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S07.E16: Southern Discomfort

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"Greg kids," Ugh, really?


Joyce is unbelievable and Kandi's reaction was rather calm about the house issue.  I wonder who paid to fix the bathrooms? Let me guess...

So Peter has been in the music industry, the restaurant business and event planning business and seems to have failed at all of them but Cynthia is always proud of him, I guess that is better than being ashamed.

I have decided to get a step and repeat for every party I throw no matter how few people show up. 

Does anyone else think that a counseling session on tv is not going to work? Maybe they have private sessions off camera where I hope Todd can be more expressive about how he feels about Kandi's staff mocking him and Kandi not saying anything to them and the issues with Joyce otherwise there is not much to talk about in a session. 


  • Love 7

My initial reaction to NeNe's idea was "... but if you resolve all your issues, wheat will you all do?", followed by "Is this NeNe's escape plan from this show?".

Nene needs this show, I don't care how much of a rich bitch she pretends to be. Otherwise, she would have been gone a couple of season's ago. I doubt she really gives a crap about any of these ladies. 



  • Love 12

I normally hate it when what I am about to say about Kenya is said about any woman, because it's a phrase that is oftentimes wrought with misogyny, but I honestly can say that I completely see why she is not married - she might just be the most immature woman I have ever seen.



I've seen far too many immature, awful, psychotic, whatever... women get themselves a "huzzbin" so I disagree that her level of immaturity correlates to her single status. 


She sure is a terrible person, though. 


As for the rest of this episode... zzzzzzzz.  I sure was jealous of their lunch at Uncle Julio's though!  Damn if they don't have some of the best steak fajitas. 

  • Love 2

I didn't like how Cynthia handled the alleged texts but I still feel no sympathy for Phaedra.


Loved Claudia's new TH with the jet black hair.


And I'm sorry, I find it laughable that Nene of all people is trying to set up a therapy session for the group.  I'm just glad the doctor called out her out and told her explicitly that just because she's the organizer doesn't mean she gets to sit out and observe, that she needs to participate.  We all already know Nene never wants to hear anything negative said about her, true or not, so this should be interesting.



I find it laughable too, and I guess all the ladies are supposed to fall in line because NeNe was in a better mood that day for some "canceling." She's also the last one that needs to talk about someone's stylings.


  • Love 11

The reason I hate Cynthia the most on this show?  She's one hypocritical bitch, much more than anyone else, IMO.  The reason I tag her for it more than I'll tag anyone else is because either right after or right before she does something supremely hypocritical she narrates it like it isn't what we just saw her doing.  I'm not an idiot, you dumb bitch.  I know what I saw.  And what I saw was you being a dumb bitch.

That and who the hell explains what they're doing with "Well you've done it too"?  After they spent the last 3 episodes bitching with their ugly ass friends about how you just don't do that?


She makes me want to punch kittens.

Edited by CaughtOnTape
  • Love 9

This show has become much ado about nothing. Fake beefs based on fake "texteses"; producer-driven counseling sessions to rev up the drama; cast members with no skin in the game poking their noses into situations that don't involve them ... what's wrong with me for still tuning in!

I feel bad for Todd for getting involved with Kandi. He seems like a nice, cute guy despite being short and

big-headed (TM Ratchet Prince Valiant). He deserves so much better, as does his sweet daughter. His marriage is doomed.

I don't even lay all the blame on his monster-in-law; it's his wife who diminishes him and stands by rolling her eyes while her employees disrespect him.

Cynthia is just stirring the pot to keep her peach.

NeNe will do what it takes to keep the big Bravo checks coming.

I'm waiting on Fakedra to come out with a line of "Fix it, Jesus" t-shirts.

  • Love 8

This made me laugh out loud! I started having visions of little twigs coming out of Cynthia's hair. I'll keep an eye out for that. :)

I had visions of the roses that were sprouting from Phaedra's head during the Dwight-stravaganza baby shower.....

So Peter has been in the music industry, the restaurant business and event planning business and seems to have failed at all of them but Cynthia is always proud of him, I guess that is better than being ashamed.





