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S11.E24: You're My Home

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Actors have marks on the stage and all the cameras and lighting are set prior to the filming of the scene. The actors didn't just stroll over and sit down, it would have been in the script. And, weren't they sitting on the bench at the foot of the bed anyway?

Cause that hasn't been going on for 11 seasons or anything.




That´s why I´m saying it is not clear who placed actors there,if it was scripted or director´s choice because both are disrespectful. Amelia should have chosen a different place to listen to the message - SHE HAS HER OWN ROOM THERE OR NOT???,not to end up on such an intimate place for a married couple, it only shows she is one disrespectful b---h, secondly, why on earth was Owen walking into MerDer bedroom? Is he nuts,too? if you were at sb´s else´s house,you just casually stroll into sb else´s bedroom???? How rude is that?

Both are stupid.


Yes, stupid personal crap that they are discussing amidst surgeries,which require 100% focus from every doctor, is going on for 11 seasons long  and yes, there is never enough time to point this idiocy out. Even after 11 seasons.  It only shows this show is so far away from any kind of reality of  professional medicine.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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That was an awfully meh episode to me.


I didn't like the "dancing it out" at the end.  That's Meredith's and Cristina's thing and it felt like the show was just trying to replace Cristina with Maggie and Amelia, and it's not going to work.  It just shows how anemic this show has become.


Catherine, who is like Bailey x10.  If she's going to be a regular on the show next season, I may have to reconsider watching because right now, she's horrible. I can't imagine how Jackson turned out so well with her for a mother.


Preach it!!!

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
  • Love 1
I didn't like the "dancing it out" at the end.  That's Meredith's and Cristina's thing and it felt like the show was just trying to replace Cristina with Maggie and Amelia, and it's not going to work.

While I agree that I don't like the show trying to replace Cristina, I think it was more about Meredith both moving on with her life and making an effort to include her two sisters in her life and to treat them like family. In the past, she has clung to Cristina and then Alex as her family, even when she has had Derek, Lexi, and the Chief in her life. She has been very much about choosing her self-made family and often shutting out her biological/legal family. As much as I dislike Amelia, I can appreciate seeing Meredith grow beyond that by making a conscious effort to elevate her half sister and her sister in law to part of her chosen family (as opposed to treating them like annoying coworkers). Meredith has a hard time letting people in, so inviting Maggie and Amelia to dance it out with her was a big step for her. I don't think either of them will ever replace Cristina in her heart, but at least she is no longer insisting that Cristina and Alex are the only ones who are allowed to be part of her life.


I like this new competent April but geez woman, what did you expect? That Jackson was going to wait, mourning alone for two years while you went off and buried your sadness in adrenalin?

ITA - if going back out is what she needs to do (even though I don't like her becoming this combat adrenaline junkie), that's fine, but she can't expect Jackson to sit around indefinitely waiting for her to come home. I am glad that Jackson brought up the fact that he was hurting too and that he needed to heal with her, not just at the same time thousands of miles apart. Not only was he trying to grieve the loss of their child but he was scared out of his mind about April's safety. While I know it sounded like an ultimatum to April, Jackson was being honest about how he felt. Some people are totally fine with long distance relationships (I knew one woman whose husband was a firefighter and she said it was perfect for them because it gave them time apart which they both liked), and other people aren't. If you're in different countries and you are barely talking to each other for months at a time, what kind of relationship is left?

  • Love 8
That´s why I´m saying it is not clear who placed actors there,if it was scripted or director´s choice because both are disrespectful. Amelia should have chosen a different place to listen to the message - SHE HAS HER OWN ROOM THERE OR NOT???,not to end up on such an intimate place for a married couple, it only shows she is one disrespectful b---h, secondly, why on earth was Owen walking into MerDer bedroom? Is he nuts,too? if you were at sb´s else´s house,you just casually stroll into sb else´s bedroom???? How rude is that?

