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S02.E19: The Dirty Half Dozen

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Is it Tuesday yet? This episode looks thrilling and I love the title "The Dirty Half Dozen." 


In the preview there's a frame with Ward and Bakshi. I just hope the two aren't working together.


EDIT: Ah, the "half dozen" refer to the original six cast members of Coulson, Ward, May, Skye, Fitz and Simmons. It appears they're all wearing specialist suits and going into the field in what looks like a super fun episode and a nice treat for season 1 fans in what "seems like old times" as Ward says.

Edited by APSimpson
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Simmons gets hardcore.


Skye becomes a dynamo fighter to rival May or Morse.


And Coulson finishes up with "Spoiler alert".


This episode brought a whole lot of stuff. Including of course, Avengers name-dropping.

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Mistakes?  Blaming it all on a bad family life?  Being disappointed in Simmons for wanting him dead?  You die Ward, just freaking die.  I swear they better not do a redemption arc for him, because he's beyond that.  May needs to kick the living crap out of him, and he also needs to run afoul of Frank Castle.


Speaking of May, she's a heck of a teacher.  Skye was kicking some major ass tonight.

Edited by Jediknight
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The only way I could stomach his self-righteous, high-minded, hypocrital martyr bullshit was by screaming that every time he opened his mouth. Too bad Simmons' plan didn't work.

"Time to call in the Avengers." Oh if only the Hulk would give Ward the Loki treatment: there was no way he would survive since he's not a god (despite his many delusions).

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Wow, Jemma!  I didn't expect that, though I do remember her promising to end Ward earlier this season and thinking she definitely seemed like she meant it at the time.  But I didn't expect that she'd be able to go through with it in the end. 


Loved everyone's response to Ward's Worst Apology Ever (seriously?  We all made mistakes?  I'm more sorry that I killed the team I had good times with than I'm sorry I dropped you in the ocean? So hilariously bad).  I suppose I should give him credit for apologizing atall considering I spent last week harping on the fact that up until now he hadn't shown any signs of remorse, but Coulson had it right when he told him "no more talking to people."  He was just so slimy and manipulative.  Mac's apology was much better, though I was quite surprised that Hunter forgave him so quickly.


I do think Ward did a good thing when he let Kara go, and I do believe he was being honest about how he felt about her and what he wanted for her.


Liked all the references to Age of Ultron. Only 46 more hours until I get to go see it!

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Skye becomes a dynamo fighter to rival May or Morse.


Not buying Skye being that good.  Even stupider was Lincoln's heart resuscitation -- I'm surprised that she didn't explode his chest.  And the worse part is that Skye is all schmoopy about a guy she has known for a few days at best.


Oh nooooooes -- Raina has a vision of Loki's sceptre and lots of robots.  What can that possibly be about ?  </sarcasm>


And big surprise -- the only death of any importance was Bakshi.  Who gives a crap about Bakshi ?


ETA:  How did Ward get back to a city somewhere for his phone call with Coulson -- BEFORE -- the SHIELD jets returned from the Arctic ?  He wasn't on the Quinnjet ?  And I forgot to mention, what a waste of 'The Bus' -- they couldn't come up with a better plan than that  ?  It can hover at slow speeds -- why not come in under the radar instead of hovering way up high for target practice by Hydra ?  It didn't even fire countermeasures or evasive maneuvers to avoid those missiles.   Or maybe use that BFG to blow the hell out of the missile batteries ? Gah !!

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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All the action this week, and the cross-promotion for the new Avengers movie, and what stuck with me? Right . ..  Skye's Sonic the Hedgehog snark on Raina. Too funny.


Ward's an asshole and a sociopath, but I can't stay too mad at him. I know, I'm not supposed to emphasize with Hydra agents, but I do. Liked the others staying on guard. On the other hand, I wasn't too amped by Skye jumping around and kicking ass. I don't think Laurel from Arrow has gotten that good that fast. I will give her reviving Lincoln a pass. . . apparently, vibrations work as well as shock paddles. Good to know.

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SHIELD does not have a way to stop Gordon, so Skye should not be a long term prisoner. Afterlife does not have adequate medical facilities, so Lincoln will be at SHIELD for a while.

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TEAM SIMMONS.  Ward is a smarmy sack of shit.


