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S05.E19: The Party's Over

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What a dull finale!  Another filler like finale from BH.


Do we really have to talk about this?


Lisa R is a chump, cowered, punk and scarey-cat.  How you gonna make Kim's "situation" your focus since episode 10 then by Amsterdam you turn into a complete wuss?  You left Kyle hanging with no life jack because of that half assed information you fed her.  No back up your shit Ms "Own Your Shit" (dot) com!  Oy!  Now she's not happy.




Brandi using her dad as a deflection toy to keep from addressing her behavioral issues again.  Least she said right at the end of this, don't try and change her.  Good stay the trash that you are!  Lisa V need to wash her hands with Brandi and be done with her.  I still say Brandi used Kim also as her deflection toy so Lisa R wouldn't clock her tea on why she is the way she is with people in the group. 


Kim was just rude and unwilling to hear both sides.  You can't talk to a person like this. Kim has more love for Brandi than her own sister just sad.  Kyle is right, just give up.  Love her from a far and let her find out the hard way about Brandi.  Least her hair and outfit was beautiful if nothing else, still not buying she is sober.


Kyle's outfit she worn for Las Vegas over the weekend looked better in this episode.  Camille was looking nice.  Kathy did make me giggle with her little Adrienne shade, "Oh you do magic now."  Hehe.


Both Brandi and Lisa R came off real messy tonight unwilling to keep it real.  Hopefully when the reunion comes around and Kim actually sees the break down of the convo she can truly know for sure,  But no matter what she's gonna defended Brandi. *sighs*


This reunion better be everything because tonight's finale was all kind of dry.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 16

I knew they would show the clip of LisaR and Brandi at lunch.

LisaR conveniently "forgot" that she was the one who used the intervention work first. I don't know how Kyle could say that she knows the truth. She wasn't there. I wonder if she still thinks she knows the truth after seeing the lunch episode.

I don't know if she thinks she knows the truth but I'll bet dollars to donuts she thinks she's right.

  • Love 6

He had a recurring role on  Shameless.  He played the father of one of the characters and was one of those guys who screwed (physically) either sex.  He also seemed to have a drinking problem.  He did a great job with the role and was very convincing.  Yup.  He's still hot

I will now be looking up Shameless, because - damn, Harry Hamlin = HOT. I know, it's my own thing, but, DAMN!

  • Love 4

The final blurb said Brandi's dad has had several heart surgeries.  I guess this last one was close.


On WWHL she said her dad is doing well now.


She needs this job, and this was the finale party, of course she was there.  She mentioned she was just going to talk with Kim and leave, so fill the BRAVO commitment and then probably head back to the hospital or home to cry.  I thought it was very real with Lisa, because they really were friends.  I get that, certain people can trigger you into crying, and the unreality of the filming, combined with the reality of her dad, and the former reality that once Lisa would have been there for her hit all at once.


Kim was really together tonight, which, of course, made Kyle nuts.  I'm glad Monty came with her.


I can see your point, but, on the other hand, if that was all Brandi wanted to do, she didn't need to go to the party packing her Xanax, and getting shit-faced drunk, yet again, needing assistance out the door.  Another shot of another man, practically holding her up while she wobbled out of a party.  


Brandi could have just had her closing scene with Kim, stayed sober and left.  

  • Love 10

Monty didn't have to live with Kim. He chose to and I think that their love is a beautiful thing.

Monty didn't live with Kim. He stayed there between cancer treatments. I doubt he is even staying with her now since his prognosis has gotten worse. I HOPE he isn't staying there if the rumors about Kingsley being back in the house are true.

  • Love 8

Yep! Brandi's ass stood there berating a woman she's been on the outs with for not inquiring about her dying father...meanwhile her ass stood there at the party berating a former friend.


I was referring to Monty's drinking.

All I have to say is, Kim Richards, carries an invisible big stick because they are all (except for Eileen) afraid of KIM. And surprise surprise, Kyle didn't cry. Hallaloo!!

Glass houses, all of them.

