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S14.E30: Winner Announced

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I'm pretty sure Chris (Daughtry) had a band before he auditioned for Idol. So when he got his contract, he used his already existing band. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but that's how I remember it.

Chris Daughtry did have a band prior to Idol and those members were allowed to audition for Daughtry, but none of them made the band. Daughtry's debut was recorded by studio musicians and then the band was selected for promotional/touring activities.

The members of Chris's original band are suing him for writing credits for some of Daughtry's songs written by him pre-Idol

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I knew ahead of time that AI was going to bleed into the start of a show I watch at 10pm, so I was resigned to miss the coronation. I still watch commercial tv sometimes, so it ticks me off that shows can't willfully keep within their hour. What's this 10:06pm b.s., you had two full hours. Now back to my other show...

I streamed it on my laptop because I was taping Chicago PD and watching Nashville's season finale and the hockey game. Something had to give.


Congrats to Nick who broke the Northeast/New England curse by winning. Good luck and hope Borchetta doesn't drop you like he did with last season's Voice winner Craig Wayne Boyd.


By the way, Danjaya still sounds like nails on a chalkboard when he sings. Not even New Kids on the Block could save him.

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I could not figure out the editing. It seemed like every other song was live? But then they also spliced in really confusing footage of the judges at judges table when the table wasn't even there. The cut to Jen singing along to Keith from her chair was the weirdest... Did they put the table to the side or did they go through the effort of filming and cutting in a fake scene of her singing along? Why bother?

I don't know who Janelle Monet is but I thought the song and staging was fun. Harry fake dancing to all these pop songs makes me giggle.

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- I'm usually on my laptop while "watching" TV, and tonight was no exception. I was stunned at how good, how "rocker" Jax sounded...till I looked up at the TV and realized Steven Tyler was still singing. The couple of notes she did (attempt to) sing just proved that it takes more than a bad dye job, the inability to edit one's accessories, and stomping around the stage to be a rocker -- Steven Tyler has all those things plus a rocker's voice and spirit. Big difference.


I have never been a Jax fan, but even with that said I was horrified at how terrible she was tonight. I was embarassed for her, but I think she is clueless as to how bad she really is. I don't know why the decision was made to not let the third place person speak last night (and assume if either Nick or Clark had ended up third the same thing would have happened) but I felt it was very disrespectful for JAX to basically push a superstar like ST aside to have her 'moment'. In any case she can now revert back to Jackie and go back to singing at state fairs.


I thought Nick would win and am so happy that he did. Well done!

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I like that they paired some of the finalists with up-and-coming artists instead of legends. Joey Cook + Echosmith was a good pairing, maybe because I like them both. Ditto for Vance Joy + Quentin.


I also wished that instead of the judges performing "Locked Out of Heaven", they would have brought all the celebs on stage for a "City Beneath The Sea" sing-along with Harry Connick Jr., just to relive that crapfest one more time.


I did like this quote from Nick on the San Diego local news after the show: "Well, they want us to get up at 4:30am tomorrow to do press! But I've been trying to be a musician for 10 years now, doing everything, playing in bars for 8 people, and now all this happens, so it's no problem. I'll get up whenever they want me to get up."

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Chris Daughtry did have a band prior to Idol and those members were allowed to audition for Daughtry, but none of them made the band. Daughtry's debut was recorded by studio musicians and then the band was selected for promotional/touring activities.

The members of Chris's original band are suing him for writing credits for some of Daughtry's songs written by him pre-Idol

Really? That's cold. (Making his band mates audition). Although I'm guessing it wasn't his call. By all accounts, AI contestants sign really constricting contracts.

I don't know why the decision was made to not let the third place person speak last night (and assume if either Nick or Clark had ended up third the same thing would have happened) but I felt it was very disrespectful for JAX to basically push a superstar like ST aside to have her 'moment'. !

My guess is that they let her say her speech because they got bad feedback from how abrupt her elimination was. I mean, it was bad.

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Poor Jax, fawned over since January and her final moments she is wrestling a mic away from an old coot.  ST wasn't givin that mic up anytime soon. Also Quassim and Adanna, you didnt get to hear them AT ALL.  Quentin sounded great.


NONE of the acts looked anything but perturbed that they had to let one of the contestants sing a bit (not Nick and Clarks people).  That ain't right.


