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S30.E04: S30.E04: Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner / S03.E05: We're Finally Playing Some Survivor

Tara Ariano
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What I'm loving about this season so far is that almost all of them seem to be big survivor fans, and at least half of them think they're survivor geniuses -- but these geniuses have no self-awareness and it's so funny! You can put at least Max, Shirin, Dan, and Rodney in that group, and maybe Joaquin, Mike, and Jenn too.  Carolyn, I love her, she's my favorite so far, but she may have also jumped ship too quickly. But if they merge at 12 then she's probably safe.


It's great that the two idols are in the hands of two women (though I'm not sure I like Jenn).  Any chance Sierra may find the one still hidden at Blue Camp?



What about All-Stars (Season 8)? I think Hatch, Tina, and Rob C. were all on different tribes and voted out before the scramble.


I'm gonna defend Probst a little bit here.  I agree that he's just biased in favor of male players as individuals -- he just think they tend to be more fascinating players.  But I don't think he was thrilled about how this switch came out -- a strong mostly male team against a weak mostly female team.  As a producer he's aware of what makes good TV, and having such a lopsided outcome is not it.


I believe in Hatch's case they had swapped tribes and were down to 2 at that point.


Jeff had a different tone at tribal tonight I thought (the second one).  He loves characters first and foremost, but maybe he got wind of what was happening at blue collar with Rodney/Dan/Mike and did feel like the show was going to be screwed if those 3 went the distance.  Of course they could have left all the sexist remarks on the cutting room floor, so there's no doubt good reason they showed it.  Still, I tend to agree he loves the bros on here a tad too much.  I'm still enjoying this season, and not ready to throw in the towel on it being a wash.  


I really liked the first IC tonight.  I like those that are just as much about luck and skill vs being all physical.

Edited by LadyChatts
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To possibly answer why Probst loves this season, it's probably because that one tribe is full of strong men. He probably got an instant hard on the minute that tribe formed. So anything that does that to Probst is probably destined to be the best season ever.


After this is over I would be surprised if any woman would want to even look at Rodney, unless they're really desperate for some sex from him or don't have any "high standards" for themselves according to Rodney.

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Shirin is Kat with long black hair.

For some reason she reminds me of Eliza of FvF fame.  She'd probably give us some excellent reaction faces on the jury if she made it that far.

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6. Hali - Points off for her voice, but points for being the best looking woman left, I guess?  I dunno, she's kind of dumb and not very interesting.  But she doesn't actively suck.


This is very subjective.  As much as Hali likes to pose in THs like she's a centerfold, she can look like a troll at some angles.  How about points off for acting sweet, then bitching that someone "got what they deserved"? 




I think she's in the greatest position right now.  No way is she going to tribal council, but if she does, somebody like Rodney will have irritated the rest enough that she's not a target.  I think she easily lasts until the merge.

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Wouldn't the pupils be dilated no matter what, from the blindfold?


Until she opened her eyes.


Avoiding watching people eat a chicken you just cuddled, and using that to find the immunity idol is now my favorite way of finding an immunity idol. I like Jenn for that, and her snark. I'll allow her a bit of bitchiness, at least for now.


And that's when I started liking Jenn.  I'm a vegetarian, but I'd never tell these people - that's worse than being a child molester.  I'd make up an elaborate lie about being allergic to animal protein. 


I was pretty disgusted by the killing of the snake.   What big men.   What expert hunters.  The only food they can find and kill is some small reptile that wanders into their camp.


Last year they frequently roasted live crab over the fire as it squirmed. 

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One thing I like about this season is that both hidden Immunity Idols that've been found so far have been found by women.  It's usually men who find them, so I'm glad to see women doing so this time.  First Carolyn, and now Jenn! :)

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Last year they frequently roasted live crab over the fire as it squirmed. 


Somehow this felt different.  Like they thought the snake would replenish their depleted testosterone levels somehow.    It had that same air of showing off that attended the eating of the scorpion earlier.    I hope one of these days they kill and eat something that makes them terribly ill.

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I actually think that voting Max out won't make any difference at all regarding challenges.  Many comments mentioned voting out their one strong male-but that's exactly it.  He wasn't going to make a huge difference for them.  Also, I think those left on the red tribe at the merge will have the advantage as they may be recruited by others to vote out other targets.  I love the new tribes and their interactions.


