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S30.E08: Keep It Real

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And what's with the lifetime supply of salami? Is that the fucking sexist producers' metaphor for the game? Is that why there are never any fish tacos at the merge feast?

Edited by wonald
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Sierra is useless. She's clearly incapable of shutting up about her stupid feelings and how she's going to take revenge on the BCs, and yet she's done absolutely nothing in this game but vote the way they tell her to vote. Although there are others this season that I hate more as human beings, she's the one I hate the most as a player because she simply isn't one.


Tyler, I had hopes for, and I don't think he's playing a horrible game, but he's siding with people I can't stand, so I'm going to hold that against him. I do think he was right not to flip, as it seems his endgame is that once NC + Shirin are gone, then he, Carolyn, Will, and Rodney turn on Mike/Dan/Sierra, which is a decent enough plan, but not for us because watching that F4 will suck. On the other hand, he does seem weirdly in thrall to Mike. Mike wants to know what he and Joe were talking about, and Tyler suddenly goes all robotic and recites the clue word for word.


Mike "this is why people work hard" speech over the HII was so embarrassing. He's holding up the necklace and weeping. Scarlett O'Hara was less dramatic when she was shaking that radish at God and swearing she'd never be hungry again.


Shirin is back to annoying me again, but I've grown to love her regardless. I didn't think Jeff was being condescending over the reverse bomb thing; he seemed to be getting a huge kick out of her.


Dan, how is it that a superfan doesn't know what letters are? Ogwlit, Owfray, Obish, is not the slogan, just so you know.


Rodney is not as despicable as Dan, but that's about it.  Carolyn and Will, whatever. Joe and Jenn, Godspeed.

Edited by fishcakes
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I was the one who said he was trying to woo her, but I think the other posters were right that he was playing school yard bully.  It's hard to know with Dan, though.  I mean, he gave an apology that wasn't an apology to Sierra, but apparently thought that was good enough.  So I thought maybe that was his weird way of trying to earn points with Shirin.  At any rate, where does Dan think he stands with his tribe?  He isn't part of Rodney's final 4 alliance.  If Joe, Jenn, and Shirin are the next to go, and I'm forced to watch the remaining snakes, rats, and idiots, I guess it will be interesting where loyalty lies.  Would Rodney stick with his 3 blues, or turn on them and stick with his current alliance; Mike didn't tell anyone he had the idol, so if he keeps that under wraps until a tribal when he needs it, that will probably blindside someone (hey, maybe that was foreshadowing tonight-Rodney plans to target Mike, but Mike has the idol and uses it, thus blindsiding Rodney).  Or maybe he's too loyal to even Rodney so he blindsides someone else out of the game.  And could Dan be on the receiving end of a blindside (I'd like it to be him and Rodney, but I'll take either getting blindsided).  At any rate, Dan got extremely lucky that he landed on the tribe that he did.  He would have been long gone by now had that not happened.  And he got lucky having Mike being a leader and calling the shots.  Dan's just his lap dog.


I'm pretty sure Dan was trying to woo Shirin by berating her - he apparently thinks telling people they suck is a good way to get them on your side.  Loved that the guy who lectured Shirin on not understanding math then demonstrated he doesn't understand what letters are or how they are formed into words.  If he's playing a character (as claimed by Lindsey in post-boot interviews) he's pulling it off so well even George Costanza would be impressed.


I suppose out of the cesspool that is BC that Mike is the least objectionable at this point (Sierra is a non-entity).  That doesn't mean I want him to win, but if they pull off their pagonging of NC that's who I'm left with.  Because Carolyn and Tyler don't impress me at all and Will is making no attempt to play the game.

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But that's just it, he didn't have to share it. Yes, Tyler saw him take it and he knew Tyler saw it. But again, Mike pretty much already figured there was likely going to be a clue at the reward and people have won clues to hidden immunity idols at Reward Challenges where everyone knows they have it. All Tyler would have known and been able to tell his alliance is that "Joe has the clue" and sure, they could have tried to chase him down exactly as they did tonight which is fine.


I didn't understand what sharing the clue was buying Joe either. He didn't get any kind of assurances from Tyler or forge any kind of bond, he just basically handed over the info to the majority. If anything, Tyler got more out of it by using it to suck up to Mike (and possibly hand him the game, unfortunately.) 


