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S05.E18: Confessions Of A Housewife

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I think Brandi misses the point LisaR acted out 1 time, before that she has been welcoming and sweet. PLus as soon as the blow up happened she apoligezed to everyone and was clearly shaken be her actions. The next day she still looked shell shocked and wasnt her normal bublly self the rest of the Amsterdam trip. That shows self awareness.

Brandi on the other hand throws wine and laughs, or call people meth heads then tries to be a gansta, slaps a woman then wants to say WE WERE PLAYING. That is the difference. 

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I am sure my opinion may be unpopular but I think I can understand where Kim is on the house. If both of her sisters sere more financially successful, she may have thought "why do they need to take this too" and it looked like greed and selfishness. Neither one of them seem to have needed money because of their spouses. So then Kim may have felt FORCED into being bought out and is stuck with the "its unfair" monologue in her head that won't go away. Maybe they took something from her when she was at a weak point. Doesn't she deserve something after working as a tewn to help support their lives back then? IMO

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I fast forward the date with Brandi and the yound guy, but I might have to watch it since everyone seems to agree it was pathetic.


She is probably pissed after seeing the show, she thought she was going to look so hot and wanted, and viewers are left like meh I rather do my husband then that kid.

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I think Kyle is probably very happy that the whole story about Mom's house is finally out there. For how many years now have we seen them replay the limo "you stole my house" scene? At last....the truth is that Kim was paid for her fair share because she couldn't afford to buy out the other two sisters. And by that point, I'm guessing they were tired of carrying Kim's debt load.

Kyle had explained it years ago after the limo scene.  Kim has no concept of living within her means.  Imagine having to pay rent wherever she lands in the LA basin, have a house in Indian Wells with mortgage and taxes and claim to want to chip in on the mortgage and expenses of a third house.  As others have said-if Kim truly wanted the house why not have Kathy relinquish her share to Kim and buy Kyle out for her?  I think it was a bad business decision by Kyle and Mauricio and I hope they don't make many more sentimental real estate decisions. 


I think at this point they will have to bring out contracts and cancelled checks to prove anything. I guess it would help if Kathy would weigh in, but I am not sure how much I trust her to be honest (this is based on nothing except the fact that I don't think I like her).


So Kim's daughter Brooke is an agent and works for Hilton and Hyland.  From what Kyle said last night, when Kyle called Kim to say they were listing the house, Kim asked if Brooke could have the listing and Kyle agreed it would be listed by Brooke and Farrah. This sounds like a great arrangement to me. These two young women are competitors, but also apparently close to each other. It seems like it was all above board and handled out in the open.  Funny how Kim started out by saying that Kyle didn't tell her about the house until it was already in escrow, but then a few minutes later acknowledged recommending Brooke get the listing. This woman is exhausting. I cannot imagine what it might be like to deal with her on a continual basis. 

I think it is pretty nervy to ask for a listing from family members that have two real estate agents in the family on a home that is losing money for the seller.  It seems Kim got her way though.    At this point Brooke doesn't work at selling real estate she parties and sells things from her closet.  I would be curious to see who brought in the buyer.  According to Andy the sisters talked a lot at the Reunion.

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am sure my opinion may be unpopular but I think I can understand where Kim is on the house. If both of her sisters sere more financially successful, she may have thought "why do they need to take this too" and it looked like greed and selfishness. Neither one of them seem to have needed money because of their spouses. So then Kim may have felt FORCED into being bought out and is stuck with the "its unfair" monologue in her head that won't go away. Maybe they took something from her when she was at a weak point. Doesn't she deserve something after working as a tewn to help support their lives back then? IMO


While I somewhat agree, if Kyle was paying the mortgage and Kim wasn't, then it's not really fair for Kyle to shoulder the burden financially while Kim "owned" part of the house. When money, inheritance and family mix, it can be a real mess. I'm sure Big Kathy thought that she was being equitable by leaving the house to all three, but of course down the line, it causes problems and hard feelings. They should have probably sold the house and split the profits. But I seem to remember Kyle or Mauricio saying that the house was underwater. I'm not about to try to speculate about that. 


I do agree with the poster upthread who said that most of the resentment seems to center around the house, which is really sad. 


Bottom line for me is that you can either let money get in the way of relationships or you don't. When my grandfather died, he left the house to all his children. His brother ulled a fast one by finding someone give a lowball appraisal and bought the others out for a tiny fraction of the real worth. My dad was mad for a few months, then he decided it wasn't worth harboring years or resentment over it. Kim needs to decide whether she is willing to put aside her anger about the house and have a relationship with her sister or if she can't. And if she can't she needs to walk away. Kyle won't walk away because she feels like she has to take care of Kim, no matter how mean and angry she is. 

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There is nothing sexy about fucking a young boy.

This has been a Yolanda season for me, I adore her. Yes she's over the top with her My King, My Love shit, but she comes across as a genuinely kind person.