I don't believe we've ever seen Amelia's room so there is likely no set for it. Regardless, I had no issue with Amelia listening to the message in Meredith's room for a couple of reason. First, the room clearly was not in any way off limits to guests. Everyone's coats were on the bed and the door was open. Had Meredith not wanted anyone in the room the coats would have been elsewhere and the door would have been shut. Second (and more important to me), when has Meredith ever cared about boundaries for a bedroom? She had no issue with her friends busting into the bedroom while she and her boyfriend/fiance/husband were IN BED.  She also has none regarding other couples' bedrooms. Earlier this season Meredith burst into Alex's room and threw Jo out of bed. Due to all of Meredith's lack of boundaries I just can't find Amelia a disrespectful bitch or evil for going into a room setup for guest access during the party when Meredith herself has never been shown giving a rat's ass about a couple's bedroom being a private space.

I may be sitting at a table for one because I think that Mer only cared about the dream house is because it was Derek's dream.


She definitely didn't care about the house initially. She didn't even care to look at plans or pick things out for the house. But once they moved in I had the impression she was happy there.


Dancing it out was Cristina/Meredith's thing but I thought the scene was nice. Meredith has danced it out with Derek during her fight with Cristina and has had 30 second dance parties in the OR. Its something she's incorporated in her life and now its part of her even without Cristina. Cristina/Meredith included Lexie in it once and now its something Meredith is sharing with other members of her family. I don't think Meredith sharing it with others takes anything away from Cristina.

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 13

I am a little torn on the Jackson/April situation.

On one hand, Jackson needed to shock April like that a little bit, because clearly she has not been listening or even caring about what he needed.

OTOH, I don't think ultimatums are ever helpful. April may end up choosing Jackson, but will probably resent Jackson for making her choose (and we will have the MerDer storyline all over again).

  • Love 1

I guess since I ripped Meredith badly in the last episode, I've got to give her some points for this one.


I liked her being there for Maggie and although I thought the whole voicemail thing was crap (Derek didn't even mention Amelia), it made Amelia feel better and that's all that counts so kudos for that.  


Didn't care one way or the other about the "dance it out" thing.  Nothing is sacred on this show.  I fully expect Shonda to nickname one of those idiot interns "007".


I liked Jo and Alex's ending.  It was a the right thing IMO, sell Meredith back her house and get a new place for themselves.  

  • Love 1

It's Hotel Meets Murder She Wrote! Barbie Benton and Diana Canova are contacting their agents as we speak!

(I hope someone else knows what I'm talking about and I hope both actresses are still alive!)

Thanks, @Deanie87 - way to make me feel really old! LOL. I definitely remember both actresses, and both of those shows.


Yes, both actresses are still alive. According to Wikipedia, Benton is 65; Canova is 61. 


I hate how the writers made Alex become her person just so he could cheer her up. It wasn’t like that with Cristina. Cristina and Mere both supported each other, while Alex is just Meredith’s cheerleader. She doesn’t treat him as her equal and I hate it.

Considering his personality, I don't think Alex has needed a person.


I've wait years, it seems, for a dance party. But the music was too slow.


Glad to see the Bailey character perking up again.


I thought the voice mail message subplot was awkward. I just didn't see what that message would do for Amelia.


It's way beyond me why this show focused any time on some doctor's parents' divorce. SO WHAT? We don't even know these people.


Sorry that Webber married Catherine. I do not want to see more of her or less of him.


I find most of the pairings on this show forgettable, though I may like the characters individually. That goes for....almost everyone.

  • Love 2

I think Cristina was the first to dance it out. Not that it matters it became something they both did and I don't see a big deal about Meredith dancing it out with others.

It's way beyond me why this show focused any time on some doctor's parents' divorce. SO WHAT? We don't even know these people.

This! Also, she said her mother had an affair for 11 years and that they stayed together for her. Isn't Maggie in the 30s? Why would they need to stay together for a grown woman? Is that the only thing they could come up with the have Maggie crying over?

  • Love 4

Alex didn't really give his ok for the loft, he gave a "barely there head nod". I don't think he will do it.

I think he will. He smiled and looked happy/emotional (and, of course, confused) when she told him that she loved him, and then kissed her. Of course, I'm sure he will bitch about the loft the entire time it gets renovated and hang out at the frat house a lot, but I still think that it touched him that someone would do this for him and he made it clear that he does want a future with Jo. Plus, I don't think that even he was thrilled about sharing a house with 3 kids.