Well...with all of that, he HAS managed to stay out of jail, so I guess she is one up on Phaedra.....and, I guess that's something to be proud of....

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 5

I know I am in the minority here but I don't think Cynthia was so wrong in her convo with Phedra. When Phedra said about "fact checking" girrlllll pulease. I think none of this new stuff would have happened if Phedra had just apologized to Kenya when she found out her good for nothing husband made that crap up. So now he is doing fake texts about her and she is appalled that anyone should dare believe it about her.

  • Love 7

Peter's half empty 'awards ceremony' was hilarious. The only awards Peter should be handing out is for moochers, gossips and assholes. The Award for Bitch Made Man of the Year should go to Apollo Nida. 



I feel bad for Todd for getting involved with Kandi. He seems like a nice, cute guy despite being short and
big-headed (TM Ratchet Prince Valiant). He deserves so much better, as does his sweet daughter. His marriage is doomed.
I don't even lay all the blame on his monster-in-law; it's his wife who diminishes him and stands by rolling her eyes while her employees disrespect him.


I agree with this. I actually think Todd would be fine in his marriage and with Kandi if she had boundaries with her mother, didn't reward her bad behavior with cars and houses and didn't allow friends and employees to emasculate him. Kandi couldn't make herself look worse if she tried. 

  • Love 7

I'm not understanding the vitriol against Demetria.


Demetria did come on like gangbusters, grilling Kenya about Roger Bobb.  However, she took it up with Kenya, they squashed it, you haven't seen any problems between Kenya & Demetria since.


Phaedra came up in Demetria's recording booth acting janky towards her for no reason and both she & Nene were rude to Demetria when she (BRAVO/Rogerbobb) paid for their trip.  She discussed her concerns with the other girls, but when Phaedra acted janky towards Demetria at the dinner table, she took it up with Phaedra.  Later on, she apologized to Phaedra when she didn't have to, and when Phaedra is the one who should've been apologizing to Demetria, not the other way around.


Since then, we've seen very little of Demetria, so I'm not understanding this "Claudia & Demetria sitting over there taking potshots etc".  We've simply not seen Demetria going around taking petty potshots at Nene's crew.  If she had, she'd be the one holding a peach in the credits instead of Claudia.

  • Love 6

I wanted to throw something at the screen when Joyce's horrible ass told Kandi she liked the old house better. She's an emotional terrorist.

Tell me where to send the check I owe you for providing the phrase that I will say to Dr. Phil if my mother and I ever wind up on his stage.

Gotcha. Cynthia told Kandi that Peter stated Apollo talked to Todd as well. (Cut to a scene of Todd telling Peter that Apollo showed color copies to both Todd and Kandi) Then Cynthia asked Kandi if Todd told her about it. Kandi's response was that "Apollo says a lot of things".

I didn't see that as Kandi denying the alleged affair or that she'd seen anything. Instead, I took it as Kandi wondering why people are believing what Apollo says about anything.

If I heard properly, Kandi said something like I wouldn't tell you even if I did know. {{insertobnoxioustoddlerapplause}} Which I took as her Kandi-specific way of neither denying nor acknowledging anything, but avoiding a confrontation altogether by not getting dragged into it in the first place. I liked it. IF I had been told about some texts (Texes is a state) and they're about my best friend, whether they were true or not, whether I'd seen em or not, whether I knew or not, you can fucking kick rocks even thinking you were entitled enough to even open your mouth to ask me to verify the information. I was actually applauding her restraint for not telling em to pound sand. And THEN here comes Cynthia with some we know that's your girl but if she's wrong you know you can say to her, girl I love you but you're wrong. Yeah I can, but damned if it's gonna be for your ears to hear.

Nene needs this show, I don't care how much of a rich bitch she pretends to be. Otherwise, she would have been gone a couple of season's ago. I doubt she really gives a crap about any of these ladies.

When Claudia got up from the table and Nene said all tongue in cheek, don't worry, I got the check and Claudia said I know you do, you invited us here and you are the rich bitch after all. Sue me, I cracked the hell up.