Coulson.... interesting developments with him.  I think May was right to be pissed and I thought he came off a little douchey in their private talk.  I don't 100% love the SHIELD/REALD writing, to put it mildly, but I appreciate the gray areas where Coulson is concerned.  

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I'm fine with hearing Ward try to blame it on everything but himself. Because it always ends up with him getting smacked down for it and being told to shut up. But I do like that he's both a dangerous nut job AND misses being part of the team. I don't think he'll ever get real redemption, but I like him being around in the background. And his final scene with Simmons was great, not because he had any moral leg to stand on (because he doesn't), but because it did make Simmons take a step back and think about who she's becoming. I wouldn't blame any of them for killing Ward, but I like the characters to stop and think about whether they want to be capable of that type of premeditation.


Cracking episode all around. Goodbye, Bus (and oh the meta of 616 being destroyed, considering what's happening in the comics). You got so much grief in season 1 for being the setting of too much the show, but I'll miss you. But what a way to go. They did a really nice job on that scene, looking forward to rewatching it tomorrow.


Feels for Hunter and Mack. Looking forward to Hunter and Bobbi. And shut up, Gonzalez.

Edited by kennyab
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All the action this week, and the cross-promotion for the new Avengers movie, and what stuck with me? Right . ..  Skye's Sonic the Hedgehog snark on Raina. Too funny.


Ward's an asshole and a sociopath, but I can't stay too mad at him. I know, I'm not supposed to emphasize with Hydra agents, but I do. Liked the others staying on guard. On the other hand, I wasn't too amped by Skye jumping around and kicking ass. I don't think Laurel from Arrow has gotten that good that fast. I will give her reviving Lincoln a pass. . . apparently, vibrations work as well as shock paddles. Good to know.



The Sonic crack made me laugh too. 


I don't think it was just Skye's vibrations that jumped Lincoln's heart....it looked like she manipulated it so she could feed off of his electricity.  There was a zap in there, like a charge paddle.  Not sure how she did it, but guess the training up on Afterlife is top notch.


Geez, Ward really is nuts.  He seems to STILL not get why everyone hates him.  I have a feeling his Skye obsession is not over though.  He seemed to look at her more than anyone else during his "apology".


Bobbi is definitely about to turn on Gonzalez.  And I loved Coulson's spoiler alert burn.  Yeah suck it guys, Fury is alive.  Guess that answers my question of if they knew.

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The Sonic crack made me laugh too. 


I don't think it was just Skye's vibrations that jumped Lincoln's heart....it looked like she manipulated it so she could feed off of his electricity.  There was a zap in there, like a charge paddle.  Not sure how she did it, but guess the training up on Afterlife is top notch.


That's how that looked to me too, but that's why that moment felt unbelievable to me,  If she had somehow figured out how to beat his heart for him using vibrations I might have bought it, because the heart is a tangible object whose frequency she might be able to hear (even though I don't think she should be so in control of her power already that manipulating small, vital objects wouldn't be a huge risk) but interacting with Lincoln's ability?  What?  Are we supposed to think Lincoln's power activated reflexively because it sensed Lincoln might be under attack by someone else's power or is the show telling us that Skye can use her powers to manipulate other people's powers?  If it's the latter, I'm going to be annoyed.

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So this is my first time watching this show since the season 2 premiere but I wanted to watch the episode before the Avengers premiere and see if anything has changed and it hasn't.

The characters are still really dull and I can't really seem to muster any interest in this show anymore ugh it sucks because there was a lot of potential.

I'm glad others like it.

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Gee... what a subtle way to cross-sell Avengers: Age of Ultron, show. So we have to watch that movie to get the resolution of this episode. For me, it is even worse than the crossover of Chicago Fire, Law & Order: SVU and Chicago PD.

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Gee... what a subtle way to cross-sell Avengers: Age of Ultron, show. So we have to watch that movie to get the resolution of this episode. For me, it is even worse than the crossover of Chicago Fire, Law & Order: SVU and Chicago PD.


I don't think we'll need to see the movie to see the resolution.  I think we'll see it next week.  I think all the tie-ins were supposed a reminder that just like last year after Cap 2, Agents of SHIELD next week will likely contain spoilers for the movie so Viewer Beware if you're not going to see the movie opening weekend.