Thanks, @Deanie87 - way to make me feel really old! LOL. I definitely remember both actresses, and both of those shows

Hey, no problem LOL! ABC needs to step up. With The Love Boat and Fantasy Island long gone, when are these gals supposed to get work? Not everybody is cut out for Dancing With the Stars!

  • Love 1
  • Bailey is a good woman and I'm glad she has a good man, no matter how annoying she's become. This whole damn cast has been annoying since the end of season two of this show so...


  • Good for Richard and Catherine, who is also annoying but seems to be a good enough person who deserves a decent mate in Richard.


  • The dancing out IMO was a tribute to Cristina IMO. It was originally her thing she started the dancing your trials and tribulations out. She would pull Meredith up off her ass to dance it out with her.  This to me was a simple yet useful gift that she passed on to Meredith.
  •  Now Meredith has truly taken it on and she now initiates the dancing it out with her new "persons and/or family members" as a method of strength or building the strength needed to handle the shit that life throws at you.


  • I don't care about April and Jackson, never will.


  • Can't bring myself to care about Owen and Amelia.


  • I like Maggie and like that she and Meredith seem to have reached a new point in their relationship.


  • Alex and Jo, I don't care, I don't hate Jo but she's just there. I am happy for Alex thought if this is truly who he loves.



  • Love 1

This! Also, she said her mother had an affair for 11 years and that they stayed together for her. Isn't Maggie in the 30s? Why would they need to stay together for a grown woman? Is that the only thing they could come up with the have Maggie crying over?

I assume the divorce is supposed to be one more thing for Maggie and Mer to bond over.  They are now both from broken homes.  Of course, there is a huge difference between being an actual child of divorce (that is someone who experienced it during their childhood) and an adult whose parents divorce.  I know the original premise of this show was that surgeons were so focused on their studies that they are behind on social and personal interaction skills.  However, like you say, she's in her thirties.  There is a point when people catch up.  Even if she's 5 years behind emotionally, she would be old enough to handle this better than we have been shown.    

  • Love 2

I assume the divorce is supposed to be one more thing for Maggie and Mer to bond over.  They are now both from broken homes.  Of course, there is a huge difference between being an actual child of divorce (that is someone who experienced it during their childhood) and an adult whose parents divorce.  I know the original premise of this show was that surgeons were so focused on their studies that they are behind on social and personal interaction skills.  However, like you say, she's in her thirties.  There is a point when people catch up.  Even if she's 5 years behind emotionally, she would be old enough to handle this better than we have been shown.    


 I got Maggie's point, why wouldn't she be broken up by it or be angry on them at the same time. However, I agree her parents deciding to stay together for 11 years because their adoptive child lived close by while she was a resident and fresh out of medical school. I could understand a year or two but after that, no sorry. The only parents of any of the other characters who seem to have a healthy marriage at any point were Arizona's and Miranda's parents. Everyone else either died, cheated on or were major jerks. Bailey's dad almost went there until he realized his daughter was right. He almost went in that territory years ago because he felt that Bailey chose to help nobody's over trying to save her own marriage to Fletcher. Which in the long run, I sided with Miranda because she tried. Arizona's dad was a close second since he didn't even went to have a moment of silence for his son who died in the line of duty at his daughter's own wedding. What was that about? Remember in the Grey's universe happy family's do no exist.

  • Love 2

Poor Arizona, she's about to be living with three small children and she doesn't even know it.  Just watch, one of those little devils will steal her leg.

Four, at least occasionally, since she does have one of her own, remember.


There was build up to the house for 5 damn seasons and she's just gonna sell it? And the land? And...what? No. I'm so irritated by this. Plus the dream house is beautiful and it seems pretty pointless to move. 

Lots of interesting points people have made about this. I can fully appreciate wanting to get out of that house, since (a) it was always more Derek's dreamhouse than hers — Derek's presence in it was what made it her dreamhouse —, (b) it's not super convenient to the hospital, and © every inch of that place has to be full of Derek, and that has to be hard. My husband lost his previous partner and could not get out of the apartment they shared fast enough, because it was just too hard.


