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Life In Pieces - General Discussion

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Her rationale for leaving him was pretty dumb if you ask me. "I have a history of dating guys like you, and it hasn't worked out" isn't a good reason to leave someone when things are going well.


Hmm, I'll have to disagree. I think it's much more healthy of her to realize she keeps going out with the same "types" and it never works out so she needs to make a change. And to be fair, Matt doesn't have a whole lot going for him right now, living in his parent's garage. There's nothing wrong with setting your sights a little higher.


I shudder to think how realistic the whole thing with teenagers dating thru texting might be nowadays. They've never even spoken to each other and consider themselves boyfriend - girlfriend. Yikes, that's scary. 


What was the deal with the horse's shoes? Was he actually wearing little sneakers, or were they some kind of horse shoes made to look like sneakers? 

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I was surprised Grandma was scandalized by whatever Heather's message said; she and Grandpa seem to have a pretty hot marriage, based on previous episodes. But I do like that this show does not subscribe to the "dead marriage" and "sexy stops at age 25" points of view. Also, it was about time Tim had a win and showed himself to be Heather's equal.

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I'm assuming Colleen and Matt will be back together fairly soon.

Her rationale for leaving him was pretty dumb if you ask me. "I have a history of dating guys like you, and it hasn't worked out" isn't a good reason to leave someone when things are going well.


They explained it more in the previous episode when she broke up with him. After Matt met her mom, she realized that Matt (and all the guys she dates) are exactly like her father, who left her mother. So she's afraid that it's inevitable that Matt will leave her, and she didn't want to be heart broken.


So basically she is the one afraid of commitment instead of him.


That said, people leave relationships for all sorts of ridiculous reasons :)


I know I say it every week, but the grandparents just don't work for me. This week was even worse than usual. Him bringing home a pony made me think he's not quite right in the head (suffering dementia or some sort of mental break). I just can't fit in their absurdity with the rest of the show.


Everything else was perfect. The "I'm a parent now, so I have no clue how kids these days work with technology" story has been done a million times, but the actors pulled it off.

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It's funny because it's true. I know several parents who have sent texts to their kids that were meant for their spouse, though none so dirty as Heathers apparently was. For some odd reason my brother often texts me when he means to text his daughter - luckily they apparently don't insult me behind my back.

I just love this show.

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I wondered about the sneakers too.  Although I was more distracted by the lack of an industrial strength horse-diaper.  It seems like that would be a priority for an indoor-horse.   I did think it looked kind of hilarious in bed with its head on a pillow though. 


Is Grandpa supposed to be suffering from dementia or something?  I find it hard to believe someone so stupid could have been a professional airline pilot for so many years.

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That exterminator is revolting!  I don't think they cast the right person as his wife.  No way would the fairly pretty stripper want anything to do with him.  I could see a slightly mentally challenged 'cat lady'/hoarder type maybe.  A very unattractive one.   (and I can't unsee his socks from a few episodes back-- gross!)


I didn't think the segments were that well thought out on this one.  They just got going and poof! it was over.  They weren't that funny to me, either. 

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I only discovered this show half way through the season so just saw this epi for the first time on rerun. I thought it was hilarious. The parents are my fav couple and I loved when the mom suggested the son who walked in on them see a therapist and then she ends up being the therapist. And that all of the family ended up involved. I also loved the lactating consultant segment as I have found at times both 'specialists' and some mothers to be OTT when it comes to breast feeding so loved seeing it from the other point of view. Excellent epi overall.

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Wow! I felt like this was a glimpse into just what show is capable of being. The hour format worked with the short story style so well, especially with blending the stories, which they got much better at in the latter half of the season.

Thomas Sadowski, you are fantastic, and no matter what happens with this show, I hope you break big.

Very nice to see Gigi again, the prom sequence kept me laughing, and Greg's whole invention and office bit had a bunch of good layers.

I doubt CBS would ever be brave enough to run the show as a 10-12 episode hour-long comedy, but I would love that.

