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S26.E06: Smells Like A Million Bucks

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The girls this year are pretty busty especially the two blondes. o think everyone looked really good in their evening attire. Monte Carlo is absolutly beautiful and I wouldn't mind loosing money in that casino. It was the luck of the roulett wheel but traversing the cliffs seemed a lot easier than making the colognes. There must of been many teams getting lost on the way to the pitstop because TeamRx left in 6th position and came in first. Next week is going to be a lot of fun.

  • Love 1

Ugh, Blair's barely contained distain and superiority are hard to watch.  I would  never want him as my doctor.  He seems like he is truly suffering through this race.

Not trying to be confrontational at all, but where was he being disdainful and superior?  I am genuinely curious, not trying to stir up anything, I just don't see it.

  • Love 22

It was nice to see Hayley and Blair cooperating today.  Sure she got her digs in a time or two, but snarking is something that can be kind of fun sometimes.  Shrill, repetitive and bitchy is never fun.  I found this episode fairly enjoyable on the part of most of the teams, but Jenny was starting to annoy.  Nowhere near as bad as Hayley the last couple of episodes, but it was starting.  Hopefully she can reign it in.

Really enjoyed seeing Monaco!  What a beautiful place!  I need to read up on it.  Why is it so small?  



All of the south of France is spectacularly beautiful, from Cannes to Monaco, actually even from Marseilles. Nice is kind of a hub from which you can take day trips all over the region and is a fabulous city itself. The Cote d'Azur is definitely a place to visit. I'm a huge tennis fan and there is a big tournament taking place as we speak there in Monte Carlo and its Centre Court is probably the most beautiful in the world. It's high up on the cliff and its red clay courts overlook the sea and the marina. Spectacular.



...that rule was to prevent teams from booking extra seats and bumping other racers, yes (okay, probably also for money saving reasons)?  Maybe stand-by is okay on the understanding the teams are only putting themselves on the list?  But more flexibility for working the airport would be good.


I gathered from watching the show that the flight Mike and Rochelle had was with the same airline as the earlier flight and that's why they were able to get standby tickets - they didn't have to rebook with a different company while the other teams were booked with different airlines so would have needed completely new tickets to get standby. I don't think the rule has changed this year and Mike and Rochelle just got lucky they didn't need different tickets, just new boarding passes, but good on them for being astute enough to go for it.

  • Love 11

That was like "Lifestyles of the Rich & The Amazing Race", it was strange to see racers sitting around sipping champagne. At least Hayley didn't spend the entire episode nagging Blair.


I've been to the casino in Monaco, & they have a back room you have to pay to get into & that is where the serious money is. I was next to a teeny, tiny, incredibly brown & wrinkled woman, she looked like a living raisin. She was also covered in about 10,000,000,000 worth of diamonds. I could have just picked her up & walked out with her. 

  • Love 13

I felt sorry for Mike.  It looked like the other men were given lightweight suits, while he had to wear a corduroy sport coat.  


the leg wan't bad.  I'm glad they took the focus off Blair and Hayley, because the fighting was getting annoying.  She didn't have to  put down how he looked in the suit they gave him, though.  


 And I also thought that it was funny that a valet in Monaco was giving them keys to Ford Fiestas.  

Jeff sort of had the deer-in-the-headlights look on his face when Jackie said he'd be in her life forever, and she was giving him her number.


Deer-in-the-headlights.  The exact words that flashed through my mind.  And kind of surprising, because of all the blind-date teams, these two seemed to actually like each other enough that maybe something intimate could develop. 

  • Love 6

Okay the selfie cam is stupid and ridiculous and normally makes me want to throw things at the tv but why was there not a selfie photo of the four dudes lounging together drinking champagne on the yacht as they waited for their flowers and chocolate!


Also, Mike is a little larger in girth than the other dudes but he isn't 300 plus lbs why was he the only who's "fancy dress" made him look like a first year college history professor?


TV critic Myles McNutt (amazing name!) google mapped the locations of the two "detour" tasks!

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 6

Was it Hayley or Blair who told Tyler & Laura that the scent was in bottle 4? I'm not sure if I would have told them. I wonder if Tyler and/or Laura would have told them if the situation was reversed.