And, I was so pleased to see Max voted out.  All his glee and self perceived expertise just demonstrate the importance of the social game.  He and Shirin didn't even check in with Carolyn about the vote until close to tribal council.  They should have made sure they had her instead of ignoring her.  And Kelly showed the importance of following the numbers.  It would have been a hard decision as to who to vote out-Max or Shireen, but Carolyn had already targeted Max while on her original team by stating the importance of cutting off the head of the snake-and then the blue team showed us what she meant....


Rodney and Dan need to go.  I can't even give them any of my time to write the reasons why.

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That goodness we are through with this collar business!  


I'm not calling shenanigans, but holy moley, could those teams be any more lopsided?  No wonder Probst loves this season so much.  Ugh.  At least Sierra and Will, the likely next boots had there not been a shake up, know they are safe for a while.  Too many meatheads and clueless idiots are lining up ahead of them.


As far as Max being a big, strong guy, he admitted he was holding back and didn't mind losing the challenge because, you know, blindsides are fun.  (tm Cat)


I'm kind of on the fence about Mike.  He's definitely treading Meathead territory, but his attempts to calm Sierra after the first TC and his advice to Dan to just apologize to her made sense.  He understands that to progress in the game you have to make nice with everyone, even icky girls.  Diplomacy goes a long way.


I would love, love it if Carolyn and Kelly maneuvered themselves to the finale.  But with Probst loving this season we can be pretty sure that this won't happen.

Edited by Haleth
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I find it disturbing that when treating a laceration caused by a blow to the head, the doctor doesn't uncover her face and assess her pupils.  Bizarre.


She should have been evaluated for a concussion.  Rule number one of concussions - pull the player from the game.  They can't just say "yeah, I'm fine".

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That challenge made me sick.  After 30 seasons, they test these challenges for safety, and they thought people pulling heavy things down onto their own heads while blindfolded was the way to go?


Jeff, yelling at blindfolded people:  "BE CAREFUL!"


When you're blindfolded, how can you even know how to follow what he means by that?


Sometimes, the challenges are so interesting, and poetry in motion when carried out successfully.  Challenges like this always turn my stomach.  "Survivor" shouldn't have to be about literally surviving the challenge and not getting seriously injured from the lack of safety restrictions, yet time and time again we see examples of this peril.  That's not the kind of show I'm here for.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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You know, maybe Max stands for "Maximum Jackass".

I think Max and his Survivor Bride are a good lesson in how over-intellectualizing the game completely misses the point of it. Swallowing a textbook on something doesn't make you any good at it. Survivor is about being able to think on your feet and react to a unique situation presented to you, not endlessly comparing it to previous versions. Oh yeah. And fucking LISTENING, Max and Shirin. Listening. Not talking.

Meanwhile, on the Tribe of Dicks, we've got another situation where people don't listen. But in that case it's less about formal gamesmanship and more about flapping your gums all the time with offensive opinions (Rodney) and overweening pride (Dan).

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You know how when people from the US travel overseas and say "I'm Canadian" to avoid anti-America sentiments?  Well, thanks to Rodney I will now be introducing myself thusly "Hello, I'm BusyOctober and I'm from Rhode Island."   And from the previews it looks like his douche-ometer rises steadily with Joaquin joining the "Bro-hood".  I'm gonna need lots of alcohol and a long shower after watching these two share their philosophies.


Even though I still don't like Jenn very much, she had me laughing a few times with her TH's and reaction shots.  Shirin and Max would have made me very stabby.  I don't think I would've survived a 3 hour plane ride with either of them, let alone 3 DAYS. 


Despite the total lopsidedness of the teams I still don't have anyone I feel like rooting for yet.  There's still a lot of chaff to be winnowed out IMO.  I kinda like Mike and sorta like Kelly I guess??

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Peachy loves this.  A bunch of alpha males fighting for dominance.

Not many real alpha males this season, and I don't think they are dominating anything.  Best players IMO so far are probably Jenn, Hali, Joe and Carolyn (unsure about Kelly and Tyler).  The alpha males (I think they are more wannabes than real McCoys) don't come across as smart or strategic.  I'll be stunned if one of them wins.


They really want a man to win this season, don't they?  Dan is the Screech of that alliance.  Definitely not smarter than he looks, and is as bad as Nina was.  I'm guessing that's why they make it "random" when they pick buffs so they can say they don't play favorites.


Do you think the draw was not random? 

