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S26.E05: Get in That Lederhosen, Baby (Bavaria)

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I'm rewatching now and Aly and Steve definitely used the GPS from the start, saying "This will help us get there faster." But nothing was ever said by Phil or anyone. Odd.

When Matt & Ashley finished the backward driving challenge, the clue said "You may now use the navigation system."

I really wonder why Aly and Steve weren't penalized.


Unless the clue expressly forbade using it, they shouldn't be penalized for stumbling across it/figuring out there was one. I think the clue must not have forbade it, because several teams seemed surprised it existed when the next clue said they could use it.


Steve & Aly rocked the leg.


#CaptainObvious? The hashtag should've been #FreeBlair. That poor guy.


Despite the fanny pack stupidity, credit to Laura and Tyler for not freaking out about it.

  • Love 2


Poor Blair.  When Tyler and Laura were watching them, and he made some comment that i can't remember, but was clearly aimed at them noting "can you believe this chick?"


Tyler actually said, "This chick is nuts" followed later by a reference to Hayley as the "wicked witch." Both comments were deserved and now that other racers are commenting on her behaviour, it's probably the case that she gave them (and the editors) a lot of fodder to work with.


I actually defended her on the first episode or so, but at this point I am thinking Blair has the patience of a saint. A different racing partner would have given her a tongue lashing to put her in her place in no uncertain terms, but he just tries to be diplomatic and work around her. Hopefully, watching herself on TV will allow her to develop some self-awareness.

  • Love 8

And yes, I would also like to know why the one kid of the eliminated team didn't need a million dollars.  What's his story?



Not sure.  But the last time I heard "I don't need a million dollars" on the Amazing Race, it came from the idiot who was eliminated with an Express Pass in his pocket.  He still holds the title for Stupidest Move Ever, but Bergen and Kurt gave him a good run for his money tonight.

Edited by millennium
  • Love 3

It seemed like the reason was that it was parked at the curb behind another car, so they would have had to back up first. They found it easier to choose a car with just empty space in front of it, so they could drive forward to leave.

They couldn't figure out how to get the car into reverse. Later, they were shown saying "oh, you have to lift it."

  • Love 3

To entertain myself, I spent the second half of the episode screeching, "Blare-Ruh!".


I cannot tell the difference between female Olympian and female fiancé.  They both look like they're suffering from mumps, and have the same coloring and hair style.


I admit I cheered every time Haley dropped the steins.


I still dislike Jackie, but she was very good natured about the bucket of water to the face.  How do those false eyelashes stay on?


So, Bergen starts the episode bitching that Kurt didn't need the money, and might quit on him.  He ends the episode claiming Kurt did quit on him.  But you know what?  When Phil arrived to bestow the Minor Guido, he didn't find Bergen in a car, struggling to make it go.  He found Bergen sitting on his ass in a train station.  Thing is, Bergen you ass, you don't win TAR by sitting around waiting to be eliminated. 


It is snivelling little turds like Kurt & Bergen that spoil modern TAR.  When I think of that earlier Minor Guido, the elimination of Lena & Kristy, with Lena's hands bleeding from eight plus hours of unrolling the Haybales from Hell, it makes me so mad.  Kurt & Bergen should be flushed down the crapper where they belong. 

Edited by Netfoot
  • Love 20

But I'm wondering if they screen out people who do have some language skills. For instance, that wooing song was really basic German that anyone who has had a year of high school German could translate. I imagine that someone with even a little German experience would have had an advantage over the others.


Also, usually when you travel you take a dictionary and learn a few key phrases in case you get lost or need to order food or whatever. But from what I have seen so far, no one ever tries to ask people questions in their own languages. Is that forbidden?

  • Love 1

But I'm wondering if they screen out people who do have some language skills. For instance, that wooing song was really basic German that anyone who has had a year of high school German could translate. I imagine that someone with even a little German experience would have had an advantage over the others.


Also, usually when you travel you take a dictionary and learn a few key phrases in case you get lost or need to order food or whatever. But from what I have seen so far, no one ever tries to ask people questions in their own languages. Is that forbidden?

Nope.  If you want to see a foreign language heavy race you'd probably have to go back to like season 3 though.

  • Love 1

I have missed this show. 


Learn to drive stick shift before going on the race! No sympathy.


Team "I don't care what their names are" were idiots for leaving the fanny pack with all the SUPER IMPORTANT ITEMS in the first car. I don't feel bad about the other team hiding the fanny pack from them but I do applaud them for not taking that team at their word and searching the car anyway. And I give them credit for not starting a stupid feud over this. I mean, feuds have started for much lesser offenses. 