Seriously, I felt so bad for her, she kept trying to have a "moment" with Steven Tyler but instead it looked like she was constantly grabbing at him and the microphone but he wasn't having any of it. She actually had to manhandle the mic in order to sing one single line with him. It was all very awkward. Adanna looked like one of Janelle Monae's backup singers instead and I'm pretty sure she was even covered by Janelle in most shots. I was confused at what part she was supposed to sing, I didn't hear her at all. She didn't even get a single line to herself, that was so weird.


Andy Grammer sounded like a better sounding Nick.


The sound was really off all night, most everyone sounded really terrible. Notable exception: Sarina-Joi, reminding us why she was put int the Top 12 in the first place (I still can't believe she had ONE off performance and boom, she was gone).


Congrats to Nick--I came to terms with Clark coming in second place a few episodes ago but I know that he'll go on to have a nice little career for himself like Lee, Kris, and Taylor Hicks. Maybe not THE biggest career, but those guys are doing all right for themselves.


And agreed, that was one boring, boring finale. Half of these acts were meant for a different generation and the other half I had no idea who they were. We didn't even get any group sings and pointy poses :(

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Not one of the show's better finales.  At least they get one more shot at it next year. 


Clark has musical talent for sure, but I have found him lacking in stage presence.  Not sure that is something that can be adequately taught at this point.  He seems like a sincere and nice enough guy.  I wish him well. 


I never expected Nick to go this far, let alone win the whole thing.  I think he was surprised too.  He looked like he was shocked not to get the boot last night and was overwhelmed tonight.  It didn't seem like he thought he had this in the bag.  I appreciate humility.   He got better as the show went on and with the right songs could do well. I grew up a couple of towns over from his and I am sure many in Guilford and the Greater New Haven area must have lost their minds tonight! 


It seemed like Caleb was suppose to get at least a smidgeon more attention than Ryan just asking him to make his way through the crowd to bring the trophy.  I wonder if the other contestants rushed the stage a minute too quickly for Ryan to do it as planned. 


Oh, Jax.  I felt sorry for you getting the bum's rush last night until you thanked the show for giving you "a platform". 

Edited by ichbin
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The finale met my expectations, since Idol's been scaling down production costs, I knew not to expect anything huge. In fact, I probably wouldn't have liked it if they acted like this season was a gigantic deal and went all out to make the results seem way more important than they were. Some decent performances, although there were a few performers I had never heard of before, and I'm not even old. Nick winning wasn't too big of a surprise, although I kept imagining Clark winning and being known as that guy who shouldn't have won. Shit season, but I'll be damned if I don't end up longing for this show in a few weeks. Next year sounds like mostly "remember the good old days that we haven't stopped talking about?" plus a few misfit singers competing for a joke prize, but hopefully it's a decent sendoff.

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I don't know that they "gave" Chris Daughtry a band, per se. After he was eliminated from Idol & signed with the label/production company, he was offered the opportunity to front a band called Fuel. He chose not to accept that offer because he wanted to have his own band & not step in as lead singer with an existing band. Having said that, yes the label (RCA, I think) helped him choose the original band members (though he knew some of them for years before). But it seems Chris is the 1 who chose "Daughtry" as the band's name, because of its recognition factor.

I think that's mostly, If not totally, correct. I got the info from the Wikipedia page for the band.

Nick is/was part of a band (I know everyone knows that already) so I wonder if he would pick up with them.  I don't know how to link to a video but if you want - go to Facebook and search for CT Style.  It's our local show and they have a clip from Beach Ave performing after they won a battle of the bands at Mohegan Sun.  From what I heard there, they threw the band together and made an audition tape and got in to the competition.  Were they also on America's Got Talent?


I like that they paired some of the finalists with up-and-coming artists instead of legends. Joey Cook + Echosmith was a good pairing, maybe because I like them both. Ditto for Vance Joy + Quentin.


I also wished that instead of the judges performing "Locked Out of Heaven", they would have brought all the celebs on stage for a "City Beneath The Sea" sing-along with Harry Connick Jr., just to relive that crapfest one more time.


I did like this quote from Nick on the San Diego local news after the show: "Well, they want us to get up at 4:30am tomorrow to do press! But I've been trying to be a musician for 10 years now, doing everything, playing in bars for 8 people, and now all this happens, so it's no problem. I'll get up whenever they want me to get up."

