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S30.E11: Survivor Russian Roulette

Tara Ariano

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ProfCrash . . . then I'm weak as well. At this point, I'm just hoping for Mike to win it all, and he didn't save Shirin. She forgave him, so I guess I should as well.

Probably the right call, considering these people have blinders and aren't thinking a step ahead.  First Joe was the biggest threat so they had to get him out and that was the only thing.  Now Mike is.  So either he got people to flip in which case he doesn't have to play it or he didn't in which case playing it just buys Shirin an extra week without it mattering, strategically.  Better to save it for yourself.  And even if he gets the flips I bet he's still the target the next time he doesn't win immunity, so he better have his own idol.


As nice as it would have been to watch an asshole and/or smug bastard go down, I think he did the right thing for himself.

  • Love 9

The jackals who were applauding after the votes were read had just sent Mike's 4th $1 Million vote to the jury, are facing Mike being safe through to at least F6, and now have to cannibalize themselves in a way that might take Mike all the way to the FTC.  Keep clapping, asshats.  


I wonder if, prior to voting, one of those six tried to tell everyone to stick with the plan to vote Shirin and call Mike's bluff?  Tyler's vote for Dan was stupid, but if that happened, it was even worse.  

  • Love 20

 Well I thought you give over the necklace at anytime.  Mike still shoulda tried....we're obviously letting contestants make up rules on the fly at this point.   Especially if Peachy thinks they'll bring the drah-mas.


 And I still Mike should have played the idol for Shirin.  He can't keep winning immunity and the minute he doesn't he's done.  If he got Tyler out, Carolyn wouldn't have an ally and they could probably pull her and then Sierra would likely flip.


 Tyler confessional about going through Dan's bag sounded really scripted to me.  Something about the phrasing was off and he sounded rehearsed.   It just reeked of producer manipulation.  I got the same feeling earlier this season when Joe was talking about making his fake idol.  'Oh I just happened to be stockpiling all the materials to make a fake idol and I'm just going to mosey off and make now. Do-de-doo...nothing to see here".   I totally didn't think the producers put all that stuff there for him.  Nope, not at all.

  • Love 3

Have we seen Dan establish an alliance with Tyler/Carolyn/Will?  On the Reward Challenge he was acting like it was an established thing.  I got the impression that they (Tyler, at least) were just humoring him.  


As far as I know, Dan thinks he has a final 6 with them. I think his version of the plan was to go to final 7 with them, then the BC would turn on the others.  But Rodney has always planned to flip.  As much as I don't like Rodney, he has actually done a good job of getting everyone to think he's on their side.  Dan is so convinced he has a deal he didn't even blink when Mike said he heard Rodney plotting with Tyler/Carolyn/Will.

  • Love 9


Tyler hasn't done anything particularly unlikable, but I haven't really seen him make any strong plays either.  I think he lucked into that alliance with Rodney.


Sorry, I disagree.  I think that is part of Tyler's skill set: sniffing out the lines of power, and then quietly maneuvering himself into a favorable position that is far off the radar screen.   

  • Love 9

Mike is awesome, love him. Good move dude. I can just picture him doing those Crossfit workouts (yum).


Say what you want about Shirin, but she is a smart cookie.


Dan is so stupid. I wonder if he's embarrassed watching himself be played by everyone (he should be). I think Shirin called it, he won't be able to handle getting those votes.


The rest of them are stupid too. There was every reason to keep Shirin for final three. Absolutely crazy.

  • Love 11

Have we seen Dan establish an alliance with Tyler/Carolyn/Will?  On the Reward Challenge he was acting like it was an established thing.  I got the impression that they (Tyler, at least) were just humoring him.  


No, Dan definitely doesn't have an alliance with Tyler/Carolyn/Will at this point, even if he's 110% sure of it. Tyler's TH during the reward made this clear -- he talked about how fantastic it was for him and his game that Dan could only see to Final Six and no further. Carolyn also said something to that effect, that the reward turned out perfectly because they won, Dan was on their team, and now they get to talk Mike out of Dan's head so Dan will continue to vote their way.


