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S05.E19: The Party's Over

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I really hate to defend Kim, but I'm not sure she's really able to catch onto the little clues that Brandi may not be the best for her. Even Brandi is telling and showing her this, but Kim's brain is not receiving the message.


Brandi, sick dad or not, is in LisaV's personal space flipping out again. Good for LVP-she didn't allow that to rattle her, and stuck to her guns. No softening, no leeway. I could take a course from Eileen on interpersonal relations, and a lesson from LVP saying no and meaning it. 

  • Love 13


I doubt Kim really knows anything about Harry Hamlin

If she is to be believed, she doesn't know anything. According to her, right before the broken glass moment, she yelled at LisaR, "You don't even know me!" If that is to be believed, then Kim doesn't know LisaR either nor her spouse. Kim also rattled off sometime after that, to YoFo, I believe, that she was just being tit-for-tat when she mentioned Harry's name. In my mind, LisaR is not fearful of any sort of truth coming out of Kim's mouth. What she seemed pissed about was, hearing anything pertaining to Harry and having it come from Kim's mouth. Brandi and Kim have used that family card time and time again. Why is it other people cannot have the same feelings about their family member being mentioned by someone during an argument and be upset about it? Who the fuck gave the patent to Kim and Brandi to only use "don't mention my family" as a reason to lose their tempers?


I just did a search on the previous threads about camera time. Why? Because apparently Brandi, who had a dad who was "dying" back home in Sacramento, had to fulfill her obligation of being at the finale. Noooooooo. It wasn't camera time for her. It was doing her "job". She had to be there! This is a woman who is feeling the pain of her "dying" dad, even though she brought up an email, got into it with LisaV, she was Xanaxed to the core, titties popping out, she was just being typical Brandi. What does that have to do with my search on these boards for camera time? Well, I seem to remember many times it being mentioned how Kyle appeared for "camera time". It was nothing more than "camera time". Kyle only did it for more "camera time". So, I did a search, and sure enough there were lots of those mentioned about Kyle. Of course! But for Brandi? Oh no. Don't even go there. Of course she was wishing she could be with her "dying" dad. She couldn't because she had a fulfillment with Bravo!!! Bull-fucking-hogwash. Bitch wanted camera time. Plain and simple. Kim hasn't written a blog since February. Some of the excuses given are: Monty is dying, kid in psych ward, [insert whatever else you can throw at the wall and make it stick], and apparently Bravo is allowing her to not write that blog because of all that she is going through. So, why wouldn't the same people at Bravo then allow Brandi to not show up because of her "dying" dad? Honestly, no answer is needed since it is all bullshit.


ryebread - thanks for many laughs here on the board. I am sorry to read your dad is very ill. I hope for a full recovery.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 19

From Bryan J Moylan's Vulture blog regarding Brandi:  Everything is either no big deal at all, like when she slaps someone, or it's the biggest drama on the face of the Earth, like when she loses her dog.  Sure that is traumatic but there is no way multiple lives should be put to a standstill so that she can emotionally grasp it."


Brandi suffers from Histrionic Personality Disorder... amongst other, more pressing ailments.

  • Love 9

I don't have a problem with Brandi tweeting and emailing while she was out of town with her father and family.


I don't have a problem with Brandi returning to LA to attend a filmed event which is her job.


I don't have a problem with Brandi hightailing it out of there, but I consider it an act of cowardice.


I have a big problem with Brandi declaring that her father was dying because I do not think that was true and I posted the tweets earlier to show her state of mind on the same day and the day before and, while she seemed concerned, she did not seem distressed and IMO she dishonestly brought up her father dying to discombobulate and manipulate Lisa V into agreeing to be her BFF again or getting Lisa V to slap her hence bringing Lisa V down to Brandi's level.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 17

I know Brandi can't help herself but in order to put Lisa down and make Kim look like the dutiful caregiver there was this little nugget from Brandi, "Kim is sober and not online.  She is busy caring for serious ill family members and driving back and forth to doctors and hospitals and being strong for her family."  First off Brandi said Monday she had a text from Kim, second no one from the family has confirmed family members being hospitalized.  So in essence Brandi took it upon herself to confirm Kim has a hospitalized family member and since Monty is Instagramming himself with his daughters (not Kim's) I am thinking Kim's visits are to a family member that has been admitted as psychiatric patient.  Good job Brandi!!!!  ROL should be sending her a check very soon.  My guess is with Monty no longer receiving chemo or radiation he is probably receiving hospice care and not going back and forth to any doctor appointments.  Hopefully they aren't having Kim pick up and fill the pain prescriptions.

  • Love 16

I know Brandi can't help herself but in order to put Lisa down and make Kim look like the dutiful caregiver there was this little nugget from Brandi, "Kim is sober and not online.  She is busy caring for serious ill family members and driving back and forth to doctors and hospitals and being strong for her family."  First off Brandi said Monday she had a text from Kim, second no one from the family has confirmed family members being hospitalized.  So in essence Brandi took it upon herself to confirm Kim has a hospitalized family member and since Monty is Instagramming himself with his daughters (not Kim's) I am thinking Kim's visits are to a family member that has been admitted as psychiatric patient.  Good job Brandi!!!!  ROL should be sending her a check very soon.  My guess is with Monty no longer receiving chemo or radiation he is probably receiving hospice care and not going back and forth to any doctor appointments.  Hopefully they aren't having Kim pick up and fill the pain prescriptions.

