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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

The Politics Policy is still in effect. A participants social media is NOT an invitation to discuss their political view points. Consider if discussion of certain social media posts will cause you to violate the politics policy BEFORE you hit the "Submit Reply" button.

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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20 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

I picture them handing out the tracts in spanish to anyone with brown skin.

Years ago at the library I work at, we would hire elderly gentleman for security. They didn't get too physical and at the time, most people behaved. I remember hearing one guy speak Spanish to a child with "brown skin". The kids replied "uh, I'm not Spanish" 

The Rods are using those kids for slave labor. They should be learning, discovering and playing, not boxing up tracts and loading them into a truck. They should be eating and laughing.... Its such a sad and joyless life. 

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also the rod family site used to show the cost of the tracts. that has been removed. 100,000 smiley tracts was like $4500 minus costs for materials so they are not making much money on the tracts

and to sign up to their newsletter you have to give up your info

I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp ( more information )

I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Edited by crazy8s
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20 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

Oh yes, it's all about JillR, all the time.

It's interesting that although she posts many selfies of herself with the people she encounters, and also photos of the other people, I don't think I've seen a selfie with, or photo of, any of her "saved" souls. If it were anybody but JillR I'd think the reason would involve respect for the privacy of the other person. But, this is JillR. I wonder if she refrains from SM posts with photos because it's easier to dodge any followup/accountability if all she mentions is a name or three, vs. photos. Someone might see a photo and recognize their hearty-partying bro-in-law who either had a temporary conversion or was just shining JillR on so that she would shut up and leave them alone. It's safer for JillR to avoid that.

As @doodlebug said, the tracts are often shipped or delivered to buyers (churches or the like), probably at cost or very little profit to David. I don't believe the Rod kids had to personally hand out all the tracts in the boxes in that recent photo, for instance. There are, I'm sure, plenty of times when the family does go paper a neighborhood, but I don't recall her posting about that lately. Then there was the expedition to save souls in the Walmart parking lot being discussed above. She only mentioned a few of the older kids in that post, so I'm not sure she dragged everybody out with her that time.

I would like to see the Lord named Daniel in the laundromat. Jill could have snapped a selfie of herself with Him. Why would she deny us sinners the opportunity to gaze upon the Lord? Selfish slut.  

No, even the righteous Rods could possibly hand out 110,000 tracts themselves although I'm sure they always have a box or two on hand when the Lord tells them to go soul winning. In fact, most of the kids don't seem to get out very often except to go to church or travel around in the stink van to sing for food. The big orders are mailed to different churches so those church members' kids can hand them out. 

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i think once I was the hero/lord named something else in the laundromat when I went to wash and dry sleeping bags and I let a bunch of bored kids waiting with their parent/caregiver watch disney jr on my phone.😀

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22 hours ago, Mojitogirl said:

Tim must be really desperate (or being punished) if he’s living in that trailer.  My camper is way smaller but I spend a lot of time in camping forums. The water supply for it comes from a hose that would freeze in the winter as it doesn’t look like it’s set up permanently. The toilet lines would also freeze and I wonder where he dumps his waste water to - did they crack open their septic tank and run the line to it? Plus, those trailers aren’t very insulated and he must have to sleep in his coat. 

As far as I can tell/know, Tim lives in the trailer, because he's an adult male. Jill wants him to have his own place for the same reasons Tim has a job.  There seems to be some reasoning that adult males needs to live "independently" and make their way in the world. Jill hasn't done this with her girls. Adult daughters seem to be expected to be stay-at-home daughters, do Etsy and be on the lookout for a husband. Then they can get married.

Jill's position on her sons will be clarified in the next two years. Phillip turns 18 in July 2021. So she will have two adult sons in July. After Phillip, the next oldest two are the last two boys.  After that she has six more girls. So we'll see.

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2 hours ago, crazy8s said:

update on the rod family blog Jan 23 2021- they still need donations to complete the barndo

January 2021 – Family Update & Videos!

Posted on January 23, 2021 by Rodrigues Family


We apologize how LONG it has been since we have reached out to you with an update on how our family and ministry is doing.  We are doing great and it seems the older we (and our children) get, the busier we become.  We took a HUGE sigh of relief once we had the main part of our house built (on the inside) and Nathan & Nurie’s wedding done and paid for.  It was indeed a glorious wedding day (on July 25, 2020) and our home is a blessing. 