Hayley still annoys me (insulting Blair's appearance after he complimented her) but at least she wasn't as horrible as she was in all the other legs.

  • Love 3
That's Namibia, jackass.

I wonder how many people in households across America said this?  I know I did.


Same message applies: you don't get to crap on a team for being "weak" that's actually won a leg when you haven't, TYLER.

Well, maybe not nice but they really are one of the weaker teams.  I can't help it, I think Tyler is gorgeous and has a killer smile.  The scene with him and Jelani lounging on the yacht in their suits?  Yum.


Okay the selfie cam is stupid and ridiculous and normally makes me want to throw things at the tv but why was there not a selfie photo of the four dudes lounging together drinking champagne on the yacht as they waited for their flowers and chocolate!


Yes.  This.

  • Love 1


Jenny is rather Asian stereotypical, IMO. Highly educated, over achieving, driven and perfectionist.

Maybe, but I was at least impressed that she could drive a stick shift on the first try. After harassing Jelani about his handling of the car and admitting she'd never done it before, I was sure she'd struggle. I'm not her biggest fan, but it was nice to see the "Asian/woman driver" stereotype get smashed in that one scene.

  • Love 5

Did Phil even say to Jeff and Jackie, they're the last team to arrive? I think he went straight to you're eliminated. That was kind of mean. I actually liked Jeff and Jackie, they were a blind couple team that were tolerable around each other.


I did like seeing Monaco, however the entire episode felt like something for the tourism bureau and not TAR. It should have been a NEL especially since the teams had no choice on the road block.

  • Love 4


I don't know what to make of this season anymore, other than the producers better not pull another "blind date" Amazing Race ever again!  I'd much sooner watch another "Family Edition" than watch (and listen to) couple jabberwock at each other.


This. I know the Family Edition will always be remembered as the worst season ever but this one is giving it a run for its money. I just don't know what the hell made them think having all the teams be dating couples would be a good idea. Where's the variety? Imagine having all Father and Son teams, or all Twin Brother teams. You'd never be able to tell them apart either.


I wish the producers would just stop screwing with the formula. First someone said "We should make it more like Survivor" and then we got U-Turns and Yields. Now apparently someone said "We should make it more like The Bachelor" and we get this blind date crap. It's disgusting seeing Phil stand there at the end of every leg and ask whether they're in love yet. Jebus.



  • Love 8

The first time the first-place prize is a trip for two and Hayley and Blair win it. Hasn't South Africa known enough pain?


I would have guessed Phil to be one of those guys who looks like a waiter when he wears a tux, but in fact he looked very debonair. Of course, then he had to ruin the effect by asking couples at the pit stop if there's been any kissing. He's thisclose to asking if they've gotten to second base.


I'm sorry Jenny and Jelani aren't working out as a team because they were my initial favorites and also I can pick them out of the crowd, but I do strangely enjoy how completely checked out Jelani is now. He could not care less that Jenny is mad at him, yet again. I guess now I'm rooting for Matt and Ashley. They don't bicker, they're not boring, and it would be nice for them to win a nest egg before their marriage.

  • Love 5

Of course, then he had to ruin the effect by asking couples at the pit stop if there's been any kissing. He's thisclose to asking if they've gotten to second base.


 Here's starting to remind me of Goober Pyle when he spied on Andy and Helen (12:30 mark in the episode below).




  • Love 1

The first time the first-place prize is a trip for two and Hayley and Blair win it. Hasn't South Africa known enough pain?

LOL. I was actually thinking that those sharks don't know what's coming. If Blair has to take the trip with Hayley, he may prefer to be outside of the cage with the sharks instead of inside with her.


Leg 3 gave away a trip to Prague for Mike and Rochelle while Leg 4 winners Bergen & Kurt got a trip to Puerto Vallarta.


Boy, did a lot of the racers clean up nicely. Poor Joyce wants her hair back - I'm sure she would have prefered getting it styled to getting it all cut off (even if she did look amazing bald).