Very disappointed in the outcome but it was probably inevitable that an NC would go. Part of me is hoping that the producers will introduce a twist that will save Joe/Jenn/Shirin somehow, though I don't know what that could be at this stage of the game. Sure, it's interference in the game, but if it spared me from weeks and weeks of Rodney/Dan/Mike, I'd be fine with it. 


I have to hand it to Dan for managing to make Rodney look like a more palatable option. Rodney is an idiot, but it's amusing to watch him get frustrated and act out. Dan is annoying at his most harmless moments and almost alarming at his worst. He gives off some really disturbing vibes when he's worked up. 


I usually find the classic golden boy types annoying (was never a Colby fan or Malcolm fan), but I genuinely like Joe. He handles himself well most of the time and some of the funnier little moments have come from him (the "Is Rodney smart" look, picking on Rodney for eating more than everyone else, and also for choosing Shirin directly after Dan mocked her appeal to get chosen. I'd like to believe that Dan's response is what swung Joe over to choosing Shirin.)

Mike's THs are beyond obnoxious. He bothers me a lot less in the day-to-day footage, but he gets WAY overexcited in his interviews and it drives me crazy. 



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Will is making no attempt to play the game.


Based on Hali's Ponderosa and the extra vids, I think Will is actually making a pretty solid effort to play the game and that it's working, but for whatever reason we aren't being shown it. I mean, I guess it's because he doesn't go far/win, but I'd still like to see it.


The editing is just so strange this season. Joe/Jenn/Hali/Shirin are/were getting very good edits because honestly based on the extra vids they're all kinda dumb and in Shirin's case hated openly by everyone, yet these are the people that are doomed in the game. The people that will seemingly go far and win are for the most part getting bad edits. But then there's Mike, who's getting probably the closest to true edit with a side of "American Hero" and that's why I assume he's the winner.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'm pretty sure Dan was trying to woo Shirin by berating her - he apparently thinks telling people they suck is a good way to get them on your side.


It was strangely similar to Colton's "You might as well throw yourself into the fire!" taunt to Kristina.


Dan is definitely going to the end. He's the perfect goat. He will never win immunity and every jury member will want to rip his throat out after he scolds them for playing Survivor so poorly. Rodney might accidentally say something the jury likes. There is no risk of Dan doing that.

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I'm thinking with Joe on why he's not scrambling for alliances and whatnot is that he knows that a target is on his back. He probably knows that he can't rally an alliance to get behind him and that Mike and Rodney can keep their alliances strong because mostly everyone sees him as a threat therefore not wanting to align with him. I think Joe knows the minute he loses an immunity challenge it's over for him, no matter what. The minute Joe is eliminated, I'm gonna dread the rest of the season.

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I'm pretty sure Dan was trying to woo Shirin by berating her - he apparently thinks telling people they suck is a good way to get them on your side.  Loved that the guy who lectured Shirin on not understanding math then demonstrated he doesn't understand what letters are or how they are formed into words.  If he's playing a character (as claimed by Lindsey in post-boot interviews) he's pulling it off so well even George Costanza would be impressed.


I can see Dan thinking that he is showing he cares by telling her what she is doing wrong - "I care so much about you that I am willing to tell you the truth.  If I didn't care so much, I would just let you fail instead of trying to impart my wisdom on you."


I think he may have expected Shirin so say "Dan, you are so right - I do have less numbers, thanks for pointing that out.  I never realized 7 was more than 4. Can I be on the Blue Collar Tribe with you?"

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Just watched online and visiting family.  I don't have time to read this thread, unfortunately.  


What is up with voting out Hali, Joe?  What did I miss?  And the failed effort to vote out Dan astounded me. Get Mike out.  Why are they not voting out threats to win?  Rodney, I am talking to you, too.  

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I am assuming by your comment that you're a young'un.


Bugs Bunny used to call people a "maroon".


Nostalgia, baby!


I have wondered about that maroon/moron thing (and I loved watching Bugs) - was it a regional pronunciation?  the way someone famous mispronounced it? or was it like putting asterisks or leaving out letters in curse words when posting online, so that business computers don't block the site as offensive? (the last one seemed really far fetched).  Thanks for explaining. 


Now, where did "Lurve" come from? 


Sorry for the off-topicness of this. 

Edited by needschocolate
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Now, where did "Lurve" come from? 


Woody Allen in "Annie Hall."  It's his neurotic way of amplifying the word "love."


Seriously, watch that movie before any more time goes by.