Blair and Hayley are just painful to watch. I don't even dislike either of them at this point. It's just so cringe-y.


The crates were a nice detour choice. Something original.


I felt bad for the girls who sang this episode but everyone seemed to laugh it off and it was probably therapeutic given all the bickering lately. The guys were kind of mean about judging their singing abilities though. I need a gif of Jackie's face when she thought she was going to get the water bucket again.

  • Love 2

Also, usually when you travel you take a dictionary and learn a few key phrases in case you get lost or need to order food or whatever. But from what I have seen so far, no one ever tries to ask people questions in their own languages. Is that forbidden?

But they don't know which countries they're going to, and they can't pack dictionaries for every language (well, technically they can, but that's one heavy bag.). Sometimes the racers get lucky and travel to a country where they know the language, but when that happens - it's just luck.

On the stick-shift issue - it just shows how different this season is. If you're a couple/duo that apply for the Race, then of course you know at least one of you needs to know how to drive stick-shift. But this time around, since half of the racers didn't know who their partners were, I can see how it this requirement fell through the cracks for some of them.

  • Love 3

I'm too old, and have too many medical issues to actually be on the show.   

BUT - IF i were going to be on TAR, I would :

* learn some basic phrases in a number of languages

* get some help with my fear of heights

* take swimming lessons

* work out, build muscles so I can lift 100 pounds, do cardio to build up endurance,

and -

* LEARN TO DRIVE STICK!  driving lessons, practice, rent a stick shift car for a month, get completely comfortable with it. 

  • Love 5

But I'm wondering if they screen out people who do have some language skills. For instance, that wooing song was really basic German that anyone who has had a year of high school German could translate. I imagine that someone with even a little German experience would have had an advantage over the others.


Also, usually when you travel you take a dictionary and learn a few key phrases in case you get lost or need to order food or whatever. But from what I have seen so far, no one ever tries to ask people questions in their own languages. Is that forbidden?

No - there have been many teams who used their language skills and others who tried to learn hello and thank you in the local language - just not this season.

Free Blair! (I should have trademarked that)

Did any of the male singers get the bucket of water? I didn't see any. Jackie sang well enough the first time to not have gotten it. Plus, she was the only one to get on top of the stack of crates.

  • Love 2

A person who goes on TAR without knowing how to drive a stick is like a person who goes on Survivor without knowing how to make a fire. What was extra annoying to me is that both Bergen & Kurt went on the show without knowing how to drive one, & they didn't even know each other before. Did they both expect to be paired up with someone who knew how to drive a stick?


I'd have been really pissed if the two quitters had not been eliminated from the race.

I think it was more like one quitter (Kurt) & one person who realized they couldn't do it alone. Bergen was right when he said that Kurt made a commitment to the race & he should honor it. Just because he didn't find twu luv doesn't mean he should give up on the race.


When I was watching Rochelle doing the crate challenge, all I could think of was "who wears dresses on the Amazing Race?"  

  • Love 6
Well it certainly didn't help teams like Mike and Rochelle from getting lost regardless, its way too much assistance!

They got lost in Germany.  That's pretty near the easiest country to navigate I know - the roads tend to be simple, well laid out, and very well signposted.  There's also tons of helpful people around who speak english, so it doesn't get much better than this.

I saw nothing classic about [Kurt and Bergen walking off in different directions].   It was a disgrace.   An insult to the show...

It did cross my mind to wonder how much of a burden the whole 'blind date' thing was.  I mean they were strangers and they were being asked to at least pretend that they might dig each other.   They didn't.  They were basically strangers tied at the hip - that had to be taxing.  No excuse for quitting though, and I couldn't tell if Phil looked pissed or just tired.  Bit o' both, I'm guessing.

  • Love 3


They got lost in Germany.  That's pretty near the easiest country to navigate I know - the roads tend to be simple, well laid out, and very well signposted.  There's also tons of helpful people around who speak english, so it doesn't get much better than this.

And a good 50% of the written language you can accurately guess the meaning of.  So many cognates!

  • Love 2
I'd have been really pissed if the two quitters had not been eliminated from the race.


Phil should have left them at that train station, waiting, for a few more days.  Then given them a rental car (stickshift, of course)  to drive themselves to the airport to go home. 


Great Ford commercial, huh?   The Ford Focus  - it has all these neat features, but it's impossible to drive!  

  • Love 4

RE who wears a dress: I thought that was part of the required costume supplied by the show.