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Wow, that blindfold challenge was a total clusterfuck. I found it hilarious that No Collar won, because I could barely hear Joe shouting commands over the screeching of Carolyn and Ciara. Poor Kelly, but damn, what a trooper. And did anyone else feel like Probst was unnaturally attached to the platforms? He kept barking at people to be careful, but it came off more to me that he was worried about the wood itself than the players. I don't know, just kind of gave me a chuckle. 


It was nice to see NC get a break from Tribal, and for Blue Collar to get their first crack at it. They'd been the tribe with the most conflict so far, so it was interesting that they kept winning and avoiding TC. I really hoped Rodney would go. First, he was such an idiot in that challenge. He was all "Herp derp, where do I go next?" Brawn means shit if you can't figure out what to do with it. But he's also just such a disgusting person. Everything that comes out of his mouth just gets worse and worse. Although, I could not, for the life of me, figure out exactly what he meant about women holding themselves to higher standards. Did he mean they should hold themselves to higher standards than men? Or have their standards fallen over time and they should hold themselves to standards higher than their current ones? 


The thing is, he's just too ridiculous to even bother. Lindsey's big mistake was just bringing too much of her personal beliefs into the game. Yea, Rodney is an offensive idiot. But you're not marrying the guy. You're not moving in with him long term. You've got to learn not to get too emotional about these little philosophical conversations. Just tell him you disagree and then go find some firewood or some shit. Although, either way, with the alliance of four, she and Ciara were bound to be on the chopping block either way. 


I'll tell you this, Rodney was the best thing that ever happened to Dan. Dan was rubbing everyone the wrong way at first, but Rodney has quickly overshot him as the loose cannon to worry about in the group. Then again, I HATED how Dan came down on Ciara after her friend had just been let go at tribal. What on earth was the purpose of calling her out on all her challenge foibles? That was just mean. 


Does anyone else think Ciara looks like Porunn from Vikings? Just a wee bit?



So that tribal switch was incredibly lopsided, no? So many team members remain together, but now it's basically like men vs. women. Good luck with that. 


I had to laugh at how hard Max was pushing for a blindside (seemingly just for the SAKE of a blindside, shades of Kass anyone?), only to BE the one blindsided. Haha. Oh well. I wanted to like Max. I thought, "Oh he's smart and he really studies the game, this should be interesting". But he was very meh. All he really did was walk around naked. BFD. 


I still can't get behind everyone's hatred of Shirin. Maybe she reminds me a bit of myself. I'm a talker, and I don't always know quite when to shut up. At least she appears to be having fun. 

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This is very subjective.  As much as Hali likes to pose in THs like she's a centerfold, she can look like a troll at some angles.  How about points off for acting sweet, then bitching that someone "got what they deserved"?


That was what immediately stood out to me. I was all, "Damn. Okay then. I guess I had you pegged wrong". 

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I'm still wondering why they went with Max rather than Shirin.  I mean you only have 2 guys on your team and one of them is not very strong why would you vote out the other?


Max must have really been annoying.  More annoying than Shirin?  wow.


I liked both Max and Shirin...and Lindsey!  They were probably my three favorites, so that was kind of a sickening thud of an episode.  I do appreciate that they shook things up though--it just didn't break the way I wanted, alas.


That challenge made me sick.  After 30 seasons, they test these challenges for safety, and they thought people pulling heavy things down onto their own heads while blindfolded was the way to go?


Jeff, yelling at blindfolded people:  "BE CAREFUL!"


When you're blindfolded, how can you even know how to follow what he means by that?


Sometimes, the challenges are so interesting, and poetry in motion when carried out successfully.  Challenges like this always turn my stomach.  "Survivor" shouldn't have to be about literally surviving the challenge and not getting seriously injured from the lack of safety restrictions, yet time and time again we see examples of this peril.  That's not the kind of show I'm here for.


Yeah, I agree that this seemed kind of negligent.  Which is too bad, because I did think otherwise that all the challenges they did tonight were at least interesting and different from the kind of rut they had been getting in.

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I have to say a word in defense of Rodney. First of all, Sierra is right, horses have higher IQs and he can't help that, second, he believes there are two kinds of women; angels and whores. That's twice as much individuality as Dan or Mike or the author of "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus," will allow us. Thinking that all three and a half billion of us are just alike is my pet peeve and when it comes from these prizes, none whom have probably been close enough to more than a dozen women combined to voice theories, it's particularly hard to tolerate.

