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S02.E02: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

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Brilliant idea, cooksdelight!


Why was Kathryn dressed like an old school marm? The hair....the collar necklace Shep was poking at....


I loved when Thomas asked her to stop kicking him. LOL



That was so sweet of Shep to try to find something to compliment her on. I think he was being sincere in that. He's a good egg.


And yeah, um, "Why are you kicking me?" HA!

Edited by missy jo
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And he can take his old-fashioned expectations and shove them.  His mother was a housewife, in what, the 1890's?




I can't remember the details: Didn't Thomas' father and Sainted Mother divorce when he was young? If so, so much for her being a SAH wife getting a hot meal on the table. I thought that was part of his sob story, that after they divorced he stayed with his dad and was all alone at home a lot, being the youngest and all that, sort of was the forgotten child. [sniff]



As someone who watches Real Housewives of Atlanta, I did have to laugh when Thomas said he likes Kathryn's "physicality." An ex-prisoner talking like another ex-prisoner, Apollo Nida. Who is no longer an ex, but a present-day prisoner.


If he'd also mentioned her "juviality" I'd have rolled off my couch!


So how long before Shep and Landon hook up?



I don't know, but the way he kept asking her, "How long has it been?" sounded like an opening to me. If I'd have been Landon I'd have invited him to help me "christen" that cozy boat-bed.

Edited by RedHawk
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"Patricia had martinis made by Ian Fleming? I'd roll my eyes if I didn't think that was fucking awesome."


Patricia was once married to Ian Fleming's nephew and I think she meant that HE was the one who made her the martinis, not his famous uncle. I think she and Whitney both enjoy dropping Ian Fleming's name (Whitney was bragging about his stepfather being Ian's nephew last season). Since Fleming died in 1964, it's likely that they may never have even met him.

  • Love 3

Patricia was once married to Ian Fleming's nephew and I think she meant that HE was the one who made her the martinis, not his famous uncle. I think she and Whitney both enjoy dropping Ian Fleming's name (Whitney was bragging about his stepfather being Ian's nephew last season). Since Fleming died in 1964, it's likely that they may never have even met him.

Aww, man! Logic is so disappointing.

I second the suggestion of Landon inviting Shep to christen the boat. Get on that, girl. He's clearly into it.

  • Love 4

I really love Shep and I hope he stays true to who he is.  He isn't leading any girls on or making any promises, as far as we can see.  Not everyone (male or female) needs to settle down, get married and have babies....by a certain age or EVER.  Go Shep.



I love him and yet totally agree with Cameran when she said, "If I had to list everything I *wouldn't* look for in a boyfriend, that list would basically be ... Shep."


I would find it pathetic if I were looking at Shep the way I imagine most women do. As potential husband material. But since I am so much older I can just find him adorable. At the same time I am grateful he is someone else's kid, although maybe when one is that rich one doesn't care if their son has no real ambition. It doesn't seem to bother Patricia with Whitney and Shep is just so much cuter and more charming.



To everyone's suprise, Shep is now the over-achiever in the group, over Whitney and Craig! He actually opened his "hot dog stand" bar, and it's doing well!

  • Love 4

His treatment of Kathryn makes him look like an ass, and I suspect he is one. If I were her I'd give up on the idea of marriage and go get my own place, because  really, who would want to marry him after being treated that way? His behavior toward her seems so passive-agressive -- moving her way out to the plantation, selling the Charleston house, making ugly jokes -- like he's punishing her for getting pregnant when he sure did nothing to prevent it. Plus, as someone who can say this because I'm just slightly younger than him, he's OLD. She's too young to realize what all the years of booze and blow have done to him, but it's starting to show quite clearly.



I think at this point Kathryn is young (and stupid) enough to either think he will change once the ring is on her finger or she doesn't care because she's so singlemindedly focused on getting the ring. 


Not getting a ring would probably be the best thing to happen to her.


I have to wonder exactly what those two talk about, if they do talk.  A 29 year age difference is pretty massive in general but most especially when one party is 22 (when it started) and one is 51 or 52.  You are in two entirely different places at those stages of life. 


