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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

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Well, what do you know? Looks like Spokane has a nice bus system.  Try the bus Timothy, or the bike idea.


46 minutes ago, SMama said:

What kind of car did Timothy drive that was spacious enough for a lawnmower and whatever other necessary equipment? These people are just plain freaks.

I was wondering that myself.  Unless by car she means pickup truck, and by lawncare she doesn't mean mowing.  These people.  

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I'm curious as well. Isn't that school over 25k a year? Mowing lawns in West Virginia must be a lucrative business if he's racked up that kind of cash. 

Just a "post at random" to reply to since I've "liked" pretty much  everything over the past dozen or so...

Yeah, mowing lawns for 3-4 months is nowhere near the kind of cash he's looking at for college, and one almost new car could easily equal 2-3 road-worthy vehicles for the family if they played their cards right.

My younger son when he went to college in North Dakota bought a  used truck for $3000 which lasted two years of trips back and forth to Georgia where we were living at the time. Plus a lot of rescue work the year that they had all sorts of flooding in late Winter/earlySpring a few years back (and, gosh, he's an atheist!). One would think  a similar vehicle would last Timothy a couple of years of school and even let him drag a couple of cheap lawnmowers around if he wanted to keep up his business.

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I think some schools have an enrollment fee that is due when you accept the school's admittance offer. Maybe that is what Timothy paid, not the tuition.

Timothy can't possibly take the bus. He might be forced to sit next to someone who he isn't spiritually close to.

Edited by Triple P
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I can’t see Jill’s Facebook post, but supposedly someone offered to sell them a car for $500 and Jill didn’t respond to the post. I read this on either reddit or Free Jinger. Can anyone verify this? Maybe she has since responded.  

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10 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

There’s this thing called the filter button on the websites of “new to you” used car lots. Then you ask one of the million people living in your home if they can call the dealership to make sure the car is still there while you, what I can only assume, drive your riding lawnmower while holding your weed eater to your outrageously successful landscaping career. Problem solved!

And come on y’all, you know he can’t ride the bus. He might run into lepers, or promiscuous women, or blind men, and he is way too good of a Christian to ride a bus with the people Jesus associated with. 

Aaargh! Between your post and Triple P's I realize how misled I was in thinking that Timothy might be able to work his way through the rabbit- warrens of sin and promiscuity which is  inevitable when one spends any time among the merely "saved"within the walls of places like Moody.

Plus, as BetyBee so wisely asked, where is the honor in begging for a car when your entire world view depends on being debt-free?

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40 minutes ago, EVS said:

I can’t see Jill’s Facebook post, but supposedly someone offered to sell them a car for $500 and Jill didn’t respond to the post. I read this on either reddit or Free Jinger. Can anyone verify this? Maybe she has since responded.  

No one on FJ has updated w/r/t this offer. I doubt Jill will take it since it involves her having to pay someone $500 rather than get something for free. 

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1 minute ago, Sew Sumi said:

No one on FJ has updated w/r/t this offer. I doubt Jill will take it since it involves her having to pay someone $500 rather than get something for free. 

I am sure that she will chide the offerer, reminding them that poor Timmy is going away to become a flying missionary and surely they don't want to take away any of the funds he needs to do the Lord's work and convert heathens.

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I wonder if Timothy has access to the Facebook page Jill posted this on. I’m guessing not, but if he really said those words to Jill, and that’s what she chose to post instead, that’s some more really shitty parenting.

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5 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

debt free

Free of monetary debts, yeah. . . I guess she doesn't understand that there's a certain amount of indebtedness to those who give you large gifts?

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1 minute ago, LilJen said:

Free of monetary debts, yeah. . . I guess she doesn't understand that there's a certain amount of indebtedness to those who give you large gifts?

Having no conscience, I doubt she has given this a second thought after she thanked Jesus for the miracle. 

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1 hour ago, Fuzzysox said:

Stormy must have never heard the story of long before becoming the Pope, Pope Frances used to ride the bus every morning to work. Pope Francis wanted to be closer to the people he ministered to. He really enjoyed listening to people on the bus.

 This is the POPE the holiest man in the Catholic religion, a man of the people, who humbled himself because he wanted to be near the people he ministered. It really angers me when Stormy makes it seem that only "her" brand of Christianity is the "right" one. Please, she has a million miles to walk (well now that Timmy has no car) to even get close to being missionary. 

