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S05.E21: Reunion Part 2

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I don't appreciate the sort of kowtowing from Andy to Brandi: "Brandi, which HW would you like to see fired?" Excuse me? Why is Brandi the only one he asks this? "Brandi, you apologized after throwing wine at Eileen. Do you think she gave you a fair shake?" Again - what?!


At this point, I'm completely disgusted with Andy for this butt kissing selection of questions for Brandi, as if she is the sane and reasonable person she so obviously isn't. "Ohh, Brandi, how did you feel when people thought you should feel bad for wine throwing and face slapping and sister blocking and physical restraining and threatening people and telling everyone to STFU, and coming out of nowhere yammering about a double standard on the streets of Amsterdam? What do you think is wrong with people that they don't understand you are just a fun girl?"



  • Love 20

We're celebrating my birthday a little early tonight at Casa Persnickety.


Mr. Persnickety is preparing a gourmet meal for us to enjoy whilst watching this episode (and the premiere of my favorite franchise, RYONYC).


With the first 11 minutes of this we've already seen, my hopes are high that this entire episode is going to be off the hook.


Lucky for me that Mr. Persnickety loves these craptastic programs as much as I do.


And, of course, coming to these boards to read my beloved fellow PTV'ers snark is the icing on the birthday cake.


Cheers, my friends!!!

Happy Birthday!!!! What a lucky lady you are to have such a supportive partner. :) LOL!!!

I don't think they watched the flashbacks they were showing which is crap!! I truly hope Kyle kicks Kim's behind to the damn curb!! Ugh. What a horrible woman.

Brandi and Kim are so delusional. Double standard is spot on LisaR.

  • Love 10

I usually find Kyle's boo hooing really annoying, but that was so sad to me. I can't watch Kim next year, I won't do it. And she looks like deep fried shit.


You know, I enjoyed Lisa R for the most part tonight, but she's got that certain something that could easily make her a replacement in bringing the "conflict" that Brandi specializes in.  Watch your back, Brandi.


I was thinking the same thing....Rinna's been around the block a time or two - and she knows how to work hard for the money.  She will bring it when she needs to, but I think she would be much better at it than Brandi!!  

  • Love 9

The elephant in the room this entire season was Kim's reaction after seeing this season and how it was actually Brandi who talked about her the most and raised the alarm bells with the other women and even with people not on the show! And not only was it not addressed, either from Andy or viewer questions, Kim herself is acting as if she didn't watch the episodes! Am I missing something here?!

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 24

Brandi and Kim are acting like the beasts they are. Kim stole Brandi's crutches. Brandi called Kim a meth addict. They deserve each other.


Kim is in deludoid land. She can sit there through a replay of those "discussions" where she went off on Lisa for apologizing. Kim insists that Lisa "brought up" her problems when both on the plane and at the dinner, Lisa did nothing but apologize while Kim screamed that she needs to be quiet. Then she has the audacity to say that she "felt bad for LisaR" when Lisa was talking about her sister's death. We saw again on tape that she was sitting there with a hostile look on her face, just waiting to jump down Lisa's throat the whole time Lisa was talking about her sister. Then she goes on the attack as though Lisa has "brought up her sobriety" even though Lisa did nothing of the kind. Own it, Kim. You've been gunning for Lisa ever since Brandi opened her trap to you. You insist everyone had bad intentions when it is clear they did not.


Yay, LisaR for not letting her get away with her crap. And for challenging her about her Harry viciousness. She had nothing, but that didn't stop her from acting like a complete jerk. Then she has the gall to say, "Well, I won't talk about it, because that's not the sort of person I am." Right. You are a vicious, petty, blame-shifting piece of work who would definitely have gone there if you had anywhere to go.


These women make my blood pressure skyrocket. I really shouldn't watch this mess. I want Kim and Brandi gone. Go ahead, bring back Taylor, whom I can't stand, bring back the witch, bring back anyone, but get rid of these two soul sucking creatures. Please!

  • Love 23

Was it just me or was Kim clearly high when she was being called out about Poker Night/Amsterdam?? How she was changing up the stories on both events or how she claimed to apologize to Eileen about Poker Night?? Me thinks she and Brandi might have been sharing some Xanax between breaks during the taping. Kim looked high and off this episode. Yet when has she ever been sober...

  • Love 12

Alexa gets $450 a month allowance? Did I hear that right? It's all play money since all her needs are paid for by mom & dad. What could she possibly spend that much on? She doesn't have to put some away in a bank account to save for a car, since I'm sure she'll get one for a birthday present. And no, I don't believe Kyle's kids have touched a washing machine yet.

Ha. No you didn't hear that right. It's $450 a week.

Eileen telling Brandi to STFU was golden.

  • Love 11


Brandi who talked about her the most and raised the alarm bells with the other women and even with people not on the show!


