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S07.E06: Double Down On Delusion

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I feel like that's what's going on with this Carole topic, ya know?. She's too skinny. She has an overbite. EYE think she's unattractive...so, how dare she believe herself attractive and beautiful?



I think Carole talked about her accomplishments during her first season. She certainly mentioned them last season during that whole dust-up with Aviva (it's also part of her Twitter bio, apparently), and Carole was taken to task for mentioning them. She can't talk about her body. She can't talk about her accomplishments. She also can't talk about her marriage because then she's somehow dropping a tenuous connection to the Kennedys. 


What annoys me about Carole is that her identity can never be just about her. She feels she is physically attractive & vital at 50 but still takes the time to snark on Ramona's size, Luann's voice, etc. She has professional accomplishments but someone else who has other accomplishments is 'nothing.' And the whole I am a serious journalist/am I part of the one percent; I'm active/I am on a cucumber and vodka diet; these people are frivolous/I follow a 20 year old eating gummies of unknown origins dichotomies are mind numbing. 


And I don't think its just a defensive mechanism to losing many personal opportunities to her husband's illness & death. $5 says if she had kids & no career she would be one of those obnoxious women who lord that as the only important thing/all that really matters over the head of anyone in a different situation.


I'd also cut her more slack on the physical appearance front if she hadn't emptied what looks like two tube of caulk into her face. Or didn't make such ridiculous comments about diet, nutrition, etc.

  • Love 12


I hate Heather.  She causes the problems about Sonja not inviting them in (why would you want to go inside that trap house anyways?  wouldn't you just assume Sonja wasn't anticipating her apt being filmed and thats why she didn't want you in there?), she even told them to wait in the limo at one point so I think it was there, and she gets mad about Bethenny being late (and then shows up an hour late herself) and THEN gets out of the limo like being in there was torture with those women, when she was the one making every situation worse.  Then don't go on these trips, Heather, we won't miss you!

First, it was cold and raining, raining hard. Second, the limo was not there. Fourth, there was construction /noise all around Sonja's house. Both Heather and Kristen made arrangements to have someone else take their children to school so that they could be on time and had either Sonja or Bethenny let them know the timeline was pushed back, they would have been able to take their kids to school as well. As for Heather being late at the hotel, they were all in her room (including the cameras), she was there, not late!

  • Love 12


I didn't think that Lu's comment to Ramona about "being better" without Mario was that awful. Ramona DOES show flashes of being a kinder, gentler Ramona.


I agree -- she even said as much -- and honestly, at some point during every break up, you need a friend who points out what an asshole your ex was and how you're better off without him. That's likely what LuAnn was trying to do, but the laughing delivery and the fact that Ramona's not at that point yet meant it went over like a lead balloon. 


Sonja... Sonja was double plus uncomfortable for me to watch last night because the way she went zero to drunk to crying to fine again to OH JESUS reminded me of how drunk I got at a friend's bachelorette party once. When I was in my 20s. And recovering from a concussion (no, I shouldn't have been drinking; yes, I was old enough to know better; no, I don't live like that anymore). 


The repetition thing -- which I did too, that same night -- first, she likely doesn't realize that she's saying the same thing so much, because you can get to a point where there's literally no short term memory going on when you're operating that way. You just know that if you can make your point, the person you're talking to will totally understand you and give you the reaction you want (even though you likely don't know what that is -- you're sure you will when you see it!), and since they haven't done that yet, you must not have made your point yet.  


Second, she probably gets some kind of comfort from the words she repeats -- like a mantra, or self hypnosis or something. I had a yacht. I partied with John John and Madonna. I'm an artist. I had a house in Gstaad. Saying these things means they're not really gone. 

  • Love 9

I think that is fantastic! A woman in her 50s who is proud of her body and thinks it's amazing should be applauded, not mocked. I think its a great thing when a woman of any age is proud of her body.