Who was giving Kandi and Todd 5 years? {{{pulls out tithing basket}}} I'm in. Got 10 on it, says they top out at year 2.5. For as loyal a friend as Kandi can be, she is a shitty ass wife. When they were in counseling, you could tell that my way or the highway stuff hit her hard. Why Kandi? He's not even talking about the content of what you said to him before the wedding, but the manner in which it was said? Yeah girl you straight up suck at meeting him halfway, hell a block away. Life's too short and genuinely nice guys who are easy to look at, willing to work hard and want to communicate do not stay single long, so yeah good luck with that non compromisey thing. You can't even lose the wrap scarf FFS. Girl, bye.

Cynthia. If I have to listen to you struggle through another read or apology (since you now think they're the same thing), I will gag up my 9pm snack. I HEARD you tell your husband how spectacularly awful you are at this, but you keep doing it. I know bravo needs you to be all paul revere and shit, but you could insert some of your actual heartfelt words into the message you're being forced to deliver. Nichelle, above, said it exactly as you should've. I'm wrong, I'm awkward, I'm overlynosey and I'm sorry.


Porsha you have the body of life. Of life I say. But just because you can fit into the stuff in the juniors section, that doesn't mean that's what you should go with. No haterade, she can wear a hefty bag and be sexy, I just wish her choices were more flattering. Oh and trying to get Kandi together about how close she and Phaedra should be? Um, get out of grown folks business, they don't need your help and unless I missed it, didn't ask for it.

Edited by cooksdelight
Removing preview talk.
  • Love 9

At the Awards for Excellence in the Field of Knowing Peter and not Laughing at all of his BS dinner I thought that Kandi was trying to say she didn't know if Phaedra had an affair, not that she didn't know about the text. I think she was making a distinction between them so she can know about the texts and still not feel like they are evidence of an affair.

  • Love 2

No...because Kandi's "old" house has now been renovated and looks all brand-new and shiny!!  Who wants odds on a bet that Joyce is (or will be) living in the old house, and Kandi is now stuck with a useless McMansion that her mother doesn't want anymore?  

I bet MJ wants the "old" house because she trashed the one Kandi bought her.

  • Love 4
And THEN here comes Cynthia with some we know that's your girl but if she's wrong you know you can say to her, girl I love you but you're wrong.   Yeah I can, but damned if it's gonna be for your ears to hear.


Exactly!  Cause this is was Cynthia did all the years she was friends with Nene.  Not!  Cynthia couldn't care less about the "wrong" Nene did to the other ladies until Nene was rude to her and Peter.  Cynthia has no leg to stand on here.  And I am one of those who applauded her for finally standing up to Nene, but c'mon girl, you can't expect people to do something you yourself couldn't do.  Especially over something that y'all don't know is true and are using to rile up Phaedra.

  • Love 3


If I heard properly, Kandi said something like I wouldn't tell you even if I did know.  {{insertobnoxioustoddlerapplause}} Which I took as her Kandi-specific way of neither denying nor acknowledging anything, but avoiding a confrontation altogether by not getting dragged into it in the first place.  I liked it.  IF I had been told about some texts (Texes is a state) and they're about my best friend, whether they were true or not, whether I'd seen em or not, whether I knew or not, you can fucking kick rocks even thinking you were entitled enough to even open your mouth to ask me to verify the information.  I was actually applauding her restraint for not telling em to pound sand.   And THEN here comes Cynthia with some we know that's your girl but if she's wrong you know you can say to her, girl I love you but you're wrong.   Yeah I can, but damned if it's gonna be for your ears to hear.


ZaldamoWilder, I wish I could use all my thumbs up on this post! Kenya is steadying crowing on twitter calling Kandi a hypocrite and a liar based on last night's episode when I just don't see it. 

  • Love 2

I have a funny feeling the Mama Joyce house swap will end up something like this.  She will convince Kandi to sell the new house and give her (Joyce) the proceeds, so that she (Joyce) can fix the old house up the way she wants it.  Even though Kandi obviously already had people working there.


So Joyce will end up staying where she was, in a house she got for free, having picked the place clean with her boyfriend, gambled the proceeds from THAT, bank the proceeds from the other house, and gradually piss that away, too.