Basically, Dan was just going to get in line, vote like he's told, and when the day came that he's no longer needed by the actual alliance, make his own exit. All the way being convinced he's a lock. It'll be interesting to see if/how that dynamic changes given Mike's TC move tonight. One would hope having his name written down twice tonight would wake Dan up to the fact that these people are just using him for votes, exactly like Mike told him. Certainly suggested something will be discussed back at camp. But I've learned to keep my expectations close to zero with this bunch.


On another note, I can't wrap my head around Dan's strategy of "well, if I'm at Final 3, obviously the jury will see I've done something to get there." That's exactly how we've seen plenty of people lose a million dollars, Dan. The jury generally doesn't like to give the win to a goat/coattail rider if there's a better, non-revolting player sitting next to said goat (say, Tyler). I'd expect you, Mr. I'm a Super Fan Too, to know that being a goat is not better than being a flipper when it comes to answering "Who played the best game of Survivor?" -- and we all know what Dan thinks of flippers. 

  • Love 12
Jenn said in her exit interviews that she kept telling Dan and Sierra that they were five and six and Dan's comment was that may be the case but flippers never win so he will never flip. We pretty much saw Dan saying that to Shirin tonight. He is an idiot.



Dan's in a six-person alliance, sworn to his BC comrades and, after the RC, sworn to Carolyn/Tyler/Will.  


Only 2 or 3 people make it FTC.


How the fuck does he expect to get there without "flipping" on someone?


Sigh.  I guess Dan is just "another fan who can't do math."

  • Love 23

I find Rodney highly amusing. 


I wonder if maybe Sierra wins.  She's so inoffensive to the jury.  And she's so good at under the radar.  But I know Jeff loved the season and he doesn't like Woman Seasons so hmm.



He liked Tina, Paravti and Sandra.  I don't see him wanting a man to win.  He likes people who played a good game to win. 

  • Love 3

Even though I'm at my limit with Tyler and Carolyn's smug faces, I would love for Dan and Sierra to go next.  I bet on their exit interviews, they'll still be saying Mike is crazy and paranoid to say they are at the bottom of their own alliance.  Idiots.



 Carolyn is just smug and I honestly don't know anything about Sierra but if someone who hauls horses around can't outlast a corporate trainer in that IC...


Her height was a disadvantage.  I'm a tall woman, and I could see right away she'd go first.  If she had squatted down a bit, she would have taken some of the strain off her back.  I think Rodney had the advantage with his height, but was glad to see Mike win.

  • Love 7


Jenn said in her exit interviews that she kept telling Dan and Sierra that they were five and six and Dan's comment was that may be the case but flippers never win so he will never flip.


I know that he keeps saying he won't flip, but technically hasn't he already flipped from the BC alliance to the bottom  of the Rodney (who had already flipped)/Carolyn/Tyler/Will alliance?  Granted, he doesn't seem to know that that is what he and Sierra did, but that's how I see what they did.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 11

I don't believe that Sierra is the worst player I've ever seen. We've seen her consider a couple of big moves, only to be shut down because it's always clear that she's on the wrong side of the numbers. I'll give her credit for not throwing in the cards considering the hand she was dealt.


Congratulations, Dan. You took that Worst Human Being EVER award back from Will this week, with all the ease of Mike continuing to win immunity.


Hey, get off his back! He was adopted, you know . . .

  • Love 13

Can't fault Mike for not giving Shirin the idol. Even if he does give it to her, it's still 5 on 2 and he has to win immunity or he's gone. None of those morons are flipping. At least he has the idol for the next vote.

But what would have happened if he gave it to her? Vote would've been 2-2 for Dan/Tyler. Would Dan get to use his special power to vote off Tyler? Or would he refuse to flip and vote himself out?

  • Love 5

Can't fault Mike for not giving Shirin the idol. Even if he does give it to her, it's still 5 on 2 and he has to win immunity or he's gone. None of those morons are flipping. At least he has the idol for the next vote.