I loved the bunny ears and titty shirt. I think people should dress however the hell they want.

It bothers me that a confident woman who is proud of her appearance isn't celebrated.

Go Carole! You keep doing what you want and don't give a shit what anybody thinks.

I find it interesting, in the last episode Ramona is shown saying "I know I'm attractive, I know I'm sexy, I know I'm sensual" when explaining why she's too "deep" to have a fling with a younger guy (while implying her BFF Sonja is shallow I guess?) and nary a peep. Carole thinks she's attractive or sexy or has a good body? Time to put that skinny ugly bitch in her place. Edited by shoegal
  • Love 11

Lots of money is being made on the notion that there is something wrong with women's bodies and they keep inventing more issues for women to be insecure about.  To me, a woman who is unapologetically proud of her body is a great thing.


I agree.  UNTIL the woman talking about how great her body is mentions how not great someone else's is. 


My body is awesome. (This statement is good!) I'm so glad none of you size 6s will ever be able to steal my size 2 dresses.  (This one is bad.)

I'm beautiful. (Good!)  I'm so glad that you ugly women can't steal my husband. (Bad.)

My book was on the NYTimes bestsellers list. (Good!)  You're nothing because you don't work outside the home.  (Baaaaad.)


I suspect if it wasn't Carole saying it, many viewers wouldn't have an issue with it, Jimene79.


For me, that's not true.  I don't see the necessity of anyone blowing their own horns the way she does.  If you've got a banging bod, beautiful eyes or a great soul...I see you.  Ya don't have to tell me.


Now brag about being a survivor (of cancer, abuse, addiction, etc.) and I'll be right along side of you blowing that horn.  Because that's something to crow about.  Your great ass or how much bank you have, not so much.

  • Love 17

Thanks SFoster. For some reason it wouldn't work on this show or WWHL tonight.

Did anyone catch WWHL tonight? I would love to hear what Lu had to say.

P Diddy was on the other night and was asked specifically if he had ever been on Sonja's yacht. He answered to the effect of he has never met her with expressions like he would get 10 tetanus shots if he was within 100 feet of her.

  • Love 5

Forgot to mention this, regarding Sonja's comment on the last reunion about P Diddy, 

 P Diddy was on WWHL a couple of nights ago. Andy asked him about Sonja. He laughed and said he has no idea who Sonja was, was never on any yacht of hers and if anybody was going to be on a yacht, she would be on his, not vice versa. LOL, delusional Sonja.   He also said he really liked Heather, she was  smart, liked her energy and was great when she worked for him. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 5

So, this will probably sound like a weird comparison, but maybe three or four years ago, some guy got a "study" published in Psychology Today. It was all about scientifically proving that Black women are not attractive, and on top of that, since we were scientifically/biologically unattractive, it's non-sensical for Black women, on average, to have such high esteem about our looks and/or our bodies. Like, he took time out of his life to "study" this and a magazine actually published it. For me, it boiled down to this guy not being able to find Black women attractive, and since he didn't think we were attractive, how could we dare think highly of ourselves.


I feel like that's what's going on with this Carole topic, ya know? She's too skinny. She has an overbite. EYE think she's unattractive...so, how dare she believe herself attractive and beautiful?



I think Carole talked about her accomplishments during her first season. She certainly mentioned them last season during that whole dust-up with Aviva (it's also part of her Twitter bio, apparently), and Carole was taken to task for mentioning them. She can't talk about her body. She can't talk about her accomplishments. She also can't talk about her marriage because then she's somehow dropping a tenuous connection to the Kennedys. 

That's horrible and a major problem I think.  We define attractiveness and beauty way too narrowly in my opinion.  And I'm totally guilty of buying into some of the body image issues too although I try to think about why I think someone is fat or old-looking or whatever.  There may have been an evolutionary point to only thinking young people were attractive in the past but I think we've moved on from that now and the attributes that come with age are not objectively ugly.  I think that's why I don't like seeing people going after Carole for her looks or being proud of her looks.  I agree that she shouldn't make fun of others but then the problem with her isn't the other stuff, it's being mean. 

