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S11.E21: How To Save A Life

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Uh, GRRM is your go-to for being the pinnacle of great creativity, rather than being rich and powerful thanks to luck and milking it? Mmm..

Are you saying that GRRM is not rich or powerful? 'cause he is, too. 


And wasn't there Dr fight at GSwhatever hospital a couple weeks ago about whether to do the CT first or the internal bleeding - oh wait that's like every fifth  episode it seems.


The one I recall of the doctor making the  mistake was April in S6. Not sure who else did it TBH.

  • Love 1

Wouldn't Derek have had a wallet or some other identifying documents in the car?  Or, you know, if that was his car, couldn't they have run the plates and seen to whom it was registered?

He was not only a witness to the first accident he was the doctor who saved all those lives. He didn't give any ID to the cops when they arrived or at least told them his name for their report? (Cause you know that woman in the accident was going to sue the shit out of rich boy's folks.) Then when word of a second accident at the same location came thru wouldn't the cops put two and two together? 

  • Love 4

I'm still mad. For some stupid reason I've been watching 7th heaven on amazon prime. Jessica biel wanted out. Instead of killing her they just talk about her as if she's still part of the family but away. They even show the siblings having a one sided conversation with "her". So many options besides death though I do agree that it's better than him having an affair. I wonder what the have in store for Meredith next season?

  • Love 4


There is no way on God's green earth that Derek would have left Meredith and his kids long term. No way. The Derek I knew and loved wouldn't have separated himself from his family to work part of the time in DC either because he finally had everything he wanted in life: Meredith, kids with Meredith, and a big house that he designed himself for them to live in.

I agree... so why couldn't Shonda have made Derek a house-husband? Fire the Magical Invisible Nanny and let Derek take her place?


Because for Shonda, the show isn't about Derek, or Merder. It's about Meredith. She is THE SUN. Merder was just a monster that the onscreen chemistry between EP and PD created. How many times has Shonda had to insist that the real love story of the show was Meredith and Cristina? Shonda was never going to have Meredith and Derek ride off into the sunset together.

  • Love 5

Haven't watched the show for years, but I understand longtime fans being upset. I can't stand when long-running TV shows do things like this. Suddenly killing a lead character feels like such a cliche. And it insults the patience and intelligence of those who've enjoyed the show from the beginning. I much prefer when a show's network, producers and cast mutually decide to bow out together and allow things to be retired with dignity. Who wants to watch a season of Meredith getting back in the dating pool, or whatever?

  • Love 9

He was not only a witness to the first accident he was the doctor who saved all those lives. He didn't give any ID to the cops when they arrived or at least told them his name for their report? (Cause you know that woman in the accident was going to sue the shit out of rich boy's folks.) Then when word of a second accident at the same location came thru wouldn't the cops put two and two together? 

When I was in an accident, a few years ago (I wasn't driving), they took our ID's, and made sure we were okay. When we left, the tow truck driver was still sweeping up the street, and the police were still there. 

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I just watched the episode and am shocked. Never, did I ever, think Meredith or Derrick would be killed off of Grey's Anatomy. I kept thinking... He'll be ok, in the end. Certainly, he won't die! ....and then he did.

I realize Meredith is a doctor and is hardened to death, in general, because of her profession BUT I expected a whole lot more emotion from her. Didn't you? Why didn't she call Amelia or any friends to be with her in the hospital? Why did she tow her kids along with her? I realize she was in shock but...so was I and I was crying like a baby.

As a television "death" story this one didn't hold a candle to the death of George on Grey's Anatomy or Will Gardner on The Good Wife.

That said, I still can't believe it. HATE it when long running lead characters get killed off. HATE it!!!

Edited by tinderbox
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With all of the publicity that this episode has received today, little odds and ends about it keep popping up in my head.  I'm guessing that since they were somewhere in the Seattle area, I'm surprised that Derek didn't insist that the accident victims be sent to his hospital so that he could keep tabs on them.


Even if they were at the other hospital, I wish that Webber and/or Bailey were called to support Meredith.  As much as I liked Meredith's icy tone with the doctors, I would have loved to see one of them raise holy hell at the incompetent doctors at that other hospital.


Also, that beginning with Bailey, Kepner, and Amelia on the phone with Derek.   I remember in the previous episode that Bailey was talking to Meredith about Derek not making his meeting in DC.  Why didn't she mention that she was on the phone with them in the OR and that they lost the signal when he took his "short cut"?