As others have pointed out, this would be where it would be beneficial for Kathryn to have girlfriends her own age who might tell her that TRav is not the one for her.

  • Love 3

I adore this show. I wish it was on all the time. This spring line-up of Bravo has been sent from the heavens to help all us (snark loving) turds*- Shahs, RHONY, Southern Charm, Newlyweds. If only Pump Rules could be on at the same time. I'm going to start  keeping my my Meri Wet Bar (wrong channel i know) stocked all the time just so I can fully enjoy all this mess.


What else to say...Whitney and Patricia picking on a 22 year old who is also a new mom is so, so pathetic. 


*= not that we're turds. 

Edited by The Ascension
  • Love 1

I like everyone but Patricia, she's brittle and prickly and she's so very sure she's the most astute person she ever met. Not so much Patty dear. What does she do or say that makes her interesting? Not much other than put the fear of god in the help and enable her son in his quest for uselessness.

Kathryn is just over her head with life, wants a man who doesn't love or want her, a baby she didn't need at this point in her life and she's desperate to end up the power behind the man I think.

And yea Shep is adorable as long as I didn't have to date him or marry him or much else.

  • Love 2

And that's one of the reasons I don't like Shep.  I didn't think that type of guy was cute when I was in college and I find it pathetic in a supposed adult.



That's exactly how I feel, only about Craig. Shep at least is witty and charming, and that belies a natural intelligence in my book.  Craig, on the other hand, is a cardboard cutout stereotype.  I find him utterly boring and immature.


I don't feel sorry for Kathryn.  She chose to tell Thomas she was pregnant, she chose to have that baby.  Birth control is legal, so is abortion.  Heck, even in 1965 an unmarried woman could go to her gynecologist, and have a "D&C."   Kathryn is lucky.  Many young single mothers her age don't have the luxury of living on a plantation; they have to get up early, get their child dressed, get themselves dressed, take the child to the babysitter and then go to work and do that for very little money.  Nope, don't feel sorry for her at all.



I feel sorry for Kathryn. No one knows what it is like to have a baby until after you have one and choosing to have a child does not make you immune from the way it turns your world upside down. I can see the shell-shocked look on Kathyrn's face in regards to her current life but it is not her fault per se. She has a crap partner in Thomas and I hope she ends up living back in civilization.


Can you see Thomas seething with jealousy at the thought of another man being stepfather to his daughter?



I bet you're right. He seems completely unself-aware. As for Landon, I thought her divorce story was actually kind of sad. But, that being said, getting a role on Southern Charm is not a bad turn of events.



  • Love 2

I don't know why, but I feel sorry for Kathryn. I realize that so many others have to struggle through worse circumstances, and by comparison, her life is pretty cushy. And yet...I still pity her. Maybe it's that she seems stuck with these people who are so disinterested and, in some cases (Whitney and Pat) disdainful of her. I know she's stuck due to her own actions, but it still makes me cringe to watch it. I hope she has actual friends outside of the show; people who love and support her. On the show, the only person who seems even remotely caring is Danni. I was re-watching some episodes from last season, and Danni was the only one who went after Kathryn when she stormed away during Thomas' awful dinner party and the mess with Craig. And, according to what she told Shep last episode, Danni's also the only one who made the drive out to the plantation, several times, to visit with an isolated Kathryn. And even so, I don't get the vibe that Danni cares overly so for Kathryn, just that she's a nice person. And JD's wife seems to be taking on the role of a mother-figure/nice auntie with Kathryn, but again, that's not the same as a good girlfriend. Most likely Kathryn's old friends haven't come around much because they're still partying and living a more carefree lifestyle than their new-mom friend. Cameran's right that Kathryn should move to Mt. P and hang out with other young moms. Yea, it's the boring suburbs, but it's the nice suburbs with people Kathryn could bond with. And it's only a 15-20 minute drive to downtown vs. the 90 minute drive from the plantation.