Monty didn't live with Kim. He stayed there between cancer treatments. I doubt he is even staying with her now since his prognosis has gotten worse. I HOPE he isn't staying there if the rumors about Kingsley being back in the house are true.

Why do you believe that?

  • Love 3

I'm sure I'll be in the minority with this post but despite everything we know about Kim, she was making sense tonight.  She cut right to the chase and straight out asked LisaR what she said..........that's when the BS started to roll.



Kim was sober (as she can be anyway) tonight but she still only hears what she wanted to hear. 


I got the feeling Lisa R felt trapped in that booth and really didn't want to say anything for fear of another huge blow up. 

  • Love 16

I don't know why VP was trying to reconcile with Brandi, its a lost cause, just be done with it already.


With intervention as my drinking word, I should be out soon, and sooner the better, so I wont have to listen to all this drivel.


Adrienne's entrance was lame.

I don't think she was trying to make up with Brandi, Lisa mentioned an email Brandi sent her. I think she wanted to address that email.


Brandi couldn't be bothered with hospital visits while getting facials and going to parties. After everything she's said and done is she really trying to lay a guilt trip on Lisa Vanderpump? Ugh. It's so frustrating to watch her. She also grabbed Lisa's wrists again. The Queen of Don't Touch Me needs to get the hell off this show. She refuses to accept responsibility for her toxic actions.


Brandi lies so easily to Kim. I can see why they're besties. I noticed that The Better Sister, Kathy, didn't say jack shit to back up Kim when she was chastising Kyle. 


Lisa R is like a scared puppy. She must have never encountered someone as vindictive, petty and selfish as Kim Richards. I don't understand how Kim's brain works. Lisa's words can ruin your reputation? No you fucking twit, your own actions ruin your reputation.


Eileen Davidson is the MVP of the season. She started off slow but wow she was fantastic. Calm, collected, good house porn, hosted events, fun husband, cute kid, funny THs. I hope she comes back next season.


I see you, Camille. Come on back to the show. Let your true Season 1 self shine thru.

Well, Kim claiming that someone else's words hurt her/her kids is standard MO for her. At LisaV's vow renewal, she made the same exact claim about Brandi's "meth in the bathroom" comment. Kim will never admit that she is the one destroying her own life. 


Like chicken. It always tastes like chicken. 

100% with you with the exhaustion. I may need a Xanax tonight. Depends on how you guys are. ;) 

Wait. What? You don't have your bottle of Xanax right beside you tonight like Brandi did at the party? LOL She told her roomie to make sure he put her Xanax in her purse before they left for the party. She must be popping them like they are tic tacs.

  • Love 10

Wait. What? You don't have your bottle of Xanax right beside you tonight like Brandi did at the party? LOL She told her roomie to make sure he put her Xanax in her purse before they left for the party. She must be popping them like they are tic tacs.


At the moment, I have my nursing school books in front of me. (Well, to the side. They don't fit in my purse.) 

I live life on the edge. ;) 

  • Love 7

Kim was sober (as she can be anyway) tonight but she still only hears what she wanted to hear.

I got the feeling Lisa R felt trapped in that booth and really didn't want to say anything for fear of another huge blow up.

But what Kim heard from Kyle was not what Lisar told Kyle. I think Kim was right to want to hear it from the horse's mouth. But by that time Lisar had no idea what she said. My Gawd, their conversations are taped and they still fight after seeing the film.

  • Love 9

I dig Camille, but was grossed out by that prince. No, no, no. No.



Is it just me or are most real life princes homely?  Why are they only handsome in the fairytales.  lol


Speaking of Kathy, just bring her on already. If we're to suffer through another year of sister angst, let's go all in, god damn it. Give me all you've got, you lunatics.