  • Love 3

When the plane crash happened and the pilot's seat belt was stuck so he just had to hang in the tree (keep in mind that this was the same season Elena and Matt drove their car off a bridge and were stuck in the car underwater on The Vampire Diaries), I got totally paranoid and bought a Lifehammer for my car and a ResQMe keychain. Seeing Derek bash in the windows with a tire iron reinforced my paranoia.

Derek's death is sort of reminiscent of Dr. Drake Remoray's death in that Drake died from a brain injury that only he could have fixed.

The only one who could save me was me! Now if only they had transplanted his brain into another character! Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Who wants to watch a season of Meredith getting back in the dating pool, or whatever?


Maybe we could see what Finn, a.k.a. McVet, has been up to.

As far as I'm concerned, McDouchey's death opens up an unconventional endgame: platonic soulmates Mer and Cristina reunited. That's the only way I'd like to see Mer's story conclude.

  • Love 2

So much has been said, but I just have to say that this was truly painful to watch. First and foremost, IT WAS NOT NECESSARY TO KILL HIM. I am so tired of people dying once they leave Seattle Grace Mercy Death. It's bullshit. Why would anyone ever leave since they will more than likely face a painful death? With that being said, I didn't necessarily have a problem with Derek dying in a car accident. People die in car accidents all the time. I had a problem with the piss poor writing. Logic, where art thou? I can't remember where I heard this term from, but this episode had an "Idiot Plot" where if the characters did what made sense, the episode would be over. The police, firemen, paramedics, whoever, would've taken Derek's information down thus having it when Derek arrived at the hospital. Speaking of said accident,  which would have NEVER happened because who in the *hell* reaches to grab their cell phone while making a U-turn in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD?! To use a Shonda phrase, "Seriously. Seriously?!" No one in real life is that dumb. Texting while driving, while incredibly stupid, is more plausible than this. I thought that was insulting to Derek on a purely intellectual level. Of course, if said accident never happened, then we wouldn't have the absolutely mind boggling notion of Meredith taking Derek off life support without AMELIA there. What.


Finally, Derek's voice over. I wanted to like it. I really did. However, the random line about arrogance and sexism was so WTF? I'm all about feminism, but does it really belong in Derek's last monologue? I don't remember him being a hardcore activist in any previous episode. Such bad writing. Just so bad.

  • Love 8

Don't hate me, but I kind of loved how this episode played out. (*cringe*)


I loved Derek getting the chance to be a hero again (even as I bitched about his Porche Cayenne and selvedge denim jeans). I loved how he was able to make everyone at the accident scene feel calm and secure, even in the face of an explosion. And I have to say it - I even loved the voiceover when he couldn't communicate with the medical staff at the other hospital, because I knew that as soon as we didn't hear his voice anymore, Derek as we knew him would be gone. It was brutal. It was moving. It was so totally Shonda and I ate it up with a spoon.


I've been a fan since the show first premiered, though I've never been on the Good Ship MerDer. For me, the strength of this show has always been about the relationship between the female characters, and that's why last season (Cristina's departure and her line about Meredith being the Sun) and this season (Meredith coming back to her skill and brilliance as a surgeon, Edwards daring to stand up to Amelia and Owen,  April standing up for her beliefs) have been my favourite seaons of all 11. I look forward to "dark and twisty" Mer coming back for awhile, and I look forward to her figuring out what a post-Derek life looks like, and what that means for her as a surgeon, as a mother, as a sister, and as a mentor.


I can't wait to see what happens next season.

Edited by skeskali
  • Love 5

This is why I never allowed myself to be sucked into another one of Shonda's series.  She has always shown a great deal of contemnpt to her stories and the audience.


And I don't think it was a coincidence that 2 weeks ago a man got castrated- twice on "Grey's Anatomy."


Maybe we are lucky that McDreamy got to die with as much dignity as he did.  It could have been worse.



  • Love 6

RIP Derek Shepherd, I'd like to think of you in GA heaven, raising a glass of Scotch with Mark, released at last from Shonda's machinations.  I'm sad to see his demise, despite the fact I haven't watched since the fall.  I always thought he'd be there till the end credits, along with Meredith and their kids.  It's such lazy writing to do this to a beloved character, and a disrespect to the fans who have cared about the romance between MerDer from the beginning.  Yes, Shonda owns the show and characters, and can do as she pleases to them...but it seems like cutting your nose off to spite your face to kill off a character that has been so popular.  She's killed so many on this show it really has lost its shock value.  Perhaps it's time to pull the plug on the show, it's flat lining.