Does anyone know if Craig's taken the bar yet? I actually do know a couple of lawyers who did take 4-6 months after finishing law school to study for the bar. It's a serious exam, and you apparently need lots of time to study, especially if you're also trying to work full time while doing exam prep. So if it were anyone else, I wouldn't bat a lash at Craig taking months before sitting for the exam. Since this is Craig, however, I'm pretty much of the opinion that he just wanted to party it up for a while instead of buckling down and studying. Lucky for him he had the Southern Charm money (though I'm not sure what that paycheck is like), plus a job he sometimes does, to support himself during this time.

The thing is, Kathryn isn't stuck.  She isn't married to him, so she is free to leave that plantation house at any time!  She has parents with a comfortable home, if she has nowhere else to go.  Or, work out a financial arrangement with Thomas so she can live in those young mom suburbs.  Maybe she can finish up her college degree and make a life of her own.  Kathryn is far from helpless and stuck.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 1

I don't know why, but I feel sorry for Kathryn. I realize that so many others have to struggle through worse circumstances, and by comparison, her life is pretty cushy. And yet...I still pity her. Maybe it's that she seems stuck with these people who are so disinterested and, in some cases (Whitney and Pat) disdainful of her. I know she's stuck due to her own actions, but it still makes me cringe to watch it. I hope she has actual friends outside of the show; people who love and support her. On the show, the only person who seems even remotely caring is Danni. I was re-watching some episodes from last season, and Danni was the only one who went after Kathryn when she stormed away during Thomas' awful dinner party and the mess with Craig. And, according to what she told Shep last episode, Danni's also the only one who made the drive out to the plantation, several times, to visit with an isolated Kathryn. And even so, I don't get the vibe that Danni cares overly so for Kathryn, just that she's a nice person. And JD's wife seems to be taking on the role of a mother-figure/nice auntie with Kathryn, but again, that's not the same as a good girlfriend. Most likely Kathryn's old friends haven't come around much because they're still partying and living a more carefree lifestyle than their new-mom friend. Cameran's right that Kathryn should move to Mt. P and hang out with other young moms. Yea, it's the boring suburbs, but it's the nice suburbs with people Kathryn could bond with. And it's only a 15-20 minute drive to downtown vs. the 90 minute drive from the plantation.

Does anyone know if Craig's taken the bar yet? I actually do know a couple of lawyers who did take 4-6 months after finishing law school to study for the bar. It's a serious exam, and you apparently need lots of time to study, especially if you're also trying to work full time while doing exam prep. So if it were anyone else, I wouldn't bat a lash at Craig taking months before sitting for the exam. Since this is Craig, however, I'm pretty much of the opinion that he just wanted to party it up for a while instead of buckling down and studying. Lucky for him he had the Southern Charm money (though I'm not sure what that paycheck is like), plus a job he sometimes does, to support himself during this time.

There are bar exams and bar exams. In Massachusetts, NY, Florida and Cal, they are difficult for various reasons, mainly more competitive. I doubt that SC is that big a deal. Edited by SFoster21

I never figured out how to quote on my phone, but to answer the question about whether or not Jenn's ex is still Lt. Gov: no. He ran for Governor in 2010 and got taken to school by Nikki Haley in an acrimonious Republican primary. . . I don't think it's a given that Kathryn is free to decamp from the plantation at will. Her parents' house was shown last season; it appeared to be in the country, as well, so that doesn't exactly address the issue of isolation. She and Thomas aren't married, but, as reasonable as the compromise of an amicable financial settlement that enables her to live in the city might sound in theory, there's nothing to demonstrate that Thomas would agree to that. She also has other, very important contingencies to consider- she could up and leave, but, in the event of a future custody dispute, will she be painted as "abandoning" her child/walking out on Thomas? Is it really in the best interests of Kensington to uproot the baby and consign her to a definitive childhood with parents who aren't together (it may seem like an easy choice abstractly, but some cultures emphasize the importance of the semblance of a cohesive and enduring family unit, no matter how imperfect or flawed)? Who's to say she's going to be able to afford school with Kensington's care if Thomas isn't paying for both (I was lucky to grow up in a family that could have swung state school tuition and managed partial private school costs, so we weren't struggling, but babies are expensive and I doubt college would have been an "I'll just go enroll" matter if the expenses of one were involved; also, Kathryn's family doesn't look like they're flush)? She could indeed sue for child support, but that would be a lengthy process that would consume time and energy, not to mention attorney fees. The bottom line, for me, is that she's had the child for several months at the point this season was filmed. Kensington is - what? barely a year old now? I don't find it unreasonable that Kathryn is presently discontent or that she hasn't decided or figured out a way to rectify that in a relatively brief span of time.