I have jumped ship on sympathy for Haley. She was really a pain in the ass this leg, and useless besides. i wondered if she was refusing to press the beer to her chest for fear of damaging her implants. And after all that, she didn't sing either. I wonder if she will do any roadblocks soon. i really hope they haven't gotten rid of the split-the-roadblocks rule; I hated it when the race amounted to one person doing everything while their partner whined on the sidelines.


I was amazed that the pair who lost the fanny pack didn't get unpleasant with each other. Their good humor while waitiing (not even frantic pacing and snippiness?) was really masterful.


Blair saying he just wanted to interact with some happy people made me laugh in a good way. I kind of got Haley in that moment not wanting to stop and chat, but even so, in the greater context, it was awesome that he saw the other team just chilling and couldn't resist asking them multiple times what was going on. The other team not saying was also awesome. I really do like when teams RACE but it's cool when they leak out moments of affability as they go.


Speaking of which: way to go, Rochelle and (I can't remember her dude's name) for laughing as they stumbled, and basically acting like they like each other even under stress. They way they switched who used the harness as the detoru, without drama despite her obvious terror-- again, impressive. Not only because she did it despite her fear, but also because she didn't seem to resent him for not being able to do it. They really do seem to have a good dynamic. Even when they're lagging and very stressed, they respect each other and I have not seen one moment of blame.

  • Love 22

I think even if I applied to be on the Amazing Race just to find a love connection, and even if I got paired up with Abby Lee Miller, I'd still at least try to win the Million Dollar Prize rather than quitting half-way through.


I don't know whether it would be better if there was something more behind the scenes to that interaction, or not.  Because as it is, the quitter guy just seemed like a chicken-shit to me.


The topper on the cake was Kurt's (is that the right one?) attitude post-elimination, replete with sassy neck roll and everything. As if his breakdown into sobs after giving away the date night because he wasn't able to find love on TAR wasn't bad enough. What a fool. Ugh and good riddance!

  • Love 4

The topper on the cake was Kurt's (is that the right one?) attitude post-elimination, replete with sassy neck roll and everything. As if his breakdown into sobs after giving away the date night because he wasn't able to find love on TAR wasn't bad enough. What a fool. Ugh and good riddance!

No, that was Bergen.  I'm actually gladder of him being gone than I am Kurt being gone.

  • Love 5

Ugh, dear CBS website: please stop making me watch the same 30-second car commercial before every. single. bonus clip.  AAUGH!!  The ironic thing is that the commercial wasn't even for a Ford Focus -- it was a Nissan!


Speaking of car commercials, it sounds like you guys who watched the show live got to see some kind of behind-the-scenes stuff about the Focuses and the "Winter Wonderland"?  That wasn't in the online version.  I'm a little curious about what I missed.


Speaking of bonus clips, there's one really funny one of four of the guys (Jelani, Steve, Tyler, and Matt) in the airport on one of those people conveyor belts doing the "Ladyboy" dance together, while the ladies laughed and took pictures.  It's pretty great.


Free Blair!  Definitely!  Also, free Bergen.  He has all my sympathy.  You can't drag an unwilling teammate around the world.


I also have complete sympathy for those who didn't know stick. "Oh they applied, they should have practiced before the race"--whatever.  We all lead busy lives.  We all say we're going to do things that we end up not doing.  You apply for the show, maybe half a dozen times even, and you have no idea if you're gonna get picked, and you forget about it and life goes on, and then maybe they suddenly call and you have two weeks before you fly to LA.  And maybe it's not so easy to find a car owner that's gonna let you mangle their car as you practice.


And honestly I'm surprised there's not more discussion of Jeff and Jackie's spat.  There's a 3-minute bonus clip of their fight online, and I have to say, I'm solidly on Jackie's side.  Jeff was being a huge ass in that moment.  She kept asking him to just respect her, but he just kept demanding Jackie to shut up over and over again, and wouldn't stop until he could completely dominate her verbally.  He apologized but it was completely insincere.  I was kinda disgusted by his behavior.


It's getting more and more uncomfortable to watch the blind-date couples.  This season is slowly turning into the bickering nightmare we expected it to be.  I hope all 3 remaining established couples make it to the final leg (especially since they're all adorable in their own ways).

  • Love 3

Actually, I think either the show did, or Bergen & Kurt chose to do that on their own, in which case it is disgraceful.




Bergen and Kurt stomping off in different directions -- staged for not -- just makes me laugh. It reminds me of...I'm getting old, so I don't remember if this is from a Jerry Seinfeld-type stand-up routine or a David Sedaris-type story. But it reminds me of the tale of a couple that has a knock-down, drag-out fight on an airplane, which ends with them declaring they never want to see each other again.