Lyme disease is a very serious and life threatening/altering disease. My mother suffers from chronic Lyme, it is very challenging and scary as it attacks every part of your body, including your brain. As Yolanda says - words are lost, thoughts are lost, personalities change. I have a lot of sympathy for her and I love that she is able to bring awareness to the public, too bad preconceived notions about the disease get her dismissed.

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Now THAT is a great theory!!!  Love it!!!  All I can hum now is "What's it all about now Alfie" ala Michael Caine, lol.

I'm not sure why women in there forties think dating a man 20 years younger makes them look good, it just makes them look older.

If Brandi was so upset about her father's health why wasn't she at his bedside?  The answer is...camera time! She is desperate for camera time (hence the friendship with Kim) and now sympathy points.

Kyle's house in Palm Springs is unbelievable.  Real estate porn at it's best.  Kim hired a car to go to Palm Springs?  I wonder why? Seems like a silly expense.  I also wonder why she, who has no job could not leave earlier in the day to avoid traffic.  Maybe she needed time to sober up and I don't mean that in a mean way.


Kim is the only we have not seen driving her own car this season and IMO there is a reason, her continued drug use. Allowing Kim to drive when she is being filmed is a liability, a big liability for production and Bravo. If she gets into an accident then, they can/will be held liable if she is under the influence of alcohol or drugs which says, to me at least, Kim is still using more often than not.


The reason Kim did not initially want her mother's house in Indian Wells is because her mother had bought her a house in the same development.  Big Kathy only had the house Kyle and Mauricio bought for six years before she died.  So Kim and the kids lived in one house and Big Kathy lived in her house until her death.  Somewhere along the way Kim lost or sold the house her mother bought for her.  Kyle and Mauricio paid the sisters top of the market for the house.  I previously posted the profit would have been small but now it seems Kyle and Mauricio lost money on the place.


Kim's issues to me, seem to be, she cannot be happy for Kyle and Mauricio.  It is bad enough they have a good marriage and great kids but they don't have to be so damn successful.  Maybe if Kim started acting like a human being she would be included in more of the Umansky family events.  At this point who could blame anyone for not wanting to have volatile Kim around.

Most likely, K/M had to put more money into remodeling to get it sold and did not make enough to recoup all of it back.


I think at this point they will have to bring out contracts and cancelled checks to prove anything. I guess it would help if Kathy would weigh in, but I am not sure how much I trust her to be honest (this is based on nothing except the fact that I don't think I like her).


So Kim's daughter Brooke is an agent and works for Hilton and Hyland.  From what Kyle said last night, when Kyle called Kim to say they were listing the house, Kim asked if Brooke could have the listing and Kyle agreed it would be listed by Brooke and Farrah. This sounds like a great arrangement to me. These two young women are competitors, but also apparently close to each other. It seems like it was all above board and handled out in the open.  Funny how Kim started out by saying that Kyle didn't tell her about the house until it was already in escrow, but then a few minutes later acknowledged recommending Brooke get the listing. This woman is exhausting. I cannot imagine what it might be like to deal with her on a continual basis. 

Didn't Kyle say that Brooke worked at a rival agency, which means 1 of them was not with H&H at the time they sold that house.

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I am sure my opinion may be unpopular but I think I can understand where Kim is on the house. If both of her sisters sere more financially successful, she may have thought "why do they need to take this too" and it looked like greed and selfishness. Neither one of them seem to have needed money because of their spouses. So then Kim may have felt FORCED into being bought out and is stuck with the "its unfair" monologue in her head that won't go away. Maybe they took something from her when she was at a weak point. Doesn't she deserve something after working as a tewn to help support their lives back then? IMO


Don't forget that Kim's 2nd husband was oil heir Gregg Davis.  So for a number of years, Kim was the one with the well to do spouse. Probably the wealthiest of all the sisters I'd imagine. So it's not as though Kim has spent her life struggling to make ends meet while Kyle and Kathy were whooping it up on private jets and yachts. She's lived the high life too. 


The bottom line is that Kim has made a plethora of poor decisions on her own (both financial and personal) that have led her to this point in her life, and she's trying to put the blame on Kyle (yet not Kathy??) instead of squarely where it should be - on herself.


eta- ha I see haydensterling and I were posting similar thoughts at the same time!

Edited by Duke2801
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This is still an issue because Kim is delusional. She has made herself believe something that is simply not true. Kim couldn't afford the house. Her and Kathy were bought out. They cashed the checks.

The sale of a house between family members can be a complicated process. Not to mention what may have been happening in all their lives while doing this deal. I can totally image there being more to it than a dollar amount some cashed checks and changing of ownership.