I was sad about Harry's performance of "City Beneath the Sea" because it's one of my favorite songs of his!  I have his CDs and some stuff is great and some is weird but that's him!



Not one of the show's better finales.  At least they get one more shot at it next year. 


Clark has musical talent for sure, but I have found him lacking in stage presence.  Not sure that is something that can be adequately taught at this point.  He seems like a sincere and nice enough guy.  I wish him well. 


I never expected Nick to go this far, let alone win the whole thing.  I think he was surprised too.  He looked like he was shocked not to get the boot last night and was overwhelmed tonight.  It didn't seem like he thought he had this in the bag.  I appreciate humility.   He got better as the show went on and with the right songs could do well. I grew up a couple of towns over from his and I am sure many in Guilford and the Greater New Haven area must have lost their minds tonight! 


It seemed like Caleb was suppose to get at least a smidgeon more attention than Ryan just asking him to make his way through the crowd to bring the trophy.  I wonder if the other contestants rushed the stage a minute too quickly for Ryan to do it as planned. 


Oh, Jax.  I felt sorry for you getting the bum's rush last night until you thanked the show for giving you "a platform". 

We here in CT (and we're 20 minutes to Guilford) and just over the moon!!  It's been so much fun reading about him and alot of people I know went to the homecoming concert and parade and know his parents, etc.  The day of the parade his aunt was in the dental office my sister works in! LOL  can't wait to hear more of the backstory of American Idol as time goes by.

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I was rooting for Clark but actually it is a blessing in disguise for Nick to "win" Scott!  


Steven Tyler showed the rockers how it is done!  His voice, his animal magnetism, his moves, his appearance, his playing to the camera to the finale laying on the judges table so he could be close to his beloved JLO!  He has made no secret of his adoration of her!  Jax was completely lost and at times looked desperate to grab the mic stand and share it with him or something.  She seemed to be chasing him around the stage yet he never gave her a second glance!  Perfect!  


Ricky Martin brought it!!  He is an amazing performer and the audience and the guys were ALIVE!  Great!


How many times was JLO on stage, 3?  2 too many.  I FF'd the judges playing together for the most part as it was all about JLO anyway.  Keith's solo was amazing.  Loved seeing Nicole and one of the daughters in the audience but really Nicole you have no rhythm and she looked awkward,  Harry also looked like he was simply earning his paycheck by rocking to music he only likely listens to when his daughters play it.    


Daniel and Tyanna both have huge feet!!  LOL  Tyanna sung soooo much better than any of the Jacksons who were pitiful.  

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It's always interesting to me to see which stars are generous to the Idol kids and which are not--there are such wildly different levels of sharing mike time on display.

For my money, Steven Tyler won the "Is there someone else on the stage?" prize, poor Jax. And I thought Andy Grammer and Nick sounded excellent together in what was very much a well-blended performance.

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I thought that as well about Jax.  She got shafted again really.  The Steven Tyler special performance turned out to be the booby prize for her.  She looked awkward and did not have the stage chops to match him.  She looked like a kid up there trying to keep up with him and get some attention.  At least she was smart enough to jump on the judges table or if that was planned at least the table was big enough for both because I have a feeling if it wasn't she would have been SOL because he would have not made room for her.  At one point it looked like he was hording the mike.  She was off on the side of the stage as well before she decided to come back and try again to get a moment of attention. 

The whole thing showcased how kid like and amateur she looked to be honest, whether it was accidental or whether she really couldn't take the stage like a pro and wasn't up to the job.  It wasn't the best way to have the last time on camera before she goes into the wild blue yonder to make it on her own.

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Clark has musical talent for sure, but I have found him lacking in stage presence.  Not sure that is something that can be adequately taught at this point.


And for me, that's what elevated Nick over Clark. Both came into the competition needing help relating to the audience. Nick was able to take the constructive criticism and use it to grow. Clark wasn't, and I can't even blame him because I just don't think he's got that kind of ease in him. Even conversing with Ryan, Nick seemed relaxed and natural and Clark seemed like they pulled him into the contest and stuck him in front of a camera yesterday. Clark may or may not be the better vocalist, but there's more to being a singer than technical ability (see: JLo's success.)

