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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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I'm trying to parse out the whole "Jill unfollowing Kendra" thing.  I don't know why.  Well, yes I do - I find it stupidly fascinating.

But let's say that Jill threw a hissy and unfollowed Kendra and Joe because they were invited but didn't attend the wedding.  That would be like me declining an invite to attend the wedding of my brother's wife's brother....so, my sister-in-law's brother, who I have only met a couple of times, like at my brother and sister-in-law's wedding, and maybe a baptism or two.  Other than that, I have zero connection to him.  So why would I attend his wedding and more importantly, why would I even be invited?

I mean, I get that Jill totally wanted as many Duggars there as possible so she could run around snapping pictures of them and then posting stuff like "Here is Nathan's new brother in law!  JOE DUGGAR!!!  Well I guess sort of because he is really ANNA DUGGAR'S brother in law but that makes him part of our FAMILY too because ANNA DUGGAR is NATHAN'S SISTER and now he is NURIE'S HUSBAND so that makes us all FAMILY!!!  WE LOVE YOU JOE DUGGAR!!"

I bet she is severely STEAMED that she didn't get the pictures and validation she wanted from the Duggars.  And while I loathe the Duggars, I gotta say - well played, Duggs.  Well played.

Edited by laurakaye
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10 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

Worse, I can see her gathering them around, picking up her phone and start telling them how sad they should be because they’re hardly ever going to see her again. 

That’s exactly what she did, I would bet on it.  That fucking bitch is a nasty piece of work.

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, Nysha said:

Wow, Jill must read the snark sites in real time. Jill, FEED YOUR KIDS!

Jill is positively addicted to social media because she's a narcissist and it gives her a lot of attention. What else would she have to do with her time anyway? /s

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, BetyBee said:

Jill claims that the devil is making people think or believe anything that doesn't praise her view of the world. Imagine the guilt she puts on those poor kids if they ever dare to think for themselves!

So I guess the devil has given up on hanging out in green bean cans and is out causing trouble again.

  • LOL 13
18 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I'd like to know that as well. They got married after the Jinger fiasco, so I doubt they were even invited. How on earth would Kendra know Jill?

Kendra seems to be a genuinely sweet and kind person, she is also just about the closest Duggar spouse in age to Nurie.  Probably Kendra smiled at them from across the room at some fundie gathering or said 'hello' and didn't try to avoid them; so Jill decided she was the one to befriend Nurie now that she is 'almost a Duggar' and friended her online.  And, Kendra, being a kind soul, accepted the friend invites that the rest of the Duggars ignored.  Then, Kendra and Joe were invited to the wedding since they were such sweet friends of the Rodriguii and had the nerve to not come and not send a gift (or not send a big enough gift).  So, Jill retaliated by unfriending her.

As far as other Duggars not being friends of Jill's, perhaps they turned down her repeated invites.  Anna was kinda stuck because of her brother and Kendra was just too darned nice.

Jill is like a stray cat; give her a bowl of milk (or smile or otherwise not ignore her) and she is going to follow you everywhere.

Edited by doodlebug
  • Love 17
2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I'm trying to parse out the whole "Jill unfollowing Kendra" thing.  I don't know why.  Well, yes I do - I find it stupidly fascinating.

But let's say that Jill threw a hissy and unfollowed Kendra and Joe because they were invited but didn't attend the wedding.  That would be like me declining an invite to attend the wedding of my brother's wife's brother....so, my sister-in-law's brother, who I have only met a couple of times, like at my brother and sister-in-law's wedding, and maybe a baptism or two.  Other than that, I have zero connection to him.  So why would I attend his wedding and more importantly, why would I even be invited?

I mean, I get that Jill totally wanted as many Duggars there as possible so she could run around snapping pictures of them and then posting stuff like "Here is Nathan's new brother in law!  JOE DUGGAR!!!  Well I guess sort of because he is really ANNA DUGGAR'S brother in law but that makes him part of our FAMILY too because ANNA DUGGAR is NATHAN'S SISTER and now he is NURIE'S HUSBAND so that makes us all FAMILY!!!  WE LOVE YOU JOE DUGGAR!!"