Intent. Decisions that were made. Courtesies that were or were not given. Nah, there can easily be a WHOLE lot more to how that went down for sure. I doubt we'll ever know though.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
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It's pretty impressive that Kyle never really responded to Kim's assertions that she and Mauricio stole Kim's GD house. She said very little about it at the reunion or since, even though there was a lot of speculation on it. I can't imagine any other housewife letting that sit out there for four years when you have proof (actual cancelled checks) that its a lie. She didn't even bring it up last night (maybe it was bound to come up as they were at the new PS house, but still). That speaks more loudly than any words ever could!

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I think Kyle is probably very happy that the whole story about Mom's house is finally out there. For how many years now have we seen them replay the limo "you stole my house" scene? At last....the truth is that Kim was paid for her fair share because she couldn't afford to buy out the other two sisters. And by that point, I'm guessing they were tired of carrying Kim's debt load.


I think Kyle has kept many details about Kim's secrets over the years in spite of the way Kim has been treating Kyle like a punching bag for so long.

The house wasn't worth that much $ to begin with...if Kyle was lying, it can easily be disputed but nothing that supports Kim's claims have come to light after all these years. Kim just outed herself on this episode. If Kim's daughter was the Realtor, her daughter basically earned Kim's share with that commission. The profit was not that large and the improvements cost more than they got out of the house. Someone, not Kim, was paying the mortgage, taxes, utilities on that house.

It seems to me that Kim is confusing her past contributions to the Richards coffers and believes everything was paid in full by her child star earnings only. She realizes that she has lost out dearly after at one time being the breadwinner, but she has only to look in the mirror as to the blame of her downfall. Kyle is her baby sister and doesn't appease Kim the way Kathy does and that is why she doesn't blame Kathy. Kim still thinks she lives in a time where she took care of Kyle. Now that the tables have turned she lashes out at Kyle and others instead of inside herself. Kathy is like a second mother to her that doesn't make Kim feel judged so she doesn't have anger issues with Kathy.

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So, what in the holy hell was that, with Brandi and the guy (who looked like he had too much product in his hair)?!


It only served to make her look cheap and desperate.  She really has no concept of herself outside of herself does she (i.e how she is viewed by others)?  If she thinks that she looked hot, sexy, and young, then her next surgery needs to be Lasik to get her eyes corrected.  It would also help when dressing, so she doesn't mistakenly walk out her hotel room with a dirty, old shag carpet on her shoulders.


I don't care about ages, as long as everyone is legal, but man Brandi, have some self-respect and at least keep that shit to yourself.  It actually ages you to brag and be seen with men half your age like it's proof that you still got it goin on.  She's always so bare-ass backwards.  And she's got no game, sorry.  I had second-hand embarrassment watching that "date". 

This. The "date" which we all know was just a quick and easy piece for the kid, was the only time I have almost felt sorry for Brandi this entire season. The fact that she thinks she is one upping the other women when, in fact, she simply presented herself as an easy, drunken piece of trash with nothing but sex to offer. Oh, wait, that's exactly what she is? Right.


However, I did think of her poor boys. I cannot imagine how embarrassing and upsetting it must be for them to see things like that and have their friends see them as well. The woman does not realize just how pathetic she looked, while the rest of the women, even crazy addict Kim, appeared to be having their first pleasant evening of the trip. 


This show is only entertaining to me now in scenes that do not include Brandi at all and do not focus in any way on Kim.


Those two pathetic losers really are so out of place here. BRAVO needs to do something or this will become just as unwatchable as Atlanta and New Jersey.       

I thoroughly enjoyed watching Brandi sob at her facial.

Me too. I was also so hoping boy toy was going to stand her up completely. Would have made my night.

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I too think there's more to the house story than has come to light so far.  Kim may have gotten screwed and I sorta think that if only because Mauricio is King Shit of LA real estate and Kim was at the time an actively drinking alcoholic.  Nobody should have engaged her in any contractual business knowing how messed up she was and certainly not someone as highly skilled and self interested as Mauricio and Kyle.  Maybe Kathy didn't care about the PS house but Kim clearly did.


Lisar should not have told Kyle that Brandi thought Kim needed an intervention because that was not what Brandi said.   Lisar said to Brandi "do you think Kim needs an intervention" and Brandi said "don't we all" or something like that.  Then Lisar brought up the intervention idea again with Lisav.  What a nosy biotch she is.


Kyle's house in PS looks like a major pain in the ass to me.  Too big, too much stone and sharp angles; tasteless. Based on what we've seen of Kim's house I don't think it's Kim's taste either and I don't think Kim was jealous, just pissed at Kyle for other reasons.

So, it isn't only me that did not like Kyle's home.  Way too much tile, especially on those steep stairs.  Beige much?   The outside was nice though.

                 I also agree about the intervention conversation.   Then Kyle uses this info just to badmouth Brandi to Kim.   The problem I had with it , is that you do NOT talk to the addict about a possible intervention. So, its not talking behind her back, its how an intervention is discussed and set up.