But what would have happened if he gave it to her? Vote would've been 2-2 for Dan/Tyler. Would Dan get to use his special power to vote off Tyler? Or would he refuse to flip and vote himself out?


He wouldn't have been able to vote in the re-vote, neither would Tyler.  So, then I guess he wouldn't be able to use his power?


So, I'm thinking Mike and Shirin would vote for Tyler, and Carolyn, Rodney and Will would vote for Dan.  Not sure about Sierra.

I don't believe that Sierra is the worst player I've ever seen. We've seen her consider a couple of big moves, only to be shut down because it's always clear that she's on the wrong side of the numbers. I'll give her credit for not throwing in the cards considering the hand she was dealt.


And that is the thing. Unless you have the numbers flipping is stupid. She didn't have the numbers tonight

  • Love 3

I'm thinking this season will be the Season of the Goat and that we will likely see a final goat 3.  The only thing I'm left to wonder about is who will out goat the other?  This week it's Dan!  No, it's Rodney!  No, wait, it's Dan again but, what's that?  OMG, Will is running away with it!  Oh, hell no, you again Dan?


If Shirin's game plan was to be so annoying she would be sure to be taken to F3 as a goat then she certainly picked the wrong season for it.

  • Love 11

I think Rodney is becoming so much less loathsome because a)he's too exhausted to be much of an asshole, and b) his assholery is predictable. Unlike Will , whosedisproportionate attack on Shirin came out of nowhere, or Dan, who just tells people they are stupid while he says he is being nice. So, Congratulations Rodney. You don't suck as hard as Dan and Will.

I've gone from kind of disliking Mike to having a Tom Westman level admiration thing for him right now . I hope he wins it and doesn't lose too much more weight.

  • Love 18

I find Rodney highly amusing. 


I wonder if maybe Sierra wins.  She's so inoffensive to the jury.  And she's so good at under the radar.  But I know Jeff loved the season and he doesn't like Woman Seasons so hmm.


At this point I don't know who could win that would make for a good season.  I'm still thinking Mike or Tyler.  I can't believe that Dan or Will have any shot with the edit they are getting.  I don't know that Carolyn is all that popular with the current jurors.  Sierra maybe, but I still think she'll get called out for being wishy washy and a sheep.  Tyler's emerging as more of a game player which is kind of what I was expecting to happen.  Suddenly his edit begins to explode and we're seeing sneaky things he's doing behind the scenes to stir stuff up and make moves to further his game.  He and Dan looked about ready to pass out when Mike produced the idol.  Tyler may be screwed next week if Mike wins immunity, or if anyone but himself wins.  If Sierra and Dan flip back to Mike, and use Dan's extra vote, that will produce a tie at TC.  I'm thinking that Sierra may end up finding herself packing.  Will maybe, but he's another goat.  Sierra's pretty inoffensive.  I don't know if they would target Dan or not.  It'll be interesting if Rodney's original 4 sticks together or if they try and break up and attempt to blindside him.  

Edited by LadyChatts

Carolyn. We're at final 7.  Please, enlighten us on the difference between waiting for the right time to make a move and sitting on your hands, because all we've seen of you so far is the latter. The only credit I can give you so far is that you've alienated four people from an eight person jury.


I just can't with Dan.  He is so stunningly clueless one minute, and then nasty and vile the next.  I agree that he'd be a fantastic goat, but I don't want him to get that far, because it would feed the delusions he has about how well he's playing. 

Edited by auchic
  • Love 20

Awesome job Mike and that exposed the cracks in the alliance which will hopefully help you out next week.

Dan is so stupid!

I'm loving Mike winning challenges and his strategy. I just don't get why Dan didn't believe Mike when Mike told Dan about Rodney and the others plotting to get him out. The past few challenges, if he just looked at Rodney's facial expressions when Mike won the last two, he could have realized (if he wasn't stupid) that Mike was right.

Shirin my have a bad social game but she is smart. She knew Mike shouldn't have really played the idol and that bluffing to exposed cracks helps his game the most. Also her realizing Will was good to take to the final was smart except his alliance likes him but so far everyone on the jury hates him.