Edited by jimene79
  • Love 4

I understand the irritation with comment Carole made about Ramona and the dress, I guess, but I think the proper response to it is more like, 'hey, that's not cool...'.

When the response is, 'hey, you ugly skinny bitch...' the moral high ground is lost, IMO.

I think we have all lost some moral high ground in our comments. I mean we snark here.

  • Love 19

There were not a lot of laughs in this episode, but the thing I found legit hilarious was seeing the women dressed to the nines while everyone in the background was dressed in t-shirts and jeans. These shows were supposed to be an inside peek into the lives of wealthy connected women. Seeing them try to faux fancy up (and failing miserably) basic ass AC was silly. Except for the limo and being in the VIP area of the club, I don't think they had an experience that was markedly different from any experience that I might have. Heck, I once got a villa at the Bellagio because they oversold my room and the villa was the only thing open.

  • Love 4

I never watched RHoNY when Bethenny was on the show before and I never watched her own show, I just never liked her. But I have to say that this is the first Real Housewives of Anywhere that I've watched and went from chuckling at the humor to full out laughing with tears. Bethenny is hysterical, and so far I'm loving the injection of humor and actual good sense she's giving the show. I'm on her "I love Bethenny list" for right now. I'm sure I'll vacillate back and forth with each episode about how I feel about her, but for now I'm solidly in her camp. Sonja is a damned mess. Here's two of my favorite quotes from this episode;


Quote from a frustrated Bethenny trying to make sense with a drunken Sonja;  "I want to blow my head off. I want to go to work on a chain gang. Like, that's what I'd like to do for some relief".


Sonja: "I partied with John John Kennedy and Madonna."  Dorinda; "well, John-John's dead so that's difficult".                    



Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 8

True dat, Higgins. Just by signing in every morning moral ground has been lost. LOL

And, I would add that I never spoke from that particular vantage point. Frankly, the moral issues pale next to the grammatical errors and lack of essential politesse. I can't get past the surface objections I have to the way these people choose to conduct themselves. It's hard enough just separating what I consider adult behavior from the assholery and tomfoolery that abounds.

  • Love 2

I find it interesting, in the last episode Ramona is shown saying "I know I'm attractive, I know I'm sexy, I know I'm sensual" when explaining why she's too "deep" to have a fling with a younger guy (while implying her BFF Sonja is shallow I guess?) and nary a peep. Carole thinks she's attractive or sexy or has a good body? Time to put that skinny ugly bitch in her place.

For me, Ramona is the Lisa Rinna of this group.  She's just as flawed as the others but when one stands out in the crowd like Kim did in BH, the behavior of the Lisa Rinnas and Ramonas get swept aside.  Temporarily. 


I am not comparing Kim to Carole in any way other than some people love to hate them.  Carole seemed relatively normal up until this season. Now, she's playing the Irresponsible Hickey Loving Girl in the Bunny Ears and I think many are reacting to that change.  We've known and talked about Ramona being whack for ages.  Carole's turn. 

  • Love 5

Seeing lots of comments about Carole thinking too highly of her figure.  Personally, I think everyone should think highly of their bodies.  Lots of money is being made on the notion that there is something wrong with women's bodies and they keep inventing more issues for women to be insecure about.  To me, a woman who is unapologetically proud of her body is a great thing.

I don't understand the need to publicize it constantly or make snide comments about others whose bodies are different.  I feel like the more she tells us what a great body she has, she is just doing so because deep down she doesn't like her body.

  • Love 1

I still think Heather is a loser who is trying to start fights over nothing just for screentime, even if the limo wasn't there yet. It may have been her room they were meeting at, but they were waiting for her to get ready, that's why they all reacted to seeing her outfit for the first time.