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That's how that looked to me too, but that's why that moment felt unbelievable to me, If she had somehow figured out how to beat his heart for him using vibrations I might have bought it, because the heart is a tangible object whose frequency she might be able to hear (even though I don't think she should be so in control of her power already that manipulating small, vital objects wouldn't be a huge risk) but interacting with Lincoln's ability? What? Are we supposed to think Lincoln's power activated reflexively because it sensed Lincoln might be under attack by someone else's power or is the show telling us that Skye can use her powers to manipulate other people's powers? If it's the latter, I'm going to be annoyed.

Well this is the comic universe with a lot of junk science. However all Skye really needed to do is vibrate her body to create an electrical charge. With her body mass and vibration capabilities she could have arc enough power to weld steel.

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I thought keeping Skye's parental connections was suppose to be a secret because of serious repercussions. So far the secret is out and nothing happened. Then why did they make it such a big deal?


This episode felt like a cram episode, weeks of dragging along and then suddenly they're jamming everything in to synch up with the movie. So basically they're going to deal with possible HYDRA still out there plus the Inhumans  plus the robot apocalypse. Okay. . .


Call the Avengers? I thought Captain America in CA:WS was on a quest to find the Winter Soldier and now suddenly he's working with the Avengers without a second thought? Inconsistent continuity.

Also I hate the secret code talk with Coulson and Hill, the cloak and dagger and Theta whatever, you know that whatever they reveal is going to be so unsatisfying and anti-climatic.

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Hee, "The Twins!"  I knew who he was talking about!  And what Raina was hinting about in her visions.  I'll hopefully be seeing more of that on the weekend!


Fun seeing the Original Six again, and it especially fun watching the other five give no quarter to Ward.  Ward's half-asses apologies were ridiculous to the point of entertainment.  I flat-out love that his first attempt was the "I had a bad childhood!" excuse.  Brilliant opener, Ward.  They would totally forgive you!  But, I do like how he seems to just not understand why everyone can't go back to normal.  It just makes him crazy on a whole other level.


Well, I guess she did warn you, Ward.  Simmons really is not in a fucking around mood.  Was totally going to disintegrate his ass.  Simmons has gotten dark!  And, I totally "loved" Ward's "I'm disappointed in you!"  Oh, Ward, you big nutter.


I'm pretty sure Skye's fight was all one take, which was kind of cool.  I mean, it was no "Daredevil vs. Russian mobsters" from the Netflix show, but not bad for an ABC show.


Cal continues to be the best.  And, I'm actually a little intrigued about Raina trying to unsurp Jiyang.  I actually wonder which side Cal will pick, if it came down to it. Despite his carefree reaction, I wouldn't be surprised if he is still a bit bitter about what Jiyang did.


Gonzales is still being a jerk; really hope Bobbi is about done with his shit.  At least Mack and Hunter are getting along again, although Mack really does own Hunter more then just a round of drinks.  A few more at the very least, Mack!

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Oh so much Marvel goodness for this fan girl. I loved every single minute of it and I absolutely can not wait to see Age of Ultron a couple of times this weekend! I'm also happy about the bonus of a full length Star Wars trailer in front of it.

Edited by missbonnie
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I thought keeping Skye's parental connections was suppose to be a secret because of serious repercussions. So far the secret is out and nothing happened. Then why did they make it such a big deal?


This episode felt like a cram episode, weeks of dragging along and then suddenly they're jamming everything in to synch up with the movie. So basically they're going to deal with possible HYDRA still out there plus the Inhumans  plus the robot apocalypse. Okay. . .


Call the Avengers? I thought Captain America in CA:WS was on a quest to find the Winter Soldier and now suddenly he's working with the Avengers without a second thought? Inconsistent continuity.

Also I hate the secret code talk with Coulson and Hill, the cloak and dagger and Theta whatever, you know that whatever they reveal is going to be so unsatisfying and anti-climatic.


We haven't seen yet what the repercussions might be about the other Inhumans finding out about Skye's mom. It seems the next two weeks deal heavily with the Inhuman story, so we'll probably see something come of it then.


And we don't yet know what Cap's reaction will be to the Avengers being assembled. That's for the movie to deal with.