Because if Todd's mom's death shows anything, it's that you need to love and support your mother with as many houses as you can possibly afford.  Or else amurysms!

  • Love 15

Did I just see an event hosted by Peter that was so poorly attended that they just started giving out rewards to random people in the audience?  I do not think that Kandi was very impressed with her her "Excellently Excelling in Excellence" award or whatever bullshit she got. 


Knowing Peter...he probably gave everyone who attended an award and then charged them $300 for the engraving.  The whole thing was probably some money making scam.  It is a shame his friend Apollo had already "gone asunder" or he could have helped.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 6
Nene needs this show, I don't care how much of a rich bitch she pretends to be. Otherwise, she would have been gone a couple of season's ago. I doubt she really gives a crap about any of these ladies.

I understand that Nene elicits a lot of strong feelings in folks, both positive and negative. But I think she's smart -- and hungry -- enough to not turn her back on a stream of income without really good reason. It reminds me of Joan Rivers, who never turned down a paying gig, regardless of the fact that, financially, she could have easily and comfortably sat home watching telenovelas for the rest of her life, even if she'd lived to a very, very old age. You can sneer at Nene's posturing and preening all you like, and perhaps deservedly. But the fact of the matter is, she had enough talent to parlay her participation in this show into a viable acting career, which is something that other "Housewives", who didn't possess real talent, weren't able to do beyond a couple of stunt-casting gigs. I can well imagine that Nene's thinking about continuing on RHOA is the same as mine is about keeping a comfy day job while I wrote books: If I can manage to do both and keep two nice sources of incoming coming in, why would I cut that in half?

  • Love 12

I can't believe how foolish Cynthia looks, she is such a mess.

I wish Kandy had just told Kenya to be quiet about the stupid affair talk. Asking Kandy "were uncomfortable because you knew about the affair?" Really? Shut up Kenya!

I liked what NeNe was trying to do with the therapy. Too bad Cynthia is fighting so hard for her peach.

  • Love 1

It breaks my heart to see the lengths these women have to go to stay on the show and have a "storyline".  To see Cynthia a lady who most people admired having to sink so low is rather distressing.  Kenya appears to have an unhealthy obsession with Phaedra. Knowing that Apollo is most likely angry with his wife and would probably do and say anything to embarrass her, I don't understand why anyone would believe him so implicitly.

  • Love 4

This show has become much ado about nothing. Fake beefs based on fake "texteses"; producer-driven counseling sessions to rev up the drama; cast members with no skin in the game poking their noses into situations that don't involve them ... what's wrong with me for still tuning in!

I feel bad for Todd for getting involved with Kandi. He seems like a nice, cute guy despite being short and

big-headed (TM Ratchet Prince Valiant). He deserves so much better, as does his sweet daughter. His marriage is doomed.

I don't even lay all the blame on his monster-in-law; it's his wife who diminishes him and stands by rolling her eyes while her employees disrespect him.

Cynthia is just stirring the pot to keep her peach.

NeNe will do what it takes to keep the big Bravo checks coming.

I'm waiting on Fakedra to come out with a line of "Fix it, Jesus" t-shirts.


I continue to watch to keep up with the comments here.  I hope that it will get better, but I think the show is on life support.


Kandi, to her credit, has been herself around Todd.  I don't feel sorry for him because he did not have to marry Kandi so quickly.  He should have agreed to having a really nice party instead of a wedding.


I think Phaedra has "Fix It Jesus" t-shirts.


I wonder if Cynthia feels like it was worth giving up her dignity in order to stay on the show? It's been painfully obvious that her ridiculous behavior this season is a result of someone explaining to her that "nice" doesn't get renewed.


Cynthia has a household to support and Peter spends money like they have a money tree in the backyard.  What else can she do to earn a six figure income for a few months of work? 

  • Love 1

I don't get why Todd and Peter like Apollo so much. He is a career criminal, in prison again.  They shouldn't be on his side or defending him in any way.  What does that say about their character?



I don't know about Todd, but Peter and Apollo frequent the strip clubs together.  Also, wasn't Peter at one time implicated in Apollo's crooked scheme for a hot second?