  • Love 2

I like Mike and Rochelle a lot. I like that they work well together, they're supportive of each other, and despite not being particularly athletic, they don't give up and have pushed through all the physical challenges.


Rochelle does roller derby.  She's not particularly small compared to the women they usually cast for this show (athlete or not), but I haven't seen any indication she's not athletic, particularly as compared to any of the remaining female contestants with the obvious exception of the Olympian.  Mike has definitely got some pudge on him.


I like Tyler.  He needs to watch his mouth occasionally, but he seems to do a good job of staying calm and upbeat.  He can also be pretty funny.  I didn't mind the comment about Mike and Rochelle.  I sort of don't think they'd mind it, either.  Haven't they referred to themselves as underdogs?  They're not terrible at physical tasks, but they're also probably not going to beat most of these teams in a footrace.  They're kind of noticeably below average at puzzles.  They do a good job of staying calm and supportive of each other, but with a couple  of obvious exceptions (Hayley, Jenny), there aren't so many shrieking trainwrecks this season that that's a huge edge.


Kudos to Blair and Hayley for apparently both realizing that (Hayley's) screaming was slowing them down.  I don't always pay super close attention to the screen when watching this show, and when the women were trudging up  the steps, I realized the primary way I'd been distinguishing between Laura and Hayley was by the whining.  When Hayley finally calmed down, I was no longer totally sure which one was which.


I didn't like this leg.  The leg itself was fine, but the conclusion was unsatisfying to me.  I know some like the non-obvious eliminations, but to me this was too random.  There didn't seem to be any particular reason why the teams ended in the order they did except for success (or lack thereof) in navigating from the roadblock to the pit stop, which seemed to render pointless everything that had gone before.


Lastly, I don't think Jenny is stereotypical of any particular race.  Educated, over-achieving, driven, and perfectionist generally describes at least 25% of any given cast, particularly after episode 4 or 5.  It's not like ignorant, lazy, unmotivated, and sloppy are generally winning characteristics on the race.  Also, while the show has obviously played up Jenny's law degree--whether to try to upsell the connection with Jelani or because of its own desire to push stereotypes--it seems like Jenny's primary job these days is as a fashion blogger.  

  • Love 1

I didn't mind the comment about Mike and Rochelle.  I sort of don't think they'd mind it, either.  Haven't they referred to themselves as underdogs?  They're not terrible at physical tasks, but they're also probably not going to beat most of these teams in a footrace.  They're kind of noticeably below average at puzzles.  They do a good job of staying calm and supportive of each other, but with a couple  of obvious exceptions (Hayley, Jenny), there aren't so many shrieking trainwrecks this season that that's a huge edge.


Seems like the other teams don't quite have a handle on Mike and Rochelle, perhaps because they're not a 'TV couple', but also because they're not consistent: they gain time in chunks, they lose time in chunks. They make smart decisions to pull them back with the pack, but can't keep up with the top teams. They're like a lot of teams in seasons past that deserve to make it this far but not much further, and if they do progress further it's because more consistent teams have their one bad day.

  • Love 6

I really enjoyed this episode, despite the truncated and anticlimactic ending.  Blair and Hayley looked like two teens set up on a date to the junior prom.  Last week, I opined that they have a strange symbiosis, an odd connection based upon their taunting of each other.  This week saw it come to full light.  That scene from last week showed how much they enjoy pushing each other's buttons.  I saw Hayley's comment about Blair's suit as an anxious expression of her attraction to him.  Like a little girl saying boys are stupid, to hide her uncomfortable attraction.  They are fascinating to watch IMO and their turnaround almost redeems the dating shtick. 


The juxtaposition between the seemingly compatible blind daters (until those last looks from Jeff) and Blair/Hayley was a nice touch.  Why do I still have such difficulty remembering most of their names?  I'm usually much better at keeping tabs than this. 


That was pretty ugly of Jennie (had to look it up) to blame Jelani for losing the map.  I am always bothered by people who reflexively blame others without thinking. 


Loved the other blonde in the chocolate shop- straight across, baby, yeah, MERCI.  That tickled me.  Still not liking Tyler.  What was with all of that "bourgie" stuff?  What was he trying for?  Monaco is not bourgie by any standard.  It is as upper crust as it gets.  He's too pleased with himself for my taste.