However, as soon as we finished all of that, we became swamped in the Print Shop with a ton more work and some more traveling to sing and present our ministry.  God has been SO good to us in allowing us to serve Him full time.  We are just now finishing up 110,000 Yellow Smiley Gospel booklets – 10,000 of them being Spanish.  It has been a family effort to get that job complete while working on other orders and preparing for a singing / presenting our ministry tour down South….midst keeping the children on track with their home school work, etc.  It is a VERY busy, yet FULL life.  We wouldn’t trade it for anything!  Jill is working on the annual Ladies’ Retreat presently.  It has been a challenge to plan with all the new Covid restrictions, but God is working out all of the details.  

Our biggest need right now is to pray for the funding to complete work on the house and print shop.  The space in the print shop is infringed upon due to us using a lot of it for living space.  We plan to build an addition off of the back of the house to put our living room space (for the family) there.  Then, we can fully use the shop space for what it was intended for – printing and all the work space that is involved in making that happen.  Please pray for us regarding this.

We love you all and although we have been disheartened at the direction our good, ole United States of America is headed, we know our hope is not in our government, but in the LORD (as we are seen singing about in the video below).  We pray it encourages you.

Stand STRONG, Christian.  In a world where Christians are caving to the pressures of this old, sinful world and its demands, now – MORE THAN EVER- we need to learn to endure HARDNESS as soldiers of the cross!  To NOT compromise on values we once held dear, yet, to love others big.  It is a fine line to walk, but God will always give us the wisdom to walk it!! 

Please check out our YouTube Channel under the name – Jill Rodrigues – for fun family videos PLUS a new series Jill has started named – “Make Your Life Count Minute with Jill”.   Hope you enjoy.  **Check out some of those videos below.**

God bless you all and HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

With Care,  The Rodrigues Family 



I am truly starting to flat out hate this woman. Her kids are staving, living in a "house" that she admits is basically a workshop, and she's begging again for money to fix it up. Get a damn job and stop mooching off of others to take care of your family, Jill. I don't want those kids to suffer any more than they have but I really hope people stop donating to her and their "mission", it's only encouraging her hatefulness.

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9 minutes ago, Spazamanaz said:

How do they survive? How do they pay their mortgage, utility bills, food, gas and everyday living expenses? Seriously,  how?

Jesus, the kindness of others, and knowing how to play the system.  I may sound flippant, but that is how the Rods work.  They have successfully grifted a house and cars then bragged about it on social media.  While I don't believe that they have ever gone to social services to apply for welfare or food stamps, they definitely know how to work the rest of the system.  I have no doubt that Jill knows how little she has to pay every month to keep the heat on, etc.  She would also apply for assistance from other like-minded Christians.  The Rods also get donations from a missionary clearinghouse to help support themselves.  There is a whole thing with these types of Christians and how they dole out their Jesus-mandated charity.  To sum it up, when Jesus says feed the hungry, clothe the naked, etc what Jesus actually meant was to help only those who are saved.  Jill exploits this. They are also supposed to all go out and save souls, but some really just do not want to do that.  So, they will give people like Jill and David money to do the missionary work.  The Christians who give the Rods money feel good about themselves giving money so Jill and her brood can do the lord's work.  

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13 minutes ago, emma675 said:

. I don't want those kids to suffer any more than they have but I really hope people stop donating to her and their "mission", it's only encouraging her hatefulness.

I agree. I know people have good hearts and donate because they feel bad for the children, however they need to realize 90% of what they're giving goes to Jill's hair bleach, tchotchkes and date nights. Practically nothing goes to the kids, as evidenced by the emaciated faces and threadbare clothing. Jill's basically running an informal charity scam.

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Just now, Ohiopirate02 said:

Jesus, the kindness of others, and knowing how to play the system.  I may sound flippant, but that is how the Rods work.  They have successfully grifted a house and cars then bragged about it on social media.  While I don't believe that they have ever gone to social services to apply for welfare or food stamps, they definitely know how to work the rest of the system.  I have no doubt that Jill knows how little she has to pay every month to keep the heat on, etc.  She would also apply for assistance from other like-minded Christians.  The Rods also get donations from a missionary clearinghouse to help support themselves.  There is a whole thing with these types of Christians and how they dole out their Jesus-mandated charity.  To sum it up, when Jesus says feed the hungry, clothe the naked, etc what Jesus actually meant was to help only those who are saved.  Jill exploits this. They are also supposed to all go out and save souls, but some really just do not want to do that.  So, they will give people like Jill and David money to do the missionary work.  The Christians who give the Rods money feel good about themselves giving money so Jill and her brood can do the lord's work.  