          I also do think at certain points the Kim as a child was supporting her family and that is where the anger and resentment started.  Of course Kim as an adult and an addict is not someone who can be counted on to remember much as it actually happened.    Kim and Kyle have both chosen to remain in this unhealthy and dishonest merry go round.

         I have to admit though that I am still laughing at Kim calling Eileen a beast.   

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They were raised in Bel Air, not PS and their father Ken Richards had that house built either right before they moved to Cali from NY or shortly after they moved. Big Kathy moved to PS after she divorced her third/fourth husband, M. Catain(sp). She then married a guy living in PS, sold his home, bought a new 1 that was put in her name only. That is the house Kim is whining about, not some childhood home or even a family vacation home when she was a kid. This was a house bought after she was a married woman. When their mother died, she left it to all 3 daughters equally and they, Kim/Kyle used it as a vacation home with Kyle/Mauricio paying all the cost/bill/taxes associated with the home, Kim paid nothing.


Brandi used the word "confront" to LisaR and LisaR said "no" to doing an "intervention" then Brandi said that she should do a "group intervention so that Kim would not feel singled out", there was no mistaking what Brandi meant by the word confront. She did not lie or exaggerate what Brandi said to her to Kyle. IMO, she, LisaR, was very respectful of Brandi's feelings/position when she told Kyle.


One big detail that gets missed. Didn't Brandi ask Lisa to mention these concerns to KYLE? Because she knew coming from her wouldn't be a good idea. How did that translate to Lisa R talking to Lisa V, then Eileen and THEN Eileen going over to Kyle to let it be know that something was going to be said to Kim? Brandi wasn't the one that coordinated that complete debacle and she wasn't the one who wouldn't let it go.


How do we know that Kim paid absolutely nothing? Just curious. The house issue barely had any real details to the point that some are still not sure about how it truly went down. Some information was shared but there's no way to know what Kim's history was with that house while her mother was still alive that's not even connected with the sale.

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I wish Kyle would have kept her cool when talking with Kim. She got angry too easily, started crying and then it went downhill. Again. We could have learned so much more if she would have just sat there and talked it out for a minute. It started out rationally and calmly and fell apart quickly.  Kim really knows how to push her buttons!


Brandi laying on the table getting her facial and crying about how everybody is allowed to say whatever they want and only she gets called out on her shit. Boo Hoo, shut up, Brandi. It's too late to garner any sympathy from anybody. Except Yolanda, of course. 

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What I learned last night


It really is all about Mom's house, and I'll bet that back story could be a series in itself. I don't understand where Kim is coming from - she said she tried to return the check, but I'm wondering if it was too late at that point.  I also wonder who handled the deal - was it Mauricio?  Was it Hilton?  And if Kim did not want to go through with the sale, then I'm thinking her only option at that point would have been to buy the others out, which I am pretty sure she was unable to do.


Yolanda is trying to be nice, but she is so over Brandi.  LOL when Brandi said she didn't need to go to the dinner, Yo was like "great". And what a nice, fun dinner it was without her.


So Yolanda dated Julio Iglesias.  The things you learn when Brandi is not there to ruin the scene and Kim has to sit down and shut up.


Brandi's date scene was cringe worthy.  I could barely watch.  Can she possibly think that she comes across as anything other than trash? 


Desperate trash?

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PLus as soon as the blow up happened she apoligezed to everyone and was clearly shaken be her actions. The next day she still looked shell shocked and wasnt her normal bublly self the rest of the Amsterdam trip. That shows self awareness.


Responding in Lisa's thread

Edited by ryebread
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It takes a steady hand and concentration to manage:  primer, color corrector, concealer, foundation, powder, blush, brow pencil, eye shadow, eye liner, some more eyeliner, lash curler and mascara. Then the lips.  And hair. If she would've looked even the teeniest bit less than normal in that morning-after scene, I would've been more convinced of how traumatized she was.


When she was standing at the window that morning with her coffee cup talking about being in post traumatic mode and that she "wasn't all there, only half there" and in survival mode...I had to laugh because when she turned around, she clearly wasn't that shell shocked. She looked perfect.

But props to her for apologizing for sure. That's uncommon for these housewives.

Responding in Lisa R thread.

Oh I still think she was shell shocked hence her kissing Kim's butt afterwards... however I think they are all too vain to every really look the part. lol I have never been that dressed up vacationing in Europe. Can you imagine what the locals thought when the ladies(mostly Lisa R) showed up looking like a bratz dolls to sight see!

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The fact that she thinks she is one upping the other women when, in fact, she simply presented herself as an easy, drunken piece of trash with nothing but sex to offer. Oh, wait, that's exactly what she is? Right.

However, I did think of her poor boys. I cannot imagine how embarrassing and upsetting it must be for them to see things like that and have their friends see them as well. The woman does not realize just how pathetic she looked, while the rest of the women, even crazy addict Kim, appeared to be having their first pleasant evening of the trip

Those two pathetic losers really are so out of place here. BRAVO needs to do something or this will become just as unwatchable as Atlanta and New Jersey.