I know I am in the minority here but I don't think Cynthia was so wrong in her convo with Phedra. When Phedra said about "fact checking" girrlllll pulease. I think none of this new stuff would have happened if Phedra had just apologized to Kenya when she found out her good for nothing husband made that crap up. So now he is doing fake texts about her and she is appalled that anyone should dare believe it about her.



I actually think the situations are a little different.  When Apollo convinced Phaedra that Kenya was texting him asking to perform fellatio on him, Phaedra didn't have any reason to suspect that Apollo was lying, especially when you consider how flirty Kenya was with Apollo.  On the other hand, the texts appear about Phaedra and Mr. Chocolate AFTER Apollo has admitted that everything he said about Kenya was a lie, so why would he be believed about anything at this point?  Especially some doctored up texts.  I do admit that had Phaedra apologized to Kenya there would be a different vibe going on, but not a lot.  Kenya would probably still have a problem with Phaedra and vice versa because face it, they just don't like each other even though they both fell victim to Apollo's lying ass.


"Greg kids," Ugh, really?



Nene reminds me of those poor island kids in the movie "Conrack".  No matter how many times the teacher tried to get them to pronounce his name ConROY, they would always reply back, "ConRACK".  I think Nene has the same problem with possessive nouns.  She just can't get her mouth to form the 's sound.  LOL!

Edited by swankie
  • Love 1

All these double standards with these women are just mind boggling. Nene openly flirted with Peter way more than Kenya did with Apollo and no one ever accused her of trying to have an affair with him. Perhaps because Kenya is way more attractive. Sorry but the only reason Phadrea ever believed Apollo is due to her own insecurities. I think Phadrea knew Kenya was Apollo's type. Phadrea can't then be mad that the same finger she was blantly pointing at someone else is now pointed at her. She should have been a "Christian" and apologized to Kenya. I have no sympathy for Phadrea this is the life she chose and now she's dealing with the consequences of her "clean" man.

  • Love 6


I agree with this. I actually think Todd would be fine in his marriage and with Kandi if she had boundaries with her mother, didn't reward her bad behavior with cars and houses and didn't allow friends and employees to emasculate him. Kandi couldn't make herself look worse if she tried.


I disagree. There's more going on there. Todd has been married 6 months, and not only does he not want to come home from Los Angeles EVER, he has no real interest in sex with his new wife. It takes a lot for a guy to turn away sexually. The marriage is doomed. I think the real problem is that Todd is Mr. Kandi and can't handle it. She makes way more money and can't relinquish any control to him. And her employees mock him. And Kandi doesn't really respect him or his ideas. You can tell the way she looks at him. He's more like a hobby than a partner. She doesn't ever treat him as equal, and that has nothing to do with her mother. I think she does love him, but she looks down on him too.

  • Love 3

So if Kandi was nominated for what ever award Peter was shilling and they knew Kandi would be getting the award then why wouldn't her name already be engraved on the award? Typically wouldn't they tell the recipient they are nominated to ensure they will show up at the event?

Joyce has decided to give Kandi a key and gate pass to her house because it's the right thing to do, I bet Joyce thinks that she is throwing Kandi a bone so she can use it as leverage for some future fight or request for a new car etc...or perhaps more furniture to fill her 7 bedroom house.


Edited by cooksdelight
Removing preview talk. Please refer to earlier mod note.
  • Love 1

I don't think Kenya believes that mess at all. She knows Apollo is a liar. Whether or not it's true that Phaedra's having an affair doesn't matter to Kenya. This is payback. In Kenya's mind, Phaedra is reaping what she has sown and Kenya is gleeful about it.

Actually I think Kenya and some of the other women do believe it. Phadrea has been a liar since she came on the show (although she used to be entertaining). Either way I don't blame Kenya one bit for feeling gleeful.
  • Love 1

I disagree. There's more going on there. Todd has been married 6 months, and not only does he not want to come home from Los Angeles EVER, he has no real interest in sex with his new wife. It takes a lot for a guy to turn away sexually. The marriage is doomed. I think the real problem is that Todd is Mr. Kandi and can't handle it. She makes way more money and can't relinquish any control to him. And her employees mock him. And Kandi doesn't really respect him or his ideas. You can tell the way she looks at him. He's more like a hobby than a partner. She doesn't ever treat him as equal, and that has nothing to do with her mother. I think she does love him, but she looks down on him too.