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Great episode!  Definitely an exciting one with great action and character interaction.


"Looks like the gang's back together."  That line from Ward made me laugh.  His sociopathic apology and the team's reaction to it was a blast, I loved that stuff.  Simmons got pretty hardcore in there too.  Ward is not going to be redeemed and I'm thankful for it but he's a far more entertaining character this way.


For the record, it was fun getting the gang back together.


Good lord, does anyone have a shittier life than Mike Petersen?  Just look at him...experimented on constantly.  His life just looks like agony.  Poor bastard.


Enjoyed the various Avengers tie-ins.  Can't wait to see that.  The showrunners said next week's episode will acknowledge the movie. 


I don't buy for a second Skye is as good as we saw tonight on the show as a fighter.  That being said, that was an amazingly choreographed action scene.


I wanted to smack both Coulson and Maria Hill at the end when they brought up the "voting" thing.  It's hilarious that they still think Shield has any real authority left anymore.  Or that they deserve to have any authority left.  You remember Shield, right?  The organization that was taken over and horribly corrupted by a Nazi science division bent on world domination?

Edited by benteen
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With her body mass and vibration capabilities she could have arc enough power to weld steel.

This sounds kind of dirty to me...but sure that you did not mean it that way ;) 

Call the Avengers? I thought Captain America in CA:WS was on a quest to find the Winter Soldier ...

Hopefully, Rogers & Falcon looked around D.C. before booking a flight to Russia.....quest complete.

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Call the Avengers? I thought Captain America in CA:WS was on a quest to find the Winter Soldier and now suddenly he's working with the Avengers without a second thought? Inconsistent continuity.


Who says he hasn't had a second thought? Unless you've seen the movie. Also who says he's looking for Bucky 24/7 and is unwilling to take time off from that to deal with other threats?

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I think the Sceptre thing originally went like this:


THOR: "I'm taking the Tesseract, your source of free energy, and the criminal Loki, who is ultimately responsible for billions of dollars of damages and probably thousands of deaths."


FURY: "Okay. What do we get in return?"


THOR: "Uh, I guess I'll hang out with your team every couple years. And you can have this weapon he was carrying. It controls minds or something. Might be useful as a spy tool."


And then a year later:


HILL: "Well, it turns out HYDRA was in SHIELD these last 70 years. That was one thrilling adventure."

FURY: "Before I go off to Europe, can you check up on that sceptre we picked up last year."


HILL: "Huh, it's gone. I guess HYDRA took it."


FURY: "That's not good."

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I do think Ward did a good thing when he let Kara go, and I do believe he was being honest about how he felt about her and what he wanted for her. it!

I'm betting Kara is under mind control like Bakshi.

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I don't buy for a second Skye is as good as we saw tonight on the show as a fighter.  That being said, that was an amazingly choreographed action scene.

Oh yeah that was great choreography.  That and May vs "May" are up there with the best of Arrow, and the best of Arrow is fan-freaking-tastic.

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This was one of the best eps of the season. I liked seeing the gang back together and I loved that none of them bought Ward's apology.

Skye's Sonic Crack at Raina was awesome. She also apparently really learned to harness her powers. Her fight scene was really well done.

The Inhumans need to take poor Mike to the Afterlife, the poor man needs a spa vacation in the mountains.

I can't wait to see the Avengers. Then see the aftermath, that'll probably be setting up civil war.

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Oh yeah that was great choreography.  That and May vs "May" are up there with the best of Arrow, and the best of Arrow is fan-freaking-tastic.


All Chloe Bennet as well .


Clark GreggVerified account



So proud of @ChloeBennet4 4 kil-ling that 1 take @ktanch multi Hydra op beatdown. #AgentsofSHIELD #WarriorPrincess


Agents of SHIELD @AgentsofSHIELD

How awesome is this scene - and @ChloeBennet4?! All recorded in one shot! (However, multiple gun shots) #AgentsofSHIELD #ItsAllConnected




Edited by Humbugged
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Coulson wants the Avengers to retrieve the Sceptre...surprised Fury did not make Thor take it back to Asgard.

Exactly. Leaving it on Earth makes zero sense.

