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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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The other thing that bugs me about Boob's stupid 'sweet sixteen and never been kissed' comment is that I have never heard 'Sweet Sixteen" in reference to a boy. I have no doubt that Boob knows that too. So it's just another way to emasculate and humiliate poor Jason. There is no way Boob is going to let any of his boys grow up to be more of a man than he is, and since Boob is such a loser he really has to work at sucking the manliness right out of those boys.

  • Love 13

No kidding. Any guy who thinks the mini-golf dry hump is sexy is definitely lousy in bed.

One has to imagine what exactly he thought he was demonstrating there. In other words, his idea of "sexy" is groping and humiliating the woman he claims to love in front of their child not just in public, but in front of a TV camera.


  • Love 8

Boob is an idiot. He was taunting the 'man' on his birthday because Boob thinks you can't kiss unless you are married (although originally they said it was up to the couple). Lot's of 16 year olds get laid. Remember when you didn't know your eldest son was hopping the fence? Yep, your teen kids could be hitting up hotties and doing the nasty. They probably aren't, but if that homeschool bullyboob keeps at them,...

  • Love 3

Mullet should just order identical, preprinted birthday cards for her 19 quivers. She could use the Rodrigues' printing business and save the difference.

I always thought Michelle could just have Birthday cards with that ages new jurisdictions listed.

Dear (write child's name here),

Now that you're a precious five

We want you to joyfully thrive

To be part of this holy hive

Please sweep floors to survive.

Love, Mom

p.s. Your new chore pack is attached.

Edited by Almost 3000
  • Love 16

OMFG. I've said it before and I'll say it again. He is a sick, evil bastard.


I'm very familiar with this kind of behavior, and he isn't doing it because he's a hyuk hyuk dumb bunny trying to be humorous. He knows exactly what he's doing, why he's doing it and how to do it most successfully. He does it to taunt, wound and diminish those kids and thereby keep most of them, at least, under control. Because people succumb to that kind of dominance, especially when they've been trained to it from birth. It's disgusting.



This is what I've always said.... this is purposeful, calculated, emotional abuse. And this is why I regularly compare the difficulties with the kids leaving to the difficulties a woman has leaving an abusive marriage.  They are abused emotionally, physically, educationally, and financially. 


Agreed... it's the perfect-storm equivalent of having a hand on the top of your head squashing you down, nothing short of demoralizing.


In my case I was lucky because my parents understood (just barely) the principle that everyone was supposed to go to college, but were too cheap to pay for any of it, thus when I started being allowed to earn money; but otherwise, I'm very familiar with the sensation of powerlessness.

  • Love 5

All I can think when I look at these is that they all seem to have their lips closed. The photos are supposed to be some sort of "FU heathens!" displays of sizzling hot fundie luvin, but they look like awkward, fumbling middle school kisses (no matter how much Jessa throws her hair around). One of the great things about the romances we have as teens is that we have the opportunity to "practice" a little, to refine the process somewhat, hone a few skills. My first romantic kisses probably looked just like this. But I was 12.

  • Love 12

Once again, Duggars...posting awkwardly intimate extreme close-ups of you and your spouse's lips mashed together all over social media is the opposite of modest. In fact, there is at least one liberal heathen homosexual sinner damned to the eternal firey pits of hell who finds it quite inappropriate.

Exactly, Aja! Even as a liberal, raving heterosexual (who is pro-marriage equality/and a huge advocate of LGBT rights), I find Duggar PDA awkward to look at and in very poor taste....some may even find it defrauding....oooooh Nike! I really don't want to watch any couple (regardless of orientation) grope or make out in public...I'm not a prude....I'm just not voyeuristic.

But....we're married now...I guess when raised in the face of so much repression whilst mom and dad flaunt their sexuality..they can't help but behave like teenagers because they were never allowed to be teenagers. I remember swapping spit under the stairwell at school and in the hallway with a good many boys....so I was "over it" before I left high school.

The other thing that grosses me out is those annoying lip pecks every 5 minutes Josh and Anna and Jill and Derick do. They look like 2 fish kissing....After 7 years of marriage and 4 kids later, they still look awkward.

I thought what Boob did to Jason was humiliating, particularly since "purity rules" are in force and it wouldn't have been allowed in the first place. Remember the Nepal episode when Derick put his arm around Jill and Boob swooped in like a Valkyrie and got between them? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that defrauding frontal hug at the airport that had Michelle clutching her pearls in terror!