Omg. Who grifted them a house?  I know nothing about food stamps, church charities or missionaries, etc.  and how they work. What is a missionary clearinghouse?  Sorry for all the questions, and thank you for answering them. 

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15 minutes ago, Spazamanaz said:

Omg. Who grifted them a house?  I know nothing about food stamps, church charities or missionaries, etc.  and how they work. What is a missionary clearinghouse?  Sorry for all the questions, and thank you for answering them. 

When they moved to West Virginia from New York state a few years back, they initially lived in their RV with Jill writing a lot of posts about how they just couldn't afford to buy a house; if only some Jesus-loving person would give them one.  And, someone did, outside of Charleston, W Va.  At the time, Jill even referred to it as a gift.  Rumor has it that some older woman owned the house and, being as she also believed in the correct Jesus, felt compelled to give them her house.  The house itself was a pretty large place with a very large yard; much more suitable for a large family than the barndominium.  

We know that Jill and Shrek owned the house outright because Jill told us all about putting it on the market and selling it when they fled to Ohio.  Rumor has it that CPS was getting on their case.  We do know the kids weren't passing their homeschool courses according to the local board of education and were caught cheating on the test that the state gives to assess their educational progress.  They may have tried to force them to enroll the kids in regular public schools and no way Jill was doing that.  They had previously left their home in NY after Shrek got into it with their pastor who they felt was too liberal and not up to their standards.  They were asked to leave that church and, apparently, nobody else wanted them, either.

The Rods participate in something called the Central Missionary Clearinghouse which is a nonprofit dedicated to supporting evangelical Christians as they try to convert the unwashed masses.  JRod and Shrek have their printing press to produce all sorts of pamphlets to hand out at Walmart and they also drive around the countryside singing/screeching at various evangelical churches and giving their testimony for Jesus.  That is exactly the sort of stuff the CMC supports.  People can donate to them through the Clearinghouse.  Jill has it linked on their blog, you can even set up a monthly payment and use a credit card! And, of course, its tax deductible, too.

Edited by doodlebug
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2 hours ago, emma675 said:

I am truly starting to flat out hate this woman. Her kids are staving, living in a "house" that she admits is basically a workshop, and she's begging again for money to fix it up. Get a damn job and stop mooching off of others to take care of your family, Jill. I don't want those kids to suffer any more than they have but I really hope people stop donating to her and their "mission", it's only encouraging her hatefulness.

Yes,Jill knows the stimulus checks for others are arriving,and not only do the Rods get their own,they want everyone else's,too! So Jill does these timely maneuvers in hopes some unwitting soul will be kind enough to donate that money to her greedy cause.I mean agenda.

And with all the CAPS,there's no way David wrote that! 


Edited by sondraK
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2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Jesus, the kindness of others, and knowing how to play the system.  I may sound flippant, but that is how the Rods work.  They have successfully grifted a house and cars then bragged about it on social media.  While I don't believe that they have ever gone to social services to apply for welfare or food stamps, they definitely know how to work the rest of the system.  I have no doubt that Jill knows how little she has to pay every month to keep the heat on, etc.  She would also apply for assistance from other like-minded Christians.  The Rods also get donations from a missionary clearinghouse to help support themselves.  There is a whole thing with these types of Christians and how they dole out their Jesus-mandated charity.  To sum it up, when Jesus says feed the hungry, clothe the naked, etc what Jesus actually meant was to help only those who are saved.  Jill exploits this. They are also supposed to all go out and save souls, but some really just do not want to do that.  So, they will give people like Jill and David money to do the missionary work.  The Christians who give the Rods money feel good about themselves giving money so Jill and her brood can do the lord's work.  

I absolutely believe the Rods get Medicaid and SNAP (food stamps).

Edited by DangerousMinds
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8 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Jesus, the kindness of others, and knowing how to play the system.  I may sound flippant, but that is how the Rods work.  They have successfully grifted a house and cars then bragged about it on social media.  While I don't believe that they have ever gone to social services to apply for welfare or food stamps, they definitely know how to work the rest of the system.  I have no doubt that Jill knows how little she has to pay every month to keep the heat on, etc.  She would also apply for assistance from other like-minded Christians.  The Rods also get donations from a missionary clearinghouse to help support themselves.  There is a whole thing with these types of Christians and how they dole out their Jesus-mandated charity.  To sum it up, when Jesus says feed the hungry, clothe the naked, etc what Jesus actually meant was to help only those who are saved.  Jill exploits this. They are also supposed to all go out and save souls, but some really just do not want to do that.  So, they will give people like Jill and David money to do the missionary work.  The Christians who give the Rods money feel good about themselves giving money so Jill and her brood can do the lord's work.  