  • Love 8

I mean come on.. there were so many things wrong with this episode. So. Many. I keep having to refresh because everyone keeps making awesome points and I'm like, "oh, yeah, right.." like Derek who is super duper smart to be the best neurosurgeon ever, makes a STUPID decision to stop in the middle of the road and LOOK FOR HIS PHONE? The hell? That..makes sense. Also lets not add in the fact that okay, smart people can make rash second situations.. but Derek has been though a LOT OF INSANE STUFF already in his life, I would think he would know freak accidents happen, considering, you know.. like getting shot, and a plane crash, he wouldn't do something like this.


Oh, whatever. This just makes me more and more mad.


And no, I'm not surprised it happened. I'm just mad that people always have to die and also.. that this was a bad episode. It was bad. It was badly written. 

You're right. There were so many mistakes due to the episode being rushed.  They never are filming this late before hiatus, so that says changes were made late.


I don't mind he was killed off, but it was badly edited. There was way too much time at the accident scene, no urgency at all.  The hospital was creepy and so were his voice overs.


On the error side...when he was driving, I kept thinking..10 miles over the speed limit? wth Winding roads, never. Then when you see an idiot swerving around, you stop. He was following way too close. Then he gets out and doesn't pull car off road? never.

the funny part was, ambulance is leaving...you see the vette on road...Der walks back to his car, wrecked car already on flatbed tow truck. LOL

For them showing the radio info, why wasn't his phone hooked up to that. Isn't driving, talking or texting illegal?


I think the episode would have been better if it was mixed with some other characters doing stuff back at hospital..too much time at car wreck and depressing stuff. it would have been so easy to drop kids off at Callies or call Amelia..something to have it have more warmth.

Just like the plane crash episode, this one will be brutal to rewatch.

  • Love 1

Um wtf?

I love how they doctors are all "eh I don't want to work on this patient. What? He's a doctor. A surgeon?? Well

in that case, let's actually try!"

Meredith was way too calm. She should have flipped her shit.

Derek just saw a car accident and he did that in the car?

Why can't people just leave on this show? Always with the death.

And I know Derek was brain dead but shit, can't they spare a bed for 24 hours? Like wtf was that? "Hi ma'am. Your husband is brain dead as of five minutes ago. Please pull the plug in the next hour so we can use his bed. Thx."

Derek really is supernatural. Even while under anesthesia, his subconscious is schooling the doctors operating on him.

  • Love 6

I just had another thought. Given that the kid who was driving the car that caused the first accident had what looked like a pretty nasty head wound, shouldn't that hospital's neuro guy have already been on-site, or at least on his way, by the time Derek arrived?

Well no because the hacks at this hospital saw his nasty head wound and thought "hmm well let's open him up and take a look at his leg. His head will be fine if we just wrap a bandaid around it. Let's not rush though and we don't have to try our hardest because he's just a regular person and not a doctor!"
  • Love 11

I thought that Amelia lived with the Shepards, couldn't she have been the one who stayed with the kids. 


Amelia was definitely not at the house when the cops came, or she would have noticed the flashing lights and come out. She was probably still at work or at an NA meeting. Still not an excuse not to call her, but obviously under the circumstances Mere wasn't going to wait for her to come home.

I think Derek dying this awful brutal mean death is the reason of Rhimes´s vindictive attitude to Dempsey. There are many ways he could have gone for some period on the show or the actor might have been accommodated with fewer episodes, everything is possible if there is a way. Also during personal turmoil for Dempsey to not care and throw him under the bus, poor move Rhimes - an employer who gives her employees free cruises, go  to hell with them.


Also, the doctor being late in my opinion is an allusion of what might have been the dispute when Washington once complained Dempsey was late on set back in S3. I think of it that way.


Also Derek narrating his own death and the pain he felt that is Shonda´s masochistic joy in tormenting Dempsey. And in her mind I bet Shonda imagined driving the truck that hit Derek, and the b...t of Derek stopping at u-turn to search for a mobile ................ and no cars passed through until then only this one.............  and doctors conveniently don´t do a CT, and the only one missing is a neurosurgeon................ STUPID and EASY to write Ms Rhimes.


Shonda is a b.....h.   Now she has a free way to join Meredith with Cristina forever. She only needs to get rid of Owen but that is coming soon I guess in S12.


What I hated was the poor way those doctors were portrayed in this other hospital, putting shame on this profession, putting shame on what being a doctor means to anyone who decides to pursue this profession.