What is up with voting out Hali, Joe?  What did I miss? 


Joe didn't vote for Hali, he voted for Dan -- along with Shirin, Hali, and Jenn.


Sierra, Tyler, Carolyn, Dan, Will, Mike, and Rodney voted for Hali.

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I also cannot stand how both he and Rodney have been dismissively saying Shirin's name wrong. She's such a loser they can't be bothered to get it right. Men like them just make me sick. 


That really irritated me too and you can bet if Shirin or anyone else were to not know Dan or Rodney's name at this point, they would be pissed off.  But when they do it, it's absolutely hilarious, not disrespectful at all!

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Woody Allen in "Annie Hall."  It's his neurotic way of amplifying the word "love."


Seriously, watch that movie before any more time goes by.


Joe didn't vote for Hali, he voted for Dan -- along with Shirin, Hali, and Jenn.


Sierra, Tyler, Carolyn, Dan, Will, Mike, and Rodney voted for Hali.


Then why did he say "sorry" when Jen and Shirin looked back at him? 

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I think Joe knows the minute he loses an immunity challenge it's over for him, no matter what.


Which makes it all the more asinine that he stopped looking for the idol.  


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That whole scene didn't make sense and/or was edited poorly. At first I thought Rodney was cutting all the pieces and that's why Shirin asked him not to cut the skin off her's. But then Rodney said something like 'why does it matter if Tyler and I want the skin on' or something as if he was only cutting pieces for himself and Tyler. Who knows what happened.

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I have a question though. Throughout the seasons, you know people find idols and then other tribe mates find out that the person has the idol by rummaging through their things or stumbling upon the idol where the founding person hid it.


Can't they steal it, hide it and use it for themselves or is that against the rules? Cause if I was there and I saw Mike's idol, I would take it and hide it and use it for myself whenever I felt threatened. Can't you just imagine the chaos that can cause for the person that originally found it. I haven't seen anyone do it, they found out the person has the idol and just leave it there and tell others.


I don't know if stealing is not allowed because last season Bailey and a couple of people took food out of Julie's bag and ate it and one season that one woman took that man's alligator shoes and put sand in them and left them in the water, even though later on she admitted to doing it. I mean it's about Survival right, and outwitting, outplaying, and outsmarting everyone, I think stealing an idol is all of those.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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I don't get the view that Tyler made a mistake here.  It was the best move he could have made.  Clearly, one needs to keep Mike on his side because he's demonstrated he's observing everyone and will target you if he gets nervous.  He's picked (perhaps out of necessity) the most loyal person to ally with.

What I found stupid about what Tyler did was revealing to Mike word by word the clue. He could have said something about a weird tree next to the well with some rocks around and keep the real clue to himself. Mike would have no way to confirm if Tyler had told him the truth about what the clue said, except i f Joe himself showed it to Mike, which has no chance of happening. I think his move the way it happened was rushed and idiotic.


If Tyler really is this smart player who lets all the goats carry him to the end until he starts showing his true strength and winning challenges, we'll have to wait and see. But I really doubt it.

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Joe was foolish for sharing the clue with Tyler, but Tyler was really stupid for telling Mike, the guy his core-4 alliance is targeting as soon as they reach 7.

I have to agree that the place Mike found the idol did not look like it corresponded to the clue. Wasn't there something about it "defying gravity"? Yet it was hidden under a tree?

Maybe that was the "blue collar" idol Mike found, and there's another idol out there?

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I have to agree that the place Mike found the idol did not look like it corresponded to the clue. Wasn't there something about it "defying gravity"? Yet it was hidden under a tree?

Maybe that was the "blue collar" idol Mike found, and there's another idol out there?


I didn't think it sounded like it matched the clue either. And Mike himself said in an extra vid that the one he found was the BC idol. So, I guess there's a chance there's still an HII hidden out there that was for the merged tribe.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Joe should have made a deal with Tyler before showing him the clue.  Any deal at all!


Or better yet:   Joe should have read the clue himself privately, burned it, and told Tyler some lie about what it said.


Also, when Mike came into that group and announced that Joe had the idol, why didn't Joe deny it?!  I mean he didn't have it. Why didn't he say, "well I certainly don't have it, you can search my stuff; but I guess somebody else does," and shift the focus back to Mike?