Unless it is one of the Infinity Stones, as so many people have been speculating. Remember that the Asgardians were very clear that having two of those in the same planet was a Bad Idea.

In any case, that has always been one of my least favorite hypothesis because it would be incredibly stupid of Thanos to just hand over something like that to Loki. I guess we will find out the day after tomorrow.


I don't buy for a second Skye is as good as we saw tonight on the show as a fighter. That being said, that was an amazingly choreographed action scene.

I really want to know… what the hell were the nuns of St. Agnes feeding those kids? They all develop an affinity for long take fight scenes.

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I liked seeing the original team back, and liked all the doubts about Ward. I also loved Skye's Sonic quip about Raina.


Found it interesting Cal said to watch out for her. Wasn't her end game getting transformed? What could she be up to? BTW; was anyone else, after learning she had psychic powers, expecting a scene like the one we got where she foresaw the events of the upcoming film? As soon as that was revealed I figured the last episode before Age of Ultron would be something like her having a vision and being all "trouble ahead." As it is, I liked that and when Coulson and Hill were talking about calling in the Avengers.


That said: Less then 48 hours to go! OMG OMG OMG I am SOOOO excited!!! Is is Thursday yet? SQUEEEE (end geek out)

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Call the Avengers? I thought Captain America in CA:WS was on a quest to find the Winter Soldier and now suddenly he's working with the Avengers without a second thought? Inconsistent continuity.

Also I hate the secret code talk with Coulson and Hill, the cloak and dagger and Theta whatever, you know that whatever they reveal is going to be so unsatisfying and anti-climatic.

There are no Avengers until the assembly order is given. more like national Guardsmen then a ready brigade all together and ready to fly to an emergency.They are just a collection of enhanced beings going about their business but in the SHIELD index thus probably being tracked like Black Widow staying near Stark in Ironman II. Coulson just sent word to Fury that the target has been located assembly the team since he judged it to tough even if they sacrificed another bus in an retrieval attempt. And thus we enter Avengers II with part of the mission going to get that septre and running into people seen in movie trailers

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Wow, that one shot of Skye taking down HYDRA was awesome! The one from episode 2 of Daredevil but I'm just impressed because of Chloe. Also her basically calling Raina "Sonic the Hedgehog" was a hell of a burn!


I admit I laughed at the huge awkwardness of Ward being back on the team. It's also great that he helped Agent 33.


Love that Coulson is still helping the Avengers and that it ties into the Age of Ultron movie.

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The reference by Hydra guy to "the twins in Segovia"... Is that supposed to be Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch?

Loved the action shot of Skye telling Ward that not everything is the same and then stepping out and using her seismic powers. So cool.

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Gee... what a subtle way to cross-sell Avengers: Age of Ultron, show. So we have to watch that movie to get the resolution of this episode. For me, it is even worse than the crossover of Chicago Fire, Law & Order: SVU and Chicago PD.

Since half of the world has had an opportunity to see Avengers II without the Coulson hit I will assume the bit was just a bonus for the TV show. Sort of like the Netflix shows and later Spider-Man having greater MCU interconnections.
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So this is my first time watching this show since the season 2 premiere but I wanted to watch the episode before the Avengers premiere and see if anything has changed and it hasn't.

The characters are still really dull and I can't really seem to muster any interest in this show anymore ugh it sucks because there was a lot of potential.

I'm glad others like it.

Yes, judging a episode of a show that has been building up arcs for week and displaying some characters you do not know, arcs you will not care or know about, missing momentum that has been building ever since the midseason finale is totally a way to judge the quality of a TV show. You were never going to enjoy this anyway. Just see Avengers and enjoy.

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In before the post about how this episode focused too much on Skye and how special she is.

no you're not it is on the first page. Round up the usual suspects.
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Gee... what a subtle way to cross-sell Avengers: Age of Ultron, show. So we have to watch that movie to get the resolution of this episode. For me, it is even worse than the crossover of Chicago Fire, Law & Order: SVU and Chicago PD.

I don't know anyone would watch this show and not watch the movies in the first place. I love all of it. It's one big world. They only come out with a couple of movies a year anyway. It's always been one big crossover. That's the point.

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I'm betting Kara is under mind control like Bakshi.


