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S30.E04: S30.E04: Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner / S03.E05: We're Finally Playing Some Survivor

Tara Ariano
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It's why I'm hopeful for an all woman final again!  At least these women, for now, are women I really like.  Much more than the men.  I still love Joe and Will, but the rest can go.  Unlike last season, these women seem to be actually playing the game now and not getting dragged along (so far).


It wouldn't surprise me. They are clearly highlighting the Hali and Jenn duo not only having fun together but strategizing on who to vote out.

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Lindsey is gone, thank goodness because she was just so damn annoying and always arguing with a tribe mate.


Rodney on the other hand needs to go, because I'm sick of him. All that talk about women needing to have respect for themselves and whatnot. He needs to too, don't know him personally but the way he comes off it seems he may sleep around with a lot of women, that's not a high standard. I don't get why women have to hold themselves to a higher standard. Whether you're a man or a woman, everyone needs to have high standards for themselves. Rodney is just an all around idiot with an IQ of a damn raisin, his mother must be very proud. He can sing his sister's death story all he wants, it's just too damn hard to sympathize with him, just read off as trying to get more allies to rally behind him so he can control the game.


I also don't get why the blue collars were so into this man/woman parallel with the whole thinking like a man and thinking like a woman thing. That was irritating as well.


Jenn is next on my shit list, what a smug bitch. I really don't like her at all, she's so unpleasant.


Max was just dumb, for someone who watches Survivor and "knows" it when the tribes merged he could have attempted to make an alliance and not just talk to Shirin (who's also annoying). He look like he didn't try or attempt to, his social game was just whack. Also his tribe is stupid for voting him off because they're voting off emotionally and not what makes them stronger and keeping a useless person like Will who can't do anything without tiring out is just stupid and they vote off Max who was like they're only male muscle on the team. Just stupid. When you vote off emotionally, you're just destined to fail.


Most of the people this season are just irritating. The only ones I like so far is Joe & Tyler, the rest can kick rocks.

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Was Jenn the one who went after Max for knowing every episode? If so, then I am rooting for her. What an insufferable douche he was! It's one thing to be a super fan (I've watched the show since 2000 as well, but I couldn't tell a Fabio from a Sandra), but it's another thing to show your hubris right away. Good riddance! Now Shirin will have to wear her underpants from now on!


Indeed it was!  Jenn was also a super fan and knew every episode but was not insufferable about it.

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 Also his tribe is stupid for voting him off because they're voting off emotionally and not what makes them stronger and keeping a useless person like Will who can't do anything without tiring out is just stupid and they vote off Max who was like they're only male muscle on the team. Just stupid. When you vote off emotionally, you're just destined to fail.



They are in all likelihood merging at 12 so keeping strength on your tribe is not the priority. Now is the time to get people out who you don't think are going to be loyal to you.

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I fear I would be Shirin if I played this game. My social skills are lacking and I over think everything. And I kind of like running around naked. So I am highly sympathetic to her game but my god is she annoying. Neither she or Max can read a room. Just awful, awful game play.

And then we have a trio playing mysogyny in Blue. Just shut the fuck up. None of you know how a woman approaches taking a dump in the toilet let alone how her mind works. My almost three year old who asked me why I was wearing diapers when I was a big girl knows more about women then the three idiots combined.

And I think Jeff had a boner when he saw the new tribes. Yeah, great way to choose teams. Luck has always been an element in this game but damn did the red tribe get screwed.

Hali is playing a great game. Kelly can stop calling herself an undercover cop. Sierra finally says and does something. Jenn was hilarious and pretty much said what we were all thinking.

Excuse me while I go and try and figure out how casting could find every person more socially inept then Kass and cast them. Joaquin, Vince, Nina, Max, Shirin, So, Rodney, Dan, and Mike. I hope to god Sierra or Kelly or Hali manage to take the rest of the social misfits out.

Edited by ProfCrash
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And then we have a trio playing mysogeney (sp) in Blue. Just shut the fuck up. None of you know how a woman approaches taking a dump in the toilet let alone how her mind works. My almost three year old who asked me why I was wearing diapers when I was a big girl knows more about women then the three idiots combined.


Hi ProfCrash. Misogyny.

Edited by susannot
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Shhh, Rodney! You can't let the rest of the country know Massachusetts' dirty little secret. That despite its reputation as a "blue state," we have never elected a woman governor. But hey...Boston Strong!