All that said, someone else had a whole paragraph full of good reasons why it didn't make any more sense for her to move back into the old house, either. And I also agree with whoever said that she should rent the house, and then maybe one of the kids can have it later, which I think would be kind of nice. Zola, in particular, might have actual memories of the place and might like to be able to go back there someday. Plus, if you still own the land, Owen can still live there in the trailer.


I really hate time jumps.  It's been a year, right?  So, in a year, Alex and Jo haven't progressed their relationship at all.  April and Jackson were apart and they're only discussing it now?  (I missed 3 episodes so maybe I missed something?).  Owen and Amelia are still?????  These are grown people and I know it's a soap but their lives seem to move at glacial speed.  If I'm a divorced man in his 40's I'm not waiting a year for some bone of "I hope this works out".  Communicate people!  Move it along!

You know, I said after Derek died that they'd have to do a bit of a jump to account for the absence of certain people at the funeral and for a while after, but I seriously didn't mean a whole year. I think that was a mistake that has had all kinds of weird ramifications. Because there are all these things going on in all of these people's lives, and they've done this weird hybrid of skipping forward a year but also acting like no time has passed, and it's not working. There are all these conversations and relationship issues that, if they'd happened when they realistically would/should have, we wouldn't have seen. So in order to show them, they're all taking place eons after it makes any sense for them to do so, and it just makes it all seem really weird and forced. I think three months, max, would have worked a lot better.


Also, Jo buying the loft makes sense to me. There's no way she and Alex could redecorate Chateau Ellis enough to really make it theirs. And Alex is just the kind to enjoy some do it yourself freestyle furnishing. Carpet, TV, beanbag, portrait of Catherine Avery covering one wall with a box of darts close to hand-- living room area's done.

This made me legit laugh.


I am a little torn on the Jackson/April situation.

On one hand, Jackson needed to shock April like that a little bit, because clearly she has not been listening or even caring about what he needed.

OTOH, I don't think ultimatums are ever helpful. April may end up choosing Jackson, but will probably resent Jackson for making her choose (and we will have the MerDer storyline all over again).

No, they're not, but some things really are non-negotiable. And I think there is at least a subtle difference between "That or me because I don't feel like dealing with that again," and "That or me because I can't go through that again." I think he clearly wants to support her and be on board with what she needs to make her happy, but he can't. His behaviour throughout the whole baby storyline has been nothing but supportive and putting her needs and feelings foremost, and that's great, but a relationship can't survive if that's only one-way. Aside from that one sweet moment when he talked about missing Mark, she doesn't seem to have thought about his feelings at all. Once again, this really is a conversation that should have taken place sooner, and presumably would have if we hadn't skipped so far forward in time, but at this point, of course things are going to come out as an ultimatum, even if not intended, because things have just built to such a huge head that how could they not?


I hope next season sees them actually talk through this and sort it out, and not just divorce, because I think they are generally pretty functional together in spite of some of those major philosophical differences they have. I'm thinking that April, with her background, is not the sort to take divorce lightly, and would view it as an absolute last resort, so I do feel that my hope for them does have some reasonable legs. As I said above, Jackson has been so completely supportive of everything she's done that it makes it very easy to do those things and behave that way and just assume that he's OK with it all. He probably should have said sooner that he wasn't, but now that he has, I really do hope she listens.


Maggie generally annoys me, and breaking down at work is unprofessional, but I'm with her on this one. I'm in my thirties, and I would be wrecked to find out my parents were divorcing and one of them was a cheating cheater who cheats. And I'm not emotionally stunted in any way (that I know of, anyway). LOL

Also, she did just find out. If she's still weeping and wailing about it in a few months (maybe even weeks, or however long the summer hiatus is supposed to represent), that'll be a bit much. But yeah, I'm pretty sure I would also do some crying and freaking out for a little bit if I found out my parents were breaking up after a decade-long affair.

  • Love 4

You know, I said after Derek died that they'd have to do a bit of a jump to account for the absence of certain people at the funeral and for a while after, but I seriously didn't mean a whole year. I think that was a mistake that has had all kinds of weird ramifications. Because there are all these things going on in all of these people's lives, and they've done this weird hybrid of skipping forward a year but also acting like no time has passed, and it's not working. There are all these conversations and relationship issues that, if they'd happened when they realistically would/should have, we wouldn't have seen. So in order to show them, they're all taking place eons after it makes any sense for them to do so, and it just makes it all seem really weird and forced. I think three months, max, would have worked a lot better.