I thought those outfits looked like overused costumes.  Tacky. 


I wasn't bothered by the lack of choice on the detour, but I think it would have been better if the team won on the roulette wheel they could choose, but if they lost, they had to take the detour of the winning color.  As it was, there was no point in their betting, which one would think they'd want to make relevant, considering they were in the Casino de Monte-Carlo. 

  • Love 1

Good for them for catching that flight, unfortunately it was nullified by a bunch. 

As far as I can tell, it wasn't nullified. Their arrival order determined the order (though apparently not the actual delayed timing) in which their helicopters took off the next morning.


By the way, several here have referred to their Monaco clothing as "fancy dress," which according to my reading of countess British mysteries over the years it was not A fancy-dress party is what Americans call a costume party -- dressing up as an animal or fairy princess or whatever. What they were given is formal (or semiformal depending on where you draw the line) wear.

  • Love 2

I enjoyed the episode. Mike and Rochelle getting on the stand by list and getting on the flight was a nice surprise. They were really lucky considering that they didn't just need two tickets but tickets for the camera people/crew. I wonder if more of the couples could have gotten on that flight. There wasn't much to the fitting besides Hayley being unnecessarily mean about how she thought Blair looked in the suit. I wonder if there was something behind the scenes about how the women had to start doing more of the challenges. Otherwise I don't really get why they would have done the roses/chocolates challenge. Then again, I don't know why so many of them let the guys do seemingly gender neutral tasks like the puzzles in past legs. I thought the assumption was that the guys usually take on the physical challenges. At least they didn't make them run around in heels. It seemed to put the teams in a generally good mood. I did laugh when Jenny threw the roses and chocolates at Jelani after running around. The roulette wheel was kind of pointless but I did like the element of chance. Given the unbalanced detours this season, at least this way the decision was completely out of their hands. Don't Slack Off definitely seemed easier. Win By A Nose didn't seem incredibly difficult... at least it didn't appear to require any chemistry knowledge (though I wasn't sure what they were given to measure the amount of liquid necessary). It really seemed to be about guessing the scents. I think they chose kind of obvious scents... nothing crazy like bergamot or neroli that probably would have thrown the racers off. But still, essential oils don't always smell the way you think a particular scent should so it probably wasn't the easiest thing to figure out. 


How in the hell did Blair and Hayley win the leg? I don't think this means it'll be smooth sailing from now on but if they can continue to get along, they might have a shot at the finals. There were no clips of them in the "next week on" so it's anyone's guess how they behave next week. I'm kind of bummed that I won't be able to watch it for another two weeks.

I know Jenny didn't treat Jelani well in this episode, but the woman hurdled a rope in a long dress. Respect!


This leg brought back so many memories for me. I didn't go to Monaco, but I did spend a wonderful night in Nice, and I did the helicopter thing, only in the other direction, to St. Tropez. If you're ever in Nice and heading to another place along the coast, a helicopter is expensive but well worth it if you can afford it. The views of the Riviera can't be beat, and you get to miss the horrendous traffic.

  • Love 3

By the way, several here have referred to their Monaco clothing as "fancy dress," which according to my reading of countess British mysteries over the years it was not A fancy-dress party is what Americans call a costume party -- dressing up as an animal or fairy princess or whatever. What they were given is formal (or semiformal depending on where you draw the line) wear.


Out of topic: while what the women wear can be classified as semi-formal dress, the men's definitely can not. It is not even an informal dress. The men's dress is smart casual or at best business casual.


And that is actually one of my complaints. The degree of dressiness between the men and the women is not equal, IMHO. Considering that Phil was in the Casino wearing semi-formal / black tie / tuxedo the men should wear similar outfit instead of the more casual ones.


Make no mistake, what the men wear are good stuff and look good on them. It may not however, be quite fitting IMHO with the idea they want to convey in regards to the jet-set life of Monaco.

  • Love 4

I am a scientist and petrified of heights. I would have been fuming if a roulette will sent me to my own personal torture when a detour option that I would actually be above average at was available.