Yea, the first thing I thought when I read this part of Brandi's blog is that she had pretty much confirmed what before only speculated on - that the story about one of Kim's children was true.

  • Love 7

From Bryan J Moylan's Vulture blog regarding Brandi: Everything is either no big deal at all, like when she slaps someone, or it's the biggest drama on the face of the Earth, like when she loses her dog.

The whole blog is great, but this line really is perfection. It's the world according to Brandi. It's her world, her rules, and the others need to get with the program. Thanks for sharing.

  • Love 9

I actually cannot hate on Brandi for being at the Season Finale Party. I get that in this gig, this is a huge part of it. It reminds me so much of S3 when Adrienne and Paul's divorce stuff leaked out the same day as the finale party. She no doubt wanted to be anywhere else, but she really had little choice. Brandi, Yo and Lisa all commented that they would never have shown under such circumstances, and I thought that was shady because they knew the truth. Of course Adrienne handled it as badly as Brandi did, which is really the point at the end of the day. Adrienne could have come across as much more sympathetic, but she didn't even bother to greet her hostess, just sat in the living room crying. Brandi could have also come across as sympathetic, but instead she looked like a nutter, using her father's illness in a way that was less than flattering.


I also suspect that there's some footage of Brandi in Sac or maybe a clip asking her hairstylist/houseguest to keep an eye on things while she's gone, that ended up on the cutting room floor. This is her job and if she doesn't show up to the farewell party, Bravo will probably withhold her paycheck. I get that. But, at the same time, don't send LVP a fucking email and then get pissed when she brings it up. What is her problem?

  • Love 6

I also suspect that there's some footage of Brandi in Sac or maybe a clip asking her hairstylist/houseguest to keep an eye on things while she's gone, that ended up on the cutting room floor. This is her job and if she doesn't show up to the farewell party, Bravo will probably withhold her paycheck. I get that. But, at the same time, don't send LVP a fucking email and then get pissed when she brings it up. What is her problem?

I recall when Brandi started losing the battle with Michael and Joyce she cried about her dog and then when that didn't work she said she hadn't seen her kids in 10 days and left the site hysterically.  Who knows what she would have else she would have thrown in the mix to get sympathy?  I think Brandi was far more desperate to go to Adrienne's party for camera time than Bravo was to have her there.  They took quite a break in filming between the return from Amsterdam and Adrienne's event with very little other activity.

  • Love 8
Kim's seemed extremely together to me for most of the season really.  What a pity the entire season had to focus on this, and poor, poor, poor Kyle the victim/martyr.  YAWN.



You and I must have watched entirely different programs this season because Kim seemed anything BUT together, much less "extremely."   And if Kyle has come across as a victim this season, I think it's because of how she's been treated by Kim, not because she's acting the victim.

Someone copied all of them and posted them in a thread here.  Possibly Lipsa's thread, so check there. 


Personally, I think Lipsa was just drunk again.


I found them particularly cruel because, as http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/blogs/brandi-glanville/brandi-you-cant-confirm-what Brandi says in her blog, Kim's hands have been pretty full.  Monty got the news that there was no hope left around March 12, and apparently the child story is true as well. 

Kim's seemed extremely together to me for most of the season really.  What a pity the entire season had to focus on this, and poor, poor, poor Kyle the victim/martyr.  YAWN.


I particularly loved how Kim didn't allow a gang up at Adrienne's party.  She talked to Kyle's posse one on one.  Smart move.  Maybe there is hope for her yet.


You and I must have been watching two entirely different shows this season because Kim seemed anything BUT together to me, much less "extremely."


And if Kyle was coming across as a victim, it was directly because of how she was treated by Kim, not how she was acting.  But YMMV.

  • Love 19

You and I must have watched entirely different programs this season because Kim seemed anything BUT together, much less "extremely."   And if Kyle has come across as a victim this season, I think it's because of how she's been treated by Kim, not because she's acting the victim.


You and I must have been watching two entirely different shows this season because Kim seemed anything BUT together to me, much less "extremely."


And if Kyle was coming across as a victim, it was directly because of how she was treated by Kim, not how she was acting.  But YMMV.

To me, Kyle summed it up best when she said she was, "embarrassed," by Kim's behavior.  Kim took to her blog to stomp all over Kim and say Kyle should have been worried not embarrassed.  Two entirely different views of the situation and life in general.

  • Love 8

I think that some of the deeper problems between the two sisters is coming from sources outside of Kim's addiction and sobriety. Bravo focuses a lot on the successes of Mauricio and Kyle and their ideal family. Kim doesn't have an ideal family to focus on. She has a son that has some serious mental issues and she lives with an ex-husband that's dying of cancer. Bravo certainly can't make anything good out of either of those situations in Kim's life.