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Joe chose poorly for the reward challenge.  It seems common knowledge that there was going to be a HII clue.  So why give chances to people not in his alliance to find it?  I get that he was trying to make bonds and inroads with others, but from the footage we saw, he didn't talk about the game at all with any of them.  When told to pick three people, he should have picked Hali and Jenn and the person he thought would be most likely to go over and vote with them.  I would have picked Carolyn.  She seems irritated with the Blue Collars and gets along well with Hali and Jenn.  Carolyn can go back and try and sway Tyler.  When given the chance to pick one more person, he should have picked Will.  Will used to be with them, and went to the other side, and I haven't seen any effort at all from the No Collars to ask him why he left them.


Not sure why Hali was so blindsided.  Last time around, 4 people voted for Kelly.  The others voted for Jenn or Hali.  In order to avoid elimination, they would have to sway two people.  She thought they got Sierra.  Did she also think they had Carolyn?  She's all "who flipped"?  Nobody flipped.  They were never with her in the first place, they were just thinking about it.


I don't think it would have mattered if Tyler saw the clue.  The clue ended up meaning nothing to Mike.  He just followed Joe and looked where he had seen Joe looking.


I also don't understand the point of Mike announcing that Joe has the idol.  What purpose does that accomplish?  If he actually has it, then they wouldn't want to vote him out.  If Joe wins immunity, then he's exempt.  Is it some kind of weird "two moves in advance" move that Mike thinks he's making?  As in, the next time Joe doesn't win immunity, Mike's alliance plans on voting him out.  Everyone knows that.  But does Mike want Joe to think that they won't target him because they think he has an idol, and therefore no one else in his alliance (say, Shirin) who has the other idol will play the idol on Joe and then Joe gets voted out?  Too many steps and too dependent on how Joe and his alliance will interpret things and worst of all, wholly dependent on whether someone else (Shirin?) even has an idol and whether it would be played on Joe.

Edited by blackwing
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Interesting comments on Tyler's game.  Yes, he's laying low and building alliances with several factions.  He's aligned with the Carolyn/Rodney/Will group and he's also aligned with Mike.  But, I don't think he knows that Mike found an II.


Was noticing last night that Tyler's no slouch in the muscles department.  He should have the strength for some of the more physical challenges coming up. 

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It was unclear to me if the idol Mike found was the one referenced in Joe's clue.  But when he walked away, the camera did catch a bunch of green six-inch high plants that could have referenced the "sea of green."  The "defying gravity" could have referred to the placement in the tree: Mike put his hand in a little crevice in the tree, but then kind of had to move his hand up rather than down, like the idol was hanging.  But I agree, could go either way.


Definitely wish Tyler had lied about the content of the clue to Mike, by the way.  No need to show him you're so completely in his pocket, buddy.


That was an overall disappointing episode ... but I can't fully blame the players.  I agree with the above posters who have said Tyler and Sierra have no real good reason to switch.  Sure, Dan is annoying and I really dislike him, but as far as game strategy I don't think it would accomplish that much to get rid of him now.  And Jenn, Hali and Joe really do seem too close to break into.  Although, side note, if I were Jenn, Hali or Joe, I would be looking for an opportunity to get out at least one of the other two before the end for sure -- moot now of course since Hali's gone.  But Jenn and Hali had too similar of games to benefit from sitting next to each other at the end, and nobody should want to sit next to Joe.


To get back to my original point, as a viewer, I'm annoyed that the worst people in the tribe remain on my screen, but I also think it was probably in the best interest of the majority to stick together for now.  Still hoping that they will splinter sooner rather than later and give some of the underdogs a chance though!

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I don't think it would have mattered if Tyler saw the clue.  The clue ended up meaning nothing to Mike.  He just followed Joe and looked where he had seen Joe looking.

And for all that it was hidden in exactly the kind of crook-in-the-tree spot that the HIIs are in most of the time.  I've been wondering all along why none of the Blue Collars hadn't found an idol - the show has made it seem as though up until now none of them had even been looking.  My question now is whether Jenn's idol is back in play? Or is that it for HIIs?



And what's with the lifetime supply of salami? Is that the fucking sexist producers' metaphor for the game? Is that why there are never any fish tacos at the merge feast?

Salami's a good Survivor food because it keeps well even in the heat - they wouldn't be able to save leftover fish tacos and eat them days later.  A preserved fish like sardines or bacalao or something would work, but I'm guessing most Americans prefer salami to sardines.