I'll bet Kelly is more analytical and less likely to think with her emotions than either of those three musky misogynists, all of whom have gone off to nurse hurt feelings, in the short time we've known them.

Which reminds me, if I had a potential three inch scar across the front of my forehead, I would have had to leave the game and see a plastic surgeon immediately, because, vanity, thy name is me.

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Yeah, I felt like Jenn and Hali slipped over to the Mean Girl side of the line for me. I was on their side for the Nina situation, but then you create the exact same dynamic in a day with two new people?


To quote Justified, "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

Edited by loki567
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How about points off for acting sweet, then bitching that someone "got what they deserved"?

Agreed. Hali sounded like Nina had been stealing food or something. Jenn doesn't seem able to like anything but chickens, she hadn't known Shirrin long enough to be dissing her for nothing worse than a little cheerful chatter. Jenn complained on the first day about having to put up with someone with a disability. As Sierra would say, those two are dead to me.

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Rodney on the other hand needs to go, because I'm sick of him. All that talk about women needing to have respect for themselves and whatnot. He needs to too, don't know him personally but the way he comes off it seems he may sleep around with a lot of women, that's not a high standard. I don't get why women have to hold themselves to a higher standard. Whether you're a man or a woman, everyone needs to have high standards for themselves. Rodney is just an all around idiot with an IQ of a damn raisin, his mother must be very proud. He can sing his sister's death story all he wants, it's just too damn hard to sympathize with him, just read off as trying to get more allies to rally behind him so he can control the game.



Well, color me shocked that Rodney has trouble hanging onto a girlfriend.


I think Rodney and Joaquin might effect some sort of douchebag event horizon.


I just couldn't follow what he was saying.  First it was about women being dumped, and guys being dumped, then baaaaahs, and caaaarnivaaaals.  Then something about his mother being hawt enough for tawmy brady to date?


Nights like this, I envy Nina.

I don't think Rodney even understands how his statement is coming across. When someone would question him on it, he would just repeat: "No, I'm just saying that women should hold themselves to a higher standard..." as if that sounds like an okay thing to say. If he had said something like he is not into casual sex, and would prefer a potential girlfriend/date to be the same way, that might have come off better. But this pronouncement about how all women should be was just odious.


And did he mean just their behavior, or did he mean the gals should pretty themselves up real nice, too? Because he seemed to suggest that there was more competition to snag a prime piece of man like himself, so the ladies need to step it up if they want to have a chance. Good luck with that, ROD.

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When Kelly got smacked in the head, all I could think of was how Natasha Richardson got hit in the head, said she felt fine, & then died the next day. I kept waiting for a medical emergency.


Her head injury was completely different.

I was getting frustrated with the 'callers'. They kept telling their blindfolded team mates to just drop the cart. They had the ability to see it was dangerous. Yet they would just scream drop it. Not sure if Joe was as bad as the the ladies. Didn't seem to hear him as much,yet they did much better.


The biggest question is why the hell did they eat a hen?????

My 8 yr old son asked why they didn't kill the rooster. He said 'who wants a stupid ole rooster around'?

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I have to say a word in defense of Rodney. First of all, Sierra is right, horses have higher IQs and he can't help that, second, he believes there are two kinds of women; angels and whores. That's twice as much individuality as Dan or Mike or the author of "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus," will allow us. Thinking that all three and a half billion of us are just alike is my pet peeve and when it comes from these prizes, none whom have probably been close enough to more than a dozen women combined to voice theories, it's particularly hard to tolerate.

Is that really a defense of Rodney though, or just stating some facts about his world view?  I get the Angel/Whore thing, but knowing a better way to describe his position, and even maybe understanding how a poor white mumbling macho Boston meathead might inherit that point of view isn't necessarily excusing it.


The casting monkeys WERE really at it this time around, making sure the male component, at least, of Blue Collar-land espoused hard the traditional sexist values.  You're right, Dan and Mike are sexist too, just in slightly different flavors from Rodney.  Whether its about humoring women and pretending to understand them, but not actually respecting their opinion, or if it's about being in your face with your criticisms of women because they don't fit your demure brief, both are sexist.

Edited by Kromm
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I was getting frustrated with the 'callers'. They kept telling their blindfolded team mates to just drop the cart. They had the ability to see it was dangerous. Yet they would just scream drop it. Not sure if Joe was as bad as the the ladies. Didn't seem to hear him as much,yet they did much better.