The Rod 'rents have also produced a small army of unpaid help. The kids work in the print shop and perform on the frequent singing tours of churches. Nothing like a parcel of underfed, badly dressed kids to fill the collection plate and get offers of free food. The kids are tools in the grift. I don't think Jill wastes much time homeschooling them, despite what she says.

I doubt Jill wants to be out pounding the pavement to save souls either. She enjoys the activities that showcase her--singing, videos, retreat planning, and other things she likes but can claim are for God. David prints the tracts and the kids stuff envelopes, but Jill doesn't seem to do much that doesn't benefit her and her desire for recognition and worldly goods. 

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10 hours ago, doodlebug said:

I find it is very effective to say, "I'm a practicing Catholic, let me tell you about my church!'"  Most of these proselytyzing types are the sort that think that Catholics worship statues and are going straight to hell.  They shut up and go away pretty quick, afraid of catching Catholic cooties.

Works for me, but I wish I was more like my friend's dad who would invite them in and eventually most of the proselytes from the Mormon church and JWs he spoke with  converted and were confirmed in his parish. 

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5 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

They are also supposed to all go out and save souls, but some really just do not want to do that.  So, they will give people like Jill and David money to do the missionary work.  The Christians who give the Rods money feel good about themselves giving money so Jill and her brood can do the lord's work.  

This is why I suspect some if not all of these random people she claims to have brought to Jesus are made up. Jill has proven that she has no reservations about recording/photographing people without their permission, so why no photos of soul winning with “Zane,” “Cam,” or George Glass from the laundromat? The kids have no social media and although David’s name is on the accounts, Jill writes and controls all the posts. So there is no one to expose the lies she tells and her benefactors are none the wiser. If anything, the “fat” blue-haired women she derided are likely the ones who rejected her stupid pamphlets. Of course she claimed that it was one of her children who made that observation and not her.

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49 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

This is why I suspect some if not all of these random people she claims to have brought to Jesus are made up. Jill has proven that she has no reservations about recording/photographing people without their permission, so why no photos of soul winning with “Zane,” “Cam,” or George Glass from the laundromat? The kids have no social media and although David’s name is on the accounts, Jill writes and controls all the posts. So there is no one to expose the lies she tells and her benefactors are none the wiser. If anything, the “fat” blue-haired women she derided are likely the ones who rejected her stupid pamphlets. Of course she claimed that it was one of her children who made that observation and not her.

Lol at George Glass! 🙂

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13 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Lol at George Glass! 🙂

Me too.  I still watch The Brady Bunch on Sunday!


14 hours ago, charmed1 said:

This is why I suspect some if not all of these random people she claims to have brought to Jesus are made up. Jill has proven that she has no reservations about recording/photographing people without their permission, so why no photos of soul winning with “Zane,” “Cam,” or George Glass from the laundromat? The kids have no social media and although David’s name is on the accounts, Jill writes and controls all the posts. So there is no one to expose the lies she tells and her benefactors are none the wiser. If anything, the “fat” blue-haired women she derided are likely the ones who rejected her stupid pamphlets. Of course she claimed that it was one of her children who made that observation and not her.


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17 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I absolutely believe the Rods get Medicaid and SNAP (food stamps).

Me too.  I have seen more than a few of these independent, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, no government interference people who feel that they are the exception, the only ones who really NEED that help and seek out every government program they can find.  It's OTHER people's use of government benefits that Jill opposes.

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1 hour ago, doodlebug said:

Me too.  I have seen more than a few of these independent, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, no government interference people who feel that they are the exception, the only ones who really NEED that help and seek out every government program they can find.  It's OTHER people's use of government benefits that Jill opposes.

They must have Medicaid because how else would they have paid for all of Jill’s prenatal care, childbirth, and later visits for Janessa? And in Ohio at least, the application for Medicaid and SNAP is the same one, so in applying for one they would have been approved for both. 

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Going back a few pages to JillR saving souls for Jesus in the Walmart parking lot. She requested 3 souls from the Lord and "saved" exactly that many. She then said that God is faithful. Shouldn't she be faithful to God? It seems that she thinks prayer is her placing an order with God and then he fulfills it, which makes her His boss! 

My first thought though, was that there are people across the country begging for food in grocery store parking lots, because times are tough. I imagined Jill chasing them away with her stupid tracts because that's her spot for begging! She's really an awful person.