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 A girls alliance could have potentially worked if Jenn and Co could persuade Carolyn.  Carolyn could last longer with the girls than in a tribe of  He Man Women's Hater Club doofs.  She's gone as soon as those bozos eliminate the undesirable males.


I think there's no way that Carolyn would have anything to do with a women's alliance.  Especially with this group, but I don't think she would with any group of women.


Tyler not flipping is one thing, but telling the whole goddamn clue to the biggest threat in his alliance is stupid and I can't be convinced otherwise.  Go get it yourself, you moron.

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I am not sure that Tyler knows about the Rodney alliance or that Tyler has fully bought into it if he does know about it. Just because Rodney tells Will that Tyler is a member does not mean that Tyler is a member. Especially since we have not seen Tyler talk to Rodney about it.


In her Ponderosa video, Hali said she was surprised that she was the one voted out and not Jenn. It wasn't a blindside in the traditional sense, she knew that someone from her alliance was going home. She just thought they would go after Jenn since Jenn had been the previous target.

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Interesting comments on Tyler's game.  Yes, he's laying low and building alliances with several factions.  He's aligned with the Carolyn/Rodney/Will group and he's also aligned with Mike.  But, I don't think he knows that Mike found an II.


Was noticing last night that Tyler's no slouch in the muscles department.  He should have the strength for some of the more physical challenges coming up. 

Tyler is apparently a former placekicker.  He was on an NFL roster before getting cut, and also played Arena football.  But I disagree that he looks strong.  To me he looks like someone who used to be an athlete but then got older and doesn't work out as much as he used to, and as a result, is starting to develop a case of gynecomastia.


The problem with Tyler's game is that he is trying to please everyone.  He'd be a classic floater in Big Brother terms.  Floaters never seem to do well, they are always at the bottom of bigger alliances.  They get used for votes and then cut loose when they aren't needed anymore.  If I were him I'd forge a strong bond with Mike and try and get some kind of final three deal of Mike, Tyler, Carolyn.  Mike lost his closest ally in Kelly and needs a partner for his stronger core suballiance.


In her Ponderosa video, Hali said she was surprised that she was the one voted out and not Jenn. It wasn't a blindside in the traditional sense, she knew that someone from her alliance was going home. She just thought they would go after Jenn since Jenn had been the previous target.
But when Jeff started reading the votes, and her name was read the first time, she didn't seem all that concerned.  Even when she kept getting votes, she didn't seem concerned.  It was only when she got the nail in the coffin vote that her mouth drops and she's shocked, and they're all looking at each other asking who flipped.  It seemed to me that she truly thought her alliance was on top.


I typically despise Jeff Probst, but I loved him for two things last night.  1) Making fun of Shirin with her spastic arm movements at the reward challenge.  And 2) Calling Rodney out and saying that Rodney has taken himself out of consideration for the reward.  I didn't think that's what happened at all.  I thought Rodney was doing the passive aggressive "hey, I'm stahving here, but whatever you want to do is fine with me, if you don't want to take me even though I'm stahving, then it's fine with me, don't take me."  But it backfired because Jeff immediately says "Rodney just took himself out of consideration!"  Too funny.

Edited by blackwing
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I see a lot of comments like, why would anyone vote for Hali, she is not a threat.


I don't really know what people exactly mean by threat but this is how I see it:


1)  I don't see Jenn as some super threatening player that is much more threatening than Hali.  She's done well in a challenge or two, but Joe is always far better than everyone.

2)  I think Hali is a social threat.  You put these 12 idiots in the Final Tribal Council and who do you think seems the most likeable.  I'd say Hali is up there.  Maybe Blue Collars are even smart enough to know that Hali is a law student and therefore could be a great speaker and persuasive.  

3)  Hali is part of a power couple, and everyone on Blue Tribe thinks that Hali-Joe-Jenn stick together like glue.  Hence, kick one of the three off.


I think it was a good vote.  Between Hali and Jenn, I'd say Jenn seems a lot more disagreeable and likely to offend.  The NCs were kind of fractured last week.  Now they're almost demolished.


It was only when she got the nail in the coffin vote that her mouth drops and she's shocked, and they're all looking at each other asking who flipped.  It seemed to me that she truly thought her alliance was on top.


Exactly, the way it played out on television it looked like Hali thought the following:

I have Hali, Jenn, Joe, Shirin, Will (?), Sierra (?), Carolyn (?), and Tyler (?).