Seemed like the big mix of perfume didn't matter at all though. There's no way every team accurately pipetted those on the first try. I couldn't tell that the judge did anything but check the mystery smells.

  • Love 4

"I assumed I'd be eating most of the chocolate, since I did all that work to get it."

!!! Jenny has an amazing sense of entitlement, doesn't she? That and the map thing-- when she was clearly the person who had had possession of the map-- amazing.


Jenny: "We'll talk about this later."
Jelani: "I'm sure we will."



I loved how many of the racers said the perfume was giving them a headache. Perfume is the number one trigger of asthma and always gives me headaches, so I was totally on board with the negative publicity.


Also, Mike's the one whose concoction failed the judging, while Rochelle's passed... after he spent the entire time second-guessing her performance while she calmly asked him to focus on his own work and stop picking at her since she knew what she was doing and didn't need the help.


I wonder what changed the Hayley-Blair dynamic. Did production give her happy pills? I feel like we are missing some important information here.


I have never called costumes "fancy wear" but I have often called "dressed up" clothes "fancy" and I don't think it's an unclear, uncommon, or inexcusable use of the term.


The editing was weird on the end of the episode. I think we should have seen the last team's being very lost (or whatever happened). As it is, it just looked random. Same with seeing the first team sailing through the navigation-- we should understand how things happened, and I think that's just as exciting as simply seeing the outcome after the fact.

Edited by possibilities
  • Love 4

Awww, I would have liked to see Jeff and Jackie for a few more legs.  They should have shown us a bit more of them being lost.  It was certainly surprising, but it would be easier to reconcile why they lost.


I want to like Jenny and Jelani but Jenny needs to dial it back with the blaming.  This seems to be a big personality clash since Jelani is the relaxed, laid-back type.  Jenny did make a mistake by not getting the map back but it was a bit unsportsman-like for Laura to keep it considering they worked together.  Yes, it's a game but still...


Strangely, I'm still rooting for the blind date couples more than the actual couples.  It was actually nice to be able to watch a non-fighting Hayley/Blair.  There still seems to be suppressed hatred beneath though, LOL.


Good point from people above saying the zip-line task was probably further from the perfume place.  I hope so, since the two tasks were rather unbalanced in terms of mental requirement.  



I thought they changed out of their 'semi formal wear" for the zip line/tightrope walking detour?


I think the poster was referring to later on.  They were running somewhere and Jenny jumped over a rope while wearing that formal wear dress.

Edited by Camera One
Also, Mike's the one whose concoction failed the judging, while Rochelle's passed... after he spent the entire time second-guessing her performance while she calmly asked him to focus on his own work and stop picking at her since she knew what she was doing and didn't need the help.


Actually that isn't what happened at all. She asked him a question, he said they had different recipes but that the ingredient she was using wasn't Amber like she thought, she then said he should have told her that and than he stated that they both should just concentrate on their individual tasks. Yes, she did get hers right but he was nothing but calm and supportive and didn't pick at her at all. She did get it correct the first time and other than the little bit at the beginning where she was using the wrong ingredient they didn't argue and he was happy that she got the perfume correct.


I was surprised that Mike was the only one who referenced driving on the road that is part of the Monaco Grand Prix but maybe that is just because I have been to it twice and always try to watch it on tv because it's so fun to watch the cars zip through the empty streets of that beautiful place.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 5

Am I the only one wondering if they all get to keep those clothes? They seemed altered/fitted for them. If so, I guess TAR keeps them with the production suitcases because no way those suits and dresses fit in the already crammed backpacks.

I don't have any issue at all with Tyler's characterisation of Mike and Rochelle as a weaker team. Physically, they are a weaker team. I don't care that Rochelle does roller derby, she just looks weak. Mike is overweight and seemed like he had a hard time with the running. Some of the women ran in heels and dresses and didn't complain.

I think - I hope - that Blair "got through" to Hayley at the beginning when he said, "I apologize, but are you EVER going to stop" . . . maybe that's why she was nicer this episode.  And - I'm sorry - but that suit Blair had on may be the new modern thing for men to wear in Monaco, but I thought he DID look a little like Peewee Herman in it.