Argentina is mostly Catholic (a little over 3/4s and that's today's numbers with secularism on the rise.) He was most likely never the only person who held his beliefs. Jill woud have hard time finding a bus where most of the people are whatever branch of Christianity she is. 

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10 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Argentina is mostly Catholic (a little over 3/4s and that's today's numbers with secularism on the rise.) He was most likely never the only person who held his beliefs. Jill woud have hard time finding a bus where most of the people are whatever branch of Christianity she is. 

I don't think one catches secularism from riding the bus.  It's not a virus.  I also think you overestimate the number of people who call themselves Catholic and actually practice the faith.  Many people in Latin America are nominally Catholic, just as here in the US.  Also, based on the example set by the current Pope, I don't think the percentage of Catholics vs non-Catholics he'd encounter on public transportation figured into his thinking.  My guess is that his faith is strong enough that he doesn't worry about being exposed to other faiths, unlike Jill who had a crisis upon learning that some of the faculty at her son's Christian college didn't read the 'correct' translation of the Bible. She sure doesn't trust that her kids have strong enough beliefs that exposure to other faiths won't change theirs.

Edited by doodlebug
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I never said secularism is caught on the bus like a virus. I said the majority of people are Catholic, and that's based on the numbers I got from goggle. My point is that it's easier for him to be comfortable with the people on the bus, because the most of them consider themselves Catholic and he's never the minority.  It's similiar to being in a Catholic church, where (like in the church I grew up in) people take being Catholic to mean different things and practice their faith accordingly.  Yes, I get your point about most fundies being worried that secularism is catching is stupid, but I also know Catholics who worry about their kids being susceptible to bad influences in public schools. It's hard to say what a celibate man like Pope Francis would be if he was like Jill, in America raising 13 kids and counting. 

Edited by Temperance
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15 minutes ago, Temperance said:

I never said secularism is caught on the bus like a virus. I said the majority of people are Catholic, and that's based on the numbers I got from goggle. My point is that it's easier for him to be comfortable with the people on the bus, because the most of them consider themselves Catholic and he's never the minority.  It's similiar to being in a Catholic church, where (like in the church I grew up in) people take being Catholic to mean different things and practice their faith accordingly.  Yes, I get your point about most fundies being worried that secularism is catching is stupid, but I also know Catholics who worry about their kids being susceptible to bad influences in public schools. It's hard to say what a celibate man like Pope Francis would be if he was like Jill, in America raising 13 kids and counting. 

This particular Pope has shown himself to be comfortable with people of all kinds; he washed the feet of Muslim prisoners on Holy Thursday, amongst other things.  His willingness to connect to people from all walks of life is one of his best traits, IMO.  Not at all like Jill.  

My parents sent me to Catholic schools not to keep me from mixing with non-Catholics; but because our local Catholic school, in addition to providing religious training and prepare us for the sacraments, was academically stronger, had stricter guidelines for behavior and discipline and generally had a lot less of the BS one found in inner city public schools in the 1960's when I attended.  My class was about 1/3 non-Catholic, BTW, and that holds today.  A lot of parents send their kids to Catholic schools for reasons other than faith and anyone who sends their kids to one in hopes to prevent them from meeting non-Catholics is dreaming.  Meanwhile, Jill wants only KJB believers to teach her adult son about aviation and cannot allow him to attend a Baptist Church unless she has personally vetted it.  No comparison, IMO.

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Maybe I'm getting too cynical, but I don't even really believe that Timothy had a "fender bender" accident at all. I think Jill is making the whole thing up. Her recent attempt to profit from her daughters' accident really paid off; she got a free car, plus a couple of thousand in cash donations. I think it emboldened her to try again with another hard luck story involving one of her children and a car crash. I think the tipoff is that she described the "accident" with very little detail (no dramatic, heart-pounding story with Jill herself at the center) and no photos of the smashed vehicle (Jill LOVES posting photos) to lend authenticity.

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My guess is, if it really happened, it was a dent in the fender, or something. Nothing rendering it inoperable, but enough for her to want something better.


I don't have a vehicle. I want one, but can't afford one. I ride the bus when I have to go somewhere.

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1 hour ago, doodlebug said:

Jill did say that the fender bender wasn’t the cause of the car’s breakdown.  It was a very old car, a beater, that she and the hubs had grifted years ago and then handed down to Timothy when they grifted the car that Nurie totaled.  