  • Love 11

Who takes the prize on how not to kiss?



Jill and Derick: Derick looks "totally" uninterested in kissing Jill, almost like he's pulling away from her.

Bin and Jessa: Interesting that Jessa is taking the "male" position in this kiss, completely dominating over Bin by pulling his head into her face and again, he doesn't seem that into it.She seems very possessive. Good luck with that, Bin.

  • Love 2

Jill and Derick: Derick looks "totally" uninterested in kissing Jill, almost like he's pulling away from her.

Bin and Jessa: Interesting that Jessa is taking the "male" position in this kiss, completely dominating over Bin by pulling his head into her face and again, he doesn't seem that into it.She seems very possessive. Good luck with that, Bin.


Maybe, not being tv people like the Duggs, the guys are less happy about kissing deliberately on camera -- especially knowing it's for posting so millions can see.


Just sayin.


Well, just hopin, actually.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

Perhaps not in danger of stirring up desires that can't righteously be fulfilled....more like it's a PSA on "How Not To...."

We know that, but the "virginal male" in question wouldn't. 


You can also put me in the PDA, ugh! camp. Not a fan of much more than hand-holding in public. Maybe a small kiss, but please save your face-sucking for private venues! LOL (and no, I'm not a prude at all)

  • Love 10

I agree and believe they are just selling their Fundie Fantasy of 'premarital purity guarantees later marital bliss,' which is wishful thinking at best.

And RimJob seems the only one who obsesses about his wife having been attracted to another male in her teen years. What an immature, insecure moron.


So very true on all counts. I think the constant 'look as us happy' stuff isn't wishful thinking. It's 'maybe thinking will make it so'. They know it isn't that way. None of these couples seem that happy, and not just the Duggars. Even before Anna found out Josh was cheating on her, she had to know her sister viewed her marriage as something akin to crucifixion. 


And yea - Of course Boob is obsessed with the idea that Chelle might have thought some other guy was hot. He's a dud and is in constant fear that his wife will realize that a physical relationship is an actual relationship where both people enjoy it and not something she just has to submit to.

  • Love 7


I know I'm not supposed to comment about the comments, but there are some good ones; especially the replies!

They must have spent all afternoon deleting the bad ones. The ones I read are so sweet they made me nauseous.
  • Love 6

I agree and believe they are just selling their Fundie Fantasy of 'premarital purity guarantees later marital bliss,' which is wishful thinking at best.

And RimJob seems the only one who obsesses about his wife having been attracted to another male in her teen years. What an immature, insecure moron.

Oh Margeaux, you totally hit that one on the head...."selling their Fundie fantasy of premarital purity"....that's dead nuts on!

I think I smell a new acronym for this forum: FFFOPP

They are married for 6 months and know they know everything about everything and they are as smug as if they had invented it.

Yeah, we all know how well the FFOPP worked for Anna and Priscilla and countless other Fundy couples....who saved themselves for a lifetime of lip pecks, lousy kissing, and lackluster two minute sex....with nothing in it for them but a ripped coochie after a botched home birth and even more lousy sex thereafter.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 6

Who does this? The same idiot that decides to breastfeed while riding on a Xmas(?) float that's being pulled down the middle of Main St., instead of getting in the cab of the truck where she'll have some privacy. That's who.

I clicked on the link and watched the video of these fools at the Christian Film Festival.  I can never get that time back LOL  A few things struck me.....

 - Mechelle looking like a complete idiot with My Brest Friend.  I don't see any issues with nursing in public but as someone mentioned above, that stupid contraption just draws attention to her. 

 - Josh's inability to say especially.  Give me a break, expecially.  Moron. 

 - One of the bimbos gushing (well, as much as Duggar can gush) about meeting a Hollywood star, Kirk Cameron.  I think you mean washed-up talentless hack, you idiot. 


One other thing, more of a question to the moms here.  Is it normal to refer to a human being weaned?  Mechelle says that and I always thought it was creepy.  I know that technically, children are weaned but it seems weird to use that term in reference to a blessing.  Can anyone tell me if I'm just misinterpreting?  Thanks. 

  • Love 4

Yes, weaning is the appropriate term for human babies! Michelle actually got something correct!

I think the excessive MARITAL BLISS nonsense is to demonstrate that faith/obedience to God makes a happy marriage. Therefore, the happier they look...the more faithful they must be.

Having a happy marriage/relationship is certainly a good goal but the deeper message is to show off and let people know that you're happy because of God.