I actually found Dan's comments where he was gleefully talking about "how to listen to a woman" more insidious. Rodney is a clueless meathead, but Dan's sexism is conscious, manipulative, and most disturbingly, wrapped in the guise of "good game play."


Hey, CBS -- sexism and misogyny are not now and never will be "good game play." Stop being as gross as the contestants you portray.


ETA: Sorry I forgot about Elizabeth Warren. The elected governor thing still stands.

Edited by Eolivet
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Shhh, Rodney! You can't let the rest of the country know Massachusetts' dirty little secret. That despite its reputation as a "blue state," we have never elected a woman governor nor a woman (U.S.) senator. But hey...Boston Strong!

Well, until 2012 y'all hadn't.

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And I think Jeff had a boner when he saw the new tribes. Yeah, great way to choose teams. Luck has always been an element in this game but damn did the red tribe get screwed.





Jeff always has giant boners when there is a tribe composed of alpha males.Wow, this years'alpha males are spectacular!  Joe, Joaquin, Mike, and all the pretty men, wow!

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I do agree with Dan's assessment of how men should listen to women.  And I totally agree that men listeners tend to want to fix the problem and women listeners tend to want to understand the problem, then console.


I really don't want to sound snarky when I say this, but it's not a novel concept.  It's the thesis of the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" by John Gray, first published in 1992.


I think I read it in college, and I did appreciate some of the teachings.  It puts a typical couple into 2 stereotyped categories.  Some people can't listen and empathize to your problem, they must provide a solution and then they would probably rather you not complain about your issue anymore.  Some people just want to vent to each other and have someone listen and empathize.  Of course, the stereotype and tradition would say men were raised to be the former and women to be the latter, but I'm sure everyone knows examples of both genders falling into either category, and then of course there are same sex couples as well.  I have no issue with the book per se, it's just kind of silly to spout these outdated fixed concepts on television.  It's just a theory.  Some people fall into it and some don't.


Anyway, I actually love this cast.  I don't mean I love the people in the cast but I find they make for a far more, I'm talking 70% more, interesting show than last season's cast.  The disparity for me is actually ridiculous.


I totally felt that Shirin's (totally nasty and uncalled for) remarks about Will's weight were mean spirited.  She doesn't have some perfect body.  That would be Jenn.  I am completely in awe of this woman's body, it is so annoyingly perfect.  I can't stand how perfect it is I'm just ogling.  Just, wow.


I thought I would hate Carolyn, but I love her.  Jenn seems to win me over and piss me off with every other episode, this episode she was not so bad.  With that body I assume she is used to everyone treating her like she shits rainbows so I guess I get it.


Tyler is a dark horse.  Joachin and Tyler, I find them very dangerous in this game in a good way.  Tyler is playing smart because I don't hear him being annoying and I'm thankful for it.


I thought the shot of the lizard with worms on its face was astonishingly beautiful.  I Instagramm'ed it.  When Jeff Probst referenced his own Botox I died of happiness.  Thank goodness for this show.


Mike was kind of hot this episode, that was the scariest part.  His voice kind of turns my stomach though.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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The red team is facing off against an entirely (except 1) male dominated strong tribe, so what do they do? Let's vote out the strongest male you have who made up the most time during that blowout immunity challenge. Because that's going to help going forward.

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Artsda.  What season did a male dominated tribe demolish a female dominated one?  Not being snarky, I really want to know?  All I can remember is examples of the reverse.  Vanuatu and One World.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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The red team is facing off against an entirely (except 1) male dominated strong tribe, so what do they do? Let's vote out the strongest male you have who made up the most time during that blowout immunity challenge. Because that's going to help going forward.


Again, they are going to merge at 12 so it is better to get rid of the people not in your alliance now than worry about winning the next challenge.

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This season is still a complete and total dud to me. I'm not giving up, it's still too soon, and quite frankly I'm fine with everyone who was booted being off my TV so no problems there.

But of course Probst thinks this season is one of the best, he was probably nodding and chuckling at all of the misogynist bullshit I heard tonight.

Avoiding watching people eat a chicken you just cuddled, and using that to find the immunity idol is now my favorite way of finding an immunity idol. I like Jenn for that, and her snark. I'll allow her a bit of bitchiness, at least for now.

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I didn't understand why people were complaining about Max putting his feet in the water.  It wasn't his choice and they were going to have to dump the water out anyway, so what's the big deal?  Dump the water, use sand to clean out the bowl, you're good.


Who got the chickens?  And yeah, eat the rooster, not a hen.  Idiots.