Yes, this 100%!!!  this is what I have been trying to articulate since the time jump.  thank you for saying it so perfectly.  


Aside from that...I actually just got a chance to watch the full episode this weekend and (maybe unpopular opinion) I really liked it.  There were little things that annoyed me like Meredith moving into her old house (as i said earlier) and Maggie and her parent's divorce, but overall I loved the medical story.  I finally got that suspense back because I honestly wasn't sure if they would pull off getting Keith to the OR in time.  Also, as much as I hate Mer and the kids moving into Ellis' house, I do like that she said Derek would have loved the party and that is what she wanted her last memory of the house to be.  Even Catherine and Webber were tolerable here.  


I even (warning: super unpopular opinion coming) liked the interns.  The girl with the elevator totally reminded of something Izzie or even Meredith would have done.  As long as they continue to use the interns for medical plots and/or to move our current docs forward I am ok with them,  I feel like it restores the hierarchy in the hospital that has also been missing for a while.  But please, do not make them regulars...I beg you ABC.  


Speaking of Meredith, I feel like the old Meredith is finally back.  Also, I loved the "dancing it out" part because all though it was Cristina who introduced her to that, you can see that she is embracing Amelia and Maggie into her family.  Funny how she was never about family when Derek was alive (even though he was) but that it look him dying for her to embrace and care about family.  I'm sure that was done on purpose.  


I agree with some others that this could have absolutely been a series finale....strangely since the show had zero chance of not being renewed.  But, i am down with it and definitely sticking it through to next season.  Only things I want to see differently for S12 are:


- Not Bailey as Chief.  i would have liked S1-S6ish Bailey as chief but I feel like Bailey in her current state will be insufferable.  I think I'd actually like a new male attending brought on as chief (but not a Derek replacement).  This hospital desperately needs new male characters.  

- NEW MUSIC.  This show used to be so great with its music choices and it seems like the past 4-5 episodes have been endless covers of previously used songs.  


ETA: Forgot my 3rd unpopular opinion....I loved Amelia and Owen in this episode.  I think Amelia is tolerable when not speaking in long monologues (for that i blame Shonda for that and not Caterina).  I thought they were cute when she held his hand to let him stay while she listened to the VM.  


Oh this reminds me too...a few people were questioning in the time jump episode why Meredith wouldn't have changed her number if she didn't want to be contacted.  It seems like she in fact do that because when she gave Amelia the phone to listen to Derek's VM she said "this is my old phone".  

Edited by Greysaddict
  • Love 2

I wanted to add something about selling the dream house: I know that there are valid arguments on both sides. But I wanted to point at one thing, that maybe was underestimate. I have a cousin that lost his father when she was ten, in a car crash, and her mother soon moved out. She was terribly traumatized by that almost as much as she was by the death of his father, and for years she kept asking her grandmother and all relatives to give her something that belonged to him: photos, objects, postcards. She felt like moving out was losing the last link she had with him. Of course every person mourns his own way, but consider that those kids lost their father, and changed house three times in one year. I know they're very little, but a kid like Zola in the real world may be greatly traumatized by that. I may be not totally objective considering my experience, but I think selling the house that Derek personally designed and built was a loss for his children, who probably growing up wanted to know more about his father. 

  • Love 7

You all make good points about the dancing it out as being part of Meredith's acceptance of Maggie and Amelia.


Maggie and her parents divorce -- I think is says a lot about how sheltered her upbringing must have been that her mother has been having an affair for 11 years, through her med school days, residency and 2 years in Seattle given the time jump, and only now are her parents getting a divorce because they don't want to upset her.


The parents of a friend of mine divorced when she started at university, sold the house and got one bedroom apartments, leaving her with nowhere to come back home to at age 18.  Her I felt sorry for. Maggie, not so much.