It's super important for Jim Bob to show off how happy and sexual they are. And fertile. A lot of blessings mean that you are highly favored by God.

No, not self righteous at all....not a bit! ;)

  • Love 4

Sooo, JB is mocking his son for not doing something he's not supposed to do????


What a creep.



A father would have to be mentally ill to say that to a child........  Never mind, requirement met. 

  • Love 3

Yes, weaning is the appropriate term for human babies! Michelle actually got something correct!

I think the excessive MARITAL BLISS nonsense is to demonstrate that faith/obedience to God makes a happy marriage. Therefore, the happier they look...the more faithful they must be.

Having a happy marriage/relationship is certainly a good goal but the deeper message is to show off and let people know that you're happy because of God.

It's super important for Jim Bob to show off how happy and sexual they are. And fertile. A lot of blessings mean that you are highly favored by God.

No, not self righteous at all....not a bit! ;)

Thank you, Marigold.  I guess I've only heard the term used when someone wants to adopt a kitten or a puppy.  I suppose in Duggar Land, it applies.  I can hear Mullet now "Okay, this one's weaned.  Adopt it out to (insert J Slave name here).  Hey, Jim Bob, hey hey hey.  Let's get going on increasing the litter". 

  • Love 3

Just adding on to my own comment up there...

conversely, if your marriage is unhappy, you are not in submission to God.

So, there is motivation to look happy, kiss and dry hump all freaking day.

FYI, I grew up fundy lite and still have some lite fund friends...uh, the dry humping is sick by everyone's standards. Jim Bob is flying his own freak flag there.

  • Love 4


 - Mechelle looking like a complete idiot with My Brest Friend.  I don't see any issues with nursing in public but as someone mentioned above, that stupid contraption just draws attention to her. 


You have just demonstrated that, in Michelle's eyes, My Breast Friend is very likely the best invention ever devised in the history of the universe. (Well, My Breast Friend and Jim Bob's idea that they should try to have 19-plus kids....)

  • Love 1

Yes, they seem to simplistically assume happy, lasting marriage and freakish fecundity is proof they are more favored by God for their own ethical superiority. This 'logic' seems related to the ignorant belief that most times bad things happen to people because those people were being less 'faithful' to God's presumed dictates. All good things in life are the result of unrelenting prayer and bible reading, while tragedy often occur due to individual personal, religious shortcomings. In short, God bestows blessings on the devout, but tragedy often befalls individuals who did (or failed to do) something to 'bring the tragedy on themselves'.

God gets all the credit for all of life's serendipities, but never for any of life's horrific tragedies.


What I have never understood is, the selfsame people have preached and sat still listening to sermons on the principle "When bad things happen to good people".  Some Christian theologians even have a small sideline of literature on the topic.  "God makes the rain fall on the just and the unjust alike..." I think that's it.  But then, it's A-OK to switch into "Who can understand the unknowable mysteries of God?" if it's Alzheimers or a car accident or something no one could have avoided, predicted, or controlled.

Edited by queenanne
  • Love 1

Remember Ben's stupid Love God, Hate Sin hat. He really must think he's earning Jesus brownie points wearing that thing 24/7/365. 


This arrogance permeates the entire Duggar clan, and it's clear it eminates from the top. 


Boob might want to have a talk with JRod's sister about bad things happening to overtly devout people. But then again, he'd probably write it off to her not being devout ENOUGH. Because yes, he's that much of a moron. 

  • Love 1
On 4/26/2016 at 9:40 PM, Sew Sumi said:

Boob might want to have a talk with JRod's sister about bad things happening to overtly devout people. But then again, he'd probably write it off to her not being devout ENOUGH. Because yes, he's that much of a moron. 

I'm continually amazed at their black-and-white view of the world. The rest of us struggle, but not ol' Jim Boob and J-Chelle. Their world is so simple, isn't it? How did they explain what happened to Josie, for instance? How about Jubilee, and the never-mentioned Caleb? Were they being punished? Is everyone who has something bad happen in life being punished? What is the atonement? They claim Jesus died for their sins, but they're still being punished?

Why would anyone want to worship a vengeful God that claims to love but has no problem with suffering?

  • Love 8

Remember, for the cameras at the Jubilee ultrasound, Mechelle just parroted 1st grade theology: "The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord."

As adults who presumably have daily time to commune with the Holy Book, they should be able to explain pain and suffering better than this. 

Tick tock Duggars, I'm waiting...

  • Love 6
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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