I doubt this.  I don't think a mind controlled Kara would have bothered to ask Ward why he was still working with Coulson, as someone under mind control doesn't usually exhibit a need or a desire to understand the motives of their master.  Also I just don't think it would be necessary for Ward to brainwash Kara to get her to do what he wants.  I think she'd do it because he's the man who swooped in to shepherd her when she was in that lost and fragile place right after Whitehall died, when she was ripe for entering the sort of intense and undoubtedly unhealthy relationship she has with Ward. She's already been broken down as a person once.  It wouldn't be necessary to do it again.  At least not at this point, when she still hasn't really built herself back up either to the woman she was or the woman she's destined to be.


That's not say that I'm ruling out that Ward might have placed Kara with SHIELD for nefarious purposes.   That's completely possible.  I just don't think that Kara needs to be an unwilling party. 




Unless it is one of the Infinity Stones, as so many people have been speculating. 


I thought this was no longer just a fan theory and that it had been more or less confirmed during the Phase 3 announcement last fall?  I know movie clips of Loki's scepter (along with clips showing the Aether, the Tesseract and the orb from Guardians) were featured in the Infinity War teaser that was shown at that time.

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And the worse part is that Skye is all schmoopy about a guy she has known for a few days at best.

Right. Because Skye acted stoic during the first episode of the series when she went out out of her way to try and watch out for Deathlok (or the guy before he became a cyborg)?

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Gee... what a subtle way to cross-sell Avengers: Age of Ultron, show. So we have to watch that movie to get the resolution of this episode.

I am perfectly fine with that, as bouncers couldn't keep me away from the movie on opening day. It's the reverse, needing to have followed this series to know what's going on in a MCU film, that I'd have a problem with.

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Unless it is one of the Infinity Stones, as so many people have been speculating. Remember that the Asgardians were very clear that having two of those in the same planet was a Bad Idea.

Trusting humans with alien technology = Worst Idea Ever

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Fun seeing the Original Six again, and it especially fun watching the other five give no quarter to Ward.  Ward's half-asses apologies were ridiculous to the point of entertainment.  I flat-out love that his first attempt was the "I had a bad childhood!" excuse.  Brilliant opener, Ward.  They would totally forgive you!  But, I do like how he seems to just not understand why everyone can't go back to normal.  It just makes him crazy on a whole other level.


I'm pretty sure Skye's fight was all one take, which was kind of cool.  I mean, it was no "Daredevil vs. Russian mobsters" from the Netflix show, but not bad for an ABC show.


At least Mack and Hunter are getting along again, although Mack really does own Hunter more then just a round of drinks.  A few more at the very least, Mack!


Yeah, the Mack and Hunter scene was a nice little bonding moment. I'd say Mack should throw a pizza in on that deal. I liked that they both came to an understanding. Wonder how Bobbi will fit into this. A looming triangle, perhaps?

I liked the Skye fight scene. It sets her apart as a hero and not just an agent. She's basically Quake now.

Ward's "elephant in the room" talk was great. I've felt like that before LOL I think Coulson forgives Ward, at least. Yeah I know, I'm crazy.


For the record, it was fun getting the gang back together.


Yeah, I was looking forward to this all week! It delivered, even if it didn't bring Ward back to the team completely, at least it sets things up for them to work with him again at some point. And we get Kara on the team, so that's a win.


Sigh. The Bus is no more. Long live the Bus. I guess that was the "teammate" hinted at being lost. And Bakshi is no longer with us, and the fear was that maybe Peterson would be crossed off. Glad Mike is OK. Was wondering there for a bit if they'd let Lincoln die. Bakshi had a gravitas about him so I'll miss him a small amount even though he was a baddie.


I can add "suit up" to my list of cool sayings from this show along with "copy that" and "crossed. off." :P


Liked all the references to Age of Ultron. Only 46 more hours until I get to go see it!


Oh so much Marvel goodness for this fan girl. I loved every single minute of it and I absolutely can not wait to see Age of Ultron a couple of times this weekend! I'm also happy about the bonus of a full length Star Wars trailer in front of it.


That said: Less then 48 hours to go! OMG OMG OMG I am SOOOO excited!!! Is is Thursday yet? SQUEEEE (end geek out)


Can I come? :D I won't get to see if for a while so all going this weekend have fun! :)

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