No, they're not, but some things really are non-negotiable. And I think there is at least a subtle difference between "That or me because I don't feel like dealing with that again," and "That or me because I can't go through that again." I think he clearly wants to support her and be on board with what she needs to make her happy, but he can't. His behaviour throughout the whole baby storyline has been nothing but supportive and putting her needs and feelings foremost, and that's great, but a relationship can't survive if that's only one-way. Aside from that one sweet moment when he talked about missing Mark, she doesn't seem to have thought about his feelings at all. Once again, this really is a conversation that should have taken place sooner, and presumably would have if we hadn't skipped so far forward in time, but at this point, of course things are going to come out as an ultimatum, even if not intended, because things have just built to such a huge head that how could they not?


I hope next season sees them actually talk through this and sort it out, and not just divorce, because I think they are generally pretty functional together in spite of some of those major philosophical differences they have.

That's actually what marriage counselors tell couples to do, put it in terms of "I" rather than "you".  And Jackson's been very supported of April while she's eliniated him entirely from her equation.


I'd like them to work things out too (and not only because I don't want to see Jackson with Stephanie) but how often does this show give us that rather than the constant angst that was Cristina/Owen or Mer/Der the first half dozen seasons?  Webber and Catherine worked things out here but they are a couple who I think are deaded for the divorce court anyway.

I was happy the couple with the baby made it through.  The actor who played the car guy did a great job for not being able to move at all during his scenes.


I'm really glad Jackson told April how things looked from his side of the marriage.  This show has an abundance of overly self-involved people, but that does not make for healthy marriages.  April needs to do some thinking about what marriage means to her.


Jo and Alex have never felt real to me as a couple, so I'm not sure what to think of the loft.  Maybe it will mean more story line for Alex?  

  • Love 2

- Not Bailey as Chief.  i would have liked S1-S6ish Bailey as chief but I feel like Bailey in her current state will be insufferable.  I think I'd actually like a new male attending brought on as chief (but not a Derek replacement).  This hospital desperately needs new male characters.  

Bailey's about due to have another tantrum, and what better way of achieving that than having her friends pick an outsider over her?  I definitely believe she will be chief by the end of the series though.


If Meredith is to eventually develop another love interest, I think the "outside candidate" is as good a bet as any.  There are no viable options amongst the current cast.

If Meredith is to eventually develop another love interest, I think the "outside candidate" is as good a bet as any.  There are no viable options amongst the current cast.

I'm worried about the McDreamy looking kid. It would totally be Shonda to bring Mer "Full Circle" and have Mer be the attending sleeping with an intern.


Although I do like the look of the one intern who didn't say much. He's played by a fairly well known Canadian Actor.  (Which is why most of this forum has never heard of him)


Alex and Jo, I don't care, I don't hate Jo but she's just there. I am happy for Alex thought if this is truly who he loves.


This almost how I feel. Although I'm starting to struggle with the last part. We get so little Alex and he and Jo are so bland they make my want to hit fast forward before I fall asleep.

Maggie is a little bit childish to me,crying like a ten-year-old kid. She should be more mature and take things as they are. Also her crying  during the surgery,how on earth did she manage not to kill the patient or why was she not substituted?


In Maggie's defense (and I can't believe I wrote that), if my parents had announced they were getting divorced at some point after I became an adult, especially if I'd had no idea there were any problems in their marriage, I probably would've ended up bawling like a baby too.  But during surgery?  That is really unprofessional, even for Seattle Grey Death Whatever, and certainly should've resulted in her gettig pulled out of that operating room.  But, of course, this crappy hospital only has one cardio-thoracic surgeon, so . . .

  • Love 3

In Maggie's defense (and I can't believe I wrote that), if my parents had announced they were getting divorced at some point after I became an adult, especially if I'd had no idea there were any problems in their marriage, I probably would've ended up bawling like a baby too.  But during surgery?  That is really unprofessional, even for Seattle Grey Death Whatever, and certainly should've resulted in her gettig pulled out of that operating room.  But, of course, this crappy hospital only has one cardio-thoracic surgeon, so . . .


I also thought she would be more professional,like in 1102 her introduction episode,she is nowhere near the person she was back then compared to the finale professionally and personally. She now seems a whiny kid. Although she cried on the bench in 1102 while talking to her parents,but at least alone, then she manned up and went back to work,now she is scrubbing and operating and crying while doing it..............