Shirin is annoying as heck.  I hope she gets knocked down a peg here with her brilliant strategy getting shot down.


What was the annoyingness from Max?  I can see Shirin being annoying. Maybe it's because he kept talking about everything he knew about Survivor.


I loved Carolyn's eye roll.


Max couldn't even turn around and say goodbye.  So much for being a student of the game.

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Well, color me shocked that Rodney has trouble hanging onto a girlfriend.


I think Rodney and Joaquin might effect some sort of douchebag event horizon.


I just couldn't follow what he was saying.  First it was about women being dumped, and guys being dumped, then baaaaahs, and caaaarnivaaaals.  Then something about his mother being hawt enough for tawmy brady to date?


Nights like this, I envy Nina.

Edited by Alapaki
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And Mike's voice drives me nuts.


When he opens his mouth all I hear is






I was pretty disgusted by the killing of the snake.   What big men.   What expert hunters.  The only food they can find and kill is some small reptile that wanders into their camp.

Edited by millennium
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I've been trying to post here for a bit, but my internet has been possessed by the devil.  Or maybe Rodney.  Either way, I've lost three posts so far.  Not at all frustrating. Thanks, Comcast!


My points: You know who else loves his mother most and thinks all other women are trash?  Norman Bates.  Just sayin'.  


Do you think it's possible that Rodney's hatred of Lindsey had anything to do with her being a lesbian?  Given his stance on traditional gender roles (and given that he is at best a sexist, and possibly a mysogynist), it would not surprise me at all if he was anti-gay.  Regardless, he and Mike and Rodney are definitely sexist.  This show has suffered from sexism throughout its run, but nothing has ever come close to what we saw tonight.  Astounding.  Even Jeff was bothered, and Jeff is the most brotastic bro who ever bro'd!!


Speaking of Jeff, tonight he wore a green short sleeved button down with lots of pockets and buttons and snaps instead of a blue one.  You go, Jeff.


I feel bad for Max, because he's going to get a lot off shit for getting voted out this early.  That said, any expert on the game should know that you don't *tell* people you're an expert!  Saying shit like "more Cancers have won than Leos" (or whatever it was) is going to get you booted every single time.  It's one thing to be a fan of the game, but don't let people know that you've spent years watching and analyzing the show on that level.  He didn't say it, but apparently he made it really clear.


Shirin.  Oh, Shirin.  To me, she's the fun kind of crazy.  To watch.  Not to live with! 


Edited by Turtle
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Rodney actually looks inbred, or as if he has fetal alcohol syndrome.

He seems like a stupid meathead with Mommy issues.


Hopefully either one of two things happens.

1) He see how much of a douchebag he was on this show, and changes for the better.

2) He never ever meets another women, and is stuck living with his Mommy the rest of his life.


I can NOT stand him, or men like him.



P/S...I wrote this post before I read any of the others. I'm thrilled to see so many agree with me. YAY, for you all!

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
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Ew to the lizard with the millipedes crawling all over it.  Why, Survivor?

I thought it was the most interesting part of the show. Kudos to the camera people.

I felt badly for the snake. It was so small.

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Dan: If you have to TELL us you're smarter than you look, then you are probably not smarter than you look.

Shirin: I was really hoping your "I slaughtered a rabbit" would be followed by "and then I ate it." Because, otherwise, you're just a rabbit killer (or a liar).

Rodney: If you have to TELL us that you're lovable (according to your mommy), then you are probably not lovable.

Joe: I kind of might love you a little bit.

Jeff: Your Botox joke had me laugh out loud. Well done. 


I'm not usually super sensitive to sexism, but tonight had me wincing more than once (so I know it had to be bad). I agree with the opinion that Dan's was almost worse than Rodney's. Rodney you can just write off as a misogynistic oaf and largely ignore everything he says (including the whole "If we were back home, I'd grab her by the hair and spank her like a bad baby," which was...gross). With Dan, it was more subtle, as he "identified" the differences between how men and women listen. It wasn't just that he gave a gross overgeneralization (ripped straight from the pages of John Gray, but whatever). It was that, as he was listening "how a woman listens" and describing it in his TH, he was clearly condescending towards that "type" of listener. He was basically "men fix, women smile and nod." Which is sad, because wasn't he the one, in the first episode, to immediately correct Jeff's "they're your brothers" comment to "my brothers and sisters" (or something like that)?


And then with Jeff practically orgasmic over the almost all-male team, there was so much testosterone oozing out of my television, I think I may have sprouted a mustache.