I bet she is severely STEAMED that she didn't get the pictures and validation she wanted from the Duggars.  And while I loathe the Duggars, I gotta say - well played, Duggs.  Well played.

I'm getting so much joy over this drama. This is like a really fun trashy soap, where I'm on no one's side because the situation is so opposite of normal and everyone's so hilariously awful.

Anna (and possibly Josh) refusing to be part of the wedding party--and we all know Jill via Nurie asked...on the one hand, considering these people participate in weddings of those they barely know all the time, it's a definite snub and Jill knows it. And do we know if any of the M kids were in the bridal party? Because yikes, if they weren't. And let's add the fact that Anna made much more of an effort on her appearance for the Ark Encounter trip then she did for her brother's wedding. Rude? Sure. On the other hand, Jill has made no secret of the fact that she wants to latch on to the Duggars like a super-engineered leech. As much as Anna loves/d the fame that comes with being a Duggar, she's not wrong in not wanting to participate beyond the bare minimum when that participation would result in a constant stream of pictures with breathless captions from a unhinged-even-by-fundie-standards succubus. And that would be the least of it--Jill's familiarity would go off the charts. Better to nip that in the bud early.

None of the Duggar family except those immediately related to them attended...we've discussed before how fundies seem to send blanket invites to everyone. The Duggars all attended Priscilla and David's wedding en masse. I'm blanking on specifics, but they've also attended weddings of friends of friends of in-laws. They've also invited whole families they barely knew because of some tenuous connections. They invited the Rodriguii to at least 2 weddings. Jill is not wrong to be upset at none of them showing up. Except--see the paragraph above. Jill has devoted countless blog posts to the Duggars whenever she's in their vicinity. Imagine the horror show she would have unleashed if any of them had shown up to her daughter's wedding. Well played, Duggs, indeed.

  • Love 11

If the wedding was in Arkansas maybe the Duggar’s would have came. But I don’t blame for not going to Ohio. I’m loving the drama. I bet Jill right now is orchestrating everyone sadness crying because Nuri left.


Irony is I totally see Jill going to visit bestest friend Nuri next month. She will probably encourage Nuri to take pregnancy test with mama. Wouldn’t it be fun if both were pregnant at the same time.

17 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

Do they really think they can just flaunt themselves in the face of the virus and think God will protect them, or do they live in a conspiracy theory bubble in which the virus is just a hoax? My logical mind can't wrap itself around this. They travel and gather here and there, and I have to force myself not to wish them ill. Unfortunately, the virus doesn't care a bit who they think they are. 




Based on Jill's recent posts, where she fraudulently claimed that a nurse friend of hers had figured out that most positive Corona virus tests were wrong, I think we can put a check next to conspiracy theory/hoax. 

  • Love 13
16 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

This looks like one of those ads seeking donations for the kids at St. Jude's.

It really does.  The thought of Jill riling up her kids with her own stupid histrionics is truly disturbing.  One can only imagine the things she told them about Nurie leaving to get them to cry like that - and THEN she had to capture her little girl's pain for social media.  She is just beyond repulsive.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

It really does.  The thought of Jill riling up her kids with her own stupid histrionics is truly disturbing.  One can only imagine the things she told them about Nurie leaving to get them to cry like that - and THEN she had to capture her little girl's pain for social media.  She is just beyond repulsive.

I'm sure she was wailing and saying how they weren't going to see her etc... I understand the little ones are sad, but she could have instead talk about how they gained another brother or family. How Nurie is going on a new adventure and how excited they should be.... anything would have been better than driving these children to tears. 