Very disappointed with Maggie´s development, I had so much hope for this character early in the season,all is gone,not a fan anymore.

The actress does her job well, but the writing sucks.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

This was good. I'll start with the fact that I totally understood the intention with Amelia and the voicemail. Amelia had just excoriated Meredith for not letting her say goodbye to Derek. That he was there one minute, and gone the next -- that Meredith was the sole arbiter of his life and no one else got any say. The voicemail clearly was Meredith letting Amelia say her goodbye. It would've been silly (and I say this as a MerDer shipper) to watch Meredith listen to it, especially a year later. I knew it was going to come back because we saw Derek making the call on the ferry. I also took it as a goodbye to the audience -- that this is the final "original" image we'll see of Derek Shepherd: on a ferry boat, loving Seattle, loving Meredith and his family. For as much as Shonda rushed through his death, I appreciated the "new" footage.


I think Meredith "dancing it out" has been covered, but it occurred to me as I watched it that Meredith has lost so many people (in every sense of the word). I don't blame her for, at this point, plugging in some new "people" into the old Cristina spot and moving on. I think Meredith's track record shows that she's been so badly damaged by relationships of all sorts that nobody is irreplaceable. I do like that her new "people" are sisters, by blood or by marriage.


I irrationally hate the intern who removed the collar from the pregnant patient. Every time I see him, I mutter "Dumbass" under my breath. I don't recall the Fab Five ever doing anything that moronic, but my memory is short and this show has been on a while.

  • Love 2

I liked the happyish ending and I'm happy Alex and Jo will get their own place. I like Owen a lot but have never warmed up to Amelia and continue to think she seems way too young to be this cutting edge surgeon. I also really like Jackson and April as a couple and really hate them breaking up; but what is he supposed to do? Most people aren't going to just go without a wife/husband for a year at a time. Sometimes people have to cause of military obligations but even then they come home sometimes and there are a lot of divorces even so. Kind of seemed like a series finale to me.


I rather believe Maggie to be this cardio head than Amelia,she is a joke as the head ot neuro. Both equally at the same age,but incomparable.

Not too bad. It's obvious the show was still suffering from the backlash of rewrites and the major nip/tuck that took place halfway through. Messy and mediocre, but acceptable.


I liked the final scene with the dancing and especially that final shot. It almost seems like they're kind of doing a soft reboot? with Meredith moving into the old house (most likely with tons of roommates even though she has three kids), etc. Maggie putting her head on Mer's shoulder was reminiscent of the iconic Cristina/Meredith bar scene.


Bailey becoming chief eventually will be nice. But why wasn't this JPJ's final episode? Would've been a nice sendoff for him to retire and move to Boston. I like his character but he's run his course on the show, IMO.


I had two major issues with the episode: 1) I hate how they made the voicemail/Derek's final new scene ever on the show about Amelia (and to some degree Owen) rather than Meredith. 2) I hate that they're going through with getting rid of the dream house...


I share the same viewpoint. 


Why do they even bother to build the sets?? How time-consuming it must be ,so much effort and work by people who build and design them,like with the firehouse and then just off with them. Ridiculous.


The least bit of honour the director had, at least he had the respect and cut off Omelette kiss not to make it entirely about them,and to show a bit of respect for Derek.


Oh my, that scene with MerMaggie is definitely a copy of MerCris,but why move in with roommates when Meredith has three kids????? You go back in time as if you never matured? Or just to have babysitters ready whenever she needs?

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan


Catherine, who is like Bailey x10.  If she's going to be a regular on the show next season, I may have to reconsider watching because right now, she's horrible. I can't imagine how Jackson turned out so well with her for a mother.


Completely agree with this. She is so shrill - and one note - about everything. I really like Richard and hate that he ended up with her.

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I liked this finale and it was nice to see the characters finally not miserable for a change. Well nearly all of them..

Jo and Alex are my favourite couple and I hate how shoved aside they've been this season. Jo especially. I really am happy they've not split and can't wait to see more focus on them in their loft.