Edited to add: I just reread what Rodney said about grabbing her by her hair and realized that I can't ignore it. It was hateful, degrading, and wholly unnecessary (and not at all funny, which he clearly thought it would be).

Edited by pricklypear
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Ugh, that spanking thing.  


Hey, Rodney, you are not allowed to spank *anyone*, woman or man, unless they expressly ask you to do so.  Without consent, spanking an adult is assault and battery.  (Not going to touch the debate about spanking children!)


And no, I will not go make you a sandwich.

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Oh yes, I almost forgot about that with my disgust of Meathead.



I said to my Mom...'Does he really think women like being patronized?"...Dan's just another ignorant oaf. I noticed he's wearing a wedding ring. I feel sorry for his wife, or any daughters, he may have.

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
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What a dud of a double episode.  The only thing I found mildly redeeming was some of Jenn’s snark.  Otherwise, I ranged from outright disgusted to bored.


On the other hand, I do think the cast has broken down into the right mixture of people I’m actively rooting for, people I generally like even if not 100%, people I dislike and people I detest.


Those I’m actively rooting for are Hali and Joe.

People I mostly like include Jenn, Tyler, Will, Sierra, Kelly and Carolyn

People I don´t like are Shirin, Dan, and Mike

People I detest are Rodney and Joaquin


In other terms, I’d be quite happy to see the former NC tribe go as far as possible.


Most importantly from my point of view is that most of the remaining people are actually playing the game.  This is the first time I can remember where there are no real floaters left before we even get to the merge.  The one good thing about tonight's merge is that it helped make sure of that.


I said before, and I say again, Hali must never play poker. She cracks me up.



But she is about to become a criminal defense attorney, so I think she does need to work on that.

Edited by viajero
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Dan's "women need to be manipulated" schtick was offensive and annoying, but Rodney's schtick was downright hateful and a little bit frightening.  I have no doubt that he would actually grab his girlfriend/wife and put her over his knee if he felt she needed a good spanking to put her back in her place.  


Him going off about Lindsey's face tattoo was rather telling about his mindset, I thought.  Sure, a face tattoo is weird.  But a guy who has about 18 miles of ink on his body, including an actual paragraph about his sister, maybe shouldn't be throwing stones.  

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Is it safe to assume that Rodney's sainted mommy of the highest standards is the one who imprinted in him the disgusting image of grabbing a child by the hair and hitting it while yelling "bad baby"?  It would explain so much.  Someone please tell me he hasn't procreated.


I think Rodney and Joaquin might effect some sort of douchebag event horizon.


Ha!  No doubt.  One shudders to think what's on the other side.


I have to wonder if the crew hung around after tribal to shoot Jeff's 'whatever' face after Max's lame HII fake-out.  It was pretty close to perfect.

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When Kelly got smacked in the head, all I could think of was how Natasha Richardson got hit in the head, said she felt fine, & then died the next day. I kept waiting for a medical emergency.

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Whichever idiot on the Blue Collar keeps spouting “calm, cool, and collective” needs to be hit upside the head. If you’re going to have a personal motto, please at least be bothered to say it right! Words matter.

Can’t figure out why the new Red tribe didn’t vote out Shirin — she seemed the more obnoxious of the two. Unlike Hali, I can’t fault Max for sticking his feet in the water Jenn TOLD him to stick his feet in, and boiling will kill any “wart germs.”


Ew to the lizard with the millipedes crawling all over it.  Why, Survivor?

I know, but he really was a gorgeous emerald green… I tried to look past the bugs to enjoy that.


Loved Carolyn and her eye roll.I always root for women,especially older women.  Carolyn looks promising. I like Carolyn, Sierra,  and Jenn,so far.

Yeah, I really liked Carolyn tonight, and could stand to see Sierra get vengeance on the Old Blue guys. I also like Kelly.

Most of the guys can suck it. I do like Joe, though. Will is nice, but so useless in challenges.

I think the only way New Blue loses any challenges is if they throw one — to get rid of either Rodney or Joaquin, preferably both.

The biggest question is why the hell did they eat a hen?????

Maybe they like eating fertilized eggs (ew!). That was seriously stupid, as they will discover at the buttcrack of dawn.

Edited by Andromeda
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I'm liking Joe, Will, Jenn, Hali, Sierra, Kelly, and Carolyn.  I'm on the fence with Tyler.  He's okay, and for the guys he obviously comes out above the other 4 I didn't mention.  I was Team Shirin but not so much after tonight.  I appreciate her love of the game and care free attitude at enjoying it all.  But it was epic seeing her get blindsided tonight.