  • Love 19
2 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

It really does.  The thought of Jill riling up her kids with her own stupid histrionics is truly disturbing.  One can only imagine the things she told them about Nurie leaving to get them to cry like that - and THEN she had to capture her little girl's pain for social media.  She is just beyond repulsive.

Reminds me a wee bit of Danielle from OutDaughtered. She must have said two or three times how awful it was that the quints and the oldest couldn't have birthday parties. But they never gave her the reaction she was looking for.

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3 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

I'm sure she was wailing and saying how they weren't going to see her etc... I understand the little ones are sad, but she could have instead talk about how they gained another brother or family. How Nurie is going on a new adventure and how excited they should be.... anything would have been better than driving these children to tears. 

Of course.  She also could've told them that they were going to use Skype to talk to Nurie every week and Nurie would be sending them postcards and notes and they would do the same and they'd all get to see what her new life in Florida was like because she'd still be a part of their lives. Considering they are on the road in the stink bus nearly every weekend, she could also tell them of plans to visit Nurie at Thanksgiving or whatever.  But no, Jill needed hysterical sobbing, so she made sure she got it.

  • Love 8

This looks like one of those ads seeking donations for the kids at St. Jude's.

It does.  Or I was thinking a Renaissance painting where Nurie is an angel comforting the sick, starving and dying children.  Those poor babies are just pitiful to look at.  

We all seem to wish the best for Nurie and Nathan but does anyone really know what kind of guy Nathan is?  Are we assigning him kind characteristics because of his lacking in the looks department?  I'm actually a tad bit fearful for Nurie based on this alone.  What if he's been the runty, ugly boy his whole life and now is his opportunity to be the BIG MAN?!  He got a woman to order around now!  Ugh, I hope it's not true.  But sometimes those that have been beaten down enjoy taking a turn on someone else.  Especially with this type of "headship" set-up.  

Sadly, Nurie is such a non-human due to her Mother, I don't think she has it in her to rise up on her own. Therefore, the outcome of this whole sad situation rests with Nathan.   

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16 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

nurie and nathan.jpg

Does the lil waif that is second on the right have on a pair of tiny high heels?! Not judging, because I find it kind of adorable.

I will say the one next to her holding the purse/bag/whatever looks SO heartbreakingly dead inside. 😢

  • Love 6

Hi Jill, so nice to know that you read our posts! Here's the thing, the devil doesn't give a rat's ass if your family is close or not. He only cares that you are a lying, narcissistic black hole of a human being. Why don't you go back to "saving" people at the laundromat? 

Also, feed your kids. 

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41 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

nurie and nathan.jpg

The two Not-Nuries look exhausted and hungry.  Jill and Shrek are looking somewhere off to the side, making sure that no one eats Shrek's purple cake while they are otherwise occupied getting pics taken.  Timbits is singing a solo.  Nurie looks perplexed.  There are only two smiles in the whole bunch.  Great family photo, Jill.

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So looking at the photos available so far it appears that David Waller and Nathan's younger brother David were groomsmen.  I assume David was the best man.  Then there were 4 Rod boys.  So 6 total.  As far as the bridesmaids there was Jill, the 2 not Nuries, Priscilla, and I would assume two more?  Unless the youngest Rod boy was a ring bearer and not an usher, in which case they would only need need one other bridesmaid.

Edited by 3 is enough
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34 minutes ago, Enya Face said:

Does the lil waif that is second on the right have on a pair of tiny high heels?! Not judging, because I find it kind of adorable.

I will say the one next to her holding the purse/bag/whatever looks SO heartbreakingly dead inside. 😢

I think the one with the purse and heels is Olivia and my heart breaks every time I see her.  

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Jill posted about going to the Duggars' church after they attended Jinger's wedding and how much they admired the pastor and his family. 

That is Paul Caldwell, right?  So perhaps she thought her girls became besties with Kendra and her sister.  Either Kendra turned down an invitation to be a bridesmaid, or chose not to attend the wedding, which was enough reason for Jill to write her off.