And worth the wait, too. Not a Heather fan, but woman had it goin' on!

  • Love 2

I'm buying moisturizer and hair/skin/nails vitamins stat.  Or Gstaad.



An hour has never felt so long.


WTF was going on in Grey Gardens de Sonja that she had her friends waiting outside?  Did Heather let herself in and that offended her or something?  It sounded like the group of them were actually inside the house at one point but were thrown out for getting too close to the stairs. 


I felt sorry for everyone not named Heather or Sonja in that limo.  What a fucking mess.  I don't blame Heather for being pissed but when she couldn't diffuse the situation, she just got louder.  That's not really a solution especially when you're in a confined space and no one can leave.


Now THIS is the Bethenny that I can like.  I was howling when she and Sonja were in the club and Sonja started in with her "I'm a PR person, I promote people" for the 1000th time:  "You can't say it again!  You can't!"  Then she was actually recoiling in horror and darting away from the table.  LMAO.  She was a little too harsh with Sonja at the dinner table with the whole "do you think I actually care?" bit but Sonja needed to hear it.  It didn't matter anyway, nothing that anyone says to Sonja matters.  She hears nothing.


Sonja is a mess.  She was totally loaded the entire night, and then slobbering all over Luann? Gross. That's just sloppy old lady behavior.  It ain't even attractive, honey.


Carole, leave the ears to Ariana Grande and the bare chest t-shirts to the Jersey Shore crowd.  This is Atlantic City, not Cabo or Mardi Gras.  Embarrassing.  P.S.  Younger people do still give hickies to each other... maybe someone doesn't want to suck on your leathery skin? 


Sonja used to be a "model" in the UAE?  Model = hooker, right?  Now that I'd believe.  Much like her "hostessing" job for that restaurant where she met Old Man Morgan.  Hm.  You know that when Bethenny told her to take time for herself, what she HEARD was more manicures, yoga retreats and one night stands with college students.

I think model is definitely used in that context.  Like what was alleged about Camille Grammer and some other blonde 'stars' of the 90s.


I think she's delusional and I hope Kristen never needs to grandstand and announce it dramatically again because it's now obvious, imo, that there really is something wrong with Sonja. 


As far as inner ugliness, I'm going to have to side with Bethenny.  (Hell hath frozen over.)  I don't think there's a mean bone in Sonja's body.  She's sad and disorganized and is probably abusing booze and pills.  But she is no Kim Richards.  Now, that's what ugly insides looks like.

I don't see Sonja as being so good, so kind, no mean bone.  She's plenty mean.  Unlike Kim Richards though, Sonja can't stop talking about herself long enough to be vicious to other people.  Kim can take 5 minutes a day to attack and then go back to her own delusions, pity party and turtles.


Another thing that I find hard to believe is that Sonja is claiming that her $7M lawsuit is what's preventing her from moving on from her ex.  Nah.  I think even if she settled that thing tomorrow, she'd find something else to blame for still being hung up on him.  She's the queen of excuses.  And really, I don't think she misses him as much as she misses being Mrs. John Morgan with endless money and connections. 

I think the turn for Sonja was not being able to get the 7M$ judgment dismissed.  That and Morgan's refusal to bail her out of her self created mess, is why she's coming off more broken than before.


She sounded completely serious to me.  Considering her tag line last year was about checking out her great ass, and the clothes she wears that certainly draws attention to her body (case in point, tonight's boob top), she sounds very confident with her body.  Seeing her on a pole, I think men prefer a little meat on their bones. 

I find it interesting, in the last episode Ramona is shown saying "I know I'm attractive, I know I'm sexy, I know I'm sensual" when explaining why she's too "deep" to have a fling with a younger guy (while implying her BFF Sonja is shallow I guess?) and nary a peep. Carole thinks she's attractive or sexy or has a good body? Time to put that skinny ugly bitch in her place.