This is why Brandi doesn't belong on this show.

She has what I call opposite mind. What most people her age find desirable, Brandi finds it to be pathetic. What most people see as pathetic, Brandi sees fun & excitement. Brandi is a 42 year old woman/body who still thinks she's 17 with her 17 year old undeveloped brain and body of youth. Brandi and Kim are the twins of delusion.

In Brandi's mind, her date with the baby boy toy fills her up the same way Lisa VP or Yolanda are thrilled and fulfilled when they are decorating their living room. I guess to each his own, but on this show, this makes Brandi the odd man out. Even Kim knows Brandi's dating habits are inappropriate...she just sticks up for Brandi because she has to as Brandi is currently Kim's only ally.

Edited by IKnowRight
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I am sure my opinion may be unpopular but I think I can understand where Kim is on the house. If both of her sisters sere more financially successful, she may have thought "why do they need to take this too" and it looked like greed and selfishness. Neither one of them seem to have needed money because of their spouses. So then Kim may have felt FORCED into being bought out and is stuck with the "its unfair" monologue in her head that won't go away. Maybe they took something from her when she was at a weak point. Doesn't she deserve something after working as a tewn to help support their lives back then? IMO

Well your theroy makes some sense. Kim may FEEL like she was slighted. She wasn't but I don't doubt she feels that way.

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So, what in the holy hell was that, with Brandi and the guy (who looked like he had too much product in his hair)?!


It only served to make her look cheap and desperate.  She really has no concept of herself outside of herself does she (i.e how she is viewed by others)?  If she thinks that she looked hot, sexy, and young, then her next surgery needs to be Lasik to get her eyes corrected.  It would also help when dressing, so she doesn't mistakenly walk out her hotel room with a dirty, old shag carpet on her shoulders.


I don't care about ages, as long as everyone is legal, but man Brandi, have some self-respect and at least keep that shit to yourself.  It actually ages you to brag and be seen with men half your age like it's proof that you still got it goin on.  She's always so bare-ass backwards.  And she's got no game, sorry.  I had second-hand embarrassment watching that "date". 


LOL---that was exactly what I was thinking!!  I'm assuming that horrible vest was given to her from some no-name designer, and asked her to wear it as often as possible for exposure.  She wore it in almost every scene in Amsterdam - dressed up or dressed down, the shag carpet remnant enjoyed as much of Amsterdam as Brandi did.  It looked ridiculous over that spangly, barely there dress.  When they showed Brandi getting out of the car at the restaurant, I thought she looked like a hooker from "The Flintstones"....


I also noticed that apparently, Brandi does NOT like to date anyone in her own age bracket.  She said that she only "kisses" guys in their 20's or 50's....no one in their 30's or 40's.


Oh - and that is another thing I noticed - Brandi said she felt that kissing was much more personal than "doing the other thing" (I think she was trying to refrain from using the "f" word)....isn't that a prostitute mentality?  I don't know any prostitutes, but I've seen documentaries and watched "Pretty Woman" about a million times, and they say that they don't kiss their "clients".

Edited by njbchlover
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Eileen calls out Lisa R again for being messy in her blog.


It’s good that Kyle finally knows what Lisa R. discussed with Brandi at their lunch regarding their MUTUAL concern for Kim. However, I’m wondering if Lisa R. should have told Kyle this information so soon after Amsterdam. I’m not wondering, actually, I’m screaming at the TV, “No Lisa, no!”


And here's Lisa R. blog



As we all saw, Brandi asked me to reach out to Kyle on her behalf. So that’s what I did. I spoke to Kyle and told her about Brandi’s concern for Kim during our conversation and her suggestion of an intervention. As I have said before, I know that all of you, our viewers, know exactly what’s going on. We all saw Brandi tell me how there is so much more going on than I know surrounding the topic I no longer want to speak of. We all saw Brandi suggest to me that an intervention be planned for our group while we spoke of Kim. We all saw Brandi tell me that Kim would murder her and then kill herself if she knew that Brandi was talking about “her situation.”


None of this is news to you or me at this point, is it? I passed along information to Kyle per Brandi’s request. It is now left up to them to figure out what to do with it. The bond between sisters is so deep, and I really would love to see the Richards sisters work it out and come to a place of mutual understanding and respect of one another. Seeing them together in Palm Springs only reiterates to all of us just how deep-rooted their issues truly are and how everyone needs to stay out of their relationship. Quite honestly, other than that, I am done. This is the last thing I want to be talking about, but the forbidden situation keeps on being brought up, so here I am, rehashing the damn thing again. Just like you, I want to stab myself in the eyeball with a chopstick over the whole nightmare and just move on already.