Andy is too busy kissing BG's ass to show that footage. I'm sure Kim would immediately forget she saw BG saying those things to Lisa R and the drug addiction expert woman.


Also? I do not care one bit about whatever text messages Lisa R sent to Kim. After the things that Kim has said and lied about all season (and lord knows we haven't even touched on the really horrific dog attack yet)? Do not care. I just don't. Kim the perpetual victim can suck it.


Angry text messages sure aren't much of a smoking gun. Stupid show.


I laughed and laughed how Kim is suddenly too virtuous to tell Lisa R about what she heard about HH.


I never knew taking someone else's pain pill was okay if you had a good reason.



  • Love 16

As for Kim, why was her drug storyline compressed into a couple of segments? Poker night was one issue and Amsterdam was another.  And there were zero viewer questions for Kim regarding her continued denial of a relapse, taking Monty's cancer medication, and #WDHD (Answer: Nothing!). Thank God Lisa R. brought it up, because apparently otherwise it would have gone un-remarked upon.

Yes. This is what stood out to me the most. Kim's relapse/addictions/"reasons" for taking a pill are the underlying causes for so much of the conflicts this season, and these scenes are not only condensed, but apparently she doesn't have to answer for it. They didn't show Brandi's friend Jennifer, the addiction specialist, saying Kim relapsed, or Brandi saying on multiple occasions that Kim relapsed, has problems... Nope. Let's just sweep it under the rug, and let Kim play the victim and point her finger at everyone else. Next!

  • Love 21

Yay, LisaR for not letting her get away with her crap. And for challenging her about her Harry viciousness. She had nothing, but that didn't stop her from acting like a complete jerk. Then she has the gall to say, "Well, I won't talk about it, because that's not the sort of person I am." Right. You are a vicious, petty, blame-shifting piece of work who would definitely have gone there if you had anywhere to go.


I knew Kim was just talking out of her ass when she came up with the shit about Harry.  I laughed out loud when she was going on about LisaR knowing exactly what she was referring to but, being the person she is, wasn't going to go there.  Hey Kim, if you don't have the goods, keep your drunken, pathetic mouth shut!

  • Love 14

Brandi Glanville's voice is so annoying I either want to set myself on fire and leap from a cliff or reach down her throat through her body and grab the little tampon string dangling from her rotted crotch and use it to muffle that wretched sound her hag throat makes.

Now that I have that off chest I need to go read from the beginning, lol.

  • Love 18


Anyway, I haven't posted or criticized Eileen for it before, and I probably wouldn't have now, but the victim act irritated me.  If everyone should be accountable for their actions, that includes Eileen.  Own it.


I thought she's dealt with it very admirably.  She talked about it at the wine-throwing lunch very candidly.  She addressed it tonight.  And I had no idea about her marriage … even though I had been a fan of the Young and the Restless for years, I had never seen her on a talk show or read any interviews about her except on the soap opera page of TV GUIDE.  So for Brandi to keep bringing it up is really just … rude.  And Puff Doggy just sat there … I bet if Eileen had made a crac about  LeeAnn vs. her,  her scream would have broken glass.

  • Love 23

I think a lot of people knew about Eileen and Vince's beginnings.  I think what she meant was that it was 20-some years ago and isn't a part of their daily lives anymore -- since all of the adults get along -- and it was disruptive to their collective children to hear it being brought up by some furry-vested skank as if it were new, relevant news.  I'm sure even though most of us knew about it, Eileen and Vince's 7 year old son didn't and her step-kids might not have known details or whatever.  It was brought up in an attempt to hurt Eileen but it also hurt her children in the process.  Something Brandi accomplishes quite often.   


Same with Lisa R.  Lisa only brought up the porn comment after Brandi whined about being jokingly referred to as having a "trashy mom" look.  Lisa even said that she took Brandi's porn comment as a joke so why can't Brandi do the same.  That's when "can dish it but not take it" was said, which is true, Brandi can't handle anyone joking about her and her life, as she feels free to do to everyone else.  


I agree, SQ...I think Eileen and Vince's marriage was so long ago, and any prior gossip has long since died, until Brandi had to bring it back to the forefront, constantly and continuously, in her talking head comments and other things she said to Eileen during the show.


And, not for nothing, that whole Lisa R/Brandi/"Trashy Mom" thing was ridiculous.  The comment was made in reference to a guest role Lisa R. was playing on another TV show.  She said that she took the look of a "trashy Mom" from the way Brandi dresses....short, short skirts and high heels.  Not one single word about Brandi, Brandi's kids or how Brandi is as a Mom.

  • Love 17

LisaR has enough "trashy" to bring it, but can also fit in nicely when she needs to.   Something Brandi will never be able to do.  