There's also some sibling rivalries that are obvious stemming from the sale of the Palm Springs home that belonged to their mother. There may be a ton of baggage these two sisters have between them, things that have driven a wedge between them deeper than anyone realizes.

  • Love 6

It is so evident that Brandi came to this party with an agenda, it is laughable.

Brandi wanted and needed that all the ladies cuddle her and she was more than happy to make them feel guilty for not reaching out to her, again this had nothing to do with her dad, it was all about her.

She wanted to guilt Lisa into some kind of friendship, I am glad Lisa let her know that the door was closed.

I am glad that Eileen and Kyle didn't fall for it or brandi would have gone of the rails on them, twisted everything around as she so excellently does and force an apology out of them just because her father was "dying"

Kim Richards if she was any normal person would feel so stupid right now and with so much egg on her face in lieu of the evidence of all the things Brandi has said, but she is not normal so she will cling to her version of the truth where her sister is the devil and Brandi is her best friend, she is and never was interested in the truth, she was only interested in punishing Kyle for buying that glorious house in Palm Spring and daring to sell her mother's house where she had unlimited access, wasn't the old house sold and the new one bought just this last year? No wonder Kim started this season with reinvigorated hatred for her sister and who better to complete her agenda that Brandi. These two had a pretty good agenda against Kyle since the get go and they worked steadedly on it.

No wonder Brandi was gloating before the season started, she was so sure that everybody would be on her side and would see the kind of evil that Kyle was, Kim was going to use the house to call her sister a thief again and double whammy. The cherry on top was the poor dads illness, that was going to highlight how awful the other women were to her, no wonder Brandi is still in disbelief, she just can't believe that this time her twisted web of lies hasn't worked, I mean for someone who was so bold as to make up a whole lawsuit and get away with it, this should have been a piece of cake, she screwed everything with her drunken behavior and her aggressiveness, I am afraid to think that if she was able to remain sober and had somehow behaved she would have gotten away with her manipulations yet again.

I am as happy as a pig in shit to know that a good 80% of people can see through her for the evil, narcissistic, manipulative, sack of shit she really is and are not falling this season for her mind games. Brandi deserves Kim as a friend and Kim deserves Brandi , let these two have a happy life together far away from my screen.

  • Love 18

I am as happy as a pig in shit to know that a good 80% of people can see through her for the evil, narcissistic, manipulative, sack of shit she really is and are not falling this season for her mind games. Brandi deserves Kim as a friend and Kim deserves Brandi , let these two have a happy life together far away from my screen.

All of your post is so well said, but I especially love this piece. As someone who became convinced that Bravo was beaming a different show into my home outside of Detroit in S3 for some type of a test, it is nice to see things turn. I will never forget watching Brandi garner such sympathy at that Moroccan restaurant, where Mauricio was somehow the bad guy, or cry on the curb outside of Kyle's house because Faye dared to tell her that she was wrong, was just stunning to me. This is always what Brandi does. I am not saying that her father wasn't really ill - he clearly was - but she always turns her bad acts into ways to move people with emotion. It use to work and how great it is that the party is over. 

  • Love 19

Regarding LV and BG conversion. I obviously have not delt with as manipulative people as Brandi.

And, I have delt with some assholes.

I would have been like bye bitch! The second Brandi started with the, "I can't do this with you now bullshit."

Lisa was confirming she got the email Brandi sent, and inquiring about her father's health. Lisa stayed to long in that convo, you just know Brandi loved turning her back on LV and walking a way.

  • Love 11

Regarding LV and BG conversion. I obviously have not delt with as manipulative people as Brandi.

And, I have delt with some assholes.

I would have been like bye bitch! The second Brandi started with the, "I can't do this with you now bullshit."

Lisa was confirming she got the email Brandi sent, and inquiring about her father's health. Lisa stayed to long in that convo, you just know Brandi loved turning her back on LV and walking a way.

I consider LisaVP a very savvy lady, but when Brandi was all, "I CANT" Lisa just slowly said, "Okaaay".  You could see the what the fuck all over her face, which is amazing, since Lisa should be used to the histrionics.


Brandi's leave me alone, but I loved you, and not 1/2 as good as my dad, but i LOVE YOU.  She's gotta get those meds recalibrated.

  • Love 16

As for Adrienne's "party"...I'm sorry but it looked so lame.  Aside from the human chandeliers and half naked waiters, it seemed to be a very empty space.  ... I don't think it was ever clearly announced or shown to the audience what the product was. And no one even watched her dumb magic act entrance!



Because of the human chandeliers and all the "performers," when Adrienne made her entrance, I literally said, "AND Jocelyn Wildenstein in a catsuit?! Wow!" I totally didn't realize it was her.  Sorry, Adrienne!