Edited by designing1
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Wow. The guest stars (whether I liked them or not) showed just how mediocre the contestants are/were this season.



I thought Clark had an above-average voice until he sat down next to Michael McDonald and got schooled.  As for Daniel, well, yeah.  Saw that comin'.  I guess Quassim is not for everybody but I thought he and Joey held their own with their star partners and I cracked up at Joey and Echosmith mockingly whooping it up in their "watch us next!" segment.


Nick seemed to have a really good time which made me wonder if he already knew he was the winner or if he just didn't care.


I too miss the group numbers from the contestants but now that I've seen them try to dance, I can see why they didn't have (m)any this year.


Over dinner, I skimmed through the first two shows from Hollywood Week because I'm always interested in how accurately the producers portrayed their chosen ones.  It was the Jax show from minute one whereas Nick wasn't heard from until the last five minutes of HW #2 and Quentin wasn't heard from at all.


Say what you will, I'll miss this show when it's gone.

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I thought that as well about Jax.  She got shafted again really.  The Steven Tyler special performance turned out to be the booby prize for her.  She looked awkward and did not have the stage chops to match him.  She looked like a kid up there trying to keep up with him and get some attention.  At least she was smart enough to jump on the judges table or if that was planned at least the table was big enough for both because I have a feeling if it wasn't she would have been SOL because he would have not made room for her.  At one point it looked like he was hording the mike.  She was off on the side of the stage as well before she decided to come back and try again to get a moment of attention. 

The whole thing showcased how kid like and amateur she looked to be honest, whether it was accidental or whether she really couldn't take the stage like a pro and wasn't up to the job.  It wasn't the best way to have the last time on camera before she goes into the wild blue yonder to make it on her own.


So agree!  I wonder if they rehearsed this?  It seemed he was 10 steps ahead of her all the time, she came in towards the mic and he headed the other way and and she seemed to be reaching for the mic with her face like a baby bird trying to grab food from it's mother's mouth with no success.  At one point she sat back and then suddenly launched herself back into it...I couldn't even hear her. 

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I called my Mom last night to say hello, she has been an avid watcher of AI.  


I hear the finale on in the background & I asked her who she was rooting for & she said "'no one they are all horrible"

This is coming from my 79 year old Mom whose favorites were Taylor Hicks & the Scott country dude, so yeah, time for this show to end

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Methinks Janelle Monae does not understand what yoga is.  I do not understand why that crap was on my tv, but I'm sure glad it's over.


There were things I could've done without, (the aforementioned Ms. Monae's 'yoga' class, Steven Tyler, NKOTB, Michael McDonald, Jamie Foxx), but overall, that was an entertaining enough show.  Not the best finale (that would be season 7) but not the worst either.  And I did really enjoy Joey with Echosmith, Quentin with Vance Joy, Nick with Andy Grammer, Keith's performance and the three judges together at the end (J.Lo actually sounded really good on Diamonds - who knew?).


I knew, from the first week of the semis, that Nick would win, and he might actually stand a chance at having a decent career because he does sound radio-ready and I think the label can work with him on producing work that might end up being somewhat current.  I couldn't see that at all with Clark.  Scott will sign Jax and try to make her into a pop princess; something of a shame really, since her more restrained performances were vastly superior to her pop and 'rock' ones.

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Congrats to Nick--I came to terms with Clark coming in second place a few episodes ago but I know that he'll go on to have a nice little career for himself like Lee, Kris, and Taylor Hicks. Maybe not THE biggest career, but those guys are doing all right for themselves


Clark might do well to move into the Contemporary Christian market.  He has that background and could find himself a nice little niche there.  I liked him almost as much as I liked Nick, so I hope he can use the exposure that AI got him to carve out a good music career for himself.  It's not like AI is creating superstars anymore anyway.

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I watched all season until this one.  I saw bits and pieces this  season, but did not follow, due to not having any interest in the talent that I saw.  I turned in last night to see the finale and thought I was in the twilight zone.  It wasn't the normal professional production they are capable of putting out.  It was as if the camera staff was inexperienced, the sound was off, etc.  It was so sad to see.  My goodness, I hope they really kick it in gear next season to avoid being humiliated. The contestants, former winners and fans deserve more.   

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Some decent performances, although there were a few performers I had never heard of before, and I'm not even old.