Another misconception by Kim.  I was half expecting Kathy to jump to Kim's aid and start berating Kyle harshly for making Kim listen to Lisa Rinna's LIES!  Kathy looked like she couldn't care less about what was going on between her two sisters.  In fact, she was petting and grooming Kyle through the whole ordeal.  So there Kim!  There's your "better" sister for you.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 17

Brandi couldn't be bothered with hospital visits while getting facials and going to parties. After everything she's said and done is she really trying to lay a guilt trip on Lisa Vanderpump? Ugh. It's so frustrating to watch her. She also grabbed Lisa's wrists again. The Queen of Don't Touch Me needs to get the hell off this show. She refuses to accept responsibility for her toxic actions.


Brandi lies so easily to Kim. I can see why they're besties. I noticed that The Better Sister, Kathy, didn't say jack shit to back up Kim when she was chastising Kyle. 


Lisa R is like a scared puppy. She must have never encountered someone as vindictive, petty and selfish as Kim Richards. I don't understand how Kim's brain works. Lisa's words can ruin your reputation? No you fucking twit, your own actions ruin your reputation.


Eileen Davidson is the MVP of the season. She started off slow but wow she was fantastic. Calm, collected, good house porn, hosted events, fun husband, cute kid, funny THs. I hope she comes back next season.


I see you, Camille. Come on back to the show. Let your true Season 1 self shine thru.


that facial scene scared me....we saw Brandi's face up close and personal.

  • Love 3

I find the use of the "human decorations" at Adrienne's parties (and others - like the girls in Lisa V's pool last year) to be incredibly tasteless and embarrassing.  All I can think is that those angel girls are pointing their toes and arching their backs in their slings, or lackadaisically flapping their wings, for what - like 6 hours?  If I saw them at a party it would ruin my good time.


Of course I am just a midwestern chub chub, so I could be wrong.  (but I don't think so :)

  • Love 24

But what Kim heard from Kyle was not what Lisar told Kyle. I think Kim was right to want to hear it from the horse's mouth. But by that time Lisar had no idea what she said. My Gawd, their conversations are taped and they still fight after seeing the film.

I thought it was important that Lisar got across her concerns about the limo ride.  It will never matter to Kim about any conversation Brandi had with anyone as long as Kim has her girl crush on Brandi.

To me what counted the most was LvP's resolve to not let Brandi back in. I was pretty vocal about it taking eight  episodes for those two to have a sit down. I did not realize how truly tenuous the Brandi/Lisar friendship was until tonight.  Lisar was clear about her standards a very bitter pill for Brandi to swallow.  Brandi really thought she was back in Lisa's good graces by making up a rumor about Lisa and saying Kyle started it.  Sad, sad woman.

  • Love 9

But what Kim heard from Kyle was not what Lisar told Kyle. I think Kim was right to want to hear it from the horse's mouth. But by that time Lisar had no idea what she said. My Gawd, their conversations are taped and they still fight after seeing the film.


I would suck at being a HoWife because my response to all of this fuckery would have been  "I'm not going to repeat myself.  Just wait until the show airs and hear it for yourself". 


Andy would hate my Fourth Wall breaking ways.  lol

  • Love 20

Only halfway done with this episode and already feel ill. It is not 2006. Paris and Nicky Hilton as well as Bobby Trendy have been on my TV screen more than enough in my lifetime. I give two shits about the Hilton's. I've seen the racist comments, seen the hoo ha, the brain dead vapid Larry King interview. To quote Dave Grohl "Paris is a raging stupid party slut. I pray my daughter doesn't end up like her".  And boy i never noticed it before but when Paris was posing outside the book signing her profile was totally Kim. Long blonde hair, hook nose. Yikes. Kim stupidly used all the misguided goodwill attributed to her addictions and we are seeing the true her. Paris 1.0. Perhaps she was the OG raging party slut. Why the fuck is Nicky Hilton writing a book anyway.


Side note: Does anyone know who the blonde that was holding the dog walking into the club was? She looked familiar. Like if Alex McCord and Nicole Kidman mated.

  • Love 10

I assume it was producer driven but I still giggled at Kyle and Eileen accidentally on purpose standing 15 feet away from Brandi and Kim "My Sister" Richards.

I didn't blame Brandi for brushing them away.  Also, earlier, Kyle stood 15 feet away when Kim was in the booth with Rinna.  She was standing there, body contorted to give the illusion that she wasn't trying to listen while batting her eyes and trying her best to look like Mata Hari for the cameras. 