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I read it on a forum that little girls in white are traditional.  I don't know if this is true, but I googled it and google confirmed it's true. Like a lot of traditions associated with weddings, flower girls are lot less sweet if you know the origins. 

"Traditionally, the little girl represented the fading of a bride's innocence and the passage from childhood to womanhood. A symbol of fertility and family, the flower girl announced the bride’s new role as a wife and a future new mother."  Flower Girl Guide

Also a book I read put it more bluntly the flower girls tossing flowers is symbolic of the bride "tossing her flowers" (on the wedding night). 

Some of the girls are old enough to be junior bridesmaids, but it was probably cheaper to buy green dresses. A big fundie-lite family I know had ivory flower girl dresses, because they reused the dresses over again at the next wedding. The bridesmaid dresses changed, but the flower girls dresses were the same. I think more modern weddings match the flower girl to the wedding party. 

Edited by Temperance
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4 hours ago, crazy8s said:

nurie and nathan.jpg

Perhaps it's the lighting/shadows, but the littlest girl in the front looks like she's got a green dress on instead of a white one?

Also, WHY ARE THERE TWO SETS OF GREENS HAPPENING?! You can't have yellow-green and blue-green in the same event - it doesn't go. (This has been bugging me for days.) I'm not a yellow-green fan, but at least have everything match. goodness!

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4 minutes ago, Girl in a Cardigan said:

Perhaps it's the lighting/shadows, but the littlest girl in the front looks like she's got a green dress on instead of a white one?

Also, WHY ARE THERE TWO SETS OF GREENS HAPPENING?! You can't have yellow-green and blue-green in the same event - it doesn't go. (This has been bugging me for days.) I'm not a yellow-green fan, but at least have everything match. goodness!

Yes, it looks like Janessa matches Mr JRod and the two of them match no one.

Nurie's sisters actually look like healthy versions of her in that picture.

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Speaking of the Plaths, I don't know that any of this has hit this forum, but one of the brothers, the 19 year old, Micah, I think, has been apparently putting together a portfolio as a male model of the very scantily clad variety. And he is stunning. Some photos have shown up on the Fundie Wonderland page on Facebook, but I haven't posted or linked since I'm not sure that the Plaths are closely enough tied to the Duggars for their own subject here, plus, frankly, the last photo I saw bordered on not safe for work. I'll leave it to someone else to play sleuth if it's appropriate here.

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4 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Speaking of the Plaths, I don't know that any of this has hit this forum, but one of the brothers, the 19 year old, Micah, I think, has been apparently putting together a portfolio as a male model of the very scantily clad variety. And he is stunning. Some photos have shown up on the Fundie Wonderland page on Facebook, but I haven't posted or linked since I'm not sure that the Plaths are closely enough tied to the Duggars for their own subject here, plus, frankly, the last photo I saw bordered on not safe for work. I'll leave it to someone else to play sleuth if it's appropriate here.

I saw that. It's not modest swimwear. LOL!

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6 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

I doubt she has a lucrative media deal, so it's probably embarrassment. 

She's too much of a narcissist for that....if she failed to find a lucrative deal it would doubtless be a toss-up between Satan and the everlasting prejudice against Christians that she has to endure...

  • Love 9
17 hours ago, Temperance said:

Actually that's pretty tame by fundie standards.

The Maxwells talked about crying very hard when their first son Nathan got married and he moved next door or the house behind them, etc. 

Harold Mally is the father of two daughters, both of whom lived at home until they got each got married (two weddings less than a year ago). His words were way more dramatic. His older daughter Sarah (Mally, not Maxwell), got married in May at age 41 and we were chatting here about it. His younger daughter Grace was the first to get married in November 2019 and here's what old Harold said about 30/31-year-old daughter getting married. He's describing walking his daughter the aisle.

Sarah Mally got married? How old/creepy is her husband, and how many kids does he have? 

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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