  • Love 7

I'm so disappointed because I really liked Lisa Rinna before this show (and for the first four or five episodes this season). But now I just see a phony and a coward who values her Bravo paycheck more than the truth or long-time friendships (Kyle). I'm not normally a Kyle defender, but she had every right to believe that Lisar would confirm the story to Kim. The scene of the Hamlin family in their backyard felt like something that was added during editing to compensate for Kim's "reveal" about HH during the dinner from hell in Amsterdam. And Lisar also found a way to "casually" work HH into conversation : ("Was he f--king a dog?" or "He's playing a gay character...AGAIN. That's two in a ROW!") which only made Kim's crazy dinner theater look more legit - It appears Kim hit a real nerve and Lisar is running scared. I know HH always had serious objections to Lisa doing this show. I don't know why he ultimately relented, but his first instincts were obviously right. He should have stuck to his guns because now there are unsubstantiated rumors flying everywhere (many of which are probably much worse than the reality) and Lisar looks terrified, not to mention fake and untrustworthy. I was really excited about Lisar joining the cast but I DO NOT want to watch another season of her kissing Kim's ass (or trying to crawl up Brandi's, which is looking more and more likely).

Kim didn't want to know and doesn't even care what Brandi really said (she absolutely knows that when Brandi drinks she's more "loose cannon" than "truth cannon"). She just wanted Kyle to feel stupid and she succeeded. Watching Lisar trying to rationalize her reasons for not having Kyle's back was just more proof that sober or not, Kim is THE master manipulator of the group (addicts usually are).

I just can't with Kim's talking head. Delusion, party of one! There's nothing Lisar could ever say or do to damage Kim's reputation any more than she's already done herself. Note to Kim: Revisionist history only works when there's no tangible evidence of the truth but unfortunately for you, there's PLENTY of film footage from the last five years to support the impression that you're an addict and an asshole.



All of this.  LisaR entered in a lion and exited a lamb.  I didn't even want to give credence to Kim's bullshit spew about secrets but the way Lisa is acting like a scared little kid seems to back it up.  I wish I would let some drunk have me running around like a scared rabbit.  No secret in the world is that bad to punk out the way she did.  


I'm befuddled how Lisa can film a talking head of asking "Why is everyone so scared of Kim Richard's" post-season, knowing Kim had her shaking scared more than Scooby-Doo and Shaggy in a haunted mansion.  She apparently knows now.  Kim is a nasty piece.

  • Love 14

I can see your point, but, on the other hand, if that was all Brandi wanted to do, she didn't need to go to the party packing her Xanax, and getting shit-faced drunk, yet again, needing assistance out the door.  Another shot of another man, practically holding her up while she wobbled out of a party.  


Brandi could have just had her closing scene with Kim, stayed sober and left.  


Yes.  So boring, so predictable, so been-there-done-that.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  Nothing learned, nothing changes.  She's seen herself like that - in the tabloids & on TV - countless times, and yet is apparently okay with it.  Great parenting, great role model, really great person to be the "best friend" of a recovering alcoholic.  Brandi is not fun, entertaining, or interesting.  And hasn't been for a very long time.  She has dragged this show down and needs to be gone.


And her usual tactic of trying for sympathy when the tides turn against her was so obvious tonight that I felt like I was watching an SNL skit.   "My dad is dying, I'm so distraught, I can't eat, I can't sleep, and I need everybody to be nice to be and be my friend and to once again forget all the crappy stuff I've done because nothing else matters to me right now except that my dad is dying".   And yet she chooses to go to a party hosted by someone she can't stand, to spend time with people who are all angry at her rather than spend time with her dying dad.  And xanax and alcohol are part of the evening because of course it wouldn't be a party without them!


Yes, she was supposed to be there.  But if I had a crisis in my family, I know where I would be.  And it wouldn't be at the filming of a reality show, season finale or not.   And for sure it wouldn't be at the filming of a 14 karat gold facial!   She has a rocky relationship with her father - If he was truly dying and if she truly gave a shit, 100% she belonged with him.  She's a liar and a hypocrite and a cry-baby.  I feel sorry for her dad (for more reasons than one), but I have not one ounce of sympathy for her.  Total mean, manipulative bitch, and I think karma has just seen to it that her 15 minutes are up.


Please Bravo - More of Camille & her prince, and things like that!  And I would take Kathy Hilton in a second if it means no more Brandi.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 18

I didn't blame Brandi for brushing them away.  Also, earlier, Kyle stood 15 feet away when Kim was in the booth with Rinna.  She was standing there, body contorted to give the illusion that she wasn't trying to listen while batting her eyes and trying her best to look like Mata Hari for the cameras. 


I liked how she very clearly told LisaR that she didn't want to talk to her, that she wanted to talk to Kyle alone.  Notice that Yolanda is off to the side and when Kyle starts getting torqued, Yolanda touches Kyle's shoulder.  Then LisaR starts in and Yolanda comes around behind her.  Look at Yo's face.  She ain't havin' none of this to-NIGHT.  It really wasn't any of Yo's biz wax either but I enjoyed that scene because Lisa clearly wanted to mix it up again and Yo escorted her from the area, right quick.  She was like a beautiful Dutch Doorman.