  • Love 2

I don't get why Tyler and Laura didn't organize their bottles to have all the numbered bottles together.  Was it Hayley who helped by saying she thinks it's #4?  I heard Laura asking someone, but couldn't tell who replied, and then she went, "We don't have a #4".


This would have been a fun task for all the teams to be doing at once.  Though maybe requiring a bit more precision (maybe by getting the total volume accuracy tested as well) since everyone did end up finishing at pretty much the same time.

Edited by Camera One

I don't get why Tyler and Laura didn't organize their bottles to have all the numbered bottles together.  Was it Hayley who helped by saying she thinks it's #4?  I heard Laura asking someone, but couldn't tell who replied, and then she went, "We don't have a #4".

Yes it was Haley. Tyler and Laura's #4 was obscured by another bottle.


I will say one of the things I like about this episode is that all the teams seem to get along well with each other, fanny pack and map withholding not being huge issues but seem to be relaxed and enjoy hanging out with one another; particularly the guys. Perhaps it's a side effect of being thrown together with women that they don't know.

Edited by biakbiak

I loved how many of the racers said the perfume was giving them a headache. Perfume is the number one trigger of asthma and always gives me headaches, so I was totally on board with the negative publicity.


Not to mention that most (all?) of them were sniffing the mystery scents directly through the nozzle of the flask. Anyone who ever worked in a lab knows that you rather "ventilate" the scents towards your nose instead of directly sniffing the products, since it can be damaging to brain cells (not to mention that it might save you some nose bleeding if you accidentally pick up ammoniac instead of ethylen). The overabundance of pawerful smells and vapours of alcohol certainly didn't help, but I'm quite sure part of the racers' headaches were due to oversniffing.


Wow, this entire post is completely incomprehensible, sorry about that.

  • Love 4

With car company sponsorships being such a major part of the show's revenue, how are they supposed to continue with their "manual shift only" and "no GPS" restrictions?

These things make the car sponsor look stupid, because teams are shown having a terrible experience in their cars. But in normal use, the driving experience would not be terrible, because you'd have automatic transmission and driving directions provided the the GPS. The racers would not get lost, and would not have to rely on reading paper maps.

This wouldn't have been such an issue five years ago, but these days, GPS and automatic transmission is basically expected in every car. Even sports cars with "stick" shift don't actually have a manual clutch and transmission, they have an advanced automatic transmission under the hood. And when you can get a GPS unit for $100, even people with cheap cars have retrofitted GPS navigation into their beaters.

It just doesn't seem sustainable that they can continue to get sponsorship from car companies while the race rules eliminate the possibility of racers using any features that would show the cars in a good light.

Edited by In Pog Form
  • Love 1

These things make the car sponsor look stupid, because teams are shown having a terrible experience in their cars. But in normal use, the driving experience would not be terrible, because you'd have automatic transmission and driving directions provided the the GPS. The racers would not get lost, and would not have to rely on reading paper maps.


Maybe the main thing the car manufacturers hope to gain is name recognition and they think the exterior look of the car is what sticks with viewers.  I think people watching would tend to blame the human rather than the car for driving issues, and definitely for navigation issues.  Plus, they have had the Racers use some of the special features (eg. driving backwards looking at camera).

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 4

I think people watching would tend to blame the human rather than the car for driving issues, and definitely for navigation issues.

I don't think a casual viewer would. They'd be wondering what's broken about the cars.

Plus, they have had the Racers use some of the special features (eg. driving backwards looking at camera).

And those things never make the car look good.

Every time they try to showcase some "special feature" of the car, it always looks forced, and never makes any actual difference to the race. Those features are peripheral at best.

On the other hand, basic things like actually being able to drive the car and navigate are key to consumers' actual needs. And the sponsors' cars are repeatedly being made to look shit because of outdated race rules. I wonder if the only reason that car companies continue to sponsor the race, is that company executives don't actually watch the show.

Two episodes in a row, we've seen failures due to racers not being able to make use of the sponsored car's features. Yet we've never seen any team gain advantage by using a car's promoted features.

  • Love 1

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