Vance Joy I knew, as I listen to an indie/alt rock station, and it turns out that I've heard that Echosmith song, even if I didn't know that they were the group singing it.  Andy Grammer and Prince Royce were new to me, though.


I thought there was a decent mix of new acts, slightly older acts and golden oldies.  Plus ancient old coot Steven Tyler telling kids to get off his lawn.

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I hop Lena Dunham gives Joey a part on Girls.

Am I a ho for kind of liking "Yoga" by Janelle Monae? that song made me want to go out a make a few night dollars. Cake cake cake cake cake...

I think I am :(

Edited by 27bored
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I thought Clark seemed at ease last night. Actually less nervous about the final results than Nick. Maybe it's his faith. People of strong faith truly can put things into God's hands and accept what they believe God has in store for them - that God knows what's best for them in the long run. It's an extremely difficult thing for most people to do.


Also, Clark does have that wide eyed deer look in general. It's just how his face is. I wish him well. He was my pick from Hollywood Week on. I hope he doesn't go the Christian route, but finds an agent who can groom him into a Sam Smith type of artist.

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Whaaaa, you mean American Idol had a drawn out, 1hr and 50min filler season finale with a predictable winner?! Shut your mouth *sarcasm*

This has been the status quo for the past 10 years of A.I. You could've just copied and pasted last year's finale recap and simply changed the names of the Top 2.

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Tyanna did a great job with the Jacksons. And even though I do not like Jamie Foxx singing ever at all, that duet with Rayvon was beautiful. I think it made a difference that they sang an unknown song -- it didn't sound like karaoke.

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Today. 5:34 am


I thought that as well about Jax.  She got shafted again really.  The Steven Tyler special performance turned out to be the booby prize for her.  She looked awkward and did not have the stage chops to match him.  She looked like a kid up there trying to keep up with him and get some attention.  At least she was smart enough to jump on the judges table or if that was planned at least the table was big enough for both because I have a feeling if it wasn't she would have been SOL because he would have not made room for her.  At one point it looked like he was hording the mike.  She was off on the side of the stage as well before she decided to come back and try again to get a moment of attention.

The whole thing showcased how kid like and amateur she looked to be honest, whether it was accidental or whether she really couldn't take the stage like a pro and wasn't up to the job.  It wasn't the best way to have the last time on camera before she goes into the wild blue yonder to make it on her own.


I rewatched Jax's performance and it was even worse the second time around. Steven Tyler actually did point the microphone at her twice - the first time I could not hear anything, and the second time all she did was growl. It isn't like she didn't have her own mic but all she did was stomp around the stage like a toddler throwing a tantrum. My guess is that Tyler realized either in rehersal (whether he actually rehersed or had a stand in I am sure he got the message) or quickly into the song that she was just not going to be able to carry it off, and decided to save himself and the performance. When she ran to the judges table I thought WTH is she doing now, so obviously when he joined her it was planned. Sorry, I just cannot feel sorry for her. It is about time that her extreme lack of talent was put on display - you can only be a poser for so long.

Can you imagine how embarassing it would have been for AI had she been in the final two and won after that horrific performance?

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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This!!! (below) im on a tablet and cant post below the quote. I watched ST and jackie twice. Wow. Jackie was so very bad imo. Her part was growling, stomping, leaping, and, "come on, come on." Air humping the table.... lucky STj joined on lying on tbe table.

Poor Caleb. Not a fan, but yikes.

The early ousted singers seemed to be desperate and trying to hog the camera. Sad.

Daniel.... oh dear god.

What is with the terrible sound on a music show? Just me?

Today. 5:34 am


I rewatched Jax's performance and it was even worse the second time around. Steven Tyler actually did point the microphone at her twice - the first time I could not hear anything, and the second time all she did was growl. It isn't like she didn't have her own mic but all she did was stomp around the stage like a toddler throwing a tantrum. My guess is that Tyler realized either in rehersal (whether he actually rehersed or had a stand in I am sure he got the message) or quickly into the song that she was just not going to be able to carry it off, and decided to save himself and the performance. When she ran to the judges table I thought WTH is she doing now, so obviously when he joined her it was planned. Sorry, I just cannot feel sorry for her. It is about time that her extreme lack of talent was put on display - you can only be a poser for so long.