I thought it was interesting how insistent Kim was about talking to Kyle alone.  Which is fine.  But yet when Kyle wanted to talk to Kim alone on Poker Night, Brandi was all up in her face, forcefully & physically preventing it from happening, and Kim didn't seem to have a problem with Brandi's behavior.


 When Kim wanted to talk to Kyle alone, she expected it to happen, but when Kyle was the one who wanted THE EXACT SAME THING, she was treated like an unreasonable lunatic.  Who in the world would deny a request by one sister to speak privately to the other?  Oh yes, Brandi.  Brandi would.  And did.


I would love if Kim would watch this season sober and with her eyes and mind wide open.

  • Love 23

I thought it was interesting how insistent Kim was about talking to Kyle alone.  Which is fine.  But yet when Kyle wanted to talk to Kim alone on Poker Night, Brandi was all up in her face, forcefully & physically preventing it from happening, and Kim didn't seem to have a problem with Brandi's behavior.


 When Kim wanted to talk to Kyle alone, she expected it to happen, but when Kyle was the one who wanted THE EXACT SAME THING, she was treated like an unreasonable lunatic.  Who in the world would deny a request by one sister to speak privately to the other?  Oh yes, Brandi.  Brandi would.  And did.


I would love if Kim would watch this season sober and with her eyes and mind wide open.

Can you imagine if Eileen (or whoever was standing with them at the time) would have grabbed Kyle's arm and run away with her to protect her from Kim, or whatever she might say about Kyle on camera? 

  • Love 7

Well I felt bombarded and it did hijack the season and I do recall Kim's presence more than a couple of times when it was addressed or brought up or was reference or questioned or implied.  Poker night revolved around that issue and any time it was referred to I count as bringing up the topic of Kim's "sobriety" because that was the whole underlying issue for all of the "needed" talks lunches, dinner resolutions, soul purges etc. The topic practically had it's own theme music.

Well isn't this the truth...throughout the season Kim's sobriety was certainly one of the top themes. I think it did have it's own theme music...



Edited by talula
  • Love 2

I finally saw the entire episode last night.  Lisar said to Kyle that she and Brandy discussed an intervention along with other things, not that she or Brandy brought it up. She repeated that to Kyle and Kim at the party.  While it would have been nice if Lisar had told what the conversation was, I get that she was just done with it, Kim said to not discuss her sobriety so Lisar wouldn't discuss it.  Sorry Kim you can't have it both ways.  And if Kim actually listened to Brandy, she told Kim that they had a conversation and was from a good place and it was not bad, but Kim had already made up her mind and Brandy could have said yeah I said you need treatment and still Kim would be blaming Lisar

Edited by blondiek237
  • Love 9

I finally saw the entire episode last night. Lisar said to Kyle that she and Brandy discussed an intervention along with other things, not that she or Brandy brought it up. She repeated that to Kyle and Kim at the party. While it would have been nice if Lisar had told what the conversation was, I get that she was just done with it, Kim said to not discuss her sobriety so Lisar wouldn't discuss it. Sorry Kim you can't have it both ways. And if Kim actually listened to Brandy, she told Kim that they had a conversation and was from a good place and it was not bad, but Kim had already made up her mind and Brandy could have said yeah I said you need treatment and still Kim would be blaming Lisar

I saw Brandi start to panic at the thought of her conversation with Lisa Rinna getting back to Kim. One, she lied to Kim about Lisa's intentions for the conversation....Brandi told Kim that Lisa sat down and asked why no one is saying that Kim is not sober, which is not what happened at all. Second, the conversation about Kim's lack of sobriety was pushed by Brandi, not by Lisa. Lisa was reacting to what Brandi was telling her.

You are right though, Kim will always blame Lisa R, even after watching the conversation. Brandi is her lifeboat and she will float on her river of denial (along with her potentially deadly dog) until Brandi declares war on her.....and the way these two were going on at the finale about how much they LOVE each other (no, like really, I love her!!! No really, I like love her!!) that's going to be one EPIC meltdown. My only hope is that if they both return, it's next seasons storyline.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 7

Brandi is her lifeboat and she will float on her river of denial (along with her potentially deadly dog) until Brandi declares war on her.....and the way these two were going on at the finale about how much they LOVE each other (no, like really, I love her!!! No really, I like love her!!) that's going to be one EPIC meltdown. My only hope is that if they both return, it's next seasons storyline.