But instead she only had the first four.  That's what shocked her.

Somebody upthread mentioned that the NCs think that Will is on their side, was there a clip to this effect?  Is that true?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Tyler is apparently a former placekicker.  He was on an NFL roster before getting cut, and also played Arena football.  But I disagree that he looks strong.  To me he looks like someone who used to be an athlete but then got older and doesn't work out as much as he used to, and as a result, is starting to develop a case of gynecomastia.


I dunno.  Functional strength is very different from "show" muscles.  It's how Dan of all people is actually stronger in challenges than Rodney.


The strongest person I know -- who could lift me and hoist me like a sack of potatoes onto his shoulder (and I'm not light by any means!), looked like a big heavy lunk, with really no muscle definition.

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I hate this season. There is no one worth rooting for. Joe is okay to look at, but only because he's in a group of fugos who make him look better by comparison, and I don't find him particularly compelling in any other way. Everyone ranges from stupid to drooling idiots. It is just no fun to watch these people. I think I'm done with the season. I don't care who wins, so why bother?

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Joe chose poorly for the reward challenge. It seems common knowledge that there was going to be a HII clue. So why give chances to people not in his alliance to find it? I get that he was trying to make bonds and inroads with others, but from the footage we saw, he didn't talk about the game at all with any of them. When told to pick three people, he should have picked Hali and Jenn and the person he thought would be most likely to go over and vote with them. I would have picked Carolyn.

I also don't understand the point of Mike announcing that Joe has the idol. What purpose does that accomplish? .

No way was Carolyn going to flip. She can't stand any of the young women, and especially detests Shirin. She thinks she's smarter than all the BCs so will stick with them. Still it didn't hurt to have her go on the reward but Joe's mistake was taking Shirin instead of Sierra.

As for Mike announcing Joe had the idol, I'm pretty sure it was to dissuade anyone else from looking for it. Mike could look for it all day without competition. But why Joe gave up I can't understand. (Unless he found the other and we weren't shown?)

Edited by Haleth
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Exactly, the way it played out on television it looked like Hali thought the following:

I have Hali, Jenn, Joe, Shirin, Will (?), Sierra (?), Carolyn (?), and Tyler (?).

But instead she only had the first four.  That's what shocked her.

Somebody upthread mentioned that the NCs think that Will is on their side, was there a clip to this effect?  Is that true?

Yes, in Hali's Ponderosa video, she gives a toast to Jenn, Joe, Sierra and Will saying "and whoever else didn't vote for me." She also said that the only person she's really mad at is Shirin, who Hali thinks has flipped on them twice (so I guess Shirin's getting the blame for Will's Hali vote last week.) 


Joe didn't vote for Hali, he voted for Dan -- along with Shirin, Hali, and Jenn.

Sierra, Tyler, Carolyn, Dan, Will, Mike, and Rodney voted for Hali.


Then why did he say "sorry" when Jen and Shirin looked back at him?


You can always tell Joe's vote because he draws something on it, he drew a fish for Dan and there was that band-aid for Kelly last week. Wonder if that irritated the editors with regard to trying to hide who people voted for until after the vote is revealed?



If Tyler really is this smart player who lets all the goats carry him to the end until he starts showing his true strength and winning challenges, we'll have to wait and see. But I really doubt it.

Tyler is a potentially interesting player. (I'm personally a little irked by him at the moment because his moves are ensuring some of the more irritating BC members' survival, but that's a purely selfish viewer feeling). He's certainly smart and clearly not prone to making rash decisions based on emotions or the pressure of a situation, so I'm hoping that he'll make moves soon.


He's smart to lay back and get lost in the shuffle of the majority group because he's not THAT valuable to them at this point. They can still vote someone out without him so flipping to the minority side would paint the unnecessary target on him. But with the NC alliance looking doomed, I'm hanging my hopes on Tyler to make bolder moves later when there are fewer players and knock out some of the BCs. 


ETA: Forgot to mention that I was surprised and impressed by the number of people who got the relatively unusual spelling of Hali's name right last night.


The same group that can't be bothered to even LEARN Shirin's name can manage to come up with "Hali" over the more traditional "Haley/Hayley" spelling. 

Edited by ljenkins782
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Mike "this is why people work hard" speech over the HII was so embarrassing. He's holding up the necklace and weeping. Scarlett O'Hara was less dramatic when she was shaking that radish at God and swearing she'd never be hungry again.