Can you imagine how embarassing it would have been for AI had she been in the final two and won after that horrific performance?

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ari333 -


I rewatched Jax's performance and it was even worse the second time around. Steven Tyler actually did point the microphone at her twice - the first time I could not hear anything, and the second time all she did was growl. It isn't like she didn't have her own mic but all she did was stomp around the stage like a toddler throwing a tantrum.



Interesting you all saw it that way.  I freely admit I don't pay a whole lot of attention to this show, but my impression was that she was planning on singing with her microphone, but Steven was trying to get her to share his, with awkward results.


Since I'm de-lurking, anyway, I wouldn't have called Nick as the winner a couple months ago, but he's been steadily improving, and after his crowning song performance, I thought he would probably take it.


Somebody named Caleb won last year?  Wow, that's just a blank.  I can't picture him at all.  I guess I really don't pay a whole lot of attention...

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I really did feel bad for Caleb and I wasn't even a huge fan of his last year.  They should have said something at the beginning of the show, panned the cam to him and said: in just a few hours we will have the reigning Idol winner Caleb hand over the crown to one of these two and then pan the cam to Clark and Nick.  That would have been respectful in any case.  What's the point of having a  contest without acknowledging the winner of last year who will hand over the title?

In the past they have had past winners sing or at least talk.  I could have done with one less JLO song and talk to Caleb and Jena and at least find out how the experience changed their last year.  Did it change at all?  Open any opportunities?  Are they happy, or sad they went the Idol route? Does Borchetta want to take Jena for a ride in his race car?  You know, throw us a bone, we watched for months last season too.

Was Jena even there?

Can you imagine if Steven Tyler hadn't followed Jax over to the judges table when she hoisted herself onto it and beckoned?  What if he kept singing and left her there perched? 

I think the boys in the final 2 had a blast last night though, that cannot be disputed. 

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Given how solidly Caleb tanked, I can understand why they didn't feature him last night.  It would be like announcing the winner of the lottery and then admitting the jackpot was twelve dollars.


I was amused, however, by the well-wishes from Clarkson, Daughtry, et al to "the finalists" because clearly they were shot well in advance of the determination of the final two.

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I like that they paired some of the finalists with up-and-coming artists instead of legends. Joey Cook + Echosmith was a good pairing, maybe because I like them both. Ditto for Vance Joy + Quentin.

IMHo Joey looked more interested in how her Bjorkish dress spun around (shades of a five year old at a birthday party) than singing. The Echosmith chick looked annoyed as hell. And I had to Google how tall Vance Joy was (6'4") because he made Quentin look like a Polly Pocket doll. 


As far as Caleb, he hasn't had a big old IDOL!!! year but he's been performing all year at all kind of places- somehow I got on his FB feed and I see him all over the place. Same with Alex Preston from last year - he's putting together an EP. 


The camera folks last night were awful. It's like the cues were all messed up - somebody would be singing and then I would see Jax plugging in her ear monitor (OOPS) or JLo scratching her butt or some odd scene. 


I'm one of those old ladies who does Zumba so Prince Royce and Pitbull were very current to me.

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My screen name got credited with another person's post. But the sentiment was the same. :)

Interesting you all saw it that way. I freely admit I don't pay a whole lot of attention to this show, but my impression was that she was planning on singing with her microphone, but Steven was trying to get her to share his, with awkward results.

Since I'm de-lurking, anyway, I wouldn't have called Nick as the winner a couple months ago, but he's been steadily improving, and after his crowning song performance, I thought he would probably take it.

Somebody named Caleb won last year? Wow, that's just a blank. I can't picture him at all. I guess I really don't pay a whole lot of attention...

Interesting you all saw it that way. I freely admit I don't pay a whole lot of attention to this show, but my impression was that she was planning on singing with her microphone, but Steven was trying to get her to share his, with awkward results.

Since I'm de-lurking, anyway, I wouldn't have called Nick as the winner a couple months ago, but he's been steadily improving, and after his crowning song performance, I thought he would probably take it.

Somebody named Caleb won last year? Wow, that's just a blank. I can't picture him at all. I guess I really don't pay a whole lot of attention...

Edited by ari333
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I also am not seeing how Steven was purposely trying to overshadow JAX. As someone else said Steven pointed his mic towards JAX twice and I guess she wasn't expecting it.