That would be the only reason I would cosign for dumb and dumber to return. Just to see which one will turn on each other first. I wouldn't have a problem with the Kim and Brandi "friendship" if they werent sucha substance abusers, enable each bad behavior and being relentless troublemakers/troublesome. Again I think Brandi would turn on Kim faster than Kim turns on Brandi. I just feel if the producers give Brandi the green light she will stick it to Kim just like she has done everyone else prior. Or if (which I doubt and hope not) if Lisa V had a change of heart towards her she would drop Kim like a sack of potatoes with the quickness if it might she could Jacuzzi back in with Lisa V like shes been doing all season. Now I could be wrong. Maybe Kim might pull an okie doke and ditch Brandi but she chose Brandi over her sister for a reason. I think though Kim believes in her friendship with Brandi more than Brandi, which is a little unfortunate because when that time comes she will be hurt but you live and learn.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 9

This goes back to a question I posed in the Kyle thread. We keep hearing about what Kim has put Kyle through and while I don't really doubt it, what is it? What has Kim put Kyle through? Being drunk at inappropriate times? Being a mean drunk? Not that that isn't enough, but is that what it is? Has Kim gotten violent? Did she hit on Kyle's boyfriends/husbands? Did she drink and drive with her kids or Kyle's kids in the car? Has Kyle had to bail Kim out of jail or hire lawyers to get her out of trouble? All of these things seem possible. And I really don't know. A lot of what has happened on camera has involved Kim being flakey and mean, which is bad, but stuff Kyle can sort of choose to engage with. But then there is the Kingsley thing, which involves a different level of danger. So I just want to know what specifically has Kim put Kyle through?

There are two facts that we have seen/heard on RHOBH concerning this.  We have seen that Kim's children are close to Kyle.  I'm thinking specifically about Season 1 when one of Kim's daughters was considering spending the summer in Texas.  Kim was present but Kim's girls and Kyle were having a very natural conversation about the pros and cons and it seemed like they all forgot about Kim and didn't seem to need or want any input from her.  So they are very comfortable talking to Aunt Kyle about life decisions.


Secondly, we have it on Kim's word this season that she missed a lot of her children growing up due to her alcoholism. And I personally will never forgive Kim for choosing drug-buddy Ken over her children.  They gave her the ultimatum if he stays in the house, we will leave and Kim chose him.  (I still can't get over this.)


Reading between the lines, it appears to me that one of the stable people in her children's lives was Kyle.  I may be reaching but I can see Kyle being there for those kids on a daily basis during some of Kim's rougher times.  I picture Kyle being the one they called when Kim was supposed to pick them up somewhere and "forgot" about them.


Even if this was all the support that Kyle provided, it would be enough for me.

  • Love 22


I am as happy as a pig in shit to know that a good 80% of people can see through her for the evil, narcissistic, manipulative, sack of shit she really is and are not falling this season for her mind games. Brandi deserves Kim as a friend and Kim deserves Brandi , let these two have a happy life together far away from my screen.



All of your post is so well said, but I especially love this piece. As someone who became convinced that Bravo was beaming a different show into my home outside of Detroit in S3 for some type of a test, it is nice to see things turn. I will never forget watching Brandi garner such sympathy at that Moroccan restaurant, where Mauricio was somehow the bad guy, or cry on the curb outside of Kyle's house because Faye dared to tell her that she was wrong, was just stunning to me. This is always what Brandi does. I am not saying that her father wasn't really ill - he clearly was - but she always turns her bad acts into ways to move people with emotion. It use to work and how great it is that the party is over.

Leroux and MotorcityMom - Love these posts!


rehoboth - Word to your entire post!


That is all. :-)

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7

I finally saw the entire episode last night.  Lisar said to Kyle that she and Brandy discussed an intervention along with other things, not that she or Brandy brought it up. She repeated that to Kyle and Kim at the party.  While it would have been nice if Lisar had told what the conversation was, I get that she was just done with it, Kim said to not discuss her sobriety so Lisar wouldn't discuss it.  Sorry Kim you can't have it both ways.  And if Kim actually listened to Brandy, she told Kim that they had a conversation and was from a good place and it was not bad, but Kim had already made up her mind and Brandy could have said yeah I said you need treatment and still Kim would be blaming Lisar


Thank you for bringing this up. Lisa R said to Kyle, "we talked about an intervention," but she did not say that Brandi specifically stated it. Nevertheless Brandi brought up other things in that discussion that clearly showed that she thought that Kim's situation was dire, and Brandi's statements were more alarming because Brandi had been spending more time with Kim and was bringing up that there were other incidents / alarm bells which  pointed to Poker Night not being an isolated incident.


I am not on board with either Kyle, Brandi, Lisa R or Kim's actions at Adrienne's event.


Kyle - At this point she wants to be right vis a vis Kim and also put Brandi on blast.


Brandi - She is tap dancing and spinning in hopes that it doesn't come out that she was just as vocal as Lisa and Eileen, and was herself the source of the most alarming tidbits when it came to Kim's relapse.


Lisa R - I suspect that Lisa R does not want to speak of it because she does not want to correct / clarify what she said to Kyle and jeopardize her spot at the cool kids table.  She's also scared of Kim and is also scared that Kim will say something to flip the Rinna switch causing Lisa to blow up again. 


Kim - There's something about Kim honing in on the use of a single word, "intervention" in this instance, that reminds me of her making a big to do about whether or not Taylor said the word insecure in season one, and even last season regarding Lisa saying that if she was in town she would come to Kimberly's graduation.  Kim has her limitations but I think that there is some cunning on her part when she focused on a single word, phrase or incident and then gets very prosecutorial about it when she is going up against someone.