I'm sure I'll be in the minority with this post but despite everything we know about Kim, she was making sense tonight.  She cut right to the chase and straight out asked LisaR what she said..........that's when the BS started to roll.

I liked how she very clearly told LisaR that she didn't want to talk to her, that she wanted to talk to Kyle alone.  Notice that Yolanda is off to the side and when Kyle starts getting torqued, Yolanda touches Kyle's shoulder.  Then LisaR starts in and Yolanda comes around behind her.  Look at Yo's face.  She ain't havin' none of this to-NIGHT.  It really wasn't any of Yo's biz wax either but I enjoyed that scene because Lisa clearly wanted to mix it up again and Yo escorted her from the area, right quick.  She was like a beautiful Dutch Doorman.

  • Love 11

Adrienne's parties are so horrifying, but in keeping with her tinsel hair extension personality.


I kinda want all the Hiltons on the show, at least Paris lives an interesting lifestyle while she makes bank overseas.  But instead we'll just get another retread of this year with two new housewives that won't stick.  At the least Hiltons would be fucked up to watch!


I don't know how I feel about Lisa R, I'd have to rewatch and frankly that's not going to happen, but my overall impression was if I was so exhausted with the Kim/sobriety talk, no wonder Lisa R was reluctant to get into, especially considering she didn't know what batshit crazy thing Kim could be planning to say about Harry Hamlin.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 4

The comment du jour when speaking to Brandi:  "Before you say anything, your _______'s hanging out."  Could even be used as an ice breaker if you absolutely found yourself stuck and HAD to speak to her.


Kim - what reputation do you have?  A has been child actress, who VERY occasionally gets a guest role on tv, who has admitted she was an alcoholic, and who acted like she had sniffed, snorted or shot up every available hallucinogen in a 5 mile radius during that limo ride to Eileen's house (all taped and shown on National tv). That is not even mentioning what a vicious and delusional bitch you have been when not acting like you're such a ditz (possibly real due to your brain being fried from years of substance abuse) who just loves turtles and prays by trash cans.


LVP is so good at handling Brandi; giving her little interest in what she does drives Brandi crazy (or crazier).  Lisa R, I think just didn't want to get into it yet again with Kim.  It'll be interesting to see if Lisa R goes at it during the reunion or if she still wants everyone to like her.

  • Love 14

I find the use of the "human decorations" at Adrienne's parties (and others - like the girls in Lisa V's pool last year) to be incredibly tasteless and embarrassing.  All I can think is that those angel girls are pointing their toes and arching their backs in their slings, or lackadaisically flapping their wings, for what - like 6 hours?  If I saw them at a party it would ruin my good time.


Of course I am just a midwestern chub chub, so I could be wrong.  (but I don't think so :)

I think Adrienne is stuck in the 80s when Studio 54 was all the rage. She was probably there, clinging to the velvet rope, hoping to get in with her fake ID.

  • Love 13

I must have mis-watched that scene with LisaB & Brandi.  The impression I got was that Brandi was pushing LisaV away while still declaring her love for LisaV.  That would have been quite a feat on Brandi's part to make LisaV kowtow to her for screen time.  What else did LisaV have besides being a spectator for the main mess?

  • Love 5

Here's the thing about that GD conversation from hell which swallowed the season whole between Brandi and LisaR. I don't blame either one of them for not remembering, or misremembering who said what to who when or first, or who uttered what words. They've shown me flashbacks at least 7 times, and I swear I've seen at least three different versions. Why on earth would they remember exactly what was said when? I'm pretty sure during filming they don't get tapes of previous filmings, so I'm fine with that.

LisaR shoudln't have discussed it with Kyle, and Brandi shouldn't have discussed it with Kim (at least not in the one-sided way that she did). But LIsaR painted it as Brandi being truly concerned and coming from a good place. Brandi painted it as LisaR gossiping behind Kim's back. I'm 100% on LisaR's side on this. But, man she sure did chicken out! At least at first, which was all it took for Kim Richards to validate herself in that LisaR was wrong, Kyle is a liar, and Brandi is a saint. DIdn't take much.

