIP) call Andi an actress.  

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Recap reminds me that Hot Tub Dude was one of the first to go.

Just like in the Bachelor seasons, among  some quite unattractive people, anyone, male or female, carrying ten extra pounds is automatic toast.


Isn't he the "Amateur Sex Coach"? He has sleazeball loser written all over him. I wouldn't want him around me either.



That reminds me of just how scripted this season really is.


They're not really trying to sell us on the idea that a guy showed up in a hot tub/car.  I get it.  A "car-pool".  That joke made almost made me wet my pants.  Hey, I guess then I would've been a "pee-nut".  Fuck you Fleiss.


And that Dentist guy really showed up with a cup-cake go-cart?  I could barely get my fit-bit past TSA the last time I flew!.


Once again, Fuck you Fleiss.


And, also, too, again, Fuck you Chris for your "change is always hard" come-to-Jesus talk at the beginning of Episode #1.  You know what's hard, and getting harder (besides Nikki's ex, I suppose)?  Suspending disbelief for this train wreck of a franchise.

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Dr. Dentist Cupcake is cute, as is one of the Bens (I can't remember which one). Metal rose guy is growing on me, and I think Shawn B is charismatic as hell. He and Kaitlyn seem to have a semblance of real chemistry, not manufactured for TV.




Seeing the photos online of all the bachelors before the season started I was pretty underwhelmed. But of course personality coming into play changes that.  I really enjoyed her interaction with Shawn B. He's definitely smooth. The way he looks at her makes me smile. (I'm a damn sucker for this show, haha)  Also, Justin has a pretty face and nice skin.


Glad Kaitlyn is Bachelorette, especially after seeing the previews. I prefer her over Britt even though I know each brought unique entertainment.


Not even mad about Nick being involved. What fun. :D

Edited by letters to you
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He is Busted!Ryan Gosling as far as I'm concerned.

To me. he is Ryan Gosling if he was hit with the Inbred Stick. Obviously getting a favorable edit but I ain't buying.

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I find Nick creepy and not attractive, but that just means he fits in with all of these other guys.


I can't remember seeing a more average and boring group of guys in my life. Slim pickings.


I think there was no true good choice for a Bachelorette that wanted to actually get married and have kids. Britt and Kaitlyn both say the words, but neither one means it. I think Britt was there to get exposure for her acting career and Kaitlyn is there to (as Ian said) make out with as many guys on TV as possible lol.


But when I think of the other options from Chris's season, there were none. I think they need to go and find an unknown Bachelor or Bachelorette (especially Bachelor, because there is no prize in this group!).


re: the bolded YES I wish they would just start fresh with a new group of people. Maybe they are running out of unemployed attractive people who want to be on teevee, but that seems unlikely.


I completely agree with you that Britt and Kaitlyn aren't anywhere near wanting husbands and kids. I would buy that they want boyfriends/relationships, but I don't see either of them as ready to rush down the aisle or have babies. Or move to middle-of-nowhere Iowa (I know, reference to their Bachelor season). Didn't Britt even comment on the Bachelor that she didn't want kids, right up until Chris mentioned kids and suddenly she wanted a hundred of them?

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Nick is a polarizing contestant, who Andi slept with in FS and acted like she never meet him before at the AFTR that is when he drop the "why did you sleep with me than when you know how I would take it" (paraphrasing).


And they did "fiance type things" (which may be one of my top favorite quotes from these shows).

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Recap reminds me that Hot Tub Dude was one of the first to go. 


Just like in the Bachelor seasons, among  some quite unattractive people, anyone, male or female, carrying ten extra pounds is automatic toast.

Yeah, but hot tub car guy was an idiot, and I think he's carrying an extra 30.    He SUCKS!


The eye candy this season is just appalling.    Come on, hire a couple of good looking ringers to get us through mid season.   Most of these guys seem to be suffering from Kiptyn head syndrome.   It ain't cute. 

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I'm wondering what the fancy real estate company that Anal-fixated Sean quit working for thinks of his performance.  It's a very upscale company and he pretty much made himself look like one of the biggest douchebags on the planet.  But at least he can say he never McDilled on TV! 

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I'm wondering what the fancy real estate company that Anal-fixated Sean quit working for thinks of his performance.  It's a very upscale company and he pretty much made himself look like one of the biggest douchebags on the planet.  But at least he can say he never McDilled on TV! 


Wait, so he actually had a decent job and left it for amateur sex coaching? Is there a more detailed backstory on this?

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Oh yeah, Chocolatine.  He did the whole job-leaving-blowout-party-before-flying-out thing.  Plus, he's got a young daughter.  Luckily too young to watch what a tool her father was on National TV.  I can PM you the link to his Facebook post about his party if you like.  It's pretty hilarious.

Edited by leighdear
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