Rhimes has gone too far and she will be punished by fans and media. It is already happening.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
  • Love 6

Even if they were at the other hospital, I wish that Webber and/or Bailey were called to support Meredith. As much as I liked Meredith's icy tone with the doctors, I would have loved to see one of them raise holy hell at the incompetent doctors at that other hospital.

If Webber or Bailey had been there, Derek wouldn't have died. Shonda made it clear that Derek had to die.

  • Love 1

Because for Shonda, the show isn't about Derek, or Merder. It's about Meredith. She is THE SUN. Merder was just a monster that the onscreen chemistry between EP and PD created. How many times has Shonda had to insist that the real love story of the show was Meredith and Cristina? Shonda was never going to have Meredith and Derek ride off into the sunset together.

I just watched the clip where Cristina and Meredith are old ladies living together. Cristina tells Meredith she's cutting the chicken wrong, shoos her out of the way, then puts on surgical gloves to cut it herself. Maybe that's always been endgame for Shonda.

  • Love 7

I've registered from long time lurking just to say thank you to all the posters who can put into words what I'm feeling after watching this episode. You guys are amazing :)

MerDer deserved better, this show deserved better and Patrick deserved better. There were better ways to solve this situation if Patrick wanted out. Killing off a character is just a terrible solution for the fans that sticked with this show for 11 years. I mean - they did such a wonderful job with Sandra Oh leaving.


About the episode iteself - I hated how they kept showing that everything was fine - he survived the car crash! The cops came, but he's ok! (Meredith's hallucination). It was so, so manipulative of the viewer. Actually, the last few episodes were one huge not-so-subtle foreshadowing.

And let's not even start on the inconsistencies you guys mentioned in the storyline and regarding the accident...

The only part that I liked were the scenes at the hospital where Derek died - his voiceovers were heartbreaking, And of course Ellen was excellent.


I know that the people involved in the show don't owe us anything, but after this episode I feel cheated as a viewer. Grey's has been running for so long, that it became something of a safe haven for me - like a comfort blanket. It is the show that I watch the longest. And now they killed one of the core characters and it wasn't driven by the story but by behind the scenes drama. I know it happens, but I didn't expect it from Grey's. I'm grateful for the 11 seasons, but it is the first time that I wish they ended the series earlier - maybe it wouldn't have to come to this.


I kinda dread the next episodes even though I love the characters :( I just don't know how they can finish the show after next season (or whenever it wil be) and give the fans the payoff we deserve. And I don't think I will ever be able to watch reruns knowing how it all ends.


Lately, I was thinking about starting Scandal, but no way am I gonna give Shonda another chance to break my heart :)




  • Love 6

  What are the words I could use to best describe this episode? "Stupid," "pointless" and "shitty" are the ones that come to mind. I've never been a big Derek or MerDer fan, but SR's destroying Derek, his marriage and his family in one fell swoop and trashing PD in the process is reprehensible. A great writer who actually had at least a modicum of respect for the character she created and the actor who played him either wouldn't have killed him off in such a ridiculous way or killed him period. ER's Doug and Carol got their happy ending without insulting the show, the characters, the actors or their fanbases. Instead of letting Derek live and have his HEA with Meredith and their kids, SR murdered him and basically the show.  If GA gets cancelled after this season, it would serve SR right, as far as I'm concerned.


 RIP, Derek.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 8

I thought the episode itself was reasonably compelling, but I never thought they'd actually kill him off. Now I really don't want to watch the next episode of everyone crying about it.

I thought he'd recover and then make it his mission to step in and train the people at this sucky hospital better. But hey, at least in that hospital they turn on the lights.

I can't see next week being any fun to watch. I wonder when or if it will be worth jumping back in? Seems like it's going to be depressing no matter what. I would have rather had Dereck off screen focusing on the kids or something and growing old with Meredith. This is really negative and doesn't make me want to keep watching.

Edited by LeGrandElephant
  • Love 3


I thought he'd recover and then make it his mission to step in and train the people at this sucky hospital better. But hey, at least in that hospital they turn on the lights.


This is one idea I haven't heard yet and I like it a lot! Shonda would still get all the drama and Derek could live offscreen most of the time. Seriously, there were a million ways how they could've dealt with the "I need some time off" issue!

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All rural medical practitioners, in all fields and specialties, were vilely insulted by this episode.