Ramona is talking about not needing a young man to find validation in her looks.  That's what the conversation was about.  So talking about looks makes sense.  Carole just (seemingly) randomly brings up her body and how much she loves it.  Almost like she's daring someone to say something negative back.  For me, if someone is picking out clothes, at a fashion show, etc, it seems a natural conversation.  If someone is out for an evening with friends and they decide to go dancing, it doesn't seem as natural to brag about your own body.

  • Love 4

Okay, let's start with foyer-gate. I'm confused. Heather kept saying they were made to wait in the foyer, yet we see them all huddled outside. Does foyer mean something different in NY? Were they allowed in the building or not? At any rate, I didn't understand why Sonja didn't let them in and thought it was very rude. Why? She was packing? So what? Your dogs get out? Bitch please, you have interns coming and going all hours of the day. Those dogs could get out at any time. That broke down townhouse is big enough. Just let them in and settle them in one room while you go about your business. I wish Bravo would have had the actual footage of them coming in and being told to leave, because the various explanations are always so confusing.

They did make it in the house. It was in the very beginning, they showed them being kicked out! It's when Heather called her a 'fucking bitch'. I think that's what set them off even more because they were inside already and she came 'barreling down the stairs' or however Heather said it in her TH and kicked them out. I think maybe that's why they referenced foyer so much because they were in that first.

  • Love 7

Ramona is talking about not needing a young man to find validation in her looks. That's what the conversation was about. So talking about looks makes sense. Carole just (seemingly) randomly brings up her body and how much she loves it. Almost like she's daring someone to say something negative back. For me, if someone is picking out clothes, at a fashion show, etc, it seems a natural conversation. If someone is out for an evening with friends and they decide to go dancing, it doesn't seem as natural to brag about your own body.

They were dancing on a stage next to scantily clad club dancers who are paid to dance. Bringing up your own body and getting paid to dance wasn't random.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 2

I still think Heather is a loser who is trying to start fights over nothing just for screentime, even if the limo wasn't there yet.  It may have been her room they were meeting at, but they were waiting for her to get ready, that's why they all reacted to seeing her outfit for the first time.

According to Heather's Bravo blog, not only were all the ladies meeting in the living area of her room -- so that if they were frustrated about waiting for her, they literally could have shouted into the next room that they were waiting and she should finish getting ready, but also she had let Bethenny use her hair stylist and even let Bethenny go first, so she had to wait to get her hair done.  I also see a big difference between being late when a car is driving a group to Atlantic City and being late getting ready for dinner.  If the rest of the ladies really wanted to, they could have gone down to the restaurant and not waited for Heather.  However, short of leaving without them, everyone had to wait for Bethenny and Sonja to arrive before the car could get going.

Edited by MMLEsq
  • Love 14

Carole has a good body. So do I. Legs for days, flat, tight abs and ass. I'm really pretty, too. Really pretty.

See? Obnoxious. (and I just might be a liar, too. LOL) While I agree that it's awesome for a woman to be proud of her body and self, there's this thing called humility. Carole talking and preening so often is just more of her trying to prove how wonderful she is. A woman who truly feels that way, doesn't need to tell anybody about it. She just is.

No. I don't "see" anything but a woman who is proud of how she looks. Awesome!!!

  • Love 9

I think it is great that Carole loves her body. I just wish she wouldn't take petty superficial swipes at other women. The Ramona wouldn't even fit in my clothes stuff wasn't even that bad. It was the stuff she said during her TH surrounding the night at that club that re-kindled my dislike for her. Spying Ramona talking to a few gentlemen at the club she says that Ramona has game even though she hasn't dated since the Berlin Wall came down. Than she lowers the boom by going on to say that it wasn't hard to pick up men because of the after midnight rule when anyone can get phone #s. WTF?!? She also slammed Sonja that night too.   So yeah, she should go ahead and love her own body, just stop throwing shade that diminishes other women in some way, while she incessantly toots her own horn.