This all begs the question, how the heck were they planning on getting this jalopy to Spokane?  After all, they’re supposedly towing the nearly new car they extorted after Nurie’s wreck behind the stink bus.  Obviously, someone was going to be driving this broken down hoopty to Spokane which also begs the question as to why they so urgently needed the new car if they were going to have Tim’s car for errands on the way out there.

Methinks Jill always planned to beg/demand a new car for Tim before they left and Nurie’s accident was just a bonus.  Since that scam worked beyond her wildest dreams, scoring a better car than most working people drive; she’s now emboldened and going for broke.  She’s again ignoring posts from people offering to sell them a car for cheap; it’s free or nothin’ for greedy gritty Jill.

Is she really?  I mean, it's not so long ago that people remember full well, "Timothy" saying "I don't want it for FREE, Mama.  I WILL pay."  Are these people not saying anything? 

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12 minutes ago, queenanne said:

Is she really?  I mean, it's not so long ago that people remember full well, "Timothy" saying "I don't want it for FREE, Mama.  I WILL pay."  Are these people not saying anything? 

All I know is that both after Nurie's wreck and with this beg-a-thon; people posted about cars they were willing to sell to her for a nominal amount and they got no response.  While we all remember that Timothy supposedly told Jill that he didn't want a free car, he would pay; I guess I am more cynical that most in that I think Jill put that in there thinking it would help get a donated car as her followers realized what a Godly, wonderful boy Timothy was and, of course, he's going to school to enter the ministry; no way should a saintly boy doing the Lord's work have to pay for a car.  Notice, too, Jill lets us know what Timothy supposedly said, but nowhere does she agree with him or indicate that she supports his desire to pay for a car.  It's all part of the act, IMO/

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Thanks.  I do very much feel that Timothy should in fact at least be offered the chance to know about these cheap cars, so I'm insulted on his behalf that his mother is continuing to treat him as such a baby that she won't tell him they're being offered; as I'm assuming that she in fact is not.  After all, this is changing HIS life after he moves away.  Maybe he wants to pay for a better car than he'd be offered for free, etc.  Poor enslaved kid can't even have his own social media as he's going off to college...

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3 minutes ago, queenanne said:

Thanks.  I do very much feel that Timothy should in fact at least be offered the chance to know about these cheap cars, so I'm insulted on his behalf that his mother is continuing to treat him as such a baby that she won't tell him they're being offered; as I'm assuming that she in fact is not.  After all, this is changing HIS life after he moves away.  Maybe he wants to pay for a better car than he'd be offered for free, etc.  Poor enslaved kid can't even have his own social media as he's going off to college...

I doubt he's allowed free access to the internet; he wasn't allowed to select a college or church to attend, his parents did that for him.  So, if he knows, it would be because Jill told him about it.  To me, this whole thing is just a variation on the last grift.  Remember the GotoMeFund was supposedly set up by Nurie to help her poor parents whose life of service to Jesus made them incapable of buying a vehicle themselves.  Jill was only there to help her with the internet stuff, it wasn't her idea, she certainly didn't expect it.  This time, it's Jill making the request on behalf of sweet little Timmy.  In both cases, Jill is using her poor, malnourished, brainwashed kids to gain sympathy and generate donations.  I also suspect the reason that GoFundMe isn't involved in this quest is that the last one got shut down after people reported the continued begging even after the goal was met.

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That's going off the assumption A) there's something really wrong with Timothy's car and B) he even knows what Jill is posting. I'm going on record right now, there's nothing wrong with the old car to leave it undrivable, and it will magically be able to be handed down to Nurie after Jill grifts a newer one for Timothy. Now, if it's truly an ancient junker, I probably wouldn't want to drive it cross county either, but that's a matter of preference.

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1 hour ago, Fostersmom said:

That's going off the assumption A) there's something really wrong with Timothy's car and B) he even knows what Jill is posting. I'm going on record right now, there's nothing wrong with the old car to leave it undrivable, and it will magically be able to be handed down to Nurie after Jill grifts a newer one for Timothy. Now, if it's truly an ancient junker, I probably wouldn't want to drive it cross county either, but that's a matter of preference.

I was thinking the exact same thing. They just don't want to worry about it on the long drive. The car could break down and they could be stuck in a big city like Chicago. All sorts of evilness around, it could force them to eat at an IHOP. The ensuing bathroom fight for their ever lovin souls would be too much of a cross to bear for poor poor Stormy J. 