I never figured out how to quote on my phone, but to answer the question about whether or not Jenn's ex is still Lt. Gov: no. He ran for Governor in 2010 and got taken to school by Nikki Haley in an acrimonious Republican primary. . . I don't think it's a given that Kathryn is free to decamp from the plantation at will. Her parents' house was shown last season; it appeared to be in the country, as well, so that doesn't exactly address the issue of isolation. She and Thomas aren't married, but, as reasonable as the compromise of an amicable financial settlement that enables her to live in the city might sound in theory, there's nothing to demonstrate that Thomas would agree to that. She also has other, very important contingencies to consider- she could up and leave, but, in the event of a future custody dispute, will she be painted as "abandoning" her child/walking out on Thomas? Is it really in the best interests of Kensington to uproot the baby and consign her to a definitive childhood with parents who aren't together (it may seem like an easy choice abstractly, but some cultures emphasize the importance of the semblance of a cohesive and enduring family unit, no matter how imperfect or flawed)? Who's to say she's going to be able to afford school with Kensington's care if Thomas isn't paying for both (I was lucky to grow up in a family that could have swung state school tuition and managed partial private school costs, so we weren't struggling, but babies are expensive and I doubt college would have been an "I'll just go enroll" matter if the expenses of one were involved; also, Kathryn's family doesn't look like they're flush)? She could indeed sue for child support, but that would be a lengthy process that would consume time and energy, not to mention attorney fees. The bottom line, for me, is that she's had the child for several months at the point this season was filmed. Kensington is - what? barely a year old now? I don't find it unreasonable that Kathryn is presently discontent or that she hasn't decided or figured out a way to rectify that in a relatively brief span of time.

I agree. Even if you really want a child and you have a husband, a baby is life-changing in a way that can't be imagined in advance. She's still shell-shocked. She needs time to find her way.

Edited by SFoster21
  • Love 2

I've formed a theory that Shep has more responsibility than what is seen on camera. I don't buy that all he does is sleep and party every day. I don't care for perpetual frat boys, but he's notable because he has true good manners and he's not desperately striving to be something he's not. He occupies a very enviable and rare position in the world - apparent wealth and security, along with confidence and a good nature.


Craig on the other hand is trying to work his way into a privileged life. That's cool, but he's got a mean, resentful streak.


Kathryn and Thomas are beholden to the siren call of the ancient southern lineage. That's what's drew them together and what's keeping them together for now - two dynasties coming together. I don't agree with it, but it would work except Thomas is the one who's going to mess it up. He's very self-destructive and he's projecting his demons onto Kathryn big-time. He has Mommy and Daddy issues (his father strikes me as an overbearing jerk and boasts of being an unreconstructed southerner - look it up). Oh, and I suspect Mommy's hot dinners and beautiful home were prepared by servants who worked like mules


I'm callin' it - I think Kathryn will pull out of this situation and land on her feet. She'll either bag another wealthy southerner or she'll have a political career of her own. She's just marking time right now and lining up her ducks.


Meanwhile, I don't like how the rest of the cast makes her an object of fun. It's clear she's unhappy, and regardless of whether she put herself in that position, it's not fun to watch condescending "friends" take jabs at her on national television. (It's so tacky.)