Which would be fine, except for, you know, baggage claim. And then customs. And then the airport line to catch a cab.


I mean, what's the point of Bergen and Kurt going their literal separate ways? Like the show is going to keep each in a cordon sanitaire as it whisks them off to Sequesterville, and then back to the US, and then...? You boys.

  • Love 7

I mean, what's the point of Bergen and Kurt going their literal separate ways? Like the show is going to keep each in a cordon sanitaire as it whisks them off to Sequesterville, and then back to the US, and then...? You boys.


Actually, it might be worse than that.  Unless things have changed, at some point in the race the eliminated couples don't go to sequester, but still have to continue racing with no hope of winning.  The idea was to keep enough people racing so outsiders who saw the racers couldn't determine who was still in the race, in an attempt to keep spoilers down.  It usually didn't work very well as people who were familiar with the show would see racers rushing through airports, followed by other racers who were walking along like they were on a Sunday stroll.


As many other posters have, my attempt to be supportive of Haley has evaporated.  She's quick to be offended, can't let anything drop, and freaks out constantly.  I'm starting to wonder just what job she has at her hospital.  Maybe sitting with unconscious patients and monitoring equipment?  Counting supplies to make sure something hasn't been left inside a patient?  Her hyper-ness in finding fault would be helpful then, "Doctor!  We're missing a surgical sponge.  Do NOT close up that patient until it's been found!"

  • Love 2
Her hyper-ness in finding fault would be helpful then, "Doctor!  We're missing a surgical sponge.  Do NOT close up that patient until it's been found!"


The doctor then says nothing because he clearly knows there is no sponge inside the patient, and she starts screaming "You need to listen to me! I am sick of being ignored!"

  • Love 8

Actually, it might be worse than that. Unless things have changed, at some point in the race the eliminated couples don't go to sequester, but still have to continue racing with no hope of winning.

They haven't done that since I've been watching the show, as there have been some very precise spoiler photos posted in past seasons. So, those guys are stuck with each other in a hotel somewhere for a while longer. Poor Bergen.

Bergen and Kurt stomping off in different directions -- staged for not -- just makes me laugh.

This is exactly how I felt and why I called it classic. I really didn't expect my throwaway comment to be taken so literally. Honestly, for me it's just not that deep. This is a reality show where two contestants acted poorly and they were rightly eliminated for it. Done and done...

  • Love 3

My eldest granddaughter will be eligible to drive in another year.  Already we are all worried about the cell phone/texting issue.  My brilliant idea was to get her a stick shift to drive!  Two reasons, everyone should be able to do so but mostly....it will be darn hard to text while driving in a stick.  It sort of requires both hands most of the time!!

  • Love 13

My eldest granddaughter will be eligible to drive in another year.  Already we are all worried about the cell phone/texting issue.  My brilliant idea was to get her a stick shift to drive!  Two reasons, everyone should be able to do so but mostly....it will be darn hard to text while driving in a stick.  It sort of requires both hands most of the time!!


I did it once and never tried again. But it wasn't because I needed two hands to drive but because I wasn't comfortable with taking my eyes off the road. You don't need to shift the gears often when you are driving on a highway so I am not sure if it's going to work, especially with a teenager.

I was surprised Mike and Rochelle chose to do the stacks rather than the steins. A few of those ladies on the other teams have sticks for arms, and I was sure they couldn't carry those beers, but both Mike and Rochelle *look* strong -- not fat -- but they look like both could handle it, so I was taken aback at their choice. Kudos to them for doing the unexpected.

  • Love 3
I did it once and never tried again. But it wasn't because I needed two hands to drive but because I wasn't comfortable with taking my eyes off the road. You don't need to shift the gears often when you are driving on a highway so I am not sure if it's going to work, especially with a teenager.


Once you get comfortable with it, you really don't need to look as you shift--it becomes very intuitive. But it really *does* still take two hands so I think your idea is aces, dustoffmom!


Back to the RAAACE: Bergen and Kurt were a poor showing--of racing, of attitude, of life--for the ages. It made me exceptionally sad that Jonathan and Harley were sitting somewhere NOT racing while we had to tolerate these two for another hour. Most of my hate is saved for Kurt, but Bergen is no innocent here.


Hayley. Girl. Stop. You're embarrassing yourself. (Blair and/or Tyler: CALL ME.)

  • Love 6

I think it was more like one quitter (Kurt) & one person who realized they couldn't do it alone. Bergen was right when he said that Kurt made a commitment to the race & he should honor it. Just because he didn't find twu luv doesn't mean he should give up on the race. 