That's my problem with Carole.


And worth the wait, too. Not a Heather fan, but woman had it goin' on!



No doubt. I am not even one for leather pants but she was rockin' the hell outta those bad boys. Her hair & makeup looked great too. 


I must be getting Skinnygirl blind because I didn't notice I single bottle, yet I know they were there. Lucky me.


My fave line of the night and probably a common saying but something I have never heard but now love came from Dorinda: 'Money speaks, wealth whispers.'

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 15

I think it is great that Carole loves her body. I just wish she wouldn't take petty superficial swipes at other women. The Ramona wouldn't even fit in my clothes stuff wasn't even that bad. It was the stuff she said during her TH surrounding the night at that club that re-kindled my dislike for her. Spying Ramona talking to a few gentlemen at the club she says that Ramona has game even though she hasn't dated since the Berlin Wall came down. Than she lowers the boom by going on to say that it wasn't hard to pick up men because of the after midnight rule when anyone can get phone #s. WTF?!?


Add making fun of Aviva losing a leg.  IMO, that's some of the worst body shaming there is.  But Heather and Kristen were guilty of that, too.


Did anyone else notice Sonja kissing her doorjamb as she left her house? Does she have a mezuzah there?


I didn't notice, but when I read your post I thought, "There must be a mezuzah because why else would she be kissing the doorjamb."  But then I thought...."This is Sonja we're talking about....".

  • Love 2

First, it was cold and raining, raining hard. Second, the limo was not there. Fourth, there was construction /noise all around Sonja's house. Both Heather and Kristen made arrangements to have someone else take their children to school so that they could be on time and had either Sonja or Bethenny let them know the timeline was pushed back, they would have been able to take their kids to school as well. As for Heather being late at the hotel, they were all in her room (including the cameras), she was there, not late!

How is it these line producers keep their jobs?  If they were suppose to leave at 10:30 the number one thing that would have to be there is the car.    Heather should have been poking the eyes out of whoever was in charge of the limo and we know it isn't Sonja.  As to Kristen and Heather-they both have nannies.  This is called a work commitment deal with it.  Very strange it is okay to go out of town for the weekend but the big issue was Bethenny got to take her child to school.  I question what time their kids start school.  I am thinking it is not an hour and half to get from downtown to the upper east side.


Production trying to force their way into Sonja's house under the guise of don't leave the ladies in the rain didn't work.  This is one of the few times Sonja didn't overexpose herself and her weaknesses.  It seems when it involves her daughter she uses common sense.  The last person on the face of the earth I would want within hearing distance during a child care crisis is Heather.  That woman just talks and talks.   Although seemingly unfeeling I think all these women could have asked to leave their luggage in the capable hands of the interns and strolled around the corner to Starbucks.  The big deal is Bravo probably didn't have a filming permit or permission.


I think the show loses some of it's "reality" when they have these stages scenes designed to create animosity.

  • Love 6

I think it is great that Carole loves her body. I just wish she wouldn't take petty superficial swipes at other women. The Ramona wouldn't even fit in my clothes stuff wasn't even that bad. It was the stuff she said during her TH surrounding the night at that club that re-kindled my dislike for her. Spying Ramona talking to a few gentlemen at the club she says that Ramona has game even though she hasn't dated since the Berlin Wall came down. Than she lowers the boom by going on to say that it wasn't hard to pick up men because of the after midnight rule when anyone can get phone #s. WTF?!? She also slammed Sonja that night too.   So yeah, she should go ahead and love her own body, just stop throwing shade that diminishes other women in some way, while she incessantly toots her own horn.


That's my problem with Carole.



No doubt. I am not even one for leather pants but she was rockin' the hell outta those bad boys. Her hair & makeup looked great too. 


I must be getting Skinnygirl blind because I didn't notice I single bottle, yet I know they were there. Lucky me.