Honestly I can't blame the callers for much as I blame Survivor for having dangerous challenges like this one that rely on some random person to direct their teammates to safety--all the while they are distracted by trying to hurry so they can win the challenge.  It makes no sense to me, and I think the calling job is never as easy as it looks.  Trying to yell at your teammates while other teams are doing the same thing is just a set up for disaster.

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Is that really a defense of Rodney though, or just stating some facts about his world view? I get the Angel/Whore thing, but knowing a better way to describe his position, and even maybe understanding how a poor white mumbling macho Boston meathead might inherit that point of view isn't necessarily excusing it.

Sorry, Kromm, my "In defense of Rodney," was meant in a sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek way, intended more to say that although Rodney is a complete idiot about women and everything else, Dan and Mike were even worse, because they've written every single one of us off as exactly the same, totally dumb and predictable. Sometimes I type things and forget you all can't see the disgusted head shaking I'm doing.

Now, I'm thinking about Lindsey saying that Rodney had bad morals. What? Again, I know he's an idiotic blowhard, but who the hell is Lindsey, of all people to judge someone else's morals?

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The biggest question is why the hell did they eat a hen?????

I wondered about that, too. Instead of three eggs a day, now you have two.  Someone asked about where the chickens ended up - they should be with the new Red team because that was No Collar's camp.  They can mix the eggs and beans for breakfast and get a good bit of protein to start off the day.


Shirin reminds me of Frodo, especially in the expression Frodo gets when he is struggling with the ring - I'd see that with Shirin sometimes.  Now that I got to see and hear Sierra more, I thought of Jen Carroll from Top Chef season 6 and All-Stars. I also like Dan a little.  I find him interesting to watch. He puts his foot in it a lot but then he reads the room and changes his behavior. I don't know if his man/woman behavior theory is his true beliefs or if he was spouting that because it was in line with what Mike would like to hear. Dan is also very strong - he's doing well in the challenges, so if most challenges are physical, he could win immunity a lot post-merge. But I couldn't understand why he was berating Sierra; I thought the point of the conversation was to get her on the blue guys' side and he did just the opposite. I wondered if he was deliberately antagonizing her but I don't know what the point would be.  Rodney was reminding me a lot of Big Brother Caleb. He is so gross.


I thought Kelly would have sat out the immunity challenge instead of Dan and whoever the other person was. She just got conked on the head!

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Yeah, I felt like Jenn and Hali slipped over to the Mean Girl side of the line for me. I was on their side for the Nina situation, but then you create the exact same dynamic in a day with two new people?


To quote Justified, "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."


The same could be said for Sirin and Max. Maybe it's on them.

Especially since Will found them annoying also.

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Honestly I can't blame the callers for much as I blame Survivor for having dangerous challenges like this one that rely on some random person to direct their teammates to safety--all the while they are distracted by trying to hurry so they can win the challenge.  It makes no sense to me, and I think the calling job is never as easy as it looks.  Trying to yell at your teammates while other teams are doing the same thing is just a set up for disaster.

The challenges are often dangerous. It's the nature of the game.

When they were showing one screaming to the left then the other one screaming to the right it was hilarious.

I'm glad she wasn't badly injured and now she has cred with her fellow troopers.

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Oh, good times, good times!


Jeff asks Rodney if he's forgotten that a social game is part of the strategy and Rodney responds:  "Huh?"


Dan being all scornful about taking advice from youngsters about women--why, he's been sweet talkin' the wimmins since Hector was a pup, snorf snorf snorf.   Next scene:  Dan faceplants his Sierra mission. 


And what's more fun than a tribal council with every single player giggling into his sleeve about "the big blindside"--and hardly anyone knows what's really going on? (Loving that wily Carolyn.)


Shirin knows every player from thirty seasons, but she didn't know which tribemate it was safe to look at to share her dismay.


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I thought this was a great two hours of Survivor. Rodney is so clueless about what he is saying that I am not sure anyone could get through to him why it was so offensive. I like Sierra, but she needs to get over being Miss Pissy Pants and find people she can get along with. I disagree with anyone who says Dan knows how to read people - he's terrible at it. He claimed he knew how to mollify Sierra and then went over and did the exact opposite of that which was, "You hurt my feelings too!" Wha-huh? And I think she was absolutely right to say that its completely different when its YOUR NAME on the ballot.