Not only that, but there are many times when it seems like players practically have idols fall right into their hands. Case in point: Russell "I farted and an idol fell out" Hantz. It really just depends on whether the producers want you to find an idol.


I simply cannot warm up to Mike. Between the early bossiness and pigheadedness we saw of him and the whole "Merica" idiocy, no matter how much they try to soften his edit from here on out I feel like I know and loathe his true colors.


Nobody really seems to be playing a good game and every week I become more convinced that most if not all of these people are just not very bright. It's looking very much like we're heading towards a Mike, Dan and Rodney final three, and I don't know how much longer I can stand to watch it.

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I simply cannot warm up to Mike. Between the early bossiness and pigheadedness we saw of him and the whole "Merica" idiocy, no matter how much they try to soften his edit from here on out I feel like I know and loathe his true colors.


Yeah, but those colors don't run.

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The minute Joe is eliminated, I'm gonna dread the rest of the season.


That's pretty much how I feel. It's like he's holding the macho monsters at bay. Mike would be okay if it weren't for his alliance and constant chest thumping about how awesome blue collar people are. He is actually playing a decent game, though, and not bad at challenges. But I am petrified of seeing a season of him, Rodney, and Dan knocking everyone out and making it to the end. 




Everyone ranges from stupid to drooling idiots. It is just no fun to watch these people.


I've just had to change my mindset from looking forward to clever game play, to looking forward to stuff I can snark on. It sucks. That's why I watch other shows, but not Survivor. 




As for Mike announcing Joe had the idol, I'm pretty sure it was to dissuade anyone else from looking for it. Mike could look for it all day without competition. But why Joe gave up I can't understand. (Unless he found the other and we weren't shown?)


Joe's reaction was baffling. I feel like he was trying to laugh it off like, "Yea right, okay man. Whatever". But it came off more like he was a little kid who had been caught. 

Edited by ghoulina
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That whole scene didn't make sense and/or was edited poorly. At first I thought Rodney was cutting all the pieces and that's why Shirin asked him not to cut the skin off her's. But then Rodney said something like 'why does it matter if Tyler and I want the skin on' or something as if he was only cutting pieces for himself and Tyler. Who knows what happened.


I think that was her PA way of calling out that he was cutting up too much of it. He was hacking big fat slices, and was half-way through the whole thing by the time she spoke up. I think he was still sulking about the rice and was like "screw it, then, I'll eat all the protein." So she pipes up how she wants her salami sliced and he throws another snit fit. He's so annoying. Did he really think he would get to maintain that type of physique for the duration of survivor? When I'm lifting, I easily eat in excess of 2200 calories per day (and I'm a girl). Any idiot should know that is completely incompatible with gong on survivor.

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Dan:  Would you believe I have a neighbor like Dan?   There is no physical similarity, just the bright-eyed, condescending arrogance and the all-consuming love of his own voice.   I have always regarded this as an Irish trait and, being of Irish extraction myself, it only makes me hate it more.


Mike:  I can't stand listening to Mike and his Patrick Star voice anymore.   He's stupid, he sucks at challenges, he threw one challenge away ... he's insufferable.  And he's part of that blue collar assholery.   Why is he featured in confessionals for what feels like three-quarters of the show?

I think everyone has a neighbor or coworker like Dan. Don't think it has to do with heritage. Probably upbringing somehow.

I already posted kind of a Mike defense, and I can't argue with the voice thing (silly reason to dislike someone, but whatever). Stupid and sucks at challenges, though? He's not Joe but he's been in the mix for every individual challenge (even did decent on the pole, which is clearly not geared toward guys with his build). If they had more challenges with strength-based components, people would be complaining it's too easy for him. Yeah he's getting a golden edit and lots of confessionals, but he's talking about his game and worries about making himself a threat and how he probably will need the idol once Joe's gone. These are smart considerations and it seems like a lot of these players aren't thinking that far ahead. Max Dawson was smarter than Mike, but that doesn't make Mike stupid. Eating a scorpion might make Mike stupid, admittedly.

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Which makes it all the more asinine that he stopped looking for the idol.  