My fave line of the night and probably a common saying but something I have never heard but now love came from Dorinda: 'Money speaks, wealth whispers.'



Odd. I didn't see the Berlin Wall thing as a dis. I thought it was something Ramona herself would say (you know when she has her moments of not mangling metaphors). The not fitting in one of her dresses seemed much more shady to me than the Berlin Wall thing or even the everyone gets phone numbers after midnight. I actually saw her as including herself in the after midnight one. But the Berlin Wall thing just seemed like a funny way to state the obvious - that Ramona had not dated a really long time but she still has it going on. 

  • Love 3

Why did Beth get all twisted when Carole said Lu wasn't European, she's from Connecticut? Beth got all offended was that a jab, by Carole? I didn't see it that way.


I wondered about that too. I am noticing a pattern with Bethenny and the new versus original Housewives. No matter what issues she seems to have with the originals, she really doesn't want to discuss the originals with the newcomers. Whether it's to gossip or throw shade, or just tell an anecdote. Is it possible that she may actually feel protective of them when it comes to the newer women?


Like she had issues with Ramona coming in, but pretty much wanted to shut Heather down when Heather wanted to discuss Ramona. She has been extremely patient with Sonja. And then that reaction to Carole saying Luann wasn't European. It's all very strange.

  • Love 5

I question what time their kids start school.  I am thinking it is not an hour and half to get from downtown to the upper east side.


It sounded to me like Beth and Bryn were probably staying at one of the homeless shelters, er...luxury hotels uptown, then Beth had to take her down to Tribeca for school and then make her way back up to Sonja's.  So I can believe an hour and a half in the rain, both ways. 


If Bryn isn't in all day school yet, that could also account for the late start time. 

  • Love 5

They did make it in the house. It was in the very beginning, they showed them being kicked out! It's when Heather called her a 'fucking bitch'. I think that's what set them off even more because they were inside already and she came 'barreling down the stairs' or however Heather said it in her TH and kicked them out. I think maybe that's why they referenced foyer so much because they were in that first.

Add that to the fact that Sonja wasn't ready even though she insisted on having people meet at her house and then she tries to shift the focus to Bethenny, her dogs, her sister's friend dying etc etc.


They were dancing on a stage next to scantily clad club dancers who are paid to dance. Bringing up your own body and getting paid to dance wasn't random.

Not natural in my opinion. Maybe there was another comment that prefaced it like someone saying, I don't want to get up there next to those sexy shapely dancers?  Doubt it.  Carole brings it up because it's in her head. That's what she has physically and fine, she's proud of it.  My opinion is that she brings it up in situations where others don't.  YMMV. 


Why did Beth get all twisted when Carole said Lu wasn't European, she's from Connecticut? Beth got all offended was that a jab, by Carole? I didn't see it that way.

Because it was a jab. Carole has been swiping at LuAnn from the start about her title, her being a nurse from CT etc.  As if Carole is real royalty (she isn't, she just isn't, she got her title by marriage and while not as bought and paid for as the count's, it's fringe), or had some upper crust upbringing.  LuAnn got her break modeling, lived in Europe on her own, and then met the count.  LuAnn gets snobby sometimes but so do Sonja, Ramona, and Carole.

  • Love 9

I think that is fantastic! A woman in her 50s who is proud of her body and thinks it's amazing should be applauded, not mocked. I think its a great thing when a woman of any age is proud of her body.

I loved the bunny ears and titty shirt. I think people should dress however the hell they want.

It bothers me that a confident woman who is proud of her appearance isn't celebrated.

Go Carole! You keep doing what you want and don't give a shit what anybody thinks.

Bethenny had to pee. I and everybody I know has done that at one point or another. What else was she supposed to do? It didn't look like there were any bathrooms around.

I'm not sure if you're a male or female scoobie, but after child birth a lot of women have a hard time holding it.

It was the side of the freeway and it was raining. I didn't see the big deal.