I hope Bailey gets Chief. Hypocritical as some may have seen it I appreciated her smack down of Stephanie too as her pathetic Bailey impression with the interns is driving me nuts.

Speaking of Stephanie unless we're getting a fun affair with her handsome intern the less focus the interns get the better.

Meredith, Maggie and Smugsalot Shepard had a cute ending but i dread the screen time They'll take up next season talking about nonsense. Especially if Alex is still onboard as the fourth Grey Sister.

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WARNING: This is a very long post.


I’m very pissed and I need to vent so here it goes.

First I wanna talk about the voicemail. I enjoyed watching that scene because 1) It’s good to see Patrick again and 2) I’ve been expecting this scene forever, but I wanted it to be about Meredith and Derek, not about Amelia and Owen. I mean, come on! Derek was telling Mere how much he loved her and they made that scene about Amelia?! Why? I wanted to see Mere listening to the damn voicemail and having a breakdown, not Amelia and Owen bonding over that. I’m so freaking mad.

Now I wanna talk about Mere and Amelia. Guys, come on, last week Amelia was yelling at Meredith and later that day she was fine again. That doesn’t make any sense! She would be upset for a long time, she wouldn’t even look at Mere after that discussion. Why did they show us that scene if later that day Amelia would be back to loving Meredith? I don’t get it.

I liked Jolex in this episode and I totally understand Jo, although I wouldn’t want to live in a place like that. But the scene was sweet and I’m glad they didn’t break up.

I see there are some people mad at Meredith because she doesn’t respect Alex’s relationship with Jo, but I blame the writers for that. Meredith used to be very supportive of him ages ago and I don’t understand why they changed that. Remember when she told him he was nothing like his father? Remember when nobody liked him and she did? Remember when she gave up her wedding so he could get married to Izzie? I do, and I don’t like how they changed that this season. I’m still pissed she didn’t vote for him to become part of the Board. I hate how the writers made Alex become her person just so he could cheer her up. It wasn’t like that with Cristina. Cristina and Mere both supported each other, while Alex is just Meredith’s cheerleader. She doesn’t treat him as her equal and I hate it.

As for Japril I’m 100% by Jackson’s side. April abandoned him and ran from her responsabilities as his wife and that is not okay. He lost a baby too and he was as sad as she was. Let’s see how they will work this out next season. This is the first time they get a storyline that I find interesting, so I’m looking foward to that. Oh, and April and Arizona’s friendship is the cutest thing.

I’m not the biggest Calzona shipper but I wanted to see more of them. I think they’ll get back together eventually, but the fans were expecting so much from this episode and I felt sorry for them.

I have a hard time enjoying Bailey now. I used to like her a lot, but now most of the time I find her insufferable. Plus, overconfident Bailey is quite annoying.

Webber and Catherine please stop. How is it possible to be so freaking annoying all the time? I hate this! It’s a waste of time.

The thing that is driving me crazy is the fact that Meredith is selling the dreamhouse. Derek built that damn house for them. It was his dream! I understand that she doesn’t want to live there alone, but why sell the house? She could just rent it. He spent, I don’t know, 7 or 8 seasons planning that house and then she’ll get rid of it like it was nothing?! I’m sorry but she’s been living there for what, 3 years already? She was supposed to feel like home now and in my opinion going back to her old house is not moving forward with her life. I guess Shondaland wants to get rid of the house not only for more space to build more sets, but also because of the shitty CGI that they use there. That house is full of green screens and most of the time we can see it. I guess ABC is cutting a lot of budget.

As for Maggie, I think it’s a little dumb that she’s that sad because her parents are getting a divorce, I mean she's not a little child, but I like how Mere supported her and I love the fact that they are bonding. I’m really looking forward to seeing them growing together next season.

The last subject I want to address is the fact that NOBODY TAKES CARE OF THEIR CHILDREN! Meredith freaking Grey has 3 freaking children and where were all these children last night?! Same goes to Callie, Arizona and Bailey! Apparently the hospital daycare works 24/7 so they just forget the kids there and move along with their lives. I don’t even know why I try to make sense of this damn show.

YES! 100% this!

Rereading reviews and this one rules!!!! So cool.

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