I wonder if Joe knows that Mike found it, or assumed he did since Mike made a big deal of pretending Joe had it.  I can't believe that they wouldn't target Joe, idol or not, but it would be pretty funny if Mike's plan backfired on him.  In any case, I believe there was more to the idol hunt involving Joe than we were shown.  Joe, Jenn, and Shirin are the only good things left about this season.  I find myself only caring when those 3 are on.  Challenges last night were a snooze, except for Dan being told he was wrong twice.

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I hope a Blue collar doesn't win. That would be the worst ending to this season, imo. I'm praying that Jenn or Joe can pull it out for the No Collars or Shirin for being such a big underdog. 

Edited by kelnic86
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I think that was her PA way of calling out that he was cutting up too much of it. He was hacking big fat slices, and was half-way through the whole thing by the time she spoke up. I think he was still sulking about the rice and was like "screw it, then, I'll eat all the protein." So she pipes up how she wants her salami sliced and he throws another snit fit. He's so annoying. Did he really think he would get to maintain that type of physique for the duration of survivor? When I'm lifting, I easily eat in excess of 2200 calories per day (and I'm a girl). Any idiot should know that is completely incompatible with gong on survivor.

I agree.  It was her way of saying that they should conserve some of it, and he was all "screw you, I'm STAHHHHHVING, my bahdy needs PROTEIN!!  Look at me, I didn't get this bahdy by eating one thin slice of salahmi"


I'm surprised more of them aren't complaining about him.  Joe also said to Rahdney that "you eat more than everyone else too" and Rahdney denied it.  I remember way back in Season 3 when Clarence got voted off for eating a can of beans.  I'm surprised Rahdney even applied to be on this show.  He must have thought that he and his bahdy were going to dominate all the challenges and that he'd be eating like a king every meal.

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Something occurred to me.

Joe apologized to Jenn after the vote.

Joe was never shown searching for the Idol.

Several people have commented that Mike may have actually found the old BC idol (did someone mention an extra video that says that).

Mike made a big speech about Joe having the II, to which Joe was coy.

What if Joe did find the HII after all?!? Maybe Mike thinks he found the one Joe was searching for but didn't, and Joe was actually apologizing... for not giving Jenn his idol, because he knows he still needs it the first time he loses.

Hence the vote targeting Hali- for all Mike's acting, everyone still has to be wary of Joe giving Jenn an II and bouncing the vote back for a second week- and her surprise at not only not having the numbers, but that they didn't target Jenn. If Hali didn't witness any of Mike's "Joe has an idol!" speech, she'd rightly assume they'd pick out Jenn since she spent her II last week and was unprotected (or knew Joe didn't have an Idol, or knew he had one but wouldn't share).

I don't fault Hali for thinking they had the numbers: but for turncoat Will, they did, since 4NC + Shirin+ Sierra gives them 6. Her Ponderosa arrival video makes clearly that even when she left she thought Will was on their side.

It continues the frustration that the editors are likely hiding huge amounts of relevant information to manufacture fake drama, when the actual story is probably compelling enough. I don't want to play along in the dark, as confused as Rodney is at... well, probably everything. I want to revel in the dramatic irony of watching two or more alliances with seemingly foolproof plans on a delicious collision course that only we the audience can see coming, because we see all the things they don't.

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Jeff and the producers no longer understand what a #blindside is. Hali wasn't blindsided -- she knew it was possible she would be going home. A true blindside is when someone who doesn't see it coming is voted out.


Hated the end of this one -- it's rapidly turning unwatchable, because of the tools on the former Blue Collar tribe. Too bad Joe -- while a challenge monster -- is so horribly bad at strategy.


I wouldn't want Rodney's grungy fingers anywhere near my finger food. All I could see where his nasty-ass black and dirty fingernails trying to dig at the skin of that salami! UGH.

Edited by Andromeda
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I like the theory of Joe having the idol, but when have they ever not shown someone finding it?  Unless his idol find leads to the biggest blindside in Survivor history, which would be pretty darn hard at this point, that they keep it a secret.  


I wonder if the remaining NC will finally figure out next week Will is not with them.


I am really frustrated by the editing season.  I don't know why they are hiding so much.  I would think some of the things not being shown would actually make for great TV.  What do we have now?  Some boring, some not so boring challenges, Rodney and Dan with their sexist and arrogant ramblings, and TC.  I can't believe they'd be leaving out so much game play going on.  They've never done it before.  It's why I wonder, maybe the cast just imagined everything in their heads.  No one seems to have a clear grasp of what's going on out there as it is, so maybe they convinced themselves that this is what really happened.

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