I think LisaR works because she can adapt. She's the classy Beverly Hills Broad when she's with LisaV, Kyle and Eileen but she will get in the gutter with Brandi and Kim just as quickly. I can dig that because women like Kim and Brandi cant be treated or spoken to in any other way than the way they treat others.

  • Love 13

My husband pretends he's not watching but then he will reference something or react to something that's going on with the housewives. So I know he's watching. Two weeks ago I came home from work on a weekend and found Bravo on and one of the housewife shows running a marathon. He claims it was the channel that was on when he turned on the tv but me thinks not.

I hear you.  My hub tries to act like he's above, but he will quote some key phrases ("prostitution whore") like a champ.

  • Love 13

I don't believe for one moment that Kim had either bronchitis or pneumonia. No matter how worked up she got, she did not cough. Not even once. She showed no signs of being short of breath. I have no idea what sort of "100% pain" she was in, but it wasn't from any respiratory infection. If there was any pain at all. Personally, I think she is full of ish about being sick in any way at all

I didn't get that either. I've been on pain pills after surgery and antibiotics for an upper respiratory infection. There is nothing a pain pill would've done for me when the problem was I could hardly breathe. Edited by charmed1
  • Love 11

I don't appreciate the sort of kowtowing from Andy to Brandi: "Brandi, which HW would you like to see fired?" Excuse me? Why is Brandi the only one he asks this? "Brandi, you apologized after throwing wine at Eileen. Do you think she gave you a fair shake?" Again - what?!


Well, I think it would be fairly obvious how the other housewives would answer if they were asked that question...although, I wonder which one of Brandi and Kim would get more votes.


I was really surprised that Brandi answered that she thought Eileen should be fired, instead of Kyle.  Brandi obviously holds much more anger and hatred towards Kyle than she did with Eileen.

  • Love 7

I don't believe for one moment that Kim had either bronchitis or pneumonia. No matter how worked up she got, she did not cough. Not even once. She showed no signs of being short of breath. I have no idea what sort of "100% pain" she was in, but it wasn't from any respiratory infection. If there was any pain at all. Personally, I think she is full of ish about being sick in any way at all


IIRC, the "100% pain" excuse came up after Poker Night.  So she wasn't displaying any symptoms because she wasn't even trying to cover up her relapse by faking an illness.  Only after she got shit for her junkie behavior did she start in with the percentages of pain and Dr. Monty administering pain pills to her, etc.  Didn't she have a scene or two afterwards, with Kyle and Brandi separately, where she made coughing sounds and tried to look tragic?  

  • Love 12

Also, ya know what's proof positive that Kim knows she's full of shit?  Her throwing out that Kathy is on her side.


But even so, who gives a fuck?  Lisa Rinna shooting back with "Is Kathy God?" or whatever she said, made me laugh.  No one who thinks they're right needs validation for it from anyone else.  


If I had been Kyle I would've said exactly that.

Fuck you, Kim.

Kim stopped short of saying that Kathy "told her" Kyle was a bad sister! IMO, Kathy never said anything to Kim about Kyle, nothing at all.

  • Love 5

I bet if Eileen had made a crac about  LeeAnn vs. her,  her scream would have broken glass.

Kenya made a stinging barb about Eddie leaving Brandi for LeAnn on CA. And like a classic bully, Brandi had no comeback. No screeching, no below-the-belt joke to retaliate. Brandi was stunned into silence. It touched a nerve. I think that's why she keeps coming for these women. There are some lines they won't cross just to score points.

  • Love 11

Kyle is deeply, deeply hurt. It sounds like Kim is now using her children as weapons against their aunt. I actually got a lump in my throat when Kyle said she didn't need to attend her niece's wedding, when it's obvious that's not true. Just like the scenes of Rinna with her ailing parents, the real family drama, not scripted by Bravo, always hits close to home.


Yes, I think Kim is using her children as a weapon against Kyle.  Dis-inviting Kyle to the wedding???  That is really mean.  The last 5 minutes got me upset and I don't watch these shows to get upset.  How low can this woman go?  So sad.  Well at least she has one Good Sister that she can invite (and maybe she'll show up).

  • Love 13

Kenya made a stinging barb about Eddie leaving Brandi for LeAnn on CA. And like a classic bully, Brandi had no comeback. No screeching, no below-the-belt joke to retaliate. Brandi was stunned into silence. It touched a nerve. I think that's why she keeps coming for these women. There are some lines they won't cross just to score points.

Brandy did go after her 1st about the Porsha situation, Kenya just went in for the kill and completely shut her down.

  • Love 10

Brandi and Kim are acting like the beasts they are. Kim stole Brandi's crutches. Brandi called Kim a meth addict. They deserve each other.