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Brandi, if you're going to apologize with flowers, don't walk up to Lisa in said flower shop with several bunches of flowers and shove one of the plastic wrapped bunches in her face and say "Here. These are for you. I apologized last night and I'm apologizing again." I wouldn't accept your flippen' flowers and lame apology either. She puts zero thought into what she does and just expects the other person to go along with it. Under the circumstances I thought Lisa V's response was a lot more generous and calm than Brandi deserved -- Lisa obviously has more patience for that behavior than I would.

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Oh I still think she was shell shocked hence her kissing Kim's butt afterwards... however I think they are all too vain to every really look the part. lol I have never been that dressed up vacationing in Europe. Can you imagine what the locals thought when the ladies(mostly Lisa R) showed up looking like a bratz dolls to sight see!

I think she apologized because, like you, I do think Lisa is self aware and she probably realized, (too late and I think she even said that herself in a talking head) that she should have butted out after she was told (again) on the plane.


Comfort over high style for me when traveling, too! Low maintenance saves on baggage fees. LOL I kept waiting for one of them to catch a heel on the cobblestones.

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I thought Kyle, Kim and family lived in West Hollywood when they were growing up?

(respond in either of their threads if anyone knows the answer)

Kyle was born and raised in BelAir.  Kim and Kathy moved there in 1968.  The parents, before Kim landed a role on Nanny and the Professor, built the home.  Side note-Mauricio moved to Bel Air when he was 7 years old and grew up there.

Why was Brandi wearing Kyle's dress from last season's finale on her date last night?  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/photos/party-pics-from-the-rhobh-season-4-finale/item/10122131


Kyle looks pretty terrified having Brandi touch her face.


Kenya, Brandi and Vicki all have worn the same hideous coral lace number and Brandi wore Claudia Jordan's dress to the Gay Mixer.  Is there a shortage of dresses in the RH franchise?  It seems everyone wore Kim Zolciak's dress from the last Reunion she attended.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Brandi, if you're going to apologize with flowers, don't walk up to Lisa in said flower shop with several bunches of flowers and shove one of the plastic wrapped bunches in her face and say "Here. These are for you. I apologized last night and I'm apologizing again."


Damn. I guess I have to go watch this mess, now.  Did she really???

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Wow!  Could that guy have been any more eager to get in her pants?!  I guess even he could see how easy Brandi is.  Too bad he didn't realize he didn't have to get her drunk first.  He could have saved himself some money.




Didn't he already sleep with her the night before?  This was the same guy that Brandi was telling Kim about at the flower market while they were shopping and I thought she said he spent the night with her.  Kim even mentioned it when the rest of the ladies were at the final dinner in Amsterdam.

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Big Kathy bought the house in 1996.  It was 'sold' in 2004.  10 years later it was sold again for $30,000 more than the price in 2004.  No one grew up in this house.  No one made a fortune on this house.  There isn't some big history of memories.  For heaven's sake the family only owned the house for 8 years before K/M bought it.  This house was hit hard by the real estate bubble.  K/M bough high and sold low.  Kim acts like there were millions of dollars involved that she got screwed out of.  Total sale price at that time was $420,00.  She acts like she raised her kids there.  She lived there free of charge in exchange for caregiving with her mother for maybe tops 3 years.  She is an entitled little person.  She sees herself as this big Hollywood star when the truth is she hasn't worked since '89.  She was a flash in the pan and she still can't accept it.  Paris Hilton is 100 times more famous than Kim.  Kathy and Kyle are 100 times more wealthy than Kim.  She is a chemically addled idiot.  There's the history on the house.

Caring for an ailing mother for 3 years isn't history or memories or anything to have deep rooted emotions about?


I also think how it was handled has relevance and of course we'll never know the tone, the intent, the disagreements and all the discussion that went down during the whole process of Kyle and Maurico buying the others out. There's not enough information for me to completely disregard the possibilities of what happened between the sisters during the sale. Not just because it's Kyle and Kim but real estate deals in general aren't just easy breezy transactions in the first place.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
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Eileen calls out Lisa R again for being messy in her blog


"It’s good that Kyle finally knows what Lisa R. discussed with Brandi at their lunch regarding their MUTUAL concern for Kim. However, I’m wondering if Lisa R. should have told Kyle this information so soon after Amsterdam. I’m not wondering, actually, I’m screaming at the TV, “No Lisa, no!”

Wait...did Lisa do this onscreen last night?  Because if so, I'm dying to see Kyle's reaction.  I've seen Kyle look fed up, on at least 3 occasions where Kim's addictions were brought up by either Eileen or Lisa R.  She looked somewhere between pissed off and 'omg, not again, just stop already'.

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I couldn't help thinking that the Dutch Boy's mother must have been so proud to hear that her son had a big cock on national television.  And no, Brandi, Lisar didn't throw a glass at Kim, she broke it on a table.  And regarding the "throttling", Lisar used only her non-dominant left hand when touching Kim.  If I wanted to throttle Kim, I'd use both hands. Iit looks to me like she was actually trying to physically close Kim's mouth.  Still not good, but not throttling.