I also am not seeing how Steven was purposely trying to overshadow JAX. As someone else said Steven pointed his mic towards JAX twice and I guess she wasn't expecting it.

ST was being ST in all his glory.

Jackie could not keep up.... imo.

edit: sorry double posts. Something is going wonky on me

Edited by ari333
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Were the judge's lip synching their performance. JLo seemed to be, but Keith looked like he was singing live. 

I haven't watched the episode yet, but I'm pretty sure J Lo has never actually sung live.  

I wonder if they will give Nick a band like they did with Daughtry. (Am I remembering that right? That they made a band that they called Daughtry when on the show he primarily was called Chris?) I don't really get Nick as a solo artist.

Chris Daughtry started a band after Idol and called it Daughtry.  You know, like Van Halen or Bon Jovi.


I actually didn't get the comparisons I read here a few times between Nick and Chris Daughtry.  Nick has very minimal talent, kinda like a lead singer of any OK bar band, and Chris was/is the real deal with serious vocal chops.


No surprise that Clark lost since he was the most talented vocalist in the top 12.  It's not about singing with Idol voters.

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IMHo Joey looked more interested in how her Bjorkish dress spun around (shades of a five year old at a birthday party) than singing.

This cracked me up because that's exactly how she looked to me.

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It's not about singing with Idol voters.


Very true, and not unexpected. There's more to connecting with an audience than just a great voice. Perhaps were Idol a radio show, Clark would have finished on top. But his lack of ease in front of an audience -- combined with his dated, overplayed song choices -- did him no favors.

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IMHo Joey looked more interested in how her Bjorkish dress spun around (shades of a five year old at a birthday party) than singing. The Echosmith chick looked annoyed as hell


You forgot the crab hands.  I'm sure Ms. Echosmith loved Joey's crab hands and voice-that-blends-with-no one-in-the-Universe, making Cool Kids uncool.


Pete Wentz looked horrible.


Somewhere in the depths of my old brain I knew that Fallout Boy was fronted by someone distinctive and cool and kept wondering "Who is that bloated looking guy with the scraggly hair?"  How we all age.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Clark seemed genuinely happy not winning. He knows in many ways he's better off.


Were the judge's lip synching their performance. JLo seemed to be, but Keith looked like he was singing live. And why didn't Harry sing?

It's human nature to be disappointed about not winning, but Clark's probably relieved that he doesn't have to deal with Scott B. and his ilk, who typify the worst of the music industry. They could never understood someone like Clark, who as much or more than any contestant Idol over the years seemed to be really about music and not trying to be a "star." His duet with Michael McDonald, both from a musical standpoint and seeing how thrilled Clark was by it, was easily the highlight for me of a really dreadful 2 hours.


In fact, there wasn't much in that entire show that I think even qualifies as music. It was more like a festival of ego, narcissism, and exhibitionism (Grandpa Tyler and Jax on the table. Uggh!) But there was some inadvertent comic gold, like Daniel's "dancing" and how completely uncomfortable and out-of-place Maddie looked trying to funk it up. I bet the whole time she was saying to herself, "don't they know I'm just a little country girl." (Adanna, on the other hand, was totally in her element).


Not sure about the lip syncing, but I am a pianist, and I will swear that Jamie Foxx was not playing the piano during his number. Notice that in the entire number there was only one shot of his hands on the keyboard, and what his hands were doing did not even come close to matching the piano music. Playing a fairly intricate piano part while singing is not easy, granted, but trying to make us think he was doing exactly that really stinks. I don't think he was even performing to a piano track that was pre-recorded. I just think it was a band member playing the piano. All to make us think, "wow, what a talented guy that Jamie Foxx is." Talk about ego.


I much preferred Clark, but Nick is far from the worst Idol winner ever. And I like the fact that he was "old" in Idol terms and had paid some dues and wasn't one of those entitled 17 year olds who think they deserve instant fame.


Well, the good news is that I will never have to see Qassim Middleton mugging for the camera and trying to upstage his fellow idol contestants again. Even after the guy was eliminated and just standing in the background he was still trying to upstage whoever was performing with his clownish dancing and jumping around.

Edited by bluepiano
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Not sure about the lip syncing, but I am a pianist, and I will swear that Jamie Foxx was not playing the piano during his number. Notice that in the entire number there was only one shot of his hands on the keyboard, and what his hands were doing did not even come close to matching the piano music.