I really wish Shirin and Mike had both won the challenge--those were the only two I would have been happy with winning the game. Next would maybe be Sierra but only if she made a move tonight.

I guess if I had to pick someone else then Tyler but I don't like him.

Rodney's personality is annoying and despite the fact he is playing a decent game, I don't think he will win (I don't want him to win)…looks like he has a meltdown next week.

He is too emotional.

Dan and Will are embarrassments to the human race. I wonder if their wives are meeting with divorce attorneys.

Off to read as many comments as I can before going to bed--have to get up super early in the morning

  • Love 5

Dan is one of the most horrid people to play this game. And he's stupid. With his extra vote, he, Sierra, Mike and Shirin could have sent Tyler home. Then he's in an alliance of 4 not 6.

Disappointed that nothing came out of Tyler going through Dan's bag.

I loathe Carolyn and her extremely smug face.

Loathe Rotney even more.

  • Love 8

Will refusing to apologize to Shirin because he really thinks what he said about her was both true, and appropriate to say, was almost unbelievable. Is it a pride issue, he just can't admit he did anything wrong, or is he maybe a little crazy, or what? Cruel asshole, obviously, but something else weird is going on there. I remain confused about why everyone hates Shirin so much. I see how she could be annoying, but I cannot imagine what she's done to invite such vitriol.

I am also still confused about everyone turning on Mike. Tonight someone said that he flipped, but I have absolutely no memory of there be any drama over any of his votes before last week (although it's entirely possible that I just forgot).

Also confused about why everyone thinks Tyler is this masterful strategizing and is almost guaranteed to win. I don't disagree with them because I do think he's playing a good albeit quiet game, but that's because of his talking heads, not anything we've seen with the others.

Which brings me to my main point: What is up with the editing this season? Generally, I think the show does a pretty good job of leaving some suspense about the vote each week, while still giving us a sense of what contestants are thinking or how they're strategizing. This season is a mess. The vote is predictable pretty much every week, but I have no idea what is actually going on with most of these people, or what their long-term plan is, or why they're voting the way they are, other than "I hate Shirin."

It seems almost unanimous that these people are all terrible and so I'm curious: how would you rank them all, on a scale of "Not un-terrible" to "So terrible that terrible isn't a strong enough word"?

  • Love 8
Dan retook his lead from Will for worst human.


It's obvious even the editors find Dan a jackass of epic proportions.  


Vile Jenn oozes smugness from the jury box.



I didn't see smugness as much as disgust although maybe it's just hard to pick out amongst the smug smog generated by Roidney/Dan/Carolyn/Taylor.


Can the rest of the season be 10 minutes of challenges and 30 minutes of reaction shots of the jury? 

  • Love 13

Before I go to bed . . . has Probst ever had a title quote before?


Not that I can recall.  Which again brings me back to, what is it with this season?  So bad that now the host has to give episode quotes?


Jenn said in her exit interviews that she kept telling Dan and Sierra that they were five and six and Dan's comment was that may be the case but flippers never win so he will never flip. We pretty much saw Dan saying that to Shirin tonight. He is an idiot.



Apparently Dan also told her he was fine getting 6th if it meant staying loyal and not flipping.  Judging by the look on his face tonight, I'm guessing Dan didn't actually think it'd be a reality he'd be going out anywhere close to 6th.  Too bad he got a wake up call, I wanted him blindsided.  I wish that Shirin and Mike voted for Dan and only said they were voting for Tyler.


It seems almost unanimous that these people are all terrible and so I'm curious: how would you rank them all, on a scale of "Not un-terrible" to "So terrible that terrible isn't a strong enough word"?