All joking aside, why did she mention the fender bender the way she did when it was a non factor in the grift? Just to create confusion and then come back and say she never lied when someone does get it wrong and is bitter about being swindled? The whole "need" for a car is bullshit. She just wants it. 

I would love to see Jill put on her best Stormy J makeup, look straight at the camera and say "cause I want it" I think I would die and have to contribute to the grift just for that. 

Edited by Punkadoo
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2 hours ago, Punkadoo said:

I was thinking the exact same thing. They just don't want to worry about it on the long drive. The car could break down and they could be stuck in a big city like Chicago.

Chicago is a horrible place!

We have culture (Field Museum, Adler Planetarium) world class food, gays, straight people, we are multicultural, have  different religions and non-stop things to do. 

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8 minutes ago, Fuzzysox said:

Chicago is a horrible place!

We have culture (Field Museum, Adler Planetarium) world class food, gays, straight people, we are multicultural, have  different religions and non-stop things to do. 

Exactly! Being a Bay Area Californian myself, I would love an excuse to be there. For Jill, her honor would be affronted just at the possibilities.

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I don’t know about the car for Timothy but, according to Free Jinger, Jill is now claiming on FB that she took her kids to the park and when they went to leave, two of the 15 passenger van tires were punctured and it looked deliberate according to Jill. I think she either ran over nails, or she knows they need new tires before they drive Tim to college and is trying to grift them. 

Edited by EVS
To correct vehicle
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On 7/7/2018 at 11:12 PM, Temperance said:

Jill woud have hard time finding a bus where most of the people are whatever branch of Christianity she is. 

Yes, it would be a very short bus indeed!

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46 minutes ago, EVS said:

I don’t know about the car for Timothy but, according to Free Jinger, Jill is now claiming on FB that she took her kids to the park and when they went to leave, two of the RV tires were punctured and it looked deliberate according to Jill. I think she either ran over nails, or she knows they need new tires before they drive Tim to college and is trying to grift them. 

I suspect the latter.  Jill really does lay it on thick about how incredibly persecuted she is for her faith and how she suffers for the Lord.  I expect we'll be hearing some tall tale about how ungodly heathens vandalized their RV to prevent them from singing their way across country.

She seems to be getting progressively more overwrought and hysterical in her posts.  I think she's really freaking out about losing control of Timothy once he's on his own in Spokane.

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Well, she's seen what happened to the Duggars and the Bates kids once one of them branched out, next thing they knew, all their kids were just wild. Girls wearing pants, piercing noses, trying to get an actual paying job, the boys being attracted to girls doing those things. In Jill's world, the sky truly is falling once Timothy leaves. Oh, and he might actually get to eat and gain the strength to think or branch out. 

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7 minutes ago, SMama said:

Jill claimed it was the 15 passenger van that had two tires punctured. Either way she is obviously grifting for tires as well. 

Thanks for the correction. I’ll edit my post. 

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3 hours ago, EVS said:

I don’t know about the car for Timothy but, according to Free Jinger, Jill is now claiming on FB that she took her kids to the park and when they went to leave, two of the 15 passenger van tires were punctured and it looked deliberate according to Jill. I think she either ran over nails, or she knows they need new tires before they drive Tim to college and is trying to grift them. 

Jill took her kids to a park!?

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1 minute ago, BetyBee said:

Jill took her kids to a park!?

They actually went to a local amusement park last weekend. Even though the place is relatively cheap, it still would have been nearly $300 for admission alone. I suspect that they spent some of their GoToMeFund (tm Nurie) money to finance this little outing. 

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6 minutes ago, BetyBee said:

Jill took her kids to a park!?

Probably in hopes that strangers would see how malnourished and pathetic they look and hand them cash. Or, more likely, to hand out some of those fire and brimstone fundy pamphlets that David spends 12 or more hours every day slaving away in his printshop to produce.  I think we can all agree that there is virtually no chance Jill took her kids to the park to actually play.

Edited by doodlebug
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Chelsy Bontrager Maxwell has been slowly posting about wedding from December. She's up to Part 8, which is the reception. There's a picture of Kendra Duggar's parents. There is also a picture of JB, Michelle, and John David.

The reception looks nice. 

Edited by Temperance
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I looked up Chelsy's blog, and I agree she did a nice job with her reception. I think when you're on a limited budget you're better off keeping the decor simple rather than doing a bunch of DIY crap that ends up looking a jumbled mess (hello, Duggars). 

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