I think you're wrong here.  Bergen has been blaming Kurt for quitting since last leg or before.  But it takes two to quit.  Phil didn't find Bergen trying to move forward and Kurt refusing.  If Kurt couldn't drive the car, Bergen should have taken over.  Bergen has neatly shed all the blame and put it on Kurt's shoulders, but he is equally to blame.


Btw. driving a stick shift is not hard at all.


It sort of requires both hands most of the time!!


Thing about a manual transmission is:  You don't constantly have to be working the clutch and shift lever.  The only really tricky part is moving off from a standstill.  Lack of familiarity will cause bucking and stalling, but if you don't mind being hard on the clutch of someone else's new Ford Focus, you can get rolling without much trouble.  Once you're going, you can change up easily, with maybe a bit of a jerk, and within a few seconds you're in high gear and can go for miles and miles without touching the clutch/stick again.  (Texting to your heart's content, if you are so foolish.)  So unless you have to drive in bumper-to-bumper traffic (pulling off again and again), it shouldn't be too bad.


Yes, it's stupid going on TAR without some practice of driving a manual shift, but it shouldn't be a race-killer. 

  • Love 7

So, Bergen starts the episode bitching that Kurt didn't need the money, and might quit on him.  He ends the episode claiming Kurt did quit on him.  But you know what?  When Phil arrived to bestow the Minor Guido, he didn't find Bergen in a car, struggling to make it go.  He found Bergen sitting on his ass in a train station.  Thing is, Bergen you ass, you don't win TAR by sitting around waiting to be eliminated. 


It is snivelling little turds like Kurt & Bergen that spoil modern TAR.  When I think of that earlier Minor Guido, the elimination of Lena & Kristy, with Lena's hands bleeding from eight plus hours of unrolling the Haybales from Hell, it makes me so mad.  Kurt & Bergen should be flushed down the crapper where they belong. 

I also found it extremely disrespectful that Phil had to tell them to stand up to talk to him.  They were just sitting there like two petulant kids.  Quitting is bad enough but I found their attitudes offensive.

  • Love 14


Once you get comfortable with it, you really don't need to look as you shift--it becomes very intuitive.

Yup, I drove a stick for years (it's fun!) and it takes a little practice as you become used to the car.


I wonder about behind the scenes with Bergen/Kurt.  Bergen's talking about Kurt not needing the money, looking for love, etc didn't come out of nowhere.  Kurt had already mentally checked out of the race and probably communicated this to Bergen.  Yeah, Bergen could have dragged him along - he was driving the car, slowly but getting it done- but Bergen is no Zack.  Plus it's harder to drag someone along that you don't know; you have no past relationship to work with them, don't know their triggers, etc. Bergen admits he shut down but we don't hear from Kurt; "I don't give a shit and just want to go to a hotel" is written all over his face though. I blame the show for poor casting.   The first gamble when they left the car might have worked with a penaly but the next instructions that specified they had to drive again really did them in. 



If Kurt couldn't drive the car, Bergen should have taken over.

Bergen was driving and telling Kurt he needed directions.  Kurt just talks about how paranoid he is (about what?  an accident?).  Bergen's shown nervous that the car is bucking, next time Kurt says "we should just pull off Bergen, do you think we're going to do this"  So if Bergen's trying to figure out how to drive, he can't really navigate and if Kurt isn't helping, esp if Bergen needs support, that's sort of pointless.  We weren't shown a lot, but iMO Kurt quit a while back and Bergen finally threw in the towel.


I liked that the forgotten fanny pack couple had a good sense of humor about it and didn't scream at each other.  Were they the ones on the date at the beginning of the ep?  Maybe they were mellow.


Hayley is exhausting. 


Still like Mike and Rochelle.  I liked her powering through and the instructor at the crate climbing task encouraging her.  I don't think they'll make it to the end though; only saved because of the Bergen/Kurt shutdown.

Edited by raven
  • Love 10

I think the bigger issue for Bergen was that Kurt didn't even seem willing or interested in explaining the directions, which was his role that day. The fact is neither was adept at driving stick, but Bergen was willing to try and seemed to be making progress, albeit as slowly as Rochelle and her boyfriend.

However not only was he struggling with this car he couldn't drive very well but he didn't know where he was going because the person responsible for telling him was hopeless. There was the scene of Bergen explaining that he can't drive and figure out the directions and Kurt with the map and phone in his hand looking hopeless and "whatever".

Now don't get me wrong, I do still blame them both and am glad they were eliminated because it was unpleasant to watch but I can see how Bergen may have just reached his wit's end with Kurt. Not everyone can have the patience Blair seems to have and even he revealed that a part of him wanted to run away.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 7

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