Kim is in deludoid land. She can sit there through a replay of those "discussions" where she went off on Lisa for apologizing. Kim insists that Lisa "brought up" her problems when both on the plane and at the dinner, Lisa did nothing but apologize while Kim screamed that she needs to be quiet. Then she has the audacity to say that she "felt bad for LisaR" when Lisa was talking about her sister's death. We saw again on tape that she was sitting there with a hostile look on her face, just waiting to jump down Lisa's throat the whole time Lisa was talking about her sister. Then she goes on the attack as though Lisa has "brought up her sobriety" even though Lisa did nothing of the kind. Own it, Kim. You've been gunning for Lisa ever since Brandi opened her trap to you. You insist everyone had bad intentions when it is clear they did not.


Yay, LisaR for not letting her get away with her crap. And for challenging her about her Harry viciousness. She had nothing, but that didn't stop her from acting like a complete jerk. Then she has the gall to say, "Well, I won't talk about it, because that's not the sort of person I am." Right. You are a vicious, petty, blame-shifting piece of work who would definitely have gone there if you had anywhere to go.


These women make my blood pressure skyrocket. I really shouldn't watch this mess. I want Kim and Brandi gone. Go ahead, bring back Taylor, whom I can't stand, bring back the witch, bring back anyone, but get rid of these two soul sucking creatures. Please!


Kim didn't talk about it because there was nothing to say...


Of course, she closed it with "Well, I heard things".....for fuck's sake, Kim - EVERYONE has heard/read THINGS about almost EVERYONE in Hollywood!!!   Loved Lisa V's comment - "Oh, and where did you "hear things"~~from The Enquirer?"   


Maybe Kim was hitting up the gossip magazine racks while checking out at the supermarket.

  • Love 12

Brandi Glanville's voice is so annoying I either want to set myself on fire and leap from a cliff or reach down her throat through her body and grab the little tampon string dangling from her rotted crotch and use it to muffle that wretched sound her hag throat makes.

Now that I have that off chest I need to go read from the beginning, lol.



OMG....well, I need to thank you!!  I just spewed iced tea all over my laptop and had to clean my screen, which was way dirtier than it should be!!  


You win the BEST post of the night!!  :-)

  • Love 3

The episode seemed to speed by rapidly. Excellent stuff and next week looks great.

Man, Kim and Brandi were horrible! Looks like they continue to be horrible next week based on the previews.

Andy is driving me nuts by bringing Brandi into conversations and asking her opinion. Also he helps her explain her views (kind of like he is her spin doctor) but a couple times he didn't….I wish he stuck with that method rather than helping her out so frequently.

Off to read the comments.

  • Love 5

Ok wait, didn't we see Kim say she had a hernia or some sort? Was that in addition to the bronchitis? Or was RumRaisin just packed in the box too tightly?

I swear she was hunched over hugging a pillow saying she had a huge hernia.

I don't drink so it wasn't that lol. Someone help me out here?



Yep, she did say that, too. I think she intimated that the hernia, and the "broken ribs" were a result of, well, you know, all that coughing we heard.

  • Love 6

I agree, SQ...I think Eileen and Vince's marriage was so long ago, and any prior gossip has long since died, until Brandi had to bring it back to the forefront, constantly and continuously, in her talking head comments and other things she said to Eileen during the show.




It was also defaming to Eileen's character to call her a "homewrecker".  I'm not sure anyone but the people involved know what really happened and Brandi was also insinuating that it was Eileen who was 100% responsible for coming inbetween Vince and his ex-wife, not Vince for breaking up his own marriage.  Brandi thinks because she read an article on the internet that she has all of the facts and can play prosecutor, judge and jury.  That story was neither here nor there in relevance to Eileen's story on the show and happened so long ago that none of the emotions that usually surround infidelity are relevant anymore, either.


Being the "cheated on spouse" is Brandi's only card to play so she has to keep it going.  People are tired of hearing about Eddie and LeAnn so she has to create drama with other people's relationship issues by proxy in order to stay relevant and remain the victim.  So far she's talked shit about Joyce and Mr. Joyce's marriage, LVP and Ken's marriage, Adrienne and Paul's marriage, Kyle and Mauricio's marriage, Lisa R and HH's marriage, Eileen and Vince's marriage, and I believe also to Taylor with regards to her and Russel's marriage.    

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 18

Yes, I think Kim is using her children as a weapon against Kyle.  Dis-inviting Kyle to the wedding???  That is really mean.  The last 5 minutes got me upset and I don't watch these shows to get upset.  How low can this woman go?  So sad.  Well at least she has one Good Sister that she can invite (and maybe she'll show up).


I felt the same way!!  I usually am rolling my eyes at Kyle's crying, but this time really got to me.  She seemed so incredibly heartbroken over "losing" Kim's kids due to all of this, my heart broke for her.

  • Love 23

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