I do have to say, y'all, I feel almost horrible saying it, but I enjoyed this season, and can't wait for the reunion. 60% is because of these boards, but also, this is a soap opera to me - adding Eileen and LisaR just ups that soap factor to me. I have the people I root for, the people I think suck, and the people I think should drop off the face of the earth. I don't try to decide who these people are in their real life, I just accept and judge them for the famewhores on a "reality" show that they are. And it's marvelous.

That said, I do wonder about behind the scene things. Brandi is the least real person to me of all of these people. My question is - when and why did she finally turn on LisaR? I never got a hint of it during the actual season. They seemed to have no issues or arguments, even tonight. Apparently Brandi even tweeted that LisaR reached out to her about her dad, and was thankful. So...what changed? I'm thinking this. I'm thinking that Brandi deep down knew that the public opinion was not going to be on her side in the whole Kyle/Kim mess, especially since she didn't have LIsaV in her corner. The only other really bad behavior this season was Kim (which Brandi can not touch) or LisaR in Amsterdam. So Brandi decided to turn on LIsaR, even going so far as stating in her blogs more than once that lisaR assaulted not only Kim but Brandi with that damn glass. Brandi is playing every angle she can to stay on this show. There's no other "there" there with her.

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 17

Kim - what reputation do you have?  A has been child actress, who VERY occasionally gets a guest role on tv, who has admitted she was an alcoholic, and who acted like she had sniffed, snorted or shot up every available hallucinogen in a 5 mile radius during that limo ride to Eileen's house (all taped and shown on National tv). That is not even mentioning what a vicious and delusional bitch you have been when not acting like you're such a ditz (possibly real due to your brain being fried from years of substance abuse) who just loves turtles and prays by trash cans.

I would think that Kim is aware that Hollywood will indulge substance abuse problems and asshole behavior as long as a celebrity brings in the money.  Her reputation for either wouldn't hurt her employment chances.  Being unreliable and/or irrelevant will make you unemployable there, though.

  • Love 4

I really hate that Brandi used her dad and whatever is happening with him to gain sympathy after what she's done.  It shows her true character.  Everyone has shit going on in their lives, sweets.  Is she going to try and say that her dad's illness is what made her slap Lisa?  Because that's what it's seeming like to me.  


For someone who wants everyone to quit talking about her sobriety, Kim really talks a lot to everyone about her sobriety.  


Yolanda's face during the conversation at the table....LMAO


Kim is a bitch.  That's not news.  I can't wait until she sees the video and can't deny Brandi's bullshit anymore.  Whatever happens to her with Brandi, she deserves.  They deserve each other.


Kathy is a smart woman.  Stay the fuck out of it.  Let Kim's delusions go on and let Kyle learn on her own.  

  • Love 12

Brandi might have gotten away with her revisionist version of the "intervention" lunch with LisaR, but thankfully, there have been other times throughout the season when she unequivocally used the word "relapse" in regards to Kim, and openly discussed her concerns about Kim drinking or drugging again. I hope these scenes are shown, or at least talked about at the reunion. How will she spin it? How will Kim respond?

  • Love 14

Kyle just said on WWHL that she's been to Al-Anon.  Given the course things took over the season, I almost believe it.


Kim also gave Kyle her walking papers on the reunion.  She said they need therapy but that's it.  So Kyle listen it's over move on.  And that she and Kathy are not the greatest.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2

Christ, for the life of me I just couldn't follow the Kim drama at that party on tonight's episode.  It was dizzying.


I had to flip to HGTV for some air and watch that Gaines couple do another Tuesday night Fixer Upper. It was calming. 


But damn,  Brandi's encounter with Lisa VP was crazy. Using her fathers illness for some pity-me and to lash out at Lisa VP. So predictable, so Brandi, so immature.


Lisa VP has truly had it with her.  

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 9

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