I am really liking quite a few people - Kelly, Jenn, Hali, Sierra, Joe, and Carolyn. Mike isn't bad - I think he generally had the right idea to try and get Sierra back on their side. I don't think it was sexist at all - just good thinking, we (mostly, you DAN) made her feel bad and we (you) should just apologize.


I am liking this season. I thought Probst mentioning his botox was HILarious! Now there is a guy that has self-awareness!

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I thought this was a great two hours of Survivor. Rodney is so clueless about what he is saying that I am not sure anyone could get through to him why it was so offensive. I like Sierra, but she needs to get over being Miss Pissy Pants and find people she can get along with. I disagree with anyone who says Dan knows how to read people - he's terrible at it. He claimed he knew how to mollify Sierra and then went over and did the exact opposite of that which was, "You hurt my feelings too!" Wha-huh? And I think she was absolutely right to say that its completely different when its YOUR NAME on the ballot.


I am really liking quite a few people - Kelly, Jenn, Hali, Sierra, Joe, and Carolyn. Mike isn't bad - I think he generally had the right idea to try and get Sierra back on their side. I don't think it was sexist at all - just good thinking, we (mostly, you DAN) made her feel bad and we (you) should just apologize.


I am liking this season. I thought Probst mentioning his botox was HILarious! Now there is a guy that has self-awareness!

I cracked up when Jeff said the botox musty not be working.

I agree Mike isn't all bad. His voice can be a little grating. I wonder if they have to yell a lot on rigs and that has caused him issue's?

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I wondered about that too?!?!?! I'm from City Folk stock but remembered that FogHorn LegHorn had a red mohawk and he was a boy.

My first thought was, why did the show give them a rooster?  Then I realized that the rooster was the one they could eat.  Do you think maybe they didn't realize that hens would lay eggs without a rooster?  I cannot imagine why you would eat one of the egg-layers otherwise, just baffled me.  Keeping the rooster seems dumb, too.  You'd have to feed it, right? Without getting any eggs in return? I'm guessing these are not people who have lived on a farm or know much about animals.  

Edited by Calamity Jane
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Color me surprised that Jenn wasn't shown telling anyone - Hali - about the idol she found. I pegged her for someone who would share immediately. Good for her, but let's see if she uses it correctly.


About the challenge fiasco - all it would take is one, maybe two, long thin poles on each side of the "lift" to keep the platform from hitting the contestants. Both Jeff and the callers were yelling "Watch out!" I know you can't help it but say stuff like that but it was not helping the blindfolded at all. How about, "On the count of three both sides drop the rope." That would have helped a little.

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My first thought was, why did the show give them a rooster?  Then I realized that the rooster was the one they could eat.  Do you think maybe they didn't realize that hens would lay eggs without a rooster?  I cannot imagine why you would eat one of the egg-layers otherwise, just baffled me.  Keeping the rooster seems dumb, too.  You'd have to feed it, right? Without getting any eggs in return? I'm guessing these are not people who have lived on a farm or know much about animals.


Yea, my only guess is that they think they need the rooster to get the eggs. Either that, or they really don't know which is which - and that would be incredibly sad!

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Because these bozos think the hens need a rooster around to keep them happy and making eggs.


I feel like I just felt a disturbance in The Force.


This is like the epitome of this, what seems to be, misogynistic, alpha male, Jeff has a boner for it, season.

Sierra physically reminds me of Hasselback.  


She reminds me of Gabrielle Reece!

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LOL at how awful these eps were. The best of the season, Probst?! Really?! This season is gonna be rough. Although, as has been mentioned, at least now we know why Jeff is so in love with this season.


I didn't understand why people were complaining about Max putting his feet in the water.  It wasn't his choice and they were going to have to dump the water out anyway, so what's the big deal?  Dump the water, use sand to clean out the bowl, you're good.


This. Thank you. Hali, honey, your BFF Jenn is the one that told Max to put his feet in the pot so maybe you can give your bitchy confessional about her.


As for Max, it might've been smarter to vote out Shirin, but I root for women over men, anyway, just like @peachmangosteen does, so it's no huge loss to me that a man got the chop instead of another woman.


You know, since I am a real 'uteruses before duderuses' kinda gal, I was almost glad that 90% of the men proved what sexist pieces of shit they were in this ep because it just gave me so much satisfaction.


The headline should be "a bunch of dicks".




Thank you. This is truly beautiful.


You know, I didn't like Max and I do like Shirin yet can see why she's annoying, but I can't really hate either of them truly because I too am a Survivor superfan and I think it's cute that they love the show so much.