Not un-terrible: Mike

So terrible that terrible isnt a strong enough word: Dan, Will

Just plain terrible: Rodney, Carolyn, Tyler Sierra (I only put the 2 girls there for not doing anything)


In regards to the theme this season: I was actually enjoying it, and the 3 tribe concept at first.  But once the BC started dominating, and it became obvious they weren't going to bail on each other in the beginning, and the lack of strategy and game play (and fun!) happening, it is probably the worst idea ever.  I do agree that having a tribe of 6 can make it harder to hide.  So, Max, Vince, Shirin, Lindsey, Joaquin, all might have made it or made a better impression if they were with so few people in the beginning.  Dan might have been long gone if he had been on a tribe of 10 vs a the 6 when they went to the first TC.  I also think some of these people got screwed by how they were grouped together (So, Shirin, Lindsey, Sierra, Nina).  Kind of like how BvsW Part 1 was great, but SJDS not so much.  Well, B/B/B was great, but trying to duplicate it, not so much.  Sequels are never as good.  Shirin mentioned in her Ponderosa video about wanting to play the game and she had moves, ideas, strategies she wanted to put into play.  Much like the 3 NC, she had no one on her side for that.  Everyone fell into a boring predictable rhythm, and anyone who waited to make a move deserves to get booted, or at least lose the million.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 3

Best: Mike.

Playing a Weak Game, But Not Actually Evil: Sierra

Smug and Unpleasant: Tyler and Carolyn

Smug, Unpleasant, and Stupid: Rodney

Smug, Unpleasant, Stupid, AND Playing a Weak Game: Dan 

Smug, Unpleasant, Stupid, and I Have No Idea WHAT Game He's Playing: Will

So Mike is above everyone else. 

Tyler and Carolyn are above Rodney, but I have no idea where to put Sierra in that ranking.

Dan and Will are low, but I'm not sure who is lowest.

  • Love 24

These people are so incredibly unlikable that the show has become almost painful to watch. I'm in for Mike, but honestly I'm just ready for this season to be over with & I'm questioning if I will be back next season due to how very, very much I'm not enjoying this season. I've watched them all, but the difference in watching villains that are entertaining & watching vile, unintelligent idiots is drastically different. If I want trash reality TV I've got plenty of more over the top choices. Sigh. It makes me sad.

Rodney is still a jerk. The cheering & waving at tribal makes me think he's stuck in junior high working so very hard to make sure he seems cool & like he's all that. News flash Rodney, you never were then & you aren't now.

Dan is such a moron it hurts my brain. His never-ending bodily displays of disgusting grossness would make me want to vomit all over him. I wonder how he'd like that? Eww, he just might. When he was blathering about how his adopted family weren't his blood & how that made him just like Shirin I wanted someone to muzzle him. First, way to throw your family, yes your family nitwit, the people who raised you, under the bus. Second, being adopted in no way, shape or form is similar to being in an abusive family. An abusive family that is dysfunctional & broken enough that Shirin does not have them in her life at all. The stupid seeps from his very pores.

Will is vile, simply vile. He won't apologize since he thinks he did nothing but speak truth. Are you kidding me? Just because you say something does not make it so you sad sack of a human being. If I met him in person I'd be hard pressed not to say nasty things about him & then claim I was just speaking my truth. My truth is I don't like ugly & he's rolled in & it stuck to him like glitter.

Edited by ramble
  • Love 16
It seems almost unanimous that these people are all terrible and so I'm curious: how would you rank them all, on a scale of "Not un-terrible" to "So terrible that terrible isn't a strong enough word"?



Not terrible (IOW, not despicable, and seems to be playing the game):  Mike

Not very terrible (IOW, not despicable, but limited Survivor gameplay that we've seen): Sierra

Not un-terrible (IOW, terrible, but at least may be playing a game): Rodney, Tyler

Terrible (IOW, terrible): Carolyn

So terrible that terrible isn't a strong enough word (IOW, deplorable human beings who I wish would be required to wear ball-gags until the game is over so I don't have to listen to them talk anymore, as well as idiots at Survivor whose only chance for F3 is to be taken along as the goatiest goat to ever goat and even then, in a perfect world, would lose to the chicken, the sloth, the immunity idol, the snake in the credits, the Springfield Nuclear Plant's carbon rod, the bugs in the Terminex commercial and a heaping pile of rat dung): Dan, Will

  • Love 20

One bright spot for me during the unpleasantry that was this episode was when Jeff announced the reward. "There will be hamburgers! With CHEEEEESE." Ooooh, cheese. So fancy. I know many people have their hamburgers without cheese, but to me his announcement was roughly equivalent to saying that the cereal and milk would also feature a bowl.