  As they should be. I don't believe that most country medical professionals are even remotely as pathetic as the assholes who, for all intents and purposes, finished Derek off.  Besides Derek's actual death, the only things worse were most of the so-called "doctors" snobbery, their titanic incompetence and by the time they found out that Derek was a colleague, hence them finally doing their fucking jobs, it was way too little and way too late. If there's any justice in Shondaland (an oxymoron if ever there was one), that hospital will be as dead as Derek way sooner than later.


  Is it just me or does anyone else think that the one competant doctor who wanted to do a CT on Derek will wind up working at Seattle Grace?

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Is it just me or does anyone else think that the one competant doctor who wanted to do a CT on Derek will wind up working at Seattle Grace?

God I hope not. I'm so done with this show adding 2+ new characters for every 1 that leaves. And I was so annoyed that Random Red seemed more distraught over Derek than Meredith herself, and Meredith having to stop and give this woman a pep talk while having to deal with this unbelievable loss her and her children are about to face. 

So no, this doctor can stay at that shitty hospital and hopefully try to make that place better. Besides, Meredith doesn't need the reminder of that hospital's incompetence (I know Red was the one that suggested the head CT, but still) gracing the halls of GSM, and I don't need to see that woman making sad eyes and the use of Derek being her "one" patient life-lesson example of how to be a better doctor.


Instead these writers should try coming up with interesting stories for the 13 characters they have left. Once upon a time this show was able to tell compelling stories with just 9 full-time cast members. 

  • Love 4

I just watched the clip where Cristina and Meredith are old ladies living together. Cristina tells Meredith she's cutting the chicken wrong, shoos her out of the way, then puts on surgical gloves to cut it herself. Maybe that's always been endgame for Shonda.

After she killed Derek, we don´t have to watch the show because this is the end. Exactly as you said.


  Is it just me or does anyone else think that the one competant doctor who wanted to do a CT on Derek will wind up working at Seattle Grace?


I liked this doctor, a talented actress, very interesting.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
  • Love 2

I do think it's funny how bad they made the hospital Derek died in look. Like, especially the on call neurosurgeon situation, that they called him but he was at dinner so then the other doctors stood around and waited for the neurosurgeon to finish his pasta at dinner before he came in. No doctor would ever get a page and ignore it to finish their meal. At least I don't think they would, I don't have any experience but.. doctors always answer their pages. Right?



This is awful the image that was depicted of doctors with the neurosurgeon. Also why weren´t the two operating trying to do anything at all? For so long?Just standing there, they might have called somebody else or tried to do the surgery themselves, but most likely the surgery Derek needed required a neurosurgeon, were the other two general internal medicine surgeons? When the neurosurgeon came, he so rudely insulted the female doc and threw her out of the OR. Maybe somewhere it is still like that - female surgeon being bossed like this by males.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I stopped watching years ago when it stopped being fun, although I've since watched an episode here or there.

When it stopped being fun to watch for me was when Meredith's step mom died and her dad insanely and drunkenly slapped her in his grief. Too much angst put on Mer. Then I heard they killed off her sister. Now this?

I usually don't watch the show now, so instead of getting mad I just kind of laugh at how over the top it all is with all the death, death, death. But I really feel for fans who stuck with the show and were looking to be entertained ... and instead got this depressing exit for a character they liked!

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I knew it was coming but I wasn't prepared for how poorly executed this would be.


This was spiteful. This was clearly meant to be a "fuck you" to Patrick for wanting out but we're the ones who were punished. It was disrespectful. If death really was the only solution for the character, it could have been done better. To have him die because of a random truck barreling through as he tried to answer a phone call he shouldn't have been able to receive, in some random hospital with lazy, stupid doctors, brain-dead and alone but for his wife? Disrespectful.


I'm not a big MerDer, Derek, or Patrick fan; they weren't what were keeping me watching. But I think this is what will finally get me to drop this from my DVR. I stuck around out of years of commitment, because several original characters remained, because I wanted to see it to the end. But why should I keep watching now? My reward for continuing this long was the shitty death of a long-running character who was half of the show's core couple. I'm not going to stick around to watch Alex be run over by a train or something.


I've been debating whether or not I should finish out the season but I feel like it's going to be too depressing and honestly, I've already checked out. Derek's death doesn't even feel real, and whether that's due to how badly it was done or it's because my brain is blocking it, I don't know.


I never watched Scandal but I've heard how that's gone to shit, too... I watched HTGAWM but my motivation for tuning in next season was the good music, lol. So goodbye to everything Shonda's got a hand it. Yes, that's dramatic but I don't care. I'm done.

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