Edited by Traveller519
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Cheeto has a girlfriend! Dorita, heh.

One thing I really love and appreciate is the continuity between episodes. Cheeto, in another show, probably would never have been heard of or seen again. Not to mention the "Heater" tattoo, which still shows up.

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Lots happening in the finale.  I do like the way they keep everyone involved.  I found alot of little LOL moments.  Just the mannerisms and facial expressions of the characters is great.  

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Solid episode, they did a great job of looping in all of the story lines.


Greg saying "let me go first.... cuz I'm taller" got an unexpected chuckle out of me.  Jen is definitely my favorite, that whole exchange made me laugh.

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I found alot of little LOL moments.


I've enjoyed the show from the start, but this was the first Laugh Out Loud episode for me.  The cast is great.  I agree that the "pieces" work better on a longer episode.   "We can be ridiculous together." 

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I've only watched a few seconds of this show before, my remote control sensor needs replacing, so i have to get up & walk across the room to change channels, last night I didn't. and if it continues, I will run across the room to change channels in the future. I hated everything about it, whiny kids getting things out of their parents by guilting, assumptions about everyone else's sex lives, self absorbed people, loud people. Nothing about it I liked. And I probably won't like the skewering I'll get here from fans of the show, lol. But I probably won't be checking back in here either.

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friendperidot, maybe if you had watched the show from the pilot, the characters' and families' quirks really grow on you.  I can see where a one-time viewing you would be "whatttt???"  To each their own

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I think this episode worked so well because they tied the stories together - the (grand)parents divorce came up in more than one storyline, the proposal came up in more than one, etc.   However, this cross-over-ing makes this more like a regular sitcom, instead of the four separate stories theme.  I am okay with that.   


Although CBS has not officially said whether they will renew or cancel Life in Pieces,, TV by the Numbers is pretty confident that it will be renewed saying -


“Life in Pieces.” The season’s No. 1 new comedy is a shoo-in.
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I thought it was a great hour of TV.  Every vignette had something that made me laugh, or at least smile.  And I also love that Cheeto has got a lady of his own. (A tasteless "wood" joke could go here, but I'll resist....*LOL*)


I liked the Carol & Karol bit.  And am I just getting that John almost always drinks out of a tropical-type glass with a straw & a little paper umbrella?  

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Poor Tyler, had both his mom and grandmom showing him how to open up condoms ... with their teeth.

THANK YOU! That drove me nuts.

But otherwise, I loved it. I watched the bathroom proposal more than once. And cried each time.

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Literally LOL'd at Greg realizing he is illegitimate, even though I totally saw it coming. This really was a great episode/pair of episodes. Can't wait to see where they go with some of the cans of worms they opened next season, Tyler's especially. My only issue with these episodes was Sophia - she's crossed that line to utterly obnoxious with no redeeming features. Hope they tone her down. Though her last line was funny.

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On 10/7/2015 at 0:19 AM, Pop Tart said:

 The tree cutting to the tune of "I Need a Hero" had me laughing out loud. Physical comedy combined with what really was a pretty realistic scenario was pretty genius.

I re-watched this repeat yesterday and laughed just as hard. Wizard Fingers. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Holding Out for a Hero had me guffawing out loud and looking for Kevin Bacon on a tractor. HEEEEEEEEEE

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I had given up on this show after two aired episodes, but it's in the video library available at my health club and perfect for my elliptical machine workouts.  This episode was probably my favorite so far.  Each segment was funny and close to believable.  I loved the Nanny winking at Colin Hanks to signify he had tipped her off to the wife's arrest.  Perfect!

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I didn't recognize Megan Mullaly at first, as the new mother-in-law.  Solid episode.  I liked the Pop pop in the hospital segment, and the baby shower/not baby shower segment was poignant and well done.  Didn't care too much for the wrestling roommate.

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They sure crammed a lot into one episode! 

I liked all but the "parents talking about their 18 year olds being married" segment.  It was nice to see Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman looking so "normal", but their characters were just too weird.