  • Love 23

Overall, a fantastic episode.  What stood out to me was:


Dan's tragi-comical cluelessness about what's really happening -- and his need to prove, over and over, to everyone in the know, how mystified he truly is. His talk on the sailboat after the RC was classic tomfoolery;


Serra's idea to roll over the barrels to the finish line of the RC.  Doomed to fail for execution reasons, but the first time I've seen anything creative or interesting out of her;


The IC.  Two real cool competitions, in both the men's and women's divisions.  Jeff's play-by-play, for once, actually added color, and I also enjoyed the snark several players shot back at him;


The scramble after the IC and before tribal.  Shirin made some great points with both Dan and Sierra.  But in reality, she was still wrong IMO.  The Strong Six (after this episode the Not-So-Strong Six) still needed to break up Shirin and Mike, which meant booting her immediately;


Tribal.  Just about the whole thing.  Mike and Shirin almost pulled off a coup d'tat.  Actually, they may have done exactly that.  They shook the Strong Six to its core.  Hard for me to believe those people stick together from this point.  Loved watching the preview for next week, which showed them at each others throats.  Didn't mind them clapping when Shirin left.  They did that, not out of malice, but unabashed relief that they were still there (Rodney waving was childish and only hurts him in front of the jury). 


Mike again looks to me in the driver's seat.  He has an idol... he's killing it in ICs... and everyone else is in disarray.  He even has a good chance to bring back Dan (with his two votes) and Sierra to the fold. 


I think that sums up the entire season.  It's been hard to predict, and not just because of editing.  Lots of genuine blindsides: So, Max, Joaquin, Kelly, Hali and Vince come to mind.  Lots of abrupt reversals of fortune.  Plenty of entertaining moves, including some that appear mind-bogglingly foolish.  No single standout player, but several real good ones (Mike, Tyler, probably Carolyn), and some interesting characters on top of that.   


This season has turned into a real good one.  I'm very eager to see the last few episodes.

  • Love 6
I know that he keeps saying he won't flip, but technically hasn't he already flipped from the BC alliance to the bottom  of the Rodney (who had already flipped)/Carolyn/Tyler/Will alliance?  Granted, he doesn't seem to know that that is what he and Sierra did, but that's how I see what they did.
That's what's confused me. I thought from Dan and Sierra's POV, the alliance was Blue Strong with using Carolyn/Tyler/Will to final 7. How are Dan and Sierra not flipping on Mike to vote with Rodney and the rest against him? 


I actually feel for Sierra. I don't think she's playing badly. I think she's been trapped where every time she tries to flip to an alliance she thinks is better, the numbers don't pan out for her to actually do it. It would be stupid for her to do it for the sake of doing it.


I don't think Mike's move was horrible tonight, but I'm unconvinced that it was better to bluff than to actually use the HII to protect Shirin. He's guaranteed that the 6 Strong alliance has to fracture next week, but I don't see how that helps him if he has to burn his HII and the fracture votes out Sierra or Dan. That would leave Rodney/Tyler/Carolyn/Will a strong four with zero reason to flip and Mike stuck relying on an immunity run to make it to the end. The best he can hope for next week is a tie, and that's only because of Dan's extra vote. I think if he had played his cards right, he could have gotten one of the Rodney/Tyler/Carolyn/Will alliance out and probably gotten an alliance with Dan, Sierra, and Shirin that could drive to the end.

  • Love 2

I need a hug.

  When Dan was all "I am so sorry, Shirin." I was like. aww... hes actually.... 


And then Dan, Dan'ed  and I couldn't help but laugh, hard but man, did I bite the bullet on that.


Like the others, I can never quit this show, but man. this is one rough season.


I also did not like Shirin, and I do wonder what it is that most people don't. 

  • Love 5

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