I don't think Todd minded being "Mr. Kandi".  When they were engaged, he happily stayed at home and turned down jobs because Kandi asked him to.  But once she started with the whole, "you can't have none of my money; you need to make your own" business, all while continuing to beg him to turn down jobs, I think he saw the light.  He went through with the marriage cause, I genuinely believe he does love her, but now, like he said in the episode, he knows exactly who she is.  And I think he's trying to figure out whether he can suck it up and deal with the "real" her or if he needs to move on.

  • Love 4

Ho-hummm.. This episode pretty much put me to sleep! OK, it was raining outside (great sleeping!) but the other thing is, this show is sooo TIRED. Just all the same old, same old.

Kenya does not need to be soo gleeful over "Mr. Chocolate" just because she wants to put her foot in Phaedra's ass. I agree with everyone upthread who have said that had Phaedra just apologized to Kenya, she'd have been defanged, but no... Just being a dingleberry, imho.

Nene and that mess on her head is just waayyyyy off the reservation. All the "wig" comments she used to make about Kim Z are now completely false. Does she HAVE a mirror? Does she REALLY THINK that shit looks good? Seriously??

[snip]And finally, can someone PULEEZ sit her down and explain to her the whole "s" business after nouns??

Edited by cooksdelight
Deleting preview comments per earlier mod note. Future posts will be deleted.
  • Love 1

How long have Todd and Kandi been living together?? Probably a long while right - or were they living separate before being married?

I assumed they lived together so therefore I don't really find it weird they aren't have newlywed sex all the time... since if you're living together for awhile that's just the same as being married.   Their honeymoon period ended long ago.


Now if they did live separately before getting married, then yea.... that's not good a good sign.

Edited by gunderda
  • Love 1

I still find it baffling that Todd is being described as having no sexual intrest in his wife. Kandi has said multiple times to multiple people they have sex about once a week. They are pushing 40, have 2 kids, travel for work, and film a TV show. How on earth is once a week under these circumstances a sign of trouble? Most of my friends of the same age with busy schedules would call that pretty good. How has nobody said to Kandi "once a week is pretty normal."? I still think this is about Kandi being pissed she's not pregnant yet. I swear it's begining to look like she just doesn't know how to relate to a man unless it's to have sex and make a baby.

  • Love 5

Why is it that the most watched HW franchise has the least comments. Only 2 pages? I had to give up on the BH thread whose last episode garnered 33 pages worth of comments. Why is that?

Because we have a good group of posters here who make a point once and move on. You don't beat the dead horse into a bottle of glue. You all are great at following mod directions, and you stay on topic. You use the various threads here to discuss things and people which do not pertain to the episode. That's why we usually have fewer posts in the main episode thread....you post in other areas to stay on topic.

And..... you're all smart people. :)

  • Love 6

I still find it baffling that Todd is being described as having no sexual intrest in his wife. Kandi has said multiple times to multiple people they have sex about once a week. They are pushing 40, have 2 kids, travel for work, and film a TV show. How on earth is once a week under these circumstances a sign of trouble? Most of my friends of the same age with busy schedules would call that pretty good. How has nobody said to Kandi "once a week is pretty normal."? I still think this is about Kandi being pissed she's not pregnant yet. I swear it's begining to look like she just doesn't know how to relate to a man unless it's to have sex and make a baby.


^^  first off, phew.  lol.


secondly, girl she doesn't even have any basis for complaint if he's initiating and she's "tired"  heffa you don't get to be tired AND walk around with the ovulation chart.


thirdly, I think if her issue is sex, the complaint is that their frequency fell off.  Maybe before the wedding, he was putting it down more regularly than once a week and she's like what's up.    I don't know how much more plainly he can state it.  You don't stick up for me and you wear hats to bed.  Maybe we can inbox her on FB.

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