Whoa, I thought that was just me!  Weird...

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It's always interesting to me to see which stars are generous to the Idol kids and which are not--there are such wildly different levels of sharing mike time on display.

For my money, Steven Tyler won the "Is there someone else on the stage?" prize, poor Jax. And I thought Andy Grammer and Nick sounded excellent together in what was very much a well-blended performance.

Reminded me of season five when Mary J. Blige seemed determined to prove she could sing louder than Elliot Yamin.  I remember someone on Television Without Pity saying that they half-expected Mary to pick up Elliot and swing him around her head.

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I thought it was one of the better finales. Nick has been off my radar until recently since I thought of him as unoriginal in performance and generic in appearance. I suddenly woke up this week and discovered, "Hey! This F3 is good looking, seems nice and sings (and plays) very well! I actually like him a lot better than either Clark or Jax!" Who knew?


So I was pleased with the outcome (and Clark wins, too, since I think he would have hated working with SB--and vice versa. Nick is appreciative and, at his age/stage, it really is a great opportunity for him. I could see him possibly being another, genuine, "Idol", if he gets a good song or two.


Tyanna was great with the Jacksons. They should give her a contract immediately to always perform with them--she helped them tremendously (there's a reason that Michael, and none of the others, was the breakout star. Tyanna showed she's "what they want").


And Ricky Martin!!! He was fantastic with the 12 guys, working the crowd, showing how to do it. Still has it all. Likewise, I enjoyed Michael MacDonald showing Clark what a star is -really- like. (And Daniel Seavey had his own "lesson" though I would guess he didn't notice.)


All in all, not such a bad season after all.

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FYI: Jamie Foxx does play the piano, and I've seen him play/sing several times. Even impromptu stuff, so he's for real as a musician. Enjoyed the song, and the well-balanced duet.


Odds and ends:

-Not properly acknowledging recent winners Celeb and Candice was awful. Even more so if they were contractually forced to attend. Take heed Nick, this could be you.

-Steven Tyler knew he was sounding good last night. He was in no mood to babysit the rookie. Nor should he.

-Too much judge face time. Although, I do think Urban was great, and JLo sounded good (and live).

-Learned I miss seeing Quentin.

-Trevon looked very comfortable as a performer in every circumstance. Surprisingly so.

-Final two seem nice, not untalented ... but safe and uncharismatic.


Unintentionally hilarious:

- Clark's "dancing". And his girl hips.

- one of the prior gal contestants making sure to face the camera when hugging the winner

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Well, the good news is that I will never have to see Qassim Middleton mugging for the camera and trying to upstage his fellow idol contestants again. Even after the guy was eliminated and just standing in the background he was still trying to upstage whoever was performing with his clownish dancing and jumping around.

When Rick was singing with the guys, at one point Qaasim was off to the side by himself, on the floor, "dancing" (I don't know WTF he was trying to do).  He was in his own world, as if he was saying "this is the last time I'll probably ever be on TV so I'm gonna make the best of it, dammit!"  I thought he was going to somehow flip and crack his head on the floor. 

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    Pete Wentz looked horrible.


Somewhere in the depths of my old brain I knew that Fallout Boy was fronted by someone distinctive and cool and kept wondering "Who is that bloated looking guy with the scraggly hair?"  How we all age.


Well, except that Pete Wentz in the basist, and Patrick Stump is the lead singer and "front-man".  He only really seems "distinctive" to me when he's wearing his hat (and sometimes the glasses).

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Reminded me of season five when Mary J. Blige seemed determined to prove she could sing louder than Elliot Yamin.  I remember someone on Television Without Pity saying that they half-expected Mary to pick up Elliot and swing him around her head.


That is exactly what I was thinking of.  Now that was an awesome finale show...for so many reasons!  I think that was one of the best seasons though.  I actually went to see the tour that year.  I don't think I ever considered going to another since then. 



Well, the good news is that I will never have to see Qassim Middleton mugging for the camera and trying to upstage his fellow idol contestants again. Even after the guy was eliminated and just standing in the background he was still trying to upstage whoever was performing with his clownish dancing and jumping around.


Whatever rhythm his body was responding to didn't seem to have any connection to the music the rest of the audience was hearing. 

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