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Eileen calls out Lisa R again for being messy in her blog.



And here's Lisa R. blog

Wow LisaR really is messy! Brandi expressed that to LisaR waaaayyy before she (LisaR) decided to mishandle all the following exchanges with Kim. Brandi was not at fault for all that messiness.

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That video of Lisa R up at Bravo--shit, I'm going to stick this in her thread.

Won't let me load.  It keeps redirecting to the bio page.


ETA:  Whoa.  Messy, indeed.  FYI, it will only load if you watch it in Lisa's blog.  I was trying to view it in the Video section.

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Now THAT is a great theory!!!  Love it!!!  All I can hum now is "What's it all about now Alfie" ala Michael Caine, lol.

I'm not sure why women in there forties think dating a man 20 years younger makes them look good, it just makes them look older.

If Brandi was so upset about her father's health why wasn't she at his bedside?  The answer is...camera time! She is desperate for camera time (hence the friendship with Kim) and now sympathy points.

Kyle's house in Palm Springs is unbelievable.  Real estate porn at it's best.  Kim hired a car to go to Palm Springs?  I wonder why? Seems like a silly expense.  I also wonder why she, who has no job could not leave earlier in the day to avoid traffic.  Maybe she needed time to sober up and I don't mean that in a mean way.


I was wondering about that, too....and I wonder if Kim may have "lost" her drivers license again and hasn't/can't go to the DMV to replace it?  I don't think we've seen Kim driving at all this season.  We've seen all the other ladies in their cars and driving, but not Kim.

What happened to that white Bentley that was in her driveway last season??  

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Didn't he already sleep with her the night before?  This was the same guy that Brandi was telling Kim about at the flower market while they were shopping and I thought she said he spent the night with her.  Kim even mentioned it when the rest of the ladies were at the final dinner in Amsterdam.

From what was said last night between the poor kid and Brandi, nothing happened that first night. Nothing besides making out.

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I was wondering about that, too....and I wonder if Kim may have "lost" her drivers license again and hasn't/can't go to the DMV to replace it?  I don't think we've seen Kim driving at all this season.  We've seen all the other ladies in their cars and driving, but not Kim.

What happened to that white Bentley that was in her driveway last season??  


The Bentley is to show everyone how rich and important she is.  Was.  Sort of.

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Shit, let me try to link it in the post over at Lisa R's thread, ryebread.


Boo.  Sorry, can't.  

Got it.  Thanks. 


Eileen to Lisa "You're the horse's mouth."  LOLOL. 


See, now THAT is what I'm watching this show for.

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Kim says she's not the same person she was three years ago and Kyle needs to stop treating her as if she were.  I wanted so hard for Kyle to tell Kim that she will treat her differently when she acts differently.  Announcing that you've changed or that you're sorry and then demanding that people automatically treat you accordingly, doesn't fly with me.



Isn't this one of those cornerstones of recovery? I remember seeing some convo where a recovering addict asked how long it would take for people to trust them again and the person said to take all the time they were on drugs and double it--that's about how long. In Kim's case she actually hasn't changed at all. Whether she's using or not it's still about how everyone needs to believe whatever she's saying at the moment even when it's obviously untrue.


I liked it when Kyle, in a rare moment of logical discussion with Kim, said, "Do you not realize that this is all coming out of Poker Night?" Like actually trying to point out to her that no, Kim, these women are not just randomly starting rumors about your sobriety. They know you're in recovery and they saw you relapse in front of them so they're reacting to you like a relapsed addict. But in Kim's world Poker Night doesn't count as a relapse and as long as she says she's 3 years sober it's true! She was also pretty on-point about the house stuff.


The reason I think there's more to the house story than what we've seen or heard is because this has been a sore point between Kim and Kyle for over a decade. If pulling out the checks from way back then would resolve it, why haven't they don't that yet? I think there's some truth on both sides but the real truth is somewhere in the middle.



I think all the "more" there is to the story is just all the emotions between these people. This whole house story is a perfect story for them all. It's got Kim's addiction, Kim's formerly being the family breadwinner, their feelings about their mother, Kyle's relative stability and reliable husband, Kyle and Mauricio helping Kim out and Kim's family out, Kim's frustration--everything. I think Kim honestly feels wronged because she's massively entitled. What Kyle hinted at with "you couldn't carry a mortgage" is that Kim is as usual presenting herself as a capable person who simply changed her mind, reasonably, about selling the house and so Kyle must be pulling a fast one. But really Kim cashed out because she wanted the money, then didn't want to let go of the house, then made up her own terms that she thought were fair (giving Kyle and Mauricio far less money than they paid her to continue to have the house for her use) and when they said no because they were already into their own plans (refurbishing and re-selling at a profit) she got mad. At least two of the accusations she made were met by proof she was lying by Kyle (the checks show she got paid same as Kathy, the joint listing proves that Kim was totally informed about the sale) so to me there's no reason to think there's any other murkiness going on. The elephant in the room is that Kim keeps making short-sighed, ultimately self-destructive choices and Kyle makes the opposite choice. Whatever emotional memories Kim has with the house she sold it because she couldn't afford it and wanted the money. Most people probably go through that when a parent dies.