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1 hour ago, BetyBee said:

Going back a few pages to JillR saving souls for Jesus in the Walmart parking lot. She requested 3 souls from the Lord and "saved" exactly that many. She then said that God is faithful. Shouldn't she be faithful to God? It seems that she thinks prayer is her placing an order with God and then he fulfills it, which makes her His boss! 

My first thought though, was that there are people across the country begging for food in grocery store parking lots, because times are tough. I imagined Jill chasing them away with her stupid tracts because that's her spot for begging! She's really an awful person.

Yeah, she even said "not 4," which you'd think would be better than 3 in their world.

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2 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

Yeah, she even said "not 4," which you'd think would be better than 3 in their world.

Jill went to the Jethro Bodine School of Counting and Ciphering but flunked out.



Edited by Zella
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When the JWs used to come to our front door when I was a wee girl, my mom would not only go into her own “Catholic Cooties” monologue, making sure to highlight her K-12 education from Holy Redeemer in Detroit, but she’d also put the parents on blast. It was so awesome to see!!!

”Your kids are too young to be traipsing from door to door on a Saturday morning! They should be at home and watching cartoons or sleeping late. Do you think they’re actually enjoying themselves? Newsflash: they aren’t having fun. They should be acting like kids, not walking from door to door with adults every damn weekend!” 

I’m such a proud daughter. 🤗


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On 1/29/2021 at 7:44 PM, Twopper said:

Works for me, but I wish I was more like my friend's dad who would invite them in and eventually most of the proselytes from the Mormon church and JWs he spoke with  converted and were confirmed in his parish. 

My uncle was not so smooth.. He would stand on his porch and say:  Do i look like i just fell off the f.....n turnip truck.  Get off my land.  He is 86 and still does it to telemarketers.. He is a scream.

15 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Me too.  I still watch The Brady Bunch on Sunday!



Brady Bunch?? on what channel (i know we all have different ones).. MEMMMMMMMMMMMMORIES.. EVERY Friday night, Brady Bunch and Partridge Family.. sigh......

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6 hours ago, Bridget said:

When the JWs used to come to our front door when I was a wee girl, my mom would not only go into her own “Catholic Cooties” monologue, making sure to highlight her K-12 education from Holy Redeemer in Detroit, but she’d also put the parents on blast. It was so awesome to see!!!

”Your kids are too young to be traipsing from door to door on a Saturday morning! They should be at home and watching cartoons or sleeping late. Do you think they’re actually enjoying themselves? Newsflash: they aren’t having fun. They should be acting like kids, not walking from door to door with adults every damn weekend!” 

I’m such a proud daughter. 🤗


I like her response!

I hate it when parents show up at the door w their kids dressed for church.The little boys will have a suit on with their hair slicked to one side,the girls little ruffled dresses,and I feel like it's so their parents can get ppl to fawn over them and go."Oh,look how CUTE they are!" Which I don't feel like doing.So I don't answer when I see ppl like that knock.GAG

4 hours ago, Boston said:

My uncle was not so smooth.. He would stand on his porch and say:  Do i look like i just fell off the f.....n turnip truck.  Get off my land.  He is 86 and still does it to telemarketers.. He is a scream.

Brady Bunch?? on what channel (i know we all have different ones).. MEMMMMMMMMMMMMORIES.. EVERY Friday night, Brady Bunch and Partridge Family.. sigh......

8 PM! I know it well

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On 1/29/2021 at 4:11 PM, doodlebug said:

 JRod and Shrek have their printing press to produce all sorts of pamphlets to hand out at Walmart 

Wait, they print other kinds of tracts? All I've ever seen is the smiley tract.

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57 minutes ago, Portia said:

Wait, they print other kinds of tracts? All I've ever seen is the smiley tract.

they have 6 kinds of tracts, plus the smiley face in english and spanish. They have 2 others specific to John and Romans.

One has a $100 bill on the front with the caption "Better Than Money. I expect that it the one the leave as tips instead of cash

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6 hours ago, Boston said:

My uncle was not so smooth.. He would stand on his porch and say:  Do i look like i just fell off the f.....n turnip truck.  Get off my land.  He is 86 and still does it to telemarketers.. He is a scream.

Brady Bunch?? on what channel (i know we all have different ones).. MEMMMMMMMMMMMMORIES.. EVERY Friday night, Brady Bunch and Partridge Family.. sigh......

My mother was the same way.  She once complained to the phone company, and asked the person if she shared a brain.  hehe!