I wish I liked Carolyn and Kelly but they're both annoying as hell to me. However, if they can get together an all female thing and just take out every guy then I'll be OK with them.


Hali surpassed Jenn on the awful scale in this episode. She went downhill so fast it was amazing. What a heinous little asshole she turned out to be. I still mostly hate Jenn, but I loved how she found the idol and the way she reacted to Max's sting.


Team Sierra! I hope she wins. She's probably the only one left I still mostly like. Well, I like Shirin, but she's a terrible player so.


This episode would actually end up being really awesome if the rest of the season plays out with man after man getting voted out. That would be fun.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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[snip] I also got a big kick out of Rodney complaining about the lack of food and saying that "as one of the biggest guys [here]" he was having an especially hard time with it, because he is clearly the smallest man there.  Talk about small man syndrome with that one.

I rolled my eyes so hard when he was saying that. But at the same time, I knew what he was talking about. Sure, there could be a little Napoleonic complex feeding into it, but he also has Displaced Crossfit Syndrome. Rodney obviously spends time cultivating his muscles. I am projecting from others I know, but I imagine his social media is full of selfies in gym mirrors, and updates about how many reps he's doing, or that it's shoulders day or #LegDay. I imagine he uses his dead sister tat on the lady at the gym cafe as he had (and pontificated on) his pre- and/or post- workout protein shakes, and basically looks at Gaston's song from "Beauty in the Beast" as something to excitedly beat ("Now that you're grown you eat five dozen eggs? My banana-whey protein shake is better than 10 dozen eggs. Bro. Do you even lift??")

No matter how big and strong, without the meat to keep it up, quickly feels below optimal, and runs risk of Osten-ing. 


[...] Shirin knows every player from thirty seasons, but she didn't know which tribemate it was safe to look at to share her dismay.

So true!

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I don't know, I listen to (and respond to) the men in my life differently than I do to the women in my life.

I don't know that I would apply those methods to strangers, though. And I'm not a patronizing dick about it like Dan.

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To possibly answer why Probst loves this season, it's probably because that one tribe is full of strong men. He probably got an instant hard on the minute that tribe formed. So anything that does that to Probst is probably destined to be the best season ever.




Jeffy's dream season has always been a bunch of alpha males fighting it out to the end.  Think of the boner possibilities!  I fear his excitement over this season does not bode well for the women.

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I don't know, I listen to (and respond to) the men in my life differently than I do to the women in my life.

I don't know that I would apply those methods to strangers, though. And I'm not a patronizing dick about it like Dan.

There's nothing wrong with responding to or even speaking to women differently from men.


The difference is if you attribute some underlying rationale for it that swings on some of the loaded terms or assumptions that seem to assume women are automatically all nutty emotionally driven illogical beings, while men are all stalwart logical ones.  


And it's HOW you do it (adjust your speech or conversation approach).  If you have some bent idea of what a women is, does or believes, like Dan seems to, you oversimplify it into "yes, Dear".  If you don't, then maybe you'll get somewhere.


It's the generalization that's the problem.  Women may TEND to be more emotionally driven than men, but assuming it and stating it like it's some maxim, is the problem. Women may TEND to want speech couched a certain way, more... lets say... delicacy to your speech... but there are also plenty brought up who curse like sailors.  Women may TEND to a lot of things, but Dan is in dangerous territory reacting more to what he thinks rather than what he observes in these particular ones.


It's there that he's actually similar to Max, for example.  The whole aspect of having no good ability to read a room, you might call it.  Or rather, Max was so oblivious he didn't even seem to realize he had to TRY to read the room.  Whereas Dan simply constantly reads it wrongly.

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I was getting frustrated with the 'callers'. They kept telling their blindfolded team mates to just drop the cart. They had the ability to see it was dangerous. Yet they would just scream drop it. Not sure if Joe was as bad as the the ladies. Didn't seem to hear him as much,yet they did much better.



After the second time Jeff told Will to watch it with the cart, Joe seemed to realize he was the only one who could see and leaned over and told Will to jump out of the way as soon as it dropped. The other two didn't do that, that we saw.

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I wish I liked Carolyn and Kelly but they're both annoying as hell to me.


"Annoying as hell"??  I truly don't even know who Kelly is!?


Is Kelly the cop who got hit in the head?  I have never even noticed her otherwise at all.  I think she's had confessionals but you couldn't pay me to repeat what she might have said.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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