I just cringe to think at another NC (whatever their tribe is) loss.  I'm hopeful that since we saw nothing of them in the previews that's a good sign that the other tribe (again, can't remember the name) ends up losing.  I don't know if Mike/Dan/Sierra would actually throw a challenge to break up the bro-mance of Rodney and Joaquin.  That IC was so lop sided tonight I really hope we don't get a replay of next week.  Could be the lack of preview also means a really boring episode next week.  Which considering this was supposed to be the "best episode of the season" with a lot of stuff happening, wouldn't be too much of a downgrade.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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When Kelly got smacked in the head, all I could think of was how Natasha Richardson got hit in the head, said she felt fine, & then died the next day. I kept waiting for a medical emergency.

No kidding.  They should have stopped the challenge right then and there.  It wasn't safe.

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Last note: most dangerous challenge since they almost killed Penner?

That challenge was horrible. It was obviously too dangerous, and having Probst keep yelling about being careful hardly made it "OK" -- not when the contestants are wearing blindfolds! Huge demerits for whoever designed those crappy lifts!
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I loved the second hour.  Even though the tribes were so lopsided that the IC didn't matter, I loved all of the strategy so much that I didn't even care.  I spent the last half hour laughing at how oblivious Max and Shirin are about their own social games.  It was really strange for me, because I am usually cringing with secondhand embarrassment in situations where people are talking themselves up while it is clear they are in for a big fall, but this time I just could not stop laughing.  I must be growing.


I also got a big kick out of Rodney complaining about the lack of food and saying that "as one of the biggest guys [here]" he was having an especially hard time with it, because he is clearly the smallest man there.  Talk about small man syndrome with that one.

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Hey! Remember how last week it was said that kooky Shirin would have fared better with the NC people?

Well, guess not.

Annoying is as annoying does.


However, I think Carolyn jumping ship is bad gameplay, as is any move motivated by personal feelings.

Edited by wonald
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idiot on the Blue Collar keeps spouting “calm, cool, and collective” needs to be hit upside the head. If you’re going to have a personal motto, please at least be bothered to say it right! Words matter.


That's terrible Rodney!  He offers something to hate for everyone.  He's an equal opportunity offender.  

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Well, color me shocked that Rodney has trouble hanging onto a girlfriend.


I think Rodney and Joaquin might effect some sort of douchebag event horizon.


I just couldn't follow what he was saying.  First it was about women being dumped, and guys being dumped, then baaaaahs, and caaaarnivaaaals.  Then something about his mother being hawt enough for tawmy brady to date?


Nights like this, I envy Nina.

OMG, perfect, you made me hurt myself laughing. Douchebag event horizon!! And your next paragraph sounded just like Rodney. I couldn't follow his (lack of) logic at all. Did he mean that women need to have higher standards than him, in case he wants to jump them? Or he can be a horndog, but the wimmins all have to be perfect little "angels"? A real Madonna/Whore complex in action.

As for this observation,


My points: You know who else loves his mother most and thinks all other women are trash? Norman Bates. Just sayin'.

You said it!


Speaking of Jeff, tonight he wore a green short sleeved button down with lots of pockets and buttons and snaps instead of a blue one.  You go, Jeff.

I believe he wore the same shirt at both tribal councils tonight. I was entranced by all the rivets under the pockets... Edited by Andromeda
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However, I think Carolyn jumping ship is bad gameplay, as is any move motivated by personal feelings.

Shirin is more than likely gone next, anyway, if nuNagarote loses, so I doubt Carolyn will have to worry much about that.


Definitely rooting for nuNagarote.  I like them all.  Yes, even Shirin, who is way too kooky for her own good.  Though I understand why many others here don't like her.  Save for Joe, Sierra, and possibly Tyler, nuEscameca is totally full of jerks, douchebags, and sexist assholes.  Don't care for any of them but the three I just said.


As I said in Rodney and Lindsey's threads, I wanted to punch the former when he grinned so openly at the latter being voted out.  He just has such a punchable face.


As for Max, it might've been smarter to vote out Shirin, but I root for women over men, anyway, just like @peachmangosteen does, so it's no huge loss to me that a man got the chop instead of another woman.