I was embarrassed for Whitney as he tried too hard to be the hipster musician who is fashionably late and under-dressed. If he weren't such a snob I'd feel sorry for him. I agree he wants to be Thomas.


I'm pretty sure Cameran's husband is determined to stay off camera because medicine is a conservative business, especially in the south.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 6

One thing Patricia did say that was true, though it was about Kathryn, just because your family came here 200 years ago and has a name, doesn't mean you have any class now.  


I'm sorry but I can't feel sorry for either Kathryn or Landon.  I was rolling my eyes when Landon went on about how her husband "just wasn't there."  I wonder if he was abusive, or did he cheat; but when she said he wasn't there I just shook my head.  I can't feel sorry for any woman who can get up when she wants, has a nanny for their child, doesn't really have to work. 


I look around me and I see women, single mothers who are barely making ends meet; who rush every day from home, to the babysitter, to work, get very little sleep and then do the same thing again every day; people who worry about if they'll have enough money for food; worry when the rent goes up, or when the transit fare goes up (as it did in NYC on Sunday).  I just can't feel sorry for these women and their tiny "problems."


I feel for Kathryn because TRav treats her like an ass; but someone once told me decades ago that every thing you do or want has a price.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 8

I do feel bad for Kathryn.  Obviously, other women have it harder than she does but I think the worst aspect of her life is that Thomas has absolutely no respect for her.  That was most evident to me when Kathryn said that she offers to help with campaign stuff and Thomas shuts her down every time.  He kept talking about how she is young and can’t do stuff, but it seemed like she was at least trying.  For a 23 year old, that looked like a nice dinner.  Sorry, Thomas, that is what you get when you pick a 23 yo for a partner.


This relationship is clearly not making either one of them happy.  I think Kathryn should find a job and then move out to either her own place or her parents’ house.  She can get some child support from Thomas, and they will both be happier.


Landon seems fine but I am not interested in her storyline at all yet.


I hope Craig straightens out his career. I think he will.


Love Shep and I hope he actually has something of a storyline in future episodes.  Loved when Cameran said she would never be interested in Shep if she were single and he is everything she wouldn’t want in a husband.


I love Bonnie.  She is my favorite Southern Charm mom.  She seems like an actual nice person when Patricia is just a very awesome TV character.  Totally agree with the poster who said she loved and hated Patricia.


Whitney came off as a total douche this episode.  I guess I give him a little credit for being the producer and allowing himself to be portrayed in a bad light. 

Oh my gosh.....my last season love for T-Rav is fading. You knocked her up you ass! Now freaking marry her...because SC voters will LOVE an ex convict who's living with his baby mamma and illegitimate child.....I've lived in the south since 1969 and, yes, I lived in Charleston for awhile to (15 years ago but still) and SC is extremely conservative about that stuff. More so then the rest of the country. And whoever said they won't like Shep because he's southern? You don't know what your missing! Southern guys are great...I'm strictly blue collar (a long way from Southern Charm territory) and the men I meet are polite, gentle, hold the door, say please and than you and never ever ever kiss and tell.

P.S.--Patricia and Whitney are no more southern then Donald Trump. Their Yankees from NYC.

P.P.S.-If Landon keeps laughing in that highly annoying nervous giggle AND keeps saying LIKE ever other dang word I may have to mute her....Bless her heart.

  • Love 6

I don't think the rest of the cast besides Whitney and Patricia make fun of poor, pathetic Kathryn. I think they all make fun of the messed up dynamic between her and Thomas.

I agree, I noticed that Danni and Cameran leaned in more and sort of created a wall around Kathryn when they saw how uncomfortable she was when Jennifer arrived. Yes, Cameran made the Mrs. Doubtfire but that look was begging to be commented on. Also, Shep realized what an ass Thomas was being to her at the table.

Having just caught up with season one, I wish they had just beefed up Danni's role and not brought in Landon who is both boring and has annoying speaking habits.