I don't think that Brandi has pulled the wool over Kim's eyes.  Even if they aren't actually romantic partners, there is something about Kim and Brandi's relationships that tends to parallel things that I've seen happen with romantic partners.  In this case, Kim is like the woman who has been warned by her friends that her boyfriend is a no good philanderer and will do her wrong.  Kim doesn't heed the advice to dump the guy and now knows for sure that the guy has done her wrong, but she is not ready to dump him yet because he pays the bills or she's not ready to have egg on her face but she is done with him.  My question is will Kim just cut Brandi off, or will she make Brandi suffer.



Another thing, Kim seems to be preoccupied with fighting with Lisa R and Kyle and that's another reason that Brandi's gotten a reprieve.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 10
Reading between the lines, it appears to me that one of the stable people in her children's lives was Kyle.  I may be reaching but I can see Kyle being there for those kids on a daily basis during some of Kim's rougher times.  I picture Kyle being the one they called when Kim was supposed to pick them up somewhere and "forgot" about them.



That’s precisely my take on it.  In addition to the sisterly concern and worry, Kyle is very close to Kim’s children, and keeping close to Kim may have been the price of making sure she was in the kids’ lives in order to be available to them when Kim was not/pick up the pieces when necessary.  Now that they’re grown, I’m sure Kyle is feeling more leeway to let Kim go and take her lumps.  It’s easy to say “walk away from the addict” but if doing that means being separated from young children who need a sane person in their lives and can ride to the rescue, it becomes more complicated.


Was Kyle getting the calls when the kids came home from school and nobody was there to make dinner?  When Kim was locked in her room crying and they didn’t know what to do? Or she brought some weird people home with her who acted like they owned the place?   Did Mauricio have to run to city hall and pay the tax bill because Kim called giggling to say “you’ll never guess – I thought all those “last notice” letters were junk mail and tossed them on the pile. You know me – I’m a kookoo scatterbrain when it comes to mail!  But they want $40,000 by noon, those bastards, or I’m going to lose my goddamn house!  They can’t do this to me – I’m going to sue their asses off!  Can you believe they think they can take your house just because you owe some stupid amount on taxes?  It's not the money, it's the principle of the thing!  I spent $40,000 last year on oven mitts!  I told [insert names of ex] and he just went blah blah blah at me.  Oh well, let ‘em try to take the house.  I’m going out.  I see this interesting guy down at the mailbox.  I’ll deal with it tomorrow.”

  • Love 15

I actually cannot hate on Brandi for being at the Season Finale Party. I get that in this gig, this is a huge part of it. It reminds me so much of S3 when Adrienne and Paul's divorce stuff leaked out the same day as the finale party. She no doubt wanted to be anywhere else, but she really had little choice. Brandi, Yo and Lisa all commented that they would never have shown under such circumstances, and I thought that was shady because they knew the truth. Of course Adrienne handled it as badly as Brandi did, which is really the point at the end of the day. Adrienne could have come across as much more sympathetic, but she didn't even bother to greet her hostess, just sat in the living room crying. Brandi could have also come across as sympathetic, but instead she looked like a nutter, using her father's illness in a way that was less than flattering.


I agree.


I also think the smart thing for Brandi to do to hopefully get some degree of redemption would have been to tearfully tell any and all of other housewives with whom she has issues:  "My dad's illness has reminded me that life is so short I don't want to waste anymore of it with these petty issues.  Please accept my apologies for anything offensive I've said or done and let's move forward."


It might have earned her somewhat of a pass for coming back for another season, if executed correctly.  Approaching the situation in such a way would have likely garnered viewer sympathy and any housewife not being receptive to a teary-eyed Brandi with a "dying" father extending an olive branch could very well end up looking like a total asshole.


Of course, it would have required a sober, rational Brandi to try to turn things around and paint herself in a somewhat positive light, which likely will never happen.


Her bullshit in the finale, all up in Lisa VP's face and grabbing her wrists and trying to cover her ass with Kim over what she had said, did her no favors in my opinion, and her pussy eating comment to Lisa VP earlier this season was one of the most disgusting things I think I've ever heard come out of her mouth (which is saying a lot with Brandi).


I sincerely hope both she and Kim are off the show next season.  I don't believe either of them will ever have anything to bring to this franchise other than what we've already been shown, which is pretty much nothing.  

  • Love 18

I found it refreshing when Brandi told Lisa V hell-to-the-no about listening to the email bullshit.  For once a HW didn't want to listen to ad nauseum rehashing.  She apologized personally in Amsterdam, Lisa wasn't having it; she emailed, and Lisa still wasn't having it.  I know the reunions are for rehashing all wrongs, but fuck it.  


I don't think Lisa V really wanted to talk to Brandi about it either, but she knew what the deal with reunions is too.  I think she was just shocked that Brandi was so vehement.  Frankly, Lisa V was probably glad she just got to walk away at the end and be done with her own reunion obligations.


And I think finally Brandi has it in her head that Lisa V is through with her.  Or at least she should have it in that thick head of hers.


And I love the post above about Lisa V being Brandi's rebound true love after Eddie.