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I was struggling to remember how last season ended. I remembered Matt proposing and Jen being pregnant, I only vaguely remembered the kids getting married. Did we know Jen miscarried? I sort of remember Colleen's weird roommate but I can't remember how she wound up there.

I thought the whole "boner pill" episode was really dumb and lazy. The way everyone kept pouring into his room only to gasp ! at his ! boner ! oh noes! Uh . . . why are they all seeing his boner? He's covered up, for Pete's sake. What, is that thing four feet long or something? I know Matt and Greg thought he was "gifted" and were disappointed they didn't take after him, but c'mon. He had blankets and a pillow, it's not like he couldn't have hidden the thing.

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20 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I thought the whole "boner pill" episode was really dumb and lazy. The way everyone kept pouring into his room only to gasp ! at his ! boner ! oh noes! Uh . . . why are they all seeing his boner? He's covered up, for Pete's sake. What, is that thing four feet long or something? I know Matt and Greg thought he was "gifted" and were disappointed they didn't take after him, but c'mon. He had blankets and a pillow, it's not like he couldn't have hidden the thing.

However it was funny when Heather told her brothers that Pop-pop's size was basically a no-biggie, and then they do a double-take at their brother-in-law in awe.

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I still love the continuity as Cheeto makes an appearance.  But where was his girlfriend, Dorita?

I liked the annulment segment for the clever wordplay and double entendres if nothing else.  Megan and Nick really sold it.  However, it reminded me an awful lot of Parenthood the movie, wherein Dianne Wiest's character's daughter got married as a teenager and she let them live in her house.

I don't think the family saw Pop-pop's penis, just the tent it made in the sheet.  And if people burst into the room unexpectedly, he wouldn't have time to hide it behind a pillow.  And Matt and Greg apparently don't make tents like that.

I didn't care much for the wrestling bit.  I did hope that Matt would roll away before Dougie landed, but alas, it was not to be.

I agree, though, that the baby shower story was the best of the episode.

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5 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I liked the annulment segment for the clever wordplay and double entendres if nothing else. 

I thought the beginning of the episode was strong and so hilarious. 

The wrestling roommate story seemed a bit out of place but I love Fortune Feistier and couldn't stop laughing at her showing up all in yellow on that yellow moped.

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It was Greg yelling "Avenge me!" in the background of the garage match that made me laugh. 

The gang ushering Clementine out of the room saying "this isn't helping" that really made me laugh! (That and the " I might need you to punch it." "I'm not punching it." exchange) 

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23 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I was struggling to remember how last season ended. I remembered Matt proposing and Jen being pregnant, I only vaguely remembered the kids getting married. Did we know Jen miscarried? I sort of remember Colleen's weird roommate but I can't remember how she wound up there.

When last season ended, the kids announced they were married, and it came out that Jen was pregnant. This episode was where we learned that she'd miscarried.

There was also a subplot with the kids' great-grandmother, but the actress passed away, so I think the writers are going to pretend it never happened.

I don't recall them ever explaining why Colleen chose such an unbearable roommate. She seems like she'd have better judgment than that.

23 hours ago, roughing it said:

However it was funny when Heather told her brothers that Pop-pop's size was basically a no-biggie, and then they do a double-take at their brother-in-law in awe.

My reaction was to think, I'd certainly hope Tim is hung...it's the only explanation for how he landed Betsy Brandt.

Edited by Blakeston
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I am disappointed that they are featuring the Dougie character and since when is she the roommate of Colleen?  I just feel like they are diminishing the show by going for cheap laughs with this Dougie.  The character IMO is ridiculous and not funny.  Nice to see Megan Mullally, but her and that brother/husband? were weird. The baby shower was nice.  Let's see what next week brings.

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I give this show a lot of credit for how they handled the last storyline. They tackled the topic head on and did it with sensitivity and depth. I loved the way Dianne Wiest played it - telling Jen about her miscarriage and telling her that there was no wrong way for her to react. I had a loss back in January so it was particularly poignant for me and I was glad to see that they did not cower away from it or cheapen it. 

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