Its just pee. I don't think there's anything gross or "ick" about pee.



I think that is fantastic! A woman in her 50s who is proud of her body and thinks it's amazing should be applauded, not mocked. I think its a great thing when a woman of any age is proud of her body.

I loved the bunny ears and titty shirt. I think people should dress however the hell they want.

It bothers me that a confident woman who is proud of her appearance isn't celebrated.

Go Carole! You keep doing what you want and don't give a shit what anybody thinks.


A person can be proud and happy with themselves and still be humble and also manage to no be an arrogant nuisance about it as well. Hell I'm fabulous. People know that I think I'm fabulous. I believe I'm attractive, very much so and I'm very stylish to the point that I'm complimented regularly however I don't constantly reaffirm this out loud while beaming with self pleasure. It's basically an unnecessary act to engage in so frequently.  Nothing wrong with being pleased with yourself but just like anything else displaying such a distasteful amount is definitely worthy of some snark.

  • Love 6

Because I'm petty and hold grudges, I have been thrilled by Luann's obvious delight over Ramona's misery. Funny thing is....I actually enjoy Ramona. I dig crazypants and I don't need to "like" a person to enjoy their antics. Ramona can always bring the drama, even if its a small moment of inappropriateness.


But she enjoyed the demise of the Countess's marriage just a little too much for my taste. Also, Ramona's digs about the revolving door in Luann's bedroom (even though probably true) were classless. I'm not Luann's biggest fan, but Ramona went out of her way to shame and humiliate Luann as her marriage crumbled, all the while crowing about Mario, the greasy-looking metrosexual who always seemed like he'd prefer to be anywhere in the world than beside his wild-eyed wife. I've been re-watching eps on Hulu. Mario's boredom and contempt for Ramona were on display early in the series.


So go on with your bad self, Countess! Continue your oh-so-dignified chortling at Ramona's expense. I'm laughing right along with you.


Except my laughter doesn't contain an ounce of class. It's much too raucous. It's much too mean.

  • Love 21

Odd. I didn't see the Berlin Wall thing as a dis. I thought it was something Ramona herself would say (you know when she has her moments of not mangling metaphors). The not fitting in one of her dresses seemed much more shady to me than the Berlin Wall thing or even the everyone gets phone numbers after midnight. I actually saw her as including herself in the after midnight one. But the Berlin Wall thing just seemed like a funny way to state the obvious - that Ramona had not dated a really long time but she still has it going on. 


Also, it's probably actually true.... the Berlin wall came down in 1989 wasn't it? If she and Mario were together for 25 years, that's about right.

  • Love 8

I find it interesting, in the last episode Ramona is shown saying "I know I'm attractive, I know I'm sexy, I know I'm sensual" when explaining why she's too "deep" to have a fling with a younger guy (while implying her BFF Sonja is shallow I guess?) and nary a peep. Carole thinks she's attractive or sexy or has a good body? Time to put that skinny ugly bitch in her place.

I do like that when Ramona said what she said it came out organically while making whatever point she was making. It wasn't that she just decided to talk about her body or look out of nowhere. Her appearance tied into the conversation or whatever and wasn't the main idea. Carole just makes these random comments at random times so it's like she has self praise tourettes or something. It's like huh, what? Where did that come from..? Oh, right it's time to point that your incredibly sexy, desirable, etc. etc.... Must be Tuesday.. Gotcha.. 

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 5


Not natural in my opinion. Maybe there was another comment that prefaced it like someone saying, I don't want to get up there next to those sexy shapely dancers?  Doubt it.  Carole brings it up because it's in her head. That's what she has physically and fine, she's proud of it.  My opinion is that she brings it up in situations where others don't.  YMMV. 



The comments were from a TH interview and were edited into the scene. It's not like she just randomly brought it up, just like LuAnn didn't randomly bring up being on Sonia's snatch guard duty. They are discussing the evening and responding to producer questions or inquiries.

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