Is this the first three-tribe season to see all three tribes go to Tribal Council at least once before dropping down to two?  Philippines only had one tribe go all four weeks before they went down to two, and Cagayan had two tribes go -- one tribe one week, and the other tribe the other three weeks.  So is this the first one in which all three went in consecutive weeks?

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Dan's "women need to be manipulated" schtick was offensive and annoying, but Rodney's schtick was downright hateful and a little bit frightening.  I have no doubt that he would actually grab his girlfriend/wife and put her over his knee if he felt she needed a good spanking to put her back in her place.  


Him going off about Lindsey's face tattoo was rather telling about his mindset, I thought.  Sure, a face tattoo is weird.  But a guy who has about 18 miles of ink on his body, including an actual paragraph about his sister, maybe shouldn't be throwing stones.  


Women have to look pretty for guys, so if he doesn't find it attractive, clearly she's in the wrong? I, too, didn't get his logic, considering he uses his own body as a notebook.

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Shirin is more than likely gone next, anyway, if nuNagarote loses, so I doubt Carolyn will have to worry much about that.


Definitely rooting for nuNagarote.  I like them all.  Yes, even Shirin, who is way too kooky for her own good.  Though I understand why many others here don't like ehr.  Save for Joe, Sierra, and possibly Tyler, nuEscameca is totally full of jerks, douchebags, and sexist assholes.  Don't care for any of them but the three I just said.


As I said in Rodney and Lindsey's threads, I wanted to punch the former when he grinned so openly at the latter being voted out.  He just has such a punchable face.


As for Max, it might've been smarter to vote out Shirin, but I root for women over men, anyway, just like @peachmangosteen does, so it's no huge loss to me that a man got the chop instead of another woman.


Is this the first three-tribe season to see all three tribes go to Tribal Council at least once before dropping down to two?  Philippines only had one tribe go all four weeks before they went down to two, and Cagayan had two tribes go -- one tribe one week, and the other tribe the other three weeks.  So is this the first one in which all three went in consecutive weeks?


Somehow I have a feeling there's a lot of people out there that can tell you just how punchable Rodney's face is.  Normally I root for whoever I like, male or female, but this season it's almost hard not to root for the ladies.  I know it's still early, but I'm a little nervous about why this season is Jeff's favorite so much.  There's golden opportunity with the women, and women who are actually playing, but I worry that the men will end up taking them out.  Of course, if I was nice guy Joe or Tyler, I'd probably want to be sitting in an all male final, too.  Easy million.  I'm glad Max went, mainly because he'd probably (maybe) be better at coping in this game without Shirin at his side.  I don't know how much of a player Shirin is.  Obviously tonight is the first time I feel like we've seen a ton of game play coming out.


And I think you are right re: the tribes.


ETA: Even though this wasn't entirely a fantastic episode for me, I guess I can see why Jeff liked it so much.  The look on his face between Shirin and Max during the last TC was priceless.

Edited by LadyChatts
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The biggest question is why the hell did they eat a hen?????

Because these bozos think the hens need a rooster around to keep them happy and making eggs.

I fell asleep after the new tribes were announced. At that point, I really didn't care anymore. Glad to hear Naked Max was eliminated, as anytime someone boasts about being an expert on the game, they need to be taken down a notch or two.

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What I'm loving about this season so far is that almost all of them seem to be big survivor fans, and at least half of them think they're survivor geniuses -- but these geniuses have no self-awareness and it's so funny! You can put at least Max, Shirin, Dan, and Rodney in that group, and maybe Joaquin, Mike, and Jenn too.  Carolyn, I love her, she's my favorite so far, but she may have also jumped ship too quickly. But if they merge at 12 then she's probably safe.


It's great that the two idols are in the hands of two women (though I'm not sure I like Jenn).  Any chance Sierra may find the one still hidden at Blue Camp?


Is this the first three-tribe season to see all three tribes go to Tribal Council at least once before dropping down to two?  Philippines only had one tribe go all four weeks before they went down to two, and Cagayan had two tribes go -- one tribe one week, and the other tribe the other three weeks.  So is this the first one in which all three went in consecutive weeks?


What about All-Stars (Season 8)? I think Hatch, Tina, and Rob C. were all on different tribes and voted out before the scramble.


I'm gonna defend Probst a little bit here.  I agree that he's just biased in favor of male players as individuals -- he just think they tend to be more fascinating players.  But I don't think he was thrilled about how this switch came out -- a strong mostly male team against a weak mostly female team.  As a producer he's aware of what makes good TV, and having such a lopsided outcome is not it.

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