The discussion about just when the house was bought makes me think of that Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? moment:


"Daddy bought this house. And he bought it for me. Baby Jane Hudson earned the money to pay for this house."


"Jane, you're confused. I bought this house when I signed my first contract."


Re: Brandi I think it's funny when she says how all the other women can just apologize and be forgiven immediately. This is so completely untrue-and like Kim she ignores the fact that when they do something it's usually a one-off that can be apologized for and gotten over with some work. 

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If what Kyle is saying about Kim not being able to afford her share of the mortgage is true, I think Kyle is definitely in the right regarding the "stolen" Palm Springs house. However, I do think it was poor form and a bit insensitive to invite Kim to her new Palm Springs house to discuss recent issues and inevitably fight.


I had to LOL when Brandi told Kim that she "takes fun to a place that isn't fun" after Lisa went off on her. How is being slapped (even gently) by someone you barely tolerate considered fun to anyone?  

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I am sure my opinion may be unpopular but I think I can understand where Kim is on the house. If both of her sisters sere more financially successful, she may have thought "why do they need to take this too" and it looked like greed and selfishness. Neither one of them seem to have needed money because of their spouses. So then Kim may have felt FORCED into being bought out and is stuck with the "its unfair" monologue in her head that won't go away. Maybe they took something from her when she was at a weak point. Doesn't she deserve something after working as a tewn to help support their lives back then? IMO


I see your point, if looking at things through Kim's addled thought processes, she probably does feel that way.



I can see your point. However, factor in that Mom had already bought Kim a house. She didn't buy one for Kathy or Kyle. Whatever Kim did with that house is on her. For that reason alone, I don't think Kim needed any special consideration. And I think Kyle did a good job of making Kim remember history as it ACTUALLY happened last night.


The other reason Kim didn't deserve special consideration is because the house in debate was NOT their childhood home - it was a house that was purchased by Big Kathy AFTER all the Richards' sisters were grown and living their own lives.

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Kim has also been married to high rollers, it's not their fault that all her money went up her nose/down her throat/to the ER for pain meds instead of putting it towards a house in PS.  Which, as we have seen, at a sale of 420k, was certainly affordable to her based on her fucking Bravo salary alone, I'm sure.  

Also, this myth of Kim 'supporting the family' is starting to wear thin.  Big Kathy was married to some rich ass men, so is Little Kathy, so was Kim, so is Kyle.  Maybe Kim just doesn't know how to manage money because she's an idiot.

Exactly.  Kim married the son of Marvin Davis, and I believe the Davis money rivals the Hilton money.  Not to mention Monty's family which was rolling in it as well. She has had access to as much wealth as her sisters, she just made different choices. But as we all know, Kim is not a big fan of accepting the consequences of her choices. 

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One more scenario: 


My friend moved in with her father to take care of him as he was sick.  She quit her job to care for him.  Her siblings were too busy.  This went on for eight years.  The dad died.  The house went up for sale.  The kids split the proceeds.  My friend spent eight prime years of her life taking care of her dad with little help from sibs.  In the end, she was left eight years behind in her career, never married nor had kids and without a home of her own.  I can see how that might feel like something was stolen from her.  Of course these were all her choices, and her dad should have looked after her better in his will, but still.  I've only paid half attention to the house thief storyline so could my friends' story have any pertinence to Kim's?

Edited by ryebread
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I sympathize with Kyle even when I don't like her, because she and I are alike in that we both wind up crying and croaky and furious when we're angry or hurt.  If I wind up in an argument with someone I love, I can't help it - I start to choke up and the tears flow.  It can leave you so frustrated with yourself and it looks to others like you're not stable or can't remain calm and levelheaded in an argument.


That's why I was proud of her when You Stole My Goddamned House Part 2 came up.  For once, I saw Kyle take possession of herself and (relatively) calmly say to Kim, "You're lying and I have the checks to prove it.  Here's how it happened and you know it".  Kim was caught in  her lie and tried to deflect even further.  I loved every little drip drop of that.  Good on Kyle.


On a purely superficial note: What the hell with Kim's eyes, y'all?  One eye is completely wonky.  I don't know if it's just droopy or what, but whatever it is, those heavy false lashes she wears just exacerbates that effect and she needs to chill on those.  That and her creepy smile and bad fake tan would be enough to make me cross the street if I saw her coming. 

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However, I do think it was poor form and a bit insensitive to invite Kim to her new Palm Springs house to discuss recent issues and inevitably fight.

Yes but Kyle said that Kim was the only person who hadn't been to the house.  So should she never invite her?  Kim would then say, you have everyone to that house but me.

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