  • Love 6

Yeah, Landon grates on me a bit, and I'm not sure why.  I don't know if it's her laugh, that she is constantly tacking that laugh on after everything she says, or if it was Shep saying everyone had a crush on Landon back in the day.   Or maybe it's that I get the impression we're supposed to feel sorry for her because she is divorced, but I'm not sure why that's supposed to make me sad.

  • Love 1

Landon who is both boring and has annoying speaking habits



It came to me that she sounds like she has just grown past her childish lisp stage and the lisp is still slightly there. Her manner of speaking, "like" aside, reminded me of little Cindy Brady. Maybe that's charming to some guys but it's quickly becoming annoying as nails on a chalkboard to me.


I also want to know more about the boat situation. I'm not going to believe that she just "walked away" from a marriage and asked for nothing from her wealthy husband -- to the point where it looks like she's having to live on a borrowed boat? I mean, not that she should go after him for cash, just that if there are marital assets then she is entitled to a fair share and I can't believe her sisters there in Charleston would just let her say, "Oh, well, like, I don't really need the, like, money, because I can hang out on a boat all summer, and like, maybe meet a new, like, guy." It kinda makes me wonder if she had to leave her husband suddenly for some reason.


OTOH, the boat is probably just her "home" for filming purposes. Likely her sisters did not want Bravo camera in their homes or lives.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 4

One thing Patricia did say that was true, though it was about Kathryn, just because your family came here 200 years ago and has a name, doesn't mean you have any class now.

I'm sorry but I can't feel sorry for either Kathryn or Landon. I was rolling my eyes when Landon went on about how her husband "just wasn't there." I wonder if he was abusive, or did he cheat; but when she said he wasn't there I just shook my head. I can't feel sorry for any woman who can get up when she wants, has a nanny for their child, doesn't really have to work.

I look around me and I see women, single mothers who are barely making ends meet; who rush every day from home, to the babysitter, to work, get very little sleep and then do the same thing again every day; people who worry about if they'll have enough money for food; worry when the rent goes up, or when the transit fare goes up (as it did in NYC on Sunday). I just can't feel sorry for these women and their tiny "problems."

I feel for Kathryn because TRav treats her like an ass; but someone once told me decades ago that every thing you do or want has a price.

Eh. To me it's like counseling. You may have every other client have a horror story about abuse or illness. The last client comes in upset about failing a class. Telling the client just get over it, everyone else has it worse isn't helpful. I see Kathryn as being treated poorly, and she seems unhappy with it. I care about that. Even if I'm not counseling her or even talking to her. I think she'll be ok. But, I still care. This is upsetting for her and is a big deal in her life experiences. My concern and care won't tap out if I decide to care about her in addition to other people. Edited by Betweenyouandme
  • Love 8
I also want to know more about the boat situation. I'm not going to believe that she just "walked away" from a marriage and asked for nothing from her wealthy husband -- to the point where it looks like she's having to live on a borrowed boat? I mean, not that she should go after him for cash, just that if there are marital assets then she is entitled to a fair share and I can't believe her sisters there in Charleston would just let her say, "Oh, well, like, I don't really need the, like, money, because I can hang out on a boat all summer, and like, maybe meet a new, like, guy." It kinda makes me wonder if she had to leave her husband suddenly for some reason.


Since Landon was living with her husband in California (married 7 years?), I assume they divorced there, too.  Cali is a community property state, so she would have gotten 50% of the assets created during their marriage.  I suspect Landon isn't anywhere near broke.

If she had money, why wouldn't she buy a home or rent an apt. instead of a dinky boat?


"Mis-adventure" sounds like the choice of some producer who thinks they're so clever.


It looks like she'll be dealing with her sister and other family members so we'll get an idea of how well-off her family is.


Maybe she's really staying with them but they don't want to have them film inside their house so they came up with the boat.

  • Love 1

Eh. To me it's like counseling. You may have every other client have a horror story about abuse or illness. The last client comes in upset about failing a class. Telling the client just get over it, everyone else has it worse isn't helpful. I see Kathryn as being treated poorly, and she seems unhappy with it. I care about that. Even if I'm not counseling her or even talking to her. I think she'll be ok. But, I still care. This is upsetting for her and is a big deal in her life experiences. My concern and care won't tap out if I decide to care about her in addition to other people.