MeTV (on my Spectrum cable, it's channel 182) has the Brady Bunch.  

I'm going to use the Turnip Truck remark sometime.  Love it!

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Where is Jill and the starving bunch?  She has been off FB for almost two days and the Instagram is still private.  Is she taking a cue from RFP and building suspense?  I need my daily dose of the crazy.

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5 minutes ago, sheshark said:

Where is Jill and the starving bunch?  She has been off FB for almost two days and the Instagram is still private.  Is she taking a cue from RFP and building suspense?  I need my daily dose of the crazy.

Maybe she's protesting something again.

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They were driving at least part of that time so she probably didn't have internet connection.  I think they may be in Florida with/near Nurie now.

I didn't watch it, but supposedly a screen grab from the Florida church service and it looks as if David is using a cane or maybe it's an equipment stand.  Not sure.


Looks like a cane.


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It looks like a stick coming out of his ass. However, it is probably a cane. No boot, cast, or ace bandage are visible. If he has an injury, Jill will share the drama. If the problem is weight, diabetes, heart trouble, or arthritis, she'll pretend everything is fine. 

The seams of that suit jacket look just one pound away from bursting.  

Edited by BradandJanet
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38 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

What a depressing life. Faith should make you shine. 

The most depressing part is the fact that those kids have absolutely no say in the matter.  I would like to think that at least one of them will make at run for it when they turn 18, but that’s probably only wishful thinking.  Any child who chooses an alternate lifestyle will be told that they’re going to burn in hell for eternity and then promptly disowned by Ma&Pa Rod.

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7 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

My mother was the same way.  She once complained to the phone company, and asked the person if she shared a brain.  hehe!

MeTV (on my Spectrum cable, it's channel 182) has the Brady Bunch.  

I'm going to use the Turnip Truck remark sometime.  Love it!

Thanks.. I think I get MeTV (or i used to).  I'll check it out.  Memories.

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The Bontrager family is travelling around the country minus the married kids. Their bus/trailer were parked for the evening when a tornado came near. It knocked the trailer to the ground and broke some windows in the bus. Fortunately they avoided more serious damage and no one was hurt. This information was up on their Instagram. 

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7 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

My mother was the same way.  She once complained to the phone company, and asked the person if she shared a brain.  hehe!

MeTV (on my Spectrum cable, it's channel 182) has the Brady Bunch.  

I'm going to use the Turnip Truck remark sometime.  Love it!

I finally found MeTV.. it is in the THOUSANDS (1180).  I am happy now.  Thank you!!

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19 minutes ago, Temperance said:

The Bontrager family is travelling around the country minus the married kids. Their bus/trailer were parked for the evening when a tornado came near. It knocked the trailer to the ground and broke some windows in the bus. Fortunately they avoided more serious damage and no one was hurt. This information was up on their Instagram. 

Maybe that's a sign that they, I don't know, shouldn't be traveling around the country during a pandemic?! Idiots.

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1 hour ago, Temperance said:

David R "sprained his foot" according to him. 


44 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I get the feeling that David is suffering from gout and not a sprained foot.  I very easily could be wrong, I'm not a doctor.   

It could be either, IMO, and I'm not a doctor either. But that shot of him from the back shows that the man is carrying a lot of extra weight. And it doesn't look like muscles. Well he doesn't look normal sized in any photo, but something about all the fat on his back in that shot was kind of noticeable to me. With all that weight and the aging process, he could easily have sprained something, or have gout, or arthritic changes, or a bunion. Any number of problems, many of which would be caused or aggravated by his obesity. (I know, I can't be sure he's clinically obese because I don't have his height/weight numbers. But my observation leads me to think he is. I'm technically clinically obese, just barely, per BMI calculations - and I don't look nearly as overweight for my height as David does.)

BTW gout has a bad reputation. You *can* have it without being a self-indulgent undisciplined glutton. I have a family history of it, and typically somewhat elevated uric acid numbers, and I'm always kind of on the watch for it, which my doc sez isn't all that silly. A good friend who wasn't at all overweight, was actually healthy, quite an outdoorsman, and very physically active, was occasionally on crutches and almost debilitated due to flareups of gout. He said it was horrendous pain, to the point of hurting when a sheet touched his toe when he was in bed. Yikes.

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5 minutes ago, MrsClaus said:

Maybe the sprained foot is actually code for "I didn't get Jill knocked up and she threw a cast iron skillet at me and it landed on my foot"

I was envisioning him injuring himself sprinting for a hummingbird food refill. 

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