Camille's prince is creepy, but Camille got all simpering vamp on him - like her rumored escort days pre Kelsey.


And for the poster who wants to watch classy BH ladies on this show?  Well there will be none if Yolanda leaves.  Lisa's pink pussy and Eileen's subtle shit-stirring are the closest you'll find.  The rest aren't that far from the trailer park.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 5

I found it refreshing when Brandi told Lisa V hell-to-the-no about listening to the email bullshit.  For once a HW didn't want to listen to ad nauseum rehashing.  She apologized personally in Amsterdam, Lisa wasn't having it; she emailed, and Lisa still wasn't having it.  I know the reunions are for rehashing all wrongs, but fuck it.  


I don't think Lisa V really wanted to talk to Brandi about it either, but she knew what the deal with reunions is too.  I think she was just shocked that Brandi was so vehement.  Frankly, Lisa V was probably glad she just got to walk away at the end and be done with her own reunion obligations.


And I think finally Brandi has it in her head that Lisa V is through with her.  Or at least she should have it in that thick head of hers.


And I love the post above about Lisa V being Brandi's rebound true love after Eddie.


Camille's prince is creepy, but Camille got all simpering vamp on him - like her rumored escort days pre Kelsey.


And for the poster who wants to watch classy BH ladies on this show?  Well there will be none if Yolanda leaves.  Lisa's pink pussy and Eileen's subtle shit-stirring are the closest you'll find.  The rest aren't that far from the trailer park.

I think Brandi picks odd times to be assertive.  If Brandi had not wanted to address the situation again I don't think she would not have e-mailed Lisa.  At that point in filming I think Brandi truly thought she and Lisa were goofing around in Amsterdam.  The problem is Brandi is like a little kid and won't take no for an answer.  Lisa and Ken do not want to be mouth raped by Brandi because they know how totally irresponsible and vicious she can be.  I don' think Lisa wanted to rehash with Brandi what led up to the dissolution of the friendship just that there had been a dissolution. Acceptance is the last step of any grieving process and Brandi just wasn't ready for it.  In Brandi's mind she was joking around with LvP, she just didn't realize either because of too much drink or being oblivious she had crossed over from engaging and fun to offensive. I am sure if Brandi had seen the film clip first thing the next morning she could have seen where she overstepped. In that one conversation at Adrienne's party  Brandi  hit four or five grieving steps, I saw denial, pain, anger, bargaining and guilt in about a two minute conversation with LvP.


I can only imagine what Eddie and JR go through in having Brandi as their love interest.  Exhausting.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 8

Kim - There's something about Kim honing in on the use of a single word, "intervention" in this instance, that reminds me of her making a big to do about whether or not Taylor said the word insecure in season one, and even last season regarding Lisa saying that if she was in town she would come to Kimberly's graduation.  Kim has her limitations but I think that there is some cunning on her part when she focused on a single word, phrase or incident and then gets very prosecutorial about it when she is going up against someone.


This reminds me of Kim's obsessive and dramatic reaction to Lisa V in Paris, S3, when Lisa dared to ask if Kim had taken a pill--you know, when Kim had been, and was currently, "sober." How DARE Lisa ask if Kim had taken a pill. Didn't Lisa know that if Kim had taken a pill, it would mean she wasn't sober, and if Kim's kids heard someone question her sobriety, it would devastate, and may actually kill them? Two seasons later...Kim took a pill. And all the rules about her "sobriety" change. Once again, how DARE Lisa (Rinna this time), ask Kim if she'd taken a pill? A pill doesn't mean she'd lost her sobriety; she was IN PAIN.

Ahem, Kathy. Do not like her. Do not need her on my screen. She's homely and doesn't seem to have anything to want to contribute. If I went the rest of my life without seeing her kids again, either, I would be ok.

Eileen is just so full of awesome. I hope she brings it at the reunion the way she's been bringing it to the show for about the last 1/3 of the season, including this episode. No one will try to engage her, because they can't.

  • Love 17

I really hate to defend Kim, but I'm not sure she's really able to catch onto the little clues that Brandi may not be the best for her. Even Brandi is telling and showing her this, but Kim's brain is not receiving the message.



I think Kim's attachment to Brandi stems from the fact that Kim has no friends.  I don't remember there ever being a scene with her and a close friend (aside from family members and ex husbands) and once Brandi extended that hand Kim is so overwhelmed about actually having someone call her their friend that she's hanging on for dear life.  I agree with a poster upthread that Kim's relationship with Brandi is more like a girl crush than a friendship.  In typical addict fashion Kim takes it to an obsessive level and refuses to believe anything negative about the relationship.  Brandi had better watch out because I could see Kim doing something crazy like some Single White Female stuff if she ever gets a sense that Brandi isn't sincere about their relationship.  She's beginning to remind me more and more of Kelly Bensimon and scary island.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 8

Well isn't this the truth...throughout the season Kim's sobriety was certainly one of the top themes. I think it did have it's own theme music...




I think Kim's sobriety should have a more sinister theme music since it took on a life of it's own...



Edited by swankie
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