With some people that is helpful.  Some people are too in love with their own misery; when around others who have real problems, it can get them out of themselves and realize that it's not all about me, me, me.

With some people that is helpful. Some people are too in love with their own misery; when around others who have real problems, it can get them out of themselves and realize that it's not all about me, me, me.

Helping others get out of only focusing on themselves can be helpful, but my point was more that the counselor should still care rather than brushing it off completely and thinking and saying the client is a waste of time. I think Kathryn is aware others have it worse. The fact that people do doesn't mean I can't possibly give two shits because all my shits have somehow been given away. My shits don't run out. Lol. MMV.

No one is required to care about anyone. But, I'm saying I do care about her and it's because she's hurting not because of the relative size of her problem.

  • Love 7


Whitney came off as a total douche this episode.  I guess I give him a little credit for being the producer and allowing himself to be portrayed in a bad light. 

I'm not sure that Whitney thinks that's bad.  He seems quite pleased with himself.


Cameran's mother is nothing but gracious.  So Cameran responds by criticizing her office decor (where she is getting space for free) and mocks her for not knowing her wireless name.  How about this Cam?  Get off your Lily Pulitzer ass, walk into your mother's office and click on the wireless icon and figure out the name yourself.   I'm sure she thought it was cute but it's just disrespectful.  And that's Cam's entire personality on this show.  Sounds nice and sweet and then gives an unwarranted dig.  Boo.


Whitney looks like he could go on tour with The Monkees.  And not s tribute band (if they have one). 


Craig's face looks better thin but his body doesn't.  Gotta lay off the uppers.

  • Love 3

Since Landon was living with her husband in California (married 7 years?), I assume they divorced there, too.  Cali is a community property state, so she would have gotten 50% of the assets created during their marriage.  I suspect Landon isn't anywhere near broke.


It depends.  If there was a prenup, she may not have gotten anything.  Also, the 50% isn't a strict rule of thumb.  Being married less than 10 years does not insure 50%.  And while you may gain 50% of the assets, you are also responsible for 50% of the debts (and not just community debt but also debt that is in one party's name.)

  • Love 2

Kathryn's talking heads are annoying and I feel awkward watching them.



So much yes to this.  Also, it looks like they  used, at least, three different sessions based on the # of costume changes - it was dizzying. 


She seems so achingly immature in all of them and awkward is the right word.


I noticed in the yellow dress talking heads she looks/sounds/acts like she took a little something to help her get through.  I mean to keep an eye out for them in upcomign episodes (after promissing myself I'd stop with this show!) to see if my theory holds up.

Edited by escatefromny
  • Love 3


Craig's face looks better thin but his body doesn't.  Gotta lay off the uppers.

So true.  He's looking really rough in this season so far.  He's just too gaunt.  His brother definitely got the looks in the family.


If Craig isn't careful, he'll end up giving Thomas a run for the money in the ruining-your-looks-with-way-too-much-drink-and-drugs dept.*  My theory is that's how Craig made it into the TRav and Whitney circle (through drug connections).


TRav is really starting to look his age and then some.  In a photo that's linked up somewhere in all the SoCh threads, there's an Instagram of him and Kensington fairly close-up and from a side and sort-of diagonal angle.  He's developing that icky, alcholic WC Fields kind of nose.  In the dinner party scene of this latest episode, he also had that lushy, red-splotches thing going on in the center of his face.  So far, they've done a decent job of editing how bad he really looks, but in more candid shots, he's starting to look super rough. 


One part of me says, "Kathryn, run for the hills, you silly child" and the other wants to tell her to play him skillfully enough to get a ring on her finger and the main spot in his will, and then just sit back and wait for him to drink and/or whore himself to death (death by syphilis or something)


*Not that Thomas had great looks anyway, but damn.

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